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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings - Page Two Hundred Thirty Seven

Mr. Jacob Burke & Family
“A Deed Without a Name.”--Under this head a correspondent of the Louisville Journal writing from Columbia, Adair county, Kentucky, details the circumstances of a most heart rendering murder and suicide.  The facts, briefly stated, are these: A Mr. Jacob Burke, a plain and honest farmer, residing about two miles from Columbia, lost his wife about two years ago, for whom he entertained a more than ordinary fondness.  After her death he became morbidly sensitive on the subject of his two little boys, in their lone and motherless condition.  One of these was five years old at the time of his mother’s death, and the other was seven.  To add to his misery he took to drink, and from this cause his mind was measurably destroyed.  In this condition, he determined, it is supposed, to take his own life, but unwilling to leave his children behind him, he first, with an axe, while they were asleep, nearly severed their heads from their shoulders, and then went to the barn and hung himself!  (Wednesday, January 13, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

The Remains of Napoleon.  Of the removal of the great Emperor’s body from its grave in St. Helena, on board the Irigate Belle Poule, additional particulars of interest are given in the subjoined report of Count Rohan Chabot and Captain Alexander, the French and English commissioners appointed to superintend the exhumation. After mentioning the persons who entered within the enclosure the report proceeds as follows: “We first removed the iron railing that surrounded the tomb, together with the strong layer of stones on which it was fixed; and the covering of the tomb 11 feet 6 inches by 8 feet 1 inch, composed of three slabs, set in a second edging of masonry, was then removed.  This was done by half past one.  We then found a rectangular wall forming the four sides of a vault 11 feet deep, and 8 feet by 4 feet 8 inches in the area.  This vault was filled with earth to within 6 inches of the top.--After having dug into this earth for 6 feet 10 inches, we found a layer of Roman cement adhering firmly all over the surface, and hermetically fastened to the sides of the walls.  By three o’clock, this layer having been completely laid bare, the commissioners descended into the tomb, and verified that it was perfectly intact and without any injury in any part. The layer of cement having been cut through, it was found to contain another layer, ten inches thick, in blocks of stone fastened together with iron stancheons, which we were not able to get removed until after four hours and a half work.  The extreme difficulty of this operation of this operation decided the English commissioners on cutting a trench on the left of the vault, and on knocking down the wall, in order to arrive at the coffin, in case of the upper layer offering too strong a resistance for further efforts, which were made simultaneously to pierce through it.  But the layer having been entirely removed by about eight o’clock, the works of the latteral trench were abandoned.  Immediately under the layer thus demolished we found a strong slab 6 feet 7 ½ inches, 3 feet wide and 5 inches thick, forming the covering of the interior sarcophagus containing the coffin.  This slab, perfectly sound, was surrounded by an edging of blocks of stone and Roman cement strongly fastened to the wall of the vault.  This last piece of masonry having been carefully removed, and two bolts having been fixed on the slab, every thing was ready half past nine for opening the sarcophagus, Guillard then purified the tomb by sprinkling the tomb, and took their time about it, and it was raised by means of commissioners, on the edge of the tomb. As soon as the coffin was visible, they uncovered their heads, and the Abbe Coquereau sprinkled holy water and recitted the De Profoundis.  The commissioners then descended to inspect the coffin, which they found well preserved, but a small portion of the lower part, which although it was on a strong slab then rested in blocks of stone, was slightly decayed.  Some sanitary precautions having been taken by the surgeon, an express was sent off to his excellency the governor, to inform him of the progress of the operation and the coffin was drawn up by hooks and cords and carefully transported beneath a tent raised for its reception.  His excellency the governor, accompanied by his staff, Lieutenant Middlemore, his aid-de-camp, and secretary, and Capt. Barnes, Major of the place, entered the tent to be present at the opening of the inner coffins. The upper part of the leaden coffin was then cut and raised with the greatest precaution; within it was found a coffin of wood, in very good state, and corresponding to the descriptions and recollections of the persons present who had assisted at the burial.  The lid of the third coffin having been raised, there was found a lining of tin slightly oxyised, which having also been cut through and raised allowed us to see a sheet of white satin; this sheet was raised with the greatest precaution, by the hands of the doctor only, and the entire body of Napoleon appeared.  The features had suffered so little as to be immediately recognized.  The different objects deposited in the coffin were remarked in the exact position where they had been placed; the hands were singularly well preserved; the uniform, the orders, the hat, but little changed; the whole person, in fact, seemed to indicate a recent inhumation.  The body remained exposed to the air for only, at most, the two minutes necessary for the surgeon to take the measures prescribed by his instructions, in order to preserve it from further alteration. The next document is an order of the day from the Prince de Joinville to his crews, directing the various points of naval etiquette to be observed during the ceremonial of embarkation and afterward. The last, and one of the most interesting of the documents, is the process verbal of the coffins, drawn up by Dr. Guillard, surgeon major of the Belle Poule.  The report, after relating the precautions mentioned above, which were in opening the lids of the several coffins, continues as follows: “Something white, which appeared to have become detached from the lining, covered, as if with a thin gause, all that the coffin contained.  The cranium and forehead, which adhered strongly to the satin, were partially stained with it, but very little was seen on the lower part of the face, on the hands or on the toes.  The body of the emperor was in an easy position, as when it was placed in the coffin, the upper members were laid at length, the left arm and hand resting on the left thigh, and lower limbs were slightly bent.  The head a little raised, rested on a cussion.  The voluminous skull, the high and broad forehead, presented themselves, covered with hard and yellow teguments closely adhering to them.  Such appeared also the contour of the orbits, the upper edges of which were furnished with the eyebrows.  Under the eyelids were still to be distinguished the ocular globes, which had lost very little of their volume or form.--The eyelids were completely closed, adhered to the subjacent parts, and were hard under the pressure of the finger.  