The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

From Newspaper Records from Tioga County PA , Volume Six, Births, Deaths & Marriages abstracted from the Mansfield Advertiser 1888 through 1895 by Mary Kingsley. Originally published 1984.  All data copied from newspaper file as it appeared in the record using their spelling.  Permission for reprinting on the Tri-County Web Sites given by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd, series coordinator, in 1997. Retyped by Elaine Frey, Formatted and published by Joyce M .Tice 2004

Return to Volume Six Table of Contents
Date    M Name Notice
1888 08-Feb D Smith, Darius d. Hills Creek “wed.”, buried at Tioga
1888 31-Oct M Smith, Frank H. m. Miss Minnie Borden, both of Wellsboro, “today”
1889 02-Jan M Smith, Harry Of Tioga m. Miss Lena Phelps, same, at Tioga “last week Wed.” by Rev. P. Robottom; she dau of W. C. Phelps; he son of C. E. Smith
1889 02-Jan M Smith, Horace G. Of Shippen twp., m. Alice O. Dickinson of Farmington twp at Wellsboro (no date)
1888 26-Dec M Smith, Ida M. Of Liberty m. George W. Hummell at Williamsport Dec 19th by Rev. W. Houck; George resident of Williamsport
1888 28-Nov D Smith, James E. Of Charleston d. Wellsboro Nov 21st, age 62
1888 25-Jan M Smith, Lillie Of Jackson Center m. Charles Johnson, same, at her home Jan 15th, she dau. Of Rev. Paul Smith
1888 10-Oct M Smith, Mark m. Miss Susie Managan of Elk Run “last Tue.” At timothy Smith’s in Mansfield; he son Northrup Smith of Sullivan
1888 12-Dec M Smith, Mary m. Albert Watkins, both of Mansfield, at Lindley, NY., Dec 4th by Rev. H. Vosburg
1888 31-Oct M Smith, Mrs. Amelia Of Knoxville m. Fred D. Gleason of Elkland at Elkland, Oct 24th by Rev. C. Weeks
1888 04-Apr D Smith, Mrs. Eunice d. Crooked Creek Mar 16th, age 85, mother of Mrs. Nelson Smith
1888 13-Jun D Smith, Mrs. John d. Wellsboro “last week”, heart ailment
1888 28-Mar D Smith, Mrs. Maria D at dau. Mrs. John Tubbs’ Mar 21st, age 68, at Osceola
1888 13-Jun M Smith, Robert L. Of Jersey City, NJ., m. Miss Julia Knowlton of Covington, Pa., at residence of David Hulse, Brooklyn, by Rev. Charles Miller
1888 03-Oct M Smith, Rose m. Walter Watkins, both of Richmond twp., at State Line, NY., Sep 21st, he son of Seele E. Watkins, she dau. Of Timothy Smith
1888 21-Mar D Snover, Mrs. Lucretia d. Charleston (at Dau. Mrs. Sarah Cruttenden’s) age 79 yrs. 7 mos., (no death date), pneumonia
1888 05-Dec B Somerville Son to James of Fall Brook, Nov 28th
1888 02-May M Sommerville, James m. Miss Anna Reese at her home, Fall Brook, “last Thurs.”
