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February 4, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Mr. Josiah Harding, of Covington, is dangerously sick.

--Mr. E. Masten has moved his family from Elkland to Groton, N. Y.

--The dwelling house of Mr. George Boom, in Westfield, was destroyed by fire last week Monday night.

--An original widow’s pension has been granted to Sarah A. McCollum, former widow of Oliver Mosier, of Nelson.

--Luther Andrews, Jr. of Daggett’s Mills, had his arm drawn into a power feed cutter last Wednesday, and the limb was terribly mangled up to the elbow.

--It is rumored that Joel Garrison, the Roaring Branch lumberman, will go to Jameson City to manage the business of the lumber firm there in which he is interested.  Mr. Garrison is a man who is well posted in the lumber business.

--Two drunken loafers broke into the residence of Mr. Moses Ginsburg, at Blossburg, last Tuesday evening and after creating a general disturbance and refusing to leave upon Mr. Ginsburg’s request, they took to their heels when the man of the house called an officer.  They were strangers.

--As Mr. Vine Palmer, of Chatham, was going to Knoxville a few days ago his team ran away and he was thrown out and so badly cut about the head that it was necessary for the surgeon to take fourteen stitches to the gashes.  The horses were caught after running a short distance and the rig was not damaged much.

--Mr. Frank Heath, who moved from Elkland to Woodhull, N. Y., a couple of years ago, was found lying insensible by the side of the road a few days since.  He was bleeding from a wound on his head where it had struck against a stone as he fell.  The physicians thought he had been stricken with paralysis and that the bleeding of the wound probably saved his life.

--Mrs. J. Stevenson, of Knoxville, was at work about the kitchen stove a few days ago, when her clothes caught fire.  She ran into another part of the house in a panic, but fortunately a neighbor happened in just at that moment, and this woman caught up some clothing and smothered the flames.  Mrs. Stevenson was very seriously burned about the face, arms, and hands.

--An Osceola correspondent says that several days ago, Mrs. Adaline Taylor, who lives up the Camp Brook road in an old shanty not fit to keep a horse in, was found by a neighbor nearly dead from the cold and lack of food.  She is utterly destitute and being crazy refuses to leave her hovel.  The correspondent thinks that this is a proper case for the County Commissioners to look after.

--The following indictments were passed upon by the grand jury:
 Mark Davis-Fornication and bastardy.
 W. H. Fretz-furnishing liquors to persons visibly affected by intoxication drinks; furnishing liquors to a person of known intemperate habits; furnishing liquors to a person of know intemperate habits after a written notice not to sell.
 George C. Signor-selling liquor on Sunday; furnishing liquor to a minor; furnishing liquors to persons of know intemperate habits; selling liquors on election day.
 Ruth Schoonover-adultery.
 Lyman Stoddard-fornication.
 Elmer Perry-cruelty to animals.

--Marshfield, PA.--Mr. Addison Dewey (SRGP 07023) is about to move his family to Sullivan.

--Mrs. Ellen B. Wolf has been quite sick for several days with diphtheria.

--Mr. Sol V. Bennett is teaching a large dancing class which meets every Thursday evening in the Armory Hall.

--Mr. Felix Reilly, formerly of this place, is now a bartender at the Hoffman House in New York City at a salary of $20 a week and board.  It is one of the “fly” places in the city, and Felix thinks that he is now quite up in the world.

--Mr. Frank Howland, of Elkland, is to open a branch store in the new Dodge building, at Knoxville.

--Original pensions have been granted to Messrs. Thomas Price and George W. Hebe, of Roaring Fork.

--Mr. A. R. Spicer has been appointed superintendent of Hoyt Brothers’ large tannery at Hoytville.  Mr. S. S. VanEtten, the former superintendent, goes to Port Jervis, N. Y., where he has purchased a half interest in a large machine shop.

--Mr. A. R. Niles was in Philadelphia last week

--Mrs. N. Packer has gone to New York City for a protracted visit.

--Miss Mary Chandler has returned from her visit to Baltimore, MD.

--Mrs. G. W. Meylert, formerly Mrs. Thomas Bryden, has been visiting in town for several days.  She expects to return to her home at Albuquerque, New Mexico this week.

--Rev. Mr. VanKuren and his wife, of Lawrenceville, are here visiting Mr. Levi Barber.

Land/Business Transactions
--Hon. Henry Sherwood has purchased the brick dwelling house of Mr. D. H. Belcher on Main Street, exchanging his place on the Tioga Road in part payment.

--Mr. O. G. Padgett, who has been running the dray business here for the past eleven years, has sold to Mr. Herman Yahn, who took charge of the business yesterday.  Mr. Padgett has purchased the bakery and confectionary store of Mr. J. J. Burgin, Sr., and he will take possession on the first of next month.  Mr. Padgett has been a careful and reliable drayman.

--At the Sheriff’s sale last Tuesday afternoon the George C. Bowen property was sold for a sum amounting to $13,520; the house and lot on Central Ave. was bid off by Mr. Thomas Stone for $4,600; the farm of 273 acres on the Cowanesque River was purchased by Mr. Jesse M. Robinson for $7,900; the lot on upper Pearl Street and the half interest in lots on Central Avenue extension were sold to Mr. Max Bernkopf for $705; Thomas Stone bought two lots on Conway Street for $230; a lot of 76 acres in Shippen Township was bid off by David Cameron, Esq. for $85; the J. W. Brubaker property-two houses and lots-on West Water Street, were struck off to Mr. H. S. Hastings for $765; the W. J. Buchan dwelling house at Gaines was bid off by the First National Bank for $400.

--Mr. F. L. Landon is the new landlord of the Mainesburg hotel.

--Mr. William Hollands has sold his house and lot in Mansfield to Mr. Z. Allen for $1000.

--Mrs. Catharine Brown has bought the E. M. Bowen farm of 75 acres in Troupsburgh, N. Y., for $2,100.

--The White brothers have bought 165 acres of the old furnace property at Mansfield of Mr. Phillip Williams.

--Mr. R. W. Bailey has bought a half interest in C. B. Bailey’s foundry at Knoxville.  The new firm is to be known as C. B. Bailey & Co.

--Mr. John J. Whittaker has exchanged his farm in Covington for the John S. Wells farm on Elk Run.  Mr. Whittaker paid $1,400 boot money.

--Dr. C. H. Bosworth has sold his new dwelling house in Osceola to Mr. Koral Morgan, taking Mr. Morgan’s farm in Woodhull at a valuation of $4,000.

--Mr. W. H. Elliott has sold his drug store at Lawrenceville to Messrs. L. C. Smith & Co.  Mr. Elliott is to go to Bellefonte, to engage in the hotel business.

--Mr. Wells L. Daggett, of Lawrenceville, has leased the Bush House at Bellafonte, and he will take possession in a short time.  Mr. W. H. Elliott, also of Lawrenceville, will be associated with him in the management of the hotel.  It is not yet known who is to be the landlord of the Lawrenceville hotel.

