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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings - Page Two Hundred Forty Four
Obituaries on this page are From the Tioga Eagle and the Wellsboro Agitator 1846 through 1850
1846 - Tioga Eagle

Mr. Richard Daggett
At his father’s residence in Tioga, on the 11th int., Mr. Richard Daggett--aged about 20 years.  (Wednesday, February 18, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Catharine Smith
On the 7th inst., at Tioga, Catharine Smith, eldest daughter of Butler Smith, Esq., in the 14th year of her age.  (Wednesday, February 18, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John H. Pleasents, Esq.
The Richmond Tragedy. Death of John H. Pleasants, Esq.  We learn from Richmond that John H. Pleasents, Esq., expired about 2 o’clock on Friday morning, from the effects of the wounds received in the terrible encounter with Thomas Richie, jr., Esq., Editor of the Enquirer.  He received five wounds, viz., in the arm, shoulder, upper part of the left breast, left hand, and upper and inner part of the thigh.  In relation to this tragic affair, the Washington Union of Friday night says-- “We hear with profound regret of the death of John Hampden Pleasents, Esq., of Richmond, who breathed his last in that city at 2 o’clock yesterday morning.  We regret, on every account, both the death of this gentleman, and the manner of it.  He fell near Manchester, on the banks of James river, opposite to Richmond very early on Wednesday morning is an unfortunate recounter with one who is related to the editor of the paper by the tenderest times.  We had hoped that he would have survived his wounds, but it has been ordered otherwise.  It is not our duty to enter into the circumstances which have brought about the catastrophe.  But is it to much to ask a suspension of public opinion until all the circumstances of the case shall have been fully developed? Mr. Pleasents had edited the Lynchburg Virginian for several years, until the winter of 1823--It when he established the Richmond Whig one of the strongest papers in the South.  He left the journal a few weeks since when he associated himself in the editorship “Richmond Star.”  He was a gentleman of brilliant talents--one of the best writers in Virginia, and an able, experienced and ardent politician. (Wednesday, March 11, 1835, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Charlotte Hoyt
In Elkland, Tioga co, Pa., on Sunday last, 1st inst., Charlotte, wife of David Hoyt, in the 19th year of her age.  (Wednesday, April 1, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Ezra Holden
At Gadsby’s Hotel, in Washington city, on the 20th ult., of inflamation of the brains, Ezra Holden, Esq., long known to the people of the United States as the editor of the “Saturday Courier,” aged 43 years.  In the death of this gentlemen the residing public have lost an accomplished writer , his wife a kind husband, his children an efficient father, and his friends a friend indeed.  (Wednesday, April 1, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Daniel Kelsey
In Delmar on the 2nd inst, Daniel Kelsey, son of Daniel Kelsey, Esq., aged 19 years.  (Wednesday, April 15, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Shocking Death.--The Cincinnati Commercial says that a German, named Bacher on Saturday week, accidentally fell from a tree, near that city, where he had climbed for the purpose of plucking blossoms for his family, a wife and several children, and, striking his head upon the ground broke his neck.  He died almost instantly, in the midst of his little children, and without a moments waiting.  (Wednesday, May 13, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Col. Cross
Col. Cross Murdered!  His body found.  The schooner Cornelia, Captain Stark, arrived at New Orleans on the 30th ult., from Brazos Santiago, whence she sailed on the evening of the 24th.  The Picayime learned that the body of Col. Cross had been found about four miles from Gen. Taylor’s camp on the Rio Grande.  The body was stripped and from the wounds upon the body, it seems evident he was killed by a lance.  It was further reported that an officer in Matamores had acknowledged that he was the murderer, and had the watch and clothing of Col. Cross in his possession.  Gen. Taylor, it is reported, has made a formal demand for the murderer.  (Wednesday, May 20, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John W. Frederick
In Liberty township, on the 19th inst., Mr. John W. Frederick, on the 50th year of his age.  (Wednesday, August 26, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Catharine Wickham
At Tioga village, on the 19th inst., Mrs. Catharine Wickham, consort of B. C. Wickham, Esq., in the 40th year of her age.  Seldom indeed is it that we are called up to pay the last and tribute due to departed worth, upon the memory of one like her, whose kind, generous and noble heart will never answer friendship’s throb again.  The community has sustained no ordinary loss in the demise of this estimable lady, and it would be injustice to her many virtues to pass them by unnoticed.  With a mind highly gifted, exhibiting a decisions of purpose, correctness of judgment, a cheerful, amiable and kind disposition, combined with an affability and sweetness of manner, that made her the charm of the family circle, and endeared her to all who knew her.  The poor and needy, the sick and unfortunate, all can testify to her ministering kindness.  In early life she was not unmindful of the instability of all things in this mundane sphere, and devoutly became a communicant of the Presbyterian Church, of which, while she lived, she continued to be a most exemplary member, and we doubt not that she is now gone to reap the rich rewards of the “good and faithful servant,” in another and a brighter world.  She has dreamed life’s checkered dream--She has slept the night of death!  No event of her kind could be more deeply felt, or more powerfully impress us all with the serious truth, that “in the midst of life we are in death,” and strong as are those hallowed observances in reconciling us to the decrees of Heaven, additional strength is acquired by the cheering and consolatory hope that her immortal spirit has winged its flight to the bosom of her God.  (Wednesday, August 26, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Samuel Darlington
Died, in Shippen township on Wednesday, the 2d inst., after a short illness, Samuel Darlington, in his 28th year.  (Wednesday, September 9, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Bostock Jason
[Communicated.]  Died, in Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., the 2d inst., Bostock Jason, son of Lewis Darling, M. D., aged 9 years, 9 months and 9 days.  In the death of this interesting child the bereaved parents have met with more tragic common loss.  Uncommonly active gent, and affectionate, he was a general favorite.  His illness, though short was severe, and his patience under excruciating suffering, was remarkable.  Retaining his mental faculties to the last, he expressed his entire willingness to “depart and be with God,” and in his last moments, turning his dying eyes on his weeping father on whose bosom he expired--with a look in which agony and love were mingled he exclaimed.  “I’m dying Father!  Good bye”  “Weep not for those whom the veil of the tomb, in life’s early beauty hath are from our eyes, Ere sin threw a blight o’er the spirit’s young bloom, Or earth had profaned what was born for the sloes.”  E. C. V.  (Wednesday, September 9, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Mary Prutzman
Died, at Tioga, on the 24th ult., Mrs. Mary Prutzman, consort of Jacob Prutzman, Esq., aged 68 years, two months, and 16 days.  Mrs. Prutzman was one of the early settlers on the banks of the Tioga, and in all the walks of life, as a wife, parent, friend and sincere christian, Mrs. P. was respected by all that knew her.  (Wednesday, September 23, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John L. Webb, Esq.
John L. Webb, one of the Representatives elect from this county is no more. By an inscrutable dispensation of Divine Providence, our friend and fellow citizen has suddenly been removed from this life.--But yesterday he was mixing among the busy throngs of men, in health and the vigor of manhood with a prospect of long years of happiness, and honor to himself and usefulness to society.  To day he is prostrated in death, and the places that have known him, will know him no more forever. Mr. Webb was a successful candidate at the recent election in this county for a seat in the State Legislature--and in the same paper in which we announce his triumphant election, we are called upon to chronicle his departure from this life.  He expired at his residence in Smithfield, on Saturday evening, the 17th inst. We understand that Mr. Webb had for several days complained of slight indisposition or of suffering to require medical aid or to detract him from attending to his ordinary business.  On the day of his death he went boring township to transact business and returned about sunset.  It was chilly and when he arrived he complained of being cold and for an hour or two every effort to restore the usual warmth to his body proved unavailing and at about 7 o’clock he expired without a struggle or a groan. By this melancholy bereavement a wife and several children with a large circle of personal friends are left to deplore of untimely and unreparable loss--the public are deprived the services of a valuable Representative alive, and society is bereft of one of its most useful members.  (Wednesday, October 28, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Speck
At the Cook farm, in Lawrence township, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Speck, of Mr. Speck, Esq., formerly of England.  (Wednesday, December 16, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Margaret Sophia Richards
Died, in Wellsboro’, on Tuesday, Margaret Sophia, daughter of Isaac and Hannah Richards.  Aged 11 years.  (Wednesday, December 16, 1846, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

