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1885 Wellsboro Agitator Extracts
March 1885

*all articles, unless the township is stated, are for Wellsboro.

March 3, 1885
Local News and Events
--Mr. Ralph Karr, of this village, is dangerously ill with pneumonia.

--Mrs. Isaac Rundell, of Union Township, has received $2,100 arrears of pension.

--Arrears of pension amounting to $900 have been awarded to Mr. Jerome Cole, of Nelson.

--Mr. J. F. Smith, a jeweler at Osceola, was badly burned about the face a few days ago by the explosion of his soldering lamp.

--Mr. A. A. Mills, of Blossburg, will see the Democratic President inaugurated tomorrow.  This is the one chance in a lifetime.

--Frank E. Watrous, Esq., of this borough, has been seriously ill, but we are glad to state that he was able to be out again yesterday.

--The dwelling house of Mr. C. E. Welliver, in Morris, took fire last Saturday morning about 8 o’clock from a stove pipe that passed through the floor close by a bed in an upper chamber.  An engineer on the railroad saw the smoke and gave the alarm by blowing the whistle. The house was saved, although the furniture in the bedroom was burned and the building considerably damaged.  We did not learn whether the property was insured or not.

--Messrs. Frank J. Coolidge and Mack Phelps, two young men of this neighborhood, have just returned from Southern California, whither they went a month ago with a view of settling.  They found times very hard there, and work scarce, and after looking the country over they reached the decided conclusion that any resident of Tioga county can do much better by staying at home than by going to California.  We have no doubt their conclusion is a sensible one.  Mr. Coolidge brought home some fine specimens of California oranges and lemons, which are more gratifying to the eye than the palate.

--MANSFIELD.—It is rumored that Prof. U. G. Palmer, of Blossburg, will take the Principalship of our borough school, commencing next week.

--KNOXVILLE.—ROBBERY—On the night of the 8th instant [February] the residence of A. J. Miller, about a mile above this borough, was entered by sneak-thieves through a back door, and $125 in currency was stolen from a drawer in a desk in the sitting room.  The drawer was locked, and forced open and the money taken from a pocketbook, which was left with the papers scattered over the desk.  Mr. Miller slept in an adjoining room, and he had a dog lying on the floor in his bedroom.  The dog at one time in the night made a little disturbance, and Mr. Miller got up and went out to the back of the house where he had some flour and groceries for the use of his lumbering hands.  Finding nothing disturbed there, he returned to bed.  It was probably about this time that the theft was committed.  No clue to the burglars has yet been found.

--MANSFIELD.—A large crowd gathered at the Park rink on Tuesday evening last, to witness the race between Mr. Breeze, of Manchester, NY, and Will Capell, of this place, champion of Tioga County.  Mr. Breeze was to walk one half mile while Capell skated three quarters of a mile.  Capell won very easily by two laps.  Mr. Breeze has won four races in Tioga County, but failed to win the fifth one with Capell.  He holds the championship of Ontario County, NY. I understand he is to race again with Capell, in this place on Tuesday evening next.

--MANSFIELD.—Quite a number of young ladies and gentlemen went to Lawrenceville, together with the rink orchestra, last Friday evening to witness the race between Henry Crane, an expert at Lawrenceville, and Will Capell, of this place.  Capell succeeded in winning the race.  After the race the orchestra played for a dance, and they all had a general good time.

--LEETONIA.—A. Anderson and John Amer killed a very large bear a few days ago.

--LEETONIA.—Mr. Charles Dougherty had an arm broken a few days ago by a saw log rolling against his lever.

--C. L. Peck, Esq., of Coudersport, has purchased a bicycle.

--Mr. F. M. Newell, of Mansfield, was in town last Saturday.

--Mr. J. F. Rusling, of Lawrenceville, was in town yesterday.

--E. B. Campbell, Esq., of Williamsport, was in town last Friday.

--Capt. H. J. Ripley, of Mainesburg, was in town last Friday.

--Mr. and Mrs. James Horton and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davidge, of Westfield, have gone to Florida.

--Miss Anna Buckbee, Superintendent of schools in Potter County, has been visiting her parents at Lawrenceville.

--Miss Minnie Horton returned to her home in this borough last Friday, after spending the winter at New Britain, Conn.

--MANSFIELD.—MR. F. M. Allen, of Elmira, has been in town the past week.

--MORRIS.—Roland R. Kelts is visiting at Gaines this week, and W. W. Tate is tending store in his absence.

--MANSFIELD.—Rev. L. D. Watson, D. D., and wife, of Corning, N.Y., were in town on Tuesday visiting friends.  He was formerly pastor of the M. E. Church in this place, and was at one time connected with the Normal School.

--MANSFIELD.—Charley Parsons, of Cherry Flats, was in town on Thursday.  Charley says he is going south in about a month to play ball with a Georgia club.  Backer and Crossley, of this place, are going also.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. James Coyle, of Corning, is home visiting his parents.  He wears two very fine gold badges which he succeeded in winning at the Corning rink.

--EAST POINT.—Mr. and Mrs. B. Plank, of Union, are visiting friends at this place.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. E. P. Ayers has just started a grocery store at Lawrenceville.

--Mr. J. G. Dartt, of Charleston, has a 1,000 pound yearling steer.

--Mr. Morgan Seely, of Osceola, has purchased a $1,000 burglar proof safe.

--Mr. Joseph Schoonover has started up his portable saw mill at Cowanesque Valley.

--Mr. Jeremiah Deckstader, of East Charleston, butchered a hog last week which dressed 534 pounds.

--Mr. John Doumaux has purchased a handsome team of gray coach horses for his livery in this borough.

--Messrs. Cline & Wheeler are soon to move their music store to the new opera house in this borough.

--It is rumored that Mr. C. L. Pattison contemplates erecting a brick block on the vacant lot below the Parkhurst House in this borough.

--Mr. E. D. Winters, who has been working a farm at Hedgesville, NY, has purchased the Pride farm of 86 acres at Dartt Settlement, for the sum of $2,400.  He expects to move to this place at once.

--Mr. Charles Grinnell, lately station agent and operator at the Stokesdale depot, has accepted a position as bookkeeper for the new firm of Mathers, Graves & Co. Limited, in this borough.  Mr. L. C. Bennet, Jr., retires from the place.