--EAMES.—At Covington, PA, January 20, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. John Eames, a son.

--English.—At Cherry Flats, PA, January 14, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Will English, a son.

--GEROULD.—At Covington, PA, January 19, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gould, a son.

--SKULL.—At Covington, PA, January 12, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Curby Skull, a daughter.

--SMITH.—In Delmar, PA, February 3, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Louie Smith, a son.

--WEBSTER.—In Richmond, PA, January 24, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Webster, a son.

--WHITE.—In Richmond, PA, January 11, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. White, a daughter.

--The nine month old son of Mr. James Kentch, on Conway Street, died last Sunday afternoon of diphtheria.  Another child in the family is quite sick with the same disease.

--Last Tuesday evening Edna Williams, the five year old daughter of Mrs. Orrin E. Williams, died of diphtheria.  The child had been sick for several days and was believed to be improving until a few hours before her Death, when she became suddenly worse.  She was an unusually bright child.  [Parents are Orrin E. and Cornelia Williams].

--Mrs. Levi Bewley died last Saturday evening at Elmira.  She went to the city from this place in the morning and was apparently in her usual health, but was taken with a hemorrhage towards the evening.  She formerly lived in Elmira, but came here to reside several years ago. Her husband is a wagon maker.  [Lucy A. Bewley].

--Mrs. Mary Davis, widow of John J. Davis, died at Blossburg on the 25th ultimo after suffering from an attack of the grip.  She was sixty two years of age.
--Julius Bush, the young man who was accidentally shot in the cheek by the discharge of a target rifle at Academy Corners a few nights ago, died on last Wednesday night. [see February 11th for further story]

--Mr. Edward Hanson, the Swede who was injured in the woods near Mansfield recently, and who endured such hardships before he was discovered in a dazed condition, died last week Monday. [see January 21, 1890 for full story]

--The body of Miss Emma Beals was found in a small lake near Canton yesterday noon.  She had been missing since Saturday afternoon, but it was supposed that she had gone to see some friends who live near.  It is thought that she drowned herself as she had threatened to do so.  She was twenty one years old.

Mary A. Lamkin, wife of Rev. Harvey Lamkin, of Covington, died last Tuesday of pneumonia.  She was nearly eighty one years of age.  The funeral was held on Thursday, Rev. E. J. Heermans, of Elmira, N. Y. conducting the service.  Mrs. Lamkin was a woman deeply loved for her beautiful traits of character.  She leaves three sons and one daughter.

--Miss Sarah Scott died at the home of her nephew, Mr. John P. Scott, in Charleston, on the 25th ultimo, of dropsy.  She was in her eighty second year.  She resided in Herkimer County, N. Y., where she was born, until five years ago, when she came to this county.  She was the last of a family of seven children, all of whom lived to a ripe old age.  Miss Scott was a great sufferer for many months before her Death.

--AMES.—In Minnesota, January 18, 1890, Delia Ames, aged 26 years, 8 mos., 18 days.

--BROWN.—In Middlebury, PA, January 27, 1890, Mrs. John Brown, aged 62 years.

--CALIFF.—At Lawrenceville, PA, January 20, 1890, Linus A. Califf, aged 72 years.

--DINGMAN.—At Knoxville, PA, January 26, 1890, Mrs. Elizabeth Dingman, aged 61 years.

--MURDOCK.—In Brookfield, PA, January 27, 1890, Alden Murdock, infant son of Mr. Alden Murdock.

--PARMENTER.—In Wells, PA, January 13, 1890, of pneumonia, Mrs. Sarah Parmenter, aged 53 years.

--RICE.—At Trout Run, PA, January 28, 1890, of heart disease, Henry Rice, of Ulster, aged 67 years.

--SATTERLEE.—In West Jackson, PA, January 18, 1890, Mrs. Edwin Satterlee, aged 67 years.

--TEARS.—At Canton, PA, January 27, 1890, of pneumonia, John Tears, aged 77 years.

--WOOD.—In Sullivan, PA, January 13, 1890, Walter Wood, (SRGP 80419) son of Burr and Sylvia Wood, aged 4 years.

--Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Carrie Bulkley, of Osceola, to Mr. G. G. Dorrance, of Elkland, tomorrow at half past twelve o’clock.  The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride.

February 11, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne was called to Buffalo, N. Y. last week on account of the Death of his brother.

--Mrs. William Roberts was called to Westfield last Saturday on account of the alarming sickness of her grandson, the four year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Roberts.

--Mr. Levi Robbins, (SRGP 06731) of Sullivan, was in town last week attending court as a witness.  He said he had resided in this county all his life-and he is past middle age-and this was the first time he had ever visited the county seat.

--Last Tuesday Mrs. Frank Ross, who resides on Water Street, saw her three year old child in the act of striking a loaded cartridge with a hammer.  She rushed to the child to stay his hand and remove the shell, but the hammer descended upon the cartridge just as she grasped it in her left hand.  The exploding cartridge tore the end of her second finger off at the first joint and lacerated the other fingers and the palm of her hand.  The right hand was also injured by the flying pieces of the shell.  The wounds were dressed and the woman is doing as well as can be expected.  The child was not hurt in the least.

--Mr. Conrad Dittenhofer, who was injured in the recent railway bridge accident, is not recovering as rapidly as his friends hoped for.  The stump of his right arm, which was amputated, and the wounds upon his head are healing nicely, but his right leg, which was badly broken and jammed, is in a very bad condition, and his physician fears that it may yet have to be amputated.  By his industry and frugality, Mr. Dittenhofer had succeeded in nearly paying for his home, but at the time he was injured there was about $350 still due upon the place.  Some of our influential citizens have interested themselves in his behalf and more than half of the necessary money has been raised to clear the little home from debt.

--The new Postmaster at Landrus is Mr. M. A. Blair.
--Mr. John Morrow, of Stony Fork, is very sick of pneumonia.

--Mr. James L. Plumley, of Delmar, is to start for the Soldiers’ Home at Erie today.

--Mr. Charles L. Pattison is preparing to erect several new dwelling houses at Elkland.

--Mrs. O. G. Gerould, wife of the County Treasurer, has been quite sick for the past week.

--Mr. Vin. Daily, of Osceola, has signed on to play baseball with a Cleveland nine next season at a salary of $2,600.

--Mr. Elias Clark, a Deerfield farmer, was badly injured by his ox team running over and trampling upon him a few days ago.

--Dr. W. D. Vedder has returned to Mansfield after taking a post graduate course of medical lectures in New York City.

--Mr. Hiram Bixby, of Tioga, has recently been granted an original pension of $22 a month.  He also receives $1,800 in arrears.

--Rev. S. P. Gates, pastor of the Nelson Presbyterian Church, has been obliged to abandon his duties for a time on account of nervous prostration.

--It is reported that Charles Parsons, of Cherry Flats, is to play ball as pitcher for the Cleveland club the coming season, and that William Crossley, of Mansfield, is to catch for the Sioux City club.

--Miss Hattie Marsh, of Tioga, entertained a few of her friends last Friday evening, it being her fourteenth birthday.  Among the guests from out of town were Mr. Howard Grojean and Miss Maud Grojean, of Wellsboro, and Miss Lillian Russell of Corning.

--The following allowances of pensions to persons in this vicinity were reported last week:  Original—Ira Porter, of Westfield; Joseph W. Taylor, of Canton; Robert P. McCann, of Elkland; William C. Beach, of Lawrenceville; Stephen Bly, of Elkland; Increases—John Hancock, of Sabinsville; Morgan Kizer, of Westfield.

--Dr. T. W. Humphrey was in this borough last Saturday, and he informed us that the report that Julius Bush, the young man who was accidentally shot a few days ago at Academy Corners, had died from his injuries was entirely unfounded.  The young man was able to attend school last week.

--The Addison Advertiser says that Ida Cole, a girl of twenty two years, who recently went to that place from Elkland, was criminally assaulted by several young fellows on a recent night.  The girl was a servant in the family of Rev. W. H. Rice, and she is not considered very bright.  Only one of the bevy of miscreants was arrested and he was sent to jail for ten days and fined $5.  The Advertiser says that it was one of the most disgraceful affairs that have ever occurred in Addison, and the guilty ones should be brought to justice.

--Last week Monday morning, Mr. Charles M. Brown, a well known and respected citizen of Cherry Flats, was stricken with paralysis.  On Sunday Mr. Brown went to church as usual, and on Monday morning he ate his breakfast apparently in his usual health and spirits and went out to the barn to milk the cow.  He did not return and Mrs. Brown went out and found him lying in the stable in an unconscious condition.  By the assistance of some of the neighbors Mr. Brown was carried into the house and put into bed.  His whole left side was paralyzed, and he had given no signs of returning to consciousness, nor had he been able take any nourishment up to last Sunday evening.  Small hopes are entertained of his recovery.  Mr. Brown is seventy five years of age and he has resided at Cherry Flats for forty five years. [see February 18th for further story]

--TIOGA.—Henry Smith and George Aiken, of this place, recently went to Coudersport to work on a railway survey.

--TIOGA.—James Davis will take charge of the Post office here the first of next week.  Fred Shappee will act as his clerk.

--Fay Wheeler has returned to Elkland to work in the furniture factory.

--WESTFIELD.—Our photographer, A. Greenfield, has gone to New York City to pursue the study of medicine.

--WESTFIELD.—Some days ago a few friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davis met at their residence to celebrate the hosts’ forty first birthday.  The surprise was complete and the affair a very pleasant one in every respect.

--WESTFIELD.—A few evenings ago Hugh Strang had the bad luck to kill a valuable dog by an accidental shot while hunting rabbits.  The dog was owned by Walter Westbrook.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Otis Evans fell last week Saturday forenoon, from a car loaded with bark, and his left leg was broken below the knee.  The car, which he had helped to load, was standing with another loaded car on the siding at the Summit, and in an attempt to step from one to the other he slipped and fell between them to the track.  Dr. Davis of Wellsboro set the broken bones and the injured member is now doing finely.

--Mr. Frank H. Dartt, of Arnot, was in town last week.

--Mr. John T. Rathbun, of Elmira, N. Y., was visiting at Mr. C. C. Mather’s last Sunday.

--Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huntington, Canandaigua, N. Y., were in town a day or two last week renewing old acquaintances.

--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, who have been making a long visit to Florida, have returned to their home at Mitchell’s Creek.

--TIOGA.—M. F. Cass was in town a few days ago visiting our schools.

--TIOGA.—Mrs. Clara Voorhees, of Athens, is visiting at E. Seager’s.

--TIOGA.—Roy Warren is home on a visit.

--TIOGA.—Hon. Charles Tubbs and M. L. Bonham, of Osceola, were in town a few days ago.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Davidge have been to New York City on a pleasure trip.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. W. H. Vermilyea and U. A. Vermilyea, of Gaines, have been making a short visit here among friends and relatives.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lawrence, of Knoxville, have also been here visiting friends.
--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. James Snyder, of Leetonia, recently spent a few days at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. John R. Dengle, who has been seriously ill since Christmas, but who is now reported better.

--WESTFIELD.—William A. Ritter and wife, of Lansing, have recently been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Ritter of this place.

Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. O. K. Brown has leased the new building of Mr. R. E. Patterson near the depot and will open a grocery and boarding house about the first of March.

--Mr. Frank Kirkland is the new landlord of the Daggett House at Lawrenceville.

--Mr. A. Herrington has purchased the draying business of Mr. W. B. Mold, at Blossburg.

--The Brann brothers, of Union, have bought out Mr. B. M. Walter’s meat market at Canton.

--It is reported that Dr. E. G. Drake, of Antrim, has purchased a $10,000 house in Elmira, which he expects to occupy soon.

--Mr. Elmer R. Backer, of Mansfield, expects to spend most of his time in future in West Virginia, where he has purchased a large tract of oil territory.

--Smith.—At East Charleston, PA, February 1, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith, a son.

--Last Wednesday the six year old daughter of Mr. James Kentch died of paralysis of the heart.  The child had diphtheria and was believed to be recovering.  Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents who lost both their children within four days.

--E. B. Young, Esq., was called to Leons, Bradford County, last Tuesday, by the Death of his sister, Mrs. Louise Spencer.  She died on Tuesday after a sickness of about three months.  She was fifty two years of age.  Mrs. Spencer was well known here, having spent several months last winter in her brother’s family.  Mr. Young took her remains to Middletown, Conn., her home, for interment.

--Last Tuesday evening the young child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, on Pearl Street, died of diphtheria.  On Friday evening their ten year old daughter died of the same disease.  On Saturday the eight year old daughter of Mr. Isaac Anthony
died of diphtheria. This makes eight deaths in all from this cause.  No new cases have been reported within a few days, and the physicians think that the epidemic is not likely to spread any farther.

--Mr. Philip Wheeler, of Jackson, died last Wednesday at the age of seventy two years.

--Mr. Valoras D. Starr, an old resident of Lawrenceville, and a veteran of the war, died last Wednesday.

--Mrs. Lucinda Schermerhorn died at Sylvania a few days ago at the age of ninety nine years and eight months. (SRGP 04929)

--Mrs. Melissa Gardner, of Covington, who had been an invalid for nine years, died last Tuesday evening at the age of fifty seven years.  She had been confined to her bed for seven months.

--The body of a supposed tramp who had been killed by being struck by an express train near Big Flats, N. Y., a few days ago, has been identified as that of Mr. William Ronski, lately a resident of Antrim.