1847 - Tioga Eagle

General Erastus Root
Death of General Erastus Root.--This venerable man, and well-known politician, died recently in New York city, in the 74th year of his age.  General Root has occupied many offices of trust.  He has been a member of the Assembly and Senate of New York, and Lieutenant Governor of the State, and a member of the State Convention of 1821.  He also represented his district in the Congress of the United States.  (Wednesday, January 6, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Elvah Root
In Delmar, on the 1st inst., Elvah Root, in the 27th year of his age.  (Wednesday, January 6, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mary Elizabeth Brewster
In Wellsboro’, on the 27th ult., Mary Elizabeth, only child of Alexander S. and Mary S. Brewster, aged two years and six months.  (Wednesday, January 13, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

J. P. Langford’s wife
From the Bradford Argus of January 16.  A wife murdered by her husband!  Another page must be written in the black catalogue of crime.  Never have we been called upon to chronicle a deed which exhibited a darker shade then the one we are about to relate.  On Monday last, about 6 o’clock, pm, J. P. Langford, residing in Rome township, in this county, murdered his wife by shooting her through the body with a pistol!  Langford had been in the habit of threatening to take the life of his wife, until she had become accustomed to it, that she paid little attention to what he said.  On Monday evening, about dark, he told his wife that he was going to shoot her, and drew a pistol from his pocket and deliberately loaded it in her presence, for the purpose of putting his diabolical threat into execution.  After having charged the weapon very heavily, he stepped out of the house and told his little son, a lad about seven years of age, that he was going to kill his (the boy’s) mother.  He instantly returned into the house, and disregarding the entreaties of his wife, held her with one hand, and with the other discharged the contents of the pistol through her body; the ball entering her abdomen and coming out just above the hip near the back bone.  She lingered in great agony, until Thursday night at 10 o’clock, when she expired. The remains of the deceased were brought to this place yesterday, accompanied by a number of the citizens of Rome.  The funeral will take place to-day at one o’clock, from the Presbyterian Church. God only knows the motives which governed this man in the commission of the wicked deed.  He was not in liquor at the time he committed the murder, nor had he been drinking during the day. Three infant children are left to mourn the loss of a fond and doting mother, and deplore the errors of an unnatural father. Langford made no attempt to escape, and is now in jail awaiting his trial.  (Wednesday, January 27, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lucinda M. Moore
Died, on the 13d of December, near Little Rock, Arkansas, Lucinda M., daughter of Richard and Mary Ann Moore, formerly of Charleston, Tioga Co, Penn., aged 3 years.  (Wednesday, January 27, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Fanny Taylor
At Covington, on Thursday, the 11th inst., Mrs. Fanny Taylor, consort of Mr. O. F. Taylor, of Covington.  (Wednesday, January 27, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Frederick Rienwald
A correspondent of the Jersey Shore Republican, who signs himself “A Citizen,” details the following particulars in regard to the death of Dr. Rienwald, formerly of Williamsport. “We regret to record the death of Frederick Rienwald, a respectable German Physician, who resided in Liberty, Tioga county, Pa.; and who was found dead in a small valley of the Blockhouse Fork Creek, on Sunday, the 24th ult.  He had left his residence in the Blockhouse on the morning of the 22d of December, with the intention of visiting a patient who resided on Little Pine Creek.  And being on foot he preferred going down Blockhouse Fork Creek, which, though it was a much nearer route than the circuitous stream on which the public road lay; was for the distance of some 10 or 12 miles of unbroken wilderness, without a road, or a solitary house in which the benighted traveler could have found a shelter from the piercing cold.  Being a stranger in those parts, his friends had tried to dissuade him from going through the woods, but he thought nothing of the hazard, or paid but little regard to the kind solicitations of his friends, and being armed set off.  No serious apprehensions were entertained about his safety by his friends at home, until a few days since, when, upon inquiry, it was ascertained he had never reached his destination.  His brother now became alarmed, and on Sunday, the 24th inst., a few persons turned out in search of the body, which they found as above stated about eight miles from the last house which he left before entering the woods; and four to the nearest inhibited house on his way.  The woods through which he had to travel were infested by wild beasts of prey, and it is believed that a panther must have attacked him, and he was most shockingly mangled.  His entire face, with the cheek bones, were torn off, the bone of the under jaw was unbroken, but stripped of all its covering.  The throat and part of the right side of the neck were torn away all the covering was stripped off the collar base, down to the bone of the right arm, which was at the shoulder laid bare.  Four or five ribs were torn out of his right side, and an entrance made through his body in the direction or region of the heart.  He lay on his back with his arms extended to their utmost tension, his fingers clenched, and his head inclining a little over his left shoulder.  His feet were stretched down and even, his legs nearly straight and close, and the front part of his body from the neck down to the waist, was entirely divested of its clothing, leaving the breast exposed and bare.  In short, it was one of the most dreadful and shocking pictures that could have been presented to the view.  We have reason to believe he did not come to his death by freezing, as fire works were found about his person, and the position in which he lay, and his things scattered and torn about him would not justify such a supposition.  His gun lay six or eight feet from the body, with one barrel discharged--his hat was torn, and the papers which he carried in it were scattered in every direction; and a small medicine chest, which he was supposed to have carried in his shot pouch, was smashed, and a pocket book torn in two, with the contents scattered about the body, and his clothes were torn and lay scattered around.  But what has appeared to strengthen the belief of his having been torn and destroyed by a panther, is the fact, that one was heard a short distance above the place where the deceased lay, by the two men who went to carry the sad intelligence to deceased’s brother, who resides at the Blockhouse.  (Wednesday, February 10, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Margaret Dimmick
Died, in Wellsboro’ on Monday, the 22d inst., after a short illness, Miss Margaret Dimmick, aged 16 years and two months.  (Wednesday, February 24, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Mary Broughton
Died, in Delmar, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Mary Broughton, in the 22d year of her age.  (Wednesday, March 17, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Willie L. Graves
At Covington on the 6th inst., Willie L., son of Henry M. and Anna Graves, in the 5th year of his age.  (Wednesday, April 14, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Emma R. Tracy
Very suddenly, at Standing Stone, on the 26th ult., Emma R., consort of Henry W. Tracy aged about 35 years.  (Wednesday, April 14, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lucy H. Baily
In Richmond township, on the 27th instant, Lucy H., wife of Robert D. Baily, in the 36th year of her age.  (Wednesday, July 21, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mary Lefler
In Jackson, on the 8th inst., Mary Lefler, about 55 years of age.  (Wednesday, July 21, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Theodore Updike
On the 9th inst., Theodore Updike, about 46 years of age.  (Wednesday, July 21, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Nancy Updike
On the 28th of June, Mrs. Nancy Updike, in the 69th year of her age.  (Wednesday, July 21, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Sourbeck and Thompson Graham
Drowned, in the Susquehanna river, above Harrisburg, on the 10th inst., John Sourbeck and Thompson Graham whilst on a fishing excursion.  (Wednesday, July 21, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joseph C. Neal, Esq.
Dead.--Joseph C. Neal, Esq., editor of the Gazette, bearing his name, died suddenly at his residence in Philadelphia, on Saturday evening 24th inst.  Mr. Neal is well known as a writer of superior ability.  He died in the 40th year of his age.  (Wednesday, July 28, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joshua G. Spencer
At Spencerville, Tioga Co, Pa., on Friday the 30th of July ult., Joshua G. Spencer, Esq., in the 63d year of his age.  (Wednesday, August 11, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Sally Jackson
On the 22d ult. in Jackson, Miss Sally Jane Lefler, in the 15th year of her age.  (Wednesday, August 11, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George C. Dromgoole
