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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

From Newspaper Records from Tioga County PA Multiple Volumes, Abstracted by Ruth Wetherbee, Julia Wetherbee, Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd, William A. Ladd. Also additional submissions sent in by Tri Counties Web Site Volunteers

All data copied from newspaper file as it appeared in the record using their spelling. The original copies of the newspapers are on file at the Green Free Library located in Wellsboro. Published 1981. Permission for reprinting on the Tri-County Web Sites given by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd in 1997.

Tioga Eagle 1847 Abstracts

Reprinted with permission of Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd from Tioga County Newspaper Records Volume ONE. Thank you Diane Bender for retyping these.
Date   M    
1848 26 JAN M Adams, Harvy m in Covington on the 19th inst. by Rev. J.A. Allen, Mr. Harvy Adams and Miss Elizabeth Wilcox all of Charleston.
1847 13 OCT M Alba, Maria m in Knoxville on 30th ult. by Archibald Knox Esq., Mr. William B. Dimmick & Miss Maria Alba, all of Knoxville, PA.
1847 20 OCT M Aldrich, George m in Shippen, on the 11th inst., by Henry Slight, Esq., Mr. George Aldrich of Steuben Co. NY to Miss Christiana Babcock of Gaines.
1847 6 JAN M Allen, J. B. m at Covington on the 26th ult., by Rev. E.D. Wells of Lawrenceville, Rev. J.B. Allen to Mrs. C.S. Boyd, all of Tioga Co. PA
1847 20 OCT M Babcock, Christiana m in Shippen, on the 11th inst., by Henry Slight, Esq., Mr. George Aldrich of Steuben Co. NY to Miss Christiana Babcock of Gaines.
1847 8 SEP M Bache, John N. m on 1st inst. at Seneca Falls, NY, by Rev. Mr. Murray, John N. Bache, Esq., of Wellsboro, PA, to Miss Sarah, daughter of H. Stowell, Esq. of Pine Creek, Tioga Co. PA.
1847 31 MAR M Bacon, Elmer m in Delmar on the 28th inst., by Philemon Culver, Esq., Mr. Elmer Bacon Jr. of Charleston, to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. Luther Johnson of Delmar, all of Tioga Co. PA.
1847 5 MAY D Bacon, Elmer d in Charleston, Tioga County, PA, on the 28th Ult., Mr. Elmer Bacon, in the 57th year of his age.
1847 21 JUL D Bailey, Lucy H. d in Richmond Twp. on the 13th inst., Lucy H, wife of Robert B. Bailey, in the 36th year of her age.
1847 20 OCT D Baker, Martha Ann d in Lawrenceville, Pa on October 2nd, of Consumption, Martha Ann, daughter of Abisha & Martha Baker, aged 22 years.
1847 14 APR M Balfour, Alexander m in Wellsboro on the 11th inst., by J.P. Magill, Esq., Mr. Alexander Balfour & Miss Mary Ann English all of Wellsboro, PA.
1847 13 JAN M Bernaur, Mary Ann m in Delmar on the 10th inst. by Rev. Mr. Calkins, Mr. DeForest Bowen to Miss Mary Ann Bernaur, all of Delmar.
1847 8 SEP D Booth, Olive d in Wellsboro on the 6th inst., Olive, daughter of J.D. Booth, in the 5th year of her age.
1847 15 SEP D Booth, Olive d in Wellsboro, PA, Sept 6th, of the croup, Olive, daughter of J.D. & Semanthy Booth, aged 5 years, 2 months, and 14 days.
1847 10 NOV D Borden, Selden Revolutionary Hero gone. Died in Charleston, Tioga Co. PA, on the 7th inst, Mr. Selden Borden, a Revolutionary Hero, aged 83 years.
1847 13 JAN M Bowen, DeForest m in Delmar on the 10th inst. by Rev. Mr. Calkins, Mr. DeForest Bowen to Miss Mary Ann Bernaur, all of Delmar.
1847 6 JAN M Boyd, C. S. m at Covington on the 26th ult., by Rev. E.D. Wells of Lawrenceville, Rev. J.B. Allen to Mrs. C.S. Boyd, all of Tioga Co. PA
1847 13 JAN D Brewster, Mary Elizabeth d in Wellsboro on the 27th ult. Mary Elizabeth, only child of Alexander S. & Mary S. Brewster, aged 2 years, 6 months.
1847 13 JAN M Brooks, Almon m in Delmar on the 10th inst. by Rev. Mr. Calkins, Mr. Almon Brooks & Miss Helena Miller, daughter of Mr. M. Miller.
1847 17 MAR D Broughton, Mary d in Delmar on the 12th inst. Mrs. Mary Broughton in the 22nd year of her age.
