Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1850 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1850 Monroe Township Census
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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Household Index
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-239 Index of Households
* Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates an illegible letter or letters.
Adams 169
Alden 67 96 97
Andrews 121
Armstrong 127
Arnout 42 50 131
Avery 146
Baker 115
Ball 210 235
Beagle 206
Beam 90
Beardsley 10
Bedford 24
Beebee 18
Bennett 79
Bessey 126
Bessy 111
Biles 133
Bise 148
Black 34 187
Blackman 108 238
Blake 229
Blauvelt 42 63
Bois 92
Bowman 1 2 14 55 156
Boyce 191
Bradford 95
Bradway 133
Brink 175
Bristol 49
Bristol(Mulatto) 131
Brown 1 136 142 177 229 231 232
Brown 234
Browning 192
Bull 9 11 61 64
Bullock 1
Bumgardner 131 169
Burch 150
Burnham 135
Calenday 137
Campbell 236
Carney 223
Carr 91
Carter 179 237
Chapman 161
Chevalier 130b
Chilson 51 112
Cole 121 164 217
Comstock 114
Conly 8 9
Coolbaugh 86 98 130b 224
Corson 227
Cosby 93
Cox 222
Cranmer 83 137 167a 167b 168 211
Crater 121
Cummins 36 37 59
Dansy (black) 148
Davidson 176
Davis 32 128
Decker 171
Delong 126
Dillon 134
Dills 87 220 221
Dimock 3 6
Do..s* (black) 148
Dodge 154
Dorsey (black) 218
Doud/Dowd* 181
Douglas 161
Dubois 130b
Dungan 181
Dunfee 126
Dunmore 224
Dykens 131
Edsel 232
English 48 117
Evans 94
Farley 139
Fassett 176
Fennel 60 66
Ferguson 76 130a
Fosse 74
Foster 105
Fowler 78 79 102 106 148
Fox 69 84 154
Gage 209b
Gale 44
Gaskill 136 212
Glann* 194
Goff 3 15 17 34
Green (black) 69
Gregory 192
Griggs 88 165 214
Hale 12
Hanner* (black) 55
Hanson 145
Harris 99 233
Hart 88 141 174
Hartman 155
Harvey 135
Hathorne/Hath…* 188
Hawley 93 131
Heverly 159
Hicks 12 31 180
Hinman 147 151 152
Hoagland 149
Holland 37 38 39
Homet 129
Horton 54 62 82
Huntley 109
Huttletine 131
Ingham 130a 188
Irvin 52 53 65 72 99
Jacobus 80 81
Johnson 21 35 40 116
Johnson (black) 194
Johnson (mulatto) 40 41
Kellogg 110 112 113 132
Keltch/Kellch* 43
King 68
Kinsley 73
Kirkendall 12
Knapp 123
Landack 202
Landback 169
Lawrence 160
Letzerman 130b
Lewis 172 195 219 228 229 230 231
Lindsey (black) 218
Little 70 71
Litzleman 169
Long 25
Loomis 194 227
Low 35
Luce 65
Lyon 107 147
Lyons 237
Mace 176
Malony 45 47
Marcy 75
Markle 103
Mason 158 208 210 213 216 218
Masteller 219
Maybee 209a
McAfee 68
McCracken 178
McGill 162
McGlone 13
McGregor 150
McLean 89
McMicken 4
Merithew 48
Merrick 108
Merrithew 48 166
Miles 167a
Miller 55 121 129 149
Minard 74
Mingos 26 27 28 30
Moody 76
Moshier 67
Mullen 149
Murphy 145
Myers 212
Nagles 169
Newton 130b
Nichols 228
North 77
Northrop 147 170 186 190 196 197 200
Northrop 202 203 205 206 207 211
O'Brien 151
O'Hagan 13
Osterhout 196
Overton 12 85
Owen 185
Paine 93 234
Peckham 143
Perry 124
Phinney 131 134 145
Piatt 29 130b
Piper 183
Pratt 64
Reeser 39
Richards 130b
Ridgway 224
Roberts 122
Rockwell 93 138 174
Rockwood 108
Rogers 150 215
Rolls 6
Ross 177
Rowley 103
Rupert 189
Sage 57
Salisbury 67
Salsbury 100
Santee 25
Sargent 33
Schrader 182
Scott 56 58
Shannon 104
Shattuck 152
Shiner 23
Shoemaker 188
Sickler 196 226
Simmons 130b
Simpson 101
Simpson (black) 55
Smith 18 136 137 151 157
Snyder 144
Soder* 5
Spicer 171
Stockwell 7
Strevy 159
Strope 174
Sullivan 46 63 68
Summers 60
Sweeny 149
Sweet 118 119 225
Tall 169
Talliday 190 193 198 199 239
Tancey/Fancy* 16
Taylor 129
Teril 120a
Terwilliger 125
Thomas 105 140 162
Thompson 16 130b
Tracy 142
Trumbull 144
Tustiner* 169
Vanderpool 19 20 22
Varguson 185
Veits 218
Walker 163
Wallbridge 23
Wank 77 79 136 149
Warford 131
Warner 164
Warren 129
Watson (black) 153
Weap 66
Welles 102
Weston 201
White 120a 120b
Whiting 160
Wilcox 42 156 188
Willet 69 130b
Wilson 122 140 184
Wilt 81 102
Wintison* 169
Woodruff 18
Wright 173
Yonnkin* 218
Young 144
Households 1-50 Households 51-100 Households 101-150 Households 151-200 Households 201-239 Index of Households

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 8/23/99
By Joyce M. Tice