From the Lousville Examiner.  The death of George C. Dromgoole, of Virginia, occasioned deep regret among a large circle of friends.  We knew him in other ways.  He was no ordinary man.  His mind was usually clear and strong, and had no adverse circumstances occurred, he would have been an ornament to society, and an honor to the nation. But it was in private life he charmed.--So simple so kind, so true!  We never knew a more generous man; he was wholly disinterested, and knew how to sacrifice self with a grace which won him the love of friends, and the respect of acquaintances. In an evil hour he was tempted, acting upon false notions of honor, to peril his life and the life of another.  His antagonist fell. From that hour he was an altered man; he knew no peace; and to drown the bitter thought that he was a murderer, he sullied his soul still deeper in crime by drinking to excess!  And in early life he was taken from us, a bebased and self-blighted man!n Yet how like him was the last act of his life.  This little paragraph below, inserted in Newspapers without comment, and glanced at by the reader, possibly without thought, tells, at once the rectitude of his intentions, and his own estimation of the depth of his crime. “George C. Dromgoole, in his will gave all his property to the children of the individual who fell by his hand in a duel.” It has fallen to our lot, in days when we thought dueling no sin, if we could be said to have thought about it all, to meet with many, to know well some, who had killed their men.  We never know one who lived in piece after the murder; we know only two survivors, and they are sots.   The first time we were called upon to witness a duel was in Augusta, Georgia, in 1829.  We were just entering manhood.  The parties were from our native state.  We knew them both well.  They were stationed at their places, and at the word fire, the older of the two, a man of promise and place, fell dead.  We saw him--we saw his brother gaze wildly in his pale face, just now so full of life--saw friends as they hurriedly took up his body, and bore onward to his home.  And we saw afterwards the gray-haired father, as he bent over that body, hot tears falling down his cheeks, fall as one struck with palsey, for his prop the boy of his hopes, was taken away and there was no longer happiness for him on this earth! But the survivor!  Business relations brought us together, we were his attorney; and we had to see him at his home, and our house.  In company, we saw no change in him; he was light-hearted, almost frolicsome in his gaity.  He never spoke of murder; by an uttered, but well-understood compact; (and how terribly did this describe the deed!) none ever referred to it.  Soon after we found that he was fast becoming a drunkard, and scarce three years had passed since the duel, ere he was stricken down in early manhood, and laid near his antagonist in the earth. But his death!  We were present at it, and never may we witness such another!  That subject--so long kept sealed up by himself--so long untouched by family or friend--the murder of his school companion and neighbor, was at last broken by himself.-- “I could not help it,” said he, as his eyes glared upon us, and his breathing became painful from its quick and audible action.--We knew to what he referred and endeavored to direct his thoughts into other channels.--in vain.  “I could not help it.  I was forced into it; could I help it?”  And all this was in a dueling sense true.  He had every excuse a man could have to fight; but when so assured he exclaimed wildly, “It will not do, I murdered him--I see him now--I have seen him as he lay dead on the field, ever since I slew him.  My God!  My God!--and muttering these, and like sentences, with a shriek such as I never heard mortal utter, he died! (Wednesday, August 18, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joshua G. Spencer, Esq.
Communicated for the Eagle.  Joshua G. Spencer, Esq. departed this life July 30th, at his own residence in Jackson, Pa., in the 38th year of his age.--He had been a member of the Baptist church about 20 years.  Some time before his death his health began to decline, but his spiritual strength increased daily, as he drew near to the end of his race--his mind became more spiritual and heavenly--and his experience more rich and evangelical.  Though he had been out of health for some time, he was only confined to his bed eight days; at the close of which, he fell asleep on the bosom of his Lord--leaving a widow and two children to mourn the loss of a kind husband, and an indulgent parent.  His death was improved on Sunday, August 1st, by the Rev. W. Sanders, from 1 Cor 15 chapter 26 verse, before a large and attentive congregation.  On the Death of J. G Spencer, Esq.  Our friend has left the church beneath, And joined the church on high, His body sweetly sleeps in death-- His soul ascends the sky. With us he could no longer stay, His heart was filled with love; Angels to bear his soul away, Came flying from above. They bore him to the land of rest,  The weary pilgrim’s home; Where all who die in Christ are blest, Where sin can never come, Part of the family are there, Who crossed the floor before; With them he doth in heaven appear, And all his toils are o’er. A widow and two children here, Are left awhile to mourn, To this dark world of toil and care, He will no more return. But, soon, if faithful, they unite, On Zion’s happy plain, And range with him the fields of light,
And never park again. Jackson Augustus, 10th, 1847.  (Wednesday, August 18, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. Silas Wright
Death of the Hon. Silas Wright.  The community was startled on Saturday morning, by the intelligence received from Prescott by telegraph, of the death of Silas Wright, and the faint hopes entertained that the sad news might prove unfounded, were speedily extinguished by confirmatory messages from Buffalo and Albany.  Mr. Wright expired suddenly, at his residence in Canton, St. Lawrence county, on Friday morning the 27th ult.  A gentleman just arrived from that neighborhood, informs us that on the day before his death he was actively at work upon his farm. The sudden and most unlooked for demise of this eminent citizen, at a time when a large portion of the people of the Union regarded him with fevor as a candidate for even higher honors than he had already attained is an impressive and mysterious dispensation of Providence.  We have not time nor is this, perhaps, the occasion to refer particularly to the public acts of his eventful life.  During his last 25 years he has occupied a prominent position, and for much of the time no secondary place in the councils of the state and nation.  The unsurpassed courtesy and kindness of his personal character secured not the respect merely, but the warm regard of all--opponents as well as political friends, while the republican aim plenty of his life and manners furnished a remarkable exemplification of the spirit of our institutions.  By a vast number of his countrymen, his death will be deplored as an irretrievable public calamity and by all as a most mournful and afflicting event.  His fame and his character belong to the American people--Rochester American.  Mr. Wright was born in the town of Amerherst, Mass., on the 24th of May, 1795. The subsequent year his father and family moved to Vermont.  In 1815 he graduated at Middlebury College, in that State and in the fall of that year, removed to this State, to commence the study of law at Sandy Hill--In the fall of 1823 he was elected to the State Senate, from St. Lawrence county.  In 1826 he was elected to Congress.  In 1829 he was chosen State Comptroller to which office he was in 1832 re elected by the Legislature.  In 1833 he was chosen United States Senator, to which office he was a re elected in 1832, for the term of six years--In 1843 he was again re elected and in 1844 was called from the Senate to take the post of Governor, on which he entered on the 1st of January, 1845 and from which he retired on the 1st of January, 1847. He died aged 52 years.  (Wednesday, September 8, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Martha Ann Baker
Written by request.  Died--In Lawrence, Pa., Oct 2d, of Consumption, Martha Ann, daughter of Abisha and Martha Baker, aged 22 years.  The young lady whose name is the subject of this communication, is mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaintances; yet, she left on Earth the bright assurance of a more blissful abode in Heaven.  During her protracted suffering, occasioned by a slow, consuming duress, she manifested a tenderness of disposition, and unbroken serenity of mental repose, which find a home only in the most amiable heart, and sympathetic bosom.  The manifestation of those bright hopes, which even in the “valley and shadow of Death” seemed to dawn upon her ascending spirit, and reveal the glories of the “world unknown,” will be a consolation to her friends in the hour of adversity, and her examples, one worthy of their utmost imitation. “We mourn thee with the summer sun, And with the Autumn flowers, And Winter’s long and cheerless sigh, Is not more deep than ours. Well might that purity of mind, That unto thee was given, Make men, weak man, forsake the world, And place his trust in Heaven.”
Knoxville, Oct 9th, 1847, A. F. F.  (Wednesday, October 20, 1847, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

