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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery
Tri County Clippings - Page Two Hundred Forty Five
Obituaries on this page are From the Tioga Eagle and the Wellsboro Agitator 1851 through 1853
1851 - Tioga Eagle

Mrs. Mary Gee
On the 26th ultimate, in Middlebury township, Mrs. Mary Gee, in the 85th year of her age.  (Thursday, January 16, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Mary Magill
In the city of Trenton, NJ, on the 16th inst., at the residence of her son, W. Magill, Esq., Mrs. Mary Magill, in the 64th year of her age.  (Thursday, January 23, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Alanson Daily
On the 20th ultimate, Mr. Alanson Daily of Delmar township, in the 30th year of his age.  (Thursday, February 6, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Edwin Dyer and George S. Yonkin
At Blossburg, on the 1st day of February, 1851, of scarlet fever, Edwin Dyer Yonkin, aged 6 years, 10 months and 20 days.  George S. Yonkin, on the 4th instant, of loss of blood, from an eruption of the jugular artery, caused by suppuration produced by the scarlet fever and swelling of the neck, George S. Yonkin, aged 5 years, 5 months and 16 days.  Both of the above were sons of Col. Jos. Yonkin.  While the parents and friends are called to mourn the sudden and unexpected bereuvement of two interesting and beloved children, they have the assurance that they have been called to inhabit a happier clime than can be found in this world of sin and sorrow.   (Thursday, February 20, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joseph Arthur Schranton
In Delmar, on the 13th instant, of scarlet fever, Joseph Arthur, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Schranton, aged 2 years and 7 months.  (Thursday, February 27, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Andrew Jackson Hall
On the 27th ultimo, in Blossburg, of scarlet fever, Andrew Jackson, son of B. R. Hall, aged 8 years, 2 months, and 1 day.  (Thursday, March 6, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Sally Judson
Ah! when the good, the virtuous die,
We mourn with grief sincere.
The following tribute of respect to the memory of Mrs. Sally Judson, (who deceased February 28th, 1851, aged --- years), in respectfully inscribed to her daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Herrick, by the author S. H. Baker.

Friend of my youth, ah! thou art dead-
Thy spirit pass’d away;
And it is mine a tear to shed,
And sang a plaintive lay;
The string a harp which has been strung,
The mournful dirge to sing--
(A harp which dear ones dead has sung!--
And sweep each tuneful string.

Thou knew’ at my dear ones, and have wept,
O’er friends of other years;
They whom the undreaming sleep have slept,
Have claim’d thy grief sincere.
Thou wasn’t the friend of those I mourn--
Those ever, ever dear!--
For this thou elected some small return,
A requiem and a tear!

Thy years were many-nor a few
Sad moments hast thou known,
Thou livd’st tril those in youth you known,
Had left then, and alone
Amid the tombs, twas thine to tread,
And o’er thy love’d ones weep,
But thine is now the narrow bed,
And dream the dreamless sleep!

Ah! shall we shed, my friend, for thee,
The unavaiding tear?
Or wish that it were thine to see
A few more fleeting yours?
Ah! should we wish for them to drain
The bitter cup of age?
To bear the scorn, the grief and pain
Of life’s drear pilgrimage?

Enough of sorrow had at thou known,
And should’st thou longer hear?
Oh! should’st thou longer dwell alone,
To sorrow still an heir?
Ah, no! ‘twere better to depart,
When weary, to thy rest,
Then sorrows longer wring thy heart,
And pain distract thy breast!

Thou’st gone to reap the rich reward,
Of virtuous deeds below;
Thou’st gone to drink from chrystal streams,
From mercy’s count which flow,
And oh, ‘twas shine, my friend, to know,
When life approach’d its end.
That thou would’st die without a foe,
With every one thy friend.