--Yesterday the new firm of Mathers, Graves & Co., Limited began business at the old stand of C. C. Mathers & Co., in this borough.  The firm now consists of C. C. Mathers, F. W. Graves, Fred L. Siemens and Charles M. Seely, the two last named being the new partners admitted.  We wish the new concern a successful business career.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. A. W. Potter, for a long time proprietor of Potter’s Hotel at Middlebury, has rented D. Gaylord’s house, on Sherwood Street and expects to move here the first of April.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. J. S. Hoard, who has been connected with Ross & Williams Bank during the past twelve years, recently resigned that position there, and will soon open a general insurance office over Rolason & Metcalf’s store in the Business College block.  Mr. Hoard has dealt quite extensively in the insurance business for some time past and he represents several of the largest and most reliable companies.

--MORRIS.—Our popular harness maker, Mr. R. J. Taylor, has a large shop and dwelling nearly enclosed.  The building is opposite the rink, and will be a credit to the town.

--EAST POINT.—Mr. Jefferson Ridge, of this place, left today for Williamsport to purchase flour.

--EAST POINT.—Mr. Elmer Sheffer has also gone to Williamsport to work at his trade.

--LEETONIA.—Mr. A. B. Spicer lost a valuable horse a few days ago with the colic.

--LEETONIA.—Mr. E. Peters, of Sullivan, NY, has become the landlord of the hotel at this place.

--Miss Margaret Drake, of Lawrenceville, died last Friday evening at the age of ninety years.

--Mr. J. H. Mitchell, of Mitchell Creek, died of paralysis a few days ago, in his fifty second year.  Mr. Mitchell had been a resident of this county all his life.  He was Postmaster and station agent at that place.  He leaves a wife and four children.

--Mr. O. D. Bly, who has been Superintendent of the County Poor House for the past five years, died yesterday morning at Millerton, after an illness of about two weeks.  He went to Elmira with his wife and was taken sick at Millerton, his former home, while on his way back.  His friends felt alarmed about his condition for a time, and then he was thought to be out of danger until a short time before his death.  Mr. Bly was about fifty years of age.  He held the office of Justice of the Peace at Millerton for some years before taking charge of the Poor House.  He was a kind hearted official, and the inmates of the institution as well as his large circle of friends sincerely mourn his loss.  The funeral is to be held Millerton. [additional related article that appeared in the March 10, 1885 edition reads as follows]:  A few words in addition to the notice already published in the Agitator in reference to late Orrin Dayton Bly may not be out of place.  Mr. Bly was born near Millerton in Jackson Township, and except during the time he served the county as the Superintendent of the Poor House he made that place his home.  Elected Constable at the time he cast his first vote, he gradually became a leading citizen of his native township,

--CHATHAM.—Mr. Thomas Cooper died at his father’s house in this township of the 23rd.

--CHARLESTON.—A number of our oldest and most prominent townsmen have passed off the stage of action during this cold winter, including Addison Potter and William L. Reese, a note of whose death I have seen in the Agitator.  Mrs. Stephen A. Ludlow [Laura Wilson Ludlow—on Feb. 12, 1885] and Mr. Nicodemus Smith were both buried on the 14th instant [February].  Mr. Smith was 86 years of age and one of the oldest pioneers of Charleston.  He came to this county when it was a dense wilderness, and by economy and hard work secured a comfortable home and reared a large family of children, part of who survive him.

--EAST POINT.—Mr. Joseph Roupp has been afflicted by the death of his bright little boy [Melvin Roupp].

--OSCEOLA.—The remains of Mrs. DeWitt Baxter [Sarah M. Baxter], wife of our ticket agent at the C. C. & A. depot, were buried last Monday in Fairview Cemetery at this place.  Her sickness was of short duration, and her death was a sudden affliction.  She will be sadly missed by the people of this borough, and her husband has the sympathy of the entire community in his sad bereavement.

--COVINGTON.—George Goodenow died of consumption today [February 27, 1885].  He leaves a wife, two small children and a host of friends to mourn their loss.  Rev. H. Lamkin will hold the funeral services at the Baptist church on Sunday.

March 10, 1885
Local News and Events
--This is to certify that the report now in circulation, to the effect that H. M. Lowell has written to the Pension Department to hinder me from obtaining a pension, and that he so acknowledged to myself and Dr. Niles, is untrue and entirely without foundation.—Signed, Riley Whitney.

--Col. Joseph Yonkin, of Blossburg, is in poor health.

--Mrs. Jane M. Allen, of Mansfield, has been seriously sick.

--Mr. W. R. Knapp, of Nelson, smashed his wrist in a corn-sheller recently.

--Mr. R. Rarick, of Tioga, has received arrears of pension amounting to $2,077.

--Mr. W. H. Williams, of Blossburg, has his collar bone broken last week Monday by a fall of coal.

--Mrs. L. H. Shattuck, of Mansfield, was seriously injured last week Wednesday by the upsetting of a sleigh.

--Mr. O. L. Caldwell, of Blossburg, has been awarded arrears of pension amounting to $2,800.

--Mr. D. W. Navle, who has been managing the Westfield bakery for some time has returned to this borough.

--Miss Mary E. Smith, of Sullivan, who was recently graduated at a Cleveland medical college, intends to locate at Mansfield.

--A seven year old daughter of Mr. Walter Pease, of Osceola, fell from a load of hay a few days ago and dislocated her right arm.

--Burglars made another attempt to break into Mr. J. H. Miller’s store at Millerton, a few nights ago; but they were frightened off.

--Mr. A. R. Merrick, of Blossburg, has invented an adjustable head rest for dentist chairs.  He has gone to Washington to secure a patent.

--Master Chester R. Converse, of this borough, has a steer well broken to harness, and his wild eyed steed trots off at a pretty good pace before a heavy sled.

--There was an oyster supper held at the house of S. D. Evans and brothers, in Welsh Settlement, last Thursday evening.  The net proceeds, amounting to $40.50 were presented to Rev. James M. Evans, pastor of the Welsh Congregational Church, of that place, which indicates the high esteem of the people and their appreciation of his service as a minister.

--The dwelling house of Mr. Carlos White, near Trowbridge in Jackson Township, was totally consumed by fire, with all its contents, about 11 o’clock last Sunday morning.  Mr. White and his family had left the house an hour or two before the fire broke out, and when the fire was discovered by the neighbors the flames had made such progress that was impossible to save anything from the building.  The loss was a total one, as Mr. White had no insurance on any of the property.