Some eyelashes were to be seen on their edges.  The bones of the nose and the tegument which covered them were well preserved, the tubes and nostrils alone had suffered.  The cheeks were full.  The tegument of this part of the face were remarkable for their softness to the touch and their whiteness.  Those of the chin were slightly blue, a cut they had borrowed from the bend, which had grown after death.  The chin itself had undergone no change and still preserved the peculiar type of the face of Napoleon. The thin lips were parted, and three of the incisive teeth, very white, appeared under the upper lip, which was a little raised towards the left.  The hands were perfect, not having undergone any change.  Although the joints were stiff, the skin preserved that peculiar color which is only to be found in the living man.  The nails of the fingers were long and adherent, and very white.  The legs were in boots, but in consequence of the opening of the scams the last four toes were out on each side.  The skin of these toes was of a dead white, and furnished with nails.  The anterior region of the thorax was much depressed in the middle, and the sides of the belly hard and sunk.  All the members covered by the clothing appeared to have preserved their shapes.  I pressed the left arm, which I found to be hard and diminished in thickness.  As to the clothes, they appeared with their colors, so that the uniform of the horse chasseurs of the old guard was to be recognized by the dark green of the coat and its bright red facings.  The grand cordon of the legion of honor, was across the waistcoat, and the white breeches were partly covered by the hat, which was placed at the thighs.  The epaulettes, the breast lost their brilliancy; and turned black.  The gold crown of the cross of officer of the Legion of Honor had alone preserved the polish.-Vasses of silver appeared between the legs, one surmounted by an eagle, which rose above the knees, they were found entire, and closed.  As there were adhesions between the vases and parts they touched, I uncovered them a little the King’s Commissioner not thinking it right that they should be removed for the purpose of a closer examination.” The process verbal, after a remark that the above details though they might have been fuller, are sufficient to prove a state of preservation of the body more complete than the circumstances of the autopsy and inhumation warranted as expectation of, proceeds as follows:-- “This is not the place in inquire into the causes which have to this extent arrested the progress of decomposition; but there is no doubt that the extreme solidity of the masonry of the tomb, and the care taken in making and soldering the coffins in metal, have powerfully contributed to this result.  However this may be, I learned the effect of the atmosphere on the remains, and was convinced that the best means of preserving still longer was to exclude them from its action.  I eagerly complied with the desire of the King’s Commissioner, that the coffins should be immediately closed.  I restored the wadden satin to its place, after having slightly steeped it in cresote, and then caused all the wooden cases to be closely fastened as possible, and those of metal to be hermatically soldered.  The remains of Napoleon are now deposited in six coffins--one of tin, a second of mahogany, a third of lead, a fourth also of lead, separated from that within it by saw dust and wedges of wool--the fifth, the sarcophagus of ebony--and the sixth, the outer case of oak.” Napoleon’s Funeral.  The latest English and Parisian papers are filled with the details of the gorgeous funeral pageant of the 15th of December, on which day the body of Napoleon was deposited in the Hotel des Invalides.  The weather was intensely cold, and to this circumstance some of the journals attribute the comparatively peaceful and quiet manner in which the mercurial Parisians behaved on the occasion.  No doubt the prudent precautions of the police authorities and the imposing display of military force had quite as much influence as the cold weather. At nine o’clock on the morning of the 15th, the signal gun for the commencement of the ceremonies was fired.  From the hour of four, however, undeterred by the extreme cold, thousands had been moving to the most advantageous positions for viewing the procession.  The line of march from the bank of the Seine where the steamer containing the remains of Napoleon lay, to the sepulchre in the Invalides where they were to be interred, was adorned with military trophies, and all accounts agree that the effect was magnificent beyond all description.  The body having been received from the Prince de Joinville by a procession of priests in full canonicals, was conveyed to a splendid temple erected for its reception on the left bank of the Seine, where it remained during the performance of certain religious rites which occupied upwards of two hours. Long before the firing of the signal gun the immense amphitheatres erected on each side of the avenue leading from the quay to the principal entrance of the Hotel des Invalides, began to receive those whom fortune had favored with tickets, and although the number of tickets delivered amounted to 30,000, there was ample accommodation for at least 10,000 more. Several hours elapsed before the funeral car made its appearance, and in the interim the people were compelled to dance to keep themselves warm--so intensely cold was the atmosphere.--During this period a large bird of prey, supposed to be an eagle, was observed hovering over the esplanade.  This circumstance produced a considerable effect upon the minds of the multitude. A little before one, the head of the procession was seen entering the long, straight avenue, terminated by a colossal statute of the Emperor, which leads from the quay to the principal entrance of the Invalides.  This avenue was lined with the statues of the most celebrated monarchs and heroes of France, to welcome the mighty dead--the equal of the highest rank, the most celebrated in renown, to the illustrious asylum chosen for his ashes. At length the car was seen--the mighty car drawn by sixteen black horses, covered with gold housings--the car brilliant compare, and yet neither deficient in taste nor void of mournful semblance.  And here perhaps was the most beautiful sight of the day.  The central road filled with troops, and the procession advancing between this colossal statues just described, separated from one another by urns emitting a lurid light, while the back ground was filled on either side by the multitude shut up in the immense ampitheatres provided for the occasion, and by numerous masts, from which tri-colored streamers were gracefully floating in the air, formed a sight replete with such beauty and interest that “those who saw can surely ne’er forget.” As the car passed, each head was uncovered; and although the shouts of “Vive Napoleon!  Vive l’Empereur!”  which mingled with the cries of “Vive le Roy!  Vive Prince de Joinville!” were few between, a certain degree of emotion prevailed, and many an eye was suffused with tears. The car was preceded by the Prince de Joinville, attended by his staff and 200 sailors of the Belle Poule.  At half past two a royal salute announced that the car had reached the gate of the Invalides.  