--Mrs. Tabitha D. Champlain, of Knoxville, died last week Monday in her ninety eight year.  She was born March 19, 1792.  She retained all her faculties to the last and it is said that the good woman selected the text from which her funeral sermon was preached.  She was the mother of eight children, five of whom are still living.

--Last Tuesday, Mr. William English, a well known resident of Delmar, died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Griffin, near Tioga.  He was attacked with the grip, and pneumonia ensued.  Mr. English was about seventy years of age.  “Uncle Billy”, as he was called, has been a well known character hereabouts for many years.  The remains were brought to this borough for interment.

--Mr. James Boyce, of Catlin Hollow, died last Sunday evening after being sick several months.  He was in the fifty sixth year of his age.  He was born in Guilford, N. Y., and came to Charleston about fifteen years ago.  He was an industrious man and an excellent citizen.  About a year and a half ago that insidious disease, consumption, compelled him to relinquish work, and from that time he philosophically awaited the final summons.  He was a consistent member of the Methodist Church.  The funeral is to be held this afternoon in the church at Dartt Settlement.  Mr. Boyce leaves four children—three daughters and a son.

--TIOGA.—Miss Sarah Dates died last Thursday morning at her father’s residence on Cowanesque Street.  The grip was the cause of her Death.

--Mrs. Martha Brown, wife of John Brown, died at her home in Middlebury on the 27th ultimo.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Walter C. Bottom, the aged and respected father of Dr. A. L. Bottom, died at the latter’s residence in this place last week Wednesday morning.  The funeral was held at the Methodist Church on Thursday afternoon, and the interment was at Osceola.  Mr. Bottom had been failing for some time, but nevertheless his Death, although not unexpected, was a severe blow to the relatives and a large circle of friends.

--At Elbridge, PA, January 22, 1890, of scarlet fever, Ula May, youngest daughter of Joel and Delphene Harrison, aged 2 years, 3 months and 3 days.

--Last Wednesday an elegantly appointed and largely attended wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. Charles Bulkley in Osceola, it being the marriage of his youngest daughter Carrie to George Gershom Dorrance of Elkland.  The spacious old mansion, which has long been a prominent landmark in the Cowanesque Valley, was more that comfortably, filled by nearly 125 guests who responded in person to the invitations, besides which a large number of regrets were received.
 The ceremony was performed at half past twelve o’clock by Rev. J. O. Jarman, pastor of the Osceola Methodist Church.  The bridal couple was preceded to the appointed place by two maids of honor, Miss Gertrude Freeborn, of Knoxville, and Clara Lewis, of Osceola.  Immediately after the ceremony, a basket of flowers was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance by Anna [Tubbs], the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tubbs.  General congratulations followed, after which an elaborate wedding dinner was served under the direction of Miss Betty Murray, of Wellsboro, which could have hardly have been surpassed by Delmonico himself.
 The presents were numerous and beautiful and many of the costly.  Besides representatives of nearly all the prominent families of the Cowanesque Valley, there were among the guest’s people from Wellsboro, Elmira, and Canandaigua, N. Y., North Dakota and other places.
 The bride and groom belong to two of the oldest and best known families in the Cowanesque region and hundreds of friends and acquaintances rejoice in the suspicious union.  Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance left on the afternoon train for a brief wedding trip to New York City and other points.  Their departure was the occasion of numerous demonstrations by the younger guests, in which rice and ancient shoes were largely employed.

February 18, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Postmaster Doumaux is obliged to depend on a pair of crutches to get about, because of a sprained ankle. [Louis Doumaux?]

--The Jersey Shore Herald is authority for the statement that Prof. J. W. Moyer, principal of the schools there, expects to move to this borough next spring.

--Only one case of diphtheria has been reported in this borough within a week, that being Mr. Emmet Harding.  The physicians seem to think that there is no danger from its further spread.  They report some cases, however, in the surrounding country.

--Mr. O. G. Padgett has engaged Mr. Bernhart Metzger, of Dansville, N. Y., a baker of forty seven years experience, to assist him in his bakery after the first of March.  Mr. Padgett is learning the candy business of the Burgin’s, and he expects to be able to furnish the usual excellent quality of taffy after he takes control of the business.

--Yesterday our local dealers made the following quotations on a few of the staple articles of produce:  Eggs, 14 to 16 cents a dozen; Butter, 16 to 20 cents a pound; Potatoes, 60 to 75 cents a bushel; Beans, $2 to $3 a bushel; Oats, 32 cents a bushel; Buckwheat is a drug on the market at 35 cents a bushel; Corn 56 cents a bushel; Honey, 12 and a half cents a pound.

--Last Saturday a meeting of the members of the Bucktail Regiment was held in this borough to make arrangements for the fourth annual reunion of the organization, which is to be held in this borough on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of September.  A committee was appointed as follows:
 J. V. Morgan, Charleston;
 W. W. English, Delmar;
 William Boatman, Delmar and Shippen;
 Dr. W. T. Humphrey, Osceola;
 Chester Kimball, Charleston;
 T. J. Garrison, Jackson;
 W. Pitts, Richmond;
 J. B. Wakely, Deerfield and Knoxville;
 A. J. Smith, Middlebury;
 S. Wakely, Brookfield;
 Luther Wiles, Nelson;
 A. Reinwald, Elk.
It was decided to try to raise funds sufficient to give the members of the regiment from abroad a free excursion to Watkins Glen.  Another meeting is to be held on the 15th of March.

--Mr. Theodore Pierce has been appointed Postmaster at Canton.

--Mr. Thomas Roe, of Keeneyville, is quite sick with pneumonia.
--Prof. H. E. Cogswell has organized a band of twenty one pieces at Mansfield.

--A $120 donation was made to Rev. M. S. Blair, of Covington, a few evenings ago.

--Mr. John Harding, of Arnot, had gone to West Virginia to work for Mr. F. F. Lyon.

--Miss Ella Strait has been appointed Postmistress at Osceola in place of Mr. L. P. Davis.

--Mr. T. D. Farrer, of Mansfield, is soon to enter a New York City medical college as a student.

--Rev. Emma E. Bailey has been asked to accept the pastorate of the Mansfield Universalistic Church.

--Mr. O. B. Lowell, of Tioga, has so far recovered from his prolonged sickness as to be able to walk out.

--Mr. John Herrmann, of Covington, has gone to Jeanette, PA, to work in the new tank glass factory.

--Mr. Harry D. Wheeler is announced as a candidate for re-election as County Commissioner on the Democratic ticket.

--Last Wednesday the ten year old son of Mr. Charles Knowlton, of Canoe Camp, had his leg broken while he was coasting.

--The family of Mr. Sidney Offord, of Delmar, is dreadfully afflicted with diphtheria.  His six are all down with the disease. [see February 25th for further story]

--Mr. William Payne, of Elkland, has his thumb cut off and his right hand badly mangled by being caught in a planer last Wednesday.