1848 - Tioga Eagle

Hon. J. Q. Adams
Washington, Feb. 26th.  The funeral of the late ex-President Adams was celebrated to-day with great solemnity and every manifestation of feeling.  A more impressive scene was never witnessed in this city, not even the funeral of General Harrison.  The occasion, was however, very different from that.  The feeling of the public, though solemn, was not on this occasion one of gloom; and the object appeared, to be less to express grief at the happy death than admiration of the illustrious life of the patriarch. According to an order from the War Department, guns were fired from sunrise till 12 o’clock.  The Executive Departments were put in mourning, and many of the private buildings in Pennsylvania Avenue were also hung in black.  The stores were closed and all business suspended.  The crowd in and around the Capitol was unprecedented.  Many people had come in from the country, around to witness the ceremonies.  A large portion of the Legislature of Maryland and many citizens from Annapolis and Baltimore were present. At ten minutes before 12 o’clock the Speaker called the House to order, at which moment the bell on Capitol Hill commenced its solemn tolling as the signal for the commencement of the ceremonies.  The President of the United States and Heads of the Departments entered the Hall--the former taking his seat on the right of the Speaker.--The Judges of the Supreme Court in their gowns; the officers of the Army and Navy in full uniform; the Foreign Ministers and their suites, in splendid costumes, followed and took their seats upon the right and left of the area in front of the Speaker’s chair.  The Senate of the United States then entered with the Vice President, and latter taking his seat on the speaker’s left.  Mr. C. F. Adams and others of this Family and friends of the deceased, occupied a range of seats provided for them at the left of the area.  After a prayer of some minutes, Senators WEBSTER and DAVIS and the Massachusetts delegation, as mourners in black scarfs and bands, entered the hall preceding the coffin, which was brought in, in charge of the Pall-Bearers and the committee of Arrangements. The coffin was placed on the bier in the area in front of the Speaker.  After depositing the coffin, those who had it in charge remained standing around it a number of minutes, in impressive silence, while the whole assembly arose. The coffin, which was of lead, inclosed in mahogany, was silver mounted, and covered with black silk velvet, trimmed with silver. A silver heart shaped plate, decorated with a spread eagle, bears the following inscription, which was written at the request of the Massachusetts delegation, by Daniel Webster to wit. (Thursday, March 15, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Quincy Adams
An inhabitant of Massachusetts, July 11, 1767.  Died, A citizen of the United States.  In the Capitol at Washington, Feb. 23, 1848.  Having served his Country for half a century, and enjoyed its highest honors. The hangings of the Speaker’s chair were suspended in black, as also was the figure of history over the principal entrance, and the portraits of WASHINGTON, LAFAYETTE, &c. The chaplain of the House, the Rev. Mr. GURLEY, opened the services with prayer.  This was followed by a solemn dirge, sung by choir in the Ladies Gallery.  An appropriate address was delivered by the Chaplain occupying about 15 minutes.  The closing hymn was then sung by the choir, and the funeral procession was formed, moving through the Rounds, to the East Portico of the Capitol where the carriages were in waiting. The funeral car, though simple was very tasteful and elegant.  The Bier was decorated with funeral urns, and the canopy over the coffin was surmounted by an Eagle--the whole being covered with velvet and crape.  The car was drawn by six elegant white horses, caparisoned in black, and led by Grooms in white scarfs. The funeral cortege, preceded by a troop of horses and a battalion of infantry moved in long and imposing procession to the Congressional Cemetery.  The coffin was there deposited in the receiving vault, after the performance of the burial service of the Protestant Episcopal Church.  (Thursday, March 15, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Merrick
Died--In Charleston on Sunday, the ?? Inst., Mrs. Merrick, consort of Mr. Isaac Merrick, aged 57 years.  (Thursday, March 22, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Stephen Bliss
Died--In this Boro’ on the 25th ult., Mr. Stephen Bliss, in his 64th year.  (Thursday, April 26, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Daniel Price
In Wellsboro, on Monday, the 24th inst., Daniel Price, aged 24 years.  (Thursday, May 3, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