A great struggle occurred here to obtain a glimpse of the coffin as it was borne by 36 sailors into the Cour Royale of the Invalides, where the Archbishop of Paris in his robes and all his clergy waited to receive it. The Church of the Invalides.  The interior of the church was filled at an early hour by the persons who came in carriages, and were allowed to go in by the southern entrance.  Those who went on foot and entered by the gateway of the esplanade, found nearly all the seats occupied when they got in. At 2 o’clock the arrival of numerous generals with their aids de camp, and the bustle of the orderly officers announced that the royal cortege from the Tuilleries was at hand, and a salute of 21 guns ushered in the arrival of the king.  The drums in the nave beat a royal salute and the archbishop, preceded by the clergy, advanced towards the end of the nave, as if to receive his majesty; but there was some mistake in this part of the ceremony, for the procession before it reached the great door, was stopped and had to return. The king and the royal family did not come up to the nave, but went at once to the dome.  His majesty wearing the uniform of the national guard, took his seat on the throne prepared for him, to the right of the altar.  Near the king were the princes and his majesty’s aides de camp.  On the left of the altar was the archbishop of Paris, with the bishops assisting--the Cure des Invalides and clergy.  In an enclosed seat near the king were the queen, the princesses and ladies in attendance.  Under the dome, around the catafalque, the ministers and marshals were stationed.  In the left branch of the transept were the members of the chamber of deputies and on the right were the peers and members of the council of state.--In the two enclosed seats were the judges and officers of the Courts of Cassation and Accounts.  Next to these on the right were the members of the Cour Royale, the Council General of the Seine, and the Municipal Council of Paris, having at their head the prefect of the Seine and the prefect of police, the staff officers of the national guard, and the army and the council the Admiralty.  On the left were the members of the University, the Institute, and other learned bodies, and the Tribunal of First Instance and Commerce, the staff of the Hotel des Invalides, prefects and Mayors of department, &c, &c. A little before three, two guns in quick succession, and then 19 others, announced the arrival of the imperial coffin at the entrance of the Hotel.--The archbishop immediately went with his clergy to receive it, and to sprinkle it with holy water.  At three precisely the orchestra began a solemn march, and the clergy re-entered the nave chanting, and moving slowly towards the dome.  At this moment the excitement was intense--the music died away; there was a dead silence throughout the church, and immediately there was seen the imperial coffin which was veiled.  Some sailors and some non-commissioned officers of the army, surrounded with a closely pressed throng of sailors, with the young prince behind, the pall bearers at the angles, and a crowd of officers following, which moved up the church at a very rapid rate.  The effect of this first coming into the nave, when every one testified their respects by a profound stillness, and all the troops presented arms, was one of the most imposing parts of the ceremony.  Before the coffin had, however, reached the entrance of the dome, the solemn march was again renewed and at length burst out into a glorious strain of triumph.  Nothing could be finer. The Prince de Joinville then presented the body to the king, saying--”Sire, I present to you the body of the Emperor Napoleon.” The king replied, raising his voice, “I receive it in the name of France.”  Gen. Athalin carried the sword of the Emperor upon a cushion, and gave it to Marshal Soult, who presented it to the king. His majesty then addressed General Bertrand, and said--”General, I charge you to place this glorious sword of the Emperor upon his coffin.”  This the general then did. The musical part of the ceremony was as efficient as the united talents of the great performers who took part in it could make it be.  The solemn march played by the orchestra alone, on the return of the clergy, and the entrance of the body was magnificent.  After this, the first voice heard was that of Grisi by herself--and it filled with its compass the echoes of the immense edifice.  Lablache’s deep notes were heard to peculiar advantage. The service lasted altogether about an hour, but on its termination a great number of the persons who had been in the aisles moved towards the dome to see to catafalque and the splendid decorations of that part of the edifice; and though the last offices of the church were ended by four o’clock, it was after five before the edifice was finally cleared.  It is calculated that there were 7000 persons in the interior of the church on this occasion.  The Infante and Infanta of Spain, with their family, were present. The number of national guards of Paris and the banlieu under arms yesterday is estimated at about 60,000; the divisions of infantry and cavalry, the troops of engineers and artillery, the non-commissioned officers, veterans, gend’armes, municipal guard, sapeurs, pompiers, &c., presented an effective force of at least 20,000 men.  (Wednesday, January 27, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George W. Kelly
In this borough, on Thursday morning last, George W., infant son of Mr. Sylvester and Harriet Kelly, aged 7 months and 3 days.  (Wednesday, January 27, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Morris
Execution.--James Morris, a colored man, who was convicted at Philadelphia of the murder of Aaron C. Cross, was hung at Moyemensing Prison on the 15th inst.  Previous to his execution he confessed the crime and stated that he was impelled to it through motives of revenge, the deceased having spoken slanderously of his wife.  (Wednesday, February 3, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James R. Sligh
Died, in this borough on Friday 5th inst., James R., infant son of Harvy and Susan Sligh, aged five weeks.  (Wednesday, February 10, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

M. Sanson
M. Sanson, the public executioner, died recently in Paris.  It was his task in 1793 to bind Louis XVI, and lay his head on the guiliotine.  He was the third of the same name who had filled the same functions.  He was, a man of some property, well informed, fond of the arts, and passed the most of his leisure time at the piano.  (Wednesday, February 24, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Killed By An Elephant.--The N. O. Picayune of the 24th, says:--The united menageries Messrs. Humphrey & Lynes, was to have opened today, but as the elephant of Mr. Lynes killed a man yesterday, who traveled with the menageries, and broke off, the opening of the exhibitation is postponed till to-morrow, Thursday.  The name of the deceased was Crumbs.  He was the keeper of Mr. Humphrey’s elephant.  Yesterday afternoon, when about six miles from this city, up the coast, on the opposite side of the river, and as both elephants were walking along together, the deceased addressed some words to the elephant of which he had charge, when Lynes elephant made a lounge of his trunk at him that knocked him and his horse down.  He then took him up, put him in his mouth, and crushed him to death.--When he came on near Algiers, he met a mule on the road, which he threw over the fence, out of his way.  He then became unmanageable, passed down through Algiers, creating great alarm, and was at large as late as 10 o’clock last night. A Furious Elephant.--The elephant which killed the young man Crumb, of which the New Orleans papers gave an account, made his escape and entered a place called Algiers, the people of which turned out and attacked him with guns and missiles of every description.  They pursued him about eight miles, when he turned upon and pursued them back again.  He was at last secured.  Fifteen or twenty balls, it was found, had entered his head and several parts of his body, but not each of them did him any serious injury.  (Wednesday, March 24, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Capt. L. Riddle