The tears sincere which o’er then fall,
Evince our deep regret;
That in the memory of all,
That thou art living yet.
Farewell! farewell! we now to earth
Consign the sacred trust,
Till thou shall come rejoicing forth,
In Glory From the Dust.
March 2d, 1851.  (Thursday, March 20, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Emma Victoria Barton
On the 14th instant, in this borough, Emma Victoria, daughter of Thomas and Angeline Barton, aged 2 years and 2 months.  (Thursday, March 27, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Judge Burnside
We regret, says the Pennsylvanian, to announce that this venerable man, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, died Wednesday afternoon, at 6 o’clock, at Germantown, in this county.  To the last his intellect remained clear, and when he died, he met death without a murmur.  A long and useful public life, occupied by the various duties of legislator and of Judge, gave him great opportunities of knowing the people and the interests of the State.  In all the positions he occupied, he never failed to be worthy of the trust confided to him.  He died at an advanced age, full of years and full of honor.  Peace to his ashes.  (Thursday, April 3, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. Isaac Hill
Of New Hampshire, died in Washington on the 22d ult., aged about 70 years.  Mr. Hill had been for the last three years in feeble health, and much afflicted with the asthma.  He leaves a widow and three sons to lament his loss.  He had long filled a conspicuous space in the politics of New Hampshire, to which State he removed early in life from his native place, Charlestown, Mass.  (Thursday, April 3, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John S. Skinner
John S. Skinner, who started and conducted the American Farmer, the first Agricultural paper published in American, died on the 21st ult., in Baltimore city.  He was for several years Postmaster at Baltimore, and afterwards editor of the Plough, Loom and Anvil, in Philadelphia.  (Thursday, April 3, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Maj. M. M. Noah
Long connected with the New York Press, and one of the ablest political, and most accomplished literary writers of the country, died in New York city, on the 23d ult.  (Thursday, April 3, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George A. Chapman
One of the original proprietors of the Indianapolis State Sentinel, died on the 15th ult.  Mr. Chapman has been well known as one of the most popular and influential Democratic editors in the west.  He was in the 45th year of his age.  This makes the 4th editor that has gone within a few days.  It is not often that the Editorial potassium is called to mourn so heavy a loss in so short a space of time.  (Thursday, April 3, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Anna K. Willard
Died, in Williamsport, Lycoming county, Pa., on Sunday, the 18th instant, Mrs. Anna Willard, consort of Wm. W. Willard, Esq., of this place, in the 26th year of her age.  The deceased left an infant daughter, about five months old, from the sickness incident to her confinement she never recovered, but was able to be about the house until a few days previous to her death.  She was one of the most interesting and lovely of her sex--the light of her husband’s heart, the joy of her family circle, and beloved by all who knew her.  Thus, in the morning of life, in the bloom of youth, and while her heart beat high with the expectations of earthly happiness, she was cut down, and her lovely, faded form is consigned to the cold, the dark, the silent, the lonely grave.  She had been, for some time, impressed with the idea that she should not recover, and of the necessity of setting her house in order.  About two months since, she became a member of the Episcopal Church, by baptism, which for some time previous she had felt to be her duty.  And when the trying hour came, although she seemed prepared to go, it was hard parting with her friends, but a husband’s tears, her tender infant’s speechless eloquence, a pious father’s and loving sister’s ardent prayers could not prolong her stay, but amid fervent prayers and anxious tears the messenger came and--
“Hark, they whisper angels say--
Sister spirit come away.’
The silver cord was loosened, and the spirit returned to the God who gave it.  Her disconsolate husband and numerous relatives and friends mourn her early loss, but they mourn not as those without hope.  Death is not an eternal sleep--the grave shall give up its dead, it has been conquered by Him whose voice could pierce the cold and silent ear of a sleeping Lazarus, and call him from the tomb, by him who laid down his life for us, and rose again--and though worms devour this body, “yet in our flesh, we shall see God,” when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality--Lycoming Gazette.  (Thursday, June 5, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Judge Bredin
Judge Bredin, of Butler, Pa., died suddenly, of an affection of the brain, at Buffalo, NY, on the 21st.  He was President Judge of his District, and was a prominent candidate of the Democratic party for the supreme Bench.  He was a native of Ireland.  (Thursday, June 5, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Female Schneider
Heart Rending Accident.--On the 11th ult., as a number of men were engaged at hay-making upon the farm of Mr. Daniel Schneider near Rehrersburg, and while they were mowing across a ditch, the youngest daughter of Mr. Schneider sprang forward, unobserved, from behind, and was pierced through the heart by her brother’s scythe.  She lived only 15 minutes after the sad occurrence.  The grief of her parents, and brother in particular, by whose hand she was thus suddenly deprived of life, was deep and heart-rending.  The child was in the 4th year of her age.--Reading Gazette.  (Thursday, July 10, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John Hase
In Blossburg, on the 29th ultimo, Mr. John Hase, in the --- year of his age.  (Thursday, July 10, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Male Hempsted
Distressing Accident.  A little child, some two years of age, youngest son of Mr. Orlando G. Hempsted, (late editor of the Montrose Democrat), in Dimmick township, on Saturday last, accidentally fell into a vessel of hot water in the absence of its parents from the room, and was so severely scalded as to cause its death on the following day.  So distressing a casualty commands the sympathy of every feeling parent, for the bereaved.  (Thursday, July 17, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Nancy Riberall
In Wellsboro, on the 12th instant, Mrs. Nancy Riberall, in the 53d year of her age.  (Thursday, July 17, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Nash
On the 13th instant, William, son of Rev. C. Nash, of this borough, in the 3d year of his age.  (Thursday, July 17, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Sarah E. Broughton
In Shippen, on the 23d inst., Sarah E., daughter of Horace and Sally Broughton, aged three years, six months, and 23 days.  (Thursday, July 31, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Jos. Brown
In Tioga, on the 1st inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Abel Bayley, Mr. Jos. Brown, aged 68 years.  (Thursday, July 31, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Eunice Royce
In Delmar, on the 23d instant, Mrs. Eunice Royce, aged 69 years.  (Thursday, July 31, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Lucy Ann Kingsley
On the 8th instant, at Tioga Village, Mrs. Lucy Ann Kingsley, wife of John H. Kingsley, aged 38 years.  (Thursday, August 14, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mary Ann Wage
On the 21st inst., in Middlebury, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Henry Wage, aged about 25 years.  (Thursday, August 28, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Deputy Sheriff E. Pomeroy