--Rev. D. P. Lappeus, of Carlton, N. Y., has accepted the call from the Delmar Baptist Church, and he will begin his work about the first of March.

--It is said the Miss Josephine Stuart, of Mansfield, has taught nearly eighty terms of school three months each in Mansfield and Richmond Township.

--Mr. Clarence Shumway, lately a clerk at the Seymour House in Blossburg, has gone to Wilkes-Barre, PA, where he has secured a position in a wholesale house
--Mrs. Andrew Ely, of Blossburg, was chopping wood a few days ago, when she missed the stick of wood and the axe struck her left hand, inflicting a terrible gash.

--Mr. Charles Cornell’s house and granary, in Chatham, were burned yesterday morning about two o’clock.  Nothing was saved from the home or buildings and there was no insurance.

--A young woman named Mattie Cook, twenty four years of age, has mysteriously disappeared from Arnot.  She left her home on the 31st ultimo and has not been heard of since.

--Last week Sunday Mrs. George W. Peckham, of Middlebury, was thrown out of a sleigh as she was going to church.  She was badly bruised and a deep gash was cut on her head by striking against a stone.

--Mr. Joseph Kinney’s dray horse backed off a high bank into the river at Tioga a few days ago.  The horse, dray and driver fell nearly thirty feet into the water, but were not hurt much.  It was a pretty cold bath though.

--The Millerton Advocate says that the remedy for diphtheria which was printed in the AGITATOR last week was recently tried in the family of Mr. Eugene Deming with successful results.  The directions were for filling the room with vapor by heating equal parts of tar and turpentine.

--Last Thursday the President appointed Mr. George D. Wilkinson as Postmaster at Blossburg.  “Dor” is a clever fellow and will make a good official; at least he has shown good capacity in his own business, and there is no reason why he should not be able to render Uncle Sam good service.

--The barn of Mr. Joseph Morris, at Mansfield, was burned one evening last week with all of its contents, which consisted of two horses, several wagons, harnesses, a lot of hay and grain and a quantity of household goods which were stored in the building.  It is not known how the fire originated.

--The following pensions were last week granted to persons residing in this vicinity:  Original—Martin D. Moore, of Blossburg; Henry K. Howard, of Roaring Branch; Andrew S. P. Nicholas, of Millerton.  Increase—Royal A. Wheeler, of Wellsboro; Harry H. Hobart, of Knoxville; and William Pierce, of Nelson.

--Mr. John B. Emery, a former Wellsboro boy, has been appointed Postmaster at Williamsport.  Mr. Emery is a live business man, an untiring worker in the
Republican ranks and a man thoroughly competent for the place.  There were many applicants, but Mr. Emery’s appointment gives good satisfaction.  We congratulate him.

--A number of accidents happened at Arnot last Thursday.  William Chambers, a mule driver, was seriously hurt in the mines; a little girl was injured while coasting on a hill; Mr. Sandy Laird, a miner, was burned by the premature explosion of a blast, and a carpenter named Sunderville was seriously hurt by falling from a scaffold.

--A Nelson correspondent says that in Justice Copp’s court last Tuesday morning Clarence Eugene Scoffield, a young man about twenty one years of age, was arraigned for the larceny of a pair of trousers.  The warrant was sworn out on the complaint of David Elliott, from whose premises the trousers were taken.  The prisoner pleaded not guilty.  He refused counsel, and the Justice, after an examination, held him in the sum of $150.  The prisoner was unable to procure bail, and the Constable H. D. Goodrich took him to the county jail.

--The Elkland Journal says that the family of F. W. Crandall had a startling experience last week Sunday morning.  They were engaged in family worship, when a rifle ball crashed through a pane of glass, cut a lace curtain and lodged in the adjacent window casing.  Seven persons were in the room, and had the ball taken a different course the consequences might have been very serious.  It seems a young man was shooting at a chicken, but missed the fowl and the ball glanced from some hard object at a sharp angle, with the result described above.  It is hoped that there will not be less family worship in Elkland, but less fowling, particularly on Sunday.

--WESTFIELD.—A few days ago while driving a team of spirited horses Jesse Rexford was overtaken at the railroad crossing at Bookmiller’s shop on Long Run.  The horses jumped thereby saving their own lives and that of the driver, but all received a bad shake up.

--CHARLESTON.—Mr. Lincoln Newell has gone to Ansonia to work for Milo Austin.

--MARSHFIELD.—A birthday party was held at Mr. Fred Williams on Wednesday evening of last week for his youngest daughter Bertha Williams. A large crowd of the Marshfield young people assembled and the evening passed in joy as it was a surprise party.

--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. Addison Dewey, of this place, expects to move with his family to Sullivan.
--UTCETERA.—A surprise dance was given at the boarding house of Wood & Childs a few nights ago in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm, it being the first anniversary of their marriage.  Supper was served at twelve o’clock, and dancing was kept up until three o’clock in the morning, when all went home satisfied.  A goodly number of the most prominent people in this region were present, and the party was a very pleasant one in all particulars.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. C. L. Crawford has moved here with his family from Caton, N. Y.  He is running a shingle mill for the Westfield Manufacturing Company.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. O. J. Hamblin, who lives four miles north of this borough, in Brookfield, had the misfortune to break his leg below the knee last Wednesday afternoon.  He was skidding some “drags”-logs to be cut into fuel-when the log swung around and jammed his leg against a stump breaking both bones.

--Mr. J. F. Rugaber, of Westfield, was in town yesterday.  [Joseph F. Rugaber]

--Dr. and Mrs. Daniel G. VanMater, of Columbus, N. J., are visiting Mr. B. M. Potter.

--Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robinson are spending a few days at Philadelphia and Washington.  Mrs. Robinson expects to visit New York City before she returns home.

--Mr. M. F. Sammeth expects to attend the convention of the Young Men’s Christian Association at Binghamton, N. Y., beginning on Thursday and closing on Monday next.

--Mr. Alexander Moffitt, of the Westinghouse Electric Company, was in town several days last week perfecting arrangements for the organization of the Wellsboro Light and Heat Company.

--EBENTON.—Guy C. Shults, who is attending school at Bath, N. Y., visited his parents here last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, returning to Bath early Monday morning.

--EBENTON.—Mrs. Susan Herrington and her son, who have been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity several months, have returned to their home at Harrison, Mich.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. James Horton have returned to their home in this place after a very pleasant trip to New York.
--WESTFIELD.—Miss  Edna Davidge and Miss Lena Wescott spent last Sunday with Miss Inez Vermilyea at her home in Gaines.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. F. Horace S. Ritter spent a good share of last week with her husband’s parents at Gaines.

--CHARLESTON.—Our old neighbor, Fred Schusler, from Wisconsin, called on us a few days ago.

--MARSHFIELD.—Rev. H. Whitcher, is spending a week at Stony Fork.

--MARSHFIELD.—Miss Jennie Phoenix, from Jamestown, N. Y., is visiting her uncle Mr. Stephen Phoenix of this place.

--MARSHFIELD.—Mr. William Kelley and wife, from Galeton, are also visiting here.

--UTCETER.—Miss Cora Campbell is home visiting on a two week visit.

--KEENEYVILLE.—Miss Agnes Keeney has gone to Stamford, N. Y., where she intends spending some time with Prof. F. M. Smith and family.

--WESTFIELD.—Mrs. Leroy Steadman entertained her parents, who reside in Troupsburgh, N. Y., two days this week.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Labar are visiting relatives in Greenwood, N. Y.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. E. Harvey is home this week visiting his parents.  He went to Hornellsville last spring to learn the machinist’s trade.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. O. S. Kimball, of Osceola, was in town one day this week.  His son is working in A. M. Greenfield’s photograph gallery while Mr. Greenfield is in New York City studying medicine.

Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Lyman Hall is to sell at auction on his farm in Farmington, on Saturday next, a span of horses, a pair of colts, a lot of wagons and farm tools, 40 tons of hay, 300 bushels of oats, and some blacksmith and carpenter’s tools.  The sale is to begin at one o’clock in the afternoon.

--Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wilson have moved into their new house on East Avenue.

--E. H. Owlett, Esq., now has an interest in the law business of H. Sherwood & Son. [Edward H. Owlett]

--Messrs. E. S. Dartt and A. P. Dartt have purchased the interest of William Wisehart and E. W. Keifer in the Wellsboro Carriage Works.  Mr. R. L. Mack’s new building and with a full complement of machinery they will be able to boom their business.  May success attend them.

--Mr. J. E. Green is preparing to build a store on Main Street in Westfield.

--Mr. Frank G. Kirkland is to take possession of the Daggett House at Lawrenceville this week.

--Messrs. John Mott and William Mott have purchased the Gavigan farm on Lamb’s Creek.

--Mr. Edwin Klock has leased his farm in Covington to Mr. L. W. Bailey for the coming season.

--Messrs. A. W. Stevenson and D. C. Burnham have bought the old Ridgeway Drug Store at Mansfield of Ross & Williams.  The new firm will be known as Stevenson and Burnham.

--Rev. T. H. Warren, of Tioga, has purchased the Bailey block in Elkland, and he expects to occupy it after the first of April for a drug store.  The second floor will be used for a dental office and photograph gallery.

--Mr. W. O. Russell, of Delmar, intends to build a roller grist mill at Tioga at once.  The business men of that borough have given him a fine lot along the line of the Fall Brook Railroad, which affords a good location for this business.  Mr. Russell is to use the steam engine and boiler from hi Delmar sawmill to drive the machinery in his new mill.  Tioga has no grist mill at present, and it is thought to be an excellent point for an enterprise of that sort.  Mr. Russell was disposed to give up his sawmill in Delmar because the stock of logs in that region has all been cut out in the last few years.  He is a pushing business man, and Tioga will gain a good citizen.  While we regret to lose him, we wish him success in his new enterprise.

--WESTFIELD.—Miss Anne Ackley has moved to her new store and now is quite ready to supply the wants of the public.

--CHARLESTON.—Mr. G. S. Borden and Alva Rice are drawing lumber to the Niles Valley depot for Harman, Borden & Co.

--SLATE RUN.—The large sawmill of James B. Weed has shut down on account of lack of snow.

--SLATE RUN.—Mr. Miller has taken charge of the Slate Run hotel, succeeding Mr. A. L. Herrington.

--UTCETER.—Mr. Freeman Bonnell is about erecting a sawmill on Bonnell Run.

--WETFIELD.—Mr. Hugh D. King sold his house and lot on Maple Street this week to Mr. George W. Larrison for $1,050.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Justus E. Green intends to build a store just east of his present store building on the north side of Main Street.  He is the owner of a large farm at Cowanesque, which he lives on and manages himself.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. P. M. Packard, from Spring Mills, N. Y., has rented Mr. Morris Snyder’s house on Main Street and has moved into it.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. Lovel Plank bought 100 acres of wild land of the B. B. Strang estate about a year ago, and for the past three months he has been cutting the lumber on the tract with a portable sawmill that was moved into the place.  He has about 25 men employed in the woods and about the mill.  He is having the basswood, ash, and maple cut into lumber, and of the smaller hardwood timber he is making three foot wood.  The hemlock that is too small for lumber is being cut into shingle bolts.  Mr. Plank is one of Westfield’s enterprising business men.

--Mr. Alonzo Sprague died at Montoursville, Lycoming County last Friday at the age of 61 years.  Mr. Sprague was a resident of Charleston for many years and afterwards he lived in this borough. His health was very poor for about a year, and nearly two years ago he went to Montoursville to live near his daughter, Mrs. T. B. Lundy.  They remains were brought to this place last Saturday, and the funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at the Charleston, Union Church.  Mrs. Job Hart, of this place, is a daughter of Mr. Sprague.

--Mr. F. Schusler died at his home in Mansfield last Tuesday evening at the age of eighty eight years.

--Mrs. George Burns, [Selena Burns] of Charleston, died very suddenly last week Monday of influenza.  She had been sick only a short time.  She was 53 years of age.  The funeral was held last Wednesday, Rev. W. H. Porter conducting the service. [see February 18th for In Memoriam]

--Mr. Richard E. Lent, a well known resident of Delmar, died last Tuesday of heart failure.  His age was seventy eight years.  The funeral was held at the homestead last Thursday, and the remains were interred at Niles Valley.  Mr. Lent had resided in this vicinity for many years.

--Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. George Darling, of Delmar, on account of their bereavement by the deaths of their two daughters last week, of diphtheria.  Anna Darling, aged eleven, died on Wednesday and May Darling, aged six, died on Thursday.  They were their only children.

--Mr. Charles Coolidge, of Round Top, died last Wednesday at the age of eighty years.  He was attacked by the grip just a week before his Death.  Mr. Coolidge was born in Canada; and he was the oldest of a large family.  The funeral was held last Saturday, Rev. O. S. Chamberlayne conducting the service. [see February 18th for further obit]

--Mrs. Abram Hart, of Charleston, died yesterday morning of typhoid pneumonia.  Her age was about seventy five years.  She was born at Manheim, Herkimer County, N. Y., and she came to this county in 1836.  She was the mother of six children.  Her husband died several years ago.  The funeral is to be held tomorrow forenoon at eleven o’clock. [Lucinda Klock Hart]

--The Death of Mr. John VanWey, of Mitchell’s Creek, a few days ago was very sudden.  He complained of not feeling well in the morning, but nothing was thought of it.  In the afternoon, Mr. Henry Button called and Mr. VanWey asked him to shave him.  Mr. VanWey lathered his own face and Mr. Button had shaved one side, when Mr. VanWey complained of feeling faint and called for camphor.  Mr. Button laid him on the sofa and he died immediately.