Death by Accident.--Capt. L. Riddle, of Nantucket, so injured himself by a fall down stairs at the Franklin Hall; in that place, a few days since, as to cause his death.  (Wednesday, March 31, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Tobias Pinkham
On the 28th inst. in Tioga village, Tobias, son of Rev. Tobias and Margaret Pinkham, in the fourth year of his age.  (Wednesday, March 31, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Emily Garretson
On the 29th inst., in Tioga village, Emily, daughter of William and Emily Garretson, in the fourth year of her age.  (Wednesday, March 31, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Sir Astly Cooper
The eminent Surgeon, died on the 12th of February, in his seventy-third year.  (Wednesday, April 7, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

President William Henry Harrison
Office of the Globe, April 4th, two o’clock, A. M., Death of The President.  It is with deep regret we announce that William Henry Harrison is no more.  He died at thirty minutes before one o’clock this morning.  His disease was pleurisy, complicated with disordered liver and bowels, and from the first bore a serious aspect.  All the efforts of the best medical skill and most unremitted attention were unavailing. In announcing this melancholy event, all other reflections are absorbed in the thought of the nothingness of life, the emptiness of earthly grandeur.  One brief month has witnessed his event to the summit of human ambition--and his passage to the tomb.  “What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue!”  City of Washington, April 4, 1840.  An all-wise Providence having suddenly removed from this life, William Henry Harrison, late President of the United States, we have thought it our duty, in the recess of Congress, and in the absence of the Vice President, from the seat of Government, to make this afflicting bereavement known to the country, by this dedication, under our hands. He died at the President’s house, in this city, this fourth day of April, Anno Domini, 1841, at 30 minutes before one o’clock in the morning. The People of the United States, overwhelmed, like ourselves, by an event so unexpected, and so melancholy, will derive consolation from knowing that his death was calm and resigned, as his life has been patriotic, useful and distinguished; and that the last utterance of his lips expressed a fervent desire for the perpetuity of the Constitution, and the preservation of its true principles.  In death as in life, the happiness of his country was uppermost in his thoughts.  Daniel Webster (Secretary of State), Thomas Ewing (Secretary of the Treasury), John Bell (Secretary of War), J. J. Crittenden (Attorney General), Francis Granger (Postmaster General).  From the Washington Intelligencer. The solemn event which is announced above, although the public will have been in some degree prepared for it, will be to the whole country an astounding blow.  The uninterrupted health of the deceased patriot, his robust constitution and active strength, up to the last week of his life, had left this countrymen nothing to wish and nothing to fear in regard either to his bodily or mental capacity for the able discharge of the high trust to which he was called.  The tens of thousands of citizens who assembled to witness the ceremony of his inauguration felt, in the clear tones of his triumphant voice, an assurance that he possessed health and strength equal to the arduous duties which lay before him.  But this promise and this confidence were soon to suffer a sad reverse.  The week before last, pursuing the practice of his active life, and his habit, of early rising and exercise, the President, in the course of a long walk before breakfast, was overtaken by a slight shower, and got wet.  The following day he felt symptoms of indisposition, which were followed by pneumonia, or bilious pleurisy, which ultimately baffled all medical skill, and terminated his virtuous, useful, and illustrious life, on Sunday morning, after an illness of eight days.  He expired a little after midnight, surrounded by those members of his family who were in the city, the members of his Cabinet, and many personal friends.  Immediately after his demise, the members of the Cabinet retired, and drew up and signed the above annunciation, and caused it to be published.  In the course of Saturday the President appeared so much better as to inspire hopes that his disease would be subdued, but about four p m., a sudden and very unfavorable change took place, and he continued to sink until death closed the scene. The last time the President spoke was at nine o’clock--a little more than three hours before he expired; and the words which he then uttered were so remarkable that they deserve to be recorded and remembered.  While Dr. Worthington and one or two other attendants were standing over him, having just administered to his comfort, he cleared his throat, as if desiring to speak audibly, and, as though he fancied himself addressing his successor or some official associate in the Government, said “Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the Government.  I wish them carried out.  I ask nothing more.” These his last words were uttered in a distinct voice, and, as they were well calculated to do, impressed the gentleman present so solemnly that Doctor Worthington immediately wrote them down for preservation.  They present a brief but impressive record of the thoughts which occupied the last moments of the departed patriot, and are characteristic of the Roman devotion to his country which animated him throughout his life, and shone forth even in the hour of death.  Thus passed from life, and from the station on earth most worthy of a noble ambition, this good and wise and illustrious--citizen.  It is not for us to attempt to do justice to the solemnity of the occasion, or to the deep grief which pervades all hearts.  As more fitting and adequate than any thing which we could say, we quote the impressive language uttered from one of the pulpits yesterday by an eloquent Divine: “The intelligence of this morning, my Christian friends, has filled thousands of hearts, and will fill thousands more, with sadness and anxiety.  The Chief Magistrate of our Union is no more!  One short month since, amidst the breathless attention of an immense multitude, with clear and solemn voice, he called God to witness that he would faithfully discharge the duties of his high office.  