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61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Mansfield Advertiser 1873

Tioga County Newspaper Records Volume FIVE, 1983 .
Births, Deaths, and Marriages abstracted from the Mansfield Advertiser, 1873 - 1887, by Mary Kingsley
Reprinted with permission [1997] of Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd, series coordinator
Date Day/Month   Name Text
1873 18-Apr D Adams, Mrs. Hiram d. Mrs. Hiram Adams of Tioga last Fri. in Corning, N.Y.
1873 29-Apr D Adams, Willie E. d. Willie E. Adams Mar 30th in Mansfield age 28 son of William & Ruth, b. near Tioga Dec 24th 1845. Bur. MillCreek Cem. Bro. Of John
1873 14-Oct M Amsden, James m. James B. Amsden & Miss Fannie J. Bailey both of N.Y. city, in Mansfield Oct 13th 1873 by Rev. H. Lamkin
1873 29-Apr D Bacon, Mrs. Mary d. Mrs. Mary Bacon Apr 24th in 74th yr. Mother of Mrs. Sarah Phelps
1873 13-Oct M Bailey, Fannie J. m. James B. Amsden & Miss Fannie J. Bailey both of N.Y. city, in Mansfield Oct 13th 1873 by Rev. H. Lamkin
1873 17-Jun M Bailey, Helen m. Rev. John Blades of Knoxville & Miss Helen Bailey of Farmington in Farmington by Rev. Dr. Huntington
1873 11-Sep M Barber, C. E. m. C. E. Barber & Miss Emma Bryan of Covington Sept 11th 1873 at Covington by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 19-Feb M Barnes, Augustus F. m. Augustus F. Barnes of Wellsboro & Miss Sarah B. Bull of Bath, N.Y. Feb 19th 1873 at St. Thomas church by Rev. O. Howard. She is dau., of William H. Bull
1873 Jan M Bates, Helen m. Sam Smith of Tioga & Miss Helen Bates of Steuben Co., N.Y. Jan 23rd 1873 at home of Charles Stevens in Richmond twp. By William Adams Esq.
1873 01-Apr D Bierly, Bosard, Florence Hortence d. Florence Hortence Bosard Bierly Mar 20th 1873 in Williamsport, B. Osceola May 11th 1851 dau. Of A. K. & H. E. Bosard. M. Apr 23rd 1872 W. R. Bierly at Osceola.
1873 17-Jun M Blades, John Rev. m. Rev. John Blades of Knoxville & Miss Helen Bailey of Farmington in Farmington by Rev. Dr. Huntington
1873 03-Jun M Bliss, William m. William Bliss & Miss Vier Thompson of E. Charleston there May 29th by Rev. G. Transue
1873 02-Sep M Brace, Sarah m. George W. Davis of Tioga M. Miss Sarah Brace of Richmond twp. Aug 17th by Elder C. Crowl
1873 22-Apr M Brash, Eliza A. m. J. W. Wheeler & Miss Eliza A. Brash both of Morris Run at Blossburg Apr 9th by Rev. Lamkin
1873 22-Jul M Brewster, Amanda Adaline m. Alonzo Horton & Miss Amanda Adaline Brewster both of Covington at St. James Church Mansfield July 3rd by Rev. N. Burrows. She dau. William Brewster
1873 02-Dec M Brown, J. Watson m. J. Watson Brown of Corning, N.Y. & Miss Lula Ripley of Titusville, Pa. In Mansfield Nov 25th 1873 by Rev. H. Parkhurst
1873 18-Nov D Brown, James d. James Brown of Knoxville d. in Corning Thur. Or Fri. railroad acc.
