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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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1856 - Luman Putnam of Granville
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1856 Diary of Luman Putnam of Granville
Transcribed by Betsy Shirk - bshirk2002@yahoo.com
Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice
Transcription copyright 2010 Betsy Shirk and Joyce M. Tice

1854 Diary and Introduction. Also access to many more LumanPutnam Diaries

Luman Putnam Jerusha Bailey, his first wife

L. Putnam’s Memorandum ~ Granville

Jan.1, 1856

Written inside front cover: Wellsville, Allegany Co. N.Y.

Tuesday, Jan. 1

Weather cold but quite pleasant. Sleighing good. Employed about the barn, taking care of stock & working some at calf stable. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R. taking one from home in the morning & leaving one at night. Lurenda and Eliza went to Troy with Erastus.

Wednesday, Jan. 2

Morning very cold but the weather moderated through the day – Business about the barn as usual. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R. in the same order as yesterday. Eliza left home in the morning on foot, for her school. Br. Wells preached at the Huddle evening.

Thursday, Jan. 3

Weather quite mild. Snow commenced falling last evening & continued moderately till noon. Worked part of the time at the calf stable & took care of the calves. Luman hauled two loads of boards to R.R. as usual. Mr. Bunyan called & spent the evening.

Friday, Jan. 4

Morning cold – latter part of the day more moderate. Fixed a bobsleigh & worked some at the calf stable. — Luman hauled the load of boards from home & another from the mill to the R.R. making a load & a half — In the evening George & Amy called. Lurenda & Luman went to singing seline?

Saturday, Jan 5

Cold wintry weather. In the afternoon a moderate fall of snow commenced which continued through the night. Worked at cutting wood & helped Harvey thresh some oats. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. – Br. Wells called in the afternoon & staid over night.

Sunday, Jan 6

Cloudy but did not storm – Walked to meeting at Leroy with Br. Wells who had an appointment there. Returning called with Br. Churchill & took supper there. In the evening attended meeting at the Corners where Br. Wells spoke.

At top of page 6-9 E.

Monday, Jan. 7

Weather cold & freezing, and somewhat stormy at night. Attended to the stock & helped Harvey a little at threshing oats. Paid Brigham five bushels oats to Elon. Luman hauled two loads of boards from mill to R.R. Br. Wells removed his melodion to the Huddle this afternoon.

Tuesday, Jan. 8

Cold blustering day. Employed in getting wood & attending to the cattle & matters about the barn. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & another from the mill as far as Brigham’s. Harvey threshed a few oats. Bought a sack of flour (50 lbs) at Phillips store 21(?)

Wednesday, Jan. 9

Night extremely cold, and very cold day but not so blustering as yesterday. Employment same as yesterday. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R. one from Brigham’s and the other from the mill. Harvey threshed oats.

Thursday, Jan. 10

Very cold morning, but weather moderated a little in course of the day. Went to the Corners, traded a little at the store & rec $8 of Jeff. for butter sold to him. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. Harvey threshed oats. Weather quite mild in the evening.

Friday, Jan. 11

Weather much more moderate & thawed some in the middle of the day. Employed at getting wood, taking care of cattle, & matters at the barn. Went to the Corners & bought a lantern &c. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R. Harvey threshed oats. Old cosset sheep died. Eliza came home.

Saturday, Jan. 12

Weather not very cold. Snowed a little towards night. Employed about the house & barn as for several days preceeding. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & another from the mill to the barn. Harvey threshed oats. Sent 3 bu. buckwheat to mill by Harry Bailey Alanson called in the afternoon.

Sunday, Jan. 13

Snowed considerable during the night, & storm continued through the day. Did not attend meeting on account of the storm, but spent a considerable portion of the time at the barn, taking care of the cattle. Luman went with cutter at night to carry Eliza to her school.

Monday, Jan. 14

Storm abated but not entirely subsided. Snowed some in the course of the day & weather moderately cold. Went with wife in the cutter, in company with Br. Wells to visit at Bunyan’s, & returned in the evening. Paid L. D. Taylor $8 on acct, & Br. Wells 84 cents at Bailey’s store. Boys attended to chores & threshed some

Tuesday, Jan. 15

Cloudy and cold freezing weather. Remained at home and attended to chores about the house and barn. Luman not feeling very well, hauled but one load of boards from the mill to the R.R. having taken off the loat which stood on the sleigh at the barn.

Wednesday, Jan. 16

Cold frosty morning, but clear and pleasant. Employed about the house and barn, getting wood and taking care of the stock. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R. and got the horses shod at Griffin’s. Harvey worked in the barn at threshing oats.

Thursday, Jan. 17

Cloudy but moderate weather through the day. Employed as usual attending to matters about the house & barn. Wrote a letter to Mr. Alfred Bailey of Conn. Luman brought a load of boards from the mill, but being unwell, did not take them through.

Friday, Jan. 18 (just beneath date 3.30 M)

Warm & pleasant day. Wrote a letter to Wm. Harris, carried my letters to the P.O., voted at the election, & attended to the chores. Luman hauled the two loads of boards from home to the R.R. Br. Rockwell called & took dinner with us; & in the evening Geo. & Amy called.

Saturday, Jan. 19

Cloudy, & weather some colder. Attended to chores and helped Harvey clean some oats. Put up 15 bushels & carried them to Brigham’s barn to pay him for some borrowed. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & a load of plank up onto the new road.

Sunday, Jan 20

Very cold night and the weather cloudy and cold thro the day. Being troubled with chillblains on my feet, did not attend meeting today, but remained at home and took care of cattle. Lurenda & Luman attended at the Huddle.

Monday, Jan. 21

Weather continues cloudy & cold with, occasionally a little snow falling. Put a handle on a pitchfork & repaired a pail, in addition to the daily routine of chores. Luman hauled a load of boards from mill to R.R. & another from the mill up home. Alanson made a call. Harvey threshed oats.

Tuesday, Jan. 22

Forenoon pleasant & some warmer, afternoon cloudy & cold. Did nothing more than to get wood for the fire ant take care of the stock at the barn. Luman hauled the load of boards from home & another from the mill, to the R.R. – Br. Wells returned from Canton & tarried with us. Harvey threshed oats.

Wednesday, Jan. 23

Weather more moderate and afternoon fair. Attended to my usual business & in the afternoon visited with Luther who brought with him Sally & Mary. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. In the evening Geo. & Amy called. Paid C. Sayles $1.30?

Thursday, Jan 24

Fair day, & weather moderate. In addition bo my usual business employed part of the day casting up Valentine’s lumber bills. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to R.R. Alanson called.