He has now gone to appear in the presence of that God.  The praises of his friends, and the renunciations of his enemies, are alike awed into silence before this dispensation of mysterious Providence.  Amid the busy schemings of man, the Supreme Ruler has manifested his power; and we read with trembling sadness his awful lesson, of the uncertainty of human life, the emptiness of earthly glory.” “You have seen--how recently and sadly seen ! -- that the summit of human power affords no security from the shafts of death.  The illustrious man, lately almost a nation’s idol, now lies in the calm deep slumber which knows no waking till the final day.  Those deeds of service to his country which were so familiar to the lips of thousands, and that fidelity to his country’s good, lately so fervently expressed, and as we trust so sincerely felt--these and all else that graced his character have followed him to the bar of the just and the merciful Judge.  Before that bar, my friends, we also are to appear.  We know not how soon.  May we so use the present time as to prepare ourselves for that awful hour.” Immediately after the disease of the President, Mr. Webster, jr. Chief Clerk of the Department of State, accompanied by Mr. Beall, an officer of the Senate, sat out for the residence of the Vice President, in Virginia, bearing to him the following letter: “Washington, April 4, 1841. “To John Tyler, “Vice President of the U. States.  “Sir: It has become our most painful duty to inform you that William Henry Harrison, late President of the United States, has departed this life. “This distressing event took place this day, at the President’s Mansion in this city, at thirty minutes before one in the morning. “We lose no time in dispatching the Chief Clerk in the State Department as a special messenger to bear you these melancholy tidings. “We have the honor to be, with the highest regard, your obedient servants, Daniel Webster (Secretary of State.), Thomas Ewing (Secretary of the Treasury), John Bell, (Secretary of War), John J. Crittenden (Attorney General), Francis Granger (Postmaster General). Report of the Physicians.  Washington, April 4, 1841.  On Saturday, March 27, 1841, President Harrison, after several days’ previous indisposition, was seized with a chill, and other symptoms of fever.--The next day pheumonia, with congestion of the liver, and derangement of the stomach and bowels, was ascertained to exist.  The age and debility of the patient, with the immediate prostration, forbade a resort to general bloodletting.  Topical depletion, blistering, and appropriate internal remedies, subdued, in a great measure, the disease of the lungs and liver; but the stomach and intestines did not regain a healthy condition.  Finally, on the third of April, at 3 o’clock, pm, profuse diarrhea came on, under which he sank, at thirty minutes to one o’clock, on the morning of the fourth. The last words uttered by the President, as heard by Dr. Worthington, were these: “Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the Government.  I wish them carried out--I ask nothing more.”  Tho. Miller, M. D. (Attending Physician), Fred May, M. D., N. W. Worthington, M. D., J. C. Hall, M. D., Ashton Alexander, M. D. (Consulting Physician). Arrangements for the Funeral.  Washington, April 4, 1841.  The circumstances in which we are placed by the death of the President, render it indispensable for us, in the recess of Congress and in the absence of the Vice President, to make arrangements for the funeral solemnities.  Having consulted with the family and personal friends of the deceased, we have concluded that the funeral be solemnized on Wednesday, the 7th inst., at 12 o’clock.  The religious services to be performed according to the usages of the Episcopal Church, in which church the deceased most usually worshipped.  The body to be taken from the President’s House to the Congress Burying Ground, accompanied by a military and a civic procession, and deposited in the receiving tomb. The military arrangements to be under the direction of Major General Macomb, the General Commanding in Chief the Army of the United States, and Major General Walter Junes, of the Militia of the District of Columbia. Commodore Morris, the senior Captain in the Navy, now in the city, to have the direction of the naval arrangements. The Marshal of the District to have the direction of the civic procession, assisted by the Mayors of Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria, the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, and such other citizens as they may see fit to call to their aid. John Quincy Adams, ex-President of the United States, members of Congress now in the city or its neighborhood, all the members of the Diplomatic body resident in Washington, all officers of Government, and citizens generally, are invited to attend. And it is respectfully recommended to the officers of Government that they wear the usual badge of mourning.  Daniel Webster (Secretary of State), Thomas Ewing (Secretary of the Treasury), John Bell (Secretary of War), John C. Crittenden (Attorney General), Francis Granger (Postmaster General.) (Wednesday, April 14, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

President Harrison
From the Globe we extract the following notice of the obsequies:  “The funeral of President Harrison was conducted to-day with great propriety--with pomp and solemnity.  A vast multitude attended.  Uniform companies from the city of Baltimore and Philadelphia united with these of the District, and these added to several bodies of United States troops drawn in from neighboring posts, made a very imposing military display.  Several bands of fine music led different sections of the military array, and, with melancholy strains, blended the sympathies of the people.  The whole procession, including a large concourse of citizens from the neighboring states, filled the Pennsylvania avenue to a very great extent.  The houses immediately on the avenue were for the most part hung with black drapery, and the windows were crowded with fair faces.--The day was soft and beautiful, enabling the immense throng (a great many of whom were on foot,) to attend the remains they honored of the place of sepulture, some two or three miles from the President’s mansion.  There, the last rites being paid, and the body deposited in the tomb, the scene was closed by the firing of cannon and volleys of small arms.  Throughout the day minute guns were fired, and during the procession the bells of the city tolled. (Wednesday, April 21, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Suydam