---- Miller
Died.--In this Borough on the 21st inst., ____ Miller, in the 58th year of his age.  (Thursday, May 24, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Norris
On the 23d inst., in Delmar, William Norris, aged 72 years.  (Thursday, May 24, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

1849 - Tioga Eagle

F. W. Wedemeyer
A boy about 14 years of age, died on Saturday, from a trifling injury he received a week or two before.  At the time of the accident the lad was playing see-saw with some other boys, at the corner of Seventh and Shippen streets, on a street paver’s barrier pole and horse, when he fell off and striking his hand against a sharp stone hurt it in a shocking manner.  The small bones were fractured, and mortification and death ensued in consequence of there having unfortunately been too much tampering in the treatment of the injury.  Amputation might have saved life, but the operation was not resorted to, owing to opposition made to it.  The deceased, we learn, was the only child, and almost the only relative of the family to which he belonged.  It is said that he would have been the heir to a fortune of some hundred thousand dollars.  His death under all circumstances was peculiarly distressing.  (Thursday, January 11, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. James Dixon & Leavin H. Jackson
In Philadelphia, on the 22d ultimate, Mr. James Dixon, aged 68. In Little Britain, Lancaster Co., on the 24th ultimate, Leavin H. Jackson, Esq., aged 66. Both of the above named gentlemen were among the earliest settlers of this County, but removed to the Southern part of the State, and have been honored members of the commnities in which they lived, and which now deplore their loss. (January 11, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Ophelia L. Lamb
In Monroeton, Bradford County, Pa., on the 24th of November, 1848, Miss Ophelia L. Lamb, aged 22 years--daughter of Loren and Susannah Lamb, of Mansfield, Tioga County.

A sound of deep distress I hear--
A deathly groan salutes my ear;
Ophelia, dear, and can it be
That death is thus destroying thee?

And is thy time on earth so short?
Has death selected thee for sport?
Is there no other victim nigh
To yield such sport instead of thee?

Must I in solemn silence mourn,
And know that thou wilt ne’er return?
O, might I e’en be with thee now,
While Jordan’s waves thou’rt passing thro!

But nay, e’en this to me’s denied,
And I the mandate must abide;
Death has destroy’d my fondest hopes,
And left thee but a lifeless corpse.

All thou wert once is silent now;
Pain shall no more contract thy brow;
In youth thou’rt summon’d to that bourn
From whence no trav’ler will return.

“Farewell, dear friends, I must away--
My maker calls--I must obey;
I leave you all on earth to mourn,
And hasten to a distant bourn.

“Weep not for me, my mother dear,
Suppress that anxious falling tear;
Submit to Heaven’s stern decree--
Prepare to die and follow me.

“My father, too, farewell to thee--
As I am now, so you must be;
Your hoary locks will soon decay,
Your body moulder back to clay.

“My sisters dear, deathst broke the tie;
We loved in love, so let us die;
That when on earth your days shall close,
You may in heaven find sweet repose.

“My brothers, too, a long farewell;
I go in trust with Christ to dwell;
Let not the world’s delusive care
Prove to your souls a fatal snare.

“My youthful friends, to pleasure bent,
Pause and reflect, be wise--relent--
Then may your days on earth be peace,
And you obtain at last that rest

“Where hearts no more with grief are riven,
But where eternal joys are given;
There trials shall for ever cease,
And weary souls find peaceful rest.” [Com.]  (Thursday, January 11, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Samuel Jenkins
The last of Braddock’s Men--The Lancaster (Ohio) Gazette announces the death, at that place, on the 4th ult., of Samuel Jenkins, a colored man, aged 115 years!  He was the property of Captain Broadwater, in Fairfax county, Va., in 1734, and drove his master’s provision wagon over the Allegheny mountains in the memorable campaign of Gen. Braddock.  (Thursday, February 14, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Norris
On the 10th of February, 1849, at his residence near Wellsboro, Pa., John Norris, Esq., in the 81st year of his age.  (Thursday, February 14, 1839, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Oliver Davenport
In Richmond, Tioga county, Penn., at the home of Elder Sherwood, on the 21st ult., Mr. Oliver Davenport, in the 75th year of his age.  (Thursday, February 14, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Maria Dimick
“Invidious grave! How dost thou rend
As under those whom love hath knit
And sympathy made one!”
Died at Knoxville, on the 31st inst., Maria, consort of William B. Dimick, and daughter of Aaron and Fanny Alba, aged 26 years.  The lady whose name is the subject of this article will long be remembered by those who admire the lessons of true charity and love to imitate the examples of virtue.  During the many sorrows incident to a protracted illness, unruffled patience gave abundant evidence of “the soul’s calm sunshine,” and harmonized sweetly with the even tenor of her past life.  Some one has sweetly said, “Death, thou art beautiful in the child.”  Surely then, the sleep of her whose spirit was childlike in its innocence--yet mature in the virtues and affections which adorn human nature--must be beautiful even in the “icy bondage” of the arms of the conqueror.  In wisdom, she built her path upon the attributes of a perfect God, whose mercies are ever abundant to his creatures, and “in whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”  She has gone--the rose and the violet, ere long, will bloom where she sleeps, but she will heed them not.  The mutations of time cannot reach her, not the storms of each made the region of her rest.
Departed one, sleep sweetly now
Upon the shores of peaceful rest;
Where darkling tempests never frown,
But all is bright, and pure, and blest.  (Thursday, April 11, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Steamboat Disaster
The steamboat Empire, of Troy, left New York last night at 6 o’clock, with about 300 passengers on board.  About 10 o’clock, when opposite Newburg, in Newburg bay, she was struck by the schooner North Brown, of Troy, loaded with lumber, a little forward the forward gangway, with a tremendous crash, the bowspit of the schooner, which was heavily laden, made a large breach under the guards, through which the water instantly rushed with great force, so that in 10 minutes she went down. Many of the passenger had retired to their berths, and the scene that immediately ensued, as described by the passengers, was heart rending and terrible.  The water was rushing through the cabin to the stern of the boat, and in an instant, almost, the cabin was completely filled.  Men and women, half dressed, rushed wildly on deck, and some plunged overboard.--Wives were clinging to their husbands, and mothers clasping their children in their arms and running to and fro in a frenzy of terror.--Fortunately the Rip Van Winkle was but a short distance astern, and immediately came up alongside the Empire to her relief.  So fast was the rush of water into the cabin that the Empire was fast sinking, and there was a tremendous struggle among the passengers to get on board the Rip.  The cabin was filled with water, and passengers were seen below struggling, but it is feared several perished.  An alarm was given that several ladies were in the lower cabin.  Axes and crowbars were set to work.  The water rising so fast, drove the men from the ladies’ saloon, and they were unable to save any more lives.  One lady that was rescued, stated that several more were below.  A hole was then cut through the deck, and a lady almost dead was rescued.  She called loudly on her brothers--four of whom were on board--but they could not be found. Boats, with lights from the shore, swarmed to the scene of destruction, and aided in picking up the passengers.  A man was seen to jump from the Empire on board the Rip Van Winkle, with two children in his arms.  He lost his balance, and struggling for his own life, lost the children. It was impossible to give anything like an idea of the awful terror, or the number of lives lost. The loss of life, it was feared, was great, as a large number of passengers had retired to their berths.  The number lost it is impossible to state with the conflicting reports.  Some of the passengers place the number as high as 40, and other not more than 10.  Albany Atlas, May 18.  (Thursday, May 30, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Wickham
In Tioga Village, on Saturday morning, May 26th, Mrs. Wickham, wife of B. C. Wickham, aged 28 years.  (Thursday, June 6, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Northway
In Tioga Village, on the 22d of May, William, son of Rev. L. Northway, aged 4 years.  (Thursday, June 6, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

