The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Thirty Two

Berniece REED Clippings, Submitted by Walter SAMSON
Thanks to Pat Raymond  for retyping it for us
Following clippings are submitted by Walter R. Samson, Rock Creek, OH.  His mother was Helen MacDougall Samson.

In 1909 my Grandmother Berneice Reed MacDougall made a Christmas present for her mother Sophia Emmeline (Emma) Webster Reed.  It was a booklet with fancy edges cut from card stock containing envelopes, and found with a red ribbon.  In each envelope were newspaper clipping of interest to the family, mostly centered on activities in Chemung Co., NY.

W. Hull Botsford 1 or 1,595 Passengers and Crew to Sink—Disaster Caused Ice Patrol of North Atlantic to Avert More Calamities.
Thursday was the 20th anniversary of the sinking of the titanic, chronicled in history as one of the worst disasters in a half century.  An Elmiran, W. Hull Botsford, whose home was at Davis and Fifth Streets, was lost when the ill-fated White Star liner struck an iceberg.  He was returning from a trip through Europe and Egypt, on which he had studied architecture.
First reports said the vessel was safe, but the next day came the startling news that 1,595 lives of passengers and crew had been lost.  A total of  2,340 persons, including the crew were on board.  The Carpathia, which went to the rescue saved 739.
If the man on the street ever asks himself why this disaster had never been repeated, he may find his answer in a small item in the German Government budget.  This item is never omitted, regardless of crisis at home or abroad.
The entry calls for payment of 80,000 marks annually to the American Government (roughly $20,000) for the ice patrol in the North Atlantic.  The patrol is maintained by 14 nations whose liners ply the North Atlantic, and was instituted because so many lives were lost when the Titanic crashed with an unseen “berg”.

Miss Mabel Wood of 370 Diven avenue, Elmira, and Harry J Tifft of Horsheads were united in marriage Thursday night at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride, the Rev. ?? Saxe officiating.  The families of the young people and some of the young friends of the bride were present, making a company of about forty.  Miss Josephine Wood, sister of the bride attended her and the best man was Paul E. Nichols of this village.  The bride’s gown was of white crepe de chene trimmed with lace and she carried white chrysanthemums.  The bridesmaid wore pale blue silk trimmed with lace and carried yellow chrysanthemums.  The house was prettily decorated in a color scheme of pale yellow and green.  A bountiful supper was served.  The newly married couple left in an automobile for a short wedding trip.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood, former residents of Horseheads.  Mr. Tifft is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Tifft of this village.  Mr. and Mrs. Tifft will reside on John street in the house recently purchased by Mr. Tifft, who is engaged in the draying business with his father.

Despondent Girl, Sixteen Year Old, Sends Bullet Through Body From Brother’s Rifle—Has Been Ill For Several Months—Mother Hears Shot From Front Yard and Rushes Into House to Find Daughter Dying.
Belle Hilton, sixteen years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilton, farmers, a mile south of Pine Valley, shot herself in her room with her brother’s 22 caliber rifle at 12:50 o’clock today.
Her mother, who was in the road a short distance from the house, heard the shot and rushed to her daughter’s room where she found her with a bullet wound in her abdomen.  The shooting created a great sensation throughout that section of the country.  The deed was the result of despondency, the girl having been ill for several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilton are prosperous and well known farmers of that section, and have the sympathy of the community.  They own a farm a mile south of the village of Pine Valley and work the Oliver T. Manning farm in Catlin, a short distance north of Pine Valley.
This morning Belle Hilton went to the Manning farm for a short time.  Returning about noon on the street car she went directly to her home a short distance from the Glen ??? and proceeded to her room.  Her father and her brother Glen Hilton were at the Manning farm, and her mother was about the premises but was not in the house.
The girl secured her brother’s 22 caliber rifle and went to her room.  She sat on the edge of the bed, placed the muzzle of the weapon to her abdomen and reaching down along the barrel discharged the cartridge.  The rifle fell to the floor and the unfortunate girl fell back on her bed where she was found a moment later by her frantic mother.
The shooting is the sole topic of conversation in the village of Pine Valley this afternoon.  The girl had attended the school at Pine Valley prior to a few weeks ago.  Her condition this afternoon is critical.

Bath. Nov. 26.—Miss Cora Ackerman dropped dead of heart failure Wednesday night.  Miss Ackerman had been engaged at home in the afternoon, assisting in the preparation of the Thanksgiving dinner, and a few minutes before 5 o’clock, she started to change her dress, preparatory to going to work in the Bell Telephone office, where for a term of years she had been employed.
She hurried up stairs, and her younger sisters, who were in the kitchen, heard the noise of a fall but little dreamed it was their sister.  After a few minutes, when Miss Ackerman failed to appear, her sisters, fearing she would be late for work, went to call her.  She found, her sister lying at the top of the stairs, unconscious.  She summoned neighbors, who worked over the unconscious one for a half hour in hopes of resuscitation, but were unsuccessful.  Doctors who were summoned were unable to revive her, death having resulted from heart failure.
Miss Ackerman was thirty-two years old, the eldest daughter of Mrs. Deborah Ackerman.  She was born and had always lived in this community.  She was a member of the Bath Methodist Church.  For twelve years she had been a valued and popular employee of the Bell Telephone Company.  She leaves her mother, with three brothers, John and Sidney of Bath, Peter of Cameron, and four sisters, Alma, Ruth, Rosetta and Bertha of this village.
The funeral will be held from the family home Saturday afternoon.  Coroner John E. Hasson was summoned in the case.