The New Brunswick Tragedy.---Extract from a private letter, dated New Brunswick, April 3d. “Robinson seems now to relent, and has confessed his crime in the most hideous form.  He says he called upon Mr. Suydam the night before the murder, and invited him to his house under the pretence of paying off the note and $300 on bond and mortgage.--that he was prepared to assault him on his entry, and had placed his hatchet on the side light of the front door, intending as he passed in to seize it and make the attack; but Mr. S. came in the back door, which frustrated the plan.  They went into the basement story, and Mr. S. went into familiar conversation about the house, remarked to him that he was going along well, and would soon be thro’ & c, but seemed to keep his eye on his guilty associate, who had taken up a mallet.  They passed into the 1st story, and there Robinson said to Mr. S. that his wife had gone out for pen and ink and would soon return.  Mr. S. replied, “I’ll walk out a few minutes and return again, by that time she may be in,” and advanced to the door; Robinson stepped behind him and struck the blow with the mallet which threw off his hat and brought him on his hands and knees--a second blow brought him to the floor.  He then went down to prepare the grave, and whilst digging he heard a noise up stairs, and returned and found Mr. S. on his hands and knees, and at the moment he took his hand and wiped the blood from his eyes and said, in a faint voice, “Oh, Peter.  Oh Peter!”  These words, the convict says, ring continually in his ear.--He then gave the fatal blow and carried him down stairs, and there left him lay till the grave was finished.”  (Wednesday, April 21, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. Trevanion B. Dallas
Death of Judge Dallas.--The Pittsburg papers announce the death of the Hon. Trevanion B. Dallas, one of the Judges of the District Court of Allegheny county--a man of high character and much beloved.  He was the brother of the Hon. George M. Dallas, of Philadelphia.  (Wednesday, April 21, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Bayard Hoffman
In Tioga village, on the 7th inst., Bayard Hoffman, son of Hiram K. and Sarah Hill, in the sixth year of his age.  (Wednesday, April 21, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Peter Robinson
New Brunswick, April 16, 11 o’clock, A. M.  Robinson’s execution. This morning, at 23 minutes after 10 o’clock, in accordance with the sentence of the court, Peter Robinson, the murderer of Suydam, suffered death at New Brunswick, NJ.  He was executed with an enclosure immediately in front of the jail.  The gallows was made after the plan adopted and used in New York, and so arranged by weights and pulleys as to raise the criminal up by a sudden jerk. The principal part of the arrangements being fully completed yesterday, there was very little to do this morning.  At 10 o’clock the Court House bell began to toll, its doleful peals reaching within the precincts of the wretched man’s cell.  About ten minutes after 10 o’clock, the sheriff and jailer, with one or two assistants, proceeded to his cell, for the purpose of arranging his dress and bringing him forth to undergo his punishment.  The jailer having unlocked the shackles on his feet, proceeded to unlock the manacles upon his hands with the same key, when Robinson remarked to him, “you have not got the right key.”  The jailer still persisting in his efforts to take them off, Robinson again said, “you have not the right key; why don’t you go and get it?” As soon as his shackles were entirely removed, his dress, which was a white muslin shirt, was put on, (thrown over his other shirt and a common pair of pantaloons,) when he asked leave to pray, which he did in an audible tone and with much apparent earnest. He then desired to shake hands with all present, which he did; and when shaking the hand of the jailer he said, “You have used me like a father, may the Lord bless you and your family!”  Every thing being fully ready, he was conducted by the sheriff and jailer, from his cell, through the entry, to the platform at the gallows--during which time he manifested no hesitation or fear, but walked with a steady and firm step. Placed under the gallows, the rope was adjusted around his neck, and in one moment the cord which suspended the weight was cut by the sheriff with a hatchet, when the wretched man was raised from the platform upon which he stood, the full extent of the rope, at which instant a great contraction of the legs upwards and backwards was visible, when, to the horror of all persons present, the knot in the rope, uniting the noose around the neck to the main rope slipped, and he was precipitated to the ground.  He was instantly raised upon his feet, and stood with but little assistance and without any manifest discomposure for the space of a minute and a half, in which time the rope was properly and securely adjusted; when with the ejaculation “Lord have mercy upon me,” the fatal stroke was given, and the unfortunate and unwept victim of the law was launched into eternity.--[Pennsylvanian.}  (Wednesday, April 28, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Henry D. Gale
Consul Dead.--Henry D. Gale, of this city, American Consul to Valasce, Texas, was drowned on the passage out.--New World.  (Wednesday, May 4, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Eberanze
Distressing Accident--John Eberanze, son of Mr. William Eberenze of Delmar township in this county, was drowned in a mill-pond near the residence of his father, on Tuesday morning, the 27th ult.  He was engaged in floating a number of saw-logs across the pond when they parted, and in the hurry of the moment he was thrown into deep water.  He rose to the surface but once, and not being able to swim, instantly disappeared again.  The body was taken out a few minutes after, and the usual remedies applied to resuscitate, but all efforts proved shortlive--the vital spark had fled its earthly tenement.  Mr. Eberanze was an exemplary young man, and was much respected by all who knew him.  (Wednesday, May 12, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas Marshall
Thomas Marshall, an Englishman by birth, was instantly killed, and another man badly injured by the falling of a bank of earth on the canal in Braintrim, Luzerne county, on the 19th instant.  (Wednesday, May 12, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Paine
John Paine, cashier of the Thomaston Bank (Maine) dropped down dead in the street of that place while conversing with a friend on the 15th ult.  (Wednesday, May 19, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Col. D. B. R. Dickinson
On board the ship Edward, May 6th, lat. 10 33 N., long 50 W., Col. D. B. R. Dickinson, of Tioga co, Pa.  (Wednesday, June 2, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Elizabeth Norris
In this borough, on the 19th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Norris, consort of Mr. William Norris.  (Wednesday, June 23, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Willis Gaylord Clark
In Philadelphia, on the 12th inst., Willis Gaylord Clark, editor of the Philadelphia Gazette, in the 32nd year of his age.  (Wednesday, June 23, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Conrad Christ
Dreadful Murder.--We learn from the Reading Gazette, that a man by the name of Conrad Christ, near Bernville, Berks county, was murdered on the 10th inst., by two Germans named John Dick and Frederic Osman, who came into the neighborhood last fall.  Christ, who lived entirely by himself, and had in the house for or five hundred dollars, the savings.  His face was horribly mutilated, and his brain scattered about the room.  The murderers had not been arrested at the last accounts; but had been sent to Harrisburg, whence they started, it is supposed, for Pittsburg, hotly pursued.  (Wednesday, June 30, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Abraham K. Mack