--The Register says that “Uncle Billy” Trimble [William Trimble], of Blossburg, is a remarkable old gentleman in some respects.  He was born in 1808, has traveled over a good part of England, Scotland, Ireland and America, never purchased a single drink of liquor in his life, does not know the taste of tobacco, and never purchased a cigar until last fall, when he invested for the purpose of settling an election wager.  For the past seven years his wife has been a helpless cripple, and he has lifted her daily to and from her bed and about the house.  He is a plasterer by trade.

--Last Friday as Mr. P. A. Bush, of Morris, was driving to this borough, a tug became unfastened while he was near the residence of Mr. Charles Herrington, about two miles southeast of this borough, and his team ran away.  Mr. Bush and a gentleman who was riding with him were thrown out near the place of Mr. Ira Hotchkiss, where the team left the cutter and came on to the foot of the hill near Mr. Henry Wolfe’s, where they overtook Mr. A. J. Kiphart who was hauling a load of manure.  They ran against his sleigh, smashed the box, scattered the load, threw Mr. Kiphart to the ground, and one of his horses was thrown down and badly cut about the legs.  Both of the runaway horses were thrown down, one each side of the sleigh, and there were considerably bruised.

--Last Friday morning as Mr. George W. Potter, of Keeneyville, was hauling a load of grain to Middlebury station, he met with quite a serious accident. It seems that a lad was driving towards Keeneyville with an old lady in the cutter.  In passing a team the cutter was upset, throwing the occupants out, and the horse ran away. The animal met Mr. Potter near the water trough on the L. C. Bennet place, known as the “dug away,” and as the horse went running past, the point of the thill of the cutter penetrated the breast of one of Mr. Potter’s horses and protruded at the shoulder.  The wound was a terrible one, and it was thought that the horse would die from the injury.  It was a young and valuable animal.  The occupants of the cutter were not seriously injured, and the runaway horse sustained only a few scratches.

--MANSFIELD.—Will Capell gave an exhibition of fancy and trick skating at the Park rink on last Thursday evening before a large crowd.  Will looks very neat in his new skating suit.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. Samuel Thomas, an esteemed citizen of our township, has been confined to his house for some months by disease of the lungs.

--COVINGTON.—Rev. A. Tilden has been away this week looking for a new field of labor.

--ANTRIM.—For some time past Mr. James E. Fish, proprietor of the hotel here, has missed small sums of money from his cash drawer from time to time.  Recently suspicions were directed towards a young man named Alf. Jones, and he was ordered to keep away from the place.  He remained away about a week, but on Monday last he returned and hung around the hotel for some hours and then took the afternoon train to Wellsboro.  Just after his departure Mr. Fish discovered that $13 had been taken from the drawer.  Constable Beers and Mr. Fish overhauled the train at the “crossing”, and boarded the car and demanded the money of young Jones.  The fellow acknowledged his guilt and gave up the money.

--OSCEOLA.—On Friday afternoon Morgan Seely and his son Frank Seely drove up to Mr. Seely’s farm where he had some young horses.  While Frank was feeding the stock Mr. Seely drove off to the woods to look after some fencing and while turning the horse around the cutter tipped over, causing the horse to run away.  Mr. Seely was hit in the side by the runner, which cut a hole through both his coats and threw him to the ground with such a force as to render him insensible.  He was taken to the house and a surgeon was called, but found no bones broken.  Mr. Seely is in quite a critical condition.

--OSCEOLA.—John Tubbs is confined to the house with fever.

--OSCEOLA.—The donation for Rev. S. H. Moon, on Friday night, was a pleasant affair, and the proceeds amounted to $60.

--OSCEOLA.—Mrs. Henry Tubbs was visited by burglars last week.  She rang a bell, when the would be burglar started for the town.  Mr. Tubbs was staying with his father that night.

--JACKSON.—Mrs. J. H. Mann is seriously ill.

--TIOGA.—The Tioga Reading Circle met at Mrs. C. F. Hurlbut’s on Thursday evening last week.

--TIOGA.—The explosion on the C. C. and A. railway last Saturday afternoon shook up our village and citizens quite generally.  The brick house occupied by Mr. George Hughes, forty of fifty rods from the railway, was badly damaged.

--Mrs. N. C. Stone, of Mansfield, has moved to Canton.

--Mr. L. H. Knapp, of Westfield, was in town yesterday.

--Mr. Charles S. Ross, of Mansfield, was in town yesterday.

--Mr. Ambrose Close, of Westfield, was in town last Wednesday.

--Mr. F. S. Sands has moved from Harrison Valley to Mansfield.

--Aaron R. Niles, Esq., of this borough, was in Elmira one day last week.

--Mr. E. Jacobson, of this borough, left last Sunday for a business trip to Philadelphia and New York.

--Ex-Commissioner James E. Peters was in town last Saturday.  Mr. Peters recently removed from Elkland to his farm in Farmington.

--C. C. Mathers and F. W. Siemens, of the firm Mathers, Graves & Co., Limited, of this borough, started for New York yesterday on a business trip.

--Messrs. F. K. Wright, of this borough, and A. M. Bennett, of Covington, have gone to New Orleans with a party of Corning gentlemen by special car.  They expect to “do” the Exposition in about ten days.

--MANSFIELD.—Prof. F. M. Allen, of the Elmira Business College, spent Sunday with his mother in this place.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George Strait, of Hoytville, spent Sunday in this place, visiting his parents.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Louis Smith, of Elmira, was in town over Sunday visiting friends and relatives.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Charles Fuller, of Elmira, was visiting friends in town on Sunday last.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Manford Bartlett, of Colegrove, McKean County, is visiting his parents in this place.

--MANSFIELD.—Miss Nellie Backer has returned from the West, where she has been visiting for the past three months.

--MANSFIELD.—Miss Ethel Armstrong, of Smethport, is the guest of Miss Nellie Backer.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. Addison Beals, of Canton, are visiting at G. E. Rich’s.

--COVINGTON.—James Clark, of Bellaire, Ohio, is home visiting his mother, there being no fire in the glass factory at that place.

--JACKSON.—Mr. Ira Bennett is about to move to Steuben County, New York.

--TIOGA.—A large party visited the residence of Mr. W. T. Leas, at the mouth of Mill Creek, a few nights ago.  Everybody present had a good time.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--B. F. Milliken & Co. will close all their accounts and open up the store first door above their old stand, No. 73 Main Street, March 18, 1885, on a strictly cash basis.  We will open up a fresh stock of groceries, provisions, flour, feed, bread, pork, hams, fish, fancy groceries, fruits, nuts, confectionery, etc., lower than we have ever sold in Wellsboro for CASH, CASH, CASH.  NO credit under any circumstances.

--D. H. Belcher is agent for the Harden Hand Grenade Fire Extinguisher.  All orders will receive prompt attention.  Price is $1 each or $10 a dozen.  These Grenades should be in every house.  I want an agent in every town west of the Corning, Cowanesque & Antrim railway.—Signed D. H. Belcher.

--Mr. Jerome Bottom, of Nelson, has bought the Backer farm, paying $3,400.

--Mr. H. M. Lowell is to manufacture cheese boxes at his factory in Middlebury.

--Alfred J. Shattuck, of this borough, has been commissioned as a notary public.

--Dr. Charles N. Williams is to locate to this borough for the practice of his profession.

--Mr. C. E. Fogg, of Niles Valley, is the new telegraph operator at Stokesdale Junction.

--Mr. Deck Bunnell, of this borough, is working up some business for himself as an auctioneer.

--Mr. L. F. Smith, of Lawrenceville, made 1,370 pounds of butter last season from five cows.

--A new Post office called Sebring has been established about three miles from Liberty on the road to Blossburg.  Dr. Henry Dycker is the Postmaster.

--Mr. E. A. Fish, of this borough, has sold his span of dapple gray horses to a gentleman from a distance who has been purchasing horses in this county.

--Messrs. F. E. Bartlett and I. Maynard, of Mainesburg, have gone into the poultry business on a large scale.  They have a patent incubator in operation, and expect to have a large crop of spring chickens soon.

--Mr. Lee W. Bailey, son of Mr. John W. Bailey, of this borough, has opened an art studio at 1267 Broadway, New York.  The Deaf Mutes’ Journal says that the rooms are handsomely decorated with works of art, and it predicts a prosperous career for the young artist, who has fought against odds in obtaining his education.

--Messrs. George Houk and Dennis Navle, of this borough, are to open a first class restaurant, next month, in the store to be vacated by B. F. Milliken & Co.  The firm name will be Houk & Navle.  We understand that aside from the sale of confectionery and cigars the establishment will be exclusively directed to the restaurant business.  Both young men are well known here, and there is no reason why they should not succeed.  We certainly hope they may.

--Mr. Deck Bunnell, of this borough, is to be employed as a night watchman to patrol the business part of town each night from eight o’clock p.m. until daylight.  He is to be supplied with a regulation policeman’s uniform.  A paper recently circulated among the businessmen of the borough guarantees to the officer a compensation of about $50 a month for one year.  We have no doubt that Mr. Bunnell will perform his duties to the satisfaction of his employers.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. Lewis Krise, of East Point, has sold his large farm in that section of our township to Mr. William Schambacker for $4,000 and has purchased the large farm of Mr. William L. Keagle, half a mile north of our village, for $5,000.

--COVINGTON.—Ed Sewell was in Elmira on Tuesday getting improvements for his barber shop.  Competition brightens business.

--OSCEOLA.—Charles Hoyer has sold his house at Elkland, and will remain here.

--JACKSON.—Mr. Albert Inscho is to work his father’s farm the coming season.

--The Register says that a young man named William Jordan fell and fractured his skull at the skating rink in Hoytville on the 29th ultimo, from the effects of which he died the next day.

--Last Sunday morning the body of Martin Hale, of Blossburg, was found dead in an out house where it was hanging by the neck.  It is reported that Mr. Hale had met with financial reverse recently and that he had taken to drink.  His dissipation led to derangement and his suicide.  He leaves a wife.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. Daniel Hartsock, an old pioneer settler of Liberty, died on the 18th ultimo, aged nearly 79 years.  Mr. Hartsock was the wealthiest citizen in our township.  He began the battle of life about fifty eight years ago as a penniless young man, but by sobriety, industry and good management during all his years of toil as a farmer he accumulated a fortune of nearly $75,000, which in his will he bequeathed to his sons and daughters, his wife having died some years ago.

--JACKSON.—Mr. John Mitchell, an old resident of Jackson, was buried at Alder Run on the 24th ultimo.

--JACKSON.—Mrs. Martha Jane Friends, the wife of James Friends, died at her home on the first instant of consumption aged 34 years.  She leaves one child.  She was a member of the Methodist Church.

--JACKSON.—The funeral of the late O. D. Bly was held at his house near Millerton on the 4th instant at ten o’clock a.m.

--JACKSON.—An old resident of Jackson, Mr. George Snyder, died at Elmira a few days ago.  The remains were buried at Millerton yesterday.

--The body of Mrs. Caroline Kaufman, of Easton, will be cremated at Lancaster.

--A four year old daughter of Mr. John E. Fouracy, of Williamsport, fell backwards into a tub of boiling water a few days ago and was so badly burned she died the same day.

--A few days ago Eva Hartman, of Williamsport, gave birth to a child in a disreputable home at Wilkes-Barre.  The child afterwards died under peculiar circumstances, and the Coroner made an investigation, when it was discovered that the child had been murdered by giving it poisonous drugs.  The mother of Eva, a doctor and a the keeper of the house at Wilkes-Barre are implicated in the affair and have been arrested.

--In Chatham, PA, February 23, 1885, of typhoid fever, Mr. Thomas S. Cooper, aged 29 years.

--At Pike Mills, PA, February 21, 1885, of typhoid pneumonia, Anna A. Phenix, wife of J. S. Phenix, aged 26 years.

--In Delmar, PA, February 24, 1885, Miss Nellie Wetherbee, aged 29 years.

--At Mitchell’s Creek, PA, March 8, 1885, John Williams, aged 68 years.
(additional item posted in the March 17, 1885 edition reads as follows:  The Agitator last week contained a notice of death of Mr. John Williams, which occurred at Mitchell’s Creek on the 8th instant.  A correspondent at Tioga writes us that Mr. Williams’s death was very sudden.  He went to bed a little after 9 o’clock on Saturday evening, feeling as well as usual, and at a few minutes past 2 o’clock on Sunday morning he was a corpse.  He died without uttering a single word.  He had been a resident of Mitchell’s Creek nineteen years, was a good neighbor and citizen, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and had the respect of all who knew him.  His death was the fourth one within three weeks in that neighborhood, three of them being sudden.

--At the Baptist parsonage in Charleston, March 4, 1885, by Rev. Mather, Cassius M. Bellinger and Eva E. Wood, both of Charleston, PA.

--At Mansfield, February 23, 1885, by Rev. S. Earley, Mr. George J. Brown and Mrs. Mary J. Brace, both of Rutland, PA

--At Blossburg, PA, February 23, 1885, by Rev. R. Brewster, Mr. Burt Cooley and Miss Emma L. Horning, both of Blossburg.

--At St. Paul’s rectory, Wellsboro, March 4, 1885, By Rev. W. G. Ware, Mr. Dell Deates, of Lawrenceville, and Miss Jennie Rozell, of Holiday, PA.

--At Westfield, PA, February 12, 1885, by Rev. S. L. Bovier, Mr. Horace C. Kilbourne, of Hector, and Miss Jennie E. Patton, of Lansing, PA.

March 17, 1885
Local News and Events
--Mr.  William Farrer, of Covington, is seriously ill.

--Mr. A. Watkins, of this borough, is seriously ill.

--The late O. D. Bly had a life insurance of $1,600.

--Col. N. A. Elliott is a candidate for Postmaster.

--Miss Fanny Spaulding, of this borough, has been seriously ill for the past week.

--Rev. Paul Smith, of Roseville, was made happy recently by a $45 donation.

--Mr. Frank A. Deans, of this borough, received a new Rudge Safety bicycle last week.

--We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. William Bache, of this borough.

--Mr. William D. VanHorn, of this borough, was laid up last week with the mumps.

--Mr. J. N. Warriner, of Stony Fork, lost a valuable horse a few days ago by sickness.

--Mr. David Dockstader, of Charleston, has a graded Holstein yearling bull which weighs 1,155 pounds.

--We are glad to learn that Mr. Ralph E. Karr of this borough, who has been seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia, is now slowly recovering.

--Last Sunday, as Mr. Job W. Symonds, of Stony Fork, was driving along the road at that place one of his horses slipped and fell on the ice, breaking its leg.

--Rev. Marcellus Karcher, of White Haven, PA, has accepted a call from St. James’ Church at Mansfield.  He will enter upon his work in that parish on the first Sunday after Easter.

--Last Friday morning a dwelling house in Blossburg, owned by Frank Veil and occupied by John Hoffman, was destroyed by fire.  The contents of the building were saved.  The loss was covered by insurance.

--Three actions at law have recently been commenced against this borough to recover damages for personal injuries claimed to have resulted from obstructions or defects in the public streets of the borough.  Mrs. Lucy W. Jackson sues for a broken wrist, received by being thrown from a buggy while attempting to drive around a house that was being moved on Tioga Street.  Ellis B. Bodine sues for injuries to his son, who fell and broke his arm, it is claimed, because of the defective condition of a piece of sidewalk on Walnut Street.  Daniel Howard  sues for injuries suffered from running a large iron spike into his foot on Main Street.  It is stated that some of the borough workmen had torn a piece of sidewalk in front of the Wilcox block and had left the plank in the road with the spike sticking up.  Mr. Howard stepped on one of these spikes, and the injury resulted in permanent lameness.

--MANSFIELD.—A social hop was held at the residence of Mr. John Kelley last Tuesday evening, it was quite well attended.

--The residence of Mr. Louis Goldmyer, on Railroad Street, caught fire on Wednesday evening last, but the flames were extinguished before much damage was done.  They had built a big fire in the stove and gone out calling, and it is supposed it caught from the chimney.

--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Mr. S. D. Shepard’s shop burned this morning.  The lower story was used as a wagon shop and blacksmith’s shop and the upper room as a hall by the Odd Fellows.  The building was insured for $1,000 and the Odd Fellow’s furniture, etc. for $500.

--JACKSON SUMMIT.—Philip Petty is laid up with a lame hand.

--Last Thursday afternoon as Mrs. Mary Horton and Miss Maggie Lucy were driving in a covered carriage down Railroad Avenue in Elmira, the approach of an Erie express train frightened the horse.  Both the women were frightened and in their frantic endeavor to secure themselves against danger the carriage was bucked against the train as it was passing.  The right hind wheel of the vehicle was caught and instantly torn away, allowing the top to fall back against the car and share the same fate as the wheel.  Miss Lucy, who was on the left side, leaped out and saved herself, but Mrs. Horton, who was driving, fell back against the train and was struck, it is supposed, by a car platform, causing instant death.  The horse did not appear to be frightened until after the accident, and stopped after walking along a little way.  Mrs. Horton had been a cook in a hotel at Horseheads, N. Y.  She was 38 years of age and leaves five children.

--Col. N. A. Elliott, of Mansfield, was in town last Saturday.

--Mr. A. W. Potter, of Middlebury, is about to move to Mansfield.

--Hon. M. F. Elliott returned home from Washington last week.

--Mr. Ed. C. Deans, of the Grand Master Cigar Company, was in Philadelphia last week.

--Mr. George Christnot has rented his house in this borough and moved back to his farm in Charleston.

--Mr. Ed. Fischler, who has been spending the winter at Bath, N.Y., returned to this borough yesterday.

--Bank Examiner Hugh Young was at home over Sunday.  We are pleased to know that his health is much improved.

--Messrs. George W. Williams and Joseph Williams, of this borough, attended the funeral of the late Leroy Tabor, of Sylvania, Bradford County, last Sunday.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. George Houk, of Wellsboro, spent Sunday afternoon with his sister of this place.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, of Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting relatives in this place.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Fred Elliott, of Fall Brook, was visiting his parents in town on Wednesday last.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. J. S. Murdough, of Corning, N. Y., was in town on Wednesday last.

--MORRIS.—Mr. Ira Fuller, superintendent of the handle factory, is off for a week’s trip through the principal cities of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, in the interest of the factory.  Men are now busy putting in a stock of handle timber.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Sewer pipe and barbed wire at reduced prices for sale by D. H. Belcher.

--C. W. Sears, agent, sells calf boots, J. Richardson & Co. make, at $2.50 a pair.

--I offer for sale my vacant lots near the High School, Wellsboro.  Also the house and lot where I reside.—Jno. I. Mitchell.

--B. F. Milliken & Co. will close their accounts and open up the store first door above their old stand, No. 73 Main Street, March 18, 1885, on a strictly CASH basis.

--House and lot for sale, pleasantly located in Wellsboro. Inquire of C. E. Brewster.

--Mr. E. A. LeBarron, of Rutland, has purchased the Robert Card farm in Charleston township for $3,000.  The place contains 85 acres.

--Mr. L. H. Robbins, of Mardin, in Charleston township, has rented his farm to Mr. Ward Bailey, Mr. Robbins intends to move to Mansfield.

--Mr. C. C. Roff, of Lawrenceville, who has been telegraph operator at the depot of the Tioga railroad for some time, has accepted a similar position at Oakdale, a summer resort near New York city.

--Mr. Ed. Fischler, of this borough, who has been furnishing music for the Bath skating rink this winter, has engaged to travel with Signor Sautelle’s circus during the coming season as leader of the band.

--We understand that Dr. John W. Coolidge, a homeopathic physician of Bellefonte, Center County, and a native of Delmar township, is about to locate in this borough for the practice of his profession.  Dr. Coolidge will reside in the Packer house on Main Street, opposite the Presbyterian church.

--MANSFIELD.—A. B. Dann is building an office and workshop on Main Street.  It is said the front part will be used as a barber shop by Reuben Dann.  “Rube” is a good barber and will probably get his share of the work.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. T. V. Moore, for several years past, one of our hardware merchants, sold his store and stock of goods to Messrs. Westbrook & Potter on Friday last.  The new firm has my best wishes.  I understand Mr. Moore and wife will go West on a pleasure trip and visit the New Orleans exposition on their return.

--MANSFIELD.—Messrs. Welch & Davis, laundrymen, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on Thursday last.  Mr. Welch now being the sole proprietor.

--MORRIS.—Marion Stewart, the “village blacksmith”, has sold out his shop and business to F. L. Norman, of Wellsboro.  Mr. Stewart retires to his farm in Liberty.

--MORRIS.—Daniel Evans, for a long time in charge of Turner, Warner & Willcox’s blacksmith shop, has resigned to engage in the flagstone business.  He will be missed from his old post.

--MORRIS.—John Williamson has sold out his restaurant business to S. O. Watts, who will continue the business at the old stand.

--Mr. Josiah Reese, of Charleston township, died last week Monday evening of apoplexy.  Mr. Reese had an extensive acquaintance in the county and Potter, especially among hunters and fisherman, who found in him an enthusiastic lover of the sport.  Mr. Reese leaves a large family.

--Mr. Leroy Tabor died at Smethport, McKean County, last Thursday evening, of cancer of the stomach, in his sixtieth year.  For a number of months Mr. Tabor had complained of ill health, but he was confined to the house only about a week before his death.  Mr. Tabor was born in the town of Courtwright, Delaware County, N. Y., September 8, 1825.  When quite young he moved with his parents to Lockport, N. Y., and when he was sixteen years of age he went to Troy, Bradford County,  where he learned and worked at the tinners’ trade until April, 1852, when he moved to Tioga.  There he was engaged until 1861, with Robert Young, T. L. Baldwin, E. A. Smead, and John Mathews, in the foundry and hardware business.  During the war he served in the 35th PA Emergency Regiment and he was connected with the 149th and 186th PA Vols.  Mr. Tabor was elected Sheriff of this county in October, 1864, over Mr. L. U. Gillette, the Democratic candidate, by a majority of 2,125, running considerably ahead of the ticket.  The newly elected Sheriff moved to this borough in January, 1865, and entered upon the duties of his office.  As Sheriff he paid into the county treasury about $3,500 in Commonwealth costs, and records show that he was the first Sheriff who ever paid anything worth mentioning on that account, the matter being allowed to go at loose ends prior to that time.  In January, 1868, Mr. Tabor was appointed superintendent of the County Poor-house, which had then just been completed.  He filled that position very satisfactorily until January 1871.  In May of that year he moved to Norfolk, Virginia, where he engaged in lumbering until his return North in 1876.  He then settled upon a farm at Sylvania, Bradford County.  In September, 1878, he accepted a position as superintendent of the Smethport extract works, which position he held up to the time of his death.  Mr. Tabor was married in August, 1848, to Miss Helen Nash, who survives him, with two sons and two daughters.  His remains were taken from Smethport to Sylvania for interment, and the funeral services were held at the residence of his sister, Mrs. F. J. Nash, last Sunday afternoon.  Mr. Tabor was a man of sterling integrity, and his heart and purse were always open to comfort and aid the needy.  He has left that which is most to be desired—a good name.

--Benjamin Farwell, of Painted Post, N. Y., died last week Monday, aged 86 years.  He was on of the oldest settlers of the town of Erwin.

--In Middlebury, PA, Mrs. Sally Braley, aged 85 years.

--At Sullivan, PA, March 5, 1885, Mrs. Oliver Rumsey, in her 79th year. [Betsey Rumsey]

--At Potter Brook, March 2, 1885, Mrs. Charles Hauber, aged 35 years.

--In Clymer, PA, March 7, 1885, Lillian Scott, wife of George Trim, aged 40 years.

--At Roseville, March 11, 1885, by Rev. M. Rockwell, Mr. Frank Brace, of Rutland and Miss Clara Daily, of Tioga, PA.

--At the M. E. parsonage in Campbell, N. Y., March 5, 1885, by Rev. J. W. Miller, Mr. James Close of Chatham, and Miss Della Chase, of Middlebury, PA.

--At Westfield, PA., March 4, 1885, by Rev. R. Soranson, Mr. Milo Frederickson, of Denmark, Europe, and Mrs. Lizzie Baker, of Tioga, PA.

--At Knoxville, PA, February 8, 1885, by Rev. F. F. Mott, Mr. Lee Landon, of Troy, and Miss Jennie Stevens, of Osceola, PA.

--At Wellsboro, PA, March 12, 1885, by Rev. A. C. Shaw, Mr. John W. O’Connor and Mrs. Electa J. Button, both of Stokesdale, PA.

--In Wellsboro, March 14, 1885, to the wife of Alex P. Cameron, a son.

--In Wellsboro, March 10, 1885, to the wife of David Cameron, Esq., a son.

March 24, 1885
Local News and Events
--Mrs. John Robinson, of this borough, is seriously ill.

--Mr. Zina Woodhouse, of Lawrenceville, has been quite ill.

--Mrs. Henry Gifford, who has been dangerously ill, is slowly recovering.

--S. F. Channell, Esq., of this borough, was confined to his room several days last week by illness.  We are glad to see him out once more.

--Mr. Daniel Ostrom of Liberty, chased a wild cat out of his barn a few days ago where the animal was inspecting the roosting turkeys.

--Mr. Lew Hoyt, a printer well known in this borough and Blossburg, won a six hours skating match at Athens, Bradford County, recently.

--The house of Mr. John Evans, of Sylvania, was burned last week Sunday with most of its contents.  The property was insured for $1,100.

--Mrs. Fred Leonard nee Estella Cook has been engaged to teach in the public schools in the place of Miss Anna Kelsey who resigned to go to Alaska.

--A lamp exploded in the hands of a clerk in Jacob Miller’s store at Blossburg a few evenings ago, and the burning fluid was scattered about, but the flames were soon smothered by a carpet.

--At the last meeting of the Burgess and Council of this borough, Mr. Robert K. Young was appointed Borough Clerk at a salary of $15 a year.  Deck Bunnell was also sworn in as night policeman.

--Last week Monday the dwelling house of Mr. O. P. Babcock was burned at Elkland.  The fire started from the chimney in the attic, and the high wind fanned the flames so that the house was rapidly consumed.  Most of the furniture on the lower floor was saved.  The loss was estimated at $1,500.

--LIBERTY.—Last week Monday night the barn of Mr. Jacob Butters, about one mile from Liberty, was destroyed by fire, together with its entire contents, which consisted of four cows, two horses, several sheep, hay, grain, wagons and farming tools.  There was no insurance on any of the property, and the loss falls heavily upon Mr. Butters.
[Additional story] –LIBERTY.—The barn of Mr. Jacob Butters, of our township, was discovered to be on fire by a young man passing by along the road between the hours of 11 and 12 o’clock last Tuesday night.  The young man aroused the family, and he and they hastened to the barn, thinking they could rescue the livestock therein, but it was too late.  The interior of the barn was a mass of flames so it was an impossibility to rescue anything that was in the building.  In a very short time the barn and its contents, consisting of a span of horses, four cows, a calf, five head of sheep, a double set of harness, 75 bushels of oats, several tons of hay and farming implements were all consumed by the fire.  Mr. Butters estimates his loss at $700, which will fall heavily on him, inasmuch as he did not have any insurance on the barn or its contents.

--The Herald says that last week Sunday evening, as Mr. Harold Lindsley was driving across the Tioga river bridge at that place, his horse stumbled and fell off the side, a distance about sixteen feet.  Fortunately the harness gave way, and the sleigh with its occupants remained on the bridge.  The horse was considerably hurt.

--One day last week Mr. Michael Degan, a section boss on the railroad, had an interesting encounter with a monstrous wild cat on the mountain near the narrows’ just south of Niles Valley.  Mr. Degan attempted to shoot the animal but his gun failed to go off and so he gave chase with a club and there was a hand to claw encounter and the fur flew—the wild cats.  Mr. Degan finally laid out his feline adversary and carried the carcass home in triumph.  Mr. E. P. Houghtaling also shot a large wild cat near Niles Valley the last of the week making the fifth that has been killed in that vicinity this winter.

--Miss Leila Hoagland and Mr. F. E. Phelps are each striving for the appointment of Postmaster at this place.

--MANSFIELD.—Will Crossley and Charley Parsons, of this place, left on Wednesday evening last for Wellsboro, where they stopped over night and took the train on Thursday morning to Birmingham, Alabama, where they have made arrangements to play ball with a Club at that place.  I understand they will receive $15 a month and their expenses.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Frank Erwin was graduated at the Business College last week.  He has returned to his home at Newburgh, N. Y.

--MORRIS.—Last week while Mr. Pete Baker was coming down a steep pitch with a load of logs, both lock chains came loose and the horses were unable to hold the load.  Mr. Baker was thrown from the load, fracturing one hip bone, and he also received other injuries.  He is doing as well as could be expected.

--MORRIS.—In jumping from a sleigh, Mr. Eugene Calhoun dislocated his wrist and fractured one bone of his arm.

--MORRIS.—Ben Vaughn has purchased a span of ponies.  When they get going faster than Ben likes to ride, he pulls the draw bolt and lets them go.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Truman Hamblin accidentally ran a pitchfork tine into his foot on Monday the 16th instant.

--BROOKFIELD.—Miss Jane Hamblin is teaching school in Inscho Hollow.  She commenced on Monday the 16th instant.  Our School Directors built a school house in that place last fall and this will be the first term of school in the new house.  She will receive $18 a month and board around.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Samuel Tubbs is very badly off with a disease of the lungs.  I understand that two doctors pronounce his disease incurable.

--CHATHAM.—Mr. Will Kenyon is very sick with typhoid pneumonia.

--William Bond and wife, of Williamsport, were in town yesterday.

--Dr. P. N. Barker, of this borough, spent several days at Troy last week.

--Henry Allen, Esq. and wife, of Mansfield, have gone to New Orleans for the exposition.

--Mrs. L. F. Shepard, of Oakland, California, and Mrs. Dix W. Smith, of Elmira, were visiting in this borough last week.

--It is stated that Mr. John L. Paine, of Washington D. C., the special pension examiner for this district, is to move to Tioga soon.

--Mrs. F. M. Crandall and son, of Grand Forks, Dakota, are visiting Mrs. Crandall’s father, Mr. Charles Toles, in this borough.

--LIBERTY.—I regret very much to state that I am informed that Dr. L. W. Johnson and family intend moving back to Blossburg again about the first of April next.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. E. A. Rundell, of Corning, N. Y., was in town over Sunday visiting his parents.

--MANSFIELD.—Mr. Louis and Jacob Goldmyer wee in town over Sunday, visiting friends and relatives.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Murray Brown has rented a house of E. N. Baker and moved his family into it.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. Leroy Leonard has moved his family and household goods to Potter Brook.

Land/Business/Farming/Housing Transactions
--Mr. Henry W. Parmater, of Millerton, intends to run a portable saw mill at Blackwell’s this season.

--Mr. W. A. McLean has rented Mr. A. Loper’s farm of 220 acres, with 30 cows, in Brookfield township, at an annual rent of $450.

--Mr. Joseph Unger, of Altoona, PA, is to open a shoe store in this borough in the store to be vacated by Messrs. Cline & Wheeler at 102 Main Street.

--Mr. George W. White has made arrangements to build a cheese factory on the Samuel Satterlee farm about a mile below Lawrenceville, provided the farmers will agree to furnish the establishment with milk from 400 cows.

--Mr. Charles R. Bowen has rented the store lately occupied by B. F. Milliken & Co, at 71 Main Street in this borough and it is now being fitted up for a restaurant. We learn that Mr. Bowen intends to put in all modern improvements.

--Mr. Charles A. Sweet has rented the second and third floors of the Deane block over W. D. Shaw’s store in this borough, and intends to fit them up as a photograph gallery with all the modern improvements.  Mr. Sweet expects to move into his new quarters on the first of next month.  We understand his business is to be enlarged by new apparatus and novelties in photographer’s accessories.

--Mr. A. W. Potter raised on his farm in Middlebury last season enough tobacco to bring $1,175 at eleven and a half cents per pound—the price which it sold, 1,200 bushels of potatoes that sold at 30 cents per bushel, $36 worth of oats, $40 worth of corn, and $298 worth of hay, besides what he used to feed his stock.  In other words Mr. Potter sold from the fifty acres he cultivated produce amounting to $1,807 or at the rate of $38.14 per acre.  This is a large interest on the land, even estimating it is worth $200 per acre.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. W. L. Keagle, of our village, will in a few weeks open a hardware store in a building lately occupied by Alonzo Miller as a saloon and eating house.

--LIBERTY.—Mr. Albert Kraise, of our village, has purchased a farm of Mr. William Kraise, in Union township, for the sum of $3,000.  Mr. Alonzo Kraise will move to his new farm on the first of April next.

--MANSFIELD.—D. H. Pitts has moved into his new store which is larger and more convenient than the old one.

--MORRIS.—Some horse buyers recently purchased a one year old colt of P. A. Bush for $75.  W. W. Take sold them a mate to it.

--MORRIS.—R. J. Taylor has moved into his new harness shop opposite the rink.

--MORRIS.—Miller & Gleason are uncovering some fine flagstone on the mountain in the rear of the saw mill.  John Sebring is working a quarry in the same ledge but further up the creek.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. John Clarkson has rented Mrs. J. B. Seely’s farm.  He will move to it on the first of April.

--BROOKFIELD.—I understand that J. H. Bush has rented his farm to John Moore.  John will take possession the first of next month.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. B. W. Stanley has rented Mr. H. R. Pride’s farm in the northwestern corner of Chatham township.  I understand that he is to pay $290 for the use of it one year.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. J. W. Parshall moved his hay press out of this town on the 18th.  Five hundred tons of hay have been pressed and hauled out of town since October.

--BROOKFIELD.—J. W. Tubbs, of Westfield, is conducting a small singing school at the Brookfield M. E. church.

--CHATHAM.—Mr. E. H. Wheaton is canvassing for the sale of a new patent beehive which is very much superior to the American hive.  I bespeak for Mr. Wheaton a successful canvass.

--CHATHAM.—N. Beach has the largest stock of logs at the mill that they have had in many years.

--TIOGA.—Messrs. Borden & Warren intend moving their drug store now in the Wickham block to the store formerly occupied by the cigar factory.  The store is now being refitted for their use.

--Mr. C. D. Wakelee, an extensive tobacco grower in the Cowanesque Valley, died last week Sunday at Post Creek, N. Y., where he had been spending the winter.

--Oscar D. Knox, Esq., a native of Knoxville in this county, and a son of F. W. Knox, Esq., of Coudersport, Potter County, died a few days ago at Bolivar, Missouri, where he has been practicing law for the past fifteen years.

--Dr. F. H. White, of Roseville, died last Wednesday morning.  He lacked a few months of being 107 years of age.  He practiced his profession for many years in this county.  The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon.

--Mr. Joshua Peet, who died recently in Brookfield, formerly resided in Delmar township, he moved from this region about a year ago.  He was an honest, industrious citizen, a practical Christian and a man who had gained many warm friends in his journey through this world.

--Julius Doane, our late Postmaster, was taken very ill at his office a week ago Wednesday evening.  He was taken home, but steadily failed until Tuesday evening about 8 o’clock, when he died.  He was in his eighty fifth year and had held the office for a long time.

--BROOKFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Graham buried their only child on Friday the 13th instant.  They reside at Sunderlandville, Potter County, but buried their child in the Brookfield Hollow cemetery as Mrs. Graham’s relatives are buried there.

--TIOGA.—Mr. A. Ronnsdale, a lumberman living on Mill Creek, was struck by a falling limb the first of this week and he died in a few hours of his injuries.  The funeral was held on Thursday.

--TIOGA.—The real estate of Dr. G. W. Hathaway, deceased, was sold a few days ago.  The family residence was sold to Mrs. G. W. Hathaway for the sum of $850.  The house and lot formerly occupied by Mr. A. Banker on Oak Street was sold to Mr. R. Bishop for $500.  John Stevens bought the house opposite for $407.  The blacksmith shop and mill property were bought by Mr. W. W. Hathaway.

--CHATHAM.—Our neighbor, Mr. J. A. Cloos has take to himself a wife.  The first intimation we had of the fact was the notice in the AGITATOR, but Jim has to set up the cigars just the same as if we had known it before.  The AGITATOR is always ahead.

--At Troupsburgh, N. Y., March 6, 1885, by Rev. W. A. Sargent, Mr. Daniel Eddy and Miss Maria Owens, both of Brookfield, PA.

--In Richmond, PA, March 11, 1885, by J. F. Ripley, Esq., Mr. Herbert Gardner and Mrs. Jennie Mott, both of Richmond.

--At Knoxville, PA, March 13, 1885 to the wife of Mr. George Bottum, a son.

--In Brookfield, PA, March 18, 1885 to the wife of Mr. R. George, a daughter.

--At Wellsboro, PA, March 19, 1885, to the wife of Mr. O. G. Padgett, a son.

--At Wellsboro, PA, March 23, 1885, to the wife of Mr. William H. Whiting, a son.

Added to Site 27 FEB 2007 - Joyce M. Tice