1847 19 MAY D Burnside, Electa Ann d in Charleston, on the 10th inst., Electa Ann, daughter of Isaac & Betsey Burnside in the 17th year of her age.
1847 11 AUG M Campbell, E. B. m at Tioga on the 4th inst., by Rev. G. Stevens, Mr. E.B. Campbell, of Manchester to Miss Ency daughter of Elyah DePui, Esq., all of Tioga.
1847 22 DEC M Cleaver, P. P. m in Covington by Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. P.P. Cleaver to M.A. Price, all of Covington.
1847 11 AUG M DePui, Ency m at Tioga on the 4th inst., by Rev. G. Stevens, Mr. E.B. Campbell, of Manchester to Miss Ency daughter of Elyah DePui, Esq., all of Tioga.
1847 24 FEB D Dimmick, Margaret d in Wellsboro on the 22nd inst., Miss Margaret Dimmick, aged 16 years, 2 months.
1847 13 OCT M Dimmick, William B. m in Knoxville on 30th ult. by Archibald Knox Esq., Mr. William B. Dimmick & Miss Maria Alba, all of Knoxville, PA.
1847 7 APR M Duryea, Ruluf m in Charleston on the 1st inst., by Rev Mr. Montague, Mr. Ruluf Duryea to Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. Edward McEnroy, all of Charleston, Tioga Co. PA
1847 10 FEB D Elliott, Margaret d in Richmond Twp. on the 2nd inst., Mrs. Margaret Elliot, consort of Mr. Oliver Elliot of Richmond, Tioga County, Pa. aged 39 years, 9 months.
1847 14 APR M English, Mary Ann m in Wellsboro on the 11th inst., by J.P. Magill, Esq., Mr. Alexander Balfour & Miss Mary Ann English all of Wellsboro, PA.
1847 13 OCT M Fields, Prescott m in Delmar on the 7th inst, by Rev. J.T. Calkins, Mr. Prescott Fields of Charleston to Miss Barbara Gorrie of Delmar.
1847 8 DEC M Gearhart, Sarah m in Williamsport on the 25th ult., by the Rev. D. Lantz, Mr. Myers of Level Corner and Miss Sarah Gearhart of Williamsport.
1847 24 FEB M Gitchell, Delaus W. m at Columbus, Ohio, on the 3rd inst. by Rev. Mr. Moody, Mr. Delaus W. Gitchell, formerly of Tioga County, PA. to Miss Zerrilda A. Keys of Columbus.
1847 29 DEC D Goodwin, Margaret Ada d at Pike Mills, Potter Co. PA on the 5th inst, of diphtheria, Mary Anna, aged 4 yrs 10 mos 5 da on the 25th inst, of diphtheria, Margaret Ada, aged 1 yr 7 mos 15 das, children of Owen B. and Susan M. Goodwin.
1847 29 DEC D Goodwin, Mary Anna d at Pike Mills, Potter Co. PA on the 5th inst, of diphtheria, Mary Anna, aged 4 yrs 10 mos 5 da on the 25th inst, of diphtheria, Margaret Ada, aged 1 yr 7 mos 15 das, children of Owen B. and Susan M. Goodwin.
1847 13 OCT M Gorrie, Barbara m in Delmar on the 7th inst, by Rev. J.T. Calkins, Mr. Prescott Fields of Charleston to Miss Barbara Gorrie of Delmar.
1847 21 JUL D Grahan, Thompson Drowned in the Susquehanna River above Harrisburg on the 10th inst, John Sourheck & Thompson Grahan, while on a fishing excursion
1847 14 APR D Graves, Willie L. d at Covington on the 6th inst., Willie L., son of Henry W. & Anna Graves, in the 5th year of his age.
1847 4 AUG M Grover, Caroline m in Roseville on the 29th inst. by E. Rose, Esq. Mr. Herrick Lawrence to Miss Caroline Grover, all of Roseville.
1847 1 SEP D Hoard, Francis Dwight d, Francis Dwight, only child of J.S. & L.M. Board, aged 2 years, at Mansfield on the 19th ult.
1847 20 OCT M Howland, Polly m on the 5th inst. by E. Howland, Esq., Mr. Benjamin D. Smith of Steuben Co. NY & Miss Polly Howland of Deerfield, PA.
1847 8 SEP D Hunt, Edward S. d in Tioga Village, Edward S., son of Albinus & Harriet Hunt, August 21st, 1847, aged 2 years, 6 months.
1848 26 JAN M Hymes, Oliver P. m in Covington on the 19th inst. by the Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. Oliver P. Hymes and Miss Fanny M. Stevens both of Middlebury.