In Delmar, on Saturday the 26th inst., Abraham K. eldest son of Samuel A. Mack, aged five years.  (Wednesday, June 30, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Major General Alexander Macomb
Death of Gen. Macomb.--We regret to announce the death, by apoplexy, of Major General Alexander Macomb, the General-in-Chief of the United States Army, which occurred at Washington city at half-past 2 o’clock on Friday.  The Madisonian says--”General Macomb entered the service as a coronet of dragoons in 1799, and was in the military family of Gen. Alexander Hamilton; he commanded at the successful battle of Plattsburg during the war of 1812, received a gold medal from Congress for his gallantry, and was appointed by President J. Q. Adams, Commander General of the Army of the United States, in the place of Gen. Brown, immediately after his decease, which took place in February, 1828.--Since that period, Gen. Macomb has discharged the duties of his office in Washington city, excepting occasional absences to the frontiers of the Union in obedience to the calls of the service.”  The funeral of General Macomb took place on Monday morning, and was imposing and interesting spectacle, and an honorable tribute to the station, the services, and the personal character of the late General-in-Chief of the Army.  Both Houses of Congress adjourned, and the officers of the Executive Departments were at liberty to join in the ceremonies of the day. Agreeably to the programme of arrangements issued from the Adjutant General’s Office, the officers of the army, the members of Congress, the military, and citizens and strangers, assembled at the mansion of the late General-In-Chief, at half-past nine o’clock, and in large numbers. The President of the United States, the members of his cabinet, and many of the members of both Houses of Congress, and the diplomatic corps were present.  Divine services were performed at the late residence of the deed, by the Reverend Mr. Hawley.  The coffin containing the body was shrouded in the American flag. The procession began to move at about 11 o’clock, the band playing the Portuguese hymn, and passed in front of the Executive Mansion, and through Pennsylvania Avenue to the National burying ground in the following order: The military escort, marching in inverted order, consisting of 1st, The Mechanic Riflemen; 2, the National Blues, 3, the Washington Light Infantry, 3, the U. S. Marines, with their excellent band in the rear, and drums muffled.  5, the Potomac Dragoons, 6, Captain Ringold’s excellent company of U. S. Flying Artillery from Fort McHenry.  7, Major General Jessup, commanding the escort, and his staff.  The usual badge of mourning was worn, and the banners of the companies were shrouded in crape. Then followed the clergy of the District and Surgeon General of the Army.  Three carriages. Then came the pall bearers, consisting of Col. Cross, Col. Abert, Col. Bomford, Col. Gibson, Com. Wadsworth, Col. Trotten, Col. Henderson, Gen. Towson, Gen. Wool, Com. Warrington, Hon. W. C. Dawson of the H. of Rep. and Hon. Mr. Preston of the Senate. Then followed the relations of the deed in four carriages.  Then the General Staff of the army.  Next the officers of the army, navy and marine corps, all in full uniform--9 carriages. 14. The President of the U. S., with the Secretary of War, and the President’s private Secretary.  15. The Secretary of State, and the Secretary of the Navy.  16. The Attorney General of the United States. 17. The Secretary of the Treasury.  18. Then followed members of both Houses of Congress, and officers of the same--21 carriages. 19. The Belgian Minister.  Most of the Diplomatic corps were present at the late residence of the deceased in uniform, but did not join the procession.  Lastly, citizens, &c. 7 carriages.  The procession was over half a mile long, and occupied twenty minutes in passing a given point.  The concourse of people along the avenues, and about the public buildings, was very large.  These were a number of officers and soldiers of the last war in the city, who would have joined in the train had a place been assigned them in the programme. The body was deposited in a vault in the Congressional burying ground in the presence of the clergy, the President, and heads of Deportments, and officers of the army and navy, and the scene was closed by three rounds of musketry outside the yard, by the company of U. S. Marines.--[Madisonian. Naval Orders.  The Secretary of the Navy has issued an order touching the death and funeral of Major General Macomb, of which the following is the concluding portion, having a general bearing: As a mark of respect for the deceased, the flags of the different navy yards and vessels of war will be lowered to half mast, and minute guns to the number of fifteen will be fired on the day after the receipt of this order.  The officers will wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days. The Secretary of War also issued a notice, alluding to the merits of the late commander in chief, which concludes with the following order: “As an appropriate testimony of respect and honor for the memory of their late General-in Chief, the officers of the Army will wear the usual badge of mourning for six months, on the left arm and hilt of the sword.  Guns will be fired at each military post at intervals of thirty minutes from sunrise until sunset on the day succeeding the receipt of this order, during which time the national flag will be suspected at half mast.  (Wednesday, July 7, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Col. Hazlet
The remains of Col. Hazlet, a revolutionary hero, were removed from Philadelphia, recently, to Dover, the capitol of Delaware, agreeably to a resolution of the legislature of that state.  Col. Hazlet was a native of Ireland--he emigrated to this country at the commencement of the revolution, in which struggle he took a conspicuous part.  He commanded the Delaware Regiment at the battle of Princeton, where he fell mortally wounded.  (Wednesday, July 14, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. James Kirk
Another spirit of the Revolution fled.-- Mr. James Kirk, late of the county of Bucks, and a soldier of the Revolution, died at the residence of his daughter, in the Northern Liberties, on the 16th ult., aged 90 years.  He entered the army at the first struggle for independence by our forefathers, when all was gloomy and dark, and when even the patriot Adams could see but the rainbow of hope in the future.  He lived to see the most ardent hopes of the friends of liberty realized, and a government free from the yoke of tyranny, to remain forever.  He was nearly eight years in the army, and served at the battles of Princeton, Trenton, Brandywine and Red Bank, and at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.  (Wednesday, July 14, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mary Josephine Porter
At Southport, Chemung county, NY, on the 5th June, of scarlet Fever, Mary Josephine Porter, daughter of Dr. Williams, and Eliza R. Purinton, aged 5 years, 11 months and 5 days.  (Wednesday, July 21, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Gen. Samuel Dale