1873 11-Sep M Bryan, Emma m. C. E. Barber & Miss Emma Bryan of Covington Sept 11th 1873 at Covington by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 22-Jul M Bryant, Ephram m. Ephram Bryant of Lawrence Twp. M. Miss Ida Case of same June 29th by Rev. W. Beach
1873 19-Feb M Bull, Sarah B. m. Augustus F. Barnes of Wellsboro & Miss Sarah B. Bull of Bath, N.Y. Feb 19th 1873 at St. Thomas church by Rev. O. Howard. She is dau., of William H. Bull
1873 27-May M Burt, I. N. m. I. N. Burt of Elmira, N.Y. M. Miss Lizzie M. Hall at Mansfield by Rev. Mellis no dare. Dau. Of A. A. Hall Mansfield
1873 22-Jul M Burton, C. W. m. C. W. Burton of Mainesburg m. Miss Hattie E. Prince of Sylvania at Mainesburg July 4th by Rev. Isaac Everitt
1874 Jan M Campbell, John A. m. John A. Campbell of Nelson m. Miss Hattie A. Clark of Mansfield at Nelson Dec 25th 1873 by Rev. Benj. Russell
1873 22-Jul M Case, Ida m. Ephram Bryant of Lawrence Twp. M. Miss Ida Case of same June 29th by Rev. W. Beach
1873 22-Jul D Cass, Edwin d. Edwin Cass of Farmington d. near Nelson July 1st he drowned son of W. Cass
1873 22/29 Apr D Clark, Fanny Fitzgerald d. Mrs. Fanny Fitzgerald Clark d. Friday Apr 11th in Richmond twp. B. Orange Co., N.Y. Dec 28th 1803 came here 1828 m. E. P. Clark Oct 20th 1834 5 sons, Warren, Frank, J. M. left
1874 Jan M Clark, Hattie, A. m. John A. Campbell of Nelson m. Miss Hattie A. Clark of Mansfield at Nelson Dec 25th 1873 by Rev. Benj. Russell
1873 02-Sep M Clark, Julia A. m. Herman Updike & Miss Julia A. Clark both of Sullivan twp. At Mansfield Aug 21st by Rev. J. Canfield
1873 12-Aug M Closson, Alice m. W. H. Vermilyes & Miss Alice Closson at Mansfield
1873 13-May D Codney, Reuben d. Reuben Codney d. Sat. on the Railroad Bur. Randolph, N.Y. Son of Sam of Richmond twp.
1873 03-Jun M Comfort, Charles m. Charles Comfort m. Miss Amy A. Davis at Mansfield Sept 17th. He is from Ill. M,. By Rev. Taylor
1873 14-Oct D Crippen, Seth d. Seth Crippen Ruthland twp. Oct 9th age 32
1873 03-Jun M Davis, Amy A. m. Charles Comfort m. Miss Amy A. Davis at Mansfield Sept 17th. He is from Ill. M,. By Rev. Taylor
1873 02-Sep M Davis, George W. m. George W. Davis of Tioga M. Miss Sarah Brace of Richmond twp. Aug 17th by Elder C. Crowl
1874 Jan M Day, John W. m. John W. Day M. Miss Carrie Stephens at Mansfield Dec 30th 1873 by Rev. Parkhurst. Both of Middlebury
1873 08-Apr M Dennis, Alexander Dayton m. Alexander Dayton Dennis of Bath, N.Y. M. Catherine Clarinda Jones of Cov. Mar 25th at St. James ch. Mansfield by Rev. N. Barrows
1873 11-Nov D Dewitt, Francis H. d. Francis H. Dewitt Mainsburg Nov 10th age 27 yrs. 3 days, wife of J. H. Nee Maine
1873 30-Sep M Diffenderfer, Charles F. m. Charles F. Diffenderfer of New Columbia, Pa. & Miss Matilda Moore Gray of Mansfield at St. James Ch. Mansfield Sept 25th 1873 by Rev. N. Barrows. She is dau. Of Mary Grey (Mrs)
1873 30-Sep M Dobbs, Harriet I. m. Melville R. Prutsman of Tioga & Miss Harriet I. Dobbs of Mansfield at same Sept 28th by Rev. J. Canfield
1873 05-Aug D Doud, Martin d. Martin Doud son of C. M. & Sophie. July 17th age 4 yrs.