General Gaines
In the death of Major General Edmund Pendleton Gaines, the country has lost a brave, and an accomplished officer.  Gaines fame is identified with the war of 1692, though his gallant services in the field were not confined alone to that period, for he has been an active and successful officer since 1799, when he first entered the army.  He was the oldest general officer in the American Army, having entered the service as Ensign in January, 1899.  He was, according to military grade, the second officer in rank in the army, Major General Scott having for a long time been the senior General in the service. The Secretary of War has issued the necessary order for the military obsequies to the memory of the lamented Gen. Gaines.  (Thursday, June 20, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Rexford
In Gaines, on the 15th inst., William Rexford, in the 35th year of his age.  (Thursday, June 20, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss DeForrest & Charles C. Addington
Accident at the Falls of Niagara.  Buffalo, June 22.--We regret to say that Miss DeForrest, a daughter of one of our most respectable citizens, fell into the stream at “Hogsback,” last evening and was drowned, together with Charles C. Addington, a young merchant, who had plunged in to save her.--They were both carried over the falls.  (Thursday, July 4, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Isaac Drake
In Mansfield, on the 1st inst., Mr. Isaac Drake, aged about 50 years.  (Thursday, August 15, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Cornelia Christnot
In this place, on the 16th inst., Cornelia, daughter of Frederick and Aseneth Christnot, aged 2 years and 1 months.  (Thursday, August 22, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Frances Laura Thompson
In this place, on the 17th inst., Frances Laura, daughter of William and Jane Thompson, aged about 11 months.  (Thursday, August 22, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Cassius M. Ensworth
In this place, on the 17th inst., Cassius M., son of Samuel L. and Eunice Ensworth, aged 4 years.  (Thursday,. August 22, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Ida Sherwood
In this place, on the 20th inst., Ida, daughter of Morgan and Harriet A. Sherwood, aged about 4 years.  (Thursday, August 22, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Samuel Morris Lowrey
In this place, on the evening of the inst., Samuel Morris, son of James Lowrey, Esq., aged about 2 years.  (Thursday, August 22, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Luman Wilson
In Wellsboro, on the morning of the 2d inst., Luman Wilson, in the 43d year of his age.  (Wednesday, September 5, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Harriet Sykes
In Richmond, on Sunday Morning, August 26th, of cramp, Harriet, daughter of Charles N. and Susanna Sykes, aged 4 years and 4 days.  (Wednesday, September 12, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Jane Elizabeth Kelley
In Charleston, on the evening of the 7th inst., Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Sylvester and Harriet Kelley, aged 2 years 2 months, and 27 days.  (Wednesday, September12, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Ezekiel Jones
In Wellsboro, on the 5th inst., Ezekiel Jones, in the 63rd year of his age.  (Wednesday, September 12, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Rufus Butler
In Delmar, on the 6th inst., Rufus Butler, in the 75th year of his age.  (Wednesday, September 12, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Polly McCarty
In Delmar, on the 2d ult., Mrs. Polly McCarty, consort of Mr. Thomas B. McCarty, in the 55th year of her age.  (Wednesday, October 3, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Leonard & Betsey Cole
In Delmar, on the 2nd ult., Leonard Cole, aged about 45 years.  Also about same time, Betsey Cole, consort of Leonard Cole, aged about 45 years.  (Wednesday, October 3, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Henry
In Charleston, on the 25th ult., James Henry, aged about 55 years.  (Wednesday, October 3, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Adaline Robinson
In this place, on the 5th inst., Adaline, daughter of John L. and Azuliah Robinson, aged 13 years.  (Wednesday, October 10, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Asa Crandall
At Covington, on the 20th inst., Asa Crandall, in the 61st year of his age.  (Wednesday, October 24, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Odle
At Covington, on the 18th inst., Mrs. Odle, consort of Mr. Alexander Odle, aged about 35 years.  (Wednesday, October 24, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Richard B. Sligh
In the village of Archibald, Luzerne County, on the 4th inst., Richard B., son of David G. and Susan Sligh, aged 1 year and 9 months.  (Wednesday, October 31, 1849, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

