Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA |
Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
Historic Businesses of the
Local Business History Section
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the
pages of the site by using the Business button in the
Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current
What's New Page? You will also find extensive business information
in the Directory section. |
How do you get from Rolason and Metcalf Furniture to Wilston
Funeral Home? Here is the sequence of businesses which evolved
from the former to the latter.
This 1891 Advertisement in the "Covington Intelligencer" newspaper
gives us a date for this business name. The ad has apparently been running
for a while as is says August 1889 in the lower corner and appears in the
06 April 1891 issue.
The 1911 Listing of business
includes Rolason and Shaw Furniture. Llewellyn Shaw had joined the firm
as a partner. Llewellyn's share of the business passed to his nephew and
adopted son, Wilford W.
Shaw about 1921.
Since undertaking as a business very often started as part of the furniture
business, the connection, I assume, being coffins, this, too took that
path. Eventually the business split into VanNoy Furniture
and Shaw Funeral home with Wilford Shaw and his wife Genevieve Cox assuming
the funeral home business. From 1937 they operated in the old Ross House.
In 1945, Wilford died, and his wife Genevieve operated in partnership with
Robena as Shaw and Robena Funeral Home.
After the retirement of Genevieve and Bucky, it became Wilston Funeral
Home and remains so still in the old
Ross house on North Main Street where it has been for so many years.
Addendum 2008 - Wilston Funeral home bought out Scureman's and is now
located on South Main Street. |
1954 Carontawan Advertisement |
Photo by Joyce M. Tice 2002. VanNoys was in building on end of row,
built 1883 after the earlier building burned. The Rose building that was
adjacent burned in the 1990s opening up the corner lot. |
Wellsboro Gazette, June 4, 1980,
Paint Plus Imagination Puts New Look on VanNoy's
Mansfield's downtown business district is sporting a new look with the
completion of the redecoration of VanNoy's Furniture store front. The new
sign was hung last week, completing the project which was started last
Last summer, Ray VanNoy, the owner of the business for thirty years,
decided that, in keeping with the town's plan to redo the store fronts
in a 1800 period manner, he would hire a local person to help with the
choice of colors and decorative effects. Tucker Worthington, a local artist,
was employed to coordinate the project a supply the ideas to create the
final decor.
Worthington said, "It was lucky for me that the building was there to
work with. The beauty of the building was brought out by the use of contrasting
This 1988 photo by Christins "Tina" CAMPBELL Cleveland shows the VanNoy's
Furniture store adjacent to S&H Greeen Stamps in the Rose Building. |
Worthington also gave credit to the painters that applied the two different
hues of blue. Kim Koval and Dave Farina used a deft hand and a steady touch
to outline the ornate columns that comprise the store front. VanNoy was
particularly pleased with the results because he did not have to hire help
from outside of town to have the design and painting done. The newly hung
sign was designed by Worthington and constructed by Gary Roof, also of
Photos by Joyce M. Tice November 2002 |
The ornate columns were cast by R.F. Wilson around 1882 in a foundry
located on East Main Street in Mansfield. The building was owned by a Mr.
Metcalf and Mr. Rolason in 1880 and was destroyed by fire in 1882. In 1883
the building was rebuilt and the store front appears today much the same
as it did then. Rolason operated a furniture store and funeral parlor after
trying the grocery business first.
Misters Beach and Clark owned the building after Rolason. Lynn Hall
operated a furniture store before selling to Lewellyn Shaw. Shaw, with
his son, Wilbert, also operated a furniture store and a funeral parlor
in the building. Merrill Broderick had furniture in the front of the store
and a garage in the rear from 1946 until VanNoy purchased the building
in 1950.
Raymond VanNoy is still in the store every day, although he has recently
sold the furniture business to his son, Byron. Ray has been in business
on Main Street longer than any other, except for Ernie Jupenlaz and Jim
VanNoy said that a visiting architect suggested a couple of years ago
that the building front be preserved because it had such fine detail. Today,
with the completion of the project, he's glad he made the decision to have
the redecoration done.
Note From Joyce. Since this 1980 article, the adjacent
Rose Building on the corner of North Main and Central burned.
In 2002 and still in 2010 Ten West Espresso
is located in this building. There is a large crack near the top of the
right side.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA