Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Athens Township Census
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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Postcard of Athens Covered Bridge Built 1841
From Joyce M. Tice Collection
Index of Households 
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-300 Households 301-350 Households 351-369 Index of Households Athens Borough

*  Indicates a questionable reading.
… Indicates an illegible letter or letters.

Abern 265
Acla 38
Ames 66 237
Amy/Arny* 167
Anderson 244
Annable 186
Arnold 88 256 317 346
Austin 347
Ayres/Ayers 297
Bailey 7
Barden 269
Barlow* 181
Barnes 17 203
Barnet 197
Barney 1
Barnum 131 254 287
Beach 56
Bebee 233
Belden 310
Bell 291
Benedict 232
Benjamin 330
Benson 173
Berry 208
Bertrand 289
Biddleman 90
Bidleman 99
Birchard 103
Black 324
Blair 270
Blavelt 136
Bliss 348
Bliven 14
Bogart 3
Bonington* 333
Borland 121
Bosworth 124 125 126
Bovier 357
Bowman 86 330
Briggs 238 264
Brock 269
Brown 14 56 97 214 231 253 262
Brown 294 325 367
Bryan 53 69
Bryant 155
Bull 354
Caleb 302 317
Califf 68
Calkins 284
Campbell 175 216
Cannan* 343
Carner 320
Carns 303
Carran 292
Cary 342
Case 267
Casteline 37
Cavanaugh 224
Chandler 219
Chapel 190
Chaplin 41
Chapman 33 224 336
Chase 21
Church 349
Clark 89 343 346
Cogins 42
Coleman 79
Congden 326
Connington 335
Converse 120 168
Cornel 105 106 107
Cornell 122
Corniby/Comiby* 22
Coryell 65
Cowen* 328 329
Cranmer 66
Crans 246 275 279 303
Cranse 330
Criswell 333
Cronk 285
Crum 169 193
Cullin 344
Curley 111
Curry 19
Curtis 53
Daily 35
Daly 111 112 274
Dascum 240
Davidson 337
Davis 305 325
Dean 238
Decker 279 282
Deldine 298
Denton 229
Doane 362
Donnett 287
Dorsey 308
Drake 8 247 250
Driscoll* 190
Driscoll 331
Duffee 11 13
Dungan 365
Dunham 12
Dunn 268
Durant 243
Dykeman 276
Edminston 15
Edwards 98 108
Egly 271
Eichenberger 225
Elliott 285
Ellis 45 80 82
Ellsbre 44
Elsbre 207
Elson 170
England 14
Escanbrack 187
Fagan 115
Fagus 216
Fahay 366
Farris 130
Feist 231
Ferris 71 134 336 356
Fidler 235 251 267
Finch 140
Fincher 12
Findsey 17
Finney 73
Fitch 355
Flood 23 234 242
Flower 241 242
Floyd 129 357 368
Fox 317
Fredmore* 345
French 11
Fuller 351
Funde* 132
Galusha 198
Ganett 355
Gardner 91 322
Garner 74
Germany* 179
Gibbs 157 177
Gilbert 66
Gillett 67
Goodwin 324
Gould 348
Green 65 197 212 213 214 215 228
Gregory 76
Griffin 26 30 216
Gurnsey 319* 357
Hadlock 252
Hains/Jai..* 185
Hallevine 361
Hallock 307
Hanna 334 340
Hard/Ha..* 347
Hardin 366
Hardin* 348
Harmon 229
Harragan 262
Harrington 293 326
Harris 52 79 312
Harrison 209
Harsh 242 295
Haskin 158
Hawkins 30
Hay 27
Hayden 14
Haym../Hagm..* 323
Hays 39 41
Haythorn 141
Hendershot 14 222 223
Herrick 115
Higgs 346
Hill 229 360
Hindman 280
Hoos 147 148 154 163
Hoose* 43
Hopkins 315
How 47
Howard 124 182 183
Hoyt 213
Hubbard 48 343
Huff 19 20 235
Huftail 252
Hughes 233
Hulet 225 255 256 257 264
Hunt 230
Hurley 146
Imhoof 249
Inman 136 137
Jackson 62 118
Jenks 178
Johnson 17 18 28
Jones 34 72
Keener 80 81
Kelley 1 2
Kellogg 55
Kingsbery 172
Kinney 164 166
Kirckesbocker 141
Kirkendall 59 60 61
Knapp 75 140
Lambert 333
Lambison 138 142 156
Lambuson 149 178
Lane 199
Lewis 122 245
Little 58
Loomis 36 211
Lowry 44 87
Luck 239
M.s.ern* 5
Mahan 316
Mahanny 341
Manning 144
Marcy 332
Marcy* 328
Marshall 193
Matthewson 244 345
McAffee 226 227
McAssell 70
McCall* 353
McDowell 144
McDuffee 109 368
McIlvaine 346
McKinney 218 240
McMahan 300
McMunin* 368
Mea.d* 214
Mead 332
Meads 275 276
Meed 273
Merrithew 261
Middaugh 83 84
Miller 1 228 230 311
Mills 104 105 119 245
Mingle 21
Minier 35
Montgomery 288
Moore 237
Morgan 249 313
Morley 191 192 196
Morris 82 94 139 265
Munn 223
Murray 46 188 265 326
Muzzy 287
Myers 262 269
N…s* 71
Naglee 127
Nash 165
Nelson 265
Northrop 74
Norton 235 281
O'Brien 145
O'Bryan 365
O'Day 244
Ogden 54
Oliver 96
Olmstead 283 296
Ostrander 195
Ovenshire 238 239 266
Overton 300
Page 25
Park 237
Parks 273
Patch 350
Patterson 265
Pattison 235
Pearsoll 268
Perry 123
Peters 31 186
Phelps 67
Pierce 9 130
Playfoot 32
Plumer 31
Porter 121
Post 340
Powers 92
Pratt* 101
Pray 132 368
Preston 64
Proudfoot 172
Quick 339
Quigley 368
Quigly 361
Raymond 276
Redfield 54
Reinhart 116
Ribble 113
Rice 101 316
Rickey 267
Robbins 357
Robbins* 357
Roberts 197
Roble 273
Roe 296
Rogers 205
Rollinson 258
Rose 62
Rosebeck 7
Rosencrants 282
Rowland 33
Ruggles 314 352
Runell 23
Russell 364
Ryan 189 363
Sa.sse* 341
Satterlee 244 264
Sausten* 319
Sawyer 150 272
Saxon 121
Schuyler 301
Scott 354
Seboonce* 176
Seeley 85 117 202
Sha.n* 326
Shamasy 1
Shepard 317
Shoemaker 355
Showers* 286
Sible 85 117
Simpson 343
Sinsabaugh 220 222
Sissen 194
Slossen 306
Smith 57 99 152 236 242
Smoke 1
Snell 204 210 212 358
Snyder 343
Spalding 16 190 317 321
Spencer 143
Splane* 368
Splang 135
Spring 318
Stanbeen* 39
Stevens 248
Stewart 1
Stone 102 324
Strobes 77 296
Stuart 69
Sullivan 318
Sutliff 159
Sutton 290 330
Swart 88
Swisher 324
Taggett 184
Talliday 29
Tanner 40
Taylor 32 65 304
Thayer 203
Thomas 114 268
Thompson 265
Tillman 21
Tisson 4
Tomkins 309 359
Tomlinson 6
Totton 295
Tozer 245 262 335 356 357
Traclick/Tralick* 26
Tyler 9 131
Underwood 169
Vanalsder 206
Vanauken 221
VanBuskirk 78
VanCuren 275
Vanderlip 98
VanGorder 83 88 95 99 174 260 261
VanGorder 286
VanVic….* 209
Vanwert 287
Vanwort 160
Vargason 9
Vaughn* 219
Veley/Velcy* 28
Wainwright 327
Walker 200 201 242 344
Warner 277 278
Watkikns 27 131 133 153 172 252 259
Weaver 147
Welch 263
Weller 24 161 162
Welles 1 155
Westbrook 83 346
Whalen 369
Wheat 151
Wheaton 188
Wheelock 270 291 297 299
White 171 188 204 217
Whitier/Whitin* 300
Wilcox 50
Wilkizer 254
Willcox 319
Willey 143
Willialms 180 195
Wolcott 49 51 56 57
Wood 10 128 130 230
Woodworth 274
Wooly 338
Wright 63
Youtz 268
Zck/Z..* 93
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-250 Households 251-300 Households 301-350 Households 351-369 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10/04/98
By Joyce M. Tice

You ave the visitor since the counter was installed on October 4, 1998.