1850 - Tioga Eagle

Geo. W. Lafayette
Dead.--Geo. W. Lafayette, son of Gen. Lafayette, died recently near Paris, France.  The deceased accompanied his illustrious father in his tour through the States, in 1824.  (Wednesday, February 6, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Marinda Crowl
In Charleston, on the 3d instant, Mrs. Marinda Crowl, consort of Joel Crowl, in the 42d year of her age.  (Wednesday, February 13, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Abagail Jackson
Died, in this place, on the 13th inst., in the 84th year of her age, Abagail, wife of the late Ebenezer Jackson, a Revolutionary Patriot. Once more has the knell of death sounded in our ears.  We have been called upon to follow another of earth’s children to her final resting place.  The subject of this notice deserves more than a casual thought.  Full of years, she has gone to meet loved friends who have preceeded her.  She was permitted to outlive the allotted time of man, yet her mental faculties were not in the least impaired.  Her’s was, indeed, an eventful life.  She was witness to our nation’s struggle for independence, and many a tale of those times could she relate.  It may, with truth, be said, that she lived and died a Christian.  In all the social relations of life she was unexceptionable.  As a wife, mother, and friend, she was devoted, affectionate and kind.  Those who knew her, can best appreciate her many virtues.  It can safely be said she leaves not an enemy; all that knew her respected and esteemed her.  But she has gone.  We may not mourn for her, for we have every assurance that our loss is her infinite gain.  Her mind centered not on earthly objects, but looked beyond to that “house, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”  For some length of time, she has expressed her belief that she should soon be at rest.  She waited only for the summons to depart.  The summons came and found her ready.  Without one murmur she submitted to the will of God.  As we looked upon life, and saw her fall asleep without one struggle, these beautiful lines occurred to our minds.--
‘Tis finished! the conflict is past!
The heaven-born spirit has fled.
Her wish is accomplished at last,
And now, she’s entombed with the dead.
The months of affliction are o’er,
The days and the nights of distress;
We ace her in anguish no more--
She has found a happy release.  Wellsboro, Feb. 1850.  (Wednesday, February 20, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Lydia Hastings
On the 5th instant, in Morris township, Lydia, wife of John W. Hastings, and daughter of Rev. G. Beebe, aged 20 years and 4 months.  (Wednesday, March 12, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. John C. Calhoun
This distinguished statesman died at his residence, on Capitol Hill, Washington city, on Sunday morning March 31st.  His death, though not unexpected, has cast a gloom over the country.  His funeral took place on Tuesday, April 2d.  His remains were temporarily deposited in the Congressional Cemetery, previous to their removal to South Carolina.  The funeral took place under the direction of the Senate, and the highest honors were paid to his memory. Mr. Calhoun was born in South Carolina in 1786, and was in his 65th year.  Few men have occupied a more prominent position in the affairs of the country.  He was a man of rare genius, and was endowed with a power of analysis and condensation unequalled by any man in the country.  He entered the political arena at an early age, and in the course of his career, held nearly every office in the gift of his native State, and the highest, save one, in the power of the people of the United States to confer.  The prominent and most enduring monument of the statesmanship of Mr. C., was his administration of the War Department, during the Presidency of Mr. Morrod, in which he exhibited administrative qualities of the highest order, and conferred upon his country, vast and enduring benefit.  Mr. C. was one of the purest of all our public men, and in his social relations, an example of cordial gentleness and amiability.  (Wednesday, April 10, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas Impson
Accident on Pine Creek.--On the 7th inst., a serious accident occurred on Pine Creek, by the staving of a raft, about nine miles below Manchester, by which a young man named Thomas Impson, was crushed to death, and several others were badly injured.  The deceased was the son of Robert Impson of Genesee, Potter county, and was about 16 years of age.  (Wednesday, April 17, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Andrew Briggs
[Communicated.]  Horrible case of suicide!  The inhabitants of Lawrenceville were called upon, on the morning of the 16th inst., to behold one of the most distressing scenes ever witnessed in our county.  Andrew Briggs, a well-known citizen of the above named place, who has held many important offices in that town, and who was at the time acting constable, put an end to his existence, on the day above stated, in the following manner.  It seems that some time since, the deceased bought a small gun; subsequently he purchased some lead and bettered it, and with an axe cut off some and loaded the gun, and laid it aside, and has refused (as stated to the Coroner’s Jury), to lend it, stating that he had it loaded for his use.  On the above morning his wife had occasion to visit a neighbor’s house, and in her absence and alone he committed the horrid deed--literally blowing off the entire top of his head, scattering his scull and brains throughout the room in which he was, on the walls and on the ceiling and through the window on the stoop in front of his dwelling; everything in the room was marked with parts of his brain! No reasons, as yet, can be assigned why he brought upon himself this most terrible calamity.  A Coroner’s inquest was held, the report of which we subjoin: State of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, SS.  An inquisition, indented and taken for the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the township of Lawrence, county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, on the 16th day of April, A. D., 1850, before Jno. S. Warner, Coroner for the county aforesaid, upon the view of the body of Andrew Briggs, then and there lying dead, upon the oaths and affirmations of Lewis Darling, Locke Granger, Royal Wheeler, James Stewart, J. C. Shepherd, George Vangorden, Smith Stevens, Simeon J. Powers, K. L. Tracy, Obadia Incho, H. O. Adams, and A. G. Crane, 12 good and lawful men of the county aforesaid, duly chosen and who being then and there duly sworn and affirmed and charged to enquire for the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, when, where, how and after what manner the said Andrew Briggs came to his death, do say, upon their oaths, that the said Andrew Briggs came to his death by shooting himself with a gun, on the morning of the 16th day of April, 1850, and upon his head a mortal wound did make, by which said mortal wound the aforesaid Andrew Briggs then and there instantly died, and so the Jurors aforesaid do say, as witness our hands and seals.  Jno. S. Warner, Coroner [ss.]  Lock Granger, K. L. Tracy, James Stewart, Smith Stevens, Lewis Darling, J. K. Shepherd, Royal Wheeler, A. G. Crane, Simeon J. Powers, George Vangorden, O, Incho, H. O. Adams--Jurors.  (Wednesday, April 24, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Patrick Sprague
In Charleston, on the 8th instant, Patrick Sprague, late of Columbia Co., NY, aged 56 years.  (Wednesday, April 24, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John S. Allen
On Sunday, the 28th ult., at Tioga village, John S. Allen, aged 23 years.  (Wednesday, May 8, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Sarah Jane Rose
On the 7th inst., in Rutland township, Sarah Jane, youngest daughter of Wm. And Jane E. Rose, aged one year and 11 months.  (Wednesday, May 22, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Daniel H. Bacon
In Delmar, on the 27th inst., Mr. Daniel H. Bacon, in his 83d year.  (Wednesday, May 29, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Senator Elmore
Death of Senator Elmore.  Hon. Franklin H. Elmore, United States Senator from South Carolina, recently appointed by Governor Seadrook to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. John C. Calhoun, died in the city of Washington, on the 29th ult., of consumption.  (Wednesday, June 5, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Sarah Parkhurst
On Tuesday, the 18th inst., at the residence of H. Sherwood, Esq., in this village, Sarah M., eldest daughter of Joel and Emeline Parkhurst, of Elkland, aged 8 years, 9 months and 6 days.  (Wednesday, June 26, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Major Thomas Dyer
In Covington, on the 30th ult., suddenly Maj. Thomas Dyer, in the ??? year of his age.  (Wednesday, July 3, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George Brown
On the 17th ult., at the residence of his father near the village of Flushing, Genesee Co., Michigan, George Brown, son of A. J. Brown, formerly a resident of Rutland, Tioga Co, Pa.  (Wednesday, July 3, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Z. Jessup Brewster
Died at Panama, Central America, on the 25th ult., of May last, Z. Jessup Brewster, son of Hon. Jonah Brewster, of Wellsboro, aged 29 years. Seldom have we been called upon to record a more melancholy event than the death of Mr. Brewster.  He was a young man who had been reared amongst us, who was endeared to a large circle of relatives and friends by a kind heart and most engaging social qualities.--Young, ardent, and enterprising--resolute in all his undertakings--he, in company with several others from this place, started for California, by the way of New York and the Isthmus, about the 10th of April last.  The weather had been unusually cool, even for this northern region, up to the time he left New York for Panama.  Tickets were purchased in New York, with an understanding that passengers should in no case remain at Panama more than 20 days.  He was transferred from this cool climate to Panama, which is nearly under the Equator at this season, in about 20 days, and then was compelled to remain in that inhospitable climate, with but few of the comforts of his home, up to the time of his death.  Had Howard & Son fulfilled their agreement, a valuable life might have been saved.  He fell a victim to the malignant fevers of that climate, brought on by his protracted stay at Panama.  But few northern constitutions have sufficient hardwood to bear up against the climate of that place, and when Howard & Son agree that their passengers, who buy tickets at New York, shall not be compelled to remain at Panama over 20 days, and then coolly keep them there 60, it seems but little better than willful murder.  When once landed there they cannot escape--they cannot go on or return--but must face certain disease in the worst season, and, in many instances, without that shelter or comfort required in a healthier climate.  Thus has died, in the prime of his youth and in the fullness of his strength, one who was blessed with a wide circle of warm-hearted relatives and friends, a victim to the faithless cupidity of a griping monopoly.  But it will be a source of great satisfaction to his relatives to know that he was constantly attended, in his sickness and death, by the faithful few who left home with him.  His body was buried in the American burying ground at Panama, and a funeral sermon preached by a Protestant clergyman.  (Wednesday, July 3, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. David Henry
On the 6th inst., in Charleston, Tioga Co., Mr. David Henry, aged 67 years.  (Wednesday, July 10, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Isaiah Wilson
On the 4th inst., in Charleston, Mr. Isaiah Wilson, aged 35 years and 1 month.  (Wednesday, July 10, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

