Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1880 Towanda Borough Census
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Transcribed for Tri Counties by Carlton Wolfe,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice
Photo by Joyce M. Tice
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. You are also aware of the difficulties our transcribers encounter and will treat those people with the gratitude they deserve rather than criticism.
Towanda Borough, Bradford County, PA
1880 Census

Ward One Households 151 - 200
Ward One Households 1-50 Ward One Households 51-100 Ward One Households 101-150 Ward One Households 151-200 Ward One Households 201-230 Ward Two Households 1-50 Ward Two Households 51-88
D# F# SURNAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX Relationship to Head of House  OCCUPATION BORN Place of Birth Father  Place of Birth Mother 
150 189 Rockford Ella 19 F servant Ireld Ireld Ireld
151 190 Russell C. S. 56 M hus life insurance PA CT CT
151 190 Mary P. 52 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
151 190 Russell Eliza  82 F mother widow CT CT CT
151 190 Keefe Mary K. 19 F servant NY Ireld Ireld
152 191 Jayne F. E. 53 M hus clerk ins. ofce. PA PA PA
152 191 Ella 38 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
152 191 Coleman Anna 19 F servant PA Ireld Ireld
153 192 Decker Ezra L. 39 M hus store clerk PA NJ NY
153 192 Louise 38 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
153 192 James L. 12 M son PA PA PA
153 192 Charles L. 6 M son PA PA PA
154 193 Spring George H. 27 M hus sew.mch.agt. PA CT PA
154 193 Libbie 23 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
154 193 Tilston D. 2m M son PA PA PA
155 194 Decker Perry R. 35 M hus grocer PA PA PA
155 194 Helen 34 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
155 194 Walter 7 M son PA PA PA
155 194 Frannie 1 F dau PA PA PA
155 194 Rose Ella 19 F hired girl servant PA IL PA
160 195 Roiley John 30 M hus tinsmith PA Eng Eng
160 195 Lizzie 23 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
160 195 Lena 2 F dau PA PA PA
161 196 Phinney James H. 60 M hus KY CT PA
161 196 Katherine 54 F wife housekeeper PA CT PA
161 196 Kate L. 24 F dau PA KY PA
161 196 Fred  20 M son law student PA KY PA
161 196 Hildrith Henry 42 M son-in-law merchant NY VT NY
161 196 Jessie 30 F dau PA KY PA
162 197 Peet Elizabeth 40 F widow housekeeper NY MA NY
162 197 Gleason Emeline 50 F sister NY MA NY
163 198 Coolbaugh E. B. 57 M hus clerk PA PA MA
163 198 Emily 47 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
163 198 A. Delmer 24 M son office PA PA PA
163 198 Fred H. 15 M son PA PA PA
164 199 Mason Helen 34 F boarder music teacher PA PA PA
164 199 Philynder 63 F mother widow PA NY MA
165 200 Taylor Mercy B. 42 F widow housekeeper PA CT
165 200 George  17 M son photographer PA PA PA
166 201 Lane BartholomewW 33 M hus livery stable Ireld Ireld Ireld
166 201 Helen 30 F wife housekeeper PA CT NY
166 201 Edward 6 M son PA Ireld PA
166 201 Frank 5 M son PA Ireld PA
166 201 Minnie 4 F dau PA Ireld PA
166 201 Ralph 4m M son PA Ireld PA
167 202 Witherell Nora 20 F hired girl servant PA PA PA
167 202 Collins Peter 24 M boarder hostler PA PA PA
167 202 Kelly Rose 30 F dressmaker PA PA PA
168 203 Kittridge John R. 36 M hus ed.& publisher NY VT NY
168 203 Elizabeth A. 34 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