Gen. Samuel Dale, one of the bravest of the pioneers of the Southwest, died at his residence in Lauderdale co., Mississippi, on the 23d of April.  A writer in the Natchez Free Trader relates the following incidents in his life:  “As a scout--a pilot to the emigrants who blazed the first path through the Creek nation, from Georgia to the Tomhigbee, with arms in their hands; and subsequently, as a spy among the Spaniards at Pensacola, and as a partisan officer during the most sanguinary epochs of the late war--present at every butchery--remarkable for ‘hair-breadth ‘scapes,’ for caution and coolness in desperate emergencies; for exhibitions of gigantic personal strength, and undaunted moral courage--his story is studded over with spirit-stirring incidents, unsurpassed by any thing I legend or history.  His celebrated Canoe fight, where, unaided, in the middle of the Alabama, then it its spring flood, he fought seven warriors with clubbed rifles, and killed them all, and rowed to the shore with the corpse of his last antagonist under his feet, would be thought fabulous, if it had not been witnessed by twenty soldiers standing near the bank, who, not having a boat, could render him no assistance. “Some years ago he was attacked by two warriors, who shouted their war whoop as he was kneeling down to drink, and made a rush at him with their tomahawks.  He knifed them both, and though bleeding from five wounds he retraced their trail nine miles, crept stealthily to their camp, brained three sleeping warriors, and cut the thongs of a female prisoner who lay by their side.  While in this act, however, a fourth sprang upon him from behind a log.  Taken at such a disadvantage, and exhausted by the loss of blood, he sank under the serpent-grasp of the savage, who, with a yell of triumph, drew his knife, and in a few moments would have closed the contest.  At that instant, however, the woman drove a tomahawk deep into the head of the Indian, and thus preserved the life of her deliverer.”  (Wednesday, July 28, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Patrick Kelley
Horrible Affair.--A melancholy occurrence took place last Monday at Montreal, in that part of the jail set apart for lunatics.  In the yard one of those unfortunate persons, deprived of reason, was employed in splitting wood; and another of his fellow unfortunates, named Patrick Kelley, happened to be asleep on a bench, with his head reclining on his bosom.  The one having possession of the axe went up Kelley and struck him a heavy blow on the back of the neck, which caused him to fall on his face, after which three or four blows sufficed to sever the head from the body.  The maniac murderer trundled the head three or four feet from the body, and then proceeded to split some more wood, totally unconscious of the horrid deed he had perpetrated.--The headless trunk and the trunkless head presented miserable spectacles.  (Wednesday, September 15, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Polly Sherwood
In Wellsborough, on Friday 24th inst., Polly Sherwood, aged 74 years.  (Wednesday, September 29, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mary B. Davis
In Brookfield, Nov. 25th, 1841, Mary B. Davis, daughter of Ichabod Davis, Esq., aged 18 years, 9 months, and 2 days.  (Wednesday, October 27, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Lawrence
Dreadful accident.--The Hagerstown Democrat, states that on Friday or Saturday last, a young lady Miss Lawrence, was thrown from an affrighted horse, near Waynesborough and killed.  Her leg, which became entagled with the stirrup while the horse was running, was literally torn from her body.  So infuriated was the horse, that it became necessary to shoot him before he could be caught.  (Wednesday, December 29, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. Davis Dimock, jr.
At his residence in Montrose, Susquehanna county, on the 13th inst., the Hon. Davis Dimock, jr., member of Congress. (Wednesday, December 29, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Galusha Bowen
On the 14th instant at his residence at Montoursville, Lycoming county, Galusha Bowen, formerly of Tioga county.  (Wednesday, December 29, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John McLean
Another Revolutionary Patriot; a well as devoted Christian, gone.  Died--At his residence in Benton, Yates county, New York, on the 9th day of August, 1841, after a short illness, John McLean, at the advanced age of upwards of 93 years. It may be interesting to a numerous circle of friends of the lamented deceased, to notice some events of his protracted life.  He was born in the North of Ireland in June 1748, where he resided till 1769, in which year he took passage for this country, and after a tedious voyage of three months and 13 days, landed in the city of Philadelphia.  From this period to 1776, he resided in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  At this eventful era, a time that emphatically “tried mens’ souls,” he enlisted as one of the devoted defenders of his adopted country, to sacrifice his life to protect its just rights and liberties, or to aid with his brethren in arms to establish its independence.--From this time to the close of the glorious Revolutionary struggle, he heroically fought the battles, patiently endured the sufferings and privations, and bravely shared the dangers of Washington’s trustiest bands.  He was engaged in the battles on Long Island and White Plains in 1776, and in December of that year, he with the army under Washington crossed the Delaware at Trenton, where 900 Hessians were then taken prisoners.  In 1777 he was also in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown, the former fought the 11th of September, and the latter on the 4th of October of that year. The sufferings of the subject of this brief sketch, in common with the American army, particularly while in winter quarters at Morristown and at Valley Forge, for want even of all the common necessaries of life, cannot be adequately described, and indeed never would have been endured, except by men whose bosoms were warmed by the holy fire of patriotism, and whose hearts glowed with the holy zeal of liberty. When the Revolutionary army was disbanded in November 1783, he returned to his former residence in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, where he remained till 1795, when with some two or three other families, he removed to Geneva, and after a short period located himself near that village on the old Castle Farm.  In 1799 he settled upon the farm in Benton, Yates county, when he resided in the time of his death.  The venerable deceased was a Patriot indeed, and more than this, he was a sincere Christian, and departed trusting in the mercy of his Saviour, with full assurance of hope in His pardoning blood.  (Wednesday, December 29, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Sarah McLean
On the 3d day of September last, being 3 weeks and 4 days subsequent to the decease of her venerable and beloved consort, died in Benton, Yates co., Mrs. Sarah McLean, wife of John McLean, in her 87th year.  This aged matron in Israel departed also in the triumphs of the Christian faith.  As this venerable couple have lived peacefully and happily for an unusual length of years, they departed this life nearly at the same time.--Penn-Yan Democrat.  (Wednesday, December 29, 1841, Tioga Eagle, Wellsborough, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site 03 NOV 2006
By Joyce M. Tice