--Mr. Reese L. Davis, of Charleston, died last Sunday morning of pneumonia.  He was in his eighty ninth year.  He had resided in Charleston for nearly fifty years and he was one of the most respected citizens in the Welsh Settlement.  Mr. Davis was born in Wales and came to this country when he was about thirty years of age.  His widow and seven adult children survive him.  He was the father of Dr. Hugh L. Davis, of this borough.  The funeral is to be held this afternoon.

--Mr. A. A. Banker, a well known resident of Tioga, went out hunting last week Monday with his gun and dog.  He did not return in the evening, and search was made for him.  On Tuesday morning he was found dead near the Charles Miller
place, about two miles from the village.  His faithful dog stood guard over the body and refused to let anyone come near it first.  The body was still warm and the embers of a fire were close by, so it was evident that Mr. Banker had died only a short time before.  It is thought that he fell in a fit and was unconscious for some time before he died.  Mr. Banker was about sixty one years of age.  He was a veteran soldier.

--Last Tuesday evening Mr. Charles M. Brown died at his home in Cherry Flats of paralysis with which he was stricken down nine days ago.  He did not regain consciousness from the time he was prostrated, and he was unable to take any nourishment, so that he lay until the lamp of life literally flickered out.
 Mr. Brown was born in Lincolnshire, England, August 9, 1814.  His parents came to this country when he was three years old and settled at Philadelphia.  He learned the carpenter’s trade, and soon after he became of age he came to this county and had resided at Cherry Flats ever since.  He married Miss Margaret Klock, a daughter of the late Adam A. Klock, of Charleston, June 17, 1845.  Eight children were born to them, five of whom are now living, namely, Mrs. John J. Rogers, of this borough, Mrs. N. P. Johnson, of Covington, James Brown and Henry Brown, of Cherry Flats, and Frank Brown, of Waverly, N. Y.  Mr. Brown was a consistent member of the Baptist Church.  He was an excellent citizen, a good man, unassuming and of a gentle nature.  All who knew him respected him highly.
 The funeral was held last Friday, Rev. W. H. Porter conducting the service at the Cherry Flats church.

--CHARLESTON.—The funeral of Mr. James Boyce was held at the church in this place last Tuesday.  Rev. Mr. Porter preached the sermon.

--WESTFIELD.—Mr. S. B. Plank has lost three members of his family-a little daughter, his wife and an infant-within sixteen months.  The baby died yesterday.  Mr. Plank has the sympathy of his neighbors in his repeated affliction.

--DARLING.—In Delmar, PA., February 12, 1890, of Diphtheria, Anna B. Darling, daughter of George and Sarah Darling, aged 10 years and 9 months.

--DARLING.—In Delmar, PA., February 13, 1890, of Diphtheria, May Darling, daughter of George and Sarah Darling, aged 6 years.

--HOYT.—At Elbridge, PA, 1890, of influenza, Grace Edna Hoyt, youngest child of Joseph and Ellen Hoyt, aged 3 years, 3 months and 18 days.

--James A. Parsons, for years a well known merchant of Corning, but of late traveling from Syracuse, died on the 7th instant at Syracuse, after a brief illness.  He was 56 years of age.

--CATLIN HOLLOW.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reese are blest with a little girl.

DININNY-NICHOLS.—In Tuscarora, N. Y., February 6, 1890, by Rev. N. J. Shirey, Mr. Edward L. Dininny to Miss Agnes M. Nichols, both of Tuscarora.

SHERWOOD-PIERCE.—At the Presbyterian parsonage, Jasper, N. Y., February 11, 1890, by Rev. Edwin H. Burgess.  Mr. George W. Sherwood and Miss Annie Pierce, of Brookfield, PA.

February 25, 1890
Local and Minor News
--Postmaster Doumaux proposes to prohibit smoking cigarettes inside the Post Office, and also loafing by boys about the place.

--Mr. C. C. Wells has been obliged to give up his place as flattener at the glass factory on account of trouble with his eyes.  He has returned to Covington.

--Rev. George D. Meigs expects to leave this week for Geneva, N. Y., where he is soon to enter upon his work as civil engineer in locating the new railroad ____ from that point to Buffalo, N. Y.

--Miss Ina Reese, of Round Top, Hon. Jerome B. Niles and Walter Sherwood, Esq. are among the persons to speak at the Farmer’s Institute which is to be held at the Court House on the 13th and 14th of next month.

--Last Friday night a party of “white caps” visited the home of Mrs. Lent, who lives near the depot, and, it is alleged, by force entered the house and created a disturbance by their boisterous behavior, firing pistols and threatening to tar and feather the family.  In the melee the masks were torn off, revealing the faces of Orrin Boyce, Seba Wood, George Lent, Lewis Spencer, and Perley Potter.  It is stated that a bullet grazed the head of Mr. Lent, a brother in law of the woman, who was staying at the house.  Mrs. Lent’s husband has been sick for some time and is in the poor house.  On Saturday Justice Brewster issued a warrant for the arrest of the young “white caps”.  Their examination is to be held today.

--Mr. Delbert Morse has moved from Lamb’s Creek to Mansfield.

--Charles H. Scarfe chopped off two of his toes while at work in the lumber woods a few days ago.

--Original pensions have been granted to Harris N. Stone, of Harrison Valley, and L. M. Gregory, of Sylvania.

--F. G. Loveland, Esq., lately Elkland’s Justice of the Peace, has resigned and moved to Springfield, Bradford County.

--It is stated that the first Sunday school in this county was organized at Stony Fork in June, 1821, by Mrs. Susan Butler.

--Rev. Mr. Faus was seriously hurt near Roaring Branch last Wednesday by being thrown from a carriage as he was returning from a funeral.

--Mr. E. N. Bailey, of Mansfield, has been offered $200 a month to go to Central America to superintend the erection of iron bridges on a new railroad.

--Rev. Percy J. Robottom , formerly of Tioga, has been called to the rectorship of St. James parish, Lancaster, PA, one of the richest churches in the diocese.

--Fred Clark was skating near the Westfield dam a few days ago and broke through the ice into six feet of water.  But for  the timely assistance of a companion, Master Hugh Strang, the boy would have been drowned.

--It is said that Samuel Austin Kinsman, a wealthy Philadelphian who died recently left to each of his nieces and nephews, forty two in all, five hundred dollars.  Norman Back, of Mansfield, and Mrs. Harry Wheaton, of Westfield, was among the lucky number.