1873 Dec D Drake, H. S. d. H. S. Drake son of F. N. Drake of Arnot
1873 22-Jul M Elliot, Lafayette m. Lafayette Elliot & Miss Arville Ridge, both of Covington July 3rd 1873 at E. Charleston by Rev. G. Transue
1873 05-Aug M Ely, Charles m. Charles Ely & Miss Viola Nittrowr. He from Bloss. M. at her home in Covington July 19th by Rev. G. Transue
1873 30-Sep M Fletcher, Mary m. Charles M. Pitts of Richmond twp. & Miss Mary Fletcher of Sullivan twp. In Sullivan Sept 25th by Rev. J. Canfield
1873 22-Jul M Fling, Francis m. Benjamin C. Mann & Miss Francis Fling of Mansfield June 29th at Middlebury by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 Mar M Ford, Sarah m. Anson L. Marsh of Arnot & Miss Sarah Ford of Arnot at E. Charleston Mar 2nd 1873 by Rev. G. Transue
1873 Mar M Gerow, Emma S. m. Alva Merrick of Blossburg & Miss Emma S. Gerow of E. Charleston at E. Charleston by Rev. G. Transue Feb 27th 1873
1873 14-Oct M Gillett, Mary I. m. John Stringfellow of Revnovo & Mary I. Gillett of Mansfield at Renovo Aug 25th by Rev. D. McCloskey
1873 13-May D Goodall, William d. William Goodall May 9th age 55. Richmond twp.
1873 30-Sep M Gray, Matilda Moore m. Charles F. Diffenderfer of New Columbia, Pa. & Miss Matilda Moore Gray of Mansfield at St. James Ch. Mansfield Sept 25th 1873 by Rev. N. Barrows. She is dau. Of Mary Grey (Mrs)
1873 23-Sep D Hager, Jonas d. Jonas Hager Ward twp., Aug 30th a soldier of 1812
1873 27-May M Hall, Lizzie M. m. I. N. Burt of Elmira, N.Y. M. Miss Lizzie M. Hall at Mansfield by Rev. Mellis no dare. Dau. Of A. A. Hall Mansfield
1873 07-Oct D Hasey, A. R. d. A. R. Hasey of Blossburg Sept 29th age 66
1873 11-Nov M Hayes, Emma C. m. Theodore F. Williams & Miss Emma C. Hayes near Mansfield Nov 6th by Rev. H. Parkhurst
1873 22-Jul D Holmes d. Holmes _______age 11 Morris Run Thursday last son of James: burned
1873 22-Jul M Horton, Alonzo  m. Alonzo Horton & Miss Amanda Adaline Brewster both of Covington at St. James Church Mansfield July 3rd by Rev. N. Burrows. She dau. William Brewster
1873 05-Aug D Horton, Mrs. C. C. d. Mrs. C. C. Horton July 16th age 33 Mainsburg
1873 25-Mar D Howe, Mrs. Lodema d. Mrs. Lodema Howe Mansfield last Sat. in 51st yr. Wife of I. C. Howe
1873 22-Jul D Hoyt, Fanny Rose d. Fanny Rose Hoyt July 4th age 12 Osceola
1873 19-Aug M Hunt, Emma B. m. Fred Moore of Troy & Miss Emma B. Hunt of Mansfield at Mansfield Aug 12th by Rev. J. F. Calkins of Wellsboro
1873 Feb M Hunt, Nettie H. m. C. H. Satterlee of Annapolis, Md. Late of Lock Haven & Nettie H. Hunt of Mansfield at same Feb 6th 1873 by Rev. Calkins of Wellsboro, dau. Of A. Hunt Esq.
1873 24-Jun D Husted, Anna d. Anna Husted Richmond twp. This morning age 41 wife of David, 1 child
1873 07-Oct M Husted, Ellen m. Homer Kingsley of Mansfield & Miss Ellen Husted at Mansfield Oct 2nd by Rev. N. Burrows. She dau. Of Henry K.