Charles W. Sleeper, 89, late of Millport, died Monday morning, April 29, 1935, after a brief illness.  He is survived by four nieces, Mrs. G. Archie Turner, Veteran; Mrs. Frank Williams and Mrs. Florence Burnett, Albany; Josephine Bailey Doyle of Watkins Glen; three nephews, Charles S. Sterling, Albany; Horace Brown, Buffalo; Carl Parsons, Binghamton.  Mr. Sleeper had been a resident of Millport many years and was a charter member of the Veteran Grange.  The body is in the Mathews & Van Buskirk funeral home, Horseheads, until Thursday at 1 p.m., when it will be removed to the St. Mark Church, Millport, where the funeral will be held at 2 p.m.  The Rev. Paul Thompson will officiate.  Burial in the Millport Cemetery.

Watkins, July 20, 1910—Mrs. Anna Smith Crane died at the home of her son, R. S. Crane on South Franklin street at 5:30 o’clock this morning following a serious illness of more than two months.  She was nearly ninety years old and on account of her advanced age had been in feeble health a long time.  Besides the son with whom she was living, another son of Elmira survives.

Mrs. Harriet A. Weed died at her home in the town of Veteran this morning at 4:15 o’clock, aged seventy-four years.  Mrs. Weed was a resident of Veteran many years and a member of the Horseheads Presbyterian Church.  She is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. Burt Billins, and several nieces and nephews.  Miss Emma Randolph, a niece, resided with Mrs. Weed many years.  The funeral will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at the family home.  Burial will be in Warsaw, Orange County.

Mrs. Mary A. Banks, widow of Hezekiah Banks, died yesterday at 2 a.m. at the family home in the town of Veteran.  She was ninety years and six months old and had been aa resident of the farm in the town of Veteran over 70 years.  Three sons:  Milton of Horseheads, Hiram of Cortland and ??? of Veteran, survive her.  The Guneral will be held at the home tomorrow at 3 p.m.  The Rev. R. D. ?? of Horseheads will officiate.  Burial will be in the Millport Cemetery.  (Hand written date Sept. 1910)

TWINS ARE BORN TO MR. AND MRS. F. C. HOBLER  - Hand written date-Nov.19, 1910
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hobler, of 753 Spaulding street, are the parents of a baby boy and girl.  The twins arrived Saturday morning.  Ruth Elizabeth, the girl, weighed seven pounds; and Ross Edward, the name that will stick to the boy through life, weighed seven and one-quarter pounds.  Both are gaining.  Frank Hobler is the manager of the tool department of the retail store of Barker, Ross and Clinton Co. Of Lake street.

Bath. Apr. 29, 1935—Mrs. Theodore Bennett, 82, died today at the home of her granddaughter in Dundee.  Her maiden name was Reed.  She was a lifelong resident of the Town of Wayne, Steuben County. She survived her husband more than 20 years.  Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Joel Pitcher of Wayne and two sons, Laverne of Beacon Hills, Mass., and Charles Bennett of Horseheads.  Funeral rites will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Baptist Church, Wayne, with burial at Pleasant Valley.
(Hand written on bottom:  She was dau. Of Walter Reed and Catherine Smith.  She was granddaughter of Nathan Reed who was a Rev. War Vet in Mass.  She was mother of LuLu Pitcher, the mother of Theodora Brimmer)

MAC DOUGALL, MRS. MARY A.  -  OBITUARY  - (Hand written date..Aug.20, 1933)
Mrs. Mary A. MacDougall, widow of Edwin MacDougall, died Sunday at the family home, 502 Pine Street, Horseheads, following an extended illness.  She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Upson, at home and Mrs. Verne Wese of Montour Falls; three sons, Burr of Bath, George of Penn Yan and Ray MacDougall of Horseheads; three brothers George Carpenter, Horseheads; Frank of Interlaken, and Thomas J. Turner of Sullivanville; also five grandchildren.  Mrs. MacDougall was a member of the Horseheads Methodist Episcopal Church.  The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. the Rev. Frederick Maunder officiating.  Burial in Millport Cemetery.

LATTIN, LEWIS N.  – OBITUARY  (Hand written date July 1932)
The funeral of Lewis Norman Lattin, 67, former mayor of Corning, was held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at the home of S. J. Crofut.  The Rev. Carl G. Grabb officiated and interment was in Millport.  His survivors include his widow, Mrs. Lewis N. Lattin, formerly Miss May Dunham of Montour Falls; two daughters, Mrs. Mason Bower, of Painted Post and Mrs. Dominic DeFranesco, Rochester; a son Norman D. Lattin, of Columbus, O., a brother, Charles of Toledo, O., and a sister, Mrs. Lawrence Beebe, of Chevy chase, Md.
Mr. Lattin was born in the Town of Veteran in 1867, the son of Carmi and Mary Lattin.  When he first came to Corning, he was engaged in the retail grocery business in partnership with a Mr. Dutcher.  After sometime he left this enterprise to accept a position as bookkeeper with the Erie Railroad, going from there to accept a position with the J. B. Maltby Inc. Firm.  He served the Maltby firm for 30 consecutive years, resigning in 1930 as secretary and treasurer of that concern, because of ill health.  He served as mayor of Corning in 1914-15.  He was a member of the Masonic lodge.

TILLIS, REV. H. STEWART  -  OBITUARY  (Hand written date July 1932)
The Rev. H. Stewart Tillis, late pastor of the Baptist Temple at Portsmouth, O., and a native and former resident, of Pine Valley, died unexpectedly Saturday afternoon at Catherine.  Surviving are the widow, a daughter, Marjorie, and a son Gordon, all of Portsmouth.  The deceased’s first pastorate was the Pine Valley Baptist church.  The Rev. Mr. Tillis was spending his vacation preparing a home for summer residence which he had recently purchased near Catherine.  The funeral was held at the Pine Valley Baptist church Wednesday.

Mrs. Lydia Stow, 93 years old, formerly a resident of this village, widow of William Stow, died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Wood in Elmira.  She had been ill two weeks.  Mrs. Stow is survived by three sons, Frederick of this village; Ernest and Edgar of Elmira; the daughter, Mrs. Wood of Elmira; 15 grandchildren; eight great grandchildren; a sister Mrs. Delia Kennedy of Detroit, Mich.  The funeral was held Monday at 2:30 p.m.  The Rev. W. H. Chapman officiated.  Burial in Maple Grove cemetery.

MILES, HARRY S.  -  OBITUARY  (Handwritten date  Nov. 1933)
Harry S. Miles, 1404 Clinton avenue, S. Rochester, died November 10.  He is survived by his widow; three daughters, Margaret, Geraldine and Barbara; one son John, all at home; three brothers John H., Horseheads, Roy, Millport, and Floyd of California; two sisters, Mrs. C. H. Leopold, Rochester, and Mrs. E. Dunn, Elmira Heights.  The funeral was held at Perkinsville with services in Sacred Heart church.  Burial in Perkinsville.

SAYRE, WILLIAM F.  -  OBITUARY  (Handwritten date 1931)
William F. Sayre, a former resident of Horseheads, died Wednesday at Olean.  Mr. Sayre was a former foreman in the Horseheads Bridge Works and was associated with the late Edward A. Perkins, who died Wednesday in Horseheads.  Mr. Sayre served as foreman of a jury in the court at Olean two weeks and while in company with the jury was partaking of dinner in Olean hotel, Wednesday, Oct. 7, when he suffered a paralytic seizure.  His death followed yesterday.  Mr. Sayre is survived by his widow, Mrs. Blanch Hall Sayre, who is a daughter of Charles Hall of Millport; a son Seeley Sayre of Salamanca; a cousin, Frank S. Bentley of Horseheads.  The remains will be removed to Horseheads and the funeral will be held in the home of Frank S. Bentley, 409 Main Street, Saturday at 2:30 p.m.  The Rev. H. A. Malick will officiate.  Burial in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.

MC DOUGALL, MARION   -  OBITUARY  (Handwritten date Apr. 1, 1918)
Marion McDougall died Monday at 9:30 p.m. at the family home in the town of Veteran, aged sixty-eight years.  He is survived by his widow and six sons:  Charles of Veteran, William D. Of Elmira, George P. Of Oregon, Alonzo of Horseheads, Harry and J. E. At home; a daughter, Grace M. McDougall at home; three brothers, James and Theodore McDougall of Veteran, and Alonzo of Oregon; also a sister, Emily McDougall of Veteran.  The funeral will be held at the home Thursday at 2:30 p.m.  Burial in the Vary cemetery in the town of Veteran.

GRIFFITH, MISS EVELYN R.  -  OBITUARY  (Handwritten date May 2, 1918)
Miss Evelyn R. Griffith, a grade teacher in the Union High School in Horseheads the past six years, died unexpectedly this morning at 10:30 o’clock at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Alice M. Smith of No. 50 Steuben street with whom she had made her home the past few years.  Miss Smith was thirty-three years old and had been in charge of the sixth grade of the school.  She was an active member of the Horseheads Methodist Church and was a capable and very efficient teacher and the friend of many people.  About two days ago she became ill of a throat disease, the nature of which has not been fully determined by the physicians.  It is thought the poison discharge in the throat passed through her entire system and resulted in her death.  A culture of the throat has been taken and is being examined.  The decedent is survived by her mother, Mrs. C. K. Soper of Pine Valley; two sisters, Mrs. Albert M. Dunn of Pine Valley and Miss Lillian Griffith of Chicago; also her aunt, Mrs. Alice Smith of Horseheads.  The funeral will be held at the home, 50 Steuben streent, Monday at 3 p.m. the Rev. William Jac??es to officiate.  Friends will kindly omit flowers.