1847 31 MAR M Johnson, Sarah Ann m in Delmar on the 28th inst., by Philemon Culver, Esq., Mr. Elmer Bacon Jr. of Charleston, to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr. Luther Johnson of Delmar, all of Tioga Co. PA.
1847 8 DEC D Jones, Maria d in Charleston on the 30thult, Mrs. Maria, wife of Mr. Ezekiel Jones, aged 57 years.
1847 26 MAY D Kasson, Sarah C. d at Lawrenceville, Tioga County, PA, of consumption the 29th of April, 1847, Miss Sarah C., wife of Edwin R. Kasson, in the 26th year of her age. She leaves her husband, and 2 children.
1847 20 OCT M Kelts, William F. m in Deerfield on the 5th inst., by E. Howland, Esq., Mr. William F. Kelts & Miss Theresa Perry, all of Steuben Co. NY.
1847 8 DEC M Kendall, Emeline m in Wellsboro the 23rd ult., byB.B. Smith, Esq., Mr. Perry Newell of Union Township and Miss Emeline Kendall of Wellsboro.
1847 24 FEB M Keys, Zerrilda A. m at Columbus, Ohio, on the 3rd inst. by Rev. Mr. Moody, Mr. Delaus W. Gitchell, formerly of Tioga County, PA. to Miss Zerrilda A. Keys of Columbus.
1847 17 FEB D Kohler, Mary d in Tioga Twp. on the 9th inst., Mary Kohler, daughter of Mr. George Kohler, aged 8 years, 5 months, and 21 days.
1847 29 SEP D Landon, Hannah d in Deerfield on the 7th inst, at the residence of her son-in-law, E. Hill, Mrs. Hanna Landon, in the 85th year of her age. She was a native of CT & conversant with the scenes of the Revolution: A member of the Church of Christ. Farmington, Sep 11.
1847 4 AUG M Lawrence, Herrick m in Roseville on the 29th inst. by E. Rose, Esq. Mr. Herrick Lawrence to Miss Caroline Grover, all of Roseville.
1848 12 JAN M Lee, John L. m in Covington, New Years morning, by the Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. John L. Lee and Miss Jeanette Wright.
1847 11 AUG D Leffler, Sally Jane d on the 22nd ult. in Jaqckson, Miss Sally Jane Leffler in the 15th year of her age.
1847 21 JUL D Lefler, Mary d in Jackson on the 8th inst., Mary Lefler, about 55 years of age.
1848 12 JAN M Lewis, L. Maria m in Southport, NY on New Years morning by the Rev. H.N. Seaver, Mr. Azio C Lumbard, formerly of this place and Miss L. Maria Lewis of Southport.
1847 21 APR M Locke, Nancy Jane m in Shippen on the 18th inst. by Rev. J.T. Calkins, Wm. O. Thompson of Senaca County, NY to Miss Nancy Jane, daughter of Jesse Locke, Esq., of Pine Creek, Tioga County, PA.
1848 12 JAN M Lumbard, Azio D. m in Southport, NY on New Years morning by the Rev. H.N. Seaver, Mr. Azio C Lumbard, formerly of this place and Miss L. Maria Lewis of Southport.
1847 7 APR M McEnroy, Margaret m in Charleston on the 1st inst., by Rev Mr. Montague, Mr. Ruluf Duryea to Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. Edward McEnroy, all of Charleston, Tioga Co. PA
1847 13 JAN M Miller, Helena m in Delmar on the 10th inst. by Rev. Mr. Calkins, Mr. Almon Brooks & Miss Helena Miller, daughter of Mr. M. Miller.
1847 10 MAR D Monroe, Martha d in Delmar on the 1st inst., Miss Martha Monroe, daughter of Mr. Gardener Monroe, aged 22 years.
1847 27 JAN D Moore, Lucinda M. d on the 13th of December near Little Rock, Arkansas, Lucinda M., daughter of Richard & Mary Ann Moore, formerly of Charleston, Tioga County, PA, aged 3 years.
1847 9 JUN D Morris, Samuel W. Death of Hon. Samuel W. Morris, on the 25 ult. He was among the earliest settlers of this part of the county. Born the 1st of Sep 1786 at Philadelphia. Father was the late Benjamin Morris. [See full article]
1847 8 SEP D Morseman, Darius d in Delmar on the 27th ult. Mr. Derius Morsman in the 44th year of his age.
1847 27 OCT N Morseman, Darius Letters of Adm. issued for estate of Darius Morseman, dec'd to Adm.: Sarah Morseman, David D. Kelsey, Andrew Crowl.
1847 8 SEP D Morsman, Derius d in Delmar on the 27th ult. Mr. Derius Morsman in the 44th year of his age.