President Zachary Taylor
Death of President Taylor.  The nation mourns the loss of one of her heroes!  Gen. Zachary Taylor is no more!  He died at the White House, in Washington, on the evening of the 9th inst., at 33 minutes past 10 o’clock.  The announcement of his death was so sudden and unexpected that it was difficult to realize the melancholy fact.  If ever any man gave evidence of a long life, he was that man.  To see him stricken down, almost at a moment is well calculated to excite strange sensations.  We may depricate the fate which made him a political target against his wish, but we must, at the same time, acknowledge, as we ever have done, the honesty of his intentions, even when his actions appeared to us indiscreet, short-sighted, and devoid of political acumen.  We may regret the circumstance which placed him, all untutored as he was, in the arts of diplomacy, in the political arena, while at the same time we must respect his upright character, his unflinching bravery, and his social virtues.  His family bereft of its best friend--his country of a son ever ready to do her bidding to the utmost of his capability. At his bios we forget the contentions of party, and remember only his prowess on the battlefield, and the nation’s loss.  The country for which he perilled his life, to which he dedicated all his active years, and in whose highest position he finally died, will enroll his name among those “that were not born to die.”  We hope that all parties will unite in proper demonstrations of grief, in this hour of the Nation’s bereavement at the loss of our common President.  If the departed had his faults let the grave cover their memory, and let us delight to dwell upon his virtues.  Thus, through the interposition of Providence, in the removal of our late Chief Magistrate, Hon. Milliard Fillmore becomes, by the Constitution, President of this great Republic.  He is at present 50 years of age, having been born January 7, 1800, at Summer Hill, Cayuga county, New York.  His father, Nathaniel Fillmore, is a farmer, still living in Erie county, New York.  Mr. Fillmore spent four years in early life, in working at the clothier’s trade, and during that time devoted all his leisure hours to reading and study.  At the age of 19 he attracted the attention of Judge Wood, of Cayuga county, who took him into his office.  In 1821, he removed to Buffalo, and entered a law office, teaching for his maintenance until the year 1823, when he was licensed to practice in the Court of Common Pleas.  In 1827, he was admitted an Attorney of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.  In 1829, he was elected a member of the New York Assembly, from Erie county, was twice re-elected.  He was elected to Congress in the fall of 1832, and after the expiration of his term resumed the practice of his profession.  In 1836, he was again sent to Congress, and was subsequently, he was placed at the head of the Committee of Ways and Means.  In 1814, he was nominated by the Whig party as their candidate for Governor of New York.  In 1817, he was elected Comptroller of the State.  In 1818, he was elected Vice President of the United States, and on the 4th of March, 1849, he entered upon the duties of the office.  On the 10th day of July he entered upon the duties of the Executive, devolving upon him by the Constitution through the death of the President.  (Wednesday, July 17, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Howard Booth
At Covington, July 1st, of the croup, Howard, son of Geo. W. and Artamissia S. Booth, aged 4 years, 2 months and 10 days.  (Wednesday, July 17, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. Jesse Miller
We regret to announce the sudden death of Hon. Jesse Miller, editor of the Harrisburg Keystone.  He died on Tuesday, the 20th inst., at his residence in Harrisburg, after a very short illness.  Mr. Miller, (says the Union), was a native of Perry county, and has filled many prominent positions in the county of his nativity, and in the State and National governments.  For several years he was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature.  He was then elected to represent his district in Congress, and subsequently was appointed second Auditor of the Treasury by General Jackson, which position he held until after the installation of President Tyler, when he resigned and returned to Perry county.  A short time after his return he was nominated and elected to the office of Canal Commissioner, in which capacity he served for one year, when he was appointed Secretary of the Commonwealth by Governor Shunk.  Upon the death of Governor Shunk, he became associated with Mr. Barrett in the publication of the Keystone.  Mr. Miller was a gentleman of decided ability, being both a good waster and a logical public speaker.  He was a kind husband, an indulgent father, and a citizen of the most irreproachable character.  (Wednesday, August 28, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Anna Borden
On Sunday, the 15th inst., at the residence of Wm. Warrener, in Delmar, Mrs. Anna Borden, aged 90 years.  (Thursday, September 11, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. Chester Butler
Death of Hon. Chester Butler.  We regret to announce the decease of this gentleman, Whig member of Congress from the 11th District of this State.  He died at the American Hotel, Philadelphia, on Saturday afternoon last, after a short, but severe illness, at the age of 53.  His death creates a vacancy in the 11th district.  (Thursday, November 14, 1850, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site 28 FEB 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice