Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Census Records for  Tioga County PA 
1880 Hamilton Township Census
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Enumerated July 06, 1880 by Martin Waddell
Transcribed for Tri Counties by Carlton Wolfe
Pages formatted by  Joyce M. Tice
Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. If you want to tell us what is right and what is wrong with the transcription, your notes will be added to the Comment Page
Jones District 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15
Tioga District 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23
East District 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

18 16 141 141 Jenkins Mrs. Ann J. 62 F widow housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          Evan W. 35 M son miner Wales Wales Wales
          John J. 32 M son miner Wales Wales Wales
        Thomas Ellen 13 F gr. dau servant Wales Wales Wales
  22 142 142 Lloyd Morgan 37 M hus miner Wales Wales Wales
          Margaret  37 F wife housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          Margaret A. 15 F dau at home Wales Wales Wales
          Rachel 14 F dau at home Wales Wales Wales
          Thomas 12 M son asst. miner Wales Wales Wales
          John Morgan 6 M son at home PA Wales Wales
          Emma 3 F dau at home PA Wales Wales
          Joseph 2m M son at home PA Wales Wales
  17 143 143 Janraqake Frank 37 M hus laborer Poland Poland Poland
          Francira 20 F wife housekeeper Poland Poland Poland
          Mary 8 F dau at home Prussia Poland Poland
          John 7 M son at home Prussia Poland Poland
          Jacob 3 M son at home PA Poland Poland
          Jennie 6m F dau at home PA Poland Poland
  18 144 144 Strenk Michael 44 M hus laborer Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Catherine 40 F wife housekeeper Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Weacyster 13 M son door keeper Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Peter 11 M son at home Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Valentine 9 M son at home Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Mary Ann 7 F dau at home Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Martin 3 M son at home PA Prussia Prussia
  21 145 145 Tivlock Michael 30 M hus laborer Prussia    
          Katie 28 F wife housekeeper Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Martin 6 M son at home PA Prussia Prussia
          John 4 M son at home PA Prussia Prussia
          Peter 2 M son at home PA Prussia Prussia
  20 146 146 Gough Edward 25 M hus miner Eng Eng Eng
          Mary 23 F wife housekeeper PA Eng Wales
          Anna 4 F dau at home PA Eng PA
          Thomas 2 M son at home PA Eng PA
        Cortland Matthew 17 M boarder miner PA Eng PA
  19 147 147 Dollen Brian 35 M hus miner Ireld Ireld Ireld
          Johanna 27 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld
          Katie 14 F dau at home PA Ireld Ireld
          Edward 7 M son PA Ireld Ireld
          John 5 M son at home PA Ireld Ireld
          William 3 M son at home PA Ireld Ireld
          Patrick 1 M son at home PA Ireld Ireld
        Dollen John 38 M brother miner Ireld Ireld Ireld
        Dollen Johanna 70 F mother at home Ireld Ireld Ireld
  31 148 148 Kolobokin Selah 58 F widow housekeeper Prussia Prussia Prussia
          William 21 M son laborer Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Andrew 16 M son laborer Prussia Prussia Prussia
18         Agnes 10 F dau at home Prussia Prussia Prussis
19 32 149 149 Mutuszeska John 28 M hus miner Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Rose Ann 32 F wife housekeeper Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Andrew 6 M son at home PA Prussia Prussia
          Josephene 4 F dau at home TX Prussia Prussia
          Patsey 2 M son at home PA Prussia Prussia
    150 150 Staholiko Frank 30 M hus miner Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Josephine 6 F dau at home Prussia Prussia Prussia
          Anna 28 F wife housekeeper Prussia Prussia Prussia
        Hoaruskis Joseph 14 M boarder   Prussia Prussia Prussia
  30 151 151 Rees Flamur A. 30 M hus miner Wales Wales Wales
          Anna 26 F wife housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          Evan  6 M son at home PA Wales Wales
          William 4 M son at home PA Wales Wales
          Maggie 1m F dau at home PA Wales Wales
  33 152 152 Davis John D. 40 M hus miner Wales Wales Wales
          Elizabeth 38 F wife housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          Belinda 16 F dau at home Wales Wales Wales
          Anna 14 F dau at home Wales Wales Wales
          John 12 M son asst. miner Wales Wales Wales
          Thomas 7 F son at home PA Wales Wales
          Emily Jean 5 F dau at home PA Wales Wales
          David  3 M son at home PA Wales Wales
  29 153 153 Hughes Margaret 59 F widow housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          John 23 M son miner PA Wales Wales
  34     Hughes Thomas 33 M hus miner Wales Wales Wales
          Catherine 33 F wife housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          Thomas 7 M son at home PA Wales Wales
          Minnie 5 F dau at home PA Wales Wales
          John 3 M son at home PA Wales Wales
          Maggie 6m F dau at home PA Wales Wales
  27 154 154 Lewis James H. 40 M hus miner Wales Wales Wales
          Lucy 41 F wife housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
          John 12 M son asst. miner PA Wales Wales
          Elizabeth 9 F dau at home PA Wales Wales
          Thomas 3 M son at home PA Wales Wales
  35 155 155 Dun Robert 25 M hus miner Eng Eng Eng
          Rachel 20 F wife housekeeper Wales Wales Wales
  26 156 156 Flanneray Mary 47 F widow housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld
          Bridgit 21 F dau at home PA Ireld Ireld
          Thomas 19 M son mule driver PA Ireld Ireld
          John 13 M son mule driver PA Ireld Ireld
          Winnie 8 F dau PA Ireld Ireld
  40 157 157 Greenough John 44 M hus miner Eng Eng Eng
          Jean  41 F wife housekeeper Eng Eng Eng
          James 18 M son miner Eng Eng Eng
          William 14 M son asst. miner PA Eng Eng
          Mary June 11 F dau PA Eng Eng
19         Edward 9 M son PA Eng Eng

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 1/1/2003
By Joyce M. Tice