Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Mainesburg Charge -  M. E. Church
1897 Yearbook
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Pennsylvania Ave

Elmira, NY

Presentation Supplemented by Photos from 
The Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project of Joyce M. Tice
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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The arrangement of a Church Directory for publication is no easy matter. But few understand the labor necessary to secure success. Even with the most careful endeavor on the part of the editor, is mistakes will occur. It is hoped that the present venture may be as free as possible.

For the list of members were we were obliged to depend upon the Church Record, and we did not feel at liberty to omit the names of any who are living, if errors are discovered in these pages, we pray that charity may cover them all.

A Word for Our Advertising Patrons

We would call the attention of the members and friends on Mainesburg Charge to various firms and individuals favoring us with advertisements.

They are all reliable and have dealt with us generously in giving us their patronage without which we could not have published this book. Let us give them our support by so doing we shall only be carrying out the Golden Rule.

To all who have assisted us in preparing this book we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks.
Note from Joyce: There are MANY misspellings of names in this document. it was very obviously NOT proofed by anyone who knew these people. I attribute the errors to the publishers and not to our typist.


At a quarterly meeting held at Camp meeting in Springfield, Bradford County, Pa., July 2,1840 it was resolved to divide what was known then as the Burlington Circuit; the western part to be called the Troy Circuit: which included Mainesburg. The Presiding elder at that time was John E Wallace, and the Circuit preacher, Robert T Hancock and Chas. L Bown: Local Preacher, Nehemiah Hodges; Exhorter, Richard Beach; Circuit Stewards, Isaac P Doan, Ralph Brown, Joshia Smith, Elisha Newburg, Chas. Sherman, Joseph Hilton; Class Leaders, Joseph C Doan, David Fanning, Dorman Loveland, James Dickinson, Joseph Hilton, Elisha Newburg, Jesse Smith, Solan Richards, Arad Smith. [Arad pictured at right]

In the winter of 1840-41 there was a great spiritual awakening at Mainesburg. Meetings were held in the schoolhouse and as the interest exceeded the room, the seats were taken out to make more standing room. When the standing room was taken the people would hold an overflow meeting in a double log house near by. The results of these meetings still live. A church edifice was erected and a church planted which has ever been yielding fruit to the honor and glory of God.

In the years of 1875-76 a new brick church was erected and stands as a monument of honor to the Pastor, David E Blain and the Christian fathers and mothers who labored so earnestly for its completion.

The following is a list of Presiding Elders and Pastors.

1841-44__J Dodge, PE Pastors, Jos K Tuttle, Amos Mansfield, Chas Rights

1945-46__Ira Smith, PE Pastor, I N Burs

1847-48__Wm Hosmer, PE Pastor, A D Edgar.

1849-52__Nathan Fellows, PE Pastors, Geo Wilkinson, A C Huntly, Elisha Sweet

1853-54__H Seaver, PE Pastors, A H Shurtliff, E D Rosa

1855__ P McKinstry, PE Pastor, F Kent

1856-58__ S W Alden, PE Pastors, D Clark, John Powell

1859-62—E H Cranmer, PE Pastors, J H Ross, P V Christian, E Colson

1863-67—T B Hudson, PE Pastors, Robt M Wood, C L F Horn

1868-71—Wesley Cochran, PE Pastors, S G Rhinevault

1872—D W C Huntington, PE Pastor, Isaac Everetts

1873-76—E J Hermans, PE Pastors, John VanKirk, D E Blaine

1877-78__J B Wentworth, PE Pastor, Harry Lampkin

1879-81__C C Wilbor, PE Pastor, E E Morris

1882-84__W R Benham PE Pastor, J L King, Geo Fosbinder

1885-90__E J Herman PE Pastors, Harvey King, C M Adams, F M Warner

1891-96__C C Wilbor, PE Pastors, H B Troxell, H J Hermans, H E Hyde

Amos Mansfield was an early Circuit Minister
Probably H. E. Hyde who was pastor at time of the directory's publication
Church Services

Sunday and Weekly Services


Preaching, 10:00 am

Sunday School 11:45 am

Junior Epworth League 4:00 pm

Epworth League 6:00 pm

Prayer Meeting, Thursday 7:00 pm

Ladies Aid Society, each alternate Friday __pm

Elk Run

Preaching, Sunday 2:00 pm

Epworth League, Tuesday 7:00 pm

State Road

Preaching, Sunday 7:00 pm

Prayer Meeting, Thursday 7:30 pm

I have never seen a photo of this building. 
I believe it stood across from the King Hill Cemetery on State Road. 
It was also called Union Church and may have been used by multiple congregations.

Church Officers

Bishop-Rev. John P Newman

Presiding Elder-Rev. E M Mills

Pastor—Rev H E Hyde

Local Preacher-Merritt Soper

Sunday School Superintendents

E B Ashley B C Smith Lyman Reynolds

Class Leaders

Mainesburg Elk Run State Road

P P Smith B C Smith Lyman Reynolds

J W DeWitt Foster Garrison Wm Squires


P P Smith Foster Garrison L L Reynolds

J W De Witt Jerome Bryant W J Squires

Mrs. A M Haight C F Ritx E J Rumsey

Quarterly Conference Committees

Missions-P P Smith, C F Ritz, Wm Squires

Sunday School- J W DeWitt, J G Leiby, Wm Squires

Tracts- Mrs. A Haight, Miss Alta Richmond, Mrs. L L Reynolds

Education-Merritt Soper, B C Smith, E J Rumsey

Church Extension- A M Haight, Mrs. Wm Reynolds, Mrs. E J Rumsey.

Church Records-E R Maine, B C Smith.

Parsonage and Furniture-Mrs. E R Maine, Mrs. C G Smith, Mrs. Wm Squires.

Conference Claimants-J W DeWitt, B C Smith, E J Rumsey.

Temperance-A M Haight, Jerome Bryant, Dell Doud.

Bible Cause-Albert Leiby, C G Smith, Geo. Orvis.

To Estimate Pastor’s Salary-P P Smith, B C Smith, L L Reynolds.

District Steward-B C Smith.

Recording Steward-J W DeWitt.

Mainesburg Sunday School

Superintendent-Elbert Ashley.

Assistant Supt-Blanche Austin.

Secretary and Treasurer-Lettie Austin.

Organist-Nellie Comfort.


Class No 1-E R Maine

Class No 2-Albert Leiby

Class No 3-Grace Rumsey

Class No 4-J W DeWitt

Class No 5-Blanche Austin

Elk Run Sunday School

Superintendent-B C Smith

Secretary-Alta Richmond

Treasurer-Ada Smith


Mrs. Emma Wood

Ada Smith

Mrs. Lizzie McConnel

Mrs. M H Garrison

Mrs. Sally Reynolds

Foster Garrison

Charles Ritz

State Road Union School

Superintendent- L L Reynolds

Assistant Superintendent-Wm Squiers

Secretary-Blanche Austin

Epworth Leagues


President-Elbert Ashley

1st Vice-President-Mrs. H E Hyde

2nd Vice-President-Lettie Austin

3rd Vice-President Blanche Austin

4th Vice-President-Grace Rumsey

Secretary-Rebecca Austin

Treasurer-Archie Soper

Grace Rumsey [SRGP 06358]

Elk Run

President-Rev. H E Hyde

1st Vice-President-B C Smith

2nd Vice-President-Mrs. Emma Wood

3rd Vice-President- Mrs. Dora Mudge

4th Vice-president-Herbert Smith

Secretary-Alta Richmond

Treasurer-J C Leiby

Junior Epworth League

Superintendent-J W DeWitt

1st Vice-President-Henry Lucas

2nd Vice-President-Mable Dewey

3rd Vice-President-Nellie Comfort

4th Vice-President-Claud DeWitt

Secretary-Allie Myers

Treasurer-Georgia Austin [photo at right]


I am going to use this opporunity of the publication of the 1897 directory to supplement it with photos of church members listed here that are part of my Sullivan-Rutnald Genealogy Project collection. If you have or know of photos of other persons listed here please see that I get HIGH resolution .jpg images of same. Joyce M. Tice



Ashley, Bertha [07878]

Ashley, Elbert [07879]

Ashley, Florence [07874]

Ashley, Welsh [07877]

Austin, Blanche [06565]

Austin, Lettie [03024]

Austin, Millie

Austin, Minnie [Rumsey 06357]

Austin, Rebecca [10360]


Bartlett, Jennie A [Smith 04051]


Calkins, Helen M [Mitchell 09750]

Calkins, Newbury E [09748]

Cudworth, Deborah [? 05640]


Davy, Wm 

DeWitt, Calvin H 

DeWitt, Claud

DeWitt, George

DeWitt, John W

DeWitt, Joseph H

DeWitt, Julia

DeWitt, Josephine

DeWitt, Lizzie

DeWitt, Martha J

DeWitt, Mary

Dewey, Mabel


Fellows, Mary


Haight, Allen M

Haight, Charles

Haight, Emma M

Hart, Nellie

Hilfiger, Lucia

Hilfiger, Oscar


Johns, Fannie

Jilliff, Anis


Knipple, Grace

Knipple, James


Lucas, Henry

Lucas, Lewis B

Lucas, Lois

Lucas, Phebe

Leiby, Albert

Leiby, Kate


Maine, Charles L

Maine, Clara J

Maine, Edwin R

Maine, Howard


Norwiski, Mary


Ripley, Edwin

Rilpey, Julia

Ripley, Roswell

Ripley, Sarah R

Rumsey, Alice

Rumsey, Grace

Rumsey, Jessie

Rumsey, Lizzie

Rumsey, Mattie


Smith, Amanda L

Smith, Emeline

Smith, Ephriam

Smith, Lissa

Smith, Manley G

Smith, Philetus P

Soper, Merritt

Soper, Archie

Strong, John


Woodburn, I S

Woodburn, Philena

West, Minnie

West, Stanton

Blanche Austin [SRGP 06565]
Lettie Austin
Minnie Rumsey alias Austin with husband Leander Emory Austin
Jennie Smith alias Bartlett
Lois Tice alias Lucas and Lewis B. Lucas
Ephraim Smith
Philetus Smith
John W. DeWitt Julia CUDWORTH alias DeWitt
Claude DeWitt Lizzie STOCK alias Cudworth (by adoption) alias DeWitt (by marriage)
Ray DeWitt


Beardsley, Mattie (Card)

Brewster, O F

Brewster, Filo K

Brewster, Leda

Bradford, Alice

Bryant, Jerome

Bryant, Mary J


Card, Ida E

Card, Walter


Danns, John

Danns, Susanna


Fethers, Minnie


Garrison, Bert

Garrison, Foster

Garrison, Harriet M

Gray, Caroline


Leiby, Celia

Leiby, Franais

Leiby, Hosmer

Leiby, Jonathan

Leiby, Jennie


McConnel, Carl

McConnel, Elizabeth

McConnel, Joseph

McConnell, Newbury

Mudge, Addie

Mudge, Amos

Mudge, Edith

Mudge, Frank

Monro, John

Mudge, Lena

Mudge, Menzo

Mudge, Orris E

Mudge, Ruth

Monro, Scene

Mudge, Sophia

Mudge, Steven

Monroe, Dora


Nash, Earnest

Nash, Elisha

Nash, Hattie

Nash, Matilda


Page, George


Ritz, Charles

Ritz, Tillie

Reynolds, Daniel

Reynolds, Leon

Reynolds, Maggie

Reynolds, Sally A

Richmond, Alta

Richmond, Colan

Richmond, Isaac H

Richmond, Maggie

Richmond, Oscar H

Richmond, Ruel


Sherman, Nettie

Smith, Ada

Smith, Adelbert

Smith, Albert G

Smith, Alonzo

Smith, B C

Smith, Cassie

Smith, Charles, G

Smith, Cornelius

Smith, Edith

Smith, Emerson

Smith, Emma C

Smith, Harriett

Smith, John

Smith, Julia A

Smith, Lulu H

Smith, Lyman B

Smith, Maria

Smith, Martha

Smith, Mary

Smith, Parmelia

Smith, Ray

Smith, Rosilla

Smith, Ross

Smith, Ruth C

Smith, Sally E

Smith, Susie E

Smith, Trustram

Styers, Addie

Styers, Cora

Styers, Rachel

Squires, Andrew

Squires, Cora B

Squires, Olive

Squires, Lillie E


Tears, Adelbert

Tears, Addie

Tears, Nellie

Tears, Oscar


Updike, Elmer

VanValcomer, Grace


Welch, Ella

Welch, Leon

Wood, Cora B

Williams, Orson

Williams, Delphena


York, Mina C

York, Ira N

Jerome Bryant
Caroline McConnell alias Gray
Joseph McConnell
Lib Weaver alias Elisabeth McConnell
Ruth Holly alias Mudge, Menzo Mudge with children Helen, Mildred, Harold
Eunice Sophie Brewster alias Mudge and Stephen Mudge
Dorcas Monro and Oris Mudge with Gladys and Stephen
Addie Makeley alias Smith - Emerson Smith
Ella Smith alias Welch
Olive Smith alias Squires
Rosilla Perry alias Smith
Maria Smith and Byron C. Smith with sons, Ross. Delbert, Raymond
Margery Smith & Isaac Richmond with children [Colin, Ruel, Alta, Ina]
Orson Williams
Delphine Richmond alias Williams
State Road

Briggs, Floyd

Briggs, Owen

Doud, Dell

Doud, Helen

Dodge, Juliett

Dodge, Orson

Fletcher, Anna

Hilfiger, Harry

Orvis, Elisha

Orvis, George

Palmer, Angeline

Palmer, Mark

Palmer, Phebe

Reynolds, Blanche

Reynolds, Lyman

Reynolds, Mary

Rumsey, Emory

Rumsey, Minnie E

Smith, Grin

Squires, Jennie

Squires, William

Elisha Orvis
Jennie Reynolds alias Squires
William Squires