Murder.  We learn from an authentic source that on Saturday last, at Columbia Flats, in Bradford county, Deputy Sheriff E. Pomeroy was stabbed by a person whom he had arrested and was conveying in a wagon to Troy, and died instantly.  It appears that Mr. Pomeroy had the person in charge bound, but who succeeded in getting his hands loose, and drawing a knife stabbed the Sheriff to the heart.  Mr. P. died almost instantly, merely uttering the words, “I am a dead man, secure Peters.”  The person here alluded to has been a resident of Rutland, in this county, for some time, and was generally looked upon as a good-natured, clever sort of a man.  (Thursday, September 4, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mahala Elizabeth Butler
On the 30th ultimo, Mahala Elizabeth, daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth Butler, of Delmar, aged 3 years.  (Thursday, September 4, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Amos Spencer
In Richmond, Tioga county, Pa., Sept. 10th inst., Amos Spencer, aged 83 years and 10 months.  Mr. Spencer was one of the early pioneers of this county; having settled here as early as the year 1807.  He was favorably known to a large circle of friends in this county; who can but deeply feel his loss.  His last illness was protracted and severe; yet he bore his sufferings with the characteristic fortitude and patience of the true “disciple” of Christ, and with patience of the true “disciple” to Christ, and with patience waited for his change to come.  There was not a murmur, or a shadowing doubt of his acceptance among the sanctified of God, ever escaped his lips; but for many days before his death this great anxiety was to depart and go home to Jesus.  There to bask in the smiles of a risen and Glorified Redeemer.  V. O. S. (Thursday, September 18, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Fenimore Cooper
“Cooper, whose name is with his country’s woven,
First to her fields, her pioneer of mind,”
as Halleck has truthfully characterized him, is now no more.  He died at his residence in Cooperstown on Sunday, the 14th instant, about 1 o’clock in the afternoon.  This sad event did not fall upon his family and friends with the suddenness of a surprise; because, during his long and painful previous illness, they had been taught to expect it, through hoping against hope.  The letter which brings this intelligence to us says that “he died peacefully and happily in the bosom of conjugal and filial affection.--Wash. Union.  (Thursday, September 25, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Capt. Samuel Hunt
On Saturday evening, 27th ult., at his residence in Mansfield after a short but severe illness, Captain Samuel Hunt, in the 63d years of his age.  (Thursday, October 2, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Godfrey Bowman, Esq.
Died.--At his residence in Brookfield township, Tioga county, Pa., on the morning of the 6th of October inst., Godfrey Bowman, Esq., in the 59th year of his age.  The subject of this brief notice was born in the State of Connecticut.  In early youth he emigrated to the Valley of Wyoming, and settled near Wilkesbarre.  In June, 1816, he came to Brookfield, and has resided there and in Westfield from that time to the day of his decease.  His life has been eventful, and at times stormy; his end peaceful and quiet.  Death found him in the bosom of his family, surrounded by kind friends, by whom he was loved, and who regret his sudden and unexpected departure from their midst. The deceased was a man of warm temperament and feelings; devotedly attached to his friends, and ever ready to vindicate himself and them against the attacks of the obtrusive and malicious; and although, perhaps, often too exciteable, and at times too unrelenting, he possessed the elements of a brave and noble spirit. In the war of 1812, before he had attained the age of 21 years, he volunteered his services in defence of his country and was one of the brave mariners who fought under Commodore Perry, in the severe and memorable engagement on Lake Erie, between the naval forces of the United States and Great Britain, on the 10th of Sept., 1813.  Although occupying, on that occasion, the humble station of a private, his conduct attracted the notice of his superiors.  He was reported to the commanding officer as having merited distinction, and his name was mentioned in connection with the names of other brave men, whose gallantry had been deemed worthy of special commendation.  In the battle he received a wound which partially disabled one of his arms, and this disability he carried with him to his grave. He also participated in the battle of the Thames, and exhibited there the same dauntless heroism which characterized him during the great battle of the 10th of September.  For his services and sufferings during the war he received a medal and a pension, the usual rewards of the meritorious private soldier.  Had he been an officer, the same gallant bearing which he evinced in the action on Lake Erie, would have entitled him to promotion and conferred lasting honor and renown upon his name. His position as a member of society was highly respectable.  During many years he filled the office of a Justice of the Peace, and other posts of honor and trust, to which he was called by his fellow-citizens; the duties of which lie discharged with ability and integrity.  And he exercised at all times an extensive influence in his neighborhood; taking an active part in the political, moral and religious movements of the day.  The assemblage at his funeral, comprised of many of the oldest and most respectable inhabitants of the township of Brookfield, Westfield and Deerfield, attests the high estimation in which he was held by those amongst whom he had lived, and who had the best opportunities of knowing and appreciating his worth.  (Thursday, October 23, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Erastus Miller
In Wellsboro, suddenly, on the 13th inst., of apoplexy, Mr. Erastus Miller, late of Oxford, Chemung county, NY, aged 59.  (Thursday, November 20, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Margaret Elmira Child
On the 12th instant, in Liberty township, Margaret Elmira, daughter of George W. Child, aged 2 years and 7 months.  (Thursday, November 27, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Annie H. Emery
On Monday, the 15th inst., in Wellsboro, Annie H., youngest daughter of Josiah Emery, Esq., aged 10 months and 15 days.  (Thursday, December 18, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Fanny Daskam
On the 12th instant, in Tioga Village, Fanny, daughter of A. J. and A. L. Daskam, aged 8 weeks and 3 days.  (Thursday, December 25, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Martha Onlett
Suddenly, on the 28th ultimo, in Chatham, Mrs. Martha Onlett, wife of C. B. Onlett, in the 50th year of her age.  The deceased was a good neighbor, a lover of hospitality, a friend of religion--a mother indeed.  To her husband, and the large and interesting family of children she leaves behind, the loss is irreparable.  As a neighbor, kindness and attention were prominent characteristics of her life, and it is a painfully pleasing thought that, whilst in the act of administering to a neighbor in affliction, she fell a victim to death.  “I was sick, and ye visited me.”  Truly, “she fell at her post.  (Thursday, December 25, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Betsy Hall
On the 3d inst., in Chatham, Mrs. Betsy Hall, wife of John Hall, in the 37th year of her age.   The deceased was a Christian wife and mother.  For 19 years she has been doing good in the world, as a professor of the religion of the Bible; the counterpart of her profession being a consistent exemplary life.  She died as she lived--happy in God.  “Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth.”  Philo.  (Thursday, December 25, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