1873 30-Sep D Hyme, Mrs. B. C. d. Mrs. B. C. (?) Hyme of Holiday Sunday night
1873 13-May D Ingham, Ida May d. Ida May Ingham Mansfield May 10th age 18
1873 30-Sep M Jenkins, Charity m. Charles Lawerence of Rutland & Miss Charity Jenkins of Tioga at Mansfield Sept 11th by Rev. W. Beach
1873 08-Apr M Jones, Catherine Clarinda m. Alexander Dayton Dennis of Bath, N.Y. M. Catherine Clarinda Jones of Cov. Mar 25th at St. James ch. Mansfield by Rev. N. Barrows
1873 07-Oct M Kingsley, Homer m. Homer Kingsley of Mansfield & Miss Ellen Husted at Mansfield Oct 2nd by Rev. N. Burrows. She dau. Of Henry K.
1873 26-Aug D Lansmah, Charles d. Charles Lansmah Morris Run Last Mon. age 36 unmarried, railroad acc.
1873 30-Sep M Lawerence, Charles m. Charles Lawerence of Rutland & Miss Charity Jenkins of Tioga at Mansfield Sept 11th by Rev. W. Beach
1874 Jan D Lawrence, Herrick H. d. Herrick H. Lawrence age 47 yrs. 6 mts. 23 das in Mansfield Dec 28th 1873
1873 25-Mar D Llewellyn, Mrs. Thomas d. Mrs. Thomas Llewellyn of Arnot Mar 12th age 29 nee Dill Evans
1873 23-Sep D Maine, Mrs. Nancy d. Mrs. Nancy Maine at Mainsburg Sept 21st age 81 mother of Dr. Maine
1873 22-Jul M Mann, Benjamin C. m. Benjamin C. Mann & Miss Francis Fling of Mansfield June 29th at Middlebury by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 Mar M Marsh, Anson L. m. Anson L. Marsh of Arnot & Miss Sarah Ford of Arnot at E. Charleston Mar 2nd 1873 by Rev. G. Transue
1873 29-Apr M McIntosh, Nettie m. Theodore Padelford & Miss Nettie McIntosh of Towanda at Covington Apr 27th by Rev. H. Lamkin
1873 Mar M Merrick, Alva m. Alva Merrick of Blossburg & Miss Emma S. Gerow of E. Charleston at E. Charleston by Rev. G. Transue Feb 27th 1873
1873 28-Oct D Merrick, Helen Ione d. Helen Ione Merrick Wellsboro Oct 20th age 6 dau of Geo W. and Ione B.
1873 07-Oct M Mitchell, Emma D. m. C. L. Thomas of East Smithfield & Miss Emma D. Mitchell of Tioga at Mitchell Creek Oct 1st by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 Feb D Moore, Asa d. Asa Moore of E. Charleston Feb 8th age 60 yrs 9 mos. 14d
1873 19-Aug M Moore, Fred m. Fred Moore of Troy & Miss Emma B. Hunt of Mansfield at Mansfield Aug 12th by Rev. J. F. Calkins of Wellsboro
1873 22-Jul M Morse, Dexter m. Dexter Morse & Miss Louisa Nickerson both of Charleston at Covington July 4th by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 23-Dec D Murray, John d. John Murray Blossburg Dec 8th
1873 22-Jul M Nickerson, Louisa m. Dexter Morse & Miss Louisa Nickerson both of Charleston at Covington July 4th by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 05-Aug M Nittrowr, Viola m. Charles Ely & Miss Viola Nittrowr. He from Bloss. M. at her home in Covington July 19th by Rev. G. Transue
1873 29-Apr M Padelford, Theodore m. Theodore Padelford & Miss Nettie McIntosh of Towanda at Covington Apr 27th by Rev. H. Lamkin
1873 Jan M Padgett, W. S. m. W. S. Padgett of Chenango Co. & Miss Josephine Smith of Tioga Jan 23rd 1873 at home of Charles Stevens in Richmon twp., by Rev. William Adams ESQ.