168 203 Mary L. 9 F dau NY NY NY
169 204 Keeler W. W. 38 M hus hse & sign ptr. PA PA PA
169 204 Harriet 36 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
169 204 Mary E. 5 F dau PA PA PA
170 205 Becker Jacob 28 M hus laborer PA PA PA
170 205 Nettie A. 23 F wife housekeeper NJ NJ NJ
170 205 Marvin 2 M son PA PA NJ
171 206 Stevens Solomon 54 M hus carpenter PA CT CT
171 206 Rebecca 52 F wife housekeeper PA CT CT
171 206 Melvin 24 M son farm laborer PA PA PA
171 206 Stanley 21 M son PA PA PA
171 206 Ida 19 F dau teacher PA PA PA
171 206 Gamble Irene 54 F sis-in-law PA CT CT
172 207 Johnson Wm. 45 M hus wk. car shop Eng Eng Eng
172 207 Mary 37 F wife housekeeper NJ Eng NJ
173 208 Kershner Charlotte 31 F widow housekeeper PA PA PA
173 208 Benjamin 11 M son NY NY PA
173 208 Beatrice 4 F dau PA NY PA
174 209 Clark Damis 48 M hus shoemaker MA MA MA
174 209 Anna M. 37 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
175 210 Harmen Charles 49 M hus harness maker NY NY NY
175 210 Ann Eliza 41 F wife housekeeper PA Eng NY
175 210 Frank 7 M son PA NY PA
176 211 Rockwell M. A. 50 M hus machinist PA CT CT
176 211 Isabella 37 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
176 211 Adrial 16 M son PA PA PA
176 211 Myron 12 M son PA PA PA
176 211 Edward P. 4 M son PA PA PA
177 212 Clark Dennis 22 M hus shoemaker PA PA PA
177 212 Ella 20 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
178 213 Kelly Maryan 80 F widow NY NY NY
179 214 Williams Edward 31 M hus plumbing Eng Eng Eng
179 214 Kattie 22 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
179 214 John  1 M son PA Eng PA
179 214 Keen Cassie 18 F hired girl servant PA PA PA
180 215 Smith Seymour 38 M hus cabinet shop NY NY NY
180 215 Frances E. 36 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
180 215 Laurie 16 F dau PA NY NY
180 215 Walter 13 M son PA NY NY
180 215 Frederick 11 M son PA NY NY
181 216 Quigley William 50 M widower laborer Ireld Ireld Ireld
181 216 Anna 24 F dau at home PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 William 22 M son moulder PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 John 20 M son clk.drugstore PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 Nellie 19 F dau at home PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 Mary 17 F dau at home PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 Rosa 14 F dau PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 Thomas 11 M son PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 Peter 8 M son PA Ireld Ireld
181 216 Maggie 6 F dau PA Ireld Ireld
182 217 Bowman Harry 50 M hus harness maker PA PA PA
182 217 Emorett 40 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
182 217 Henry 19 M son PA PA PA
182 217 Mary 14 F dau PA PA PA
182 217 Mack 5 M son PA PA PA
183 218 Simmers Emma L. 42 F widow housekeeper PA France Germ
183 218 Howard 22 M son clk.drugstore PA PA PA
183 218 Alice 20 F dau PA PA PA
183 218 Ida 14 F dau PA PA PA
183 218 Eva 11 F dau PA PA PA
183 218 William 7 M son PA PA PA
183 218 Jannette 5 F dau PA PA PA
183 218 Laughlin George  2 M son PA Ireld PA
184 219 Blum J. C. 28 M hus shoe dealer Germ Germ Germ
184 219 Ida R. 27 F wife housekeeper PA Ireld PA
184 219 Ida May 7 F dau PA Germ PA
184 219 Joseph 4 M son PA Germ PA
184 219 Gertrude 2 F dau PA Germ PA
184 219 Rose 1 F dau PA Germ PA
184 219 Francis 21 M brother clk.shoe store NY Germ PA