--Last week Monday Sherman Fisk, son of Mr. George Fisk, of Knoxville, was hitching up a team of horses, and stepped out upon the wagon tongue to adjust the reins, when the horses started to run.  The lad grasped the tongue and was dragged a short distance, when the horses ran against a fence.  The plucky boy had his left arm broken above the elbow, and the second finger of his left hand was so badly smashed it was found necessary to amputate it.
--Early last week Monday morning, says the Elkland Journal, Mr. Elmer VanZile, a resident of the suburbs of Osceola, appeared before Justice Gleason and demanded a warrant for the arrest of his wife and her paramour, the wife, he alleged, being about to leave his bed and board for parts unknown.  The warrant procured, the unfortunate swain aroused Constable Fenton, who, armed with the legal document, board the train and dragged thence the accused couple and escorted them before the magistrate.  After a brief inquiry it appeared that all the parties lived just over the line in New York State, and as a final consummation the truant wife turned over to her liege lord one sewing machine and three children, receiving in return a deed of separation.  The matter having been satisfactorily adjusted, the free-lovers proceeded on their “wedding tour”.

--Mr. Charles L. Pattison was in town yesterday making arrangements for repairing and remodeling the Coles Hotel.

--ROUND TOP.—Miss Amelia Owlett, of Chatham, is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Jane Close.

--ROUND TOP.—Mr. P. H. Shumway, of Sizerville, arrived last evening, being called here by the critical illness of his father, Mr. J. J. Shumway. [Joseph J. Shumway]

Land/Business Transactions
--Mr. Joseph Wood has purchased the Goodspeed farm near Knoxville.

--Mr. and Mrs. James H. Matson are bereaved by the Death of their five month old baby, who died of membranous croup last Saturday morning.

--Mr. Frederick K. Smith, of Olean, N. Y., died a few days ago at the age of 72 years.  He was a brother to Mrs. A. S. Brewster, and many years ago he was one of our leading merchants, being a partner of the late Judge Levi I. Nichols.  Mr. Smith left this place about 1845.

--Mrs. S. N. Rice died at her home in Stony Fork last Sunday morning, her disease being pneumonia.  She was the widow of the late Nathaniel Rice.

--Mr. John Abplanslp died at the county house last Sunday of pneumonia.  His age was 21 years.  His home was at Morris and he was taken to the poor house on Friday.

--Last Wednesday two children of Mr. Sidney Offord, of Delmar, one 17 and the other 11 years old-died of diphtheria.  The five other members of the family who are sick with the same disease are believed to be convalescing.

--Our Marshfield correspondent writes us that the grip was raging in that vicinity last week.  Mr. William Mattison had lost two children by the disease and another was not expected to live.

--Peter Swanson, a Swedish miner, whose age was twenty two years, was instantly killed in the lumber woods near Arnot last Wednesday morning.  He was felling a tree and miscalculated the direction in which it would fall and ran under it and was struck by a limb.  He was unmarried.

--Last Wednesday, Blanche Westbrook, wife of Prof. E. D. Westbrook, of the Olean Business College, died of typhoid pneumonia at the age of twenty four years.  The couple was married last June.  Prof. Westbrook has many friends in this county who extend their sympathy, in his great bereavement.

--Mr. Gordon W. Treadwell, formerly business manager of the Elmira Advertiser, died in Colton, California, last Friday morning of consumption.  He went there about a year ago in hopes that a change of climate would benefit his health.  Mr. Treadwell was thirty eight years of age.  He had many friends in this county.

--Last Saturday Mr. J. J. Shumway, a well known citizen of Charleston Township, died at Round Top.  He had paralysis some time ago, and recently he was attacked with influenza, of which he died.  Mr. Shumway was 73 years of age.  He was a native of Charleston and was long regarded as one of the most prominent and prosperous farmers in that region.  The funeral was held yesterday at the house of his son-in-law, Mr. J. V. Morgan.  Rev. Dr. A. C. Shaw conducting the service. [Joseph J. Shumway] [see March 4th for more obit]

--ROUNDTOP.—Mr. Charles Coolidge, who died last week Wednesday, as published in the AGITATOR of this week, was born in Canada, November 29th, 1809.  In 1815, he came, with his father and the rest of his family to this county, locating in Wellsboro.  Prior to 1833 the family moved to Delmar Township to occupy and improve a large tract of land purchased by the elder Mr. Coolidge about three miles south of Wellsboro, in the valley known as Coolidge Hollow, a part of which is still owned and occupied by his descendants.
 Charles was the oldest of a family of nine brothers and two sisters, none of whom survive him.  The early part of his life was occupied in assisting to clear his father’s land, in attending and teaching school and in learning the business of printing.  In 1833 he, with B. B. Smith, assumed the publication of the Phoenix-a paper printed in Wellsboro at the time.
 At the age of twenty six years he was married to Phebe A. Beecher, and two children-a son and a daughter-were born to them.  They and his widow survive him.  In 1849 he located at this place, where he engaged in farming and lumbering, having purchased a sawmill here in conjunction with his other property.
 Mr. Coolidge was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which he joined in boyhood, always living consistently with his profession.  He always forbid the use of all intoxicants and proceeded in living a sober and industrious life.  He was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him.  The high estimate placed upon his character and good judgment was evidenced by the frequent offers of trust made him and the confidence reposed in his word.  He was a model Christian, and while it is believed that his Death means great gain to him, it is certain that his absence denotes a grievous loss to many friends.

--At Olean, N. Y. February 19, 1890, Mrs. E. D. Westbrook, aged 24 years.

--In Memoriam.—Died.  In Charleston, PA, February 10, 1890, Mrs. George Burns, aged 53 years.  Mrs. Burns was the daughter of Mr. Job Hart.  She was born in Charleston, November 18, 1836, and was married t Mr. Burns in 1863. She was the mother of seven children, six of whom are now living.  Mrs. Burns had been in poor health for a number of years.  She was attacked with the grip and died very suddenly.  While she never made a public profession, Mrs. Burns enjoyed a hope in the promise of the religion of Jesus Christ.  The funeral was held at the family residence on Wednesday, the 12th instant at one o’clock p. m., the services being conducted by Rev. W. H. Porter. [Selena Burns]

--Kendrick.—In Covington, PA, February 17, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. John Kendrick, a son.

--Clark.—At Morris Run, February 15, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, a son.

--LIBERTY.—February 21, 1890.—What was probably an unprecedented social event in Liberty, transpired last Wednesday, the 19th instant—a double wedding.
The contracting parties were Miss Minnie A. Sheffer and Mr. Charles Narber and Miss Lillian A. Sheffer and Mr. Austin P. Beck.
 The brides are sisters, and are daughters of the well known undertaker, Mr. John Sheffer, at whose home the ceremonies were performed.  Mr. Narber is the son of William Narber, a popular merchant of Liberty, and Mr. Beck is the son of a well known farmer of this township.  Rev. Wilford P. Shrimer, of the Methodist Episcopal Church was the officiating clergyman.
 After the ceremony the company was invited to the dining room, where a splendid supper was tastefully served.  Nearly all the invited guests were near relatives, among them being Mrs. Martha Beck, Mr. William Narber, Miss Cora Narber, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Fellows, Mrs. Maria Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farrer, Mr. Harry Weigle, Mr. Ray Eccerson and Mrs. Shriner.