Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Historic Businesses of the Tri-Counties
1871 Business Directory, Canton PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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ICanton Business Directory – 4 May, 1871
Agricultural Tool Works Groceries & Provisions
Wm. H. Lock A. V. Trout
Attorneys W. S. Cranmer
H. N. Williams Henry Morgan
J. E. McCay Ezekiel Newman
Auctioneers Horace Tuttle
Solomon Wright M. Allen
George Estelle E. L. Manley
Boots & Shoes Dry Goods, ETC.
S. Simpkins Hickok, White & Co.
James Scudder Burk, Thomas & Co.
Norman Rockwell Doty & Tuthill
Blacksmiths Hardware, ETC.
W. T. Fitzgerald Spaulding & Dartt
Granteer & Hartranft Pierce, Tripp & Pierce
J. C. Dewitt Livery Stable
Butcher Stull & Beers
R. W. McClelland Machinists
Clothing Thompson & Kucher
H. Miller & Co. Hotels
Cabinet Makers George Metler, Central
Denmark & Merritt F. D. Chase, Keystone
H. B. Parsons Physicians
Carriage Makers James Davidson
Walter Levitt N. Smith
Nichols & Westgate Truman Morse
H. B. Bacon Planing Mill
Addison Beals Jerome Seymour
George Ketchum Rake Factory
Cooper Bennett & Hooper
Benjamin Harding Saddler & Harness Maker
Druggist Charles Krise
Caldwell & Whitman William Gleckner
Grist & Sawmills Tanners
Bailey & Van Namee Gleason, Irvin & Co.
Hazelton Brothers Tailors
Watchmaker & Jeweler Frederick Black
James Kenney William Shakespeare

The Canton Independent-Sentinel
May 27, 1989

Our First Edition

A few years after Canton’s incorporation as a borough, Charles H. Butt produced the first edition of the Canton Sentinel.  Mr. Butt was born in London, England, and migrated to Williamsport, where he ran a print shop.  While there, he heard of a small town to the north that had no newspaper, and was in need of one.
Mr. Butt seized the moment and left Williamsport for Canton.  He settled here, and on May 4, 1871, the premier edition of THE CANTON SENTINEL was issued.

Excerpts:  May 4, 1871 – Vol. I  No. I
The Canton Sentinel – Local Affairs

Canton greatly needs a public hall.

About thirty houses will be built in town this season.

Something exciting in the way of news is needed immediately in Canton

If you want to get a good shave, call on Charley Davis at the Keystone House.

1000 tickets were sold at the Canton R.R, office during the month of April.

The SENTINEL office is located on the second floor of Strait, Clark & Co.’s new banking house.

MINNEQUA SPRINGS – The proprietors of this beautiful and healthy summer resort, have much enlarged and otherwise improved the buildings since last summer.  The management will be under men of well known experience and character, thereby making it a very desirable retreat for the denizens of our overgrown towns.  We hope to chronicle in a short time the advent of a long and prosperous season to the proprietors, and one of joy and happiness to all its patrons.

A DEEP WELL – Plenty of water.  Mr. Chase, the gentlemanly proprietor of the Keystone House, has added to the facilities of his house and comfort of his family by sinking a well.  Two excellent and never failing streams of water were reached at the depth of forty-nine feet.  This is an example that should be universally followed.  Water is not an indispensable.  The health and more rapid progress of Canton, should urge all our authorities and citizens to adopt its general introduction into our town.

ACCIDENT – The advent of the printing press into Canton will be remembered by many of our citizens, but probably the recollection of the event will be more impressed upon the memory of Mr. John P. Nolan, a young man in our employ, who had his right hand terrible lacerated by being caught in the machinery of our small power press.  His wound is fast healing, and in a short time we hope to reap the full benefit of his assistance.

A JUST RETRIBUTION – A traveling scamp and pedlar of quack nostrums entered the confines of our borough a few days since, and in his peregrinations, entered the house of, and grossly insulted a daughter of one our townsmen.  The brother, on learning the facts, hunted him up and escorted him in the presence of the young lady; upon his being identified, a severe castigation was administered by the enraged father, and a lesson impressed upon the fellow that we hope may prove of lasting benefit to him.  He has not been seen in this locality since.

CANTON GRADED SCHOOLS—This is a fine brick edifice centrally located on the corner of Union and Division streets.  It is modern and beautiful in architecture and conveniently divided into four departments, called Primary, Intermediate, Grammar School, and High School.  There are four teachers employed, one for each department.  Pupils are graded to their department not according to size or age, but their knowledge.  On entering pupils are examined and put in the department and class for which they are found qualified.  These departments are examined at stated time and pupils are promoted as fast as they become prepared.  All the branches embraced in a common and higher education, including the ancient and modern languages, are taught upon the most modern and successful methods.  The discipline is kind but rigid, requiring attention to study and order in conduct.  The school is closing its first year successfully.  It is hoped, however, that by a untied effort on the part of the board, the faculty, and the community, that this is the beginning only of a first-class academy, that may for many years educate and bless the youth of all the surrounding country. - 1871

GOOD TEMPLARS – This excellent society is really one of the most flourishing and commendable institutions of Canton.  On its roll book are the names of over two hundred of our most influential and worthy citizens.  Their exertions are never ceasing to prevent the baneful and demoralizing influence of liquor traffic over the mind and bodies of it votaries.  Our columns are freely open to them to more publicly urge their claims for universal consideration.  We have seen too much of the sin and sorrow resulting from the fee indulgence of that which intoxicates, that we must use our means to assist and encourage those who so disinterestedly sacrificed much to remove this national curse. - 1871

Feb. 25, 1881 – A number of citizens of Canton and vicinity met at the office of Stone and Lilley on Friday to consider Canton’s chances of being benefited by the recent movements in railroad building.

Bradford County PA
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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 12/03/2006
By Joyce M. Tice 
Email: Joyce M. Tice