1852 - Tioga Eagle

Mrs. Salome Christinot
On Wednesday, the 28th instant, in Wellsboro’, Mrs. Salome Christnot, in the 82d year of her age.  (Thursday, January 8, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dr. Herman Temple
On Tuesday, the 3d instant, at Knoxville, Dr. Herman Temple.  (Thursday, February 5, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Holliday
On the 3d instant, in Middlebury, Mrs. Holliday, wife of Dr. S. I. Holliday.  (Thursday, February 5, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Rufus W. Palmer
On Friday morning, Jan. 30th, in Lindsley, (near Lawrenceville), Mr. Rufus W. Palmer, aged 36 years.  (Thursday, February 5, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Mary Ann Stanton
On the 13th ultimo, of consumption, at Lindsley, Steuben county, NY, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Mr. George W. Stanton, daughter of Benjamin Harrower, Esq., and grand daughter of the Rev. David Harrower, aged 27 years.  As a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and a friend, Mrs. Stanton has endeared herself by a remarkable sweetness of temper, and kind and generous action to a large circle of relatives and friends, who mourn her early death.  But while they mourn, their sorrow is without bitterness, for in her case, death was divested of its sting.  In early life she gave her heart to the Saviour, and although, when, some months since, it became evident that she must soon stand in the presence of a holy God, her deep sense of his purity and her own sinfulness caused her to tremble, yet confiding anew, in the Saviour in whom she had trusted, she was enabled to comtemplate death with perfect composure, while for weeks she lay prostrate under great bodily weakness and suffering, so that no complaint or murmur escaped her lips. Divine truth and prayer seemed always to refresh and sustain her soul.  On one occasion when her venerable grandfather was exhibiting to her the truths of the Gospel, and expressed the fear, that if he prolonged his remarks it might be more than her strength could bear; she replied, “O, no, grandpa, it does me good, it is food to my soul.”  In proportion to the severity of her sufferings seemed to be her need of prayer.  Often , when in great distress of body, she requested her christian friends to pray with her, and appeared to enjoy it as much as though she were not suffering.  Yet she depended not upon the means of grace, or upon anything her Christian friends could do for her to save her soul.  For this she rested wholly upon the Lord Jesus Christ.  She loved to hear sung the hymn, “Rock of ages” &c., and often, and especially, during the last few hours of her life, she repeated those expressive lines,
“In my hand no price I bring,
Simply to thy cross I chug.”
The evening before her death, when in great distress for breath, and as was thought very near her end, she said to a christian friend who had just come into the room, and expressed the hope that the Saviour was with her in her sufferings: “Yes he is very near and very precious to my soul.”  About 9 o’clock she revived considerably, and slept some, and the latter part of the night was for an hour or two somewhat flighty.  But as the morning began to dawn, her reason was entirely restored, and her soul seemed to be invigorated anew, to cross the Jordan of death.  For between two and three hours she was employed mostly in speaking of the preciousness of the Saviour, and exhorting her friends to trust in, and live to him, and in praying for them.  She then requested her little son to be brought to her, and she prayed for him, and gave him up anew to a covenant keeping God, not forgetting in her prayer her dear husband, who held him in his arms.  It was now about 10 o’clock in the morning, and it seemed as if she had said and done all, and to close up her work on earth she commenced singing the lines,
Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on his breast I lean my head,
And breathe my life out sweetly there.