1873 Sep M Patchen, F. M. m. F. M. Patchen & Miss Alice M. Willison both of Covington Sept 3rd 1873 at Mansfield by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 21-Oct D Perry, Mrs. Laura d. Mrs. Laura Perry Mansfield Oct 17th age 66 b. Vermont 1807 came with parents nee Gaylord one of 13 children had 6 children
1873 27-May D Peterson, Benjamin d. Benjamin Peterson of Mansfield last Thurs. at Lawerenceville age 62 a colored man lived in Mansfield 42 yrs.
1873 10-Jun D Pierce, John d. John Pierce Wellsboro Bur. Troy son of Stephen Pierce of Troy age abt. 21
1873 30-Sep M Pitts, Charles W. m. Charles M. Pitts of Richmond twp. & Miss Mary Fletcher of Sullivan twp. In Sullivan Sept 25th by Rev. J. Canfield
1874 Jan D Pitts, Phebe Maria d. Phebe Maria Pitts of Richmond twp. Dec 29th 1873 in 62nd yr. Wife of Apollos Pitts 8 children
1873 22-Jul M Prince, Hattie E. m. C. W. Burton of Mainesburg m. Miss Hattie E. Prince of Sylvania at Mainesburg July 4th by Rev. Isaac Everitt
1873 30-Sep M Prutsman, Melville R. m. Melville R. Prutsman of Tioga & Miss Harriet I. Dobbs of Mansfield at same Sept 28th by Rev. J. Canfield
1873 07-Oct M Renny, Jacob m. Jacob Renny of Cleveland, Ohio & Miss Anna Reuther of Mansfield Oct 6 by William Adams, Esq.
1873 07-Oct M Reuther, Anna m. Jacob Renny of Cleveland, Ohio & Miss Anna Reuther of Mansfield Oct 6 by William Adams, Esq.
1873 21-Jan D Rice, Welcome d. Welcome Rice of Sullivan twp. Thursday near Bloss. Killed by a falling tree 5 children
1873 22-Jul M Ridge, Arvilla m. Lafayette Elliot & Miss Arville Ridge, both of Covington July 3rd 1873 at E. Charleston by Rev. G. Transue
1873 06-May D Ridgway, Mrs. Victoria d. Mrs. Victoria Ridgway Mansfield Apr 25th or 26th age 28 M.L.A. Ridgeway 1867. Her mother was Mrs. A. Shurt
1873 Jan D Ripley, Bertha d. Bertha Ripley six months ago age 10 dau. Of Philip S. of Mansfield left 7 bro., 1 sis.
1873 02-Dec M Ripley, Lula m. J. Watson Brown of Corning, N.Y. & Miss Lula Ripley of Titusville, Pa. In Mansfield Nov 25th 1873 by Rev. H. Parkhurst
1873 29-Apr D Robbins, Lucy Reynolds d. Lucy Reynolds Robbins Sullivan twp. Apr 25th age 48 yrs 13 days, wife of J. W. dau. Lyman Reynolds
1873 Jan D Rumsey, Lucy Ann Ripley d. Lucy Ann Ripley Rumsey Mansfield Jan 19th age 28 dau of Philip S. Mansfield 2 sons sister of Bertha
1873 21-Oct D Ryan, Mrs. d. Mrs. Ryan of Fall Brook sat. last near Blosburg 6 children railroad acc.
1873 Feb M Satterlee, C. H. m. C. H. Satterlee of Annapolis, Md. Late of Lock Haven & Nettie H. Hunt of Mansfield at same Feb 6th 1873 by Rev. Calkins of Wellsboro, dau. Of A. Hunt Esq.
