The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

Tri County Clippings- Page One Hundred Eighty Four

The Rev. Frank H. Van Keuren, 84, who organized the Society which founded a later built Grace Methodist Church, died at 5:25 Savona .m. today after a heart attack at 41 East William Street. His home was in Sovona but he and Mrs. Van Keuren were spending the winter here. Mr. Van Keuren organize the Grace Church Society which held its service in what was known as King’s Hall, corner of Bridge and West Pultney Street, on Oct. 25, 1896. Later the well-known minister headed the list of subscribers towards a new church edifice with a contribution of $25.

The society purchased for lots on Bridge Street Nov. 9, 1897 in the corner stone of the new church was late April 14, 1898. The Rev. Mr. Van Keuren preached the first service in the new building on Aug. 28, 1898 and dedicated it on September 18, 1898. He also preached the last service in the old church, corner Bridge and West Pultney streets, about five years ago. His first organist, Mrs. and Hannah M. Harrington, played the last hymn in that church.

To Mr. Van Keuren run officiated at the dedication of the present church, which he and his family have attended this is taking up residence in Corning.

Born in South Bradford, in December 16, 1860, the son of Moses T. and Hannah Canfield Van Keuren , he was educated at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary and Garrett Biblical Institute in Evanston, Illinois. Completing his education there, the Rev. Mr. Van Keuren entered the ministry in 1884, joining the Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Among the pastorates which he has served are: Covington Lambs Creek, Pennsylvania, Rathbunsville, Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania, East Avenue, Hornell Painted Post, Linnwood Avenue, Buffalo, Coudersport, Pennsylvania, Wellsville and Honeoye Falls. He retired in 1913 but has supplied at Bradford and Sanora since that time.

He was married to Kitty. L. Barber of Covington, Pennsylvania, on June 22nd, 1887, by his uncle, the Rev. John T. Canfield. They had two children, Mrs. Florence Oliver of Corning, teacher in Big Flat School and Dr. Ernest C. Van Keuren, head of the English Department of Evansville college, Evansville, Indiana. Three grandchildren, private Joseph A. Olliver in England, Nancy and Bruce Van Keuren of Evansville, Indiana, one nephew, William G. Connelly former prominent Corningite, now of Chicago, Illinois.

The body was removed to the Philips funeral home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete

Mrs. Mary J. Bartlett of Mainesburg. Body is at the Soper Funeral home, Troy, and Thursday will be taken to Mainesburg Methodist church for funeral at 11 a.m.. The Rev. Paula Jaynes-  Mainesburg Cemetery May 10-13, 1943)

Mrs. Emma Johnson Ridge, 93, of Covington, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, Oct. 45, 1944, at home of Mrs. Frank E. Hughes. Funeral today at 2 p.m. at home of niece, Mrs. W. J. Ridge, Covington. Rev. Dawson. Covington Cemetery

S. O. Putnam-the funeral of the late S. O. Putnam was largely attended Wednesday afternoon. Rev. and Johnstone of Ulysses, a former pastor of the Baptist church officiated. Mrs. John Tanner sang "Bury me Near the Old Home". Burial was made in the family plots in gray cemetery. The Odd Fellows having charge of the service at the grave.

Samuel O. Putnam was born in Covington February 191855 and died Oct. 28, 1923 in the Blossburg hospital. He was the son of Thomas and Alsine Connelly Putnam, direct descendants of Israel Putnam. His early life was passed at school and on the farm of his father. When he reached manhood he when West and worked six years in his uncle store in California. After returning home he married Miss Mary Holiday born daughter of Daniel And Keeney holiday, March 5, 1883, thus uniting two of the oldest families in Tioga County. They went into a hotel business, conducting successfully the "Mansion House" on the four corners were the church of Christ now stands.

Besides his widow, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Helen Whitaker of this place in one brother, Thomas of California and Mrs. Lane, and aunt. Mr. Putnam will be greatly missed. Our township was named for him. The Wellsboro Gazette says; Mr. Putnam was elected to the Board Of County Commissioners in November 1902 and Assumed His Position the Following January. He served out his term and was re-elected in 1906. In 1912 he was appointed to a vacancy on the board, served out the unexpired term and, in 1915, was elected to a full term of four years.

"Sam" was peculiarly fitted to discharge the duties pertaining to the office of County Commissioner. He brought to it a keen perception of successful business methods, a steadfastness of purpose, faith in his convictions and a determination to stand by them that enabled him to discharge his duties conscientiously and without fear or favor. The same sound business principles which govern his private enterprises were extended to public affairs and by this means he was able to save thousands of dollars for the taxpayers of Tioga County. With it all he was brought minded and always fair. Once convinced of the righteousness of cause, "Sam" was for it good and strong and was just is ready to endorse the payment of a just County obligation as he was to discountenance a false one.

Sam Putnam's record in accounting Commissioners office of Tioga County is indeed an enviable one-- one that will stand for years to come as he said memorial to his business acumen, district integrity and painstaking labor.

As a friend and neighbor he was kind, generous than ever ready to lend a helping hand. Only a few months of L. he opened to the public that beautiful part the bears his name, on the State road near Covington, where and everybody is welcome. Tourists from all parts of United States excepted his hospitality during the summer just passed.From 1902 until 1919 the deceased was a resident of Wellsboro, returning to Covington in the latter years and settling down on his beautiful farm in the village, where he has since resided.