But before she had finished the first line, her spirit took its flight, and she completed them in heaven. Her funeral was attended on Thursday the 15th inst., by a large concourse of friends and neighbors, when an appropriate sermon was preached by her Pastor, the Rev. Sainey Mills, from Luke 23, 28, Weep not for me.” (Thursday, February 5, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Col. Ambrose Millard
On Tuesday evening, January 27th, in Tioga Village, of consumption, Col. Ambrose Millard, aged 70 years.  (Thursday, February 12, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lynch ???
Casualty.--A man by the name of Lynch, a native of Ireland, lost his life one day last week, while engaged at work in the woods, in Towanda township.  If we are correctly informed, he had chopped a tree, which in falling struck another tree, breaking off a limb, which fell upon his head, killing him instantly.  Lynch is represented as having been an industrious hard-working man.  He leaves a family in the old country.--Bradford Argus.  (Thursday, February 26, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Julia Ann Beckwith
In Middlebury, on the 15th ult., Julia Ann, wife of Sylvester Beckwith, aged 37 years.  (Thursday, May 6, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Susanna Ritner
Wife of ex-Governor Joseph Ritner, died at the residence of her husband, in West Pennsborough township, Cumberland county, on the evening of Feb. 22d, in the 51st year of her married life, and 70th year of her age.  She was the daughter of Jacob Alter, Esq., for several years a member of the State Legislature, during the season of that body in Lancaster; and the grand-daughter of Henry Landis, one of the first settlers and Monnonist ministers in the county of Lancaster.  (Thursday, May 13, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Gilbert L. Beach
Died, on the 17th of February, 1851, in Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa., Gilbert L., son of Lyman and Harriet Beach, aged 8 months.  (Thursday, April 10, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Harriet Beach
While the friends of the afflicted were on the 19th performing the last sad duties to the late little sufferer, the mother, Harriet Beach, aged 37 years, was being called to follow her cherished son to the better land.  Mrs. Beach sustained and unimpeachable Christian character for the last 19 years of her life; and index to that hope that sustained her in the last hour.  Her disease was the pulmonary consumption.  (Thursday, April 10, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Orville Hungerford
The President of the Rome and Watertown Railroad, died on Sunday morning, at Watertown.   His loss will be seriously felt.  He was once if not twice, a member of Congress, and in 1847 was the democratic candidate for Comptroller.  (Thursday, April 27, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Wilber
Dreadful Railroad Accident.  Buffalo, April 7, 1851--A fatal accident occurred to the mail train due here at 4 o’clock this morning, when about three miles east of Alden, near the steam saw-mill.  The engine ran against a tree that had been blown across the track, demolishing the engine, and instantly killing the engineer, Mr. Wilber.  The train was going, at the time, at the rate of about 25 miles an hour, and the violence of the concussion threw the engine completely round.--The firemen and bell boy were thrown from the engine, but almost miraculously escaped without injury.  (Thursday, April 17, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Horatio Edward Baily
On the 4th instant, in Charleston, Horatio Edward, son of J. W. and Margaret Baily, aged 4 years, 4 months and 19 days.  (Thursday, April 17, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Adaline Wetherbee
On the 16th ultimo, in Covington, Adaline, daughter of Francis and Cornelia Wetherbee, aged one year and 11 months.  (Thursday, May 1, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Simon Stowell
On the 19th ultimo, in Shippen township, Mr. Simon Stowell, in the --- year of his age.  (Thursday, May 1, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Amos Cooledge
On the 16th instant, in Pike, Potter county, Mr. Amos Cooledge, aged about 70 years.  (Thursday, May 22, 1851, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Perlina Wakeman
In Delmar, on the 11th inst., Perlina, the youngest daughter of Ert and Elizabeth Wakeman, aged 1 year and 8 months.  (Thursday, January 20, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Caleb Austin
In Charleston, on the 24th inst., Mr. Caleb Austin, aged 75 years.  (Thursday, January 27, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Bingham
William Bingham was born in Philadelphia, on the 8th of March, 1753.  He was educated at the academy and college in that city.  On the 29th of November, 1768, he received a diploma as Bachelor of Arts, on the 28th of June, 1771, a diploma as Master of Arts. In 1778, Congress appointed him Consul of the United States for the French West India islands, resident in Martinique.  In the spring of 1780 he returned to Philadelphia, and on the 26th of October of that year he married Ann Willing, the eldest daughter of Thomas Willing, a merchant in that city.  The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. William White, Rector of Christ Church, and afterward the venerable Bishop of the Pennsylvania diocese. Mr. Bingham was, for several years, a member of the Legislature of his native State, and was Speaker of both Houses--the House of Representatives and the Senate.  From the 4th of March, 1795, to the 4th of March, 1801, he was a Senator in the Congress of the United States, and an ardent supporter of the administration of Washington, with whom he was on terms of great personal intimacy.  While the election between Jefferson and Burr was the subject of contest, Mr. Jefferson did not take his seat in the Senate, over which body he presided, as Vice President of the United States.  In his absence, Mr. Bingham occupied the chair, as presiding officer. Mr. Bingham was an enterprising and successful merchant; but he did not confine his attention merely to mercantile pursuits.  He had valuable property in the city and county of Philadelphia, and large landed estates in Maine, New York and Pennsylvania.  From the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania he purchased over a million of acres.  His title is these acres, lying chiefly in the northern counties, was founded upon warrants, granted to him by the Commonwealth, in the years 1792 and ‘93--upon surveys, made by the officers of the Commonwealth, and regularly returned by them into the office of the Surveyor General--and upon Patents, issued to him, or to the Trustees appointed in his will, and signed by the Governor, or Secretary of the Land Office.  The evidence of this title is in the Surveyor Generals office, at Harrisburg; and any person who will write to the head of that Department, for a copy of any paper in his office, will be sure to get it in a week.  The cost for a copy of a warrant and survey is half a dollar each--for that of a patent 75 cents.  No one, then, need be in ignorance of the Bingham Title, when he can satisfy himself upon it on terms so easy. Mr. Bingham died on the 6th of February, 1804, in the 51st year of his age, having survived his wife, who died in May, 1801.  His will, bearing date the 31st of January, 1804, was duly proved and filed in the Register’s Office in Philadelphia, and copies of it are upon the records of some of the counties in which the lands lie.  He devised his estate to five Trustees, for the benefit of his son and two daughters--his only children.  The Trustees were his two sons-in-law, Alexander Baring (afterward Lord Ashburton), and Henry Baring, and his three friends, Robert Gilmore, of Baltimore, and Thomas Mayne Willing, and Charles Willing Hare, both of Philadelphia.  These Trustees are dead, and the estate is now represented by five other Trustees, appointed in the manner prescribed in the will.  They are Joseph Reed Ingersoll and John Craig Miller, and three of Mr. Bingham’s grandsons, Wm. Bingham Baring, (Lord Ashburton), Francis Baring, and Henry Bingham Baring. Lord Ashburton and Francis Baring were born in Philadelphia.  They are both in the Parliament of Great Britain--the former in the House of Lords, the latter in the House of Commons.  Mr. Ingersoll was, for several years, the Representative of Philadelphia in Congress, and last summer the President of the United States appointed him Minister to England.  The other gentlemen, from time to time connected with the trust, were held in high estimation in the communities in which they lived; and no person in Philadelphia has a better reputation than Mr. Miller.  Such are the persons who have represented, and do represent, the large interests of the Bingham estate, as well in Pennsylvania as elsewhere. The daughters of Mr. Bingham are dead.--One died on the 5th of December, 1848; the other on the 9th of March following.  The son, William Bingham, born in Philadelphia, on the 29th of December, 1800, is living in Paris.  W. B. C.  (Thursday, February 10, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Stone and sister
On Thursday night, Feb. 10, the house of David Monroe, in Delmar, was burned to the ground, and his wife and her brother, John Stone, aged about 20 years, perished in the flames.  Mr. Monroe was absent on the Cowanesque, surveying.  We are not acquainted with the particulars.  (Thursday, February 10, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Jane A. Johnson
In Covington borough, on Friday, the 28th of January, Mrs. Jane A. Johnson, wife of A. L. Johnson, aged 37 years.  She died of a long, lingering disease, which she bore with christian fortitude, at all times manifesting entire resignation to the will of Him, who holds in his hands the destinies of men.  (Thursday, February 10, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Sala Cole
In Middlebury, suddenly on the 28th ult., Mr. Sala Cole, long a well known resident of this county.  (Thursday, March 4, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Amelia B. Welby
A dispatch from Cincinnati announces the decease, at Louisville, on the 3d inst., of Mrs. Amelia B. Welby, one of the most popular poetesses of the West, who formerly wrote a great deal over the signature of “Amelia.”  (Thursday, May 13, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Eleanor Spencer
On the 2d instant, at the residence of John Maine, in Mainesburg, Mrs. Eleanor Spencer, in the 67th year of her age.  (Thursday, May 13, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Julia Louisa Sherwood
In this place, on Wednesday, the 5th inst., Miss Julia Louisa, eldest daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah C. Sherwood, in the 19th year of her age.  Yes, Julia is dead.  She has passed “that bourne from whence no traveler returns.”  In the morn, of her days she has been taken from earth, and consigned to the cold and silent tomb.  A few short weeks ago, we beheld her a lively joyous creature, buoyant with hope and anticipation.  Possessed of an unusual flow of spirits, she was ever the gayest of the gay, diffusing life and animation to all about her.  About four months since the first symptoms of disease appeared.  For a time no alarm was felt by herself or friends.  But, alas, how soon the hectic flush, hurried breath, and sinking frame, showed that consumption had fastened upon its victim.  About six weeks since, she herself plainly saw, that her stay upon earth was brief.  Her great desire seemed now, to be, that she might be prepared for the great change--that she might be instructed in the way of eternal life.  Feeling herself a sincere, hoping and trembling, she cast her care upon Jesus and was accepted.  A quiet and holy resignation possessed her soul.--Earth had no longer charms for her, she longed to fly away and be at rest.  This was her only theme, all other conversation jarred upon her feelings.  “Talk to me of God and Heaven,” she would say, and like a weary child she sank to rest, soothed by the contemplation of a Saviour’s love.  Her sufferings, though intense were borne without a murmur.  She talked calmly in relation to all arrangements to be made after her disease.  For several days previous to her departure, her spirit seemed to hover upon the verge of the tomb; yet never for a moment did she loose her confidence in that Saviour, upon whom she depended.  She continued thus until the hour of her death, when with a heavenly smile, she bade the mourning group around her “good by,” and quietly and calmly, her spirit returned to the God who gave it.