1888 12-Dec M Soper, Minnie Of Lindley, NY., m. Ellsworth Kelts, of Covington at Lindley Dec. 3rd by Rev. H. Vosburg
1888 22-Aug B Spaulding Dau. To Norman of Mainesburg, Aug 18th
1888 14-Mar D Spencer Mary Edna d. Canoe Camp “today”, dau of late Erastus Fellows of Wellsboro, b. Jan 19th 1840 Wellsboro, m. Jan 5th 1869 to Alonzo M. Spencer – 1 son age 14, also brother Morris W. Fellows, Springfield, Mo.; Mrs. E. J. Purple, Wellsboro; Mrs. Almira Coates, Elkland; buried Hope Cemetery Mansfield; consumption
1888 03-Oct D Spencer, Clara A. d. Wellsboro Sep 29th, age 22, wife of Joseph, heart ailment
1888 04-Jul M Squires, Florence Of Mitchellsville, NY, m. H. N. Cooper of Westfield, Jun 20th
1888 02-May D Squires, Isaac Who was running for state representative, was b. Sullivan twp 14 Apr 1830 to William and Charlotte, both deceased. They had 6 sons, 3 daus. – now left; Aaron of Tioga, George and Lafayette of Sullivan, Loyd and Mary J. Doud of Mainesburg, Viola Smith, Sullivan. Isaac M. 1852 (who?); apparently had no children
1888 19-Sep D Stafford Infant son of Theodore of Millerton d. “recently”, age about 1 yr.
1888 29-Aug M Stafford, Mrs. Franc m. William L. Hutchinson at residence of Daniel Saterlee, East Lawrence Aug 22nd
1888 17-Oct B Stage Son to A. J. of Lambs Creek (no date)
1888 29-Feb M Stanley, Sylvester H. Of Farmington m. Eliza J. Tyler of Osceola Feb. 17th by Rev. Gilliat
1888 18-Jul M Stanton, Matilda m. John B. Martin, both of Westfield, at Addison, NY., Jul 6th by E. Wade, Esq.
1888 28-Nov B Starkey Son to Lewis of Richmond twp., Nov 27th
1888 11-Jul D Starkweather, Mrs. Sterry Of Duncan twp. d. “last tue.”, age 36, 9 children; dropsy
1888 29-Aug M Stebbins, Jerry m. Miss Anna Cole at Sabinsville “recently”
1888 07-Mar D Stilwell, Mrs. Mary d. Daggett Mills Feb 26-27, age 77, wife of Clark, mother of R. J. and E. C. Stilwell
1889 02-Jan M Stone, Mary A. Of Delmar twp. m. George W. Campbell at Wellsboro (no date)
1888 08-Aug M Storms, Kate m. Charles Taylor, at Big Flats, NY., Aug 4th (in Mainesburg items)
1888 05-Dec M Stout, John m. Miss Minnie Tilberg, both of Mansfield at Lindley, NY., by Rev. H. Vosburg (no date)
1888 22-Feb M Stout, Peter m. Miss Rosetta Benson, both of Rutland, Pa., at State Line, NY., Feb 5th by Rev. J. Van Kirk
1888 11-Apr D Stovy, Mrs. B. P. Of Lawrenceville d. “last Wed.”, age 83, been there since 1838
1888 29-Aug B Strait Son to B. V. of Mansfield, Aug 28th
1888 24 & 31 Oct M Strait, George L. Of Roseville m. Anna E. Westbrook of Tioga twp. at Tioga Oct 25th by Rev. F. Cooper; she dau. Of J. H. Westbrook of Tioga
1888 03-Oct D Strait, Norman Formerly of Osceola, d. in Portland, Ore., Sep 20th
1888 12 & 19 Sep M Strait, Retta Of Wellsboro, m. John A. Baker, of Corning, NY at Corning, NY by Rev. C. Millespaugh, no date.
1888 16-May B Stratton Dau. To Frank of Blossburg (no date)
1888 11-Jul M Stratton, Jennie m. Arthur G. Middaugh, both of Ogdensburg, at Elmira NY., Jul 3rd by Rev. M. Dewitt
1889 02-Jan M Stratton, Rev. H. A. Of Lawrence Twp., m. Mary Woodhouse of Merchantville, NY., there (no date)
1889 02-Jan M Strawn, Samuel J. m. Addie C. Hackett, both of Niles Valley at Lawrenceville (no date)
1888 18-Jul M Streeter, Augustus m. Miss Sarah Welsh, both of Westfield in “York State” (no date)
1888 15-Aug B Struble Dau. To Milo of Mainesburg, Aug 7th
1888 06-Jun M Stryker, Isaac Of Colesburg, m. Mrs. Asa Dodge of Ansonia at Spring Mills, NY., May 27th by Rev. S. Pickett
1888 19-Dec B Stull Dau. To Levi of Union twp. (no date)
1888 29-Feb M Stull, Addie E. m. Eugene W. Dann, both of Ogendsburg at Elmira, NY., Feb 15th by Rev. W. Henry
1888 07-Nov D Sturrock, David d. Wellsboro “last Thur.”, age 80, 5 children
1888 07-Mar M Sumner, L. Of Mansfield m. Miss Jennie E. Rogalsky of Montreal, Can. (formerly of New York) to be Mar 13th
1888 25-Apr D Swain, Mrs. Julia d. recently in Bath Mich. “an aged resident of Tioga”, sister of late Hon. C. H. Seymour
1888 14-Mar B Swan Dau. To David Z. of Wellsboro, Mar 8th
1889 02-Jan M Swan, Mary m. Lt. James K. Thompson of U.S. Army at Mansfield res. Of Joseph P. Morris Dec. 29th by Rev. J. Blanchet; Joseph P. is bride’s grandfather
1888 21-Mar D Swan, William Of Mansfield d. Elmira, NY., at his parents’ Mar 18th, age 37, wife nee Lena Lawrence of Mansfield; no children
1888 28-Nov M Swanson, Thilda m. Peter Errickson, both of Blossburg, at Blossburg Nov 22nd by A. Schopp, Exq.
1888 18-Apr M Swartwood, Anna Of Mitchells, Pa. m. Lewis Oliver of Blossburg at Elmira, NY., Apr 7th by Rev. W. Henry
1888 28-Mar D Sweet Dau. Of David d. Mansfield “Mon.”, age 6 mos.
1888 29-Feb M Sweet, Thomas A m. Miss Mabel Ruggles, both of Niles Valley, at Corning, NY., Feb 20th by Rev. G. Brigham
1888 11-Jul M Symonds, Kate m. Ira Rice, both of Stony Fork, at Wellsboro Jul 4th by Rev. J. Boyce
1888 04-Jul D Taber, Mrs. Stella Young Of Elmira, NY., d. there Jun 30th, age 38, former resident of Mansfield, wife of Harris Taber, dau. Of Robert Young of Troy, MSNS ’67, m. 1875, funeral at Mansfield
1888 22-Aug D Tabor, Barnard d. Tioga “last Wed.”, age 79, buried Evergreen Cemetery, Tioga
1888 08-Feb M Taft, C. Of Westfield m. Miss Clara Costley of Chatham twp. at Troupsburg, NY., Jan 22nd by O. L. McFarland, Esq.
1888 27-Jun M Taylor, Charles m. Miss Edith Bloomer, both of Elkland, at Addison, NY., Jun 20th
1888 08-Aug M Taylor, Charles m. Miss Kate Storms at Big Flats, NY., Aug 4th (in Mainesburg items)`
1888 02-May D Taylor, Charles B. d. Lyons (NY or PA ?) “Sat.”, age 18 yrs., 7 mos., buried Hope Cemetery Mansfield, nephew of Leroy and Lloyd Ballard of Mansfield
1888 25-Apr D Taylor, Charles Hayes d. Binghamton, NY., “last Sat.”, age 24, son of Rev. W. D. Taylor of Mansfield; consumption
1888 17-Oct M Taylor, Edith T. Of Antrim m. S. G. Keys of Bodines Oct 10th (where?)
1888 26-Dec M Taylor, Ella M. Of Osceola, m. Frank R. Hazlett, “last Thur.” by Rev. S. Moon
1888 15-Feb M Taylor, Frances M. m. Elmer Kennedy, both of Union twp. “today” by Rev. Delmart
1888 16 & 23 May D Taylor, Mrs. Mary J. d. Mansfield May 12th, age 48, b. Sullivan twp. Dec 21st 1839 to Phillip Kniffen, 2 sis., 2 bros., m. Merritt Taylor who d. 1880, 1 son T. Herbert Taylor; funeral & buried Mainesburg
1888 11-Jan M Taylor, Rev. William D. Of Binghamton, NY., m. Mrs. Amy D. Cottrell of Mansfield “last Wed.” in Mansfield by Rev. J. Woodruff
1888 18-Jan M Teeter, Charles W. m. Miss Bertha R. Griswold, both of Ward, Pa., at Elmira, NY., Jan 3rd by Rev. M. Dewitt
1888 29-Feb B Thomas Son to George of Morris Run (no date)
1888 22-Feb M Thomas, Amanda m. Jerry Fulkerson, both of Liberty, at Lawrenceville, Feb 12th
1888 27-Jun D Thomas, Isaac d. Liberty “during past month”
1888 19-Sep D Thomas, S. G. Of Covington d. “last Sat.”, age 81, his 2nd wife was a Mrs. Keagle, mother of Clark, Leroy and A. F. (the latter from Covington).
1888 19-Sep D Thompson, Dr. C. K. d. Wellsboro “last week Tue.”, age 67, 1 son, 1 dau., civil war vet, heart ailment
1889 02-Jan M Thompson, Lt. James K. Of U.S. Army m. Miss Mary Swan at Mansfield res. Of Joseph P. Morris Dec 29th by Rev. J. Blanchet; Joseph P. is bride’s grandfather
1888 22-Aug D Thompson, Miss Catherine d. Morris Run “last week”, age 23, typhoid
1888 18-Jan D Thorp, Mrs. Horace d. Roseville Jan 15th, age 42
1888 05-Dec M Tilberg, Minnie m. John Stout, both of Mansfield at Lindley, NY., by Rev. H. Vosburg (no date)
1888 18-Jul M Tillburger, Mrs. m. Absolom Huntsinger at Tiadaghton Jul 15th by Job Symonds, Esq.
1888 23-May D Tinkham, Randall d. Mainesburg May 16th, age 76, had children including Charles
1888 28-Nov M Tipple, Edith Of Charleston m. George Niles at her home Nov 21st by Rev. Wolfe; she dau. Of Elias Tipple
1888 29-Aug D Tobias, O. D. d. Tioga “Mon.”, had a family, prob. Heart
1888 17-Oct M Toles, Edwin W. Of Little Marsh m. Miss Stella Campbell of Deerfield twp. at Delmar twp. Oct 10th
1888 18-Jul D Tremain, Mrs. Amelia d. Westfield “last Sat.”, age 43, wife of Seth, 2 children, nee King
1888 07-Mar D Trim, S. D. d. Osceola Feb 24th, age 80
1888 11 & 25 Apr D Trowbridge, Caleb d. Knoxville Apr 5th, age 81, “an old resident”; paralysis
1888 05-Sep M Truman, Kate Formerly of Wellsboro, m. David McIntyre formerly of Blossburg, at Ithaca, NY. (her home) Aug 22nd
1888 07-Mar M Tubbs, Elenor m. James E. Westcott, both of Westfield, at Addison, NY., Feb 26th by Rev. W. Searles
1888 26-Sep D Tubbs, Mrs. Mary d. funeral at Gafford School Sep 23rd (Armeina Mt?)
1888 23-May D Tully, Frank Of Morris Run D. “last week Sun.”, age 20, heart ailment
1888 15-Aug B Tuttle Dau to E. J. of Delmar, Aug 10th
1888 12-Dec D Tuttle, Mrs. Anna Thomas d. Canoe Camp Sep (sic) 18th, age 26, 3 small children, came from London, Eng. 1881, m. Aug 23rd 1884 W. L. Tuttle
1888 29-Feb M Tyler, Eliza J. Of Osceola m. Sylvester H. Stanley of Farmington Feb 17th by Rev. Gilliat
1888 01-Feb M Urell, Mollie E. Of E. Charleston m. Arthur Ward Bailey of Mardin at Mansfield Jan 28th by Rev. W. Hermans
1888 08-Feb B Van Dusen Son to William of Niles Valley (no date)
1888 02-May D Van Gelder, Luke d. Lawrenceville Apr 25th, age 42, pneumonia
1888 25-Jul B Van Horn Son to W. D. of Wellsboro, Jul 20th
1888 12-Sep M Van Keuren, Frank E. m. Miss Katherine E. Van Ness at Mansfield “last Thur.” by Rev. W. Hermans; she dau. Of Peter V. Van Ness
1888 15-Feb B Van Ness Dau. To William of Lawrence Corners, Feb 5th
1888 12-Sep M Van Ness, Katherine E. m. Frank E. Van Keuren at Mansfield “last Thur.” by Rev. W. Hermans, she dau. Of Peter V. Van Ness
1888 21-Mar D Van Ness, Minnie M. d. Mansfield Mar 14th, age 21, dau. Of Peter V. and Celia, b. Rutland twp. Oct 5th 1866, MSNS ‘87
1888 15-Aug B Van Valkenburg Dau. To E. A. of Wellsboro, Aug 12th
1888 25-Jan M Van Woert, Chester m. Miss Mary Duell, both of Delmar twp., at Elmira, NY., Jan 17th
1889 02-Jan M Vanderhoef, Albert m. Jennie M. Shelly, both of Gaines, at Corning, NY., (no date)
1888 16-May M VanHorn, Susie L. m. John R. Davis, both of Charleston, at her home May 10th by Rev. F. Mathews
1888 14-Nov D Vedder, Robert M. d. near Canoe Camp Nov 8th, age 75 yrs., 3 mos., 19 das., b. Truxton, NY., came here 1863, 2 children: Bert M. of Canoe Camp, Mrs. Cerena J. Ballard of Mansfield; apoplexy
1888 3 & 10 Oct M Voorhess (Voorhis), Judd (Jud D.) Of Athens m. Miss Clara E. Seagers of Tioga Oct 4th at her home by Rev. A. Shaw (she a Seeger?)
1888 18-Jul M Waid, Flora m. Rev. C. A. Wilson of Millerton at Elmira, NY., Jul 10th by Elder Hermans
1888 27-Jun D Waldron, Daniel d. Liberty “during past mo.”
1888 31-Oct D Walker, David Of Lawrenceville, d. “Mon.”, age about 45, no children; heart ailment
1888 29-Feb D Walker, Mrs. Archibald d. Round Top (Charleston Twp.), Feb 13th, or 20th, age 65 or 66 ( 2 items)
1888 15-Feb M Walz, Louise M. Of Lawrenceville, m. Frank J. Bentley, of Corning NY, at Corning NY., Feb 9th
1888 15-Feb M Warner, Mabel Of Aspinwall m. Motte Miller of Horseheads, NY at her home Feb. 8th by Rev. H. Armstrong
1888 10-Oct M Warren, Mary Of Centreville, Wisc., m. Harry Davis of Mansfield in Wisc. Sept 28th
1888 14-Mar M Warren, W. B. Of Marshfield, m. Miss Sylvia Horton of Dansville, NY., at Hamden, NY., Feb 29th by Rev. M. Cummings
1888 31-Oct B Warters Dau. To Henry of Lambs Creek (no date)
1888 21-Mar D Warters Child of Reuben of Lambs Creek d. _____, funeral “last Sun.”
1888 19-Sep M Warters, Fred Of Knoxville m. Miss Allie Ladd of Sabinsville at Troupsburg, NY., Sep 13th
1888 29-Aug B Waterman Son to Guy of Sabinsville (no date)
1888 12-Dec M Watkins, Albert m. Miss Mary Smith, both of Mansfield, at Lindley, NY., Dec 4th by Rev. H. Vosburg
1888 14-Mar D Watkins, Benjamin Of Arnot d. “last Tue.”, left 7 children, miner’s asthma
1888 29-Feb M Watkins, Charles m. Miss Nellie Joseph, both of Brookfield twp. at Troupsburg, NY., Feb 18th by U. Atwood, Esq.
1888 07-Mar D Watkins, Charlotte B., d. Tioga Feb 25th, age 63 yrs.
1888 15-Feb D Watkins, Mrs. Jerusha, d. Rutland twp. Feb 5th in 92nd year., b. Smithfield, Bradford Co., her husband Grandason Watkins d. 1875, were pioneers in Rutland, 9 children, 3 survive
1888 03-Oct M Watkins, Walter m. Rose Smith, both of Richmond twp., at State Line, NY., Sep 21st; he son of Seele E. Watkins, she dau. Of Timothy Smith
1888 31-Oct M Watkins, William m. Miss Helen Schmelze, both of Union Twp., at Elmira, NY., Oct 25th by Rev. M. Dewitt
1888 28-Mar M Watrous, R. S. Of Gaines m. Maggie E. Davis of Lansing, at Lansing Mar. 15th by Rev. S. Bovier
1888 21-Nov M Watts, Lena m. Peter Sensabaugh of Knoxville at Elmira, NY., Nov 9th, by Rev. M. Dewitt
1888 05-Dec D Weaver, William d. Blossburg “last Wed.”, age 26, unmarried, left mother and 1 sister; railroad accident
1888 12-Dec B Webb Son to C. W. of Wellsboro, Dec 6th
1888 30-May M Webster, Dr. H. F. Of Potter Brook m. Miss Ahara Drake at Watkins, NY., (her home) May 9th; she sister to Mrs. Dr. Nye of Roseville
1888 19-Dec D Webster, Mrs. O. S. d. Washington, D. C. “last week Mon.”, formerly of Wellsboro
1888 19-Sep M Webster, Oscar L. m. Miss Martha V. Clark “today”; he son of Solomon Webster of Sullivan twp., she dau. Of Mott V. Clark of Richmond twp
1888 24-Oct M Weiskopff, Elmer J. Of Liberty m. Jennie Garrison of Steam Valley (no date or place)
1888 07-Mar D Welch Young child of Asa of Mainesburg buried “yest.” (item dated 3/5)
1888 10-Oct D Welch Infant son of Nelson of Sullivan twp. d. Sep 29th
1888 20-Jun M Welch, Herman P. Of Mainesburg m. Miss Huldah McKeel of Leroy, Pa., at Leroy, Jun 7th
1889 02-Jan M Welch, Minnetta Of Sullivan twp. m Clayton H. Seymour at Covington (on date); she dau. Of Nelson Welch
1888 12-Dec D Welch, Mrs. Harry d. Sullivan twp. Dec 11th, age nearly 80, at home of son Nelson, other children: Horace of Leroy, Pa.; George of Babbs Creek; Mrs. William (Susan) Grubin of Austinville
1888 04-Apr D Welch, Volney d. Sullivan twp., Mar 31st, hemorrhage
1888 21-Nov D Wells, Mrs. Warren Of Tioga d. “Sat.”, age 62, buried Daggett Mills, left 1 son
1888 26-Dec D Wells, Warren Of Tioga d. (no date), buried Daggett Hollow, age 79, his wife d. Nov 15th
1888 18-Jul M Welsh, Sarah m. Augustus Streeter, both of Westfield in “York State” (no date)
1888 18-Apr B West Son to Ira of Crooked Creek Apr 15th
1888 04-Apr M West, Kit m. Frank Pease, both of Crooked Cree, Mar 25th
1889 02-Jan M West, Lee m. Miss Addie Goodwin, both of Crooked Creek, at Tioga “Christmas” by Rev. S. Moon
1888 11-Apr M West, William B. m. Miss Estella Hotelling, both of Keeneyville, there Apr 5th by G. D. Keeney, Esq.
1888 24 & 31 Oct M Westbrook, Anna E. Of Tioga twp, m. George L. Strait of Roseville, at Tioga Oct 25th by Rev. F. Cooper; she dau. Of J. H. Westbrook of Tioga
1888 28-Mar D Westbrook, Polly d. at county house Mar 17th, age 73
1888 07-Mar M Westcott, James E. m. Elenor Tubbs, both of Westfield, at Addison, NY., Feb 26th by Rev. W. Searles
1888 18-Jul M Wetmore, Mott Of Wellsboro m. Miss Allie E. Bishop of Corning, NY., at Corning Jul 8th by Rev. J. Benham
1888 22-Feb M Wetner, Harry m. Miss May Lewis (traveling actors) at Westfield “a few nights ago” by Justice Frank Strang
1888 11-Jul M Whaling, Dennis Of Duncan twp. m. Miss Laura M. Davis of Delmar twp. at residence of Martin Davis, Delmar, Jul 2nd by Rev. W. Young
1888 22-Feb B Wheeler Dau. To Charles of Wellsboro, Feb 12th
1888 01-Feb M Wheeler, Charles m. Miss Lizzie Rounseville, both of Painter Run, at Roseville Jan 29th by C. B. Hanyen, Esq.
1888 12-Dec D Wheeler, Frank E. d. Tioga “last Thur.”, age 38, 3 children, buried Evergreen Cemetery Tioga; ear ailment
1888 17-Oct M Wheeler, Mettie E. m. Walter Brooks, both of Wellsboro, at Wellsboro Oct 11th by Rev. S. Lloyd
1888 29-Feb B Whitcomb Son to H. T. of Lambs Creek, Feb 17th
1889 02-Jan M Whitcomb, Charles S. Of Crooked Creek m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Betsy) Wilkinson “last Sun.” at home of Russell Niles by S. I. Hayes, Esq. (both parties age 65)
1888 01-Aug B White Son to Tom of Roseville (no date)
1888 12-Sep M White, Cora B. m. James L. Beers, M.D., both of Holiday at Elmira, NY., by Rev. M. Dewitt (no date)
1888 07-Nov M Whitehouse, Annie Of Fall Brook m. Isaiah Herman of Blossburg at Blossburg Oct 25th by A. Schopp, Esq.
1888 25-Jan B Whiting Son to I. N. of Crooked Creek, Jan 19th
1888 18-Apr B Whiting Dau. To Judd of Crooked Creek, Apr 7th
1888 04-Apr B Whiting Dau. To W. H. of Wellsboro, Mar 29th
1888 30-May M Whiting, Joseph N. m. Miss Laura N. Ayres, both of Covington, there “last Wed.”, by Rev. G. Warters of Knoxville
1888 01-Aug D Whitman, Ella d. Sabinsville Jul 23rd, age 11, dau. Of S. H. Whitman
1888 17-Oct M Whitney, Ina E. Of Harrison Valley m, R. V. Kuhl of Lawrenceville at Harrison Valley Oct 3rd by Rev. J. Warner
1888 11-Jul M Whitney, Richard m. Miss Mary S. Butler, both of Farmington twp., at Pleasant Valley, Troupsburg, NY., Jul 2nd by Rev. A. Hurd
1888 28-Mar D Whittemore, Mrs. Frederick d. West Covington Mar 20th, left infant
1888 29-Aug B Wilber Dau. To Clark of Sabinsville (no date)
1888 23-May M Wilcox, Hattie Of Tioga m. Mr. Coon of Addison, NY “this past week”
1888 12-Dec D Wilcox, Henry T., M.D. d. Youngstown, Ohio, Nov 26th, former resident of Mansfield, MSNS ’76, had bros. Fred & D. L. (dec.), left 1 son
1888 08-Feb D Wile Child of William of Nelson d. (no date), Memb. Croup
1888 07-Nov M Wilkins, Miss Of Fair Play, Col., m. Mortimer B. Bailey of Wellsboro, they reside in Col.