Mrs. Nathan Vary died at her home in the town of Veteran at 12:30 o’clock this morning, aged seventy-three years.  She is survived by her husband and one son Charles E. Vary of Newark, N.Y., and six grandchildren, Mrs. Harry O. Ayres of Ulster, Pa., Nathan H. Vary of New Kensington, Pa., Henry H. Vary, Emmaline, Kathryn and Dorothy of Newark.  Mrs. Vary had been a member of the Baptist Church of Veteran for forty-seven years and was an earnest and faithful church worker with many friends.  The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the home at 3 o’clock, the Rev. T. A. Stevens officiating.  Interment will be in the Vary Cemetery.

Millport, Sept. 24.—At the Methodist Parsonage Thursday evening the Rev. L. Shergur united in marriage Miss Myra S. Smith of Pine Valley and Alonzo F. McDougal of Veteran.  Mr. and Mrs. McDougal will reside in Horseheads.

Miss Bertha May Tompkins of Millport, and Clarence cooper of Catlin, were united in marriage yesterday morning at 10 o’clock at Emmanuel Church by the rector, the Rev. N.S. Boardman.  Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will reside at Catlin and will be at home after next week.

The young friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Bronson of Elmira both graduates of the Horseheads High School will be grieved to learn that their daughter, Marian, died last week and that their little son died yesterday.  Mrs. Bronson, formerly Miss Maggie Reidy is also very ill.  (Handwritten date Aug. 5, 1933)

Brilliant Wedding of Well Known Horseheads Couple Proves Entrancing Social Function
Horseheads, May 20.—Last evening at 7:30 o’clock a brilliant wedding took place in the Presbyterian Church when Miss Sarah Ellen Lovell, eldest daughter of Mrs. Sarah Lovell and the Rev. Francis LeRoby Lovell were united in marriage.  The Rev. Murray H. Gardner of Brewster, N.Y. officiated.
As the friends assembled at the church Mrs. William VanDuzer, organist, and Miss Martha Hoffman Holbert, violinist, played a beautiful program of classical music.  Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” was played as the bridal party entered.  The ushers, James Melrose of Auburn Theological Seminary; Robert Steele and William Sprout of Bucknell University and Alton Genung of Horseheads, marched down the left aisle and were followed by the honor maids, Miss Nellie E. Lovell, a sister of the bride, and Miss Carrie Eisenhart.  Then came charming little alice Stowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stowell, the ring bearer, followed by the bride.  They were met at the alter by the groom and groomsman, William Kerr, a classmate of Mr. McCauley at the Auburn Seminary, and the Rev. Mr. Gardner.
The alter was decorated with white liliacs and palms.  The bride wore a handsome white satin Princess robe, trimmed with Duchess lace, a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of Bride roses.  The maids of honor were charming in pink silk Empire gowns and carried shower bouquets of pink carnations.  The bride’s traveling suit was a blue serge, with hat to match.
After congratulations and best wishes had been showered upon the young couple, a delicious course dinner was served, Miss Murphy catering.  Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lovell of Elmira played several instrumental selections during the evening.
The bride’s table was decorated in pink and white.  A mound of apple blossoms formed the centerpiece, smilax trailed about the table and candelabras with pink shades lent their pleasing glow.  The place cards were hand painted in apple blossoms.
The following young women assisted in serving:  Misses Helen Bush, Martha Holbert, Katherine VanDuzer, Mary Hibbard and Elizabeth Colwell of Horseheads, Misses Leah Kinley and Helen Smith of Breesport.  The Rev. And Mrs. McCauley left via the Lackawanna for Buffalo.  They will spend the month of June in Horseheads and then will go to Buffalo, where Mr. McCauley will assume the pastorate of a Presbyterian Church.

Peter T. Marshall, a former principal of the Horseheads High School died at that place last night at 7:30 o’clock, aged fifty-one years.  Mr. Marshall’s wife died in May last year and a daughter Mrs. Zehrung of Brooklyn died last December.  The decedent is survived by his father, Levi Marshall and two daughters, Hannah and Bernice, both at home.  He was educated in Alfred University and was a graduate of Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, class of 1876.  After this he studied law with Smith, Robertson & Fassett, and was admitted to the bar.  After only a short term of practice of law he chose teaching as a profession.  He taught in Palantine, N.Y., Mohawk and Hudson, N.Y. and Manistee, Mich., after which he came to Horseheads and was principal of the high school there for five years.  He was a prominent and highly respected resident of Horseheads.  The funeral will be held from the family home Thursday at 2 p.m.  Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery, Horseheads.

Horseheads, May 16.—Mrs. W. W. Hanson and daughter, Mrs. Ezra Wood pleasantly entertained about 20 women Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Edna J. Hanson whose marriage announcement to the Rev. Henry E. Sears of Peterboro, formerly of this village was made and will take place June 1, 1910.  At 5 o’clock a delicious supper was served at a prettily appointed table.  A May pole was placed in the center of the table to which were attached the place cards by streamers.  Each place bore a Gibson head.  The color scheme was purple and gold,  Miss Hanson being a graduate of Elmira College.  After supper each one pulled the streamers and found a tiny pencil attached which was hidden in the May pole and used then in a flower contest.  Little Miss Edna Wood, a niece of the bride-elect presented the guests hearts from a May basket with the announcement in gilt and a spray of white lilac attached.
The guests were:  Mrs. Charles Goodyear, Mrs. William Myers, Mrs. Clayton Duson, Mrs. Frank Matthews, Mrs. George Van Buskirk, Misses Julia Day, Ida Weller, Alice Dibble, Carrie Boeitker, Lena Slocum, Carrie Slocum, Nellie Rarrick, Delia Clark, Florence Osborn, Loretta Bush, Grayce Sixby, Miss Minerva henderson of Rock Stream; Mrs. Van Rennselaer Eddington, of Penn Yan; Mrs. Albert Stebbins of Elmira, Mrs. Arthur Magee of Scranton.

MAC DUGALL, MISS EMILY  - OBITUARY  (Handwritten note Feb. 27, 1923)
Miss Emily MacDugall died Tuesday night at 10:30 o’clock at the family home in the Town of Veteran.  She was born November 21, 1828, and was highly respe cted.  She is survived by two brothers, Alonzo MacDugall of Oregon, and Theodore MacDugall of Veteran; also several nieces and nephews.  The funeral will be held at the home Friday at 2:30 o’clock.  Burial in the Vary cemetery.

Millport—Fire destroyed the residence of Burr J. Parsons, on the Middle Road, southeast of Millport, early Monday morning.  Mr. Parsons, who lives alone in the house, was preparing to visit his son, Carl Parsons, a patient at the Veterans Hospital in Bath, and was not aware of the blaze until appraised of the fact by Jesse Banks, a neighbor.
The house, for many years, one of the showiest in a neighborhood of good houses, was built by Burr Parsons Sr. About 70 years ago, on 40 acres of choice farm land presented to Nathan Parsons, father of the present occupant, at the time of his marriage.
Charles Parsons and George Parsons other sons, were given similar allotments with buildings, and a daughter, Mrs. Al MacDougal, received the homestead which was conducted as a tavern for many years by Mr. Parsons.  It is still standing.
A few pieces of furniture were removed by neighbors, who were called to the scene by telephone.  Otherwise the house and contents with an adjoining building used as a woodhouse were totally destroyed.  It is reported that some insurance was carried on the buildings.  Millport volunteer firemen responded to a call for help, but the blaze was beyond control when they arrived.

1  John McDougle, Jr.  B: Abt. 1779 Verify bd.  D: 12 Aug 1836 Town of Veteran, Chemung Co.,
     NY age at d: 57 est.
     +Sarah Ann Coe  b: 14 May 1779
2 David McDougle  b: 10 Sep 1803 Conn. Or Orange Co. Or Town of Veteran, Chemung Co
NY (cam shows 1807) d: 18 May 1866 Town of Veteran, Chemung Co. NY Parsons Cem.
a. 62-8-8 age at d: 62
+Sarah B. Weller  b: 17 Apr 1806 Orange Co. NY. D: 12 Mar 1888 age at d: 81
3 Jacob AI McDougall  b: 10 Nov 1833 CAM shows 19 Nov.  D: 19 Apr 1906 Millport
Cemetery. Name as spelled on tombstone. CAM date differs.  Age at d: 72
+Cynthia Ursula Parsons  b: 25 Oct 1836  d: 21 Nov 1918 Millport Cemetery. Stone
shows “C. Ursula McDougall” age at d: 82
4 Harriett McDougle
+Chauncey Sterling  b: 1848 of Millport, NY.  D: 1923 age at d: 75 est.
5 Harry Sterling

By the invitations of Mr. and Mrs. Manley S. Crookston a company of about sixty guests assembled at their home near Grove Springs, N.Y., on Wednesday evening, January 11th, to witness the marriage of their oldest daughter, Lela May, to Clarence Morris Day of Wayne, N.Y., which was performed by Rev. L. C. Eveland, a former pastor of the Baptist church.
At eight o’clock to the strains of the wedding march they took their places under the evergreen arch and wedding bell, attended by Miss Rean, sister of the bride elect and George Davis, as best man.  The bride was beautifully attired in white silk and mull and carried carnations.  The bride’s maid wore organdy and also carried flowers.  Mrs. William Webster played the wedding march, and during the marriage service sang beautifully and softly, “Oh Promise Me”.
Hearty congratulations were extended to the newly married couple, tables were carried in and then all sat down to a delightful and generous wedding supper.  Mr. Day is a careful, frugal, industrious man with good principles and worth, and he has chosen well a “prize” for a life companion, one who has the sterling qualities that are most coveted for a helpmate.  The best wishes of a ???? friends will go with them to their life’s ????.

George A. Turner, son of Assemblyman and Mrs. G. Archie Turner of Horseheads, was highly honored at the New York State Fair, at Syracuse, Tuesday by being awarded the Empire Farmers'’Degree.  This honor is conferred each year on a few outstanding young men of New York State for unusually high attainment in agricultural education.  The key and sheepskin which accompany this award are presented each year by the Commissioner of Farms and Markets of New York State at the annual banquet of the New York Association of Future Farmers of America.  This year the honor was also conferred on Fred Freestone, Master of the New York State Grange and Fred Sexauer, President of the Dairymen’s League Cooperative Association.
In attaining this unusual honor Mr. Turner made a remarkable record which stood out, not only among the students in the Horseheads school, but among the records made by other candidates for the degree.  He made an excellent scholastic standing, being second honor student in his graduating class last June.  He was a splendid athlete, playing center and guard on the high school basketball team.  He has a substantial bank account and has a considerable investment in life insurance besides owning pure bred Guernsey cattle worth eight hundred dollars.
As a leader George has shown great ability.  He has been president, secretary and treasurer of the Horseheads Young Farmers club, local leader of the Veteran Cowboy’s 4-H club, steward of the Veteran Grange and secretary and treasurer of the Veteran Local of the Dairymen’s League.

TOWANDA GIRL WEDS HORSEHEADS RESIDENT  (Handwritten date Jan.15, 1934)
Towanda—Miss Anna Belle Lamont of Towanda and Edward C. VanDuzer of Horseheads were married at the Presbyterian manse here Monday afternoon by the Rev. Paul A. Hazlett.  Following a wedding trip, they will reside on Mr. Van Duzer’s poultry ranch near Horseheads.

SULLIVANVILLE OLD HOME DAY  - (Handwritten date Aug. 31, 1933)
Sullivanville’s annual ???? and old home day Saturday is being planned by a committee in which J. H. Linderbery and Robert Burlew are prominent.  Sport events including baseball, contests and music are planned.  The event is under the auspices of the Sullivanville Methodist Church.

Corning—A verdict of suicide in the death of Raymond Oldroyd of Horseheads, found shot in his Painted Post garage this morning, was announced today by Coroner W. S. Cobb after an autopsy in which he was assisted by Dr. R. J. Shafer and Dr. J. M. Shumway.  The verdict ascribed death to a gunshot wound in the chest.  The heart and lungs were punctured.  Two bullets were found in the body.  No reason for the suicide has been advanced here.

Painted Post—Shot through the heart with a .25 calibre revolver, Raymond E. Oldroyd, 23, of 105 East Orchard Street, Horseheads, was found dead at the wheel of his car in a garage at his rooming house here today.  Police were working on a suicide theory, and an autopsy was to be performed at the Carpenter funeral home, Corning, today.
Mr. Oldroyd, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie H. Oldroyd of 105 East Orchard Street, had been manager of the Market Basket Store here several years.  He was rooming at the residence of Mrs. Eda Castle, 302 West Water Street, Painted Post.  He came home at 11 p.m. Sunday and went out again.  When he was not at the store this morning a search was made.  Unable to find him in his room, searchers went to the garage, where his body was found.  After the autopsy the body was to be taken to the Mathews and Van Buskirk funeral home, Horseheads.  Mr. Oldroyd was a member of the Pointed Post Lodge, IOOF.

Raymond Oldroyd, 23, late of Horseheads, died unexpectedly this morning at Pointed Post, where he had been employed as manager at the Market Basket store.  He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Oldroyd, of 105 Orchard Street, Horseheads; two sisters, Miss Florence Oldroyd of Horseheads, Mrs. Corrine MacDougal of Starkey; a brother, George, of Horseheads; a grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Wilcox of Luthernville, Pa.  Mr. Oldroyd was a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge at Painted Post.  The body reposes in the Mathews & Van Buskirk funeral home, Horseheads.  Funeral later.

Corning—Sergeant Charles Burnett of the Painted Post state police outpost said he was not entirely satisfied with the suicide theory in the death of Raymond Oldroyd of Horseheads, and stated he would question the young woman with whom Oldroyd drove back to Painted Post from a nearby lake Sunday night.  Oldroyd was shot twice in the breast.  A .25 caliber pistol was lying in his lap and the lights in the garage were still burning when he was found this morning.  It is believed the man died about 3 a.m. today.

ANNIVERSARY OF MANNINGS IS OBSERVED  (Handwritten date Dec. 5, 1933)
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Manning, of Ridgewood, N.J. formerly well known resident of Horseheads, entertained about 65 relatives and friends at dinner Tuesday at The Elite in Horseheads in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary.  The host and hostess were assisted in receiving by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Manning of Ridgewood.  The guests were seated at small tables attractively arranged throughout the rooms, and carrying out a color scheme of gold in both decorations and menu.  George B. Manning and Minnie J. Bennett were married Dec. 5, 1883, at the Baptist parsonage in Horseheads by the bride’s father, the Rev. A. M. Bennett, many years pastor of the Horseheads Baptist Church.   They lived in the Town of Horseheads until 1921, when they moved to Ridgewood, N.J.  They have taken an active part in the social and civic life of that community and gained many friends.
Mr. Manning belongs to a pioneer Chemung County family, he being the second son of the late Benjamin and Sarah Etta Smith Manning.  He was born in the Town of Big Flats and his early life was spent on his fathr’s farm, and except for a brief period he has followed the occupation of farming.  Mrs. Manning was the youngest daughter of the Rev. A.M. and Diana DeMandeville Bennett.  At the time of her marriage she was a teacher in one of the rural schools in the county.  One child was born to them.  Benjamin G., who with Mrs. Manning and their daughter, Ruth Diana, and two sons, Benjamin J. And Murray A. Attended the anniversary dinner.  Another grandson, Everett G. Manning of Ridgewood, was unable to be present.  Other members of the family attending were:  Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Manning of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Judson A. Manning of Big Flats, Mrs. John McCann of Elmira, Mrs. Jessie M. Fleming of Horseheads, Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver Manning of Hornell and Miss Dorothy Snyder of East Orange, N.J.  Mr. and Mrs. Manning received numerous gifts and messages in honor of the occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. Orris J. Sears of Horseheads today celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage.  They entertained a large company of friends at their home on the Corning Road.  Both are life-ling residents of Horseheads.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin J. Sears today celebrated the golden anniversary of their marriage with a 1 o’clock luncheon at their home on the Corning Road.  Invitations were issued to Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Gardner, the Rev. And Mrs. Frederick Maunder, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wigsten, Attorney and Mrs. Lewis E. Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. William Drewatt, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. George White, Mr. and Mrs. William Sterling, Mrs. Emily Fisher, Mrs. Kate Garlick, Mrs. Lucy Westlake, Miss Elizabeth Holcomb,  George Andrus, Clarence Longwell, Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake and daughters, Marjorie and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stow and daughter, Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ross and daughters, Jean and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stow all of Horseheads; the Rev. And Mrs. Henry C. Sears and daughters, Harriet and Mary, and son, Edwin, of Watkins Glen; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sears of Mecklenburg; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price of Ithaca; Miss Anna Compton of Troy, Pa.; Mrs. Luie McCanon, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Wixon, Mrs. Anna Stoddard of Elmira; Mrs. Mary Tiffany of Athens, Pa; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams of Chemung; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kahler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor of Big Flats, Miss Emma R. Osler of Providence, R.I.
Fifty years ago this evening Mr. and Mrs. Sears were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Compton.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. E. Morris, pastor of the Methodist Church.  The bride wore a gown of white with a corsage of yellow roses.  Ten of the original guests were present at the anniversary celebration today.  Mr. and Mrs. Sears are life-long residents of Horseheads.

TOMPKINS, DENNIS – OBITUARY  (Handwritten date J?? 28, 1934)
Millport:  The funeral of Dennis Tompkins, 64, who died after a long illness, Sunday morning at his home in Main street here, was held in the Baptist church Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Warren Harris, Jr., pastor officiating.   Interment was in Johnson Hollow cemetery.  Mr. Tompkins was long a resident here, and was a highly respected citizen, whose many friends mourn his passing.  He is survived by his widow; two sons, Morris and Sidney Tompkins of Millport; a sister, Mrs. Sarah Wilson of Corning; and by two grand-children.

Albert VanGorden has Voted in Town of Tyrone for 76 Years—Long Prominent in Public Offices  -- By Mrs. Cora Wixson
Wayne—Ninety-eight years old today Albert Van Gordon of Wayne has watched the writing of many of history’s pages.
Born in the Town of Barrington in 1835, he has lived through three wars; has watched many political parties rise and fall; has seen the pendulum swing from prosperity to depression and back again many times; remembers the laying of the Atlantic cable in 1857; recalls the perfection of the telephone in 1876; watched with interest the reports of the discovery of the North Pole in 1909 and the South Pole in 1912; read the thrilling story of the first wireless communication, saw the civilized world plunged into four years of war; he followed with interest the first flights of the June Bug with Glenn H. Curtiss at the controls in the first years of the century and marveled at Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic in 1927.
Mr. Van Gorden has seen lights develop from candles through the kerosene and gas stages to electricity.  He remembers well the era when mechanical music was unknown, heard early talking machines scrape and wheeze through tunes of long ago and now can hear voices and music reproduced from half a hundred radio stations.
He has seen the log road and the ox team replaced by concrete highways and automobiles.  His daily newspaper prints news the same day it happens in every foreign capital, but he can remember a day when foreign items two months old were still read with greatest interest.
In 1857 he married Sally Ann Hallock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hallock, and moved to a farm in the Town of Tyrone.  To them was born one son, Edward J., who for a number of years before his death was supervisor for the Town of Urbana.
Mr. VanGordon held several public offices in his younger days, and was active in all public interests.  For 76 years he has cast his vote in the Town of Tyrone.  Following the death of his wife he resided with relatives until the death of his sister, Mrs. Mary VanGordon a few years ago, since which time he has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. William Grover.

MRS. ROOSEVELT VISITS ITHACA  - (Handwritten date Feb. 1934)
Mrs. Roosevelt took part in the editors’ conference held during the recent Farm and Home Week at Ithaca, N.Y.  The farm women on the stage with her, are Mrs. Susan W. Freestone, Interlaken, N.Y.; Miss Elizabeth MacDonald, Delphi, N.Y.; Mrs. Edward P. Young, Milton, N.Y.; Mrs. Evalyn Gatchell, Alton, N.Y.;  Mrs. George M. Tyler, North Bloomfield, N.Y. and Mrs. A. E. Brigden of Rochester, N.Y.  The First Lady was accompanied on her visit to Ithaca by Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and they made their headquarters during their stay at the home of Miss Rose.  Mrs. Roosevelt attended a breakfast and luncheon on Thursday given in her honor and was present at the Master Farmers’ dinner at Willard Straight Hall on Thursday evening, at which she was introduced as the “wife of the first master farmer of the nation”.  She also attended a late afternoon tea for the visiting editors which was held in the homemaking apartments of the new building.  Upper class students in the college of home economics served at this tea under the direction of Mrs. M. L. Thomas, who is in charge of the apartments.
The new home of the state college of home economics is said to be the most modern and best equipped building of its kind in the country.  It contains 560 rooms, 70 offices, 26 laboratories, five lecture rooms, including amphitheater, fifteen reading and work rooms and three conference rooms.  The main auditorium seats 600 people and the cafeteria 280.  The building is designed and constructed to permit many more years of expansion.

TURNER, HARRIET ELSIE – OBITUARY  (Handwritten date Feb. 16, 1934)
Harriet Elsie Turner, fourteen year old daughter of Benjamin and Edna Spaulding Turner, took her departure from this life at her home in the Town of Veteran, last Friday morning.  She was laid away in the little hilltop cemetery in Veteran, on Monday afternoon while a grief stricken family, sorrowing neighbors, and upwards of a hundred Horseheads schoolmates with their teachers, eyes dimmed with tears, said farewell.
Elsie was born in Veteran township on March 24, 1919.  Beloved by all who met her, she smiled her way with commendable achievement through seven and a half years of elementry work in the little white schoolhouse not far from her home, entering Horseheads Junior high school in January 1931, at eleven years of age.  There she made a host of friends and participated in a number of school activities.  She was president of the Sophomore class in 1932-33 and a member of the Student Council, as well as the Girls Glee Club.  She was the youngest member of the Junior class.  To Elsie, her school was indeed her life.
The out of school contacts which Elsie made were also rich in happy experiences and honors for her.  Last Friday afternoon four hundred twenty-five Horseheads High School students stood silently with heads bowed in general assembly, as they paid tribute to Elsie and the beneficient influence which was her portion.  Elsie has gone—The blessing of a wholesome, sweet, happy life she leaves behind her.  She lived life well and to its fullest.  And we are the better for it.

Elsie Turner, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Turner, of the Ridge Road, Town of Veteran, died Friday morning as the result of an attach of quinsy.  She is survived by the parents; two brothers, George E. And Benjamin, Jr.; a sister, Shirley Ann all at home; the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Spaulding of Trumansburg, Mrs. Celia E. Turner of Horseheads.  The funeral was held Monday.  The Rev. Fenimore E. Cooper officiated.  Burial in the Vary Cemetery, Town of Veteran.

Miss Van Rensselaer of New York Was an Early Pioneer in Home Economics  (1932)
The home economics work of the country has lost one of its pioneers and most ardent supporters in the sudden death of Miss Martha Van Rensselaer, which occurred May 26th at St. Luke’s Hospital in New York City.  She was co-director with Flora Rose of the New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell, and her career had been associated wholly with education, though coupled with much successful editorial work.
Mrs. Van Rensselaer had been connected with Cornell University since 1900, became professor of home economics and head of that department in 1912, and director of the newly established College of Home Economics since 1928.  She was also assistant director of the White House Conference on child health and protection, her work and ability having come to the attention of Herbert Hoover when he was at the head of the Food Administration during the war.  In 1923 Miss Van Rensselaer was elected by the League of Woman Voters as leader in one of the 12 major activities engaged in by women of the United States, and had long been nationally recognized as preeminent in the field of home economics.  The insignia of the Order of the Crown of Belgium was conferred on Miss Van Rensselaer by the King of the Belgians, in recognition of her services in the cause of child welfare and in the education of women and girls.  She was a member of the American Home Economics Association and its president in 1915.
As a pioneer in home economics education, this able woman, maintained undoubted leadership in that field throughout her long service.  She was thoroughly interested in all the Grange is doing in home economics and welfare lines, and frequently and highly commended its work.

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