1873 02-Sep D Seaman, Mercy d. Mercy Seaman Richmond twp. Aug 17th age abt. 84 wife of G. Seaman
1873 Jan M Smith, Josephine m. W. S. Padgett of Chenango Co. & Miss Josephine Smith of Tioga Jan 23rd 1873 at home of Charles Stevens in Richmon twp., by Rev. William Adams ESQ.
1873 22-Jul B Smith, Julia b. Julia Smith born July 10th Keeneyville to F. M. Smith & wife
1873 Jan M Smith, Sam m. Sam Smith of Tioga & Miss Helen Bates of Steuben Co., N.Y. Jan 23rd 1873 at home of Charles Stevens in Richmond twp. By William Adams Esq.
1873 30-Sep M Spurr, George m. George Spurr & Miss Fannie Vorhees of Mansfield at Mansfield Sept 30th by Rev. J. Canfield
1874 Jan M Stephens, Carrie m. John W. Day M. Miss Carrie Stephens at Mansfield Dec 30th 1873 by Rev. Parkhurst. Both of Middlebury
1873 22-Jul D Stilwell, Mrs. Clymena d. Mrs. Clymena Stilwell July 2nd Chemung, N.Y. Bur. Tioga wife of Rev. R. L.
1873 14-Oct M Stringfellow, John m. John Stringfellow of Revnovo & Mary I. Gillett of Mansfield at Renovo Aug 25th by Rev. D. McCloskey
1873 28-Oct M Tanner, Eliza J. m. Louis Watkins & Miss Eliza J. Tanner both of Rutland twp. At Mansfield Oct 23rd by Rev. H. Parkhurst.
1873 07-Oct M Thomas, C.L. m. C. L. Thomas of East Smithfield & Miss Emma D. Mitchell of Tioga at Mitchell Creek Oct 1st by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 03-Jun M Thompson, Vier m. William Bliss & Miss Vier Thompson of E. Charleston there May 29th by Rev. G. Transue
1873 Sep M Tice, K. E. m. S. F. Wilson & Miss K. E. Tice both of Rutland at Mainesburg Aug 31st by Rev. Isaac Everitt
1873 02-Sep M Updike, Herman m. Herman Updike & Miss Julia A. Clark both of Sullivan twp. At Mansfield Aug 21st by Rev. J. Canfield
1873 12-Aug M Vermilyes, W. H. m. W. H. Vermilyes & Miss Alice Closson at Mansfield
1873 30-Sep M Vorhees, Fannie m. George Spurr & Miss Fannie Vorhees of Mansfield at Mansfield Sept 30th by Rev. J. Canfield
1873 28-Oct M Watkins, Louis m. Louis Watkins & Miss Eliza J. Tanner both of Rutland twp. At Mansfield Oct 23rd by Rev. H. Parkhurst.
1873 17-Jun D Wells, Reuben bur. Reuben Wells formerly of Lambs Creek was bur. At Lawrenceville yesterday
1873 22-Apr M Wheeler, J. W. m. J. W. Wheeler & Miss Eliza A. Brash both of Morris Run at Blossburg Apr 9th by Rev. Lamkin
1873 11-Nov M Williams, Theodore F. m. Theodore F. Williams & Miss Emma C. Hayes near Mansfield Nov 6th by Rev. H. Parkhurst
1873 Sep M Willison, Alice M. m. F. M. Patchen & Miss Alice M. Willison both of Covington Sept 3rd 1873 at Mansfield by Rev. G. Watrous
1873 23-Sep D Wilson, Mrs. Martha d. Mrs. Martha Wilson Covington twp. Sept 20th age 87
1873 Sep M Wilson, S. F. m. S. F. Wilson & Miss K. E. Tice both of Rutland at Mainesburg Aug 31st by Rev. Isaac Everitt
1873 19-Aug D Wilson, William d. William Wilson of Covington last Wednesday
1873 09-Sep D Wingate, Margaret d. Margaret Wingate Charleston twp. Sept 4th in 41st yr. Wife of Francis from a fire
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 05/01/2000
By Joyce M. Tice