1889 02-Jan M Wilkinson, Mrs. Elizabeth (Betsy) m. Charles S. Whitcomb of Crooked Creek “last Sun.” at home of Russell Niles by S. I. Hayes, Esq. (both parties age 65)
1888 02-May B Williams Son to George W. of Wellsboro, Apr 23rd
1888 29-Aug D Williams Infant son of William of Arnot d. (no date)
1888 14-Mar M Williston, Carrie Of Wellsboro m. G. B. Johnson, same, “today”
1888 25-Jan B Wilson Dau. To Mrs. Homer of Richmond twp., Jan 19th
1888 08-Aug B Wilson Dau. To W. B. of Blossburg, Jul 30th
1888 17-Oct D Wilson, John d. Rutland twp. (no date), uncle of Emmett Hall and Mrs. Myers of Mansfield
1888 22-Aug M Wilson, Minnie J. Of Nelson m. C. H. Lugg of Knoxville at her home Aug 16th by Rev. P. Smith
1888 02-May M Wilson, Miss Of Millerton, m. William Jepson of Savannah, NY., eloped; she dau. Of Rev. C. A. Wilson of Millerton, age 17
1888 30-May D Wilson, N. H. d. Little Marsh, May 15th, apoplexy
1888 18-Jul M Wilson, Rev. C. A. Of Millerton m. Miss Flora Waid at Elmira, NY., Jul 10th by Elder Hermans
1888 15-Feb D Wilson, Robert d. near Covington Feb 8th, age 78, d. at son Thomas’, also several other “grown-up” children
1888 04-Jul D Wind, John Of Big Flats, NY., d. Mitchells Creek “Mon.”, age 35, 2 children, logging accident
1888 28-Mar M Winning, James m. Mary E. Ingham of Gurnee, Pa., at Addison, NY., Mar 21st
1888 01-Aug D Wolcott, Jesse d. Antrim “last week”, “a well-known resident”
1888 10-Oct M Wolfe, Edward C. Of St. Joseph’s, Missouri, m. Miss Kittie Page of Elkland (no date)
1888 09-May B Wood Dau. To C. M. of Charleston twp., Apr 26th
1888 20-Jun D Wood, Mrs. Andres d. ______, funeral at Lawrence Corners “last Fri.”
1888 01-Aug B Woodard Son to Daniel of Fall Brook (no date)
1888 01-Feb M Woodard, Sydney m. Miss Cora Cobb, both of Richmond twp. Jan 17th 1887 (?)
1888 28-Mar M Woodcock, Phebe Of Clymer, Pa. m. A. G. Smith of Cowanesque at Troupsburg, NY., Mar 16th
1889 02-Jan M Woodhouse, Mary Of Merchantville, NY. m. Rev. H. A. Stratton of Lawrence twp., Merchantville (no date)
1888 05-Dec M Woods, Maggie m. John McEntee, both of Blossburg at Blossburg Nov 28th
1888 14-Nov M Woody, Prof. Of Dakota m. Miss Florence King of Sabinsville “recently” in Dakota
1888 16-May D Wooley. Mrs. Edith d. Gilby, Dakota, May 3rd, age 22, dau. Of Mr. H. J. Crossley, formerly of Richmond twp., niece of U.S. and Guy Snover of Mansfield
1888 05-Dec B Wright Son to Capt. A. D. Wright of Mansfield, Dec 1st
1888 29-Aug M Yeomans, L. Belle Of Knoxville m. George D. Beach of Little Marsh at her home Aug 16th by Rev. J. Hayes
1888 12-Sep M Yochmann, August m. Miss Catherine Banaut, both of Slate Run, at Wellsboro Sep 4th by J. Shaw, Esq.
1889 02-Jan B Youdis Dau. To George of East Point (no date)
1888 26-Sep M Zimmer, Alice J. m. Marion R. Schoonover, both of Tioga Co., Pa., at TRoupsburg, NY., Sep 15th by Elder D. Hunt

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/14/2004
By Joyce M. Tice