As bowed by sudden storms, the rose,
Sinks on the garden’s breast,
Down to the grave our sister goes,
In silence there to rest.

“No more we’ll mourn the absent friend,
But lift the earnest prayer,
And daily every effort lend
To rise and join her there.”
Wellsboro, May 10, 1852.  (Thursday, May 13, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Sally Ann Eams
In Mansfield, April 3d, Sally Ann, wife of David Eams, and daughter of Col. John Marvin, of Covington, aged 29 years.  Whereas, It has pleased God in His infinite wisdom, to visit from time to time, the members of our beloved brotherhood, by removing some member of their happy families; and whereas by a late dispensation of Divine Providence our worthy and esteemed Brother David Eams, has been called upon to part, by the cold hands of death, with his dear wife, the companion of his youth, the partner of his joys and the sharer of his griefs; and whereas we deem it not only our duty as brothers, but a privilege as neighbors and friends, to mingle our fears with those that weep.  Therefore.  Resolved, That we, as Sons of Temperance, tender to Brother David Eams, the hand of friendship in this his hour trouble, and would drop the tear of sympathy with him over the grave of the departed.  Resolved, That our Bro. by this act of Providence, has another unmistakable example of the brevity of time, the uncertainty of life, and the certainty of death.  Resolved, That we as Brothers, feel it out duty to aid by our counsel and good wishes Bro. Eams, in his increased duties as a parent and adviser, in raising up his family of five little ones, who are left thus early to mourn the loss of a tender and affectionate mother.  Resolved, That in presenting this, our token of friendship and brotherly love to Bro. Eams, we do it in sincerity, and we would point him to the “Great Patriarch” of Heaven, where he can find a friend to support him in every time of need.  In behalf of Mansfield Div. S. of T., submitted in L. P. & F.  J. S. Hoard, B. M. Baily, M. King (Com. On Resolutions.)  (Thursday, May 20, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Rebecca Lowell
In the village of Tioga on the 7th instant, Mrs. Rebecca Lowell, relict of Wm. Lowell, aged 42 years.  She bore a lingering illness with patience, and died as she had long lived, a Christian.  She possessed much energy of character, combined with good practical sense.  These traits made her successful in the management of her affairs when left a widow, and under the control of religious principles, made her an efficient supporter of the institution of religion, and of the church of her choice.  Long will her memory be cherished by her numerous friends, and deeply must her loss be felt by her children, in early life thrown upon the world orphans.  May the God of the bereaved and friendless ever be their support, and may the counsels and examples of their departed mother ever exert a salutary influence upon their character and guide them to the reward of the faithful. C. N.  (Thursday, June 17, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Maryette Daggett
In Tioga Village, on the 3d instant, Maryette, daughter of Allen and Clarissa Daggett, aged 3 years, and 9 months.  (Thursday, July 15, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Henry Clay
The great Statesman died in Washington, on Tuesday, the 29th ult.  His illness, as is generally known, was protracted and severe; for his lamp of life burned with a flickering light, long after his most earnest friends had predicted its speedy extinction. The sorrow of his death has been great and universal.  No differences of opinion have closed the public eye to a perception of his great merit, and no conflict of parties has abated that interest, which, as Americans, we must feel in the possession of a Statesman of such notable ability.  He has lived in history, and history will be a large segment of our political annals when it is written by those, who shall succeed, alike him and us. It was not his fortune, in the more prosperous seasons of his party, to attain the Presidential Chair; but, in his place in the Senate he has been, by his opinions and influence, the architect of Presidential fortunes, and has given, more largely than any other, prestige and dignity in the National Whig party of the country.  We were numbered among his adversaries; but all political differences are buried in the grave, and we rejoice in adding our tribute to the sum of that praise, with which his friends will crown his memory. His last moments are described by a contemporary as follows: On Tuesday morning he was calm, but his mind wandered, and in a low and distinct voice, he named his wife, son, and other relatives, in a disconnected manner.  He continued perfectly tranquil, though exceedingly feeble, and manifesting a disposition to slumber.  About half-past 10 o’clock, he asked for some cool water, which he was in the habit of taking through a silver tube. On removing the tube from his mouth, he seemed to have more difficulty in swallowing then previously.  He turned to his son and said, “Don’t leave me.”  Soon after he motioned to have the collar of his shirt opened, and then, adding, “I’m going soon” serenely breathed his last.  No one was present at the time except his son, Thomas Hart Clay, and Gov. Jones, of Tennessee. Henry Clay was one of the few men of modern times, whose reputation was world wide--whose deeds were ever prompted by the loftiest motives, and who, while eloquent, was practical, while bold was convincing, while statesmanlike was philosophical, and while wise was generous, just and magnanimous.  His life was emphatically devoted to the welfare and prosperity, the honor and glory of the American Republic.  His was the master spirit that on many critical and important occasions, influenced and controlled, not only the popular mind, but the representatives of the people in both Houses of Congress--soothed and calmed the feverish excitements of the day, and by suggestions at once enlightened and liberal, softened bitter prejudices, reconciled conflicting opinions, strengthened the foundations and fortified the bonds of the American Union.  He would have made a glorious President and he deserved that high distinction.  But fortunate willed it otherwise, and although the office could scarcely have conferred additional honor upon the man, the nation would have been honored by such a Chief Magistrate--and the circumstance may therefore be referred to as a subject of regret.  He deserved, he merited, he had earned the glittering distinction, and now that it is not possible to confer upon him the first office in the Republic, many, aye, many will reproach themselves for their difference and opposition in former times.  Henry Clay lived to a green old age.  He died full of years and full of honors.  He was born on the 12th of April, 1777, in Hanover county, Virginia, in a neighborhood commonly called “the Slashes.”  He was therefore upwards of 75 years of age at the time of his decease.  His father, the Rev. John Clay, was also a native of Virginia.  So also his mother, Elizabeth Hudson.  Henry was the 7th child.  His father died in 1781, bequeathing to his widow little else than an estate of seven children.  Henry being then only four years old.  It will thus be seen that long before he entered upon active life, he was an orphan, and was deprived of the counsels and example of a father.  His mother, however, married a second time, to a man of character and integrity, who extended the kindest care to her children.  In 1791, at the age of 14, Henry entered a store at Richmond, and subsequently became a desk-clerk in the High Court of Chancery, Virginia.  Soon after, he commenced the study of the law under Attorney-General Brooke, and was admitted to practice in 1797, by the Virginia Court of Appeals.  He moved to Lexington, KY, in November, 1797, to establish himself in the profession of the law.  He was not then quite 21 years of age.  He married early--in 1790--his bride being Lucretia Hart, daughter of Colonel Thomas Hart, of Lexington.  Mrs. Clay was born in 1781, at Hagerstown, MD., being four years younger than her husband.  They had 11 children in all--six daughters and five sons--as early as 1845, had 15 grand-children. Mr. Clay’s first duties as a legislator, were discharged as a member of the General Assembly of Kentucky, to which he was elected in 1803.  In 1806 he was sent to the Senate of the United States.  In 1808 he was again a member of the Legislature of Kentucky, and in 1809, he was returned again to the Senate of the United States.  In 1811 he was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, and occupied that post in all, about 13 years.  During the administration of John Quincy Adams, he officiated as Secretary of State and was returned to the Senate again in 1831, where he held his seat without interruption, till the 31st of March, 1842.  His more recent career is familiar to every reader.  He was a member of the United States Senate at the time of his death at the closing acts of his life as a statesman were connected with the triumph of the Compromise Measures of the 31st Congress, which have since been so generally approved throughout the land.  His efforts during the trying scenes connected with the success of those measures exhibited a mind in the highest state of vigor--a tact that was truly wonderful, a forbearance and a magnanimity that were every way worthy of the man.  Regardless of all personal considerations, and devoted solely to the welfare of his beloved country, he yielded himself night and day to a service the most arduous, but on the success of which he regarded as essential to the common prosperity--nay, to the preservation and perpetuity of the Union. But he has passed to his last resting place on earth.  His departure, although long looked for as inevitable, will nevertheless startle and touch the millions who dwell within the length and breadth of this great Republic.  The attributes to his memory will be heartwarm and soul-fraught.  They will be given by every city, village and hamlet in the Union.  But more than all, a profound sense of national loss will every where be felt and experienced; and although his mortal part will soon mingle with the clods of the valley--yet the name of Henry Clay will ever be regarded, as “one of the few, the immortal names that were not born to die.”  (Thursday, July 15, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Abigail D. Preston
On the 16th July, Abigail D. Preston of Tioga, in the 75th year of her age.  (Thursday, August 5, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Searight
William Searight, the Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner, died at his residence in Fayette county, on the 12th inst.  We mentioned in last week’s Eagle, that Mr. Searight was confined to a bed of sickness, and unable to refute the Whig Slanders, then being circulated all over the State, and the probabilities are, that the fiendish maliciousness displayed by the whig opposition hastened his death.  Mr. S. was an honest upright citizen, and expired, among his friends, a reputation unsurpassed.  It will be difficult to replace his loss, and the bloodhounds who have hunted him to the grave, we trust will now have manliness enough to cease their bitter vituperations.  (Thursday, August 19, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Duke of Wellington
The great captain of Europe, the idol of the English nation, the conqueror of Napoleon, the man who for 50 years has taken a leading and active part in controlling the destinies of Europe, is at last dead.  His family name was Arthur Wellesley, and he was born on the 1st of May, 1769, at the Castle of Dangan, in Ireland.  (Thursday, October 7, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Isaac Werline
In Liberty, on the 25th ult., Mr. Isaac Werline, aged 53 years, 4 months and 22 days.  The deceased, with several others, was at work in the woods, when by the unexpected fall of a tree he received a severe blow on the head which fractured his skull.  He survived the accident but a few hours.  Mr. Weline was one of the early settlers of that section, and has for many years maintained an enviable reputation as a citizen and a man.--He leaves a large family and an extended circle of friends to mourn this sudden and unexpected loss, a loss which to him is unspeakable gain.  He sleeps the deep mysterious sleeps while much sooner or later, wrap the senses of all the living.  (Thursday, November 4, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Ichabod Davis
In Brookfield, on the 23rd inst., Mr. Ichabod Davis, aged 64 years.  (Thursday, December 30, 1852, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

1853 - Tioga Eagle

Mr. John Fellows
In Delmar, on the 11th inst., Mr. John Fellows, in the 79th year of his age. Mr. Fellows was a native of Canaan, Litchfield county, Connecticut, and came to Delmar near 30 years ago.  Born previous to the war of the Revolution, he was one of the few who remained to unite us to the colonies or narrate from personal knowledge the thrilling incident of our struggle for national existence. For half a century he was extensively engaged in business in his native town and leaves both there and here a reputation is sullied as a man of business, and lamented as a friend.  (Thursday, February 17, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Cass
The wife of Gen. Cass died at Detroit on the night of the 31st ult.  She was an amiable woman, domestic in her habits, preferring the quiet of her Western home to the gaities of Washington life, and has been the partner of her distinguished husband during the most eventful portion of his life.  We deeply sympathize with Gen. Cass in his sad bereavement. The past few years have been peculiarly fatal to the occupants of high political positions, and their immediate circle of relatives.  Mr. Polk died soon after Taylor, Calhoun, Clay and Webster sank to their tombs--the only son of Gen. Pierce, the wife of Ex-President Fillmore, and now the lady of Gen. Cass have in quick succession gone to the spirit land.  Mrs. Cass was a daughter of Dr. Joseph Spencer, of Connecticut, who removed to Lansingburg, New York, in 1786, at which place she was born, September 27, 1778.  Five years afterwards she removed with her father’s family to Wood co., Virginia, where she resided until she was married to General Cass, in 1806.  After a residence of about eight years in Muskingum county, Ohio, she came to reside in Michigan, then a territory, over which Gen. Cass had been appointed Governor, in 1815.  From that time until the year 1832, she resided in Detroit, when she left to make her residence at Washington with her husband, who had been appointed Secretary of War, under General Jackson.  In the year 1836, she accompanied Gen. Cass to Paris, where she resided during the continuance of his term as Minister to France, returning to Detroit somewhat in advance of him in 1841.  (Thursday, April 14, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