Samuel O. Putnam, Wellsboro, Oct 29, - Samuel O. Putnam of Covington aged 88 years died at the Blossburg Hospital S___Day morning. Mr. Putnam had been a prominent in Covington’s political circles for a number of years. He was elected County Commissioner in 1905, serving three terms. Of ___ those years he had been engaged in farming.Last summer Mr. Putnam established Putnam Park, on the highway between Covington and Mansfield, the spot has been popular with motor touristsMr. Putnam is survived by his widow and one sister, Mrs. Helen Whittaker of Covington. The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Police Chief E.J. Wood died at his home here today, Aug. 21, 1945, after a long and successful career as a police chief. On Nov. 7, 1941, he and Mrs. Wood celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage. They were where wed at Sylvania where he was employed on the Fred Bradford farm. They later moved to a farm near here are and after a period t to here he was employed in tanneries at Troy, Roaring Branch, and Elkland, Pennsylvania and at Marathon, New York

He was named police chief of the borough on Feb 1, 1926 and served with exceptional fidelity. He promptly curbed lawlessness in the area and developed marked ability in locating persons wanted by the authorities. What on patrol duty one night he heard a door creek in the direction of the Erie station and quickly discovered burglars in the adjoining GLF store, arresting them single handed..

Chief Wood took exceptional interest in wayward boys and girls and was opposed to jailing first offenders. When a youngster was found here who had run away from home the Chief took him to its own home instead of to jail and Mrs. Wood, widely known as "Mother Wood", provided food and entertainment and also a heart to heart talk the supplemented the work of her husband.

The Chief was interested in all community projects, and a freely out his spare time to his neighbors and friends, and will be best generally.

Covington Baptist Church to note 100 to anniversary in October-the 100th anniversary Of the First Baptist Church at Covington will be celebrated in October with a program of activities now being planned by the pastor, the Rev. Carl W. Wheeler, and various committees.

A. loyal membership, numbering approximately 200, come from all parts of the compass In This Is Saturday, Including Wellsboro, Elkland, and Mansfield as well as Covington itself.

The Sunday school numbers about 100 pupils with Arnold Johnson, of Mansfield, superintendent. Other church organizations include a strong Missionary society, their program supporting the Faith missionaries in their independent work.

This church, too, it's has contributed a number of individuals to the service of the church in various fields of activity, both missionaries and pastors. Each Sunday the Young People's society members this is a hospital near here and distribute tracts and magazines through the wards. At Christmas time they take gifts to the patients. They are also active in giving services in different localities.

The deacons of the church are Herrick Wilcox,, Cecil Palmer of Mansfield, Charles Olney and Claude Wilcox.

Trustees of the parish include EB Zimmer, Myron Elliott, Leon Butler, Ambrose Mason, and Osmer Welch of Covington, and Charles Emberger, of Elkland.. Recently the church was re-decorated in previous Pastors new hardwood floor laid.. The church is now heated with gas and has been tapered and painted throughout. The parsonage also has been redecorated an improved within the past year.

Rev. Mr. Wheeler, the present pastor, was born in Susquehanna Pennsylvania. He attended The Practical Bible Training School at Binghamton, New York after which he served parishes in Western New York and New Jersey to for 12 years and also supplied at Niagara Falls, New York. It was in this latter charge that he then married Mrs. Wheeler. They have one child, a daughter.

Although the church was organized 100 years ago, the present edifice was erected some years later, in 1855. The church originated from what was known as "The Particular Baptist Church of Covington," and according to the history of Tioga County, "after many vicissitudes and trials as a church organization finely adopted the rules of faith and practice of the regular Baptist denomination."

The original society known as the Covington Particular Baptist Church, derived its origin from the particular Baptist Church of Sullivan, a society which, without any regular house of worship, was maintained a long period in Sullivan Township by needing for worship and business in the dwellings of its members who were also the only Baptists in a Township of Covington.

It is on this date, Oct. 24, 100 years later that the forthcoming Centennial observance is being planned.

The church met in the school house until 1855, when the present church was erected. By 1860 there were 63 members. The history of the church since then has been won a steady progress and influence for good in the community. Pastors of acknowledge ability and education have further the purposes of the church and at present it enjoys A. loyal and large membership.

This church is the parent of nearly all the prominent Baptist churches in the county, the Blossburg, Mansfield, Charleston, Dart Settlement, Middlebury and other church is were organized by it and set aside is individual Baptist societies, and though perhaps the oldest church in the county but one, it is still one of the youngest in Progressive spirit , service and zeal for the Master’s cause." According to the history of Tioga County written in 1883.

According to the historical data Elder George Spratt in 1839, and educated and talented minister from England, removed from the Shamokin church in Northumberland County, united with the Sullivan Church and became its pastor. He finally settled in Covington with his family and preached here in the morning and with the Sullivan members in the afternoon of the same day. When Elder Spratt commenced his ministry in Covington there were about three members of the Sullivan Baptist Church residing in Covington-Ephraim B. Gerould, Mrs. Sarah P. Kelts, and Margaret Williams.

J.A. Putnam's observed Golden wedding--Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Putnam who exchanged wedding vows in this city 50 years ago, celebrated their Golden wedding anniversary Friday with their four sons and a large number of relatives and friends,. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Putnam, son and daughter-in-law of the celebrants, were hosts at their home and Success Valley entertaining with a dinner and 2:00 or relatives and holding open house throughout the afternoon in evening.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Putnam are descendants of prominent early day Porterville families. He is a nephew of the late Porter Putnam, founder of Porterville. She was born in Porterville almost 72 years ago, the daughter of the late O.A. Wilcox, who came here from New York in 1856 and Mrs. Wilcox. Mr. Putnam was born on Jan. 29,1863, in Covington PA. With his parents he moved to Edna Texas, in 1867 and came to Porterville in 1886. He and Mamie J. Wilcox were married on March 21,1891. To them were born the following sons: Royal F. Putnam, Burt J. Putnam of San Francisco, Emery O. Putnam and Marvin E. Putnam.

Mr. and Mrs. Putnam's only grandchildren-Royal and Jimmy Putnam, the daughter & a Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Putnam-were also present to share with their grandparents the happiness of the occasion.

A three -tiered wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Putnam and shared with a dinner guests and those who called later. Many handsome gifts were received by the honored pair.

Invited to the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Putnam and children, Jimmy & Royal; John Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKean of Avenal, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sheeter and daughter, Mr. W.E. Traeger, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox, Mr. and his Gifford Irwin and daughter, Jean, Selma; Mrs. Charles Shackleford of Vasailia, Ms. Grace Bond, Perlrey Putnam of Wheatland, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Putnam of Colussa. Mrs. Gertrude Moorebeck, Of Wheatland, Mr. and Mrs. John Kabrich and two children, Marlene and Richard, of Taft.

Calling during the afternoon in evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Witt, Mrs. Ruth Geddes, Mrs. Ida Smith, Mrs. Arthur Hall, Mrs. Nellie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson and daughter, Bernice; Mr. and Mrs. Otis Brough, Mrs. Addah Swisher, of Visalia, Madams Frieda E. Walbridge , Emily Failing, the Amelia Hamilton, Kate Smith, Jenny Smith, Mattie Carpenter, I. W. Merritt, Cora B. Chase, Matilda E. Burrows, Ray Hayes, Leonard Longley, Kenneth Rutherford, and daughters, Jane and Anne, Wesley Traeger, Misses Edna Wilcox and Alberta Traeger.

Kin of this city's founder Dies in North-Perley Porter Putnam - 85, nephew of Royal Porter Putnam, founder of Porterville, was found dead in his vegetable garden at Wheatland, Coulsa County, on February 4th, according to word received here. He was making his home with a daughter, Mrs. Gene Morebeck. His death is attributed to a heart attack. Cremation followed the funeral services.

A native of Texas, Mr. Putnam made his home here for many years in the early days of Porterville A. and will be remembered by old-time residence his wife, Ella, died in Coulsa, in November, 1940. The couple celebrated their Golden wedding in 1938. Mr. Putnam came here in 1941 to attend a golden wedding of his late brother, Jim Putnam, and had the pleasure of greeting many of his old friends. The brother was 80 years of age at the time of his death. He, too, was found dead in his yard. Putnam is survived by the daughter, Mrs. Moorebeck, and a son, Alfred Putnam.

Mainesburg items-Mr. Burt Connelly-has just celebrated his 80 a birthday. He was born and lived the most of his life in Sullivan Township and is now making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Ernest Chamberlain. The family met together with him on Sunday. Those present were: Mr. Burt Connelly, his sister Mrs. Anna McKerrick, of Elmira; Mrs. Walter Connelly, Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Connelly and Helen Hart, Ms. Laura Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strange and Mrs Helena Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chanberlain and daughter, Ernistene. Mr. Connolly received a lot of presents. A large birthday cake with candles was a part of the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bryan and Mrs. Bryan's mother called in the afternoon

(1946) Mrs. Royal E.-Mrs. Daisy Cowan Lee-aged 52 years, died suddenly about 12 o'clock Monday, May 20, in the Blossburg hospital.

She was born in Covington February 13,1894, daughter of Edgar & Emma Cowan. She Was a Member of the Disciple Church and a willing helper in Sunday school affairs.

She is survived by her husband, Roy Lee, a daughter, Emmaline Lee, two sons, James and Thomas; her mother Mrs. Frank Gillette; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Dowd, Williamsport; and Mrs. James Frost, Covington, and one brother, Fred Cowan of Covington.

GI, Wounded in Germany, returns home-Mansfield-Cpl. Edward S. Smith of Mansfield has received his honorable discharge from the Army At Valley Forge Hospital on grounds of disability.

Inducted into service February 19, 1944, he went overseas Decemnber of that year and was declared missing in action on Jan. 5,1945

Receiving a blast of machine gun fire which shattered one leg Cpl. Smith was picked up by the German infantry men who had wounded him. No stretchers being available, they carried him through the Black Forest region, a trip of three to half days, during which both feet were badly frozen, to a first aid station and then to a German hospital at Friedenstadt.

Smith received excellent care from the Germans in the next five months. A German surgeon made five operations, removing shadow and building up the bone. In June Smith was released to the French Army and soon to the United States by plane. He arrived at Rhoads General Hospital, Utica, July 3, 1945, and was later transferred to Valley Forge. Cpl. Smith is husband of Shirley Bailey Smith of Mansfield and son of Mrs. Vivian Palmer of Covington.

Covington Sailor Witnesses Surrender-Mansfield-S. Vaughn Ames, coxwain 3/c on a destroyer escort in the North Atlantic, and made a surprise visit to his home in Covington reselling on a 48 hour pass. His ship is one of the destroyer escorts to which four of the German U-boats surrendered, including the one with the Jap suicides aboard. Coxwain Ames has been in the Navy since February 16, 1944. His brother, Pfc Leonard Ames, is stationed at the Marine Air Corps Message Center at Cherry Point, North Carolina. They are the sons of Mrs. Matilda Ames of Covington.

( September 4,1940)

Mainesburg locals-Henry Campbell and daughter Christine, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Strange to dinner at the home of Mrs. Ruby Hager Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strange and children spent the weekend at their home here.

Doctor and Mrs. L.N. Smith and daughter, Irene of Pittsburgh, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Smith's brother, L. E. Austin.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. strange and move from the Goodrich to rooms in Mrs. Aumick's house

Mrs. H.R. Dial was called here the death of her father, L.E. Austin

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wood of Elmira, were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wood.

Miss Winifred Goodrich has returned from Buchanan, New York , were she has been visiting her friend Mrs. Knapp.

Virginia and Jimmy Osler have returned to their home in Sayre after spending sometime with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Osler.

Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Smith visited his father, Byron Smith at Elmira, New York

Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kaplan and son Bud visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Costello at Hazelton over the weekend

Mr. and Mrs. Malcomb Strange and children visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strange, over the weekend (September 1-3,1940)

Elliott Rose of Wellsboro spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. Anna Gray

Mrs. Sam Purvis visited her daughter, Mrs. TW Sealey, at Millerton over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strange spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Vandyke.

L. W. Welch, Arthur Corey, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McConnell & Donald and Bernice spent the weekend at the Wellsboro hunting camp near Salladysburg.

Mrs. Charles Bainbridge and Mrs. Harry Bronson and son and daughter of Hamilton Square, New Jersey, and Mrs. Henry Cornell of Sylvania called on Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Stauffer Sunday.

(Aug. 7-19 44) Earl C. Baity and son, Warren Mason, of Street Maryland have been visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Baity has completed a third of the century of teaching in Maryland. He is graduated from Mansfield State Teachers College In 1910.

Mr. and Mrs. William Cady, Hugh and Kenneth Cady attended the Funeral Sunday at Troopsburg of their cousin, Forest Cady, wife and son, Douglas, Mrs. Harold Cady, who were killed in an automobile crash last week near Jasper, NY.

Three anniversaries observed by Baptists at Ulysses-3 unusual anniversaries have been celebrated by the First Baptist Church of Ulysses, 110th of the organization of the church, the 25th of the dedication of the present edifice, and the 20 th. of the pastorate of the Rev. N. Johnstone whose ministry here has been exceptionally successful. The final program Tuesday night was a review of the history of the Baptists in this area.

Rev. Mr. Johnston was educated in England and with his wife came to the United States in September, 1910, his first charge being at the Covington and Sullivan State Road Churches he later became pastor of the Troy and East Troy Churches and after six years accepted the call to the Ulysses and Gold Churches.

Potter County was almost all forest land and thinly settled with a few Baptists living in a section about two miles south of Ulysses used to get together from time and finally decided to organize a church.. On Aug. 3,1833, a meeting was held in the home of Edmund Brace any regular Baptists church was formally organized and a clerk elected.

Meetings were held in different homes for three years and in the fall of 1836 and in the fall of 1836 a log house a worship was built. In the fall of 1857 it was decided to erect a more substantial house of worship and plans were drawn and timber cut in drawn to the site, but with winter setting in the erection of a church was postponed.. During the winter many other resident of Ulysses, not members of the church, persuaded down to build in the village.

That edifice, after being repaired and altered three times, was set on fire by a gas explosion March 19, 1916. The present edifice of red brick was built in dedicated Nov. 24, 1918. The auditorium was enhanced in beauty and its services made for worshipful by the purchase and installation of a pipe organ which had been used in the old Temple of the Scottish Rite Consistory in Coudersport. To these three anniversaries were the occasion of the special service, which was largely attended, in the Church Sunday. By special invitation many who had been married or baptized by the Rev. Johnstone during his 20 years here were present.

The Tuesday evening program was arranged to represent for periods, of 25 years each, in the history of the church. The first scene depicted the organization of the church in the farm home of an early settler and the last an event in the present church building.

Costumes appropriate to the period were worn in each scene and music by the choir was in keeping with each period. In one scene the first organ used by the church accompanied the choir. The history of the four periods was read by Mrs. D.A. Ritchie, Mrs. Cleon Buck, Miss Janice Buck, and Miss Ella Buck.

Special features of the program were 2 solos by Miss Joyce Reynolds of Genesee, Pennsylvania and organ solo by Miss Dorothy Borden of Ulysses, vocal solos by Miss Betty Weremine of Chautauqua, New York, Mrs. Dexter Angood and Miss Jean Whitney of Ulysses, Mrs. J. W. Spencer, on behalf of the church, expressed appreciation of the 20 years of faithful and efficient service of the Rev. and Mrs. Johnstone. The pastor responded.

Refreshments were served following the program. Those present from out-of-town were: Mrs. Gertrude Chapman, Mrs. Esther Raymond, Mrs. Frank Reynolds and daughter, Joyce, and Ralph Sundell, Genesee; Miss Betty Wermine, Chautauqua; Mrs. C. R. Frith and daughter, Wilhelmina, Mrs. Voss, Mrs.Lena Weed, Mrs. Charles Lush, Galeton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson, Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Kear, Miss Aurelia Cobb, Harrison Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Strange of Sullivan Township, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday at the home of their eldest son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus G. Strange, and Mainesburg. Dinner was served to 50 relatives. The couple received many gifts, among them a bouquet of roses from the State Road Baptist Church, of which they have been members since childhood. Joseph N. Strange and Miss Janie Rose were married October 17,1893, at the home of the brides father, Mr. Enos Rose, in Sullivan Township, by the late Rev. J. A. James, pastor of the State Road Baptist Church. Following the ceremony they were escorted by the bridegroom’s brother, Charles Strange, and fiancée, Ms. Mattie Rumsey, to Troy where they boarded the train in route the World's Fair at Chicago.For several years they resided in Springfield Township and for 30 years have resided on the Strange Homestead in Sullivan Township. Both Attended the Mansfield State Normal School. Mr. Strange has served as constable and tax collector of Sullivan Township and is now road supervisor. He is one of a family of six brothers and sisters, all living. Mr. and the Strange are the parents all of five children, Marcus and Maxwell Strange, Mainesburg; Frederick, Elmira; Mrs. Leola Frickle, Pine City; Mrs. Martha Palmer, new Albany, Pennsylvania and a foster son, Jack Isaacson, at home; 18 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Two grandsons and a grand son-in-law are serving in the Armed Forces, Cpl. Robert Strange of Trinidad; Larue Frickle, with the Navy & Maj. Lynn Beasley, husband of the late Lucille Frickle, any nephew, John Grey strange. The latter two enroute to a foreign base.

Miss Ella Louise Strange, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Strange, 721Dubois Street, was graduated from Cortland state teachers college last Monday. She is a member of the class that completes the accelerated course in August. Miss Strange graduated with honors as Southside high school in 1942. While in college she was a member of the Arethusa social sorority and participated in many college activities, including International Relations Club, ACE Student Christian Association and the Hilltop Press. Our outstanding activity was the Hilltop Masquers. She played the leading role in "Cry Havoc" in 1944 and in "Brief Music" this year, and is a member of the national honorary dramatic fraternity, Delta Psi Omega. Miss Strange will teach in Tioga Center Central School.

Mrs. Martha Ashley, 51, of Mainesburg, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, Nov. 20 S., 1946. Survived by husband, Abel Ashley; daughter, Miss Leona Ashley of Rochester; son, Leonard Ashley of Mansfield; brothers, Ernest Chanberlain Of Mainesburg, Henry Chamberlain of Mainesburg Harry Chamberlain Miami FL; Earl Chamberlain Ulysses, D.A.; three grandchildren. Body at the Soper funeral home, Troy, Pennsylvania, will be removed to family home in Mainesburg Friday afternoon. Funeral at the Mainesburg Methodist church Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. David Griffith and Alan Sours. Mainesburg Cemetery.

Mansfield-Mrs. Marietta Strange -who would have been 90 years old Friday, died Monday evening at her Sherwood street home. Warned touring nine, 1944 in Springfield Township, Bradford County, she moved to Sullivan Township, upon her marriage to Charles Strong, 1864. Since 1899 she has resided in Mansfield. Mrs. Strong was the oldest member of the Mansfield Baptist Church. Survivors are three son, Joseph, Charles, and John, all of Sullivan; three daughters, Mrs. MF Rose, and Mrs. Harry B. Kings a of Mansfield and Mrs. Fred E. Rose of New York; also 12 grandchildren and___great-grandchildren. A prayer service will be conducted at the home Thursday he at 1 p.m. and funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church at 2 p.m.. The Rev. E.J. Griffith Burial be in the Grey Valley Cemetery

Mr. Audrey Elizabeth Griffiths, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. David Griffiths, Mansfield and Lieutenant John H. Baynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Baynes of Mansfield, were married Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1944, at 4:30 p.m. at the Mansfield Baptist Church.

Rev. David J. Griffiths, father of the bride, the performed the double ring ceremony before the rostrom decorated only with the American and Christian flags. Mrs. G. F. Godfrey, aunt of the bride, played the following wedding music: "Remember Me," Brinkman; "_________ Love Thee," Greig; Lohengrin’s and Mendelssohn previous line wedding marches.

Mansfield Baptist Church-by Glenna Wilson- Mansfield-determination, and hard work, has put and Allen Sours into the ministry, the location which he loves to follow. At the age of 24, with the wife in child to support and with only a grammar school education, he made his decision. When he was in 1930 when he was a resident of Wellsburg, that he told is his desire to his pastor, Rev. L.A. Guiles, of the Wellsburg Church, and learned that the first need in the ministry is an education. So he took up his studies in grammar school where he left offset in years before. The depression negotiators attitude is difficult; but he managed to save from his small income the money required for his education and after his work was done for the day, he studied far into the night. By 1937, When the family moved to Elmira, three more children had come into the home. Mr. sours became a member of the Centenary Methodist church in Elmira and preached while traveling with the Centenary Gospel Team. He supplied in numerous pulpit while continuing his studies and appealed to the District Superintendent for full-time church. This being denied, Mr. Sours went in search of a much desired church. He found it in a little church at Judson Hill, Pennsylvania, which had been closed for several years. He was employed full-time in a business of his own, but took timeout on Thanksgiving Day to call upon the people on the community and it was decided that the church should be opened on Dec. 7, 1940. The "beans" if there were stored in the church were removed and with some renovating it was made into an inviting place to worship.  15 young people and adults attended the first service and as Mr. Sours expressed it, "the heart of the young minister came a flame with the joy of at last realizing his long sought for Church." His efforts were rewarded, for during his two years day, nearly a half-number persons were received into the church and a larger number baptized. The Churches of the charge were badly in need of repair and Mr. Sours carried out a repair program of approximately $2,000. State far in January 1946, he became a member of the senior class of the high school at Dushore, Pennsylvania, Andy and they, at the age of 40, received his high school the home a and prepared to enter college. In June he was transferred to the Mainesburg Methodist charge which includes the Churches of Mainesburg, Covington and Elk Run, and immediately began his studies at Mansfield State Teachers College.

Mrs. Hattie Ashley, Delmar, older sister all of E. O. Connolly and Mrs. T. J. Scaife, of this place, died at her home July 6, 1926, and was in third Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ashley had been ill over a year, losing and eye and suffering two strokes of paralysis she was 62 years of age. Mrs. Ashley was a fine Christian woman, a member of the Methodist church, and will be sorely missed in her home, as well as by large circle friends and relatives.

Dr. Philemon Rumsey, a longtime resident of Covington, died at his home in that borough on Tuesday morning. Decedent was a 6__ years old, and is survived by his widow and a step son, Ray Richards. Prior to becoming a resident of Covington, where he conducted a drugstore, Dr. Rumsey Lived in Wellsboro and in Blossburg. He was widely known and respected highly.(Aug. 21, 1912)

Laroca Ames Rumsey, aged 80 years, widow of Dr. Phlemon Rumsey, of Covington, died at her home in Covington, Feb. 13. She was a lifelong resident of Covington, being the only daughter of Horatio and Roxanna Clemons Ames. She was a very Ernest Christian and was a member of the Covington Church of Christ for many years. She was always interested in the welfare of those unfortunate and spent her life doing for others. She loved to hear Richard Maxwell sing her beloved hymns over "the radio station WESG, and wrote him several letters. A few days before she died he dedicated the song "Sunrise", to her. So Robert Matthews saying that hymn at her funeral, Thursday afternoon, Feb. 16, the Rev. E. W. Burden of the church of Christ and Rev. Carl Wheeler of the Baptist Church officiated. She is survived by her brother, Horatio Ames of Covington, several nieces and nephews. Burial was in Gray Cemetery, Covington. For pallbearers were six of her nephews, Herritt, Alfred, Freal, William, Stuart & Judson Ames.

Mrs. Blanche Scaife Jones, 40, wife of Clarence Jones, former pastor of Colosse, now of Green, New York, died early Friday, Aug. 27, 1943, at Richland Sanitorium, following a long illness following

she was born in Covington, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Scaife. She graduated from Covington in Mansfield high schools, also The Practical Bible Training School, Binghamton, New York. She was Mary to the Rev. Mr. Jones in 1927, and for 10 years lived in Kingsbury, New York, while he was pastor there, and later at Fernwood during his pastorate at that place and Maple View and Colosse.

Surviving besides her husband and parents, are five daughters, Arloween, Kathryn, Carmilla, Grace and Mary. Two sisters, Mrs. Walter Forrest, of Elmira, the Rev. Lillian Burtch, Otsego, and one brother, Pfc. Theodore J. Scaife, of Camp Picket, Virginia.

Services were held at the Colosse Baptist Church Monday at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesday at Kingsbury Baptist Church. Burial at Hudson Falls Cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Pellet, 92, Pine City, RD 1, Friday, Jan. 29, 1943. Survived by Ms. Minnie B. McWhorter, Pine City, sister; Mrs. Edith Samuel, Elmira, Mrs. William Snyder, Elmira, step daughters; several nieces and nephews. The body was at the Holly Funeral Home and was taken to the family home, Bird Creek Rd., Saturday morning, where the funeral will be held Monday at 2 p.m.. The Rev. L M Blackmer. Burial in Web Mills Cemetery. Please old and flowers.

Charles Hoxie, 76, of Covington, died at his home Thursday, Jan. 14, 1943. He conducted a barber shop in Covington for many years. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Kathryn LeValley Hoxie; a sister, Mrs. Ina Morris of Rochester; several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the Covington Baptist Church, with the Rev. Carl Wheeler officiating. Burial in Gray Cemetery at Covington.

Joseph Macumber, in this City, Jan. 27, 1945, formerly of 195 Erb Street., father of Betty: cousin of Minnie Ross, Myron of Batavia, NY, Mrs. Henry Munger, of LeRoy, NY, And Mrs. Alfred Newman, of San Francisco, CA, son of the late Royal & Viola (nee Bolling); nephew of Walter Maccumber, services from the Ernest Wedekindt Funeral Home, 5 Walden Avenue, at Genesee, Wednesday at 1:00. Friends invited.

Charles H. Werline , 68, of Jersey Shore, formerly of Canton. Friday Nov. 16, 1945. Survived by wife; daughters, Mrs. Arthur Neff of Rochester, Dr. Belle Palmer of Charlotte, North Carolina, Mrs. Louise Sweely of Laurensberg, North Carolina; sister, Mrs. Charles Frick of Jersey Shore. Funeral was at family home. Burial at Canton.

Barna Whitaker died at his home on the Canoe Camp Creek on Friday the 18th inst., after a brief sickness which lasted about three days. Mr. Whitaker was a lifelong resident of the neighborhood in which he died, having lived for many years On the Old Whitaker Homestead, which he owned at the time of his death he was born Oct. 20 money, 1827, and was in the 83rd year of his life. Mr. Whitaker had been in poor health a number of years, and in consequence did not often leave his home, but he always extended a glad welcome to visiting friends, any practiced among all men from boyhood to the last, The Golden Rule. There being among all his wife circle of acquaintances none of friends. He was preceded death by his wife, who passed from this life three years ago since which time his health has failed steadily to the end. Their children, who all survived them are as follows: Mrs. Alice Baity, of Canoe Camp; Mrs. Ellen Webster, of Lamb's Creek,; Mrs. Stella MacInroy, Cassius, Will And Charlie, all of Buffalo; Frank of Covington, and John, who is that the old home, all of whom, together with the many other relatives and friends, were present at the funeral, which was at the home on Sunday, the 15th, inst. The Rev. Emma Bailey officiating. (March 13, 1910)

Frank Whitaker, 70 of Blossburg and a resident of Tioga County for many years, died Tuesday morning, Aug. 4, 1942 at Blossburg State Hospital That after an Illness of Several Weeks. Survivors: Wife; and Three Daughters, Mrs. Ellis Mosher of Wellsboro, Mrs. Henry Glenwright of Tioga and Miss Stella Whitaker of Blossburg. Funeral Friday Afternoon, Shaw Funeral Home, Mansfield. Mansfield Cemetery.

Attorney Norman B. Leslie, 64, of Wellsboro, died Saturday afternoon, Nov. 281942. Survivors: his wife, Mrs. Florence Wood Leslie; a daughter, Mrs. Raymond Space of Meshoppen and; a son Robert at home; five brothers, George Ellis of St. Paul, Minnesota; John Alexander of Tioga; Atty. Alexander L. of Foreman, North Dakota; William Walter and Warren Doty, both of Cheltan, Washington; a sister, Antoinette Leslie, and a grandson. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the family home. The Rev. Orin G. Cocks will officiating. Burial in Wellsboro Cemetery.

Former Bloss Guest= Blossburg-HarryDareReynolds of Mount Vernon, NY, of the well-known firm of Reynolds-Fitzgerald Inc., advertising representatives of newspapers, 515 Madison Avenue, New York City, who frequently visited his cousins, Dr. Will George Butler and Miss Jennie Eva Butler of Blossburg, has been taken by death. His wife is the former Miss Marion E. Putnam who was born in Blossburg the daughter of Professor and Mrs. D. O. Putnam. Mr. Reynolds leaves four daughters, two sons and several grandchildren.

Miss Royal Putnam Becomes Bride Of Thomas Edmonds-Miss Royal Putnam, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Putnam of Success Valley and great great niece of Royal Porter Putnam, founder of Porterville, was quietly married in afternoon ceremony on Jan. 6, in Visalia, to Thomas Edmonds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Edmonds of Porterville. The Bride is now a junior in Porterville Union High School and will finish her schooling at the Fresno Summer School this year. She has attended the Porterville schools from the third grade on. Edmonds is now in his last year at Porterville college. He served in the Navy over one and a half years. He spent 16 months of overseas as supervisor of the radio staff on the flagship LCI. Honeymoon plans will be postponed until school is out. The newly weds are now residing at 500 East Mill Street.

First 100 Years Hardest, Declares Darius Holiday, and He Knows--He's 101 (this taken from article written by Mary V. Darrin of the Star-Gazette in December 5, 1940)

Wellsboro-The mantle of time lies gently on Darius D. Holiday, 101-year old Wellsboro resident.

Save for the handicaps of deafness and lameness, he maintains his vigor, his appetite for life and his absorbing interest in men and affairs.

He sleeps like a top and his appetite is good, although he prefers "old-fashioned dishes, like boiled dinners, homemade beans, dumplings and gravy."

When Mrs. Holiday serves him some modern dish he tells area was good but she needn't fix it for him again.

His days are spent between his favorite chair, where he reads his paper-without the aid of glasses-and smokes his pipe and a nearby couch. He is sweet tempered, gentle and full of twinkling humor.

State Senator G. Mason L. Owlett Recalls Meeting Mr. Holiday on the street few years ago on a bitter Feb. morning. He was trudging to the Post Office for his daily paper. The senator said, "this is a pretty Cold day for an old gentleman to be out." Mr. Holiday flashed back, "Yes, it is. If I see one, I'll send him home."

Welcome posing recently for a star-gazette camera man in his pleasant Central Avenue, home, Mr.Holiday kept up a running fire of any anecdotes and comments about men and things, interspersed with snatches of his personal history. "All my friends tell me the first hundred years are the hardest." In commenting upon world affairs he affirmed his belief in the invincibility of the United States against any outside foe, but he said, "There will always be wars in the world, because it is just natural for men to fight."

Another article on the Darius Holiday

Darius D. Holiday , was born in Holiday, Pennsylvania, Oct. 4,1839. He was named for his paternal grandfather, Daniel Holiday, a hotel keeper and mercantile grocery. His first contact with Wellsboro was in the year 1856 when as a boy of 17, he came to work in the hotel of which his uncle, D.B. Holiday, was owner and proprietor.

In April of 1861, when he was 22 years old, enlisted with Company H, 6th Pennsylvania Vol. Inf., in the Army of the Potomac. He was captained by Julian Sherwood of Wellsboro, whom he says was "not liked by his men." He is the only survivor of this company.

He fought at Dranesville, June 26, 1862; Gaines Mill, June 27, 1862; Savage Station, June 29, 1862; Gainesville, Aug. 29, 1862; Graveton, Aug. 29, 1862; Second Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862; Chantilly, Sept. 2, 1862; South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1863; Antietam, Sept. 16, 1862. He was wounded in the engagement.

Mr. Holiday was present at the battles of Fredericksburg on December 11, 1862, and Chancellorsville, may 2-4, 1863 but did not take part in the fighting. He was honorably discharged on May 18,1863

He saw Abraham Lincoln many times during the Civil War years and says that when he rode horseback, his feet seemed to rest on the ground. He saw or met Buchanan, Lincoln, Grant, Garfield, McKinley, Cleveland, Wilson and Taft.

He has been a lifelong Democrat. "I cast by first vote for Douglas in 1860," he said, "and lost it. I cast my last vote for Roosevelt in 1940 and got it back. In 1860, Lincoln wasn't any better known to the people of this country than Wilkie was in 1940."

Nov. 6, 1907, Mr. Holiday married Anna Kimball of Wellsboro. Mrs. Holiday. is his constant and devoted companion. They have no children.

Mr. Holiday’s life span has encompassed the whole development of Wellsboro.

David Rittenhouse Porter was Governor of PA and Samuel Wells Morris, son of the founder of Wellsboro, was Representative in Congress when he was born. The County Courthouse had been just built and it was 15 years before judges began to be elected in Tioga County.

The year before he was born the first logs school house was built in Wellsboro. The first railway was not constructed in Wellsboro until 10 years after he was born. And coal was only beginning to be mined. He has seen the coming of the reaper and binder, the cotton gin and the sewing machine, automobile, telephone, telegraph, airplane, and radio.

Mr. Holiday has all his plans for staying here another hundred years because he—he said.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Bailey of 807 Holdridge St., announced the engagement of their daughter, Ernistene to James Edward Williams of Centralia , Illinois.

Miss Bailey is a graduate Southside high school and the Arnot-Ogden Hospital School of Nursing. She served three years in Navy Nurse Corps in the states and the South Pacific area.

Mr. Williams, son of the late Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Williams, is a graduate of the Centralia Township high school and served for years in the Marine Corps in domestic and Pacific duty.

20 will take place Saturday at 2 p.m. in the First Church of Christ, Disciples. (1946)

(July 12, 1946) Betrothed-engagement Miss Arlene Fessler to Frederick A. Kuster of Blossburg has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fessler of Covington.

Mr. Fessler is a graduate of Covington high school and Mr. Kuster or is a graduate of Blossburg high school. He was recently discharged from the Army Air Force after 41 months service. Wedding plans are incomplete

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Kuster were married January 4th 1947 in the Methodist Church in Covington, Pennsylvania. Mr. Kuster is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kuster, Blossburg; Mrs. Kuster is the former Miss Arlene Anita Fessler daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Fessler of Covington. The Rev. Dwight Loder of Blossburg performed the ceremony.

Fessler-Kuster-the marriage of Miss Arlene Anita Fessler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fessler, of Covington, to Frederick A. Kuster, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kuster, Blossburg, was performed Saturday, Jan. 4, 1947, at 2:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church in Covington. The Rev. Dwight Loder, of Blossburg, performed the double ring ceremony. Traditional wedding music was played by Miss Marion Fenstamacher of, Ashland. Miss Schwenck, of Cresona, was soloist.

Given in married by her father, the bride bore a white brocaded gown terminating in, a three quarter length veil. She carried a white prayer book with purple tipped orchid and ribbon streamers.

Miss Ardis Fessler, sister of the bride, was made of honor. She wore a light blue brocaded gown with net skirt, with matching halo and carried a colonial bouquet.

Walter Kuster, Blossburg, was this man for his brother and Charles Ward, Blossburg a cousin of the bridegroom, and Richard Marvin, of Ulster, brother in law of bride, ushered.

Immediately following the ceremony reception for friends and relatives was held at the bride's home, after which the couple left for a trip to Georgia in Florida.

Upon their return they will be at home in their newly furnished apartment at Blossburg.

Mrs. Patterson and Lillian Sheppardson, Elmira; Mrs. Donald Booth and Mrs. William Messner of Covington; Miss Leah Sitzer, Blossburg, and Mrs. Harry Heller, Elmira, it entertained for the bride before marriage.

Mrs. Flora Rockwell, 83, widow of Bert Rockwell, died Friday, Jan. 17, 1947, and Hershey. Mrs. Rockwell was a resident of Mansfield for many years. She was a member of the Baptist Church and an Honorary Member of the Mansfield Literary Club. She is survived by a son, Allen Rockwell, a granddaughter and grandson, all of Hershey. Funeral services were held Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Shaw funeral home That, the Rev. David J. Griffiths officiating. Burial in the Mainesburg Cemetery.

Covington Borough Grange was organized May 7,1891 in the French house on West Hill above Covington on the farm now occupied by Thomas Frost, Covington grange expanded, and later in 1917 move to the president building. The grange has 113 members.

M.S. Knowlton gave a history of the Covington grange. It was organized by Stern ashley2n2 and his daughters, Florence and Bertha Ashley. M. Simon Harding was the first master of the grange .

Mrs. Harvey O. Cleveland, master, presided at the sessions. Mrs. Cleveland who served her first term last year, is continuing to in the absence of the present master, Lt. Frank A. Higgins, who was called to service at Ft Benning, Georgia Charter members now living include SH Killed, Mr. Mrs. Managan and Mrs. Frank Gillette, 50 year members, who received the gold sheaf, include John Cleveland, William Walker, M.S. Knowlton, Mrs. Jane Walker and Mrs. Mary Nelson .

Warren Morrison Rose-only son of Fred E. and Laura Strange Rose, was born in Mansfield, Pennsylvania, Nov. 27, 1904, and died July 26, 1942, in Niagara Falls, New York, six days after undergoing an operation for appendicitis.

When he was about a year old the family moved to Wellsboro. His childhood and school days in Wellsboro were very happy ones. In 1920, the family moved to Newark, New Jersey, where he took his senior work in Central High School, graduating there. He united with the Clinton Avenue Baptist Church of Newark at this time.

On his 18th birthday he obtained a position In the Chase National Bank of New York, and was with them 10 years. After leaving that position he obtained one with the American Sales Book Co., in which he continued until his death. While with his company he acted in a sales capacity in New York City, Philadelphia, Toledo, and Detroit. He recently became manager of the Government Sales Department in the main office of Niagara Falls, New York.

He married Marie T. Lewis, of New York, Aug. 29, 1932.

States or the funeral was held at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kingsley, in Mansfield. The services were conducted by his former pastor, the Rev. C. W. Sheriff, Wellsboro. The bearers were his uncles: N.J. Smith, Harold Rose, Joseph, Charles and John Strange, and his brother-in-law, Augustus Miller. Burial Was in the Gray Valley Cemetery

e many beautiful flowers to give testimony to the esteem in which he was held by his friends and business associates. To representatives from The American Sale Book Company attended the funeral Mr. C.W. Crofut, general sales manager, and Mr. Elwyn Spoor.

He is survived by his wife, Marie Lewis Rose; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Rose, of New York; grandmother, Mrs. W.D, Rose, a Mansfield, and several and uncles

Mayhue-Howard Mrs. Alice Howard, of Covington, Became the Bride of James Mayhue of Corning, Christmas 8:00 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Welton Curtis, 505 Madison Avenue, Elmira. The Rev. Emory C. Proctor, pastor of the Douglas Memorial Methodist Church, officiating. The bride wore a white satin and tulle gown, trimmed with white lace and were a large corsage of pink roses. The bride was given away by Mr. Curtis. Miss Sarah Briggs, the bridesmaid, wore a gown of light green and cream crepe, with a corsage of the yellow rose buds. Refreshments were served to 60 people. After the wedding the couple to a trip to Galeton, Pennsylvania.

The former Mrs. Howard resided for about six years at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Canmer in Mansfield before going to Elmira. The groom has been employed in Corning for several years.