184 219 Roach Mollie 16 F sis-in-law PA Ireld PA
185 220 Shipman Charlotte 47 F widow housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
185 220 David D. 27 M son hse.carpenter PA PA Wales
186 221 Kirwan Wm. 43 M hus tinsmith Ireld Ireld Ireld
186 221 Bridget 40 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld
186 221 Mary 9 F dau PA Ireld Ireld
187 222 Brown Nelson P. 65 M hus hse.carpenter PA CT CY
187 222 Lydia 38 F wife housekeeper OH PA PA
188 223 Wickham O. D. 43 M hus confection dlr. CT CT CT
188 223 Hannah 39 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
188 223 Mary 13 F dau PA CT PA
188 223 Cora 10 F dau PA CT PA
189 224 Stewart A. C. 34 M hus wk.shoe factry NY Scotld NY
189 224 Helen 35 F wife housekeeper CT MA CT
189 224 Allen T. 6 M son NY NY CT
190 225 Scott Chas. E. 35 M hus store clerk NY NY NY
190 225 Georgianna 33 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
190 225 Effie 6 F dau PA NY PA
190 225 Clarence 3 M son PA NY PA
190 225 Fannie 1 F dau PA NY PA
190 225 Fannie 18 F sister NY NY NY
191 226 Shipman Wm. 36 M hus carpenter PA CT CT
191 226 Mary 36 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
191 226 Annie 12 F dau PA PA PA
191 226 Edward 8 M son PA PA PA
191 226 William 6 M son PA PA PA
191 226 John 1m M son PA PA PA
192 227 Shipman C. S. 30 M hus wk.mower fact. PA PA PA
192 227 Mary J. 31 F wife housekeeper PA Eng Ireld
192 227 William 8 M son PA PA PA
192 227 Henry 6 M son PA PA PA
192 227 Joseph C. 3 M son PA PA PA
192 227 Fred M. 1 M son PA PA PA
192 227 Goodall Stella 16 F servant PA NY PA
193 228 Boyst Henry 43 M hus hse. painter NY NY NY
193 228 Ruth 40 F wife housekeeper PA DE PA
193 228 Margaret 18 F dau milliner NY NY PA
193 228 Eliza  12 F dau NY NY PA
194 229 Pitcher O. G. 47 M hus blacksmith PA CT PA
194 229 Eliza L. 42 F wife housekeeper PA CT CT
194 229 Seth H. 17 M son PA PA PA
194 229 George W. 15 M son NY PA PA
194 229 Ella 10 F dau PA PA PA
194 229 B. Elmer 7 M son NY PA PA
194 229 Cummings Lizzie 18 F boarder Ireld Ireld Ireld
194 229 Pratt Lyman 21 M boarder blacksmith PA NY PA
195 230 Jacoby Erich 46 M hus farmer PA PA PA
195 230 Maria L. 36 F wife housekeeper PA NY NY
195 230 Carrie 11 F dau PA PA PA
195 230 Alice C. 9 F dau PA PA PA
195 230 Arthur B. 4 M son PA PA PA
196 231 Blackman G. W. 48 M hus court clerk PA PA PA
196 231 Maggie 35 F wife housekeeper PA Ireld Ireld
197 232 Hellis E. L. 34 M hus lawyer PA Ireld Ireld
197 232 Mary 25 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
197 232 Lewis 3 M son PA PA PA
198 233 Grant  George O. 36 M hus wk.shoe factry RI MA MA
198 233 Katherine 32 F wife housekeeper MA Ireld Ireld
198 233 Ettie 13 F niece MA NH MA
199 234 Gennani Edward 53 M hus wk.shoe factry Ireld Ireld Ireld
199 234 Bridget 28 F wife housekeeper NY Ireld Ireld
199 234 Mary 6 F dau NY Ireld NY
199 234 Cora 4 F dau PA Ireld NY
199 234 Gertrude 2 F dau PA Ireld NY
199 234 Susie 8m F dau PA Ireld NY
200 235 Janna ? John 35 M hus laborer PA PA PA
200 235 Janett 30 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
200 235 Mary 10 F dau PA PA PA
200 235 Ezra 4 M son PA PA PA
Ward One Households 1-50 Ward One Households 51-100 Ward One Households 101-150 Ward One Households 151-200 Ward One Households 201-230 Ward Two Households 1-50 Ward Two Households 51-88

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/13/99
By Joyce M. Tice