1847 8 DEC M Myers, Mr. m in Williamsport on the 25th ult., by the Rev. D. Lantz, Mr. Myers of Level Corner and Miss Sarah Gearhart of Williamsport.
1847 8 DEC M Newell, Perry m in Wellsboro the 23rd ult., byB.B. Smith, Esq., Mr. Perry Newell of Union Township and Miss Emeline Kendall of Wellsboro.
1847 24 NOV D Page, Clarissa d in Mansfield on Friday, the 19th inst., Mrs. Clarissa, consort of Mr. Rufus L. Page. [SRGP 38469 Clarissa DOUD]
1847 13 JAN M Paige, Caroline m in Covington on Dec 31st by Elder A Howe, Mr. Norman Woodward & Miss Caroline Pagie, all of Covington.
1847 20 OCT M Perry, Theresa m in Deerfield on the 5th inst., by E. Howland, Esq., Mr. William F. Kelts & Miss Theresa Perry, all of Steuben Co. NY.
1847 27 OCT N Pond, Phineus Letters of Adm. for Estate of Phineus Pond, dec'd late of Sullivan Twp. were issued to Alvah Pond, Adm., Oct 18.
1847 22 DEC M Price, M. A. m in Covington by Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. P.P. Cleaver to M.A. Price, all of Covington.
1847 21 APR D Rathbone, Samuel d in Elkland, March 24, 1847, Capt. Samuel Rathbone, age at 54 years. He has lived in Tioga County for the last 35 years.
1847 6 JAN D Root, Elijah d in Delmar on the 1st inst., Elijah Root, in the 27th year of his age.
1847 20 OCT M Smith, Benjamin D. m on the 5th inst. by E. Howland, Esq., Mr. Benjamin D. Smith of Steuben Co. NY & Miss Polly Howland of Deerfield, PA.
1847 21 JUL D Sourheck, John Drowned in the Susquehanna River above Harrisburg on the 10th inst, John Sourheck & Thompson Grahan, while on a fishing excursion
1847 11 AUG D Spencer, Joshua G. d at Spencerville, Tioga County, PA on Friday, the 30 of June ult., Joshua G. Spencer, Esq., in the 63rd year of his age.
1847 18 AUG D Spencer, Joshua G. Obit of Joshua G. Spencer, Esq., who departed this life July 30 at his residence in Jackson, PA in the 58th year of his age. [See full obit]
1847 13 OCT N Spencer, Joshua G. Adm. of the estate of Joshua G. Spencer deceased late of Jackson Twp., Tioga Co, PA, are Abram Garrison & Isaac Spencer.
1848 26 JAN M Stevens, Fanny M. m in Covington on the 19th inst. by the Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. Oliver P. Hymes and Miss Fanny M. Stevens both of Middlebury.
1847 8 SEP M Stowell, Sarah m on 1st inst. at Seneca Falls, NY, by Rev. Mr. Murray, John N. Bache, Esq., of Wellsboro, PA, to Miss Sarah, daughter of H. Stowell, Esq. of Pine Creek, Tioga Co. PA.
1847 27 JAN D Taylor, Fanny d at Covington on the14th inst., Mrs. Fanny Taylor, consort of Mr. O. T. Taylor of Covington.
1847 21 APR M Thompson, William O. m in Shippen on the 18th inst. by Rev. J.T. Calkins, Wm. O. Thompson of Senaca County, NY to Miss Nancy Jane, daughter of Jesse Locke, Esq., of Pine Creek, Tioga County, PA.
1847 14 APR D Tracy, Emma R. d very suddenly at Standing Stone on the 26th ult., Emma R., consort of Henry W. Tracy, aged @ 35 years.
1847 21 JUL D Updike, Nancy d on the 28th of June, Mrs. Nancy Updike, in the 66th year of her age.
1847 21 JUL D Updike, Theodore d on the 5th inst, Theodore Updike, @ 46 years of age.
1848 12 JAN M Whitman, Matilda m in Covington New Years Morning, by the Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. Thomas Wilson and Miss Matilda Whitman, all of Covington.
1848 26 JAN M Wilcox, Elizabeth m in Covington on the 19th inst. by Rev. J.A. Allen, Mr. Harvy Adams and Miss Elizabeth Wilcox all of Charleston.
1848 12 JAN M Wilson, Thomas m in Covington New Years Morning, by the Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. Thomas Wilson and Miss Matilda Whitman, all of Covington.
1847 13 JAN M Woodward, Norman m in Covington on Dec 31st by Elder A Howe, Mr. Norman Woodward & Miss Caroline Pagie, all of Covington.
1848 12 JAN M Wright, Jeanette m in Covington, New Years morning, by the Rev. J.B. Allen, Mr. John L. Lee and Miss Jeanette Wright.

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 9/5/98
By Joyce M. Tice