General Haynau
General Haynau’s death was quite unexpected.  On Saturday, the 12th ult., he joined the circle of Generals who had assembled to congratulate the Emperor at the Bellaria, and attracted the particular notice of his majesty, who addressed him on passing with ‘a greeting to you, General.” (Gruss sie Herr General.).  On Sunday he was at the Mercantile Union, as usual.  At midnight he returned to ‘Munsch’s Hotel, where he was lodging, and soon retired to rest.  At half past one he summoned his valet, and directed him to fetch him a glass of water, as he felt unwell.  When the man returned, he found his master gasping for breadth; in short, in the agonies of death.  Medical assistance was promptly called in, and an attempt to take blood from the General’s arm was made, but in vain.  General Haynau had ceased to be.  (Thursday, April 14, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Vice President William Rufus King
Late advices from the South announce the sad news of the death of William Rufus King, Vice President of the United States.  He arrived at his home in Cahawha, Alabama, from Cuba, on Sunday, 17th of April, and died surrounded by his friends and relatives, on the afternoon of the day following.  The low state of Mr. King’s health, which had for some time kept him on the verge of the grave, has prepared the country for this event, so that the news of his demise is somewhat deprived of its saddening influence. An opposition contemporary, in referring to Mr. King’s slow journey home, after leaving the Island of Cuba, says: Mr. King has gone home to die.  Loaded with honors which he can no longer enjoy, he turns his steps, weaker every hour, towards the place where centre all his domestic associations.  Death in a foreign land is always bitter; it seemed especially so to him who, during his whole life, had received such continued and distinguished marks of the public favor.  Few men have had so successful a political career, and few men have gone through it with a better reputation for personal honor and pure intention.  Mr. King has never stood in the front rank of the statesman of his day, but he is a man of more than ordinary talents, and by the better qualities of the heart, he has attached to him troops of friends, who watch with sorrowing eyes his decaying strength.  He falls with all the good wishes of his country, and partisan feeling, which was never very bitter towards him, loses all its force as he closes his eyes upon the scenes of earthly honors, to open them, we all hope upon a brighter and better world. Wm. R. King was born in North Carolina; on the 7th of April, 1786, as was at the time of his death 67 years old.  A large portion of his life was spent in Alabama.  He represented North Carolina in Congress from 1811 to 1816, from 1819 to 1844 he was United States Senator from Alabama, and from 1844 to 1847 was United States Minister to France.  On his return from Paris he was again elected Senator from Alabama, and continued in that office till last year, when he was nominated and elected Vice President of the United States. In all relations of life, Mr. King ever maintained a spotless reputation.  His rank and confiding disposition, uniform, courtesy and kindness, endeared him to his numerous friends and commanded for him the respect and confidence of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.  As a politician of the Democratic school, he was ever true to his principles; as a friend, he never deserted those who trusted in him.  His death will be sincerely lamented. Mr. King’s death makes the office of Vice President vacant; but all the duties of that office devolve upon Mr. Atchinson, temporary President of the Senate. (Thursday, April 28, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Judge Gibson
The Bulletin gives the following sketch of John Bannister Gibson, who died at the United States Hotel, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 3d of May, “Judge Gibson was born in Carlisle, Pa., in the year 1780, and was consequently 73 years of age.  He was the son of Col. George Gibson, a well known and distinguished officer of the Revolutionary war, who fell while fighting with the Indians at St. Clark’s defeat, in 1891.  He was educated at Dickinson College, where he graduated in 1800.  He then studied law under Thomas Duncan, Esq., of Carlisle, and was admitted to the bar in 1893.  After some interval, employed in the selection of a place to commence practice, he finally opened an office in Carlisle, where he soon won a high reputation as a lawyer.  He was sent twice to the Legislature, in 1816 and 1841, giving a zealous support to the administration of Gov. Snyder, and President Madison.  In 1812, Gov. Snyder appointed him Judge of the 11th Judicial District, just organized in Northern Pennsylvania, and in 1818 he was elevated to the Supreme Bench.  In 1827, on the death of Chief Justice Tjlghman, Gov. Shultz appointed him to the vacancy, and he held the office from that time until 1851, when the amendment of the Constitution made the Judiciary elective.  Having received the Democratic nomination, Judge Gibson was elected to the Supreme Bench by a large majority and drew the nine years’ term, of which scarcely a year had elapsed at his death.  This is a mere outline of a long judicial life, which was marked as much by labor as it was by sound learning and clear intellect.”  The remains of Judge Gibson were taken to Carlisle for interment.  (Thursday, May 12, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Edgar Washington
In Covington, March 21, Edgar Washington, son of Samantha and Edda Cass, aged 11 months 20 days.  (Thursday, May 12, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Two children of Mr. Hamilton
Fatal Railroad Accident.--Two children of Mr. Hamilton, of Wellsburgh, aged 8 and 13 years, were unmoved by the Buffalo Express train on the New York and Erie Railroad, on Tuesday evening, and instantly killed.  (Thursday, May 19, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Z. T. M’Clusky
We learn from the Elmira Republican that Mr. ZX. T. M’Clusky of Jefferson, who was injured a short time ago by being thrown out of his buggy, died on Monday last.  Mr. M’C. was Deputy Sheriff of Chemung county, and enjoyed the respect of all who knew him.  (Thursday, May 19, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Arthur Spring
Execution of Arthur Spring.  Philadelphia, June 10, 1853.  Arthur Spring, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Shaw, was executed this morning, in the yard of the Moyamensing Prison, at a quarter past 11 o’clock.  There were 500 persons present.  He was attended by the Rev. Messrs. Street, Kensil and Alexander, who in turn were the prisoner all last night.  Spring slept about four hours--the remainder of the night was spent in religious exercises. A letter was received from Gov. Bigler early this morning, stating that Executive clemency could not be exercised. Spring declared his innocence.  He also said his son was innocent, but that he had brought money to put it in his pocket.  When he reached the gallows a hymn was sung, after which the Rev. Mr. Street asked him, in the most solemn manner, whether he was guilty of the murder for which he was now about to suffer the extreme penalty of the law.  Spring answered, ‘No sir; no, sir.”  He was asked whether he was guilty of the murder of Rink.  He replied, ‘I never saw him in my life.”  He was so questioned as to the innocence of his son.  He said-- ‘ I believe he had nothing more to do with it than I had.’ Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Kensil, after which the rope was adjusted around the prisoner’s neck.  Again he asseverated the innocence of his son, without qualification.  Immediately after the drop tell, and Arthur Spring was launched into eternity.  He died soon--there was but a single contraction of the legs.  (Thursday, June 16, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Parsons
In Wellsboro, on the 24th inst., Mrs. Parsons, aged 68 years.  (Thursday, July 28, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Henry Brown
Died, of dropsy on the heart, on the 22d of June, at Westfield, Tioga Co., Mr. Henry Brown in the 46th year of his age.  Mr. Brown had by his kindness and many virtues endeared himself to a large circle of friends, but in his family of which he was affectionate Campanion, Counsellor, Adviser and Guide; his loss is most severely felt.  Their home is now left desolate, and consolation can come to them only with time and a trust in Divine Providence.  (Thursday, August 4, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Col. W. S. Bliss
Death of Col. Bliss.--The telegraph gives the painful news of the death, by yellow fever, of Col. W. S. Bliss, of the United States Army, the ‘perfect Bliss of West Point, the gallant aid of Gen. Taylor in Florida and Mexico, (afterwards his son-in-law and private Secretary), the accomplished scholar and the polished gentleman in all circles.  His death will be most truly mourned throughout the country.  Col. Bliss was spending the summer at Pascagoula, a watering place on the Gulf of Mexico, where he fell a victim to the fearful malady where is bringing desolation into so many Southern homes.  (Thursday, August 18, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Lucy Hotchkiss
In Tioga Township, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Lucy Hotchkiss, consort of Harris Hotchkiss, in the 85th year of her age.  Mrs. H. was one of the first who settled on the banks of the Tioga river, nearly 50 years ago.  She lived to a ripe old age respected by an extensive circle of friends, and died surrounded by a large family of children, 19 in number, nearly all of whom are residents of this county.  Mr. Hotchkiss is still living, now bereft of the partner and choice of his youth who journeyed with him through life for so many years.  (Thursday, September 8, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. N. L. Dyke
Died, in Coudersport, on Wednesday, Oct. 19th, Mrs. N. L. Dyke, aged 29 years.  The deceased was the daughter of the Hon. Timothy Ives.  In the village where she died, she had lived almost from her birth.  She had met an enemy.  She was loved when she lived, and mourned over when she departed.  “A gracious woman aineth honor.”  She was a true woman.  She followed the sacred instincts of her sex.  In the sphere of life, daughter and mother, she found sufficient to occupy her time and task her energies.  In her three-fold relation, she was exemplary, affectionate and devoted.  “Her price is far above rubies.”  It is our trust that she was a disciple of the Savior.  Circumstances delayed a public procession.  But religion occupied her nights, and with a dear relative, was often a subject of conversation.  In health she looked forward to death, and trusted after death, it would be well with her.  ‘She that feareth the Lord, shall be praised.”  Her warning was short.  Only three weeks before her death, she was bright and happy.  A burden had been taken from her mind, by the recovery of her child from sickness.  She looked forward to a joyment with that, which had for weeks been the source of care and apprehension.  But the mother in her turn was laid upon the bed of sickness, and death soon obtained the mastery.  Jesus says: “I say unto all, watch, for in such an hour as ye think not these a man cometh.”  Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching.  (Thursday, November 3, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Susannah Bowman
Died, at her residence in Brookfield, on Saturday morning, Oct. 22d, Mrs. Susannah Bowman, widow of Godfrey Bowman, deceased, aged 64 years.  The deceased together with her husband and parents was among the first who settled in Brookfield township over 40 years ago, which at that period was almost an entire wilderness.  She professed faith in Christ in her youthful days, and lived the conscious enjoyment of divine grace through succeeding years.  Her trust in Her Redeemer was manifest through many long months of lingering disease, especially as the closing scene of it drew near.  How well she sustained the endearing relation of mother, can be appreciated only the awful mourn of her loss.  Her illness was long and protracted, and her sufferings at were almost beyond be man endurance, but she bore them meekly patiently not uttering a word of complaint.  Her funeral took place on Monday the 24th ult., and was attended by a large assemblage of friends and relatives who mourn her loss, and on the occasion of which, a very eloquent and feeling address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Shaffer, of the M. E. Church, on the subject of the resurrection, and a well grounded hope of bliss and immortality beyond the grave.  (Thursday, November 3, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Richard Beebe
At the residence of his father, Rev. C. Beebe, of Delmar, on the 1st inst., Richard Beebe, aged 22 years and 10 days.  The deceased was a young man of remarkably mild, amiable and engaging disposition, and although for several years past has suffered painfully in declining health.  His last sufferings which was the dropsy, attended with the most excruciating distress he has ever borne his afflictions with patience and resignation, and finally exhibited to his weeping friend, he consoling spectacle of witnessing “How a Christian can die!”  (Thursday, November 10, 1853, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)  

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site 28 FEB 2007
By Joyce M. Tice