Friday, Jan. 25

Weather cold and blustering. Attended to the chores, helped Harvey clean some oats, spent sometime at Valentine’s lumber bills & went to the Corners & got some coffee. Luman hauled two loads of boards from mill to R.R. Eliza came home. A quarterly meeting commenced at Taylor’s.

Saturday, Jan. 26

Night extremely cold. Day quite pleasant & much warmer. Did some posting for Griffin, finished Valentine’s lumber bills, attended meeting in the afternoon, besides taking care of the cattle &c. Luman hauled a load of boards to the R.R. from the mill, & another from the mill up home. Rec letter from Mr. Atkins. Wife went to meeting in the evening.

Sunday, Jan. 27

Weather moderate, with some snow falling thro the day. Attended meeting at the Huddle, heard Br. Hyatt, & in the evening Br. Miller. Brs. Rockwell & McDougall called in the afternoon & took supper with us. Loaned Br. McDougall 3 Vols. of the Harbinger containing the Skinner discussions & a book containing discussion of Ely. & Thomas. Luman took Eliza to her school in cutter.

Monday, Jan. 28

Mild weather with a light fall of snow. Attended to my home matters as usual & went to the Corners & got some tobbacco. Luman hauled a load of boards to the R.R. from home, & another from the mill. Family attended meeting in the evening, & John Bush & Br. Wells returned with them & tarried. Harvey went to school.

Tuesday, Jan. 29

Weather quite mild & cloudy. Snowed a little towards night. Employed about the house & barn taking care of the cattle & choring. Wife went to Troy with Erastus. Br. Wells also went along. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & went after another load but could not get any.

Wednesday, Jan. 30

Fair in the morning, cloudy & blustering towards night. Felt unwell but attended to the stock. Wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins. Wife returned from Troy. Luman went again after boards but got none. He hauled two loads of wood from the Rockwell hill. Lurenda & Luman in the evening attended meeting.

Thursday, Jan. 31

Weather pleasant, & moderate for the season of the year. Attended to the chores at the barn and wrote a letter to Dan. Sent 6 bu. buckwheat by Erastus to mill at Troy. Luman hauled another load of wood from L. Andrus’ lot. Alanson called Family attended meeting in the eve.


Friday, Feb. 1

Moderate weather & forepart of the day fair. Towards night a snow storm commenced. Attended to affairs at the barn, & went down to Phillips’ store. Sent letters to the P.O. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill, & on to the R.R. Erastus brot. the grist. Family went to meeting in the eve.

Saturday, Feb. 2

Weather fair but cold & blustering. Did nothing more than to attend to the chores. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Harvey threshed oats. Br. Rockwell called. Rec letter from the daughter of Alfred Bailey Valentine called & tarried. Family attended meeting in the evening.

Sunday, Feb. 3

Weather very cold, with considerable wind. Attended meeting at Taylor’s. Br. Hyatt delivered the discourse. Wife went to Troy with Erastus, to sta with Amanda while the doctor is absent, at court. The children attended meeting in the evening which is the last of the series. Wind abates, but cold increases.

Monday, Feb. 4

Very freezing night; morning fair but extremely cold. Employed at the barn, taking care of the cattle, & at the house, cutting wood for the stove. Attended to some business for Griffin. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill, & one to the R.R. Harvey attended school. George called in the evening. Very cold day.

Tuesday, Feb. 5

Cold weather continues – day fair. Employed as yesterday about the house & barn. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill, & two to the R.R. In the evening Br. Brigham & Lathan Andrus called, and also Jefferson.

At top of page 5-28 M.

Wednesday, Feb. 6

Night extremely cold. Morning do. More moderate in the middle, & at the close of the day. Attended to my routine chores as usual. Wife returned from Troy. Luman hauled two loads of boards from mill to R.R. Samuel made a call in the afternoon, and Alanson towards night.

Thursday, Feb. 7

Weather quite mild, & thawed some in the course of the day. Cloudy with some flurries of snow. Attended to my usual business; paid L D Taylor $4.28 in butter; & commenced a letter to A. M. Bailey of Conn. Luman hauled 2 loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. Wife went to see her mother in the evening.

Friday, Feb. 8

Warm & pleasant, & thawed considerable. Towards night some colder, evening cloudy & snow fell moderately. Went with wife to Brigham’s & visited with Stockwell & wife. Finished letter to Bailey & sent to P.O. Luman hauled 2 loads from mill & 1 to R.R. At night Luther & Sally called a short time. Eliza came. Br. Wells & Erastus tarried over night.

Saturday, Feb. 9

Weather colder again, & cloudy through the day. Employed about the house & barn, attending to chores as usual. Went to the Corners & got some sugar at the store. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Br. Wells having left in the morning, returned & tarried over night.

Sunday, Feb. 10

Pleasant winter weather. Attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon & in the evening at the Corners, Br. Wells discoursing at each. Brs. Ross & Morse & their wives, & Br. Wells & his daughter Lydia, called & spent the interval between the meetings with us, & took supper with us.

Monday, Feb. 11

Weather fair & considerably warmer. Thawed sufficiently to spoil the sleighing on the main road. Attended to my usual business & worked a little at the calf stable. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R.

Tuesday, Feb. 12

Morning colder with flurries of snow. Latter part of the day quite cold & blustering. Attended the funeral of John Mott at the school house; Mr. A. Lane spoke on the occasion. Luman went to Griffin’s & hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R.

Wednesday, Feb. 13

Weather fair but very cold. Attended to my common business – taking care of the cattle at the barn, & cutting wood for the stove. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. In the afternoon Col. Wilson & his wife called a short time, being on theri way to Franklin.

Thursday, Feb. 14

Morning extremely cold. Day fair, & weather grew more moderate through its course. Did nothing more than my usual chores. Luman hauled 1 load of boards from the mill, & two to the R.R. Towards night Alanson made a call.

Friday, Feb. 15

Weather moderate through the day, cloudy at night with appearance of snow. Attended to the cattle & fire wood, repaired a fake, prepared a stable, and commenced stabling the colt. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill and one to the R.R. In the evening, Lurenda & the boys attended singing school.

Saturday, Feb. 16 (beside date 1 - 40 E.)

Weather cloudy with a little snow at intervals, yet quite mild & thawed some through the day. Business as usual, doing chores at the house & barn. Wife went to Troy with George & Amy, & returned. Luman hauled 1 load of boards from the mill & 2 to the R.R. Rec letter from Dan.

Sunday, Feb. 17

Weather changed in the night & the day very cold & blustering. Remained at home during the day on account of the weather & attended to the chores. — George made a call towards night & in the evening Thomas came to bring Lurenda home from Luther’s.

Monday, Feb. 18

Weather clear, but very cold & with cutting winds from the N.W. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Engaged in matters at home, as usual, till towards night, where I started – on foot – to attend a discussion at Canton, between Br. McDougall & Mr. Austin. Went to Mr. Gray’s & tarried.

Tuesday, Feb. 19

Morning clear & weather a little more moderate, but quite severe. After breakfast, proceeded with Mr. Grey to Alba & rode in Col. Wilson’s sleigh to Canton. Mr. Austin not having arrived heard discourse in forenoon from Br. Miller in afternoon from Mr. Whitcomb, & evening from Br. Hyatt. Put up at Br. Rockwell’s.

Wednesday, Feb. 20

Weather more moderate with wind from S.W. Mr. Austin not having made his appearance, Mr. Whitcomb delivered a discourse in the forenoon; & in the afternoon Mr. Austin not having come with the trains from the north, the assembly was dismissed. Rode down to LeRoy with Harvey & walked home in the evening, calling at Br. Churchill’s.

Thursday, Feb. 21

Weather fair & quite mild. Snow melted considerably, & sleighing, on the main road spoiled. Attended to matters at the barn & in the afternoon visited at Brigham’s with wife; mother Bailey & others being there. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill to the R.R.

Friday, Feb. 22

Warm & pleasant weather continues – the thaw making considerable progress. Did nothing more than to attend to the stock and other matters at the barn. Luman employed getting wood off from Julius’ lot on the hill. He hauled two loads & in the evening attended singing school.

Saturday, Feb. 23

Cloudy, with a little snow in the forenoon, & rain afterwards. Went to the steam mill store with Levi & others. Paid E. Sayles out of store $1.10 & got Harvey a pair of boots. Boys finished threshing oats. At night Luman went with the cutter & brought Eliza home from her school.

Sunday, Feb. 24

Weather cloudy & considerably colder. Attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon & heard Br. Wells, who returned & took supper with me. In the evening we attended his appointment at the Corners from whence he returned & tarried with us. Towards night Luman took Eliza to her school.

Monday, Feb. 25

Weather continues cloudy with some light flurries of snow in the corse of the day. Started in the cuter with wife to go to Luther’s, but meeting Mr. Bunyan & his wife, at the Huddle, on their way to our house, returned & visited with them till evening. Br. Wells tarries with us. Luman top threshed spring wheat.

Tuesday, Feb. 26

Weather quite pleasant & thaw commenced again. We started again with the cutter visit at Luther’s. Arriving there, we found they had gone from home, & went on to Mrs. Chesley’s. Returned at night & stopped a spell at Luther’s in the evening. Br. Wells remained with us. Luman employed at threshing.

Wednesday, Feb. 27

Cloudy weather, & about noon a snow storm commenced, which continued through the day. Attended to chores & helped Luman clean a little spring wheat. Having finished that, he commenced threshing the winter wheat the crop being very poor – hardly yielding enough to pay for threshing – having been destroyed by insects. Br. Wells continues with us.

Thursday, Feb. 28

Weather continues cloudy & is quite mild. There being a few inches of snow, Sent Luman with the team to haul boards. He hauled one load from the mill to the R.R. Thawed considerable in the course of the day. Attended chores as usual. Br. Wells remains. Alanson called in the evening.

Friday, Feb. 29

Cloudy part of the day, but weather mild & continued to thaw. Attended to affairs at the barn. Luman employed at threshing wheat. Br. Rockwell called in the afternoon. Br. Wells went up to the huddle at night and remained there.

Saturday, March 1

Morning fair but soon became cloudy & snowstorm commenced which continued through the day & evening. Attended to chores & the settlement of Griffin’s account with Isaac. Boys employed threshing wheat. In the evening Valentine came and tarried with us over night.

Sunday, March 2

Day partially cloudy with high wind. Grew colder towards night. Remained at home. Family rode to meeting at the Huddle in Brigham’s sleigh. Valentine remained untill towards night. In the afternoon Loren? Swain brought Eliza home she having concluded her school.

Monday, March 3

Clear & cloudy alternately with cold wind. Went to Phillips’ store in company with Br. Wells, & agreed with Mr. Tice? for 20 bu. oats. Got a pair of boots & amry a pair of shoes. Luman hauled 2 loads of boards from mill & 1 to the R.R. & brought up 9 bu. oats. Geo. & Amy called in the evening. Br. Wells went to Elon.

Tuesday, March 4

Weather not very cold but very blustering – High wind through the day & towards night squalls of snow. Did nothing more than to take care of the stock & post some of Griffin’s accounts. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Alanson made a call in the course of the day.

Wednesday, March 5

Day quite pleasant and the snow melted some in the afternoon. Attended to the cattle & spent some time reading Macauly’s History of England. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the Mill to the R.R. Br. Wells returned from the Huddle & tarried with us.

Thursday, March 6 (beside date 3 - 31 E.)

Morning pleasant & mild. Afternoon very blustering with a violent squall of snow. Attended to chores, read Macauly, & went to Corners & got some sugar & tobacco. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. Br. Wells remained with us through the day.

Friday, March 7

Day fair & pleasant. Weather considerably cool & snow thawed but little. Attended to affairs at the barn & to reading Macauly’s history. Br. Wells went up to the Huddle. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. Valentine called in the evening & tarried.

Saturday, March 8

Weather similar to yesterday. Helped Harvey to carry into the cellar 10 bushels ruta bagas, which were buried below the barn. In the afternoon went ith wife in the sleigh with Geo. & Amy to visit at Calvins. Luman hauled 2 loads boards from mill to R.R. Herman? Bush called on us & staid over night. Br. Wells also tarried.

Sunday, March 9

Froze very hard the past night. Day fair but very cold. Attended meeting at the huddle in the forenoon & at the Corners in the evening. Br. Wells spoke at each place. He returned with me after each meeting. Herman? went home with Ezra Bailey towards night.

Monday, March 10

Weather continues extremely cold. Day fair & with little wind. Went with wife, Eliza & Luman in the sleigh to the store at the Steam Mill. Carried some dried apples & traded to the amount of $9.42. Returning stopped at the corners. Luman hauled a load of wood. Br. Rockwell called on me at Julius’.

Tuesday, March 11

Weather not quite as cold as yesterday. Took some corn in the ear, & some other grain in the sleigh, & went with wife to West Burlington. Left the grain at Rockwell’s mill to be ground, & called at Mr. Stevens & put out my horses. Afternoon Mr. Stevens went with me to the mill & helped me shell the corn. Tarried with him over night.

Wednesday, March 12

Blustering night. Weather clear & cold. Afternoon started for home, took in the grist at the mill, & being told the road on Baxter hill was blocked up with snow we had to go round by Jesse McKean’s and Geo. Johnson’s home. Luman had just finished threshing the winter wheat.

Thursday, March 13

Weather fair & considerably warmer. Thawed some in the course of the day. Attended to affairs at the barn. Boys cleaned the wheat & in the afternoon Luman hauled a load of wood. Erastus brot his mother & Amanda with her babe. At night John came after his mother & in the evening Jefferson made a call.

Friday, March 14

Fair day – weather quite warm. Thaw progressed considerably. Spent the day about the house & attending to the stock at the barn. Boys chopped wood at the door in the forenoon, and in the afternoon hauled two loads of wood off from Julius’ hill. Wife and Amanda visited at Julius’. Geo. called in eve.

Saturday, March 15

Weather continues fair and warm. In the forenoon attended to chores, & afternoon went to the Huddle to attend the Co. Commissioner’s appeal. Boys hauled some more wood. Rec a letter from Dan & 1 from Judson Holcomb. Also 5 copies of Dan’s geography. in evening assisted Griffin to settle with Nathan Baxter.

Sunday, March 16

Part of the day cloudy with some squalls of snow. Weather continues moderate. Rode on horseback to LeRoy & attended meeting there – Br. Churchill the principal speaker. In the evening attended meeting at the Corners & heard Br. Wells. He returned & tarried with me. Amanda departed for home with Erastus.

Monday, March 17 (beside date 11 - 37 E.)

Weather fair & moderately warm. Made preparation & started with Brs. Wells & Rockwell for Canton, to attend debate between Br. McDougal & Mr. Austin of Auburn. Luman went with waggon to carry us to the depot, where we took the cars. Arrived at Canton towards night, where I put up with Br. McDougal.

Tuesday, March 18

Pleasant weather continues. Mr. Ausing did not arrive until about noon on the express. At 2 p.m. debate commenced, being opened by Mr. Austin. Session continued 2 hours, & another session in the evening. Dined at Br. Elias Rockwell’s & staid over night again with Br. McDougall.

Wednesday, March 19

Found a light snow had fallen in the course of the night, but cleared off in the morning & had pleasant day. Attended debate at the Meeting House through forenoon, afternoon & evening sessions, enjoying the hospitality of Br. Elias Rockwell. Debate on first proposition closed. A large number of persons in attendance.

Thursday, March 20

Weather pleasant & moderately warm & snow gradually melting away. Attended the several sessions of the debate this day. Br. McDougal having the affirmation of the 2nd proposition. Took dinner & supper with Br. Elias Rockwell, & put up there again at night in company with Brs. Wells & Nelson Reynolds.

Friday, March 21

Weather continues pleasant & thaw progresses moderately. Attended the three sessions of the debated which closed finally at 9 o’clock in the evening. Attendance very large, & Meeting House crowded. Continued to enjoy the hospitality of Br. Elias Rockwell & tarried there again with Br. Reynolds.

Saturday, March 22

Pleasant day & thaw progressing – After breakfast make a call at Mr. Stockwell’s & at Br. McDougal’s, & about noon in company with Brothers Rockwell & Wells, took the cars for West Granville, & from there walked down to Luther’s & took dinner. Towards night we rode down home with Luman who had been up to the R.R. with a load of boards.

Sunday, March 23

Weather continues fair & springlike. Attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon, and at 3 o’clock in the afternoon at the Corner. Br. Wells delivered a discourse at each place. he went home with Ezra Baxter and tarried there over night. His daughter Lydia came home with us.

Monday, March 24

Weather cloudy, & at intervals, squally. Put up some fence along the road that had been blown down, & regulated matters at the barn. Luman went with waggon to Steam Mill & brought up a load of boards. He got 4 bu. oats. Br. Wells returned here. In the evening Valentine called.

Tuesday, March 25

Weather continues cloudy with, occasionally a slight fall of snow. Wrote two letters, one to T. Holcomb, Harrisburg; & one to Daniel at Philadelphia. Lurenda went to Troy, returned with Eliza & brot me from Amanda an ambrotype picture of the three. Br. Wells brot back his melodeon.

Wednesday, March 26

Morning pleasant. Robins appear. Afternoon cloudy. Carried letters to P.O. Regulated Griffin’s books, went to the Corners, made out Lurenda’s bill for teaching, & went to the Huddle again & obtained for her an order of $42 from the directors. Luman went up to the R.R. with load of boards & carried the mail.

Thursday, March 27

Weather moderate & partially cloudy. Spent some time arranging my papers. Attended to matters at the barn. The cow Daisy brought a calf. In the evening went with wife to Brigham’s. Lost a two dollar bill out of my pocket. Mrs. Silvernail? & Jerusha called & tarried.

Friday, March 28

Weather quite cold & blustering with occasionally a little snow. Helped Harvey some about the barn, but spent principal part of the day reading McCauly history of England. Found the bank note – supposed to be lost – in my pocket in the morning. Valentine came in the afternoon and remained with us over night.

Saturday, March 29

Day fair, but not very way? warm thawed but little. Did some chores at the barn & read some. Mr. Bunyan and Samuel called & spent some time. At night went to the Corners & go some tobacco. Luman got some shoeing done, went to Mr. Bunyan’s & got 4 bu. oats, & to Steam Mill & brought up a load of boards.

Sunday, March 30

Weather fair, cool, & thawed but little. Having sore foot did not attend meeting. Girls attended at the Huddle & in the afternoon with Luman went to hear Br. Wells at the Corners. Geo. & Amy called in the afternoon, & Valentine in the evening.

Monday, March 31

Weather fair & cool. — similar to yesterday. Remained about the house except time spent at the barn taking care of the cattle. George called & spent part of the afternoon with me. Wife went to visit at Levi Taylor’s. Luman hauled load of boards from home to the R.R. & brought up another from the mill.


Tuesday, April 1

Day pleasant & much warmer. Thawed considerably. Besides taking care of the cattle, worked at the board fence by the road – opposite the barn. Put in a set of bars there. Luman went up to the Rail Road with load of boards from home & hauled home another load from the mill.

Wednesday, April 2

Morning fair &, afternoon cloudy with south wind. Thaw progressing. Put up some fence & spent sometime at the Corners. Wife went up to Isaac’s for a visit. Luman hauled up load of boards to the R.R. & brought home another from the mill. Rain commenced falling, moderately at night.

Thursday, April 3

Day cloudy with a little rain. Snow disappearing rapidly. Streams high. Wife returned this morning – having watched at Mr. Griffin’s with Ben’s Wife. Went up to the Huddle & down to the Corners. Spent some time repairing watercourses. Luman hauled load of boards from home to the R.R. & then went to get some oats at Bunyan’s, but he was not at home.

Friday, April 4

Cloudy weather continues & a little cooler. Fields getting bare. Put up some fence, & worked some at turning water out of the road. George & Caleb made a call & spent some time. Luman got the horses shod at Griffin’s, & at night went up to Bunyan’s & got 4 bu. oats. Erastus called for Lurenda to go to Troy.

Saturday, April 5 (beside date 0 - 45 M.)

Weather continues cloudy & cool. Worked about the barn a little & spent some time at the corners, besides taking care of the cattle. Alanson called in the forenoon and spent some time with me. In the evening appearances indicate a storm.

Sunday, April 6

Forepart of the day cloudy, and latter part fair. Continues to thaw moderately. Walked to meeting at Leroy. Br. Churchill discoursed. Called at P.O. & got the "Harbinger". Returning called at Br. Churchill’s & took dinner with him. Wife spent part of the day at Elias Smith’s who has sick child.

Monday, April 7

Fine pleasant day. Went down to Julius’ with wife, & had mother brought there, to have our our pictures taken by Mr. King, an artist established there. Had two ambrotype likeness of each taken. Put up one of mother’s to send to Mrs. Atkins. Boys hauled some lumber from mill & some stones off the meadow.

Tuesday, April 8

Weather warm & pleasant. Wrote to Mr. Atkins, went with wife & Luman to Troy, carried 6 bu buckwheat to mill, had letter & mother’s picture mailed to Mr. Atkins, & returned at night. Gave Amanda a picture of myself & wife. Valentine called before we returned & staid over night.

Wednesday, April 9

Day fair and warm. Went to the Corners in the morning. Sent Luman to Steam Mill to get a pair of boots. In the afternoon went again to the Corners with the boys & had their pictures taken. Towards night sent Luman again to the Steam mill with the team & got 10 ½ bu. oats. Went to P.O. & got my papers.

Thursday, April 10

Weather continues pleasant & warm. Worked some at water course back of the house. Harrison Ross called to see me. Went to the Corners & had an ambrotype likeness of Mary taken, & then to Mr. Coon’s to see about some timber. Brot broad axe home from Calvin. Boys hauled stone off the orchard.

Friday, April 11

Weather warm & fair. Worked some at stone fence. In the afternoon attended the funeral of Ben. Griffin’s wife. Boys hauled stone off the orchard. In the evening Caleb Caleb called. Br. Wells returned from Union.

Saturday, April 12

Forenoon fair, afternoon cloudy with thunder showers in the evening. Worked some at stone wall, wrote a letter to B. Laporte, went up to Harrison Ross’ & called at the P. Office for my papers. Boys hauled stone off the orchard. In the evening received a letter from Dan. at Hagerstown Mld.

Sunday, April 13

Weather considerably cooler, ground froze this morning, and the day fair. Walked to meeting at Leroy, heard a discourse by Br. Reynolds, left letter at P.O., returned & took dinner with Br. Rockwell, rode to the Corners with Dr. Smith, attended meeting there & heard Br. Wells. Geo. & Amy called in the evening.

Monday, April 14

Weather fair & warmer than yesterday. Worked at repairing stone wall. Luman went to Troy to some plaster & nails for Jack. Drake. Harvey went with him. When they returned they brought Lucella. Cloudy towards night & rained some late in the evening.

Tuesday, April 15

Cloudy & warm with showers. Afternoon quite rainy with some thunder. Worked at stone bence between showers. Harvey picked up stone. Luman went with team to haul fence posts for Jackson Drake. Came home in the afternoon. Samuel called in the afternoon, & Amanda just at night.

Wednesday, April 16 (beside date 9 - 51 M.)

Considerable rain fell during the past night. Streams very high. Day fair & warm. Employed as yesterday repairing stone wall. Luman worked for Jackson Drake with the team, hauling fence posts. Br. Wells called this afternoon & took supper with us. He went away towards night.

Thursday, April 17

This day warm & rainy, especially the afternoon. Worked some, between the showers at the stone wall. Luman worked for Jackson Drake with the team, in the forenoon. Geo. called a little while in the evening. Rec. another letter from Dan.

Friday, April 18

Principal part of the day fair. Worked at stone wall in the forenoon & in the afternoon took the horses and waggon & went with wife to visit at Luther’s. Luman worked for Jack. Drake, helping him make fence. Br. Wells called in the forenoon & tarried with us over night.

Saturday, April 19

Forenoon fair, afternoon rainy. Went on the hill to see the wheat & fount it badly winter killed. Put up some fence there. Worked some at the stone wall. Luman worked with the team for Jackson Drake hauling fencing stuff. Br. Wells sent his melodeon to Troy. He remained with us.

Sunday, April 20

Rainy through the night, & this morning snow commenced falling, which continued through the day & evening, but which melted nearly as fast as it fell. Remained at home during the day & attended to the cattle. Br. Wells also continued with us.

Monday, April 21

Morning cloudy & ground covered with snow. Commenced raining in the afternoon & continued through the evening. Streams very high & continuing to rise. Jackson Drake called here to mend his boots. Luman went to steam mill to get some oats, but could get none. Br. Wells & Valentine tarried over night with us.

Tuesday, April 22

Weather cool & lowry. Valentine bought 50 Bu. oats for me of Volney – Luman went up with team & brought home 25 bu. & then went after a load of wood. Made a small book case & arranged my books. Went to Corners & got some tobacco. Br. Wells went to Troy. Colt strayed away.

Wednesday, April 23

Weather tolerably fair & warm. Worked some at stone wall. In the afternoon went over the creek to see about matters there. Mr. Stevens called. Luman hauled stones in the forenoon, & in the afternoon hauled 2 loads of wood off from Julius’ hill. He went after the colt in the morning.

Thursday, April 24

Weather fair except that it rained a little in the afternoon. Went over the creek with the boys & team, cut some channels to turn the water off the ground for corn, & tore out some of stumps. In the afternoon carried over 6 bushels of oats & sowed them on the field broke up last fall. Luman dragged, & Harvey chopped stove wood.

Friday, April 25

Rained some in the course of the night. Day fair & warm. Went over the creek & sowed 5 ½ bushels of oats, which finished the field. Luman dragged in the forenoon & in the afternoon he chopped stove wood & Harvey drove the team. Did something at repairing fence & went to the Huddle. At night Harvey went there & brot home a calf from Sayles’s.

Saturday, April 26

Pleasant & warm. Worked some at board fence in the forenoon & boys finished dragging & hauled some wood. In the afternoon we hauled stone off from piece of ground for corn, over the creek. Wife went to Steam mill to trade. Ardway called & paid $17. for Eliza. Br. Wells returned. Rec. letter & papers from Mr. Atkins. Wife sat up with Susan who is very sick.

Sunday, April 27

Weather continues warm & pleasant. Went to meeting at the Huddle & heard Br. Wells. After meeting called with wife on mother a short time, & at 3 o’clock P.M. attended meeting at the school house & heard another discourse from B. Wells. Br. Churchill brought me a letter from LeRoy, sent me by B. Laporte.

Monday, April 28

Weather continues fair & grows warm. Employed on the corn ground over the creek piling & burning stumps & roots. Boys worked with team picking up & hauling stones off the ground to be used for making line fence on the east side of the lot. Br. Wells returned after dinner & remained with us over night.

Tuesday, April 29

Fine weather continues. Worked with the boys over the creek clearing off the stones & stumps from a peice of ground for corn. Lurenda came home from Troy & brought Eulalia with her. Erastus called for Lucella, to take her home.

Wednesday, April 30

Fair day & weather warm. In the forenoon we worked ove the creek picking up roots & stones. Luman commenced the plowing. Boys worked there in the afternoon & I went over to Mr. Bunyan’s to get some millet to sow. He not being at home I concluded to wait for him & finally was persuaded to stay over night.


Thursday, May 1

Morning cloudy. Returned from Bunyan’s. Went over the creek & worked at making fence. Luman plowing. Had to quit on account of rain. Afternoon – rain having abated – resumed our work. Luman broke the plow point & went to Troy on horseback to get another. Rec. letter from Heman bringing news of the death of his wife.

Friday, May 2

Cloudy in the morning – balance of the day fair. Worked over the creek in the forenoon, making fence. Luman finished the plowing there & in the afternoon commenced plowing for millet on the flat. Harvey & I got out some potatoes that were buried there. Girls attended examination of teachers. Wife went to watch with Susan.

Saturday, May 3

Day cloudy, & forenoon rainy & cool. Worked a little at repairing stone wall. Attended Republican meeting at the Huddle & with B. Saxton was chosen delegate to attend convention at Towanda. Rec. a letter from Dan. Washington City. D.C. Luman brought from Volney Taylor’s 15 bu. oats. Valentine called at night.

Sunday, May 4 (beside date 9 - 34 M.)

Heavy frost in the morning – day fair & quite cool. Turned the cattle over the creek & put up some fence to keep them off the oats. Afternoon attended meeting at the Corners where Br. Wells delivered a discourse. After meeting he called & tarried with us over night.

Monday, May 5

Frosty morning – weather clear & cool. Repaired bars & brush fence by the creek and sowed an acre of millet on the flat in the forenoon. In the afternoon went to the Corners to engage a buggy to go to Towanda, & cut some ditches below the barn. Luman dragged the millet & plowed east of the house.

Tuesday, May 6

Weather continues cool & fair. Rode to Towanda with Benjamin Saxton. Paid Montange"s? $10 – paid E. O. Goodrich note & for Reporter 1 year, got school draft cashed for E. A. Bailey, put up at R.R. House(?) & attended Co. convention at the court house in the evening.

Wednesday, May 7

Day cloudy & cold with rain in the evening. After breakfast went back to the court house, obtained copy of ex. documents for 1854, containing journal of Rev. C(???) consulted U. Mercer for Jeff. Bailey, & after 3 o’clock started with Saxton for home arriving there some time before dark. Luman had been plowing in my absence.

Thursday, May 8

Day cloudy & rainy. Remained indoors & had company principal part of the day. In the morning Elon came in, & soon after Julius & Jefferson called; before they left Geo. came in & before noon Br. Rockwell came to get the broad axe, took dinner with us & remained till Br. Champney with his wife called for an afternoon visit.

Friday, May 9

Weather lowry & rainy through the day. In the forenoon went over the creek & put up some fence. Julius called to see me. In the afternoon worked some at placing stones in underdrain east of the house the digging of which, Harvey had just completed. Luman went with the team to the windfall & brought home 30 bu. oats from Reynolds.

Saturday, May 10

Day cloudy with a little sprinkling of rain in the forenoon. Worked a part of the time repairing stone wall. Went up on the hill & found the heifer (Eva) with a calf. Luman plowed in the south west hill field for oats. Brought the heifer & calf down at night & went over the creek to look for yearling heifer that is missing.

Sunday, May 11

Pleasant day & some warmer. Harvey found the heifer in the woods, dead. boys took off the skin & buried the carcass under the roots of a hemlock which had turned up. Found she had the isurrain? Valentine called towards night & went away in the evening.

Monday, May 12

Weather fair & growing warmer. In the forenoon sowed 5 bu. oats in S.W. hill field & Luman went to haul some fence boards for Jack. Afternoon went to the Corners, borrowed $5. of Eliza, paid 4 to Mr. King & then worked at repairing fence by the road to shut out the geese. Luman worked with team dragging oats. Lurenda began her school.

Tuesday, May 13

Morning fair, afternoon cloudy with a sprinkling of rain. Went over the creek to see the young cattle & give them some salt, & worked at repairing stone wall. Luman finished dragging the oats sown on the hill in the forenoon & in the afternoon he plowed the two gardens.

Wednesday, May 14

Day warm & fair. Worked the principal part of the day at repairing stone wall, west of the house. The boys worked with the team hauling manure on to the oat ground on the hill. In the forenoon, & in the afternoon Luman hauled a load of goods for Samuel, who is moving to Franklin.

Thursday, May 15 (beside date 9 - 51 E.)

Fair weather continues. Sowed 2 bu. & 3 pecks of oats in the morning east of the upper orchard & then went to work at, & completed, a plan and specifications of school house which I began yesterday, for the Directors. They paid me for it $2.00. Luman dragged in the oats in the forenoon, & afternoon, with Harvey went to hauling manure.

Friday, May 16

Morning cloudy & wet, but quite warm. Afternoon showery. Worked in the forenoon at the stone wall. Boys employed at hauling manure. Mr. Alexander from Burlington called in the afternoon & staid over night. Br. Wells called at night & tarried with us. Found the cow - Cherry - with a calf.

Saturday, May 17

Weather continues cloudy & wet, & in the afternoon became cooler. Worked at the stone wall part of the time & also planted some potatoes in the garden. Towards night went over the creek to see the young cattle & give them some salt. Boys employed at hauling manure.

Sunday, May 18

Cloudy part of the day without rain. Family attended methodist quarterly meeting at the Corners in the forenoon. Mr. Alexander called & took dinner with us. In the afternoon went to meeting at the Corners & heard Br. Wells. He returned & tarried with us. At night Luman went with Eliza to her school.

Monday, May 19

Forenoon rainy – afternoon fair & very warm – thundershower in the evening. Cleared out the cellar & put up some shelves for mild. In the afternoon sowed 6 bu. oats; sat out some carrots, rutabagas & cabbage in the garden for seed; worked some at filling underdrain & stone wall. Luman hauled 2 loads manure & dragged oats.

Tuesday, May 20

Weather fair & some cooler. Worked at repairing stone wall. Helped the boys make some brush fence in Drake’s woods, & saw some logs for fence posts. Afternoon Luman finished dragging oats & at night went with Mr. Young to see Br. Wells. Mr. Young returned & staid with us.

Wednesday, May 21

Weather continues fair & somewhat cool. Went with Mr. Young to see Caleb Parker, who agreed to become his agent for the sale of "American Statesman" in this county, I becoming his surety. Bought a copy of Mr. Young & towards night went with him to Troy & staid overnight at Drake’s.

Thursday, May 22

Some frost in the morning. Weather continues fair. Finished my business at Troy calling at Merrit’s, the depot, & at Luther’s where I took dinner. Afternoon walked to the steam mill & brought a dozen milk pans. Heman had called & at night, Valentine. They tarried with us. Boys hauled manure on potato ground.

Friday, May 23

Weather fair & growing warmer. Sowed oat field on the hill to grass seed & picked up some roots on corn ground. Luman dragged & crop plowed potato ground by the house & commenced dragging corn ground over the creek.

Saturday, May 24

Weather fair & very warm. In the evening, rain attended with heavy thunder. Worked over the creek laying bottom rails for fence above the corn ground. Luman finished dragging & afternoon with Harvey, planted corn. Br. Wells called towards night & tarried with us. Valentine called & went away in the evening.

Sunday, May 25

Morning cloudy & cool. Weather grew colder through the day. Walked to LeRoy & attended meeting there. Br. Spaulding spoke. Called at Marlin’s & got the Harbinger, & some envelopes. Returned with Br. Rockwell, & called & took tea with him. Br. Wells remained with us through the day & night.

Monday, May 26

Day fair & some warmer. Worked at fence, over the creek. Boys planted corn. About noon Mr. Stone called & castrated the colt. Paid him one dollar. In the afternoon burnt some heaps of roots & stumps over the creek, there being considerable wind. At night Valentine called & staid over.

Tuesday, May 27

Weather fair & warm. Cloudy towards night. Sowed a little grass seed in the morning, furrowed the potato ground & worked some at the stone wall. Boys finished planting corn over the creek, dragged some in the garden & commenced hauling manure on piece of ground for corn below the road.

Wednesday, May 28

Weather fair & pleasant. Finished sowing grass seed back of the house in the morning; put up some fence & let the cows into the cherry field, went up to Sherman’s & engaged 2 butter firkins, & worked some at stone wall. Boys finished manuring & commenced plowing another piece for corn.

Thursday, May 29

Morning cloudy. Commenced planting potatoes with Harvey but had to stop on account of rain. Luman finished the plowing & dragged the corn ground. Mr. Bunyan & Joseph Fenton called & took dinner. Fenton went away in the rain, & Bunyan remained till towards night.

Friday, May 30

Weather very cold. Frequent snow squalls through the day. Worked at intervals with Harvey planting potatoes. Luman went with team to plow for Mr. Bunyan. Caleb Parker called to get subscription book & circulars for "American Statesman". In the afternoon Elon & Lathan Andrews called.

Saturday, May 31

Very heavy frost & morning cold. Helped Harvey plant potatoes east of the house. Finished the piece. Worked some at the stone wall. Luman worked with team in the forenoon for Jack. – in the afternoon he went to steam mill & brought a load of boards. Br. Wells & Valentine called & staid over.


Sunday, June 1

Weather pleasant & some warmer. Went to meeting at the Corners in the afternoon & heard Br. Wells. After the meeting Brs. Wells & Rogers returned & tarried with us over night. Valentine was here in the afternoon, & in the evening Br. Br. Brigham made a call. Luman went with Eliza to Mr. Catlin’s.

Monday, June 2 (beside date 6 - 31 E.)

Weather fair & quite warm. Br. Rogers left early in the morning. Br. Wells staid till after breakfast. My employment repairing fences, & afternoon worked some in the garden. Luman plowed piece of ground below the road again, & prepared it for planting. Harvey worked at digging underdrain.

Tuesday, June 3

Weather warm – forenoon fair – afternoon showery. Worked some in the garden, fixed up some bars & went down to the steam mill & go an order on Horace Fitch for 50 bushels of oats. Luman hauled load boards from home & another from mill to R.R. Caleb called & tarried with us.

Wednesday, June 4

Forenoon, extremely warm – afternoon, heavy thunder showers. Went to Towanda with Caleb. returning called at Samuel’s & took tea. Left Caleb at Towanda. Bought summer coat at Phillips – price $7. Boys dug some underdrain & attended to other matters.

Thursday, June 5

Day cloudy & considerably cooler. Went to the P.O. & got a letter from G. H. Watkins, Towanda. Brought home a firkin from Sherman’s. Went to Elon’s & to Julius’ & paid some money I had borrowed. Worked at making fence & fixing bars. Harvey worked on the road. Luman hauled load boards from mill to R.R. & went to Fitch’s for a load of oats.

Friday, June 6

Weather cloudy & cool. Rain commenced falling in the morning & continued till afternoon. Worked a little at fencing after the rain had ceased. Luman went up to Griffin’s & got some shoes set on the horse. Afternoon the boys worked below the barn at underdrains.

Saturday, June 7

Weather continues cool & cloudy. Worked at repairing fences part of the time & some in the garden. Had Harvey plant some carrots. Luman hauled some manure on the ground below the barn & plowed the same. He went to the steam mill & brought up a load of boards.

Sunday, June 8

Cloudy weather continues & several thunder showers in the course of the day. Did not attend meeting on account of the weather. Went over the creek & gave the young cattle some salt. In the afternoon Caleb called on his return from canvassing for the sale of the "American Statesman".

Monday, June 9

Weather fair & some warmer. Went to Swain’s in West Burlington on business for Brigham. Returning called at Mr. Stevens’ & took dinner. At night went to the Huddle. Luman went up to the R.R. with load of boards, from there to Fitch’s & brot 20 bu. oats down to Luther’s, & then a load of nails from depot home. Dr. Drake & Amanda came.

Tuesday, June 10

Weather warm & fair. Planted some in the garden in the forenoon & in the afternoon attended the funeral of Alanson’s wife. At night took the colt up to Bunyan’s pasture. Luman went to Towanda with load of nails? for Montaryn?. The Dr. & Amanda remained with us again over night.

Wednesday, June 11

Weather continues fair & warm. Went to Troy with the Dr. – bought a doz. milk pans of Ballard, returned with Erastus, & brought Fremont home with me, calling at Mary’s & taking supper. Luman put up at Samuel’s on his return from Towanda, brought up a load of boards & took them to the R.R. & borught up another load from the mill.

Thursday, June 12

Weather quite warm & fair. Worked some at preparing ground for carrots, went on to the flat with Harvey & killed two black squirrels, & in the afternoon went over the creek & worked a spell at repairing fence. Luman hauled two loads of boards to the R.R. – one of them from the mill.

Friday, June 13

Fine shower in the night. Day pleasant. Planted some carrots. Luman brought a load of boards from the mill & broke the waggon tongue. Took it up to Sayles’. Afternoon Luther & Sally with Mrs. Woodford came. Called on George & Amy. Sowed some peas & planted some beans. Luman went after Eliza.

Saturday, June 14 (beside date 9 - 21 M.)

Rained again in the night. Day fair & cooler. Planted the carrots below the barn. Worked some in the garden & went to the steam mill & got pair summer pants & some other things. Luman plowed for buckwheat in cherry field. Towards night Valentine called & remained with us.

Sunday, June 15

Weather fair but quite cool. Remained at home in the forenoon & in the afternoon attended Br. Wells’ meeting at the school house near the Corners. Br. Wells returned with us & tarried. At night Luman went to carry Eliza to her school.

Monday, June 16

Weather continues fair & cool. Worked some at preparing another piece of ground for carrots. Luman got horses shod & plowed for buckwheat. Headed up a firkin of butter – the first we have made.

Tuesday, June 17

Weather fair & moderately warm. Worked at preparing carrot ground below the waggon house. Harvey commenced the planting. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Harrison Ross & two other men called to have some conveyancing done. Mr. Parker came & sheared the sheep.

Wednesday, June 18

Shower last night, another this morning, & afternoon showery. Posted some accounts for Griffin, wrote a deed & five judgement notes for Harrison Ross & worked some at carrot ground & in the garden. Luman hauled two loads boards from the mill & one to the R.R. Caleb called & took dinner.

Thursday, June 19

Morning rainy – residue of the day fair. Went to the Corners – paid Eliza $5.-- got some carrot seed of Sally. Worked in the garden preparing ground for cabbage. Harvey planted some carrots. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Mr. Varney sent $20 here for Eliza yesterday.

Friday, June 20

Weather fair & quite warm – Completed the preparation of the ground for carrots & Harvey nearly finished the planting. Worked the residue of the day in the garden preparing some ground for ruta bagas. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill, & one to the R.R.

Saturday, June 21

Weather fair & excessively warm. Worked in the garden. Went to the Corners & got some swedish turnip seed which I planted – Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Br. Wells came at night & George & Amy called in the evening.

Sunday, June 22

Extreme heat continues through the day. Shower at night. Walked to meeting at LeRoy. Brs. Rogers and Spalding spoke. Called & took dinner with John Bush & returning called at Br. Churchill’s. A number of brethren from Granville attended at LeRoy.

Monday, June 23

Cloudy principal part of the day & not so warm. Transplanted 286 cabbage plants in the forenoon. Spent the balance of the day with Harvey working in the garden. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R.

Tuesday, June 24

Warm, fair day. Employed the principal part of the day in the garden constructing allies & improving the grade. Planted some cucumbers which completed the seeding. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. Valentine called.

Wednesday, June 25

Forenoon fair & warm, afternoon showery. Worked in the garden in forenoon, afternoon went to Troy with Brigham. Paid Pomeroy $7.73 & Ballard $2.00. Harvey plowed potatoes. Luman hauled two loads of boards from the mill to the R.R. having Valentine’s horse to use.

Thursday, June 26

Forenoon fair & showers again in the afternoon – a very heavy one toward night which caused a flood that almost spoiled the garden & carrots. Worked in the garden before the rain. Harvey finished plowing the potatoes & began to hoe them. Luman hauled two loads of boards from mill & one to R.R.

Friday, June 27

Cloudy part of the day. Considerable damage done by high water in the small streams. Worked with Harvey repairing damage done in the garden by the flood. Luman hauled a load of boards up to the R.R. & brought another home from the mill. Valentine called & staid overnight. Harvey went with horse to bring Eliza home.

Saturday, June 28

Day fair & moderately warm. Worked at digging water course, west of the house. Harvey hoed potatoes. Luman hauled one load of boards from the mill & two to the R.R. Wife & girls went to Steam Mill to trade. Made a bill of $6.90.

Sunday, June 29

Fair & warm with showers towards night. Daniel came & spent the day & night with us. Attended meeting at the Corners in the afternoon Br. Wells discoursing. He returned & tarried with us over the night. Samuel Shepard also called just at night & put up with us. Luman took Eliza to her school.

Monday, June 30

Fair weather through the day. After breakfast our company departed Daniel starting for Centre Co. Finished poling beans in the garden in the garden & worked some at water course back of the house. Harvey finished hoeing the potatoes. Luman hauled 2 loads of boards for Valentine from Barns’ to the R.R.


Tuesday, July 1

Weather fair & some cooler. Worked over the creek repairing fences. Luman plowed corn over the creek in the forenoon & in the afternoon finished plowing for buckwheat in the cherry field & commenced the piece below the road. Harvey hoed corn.

Wednesday, July 2 (beside date 4 - 22 M.)

Fair weather continues. Worked in the forenoon in the garden & towards night went over the creek & worked at repairing fence. Luman finished plowing piece below the road & plowed a piece on the flat for buckwheat. Harvey employed at hoeing corn.

Thursday, July 3

Fair day, & at night another very heavy thunder shower, causing a flood similar to the one a week ago. Sowed the cherry field to buckwheat in the morning. Luman dragged it in. Worked the residue of the day in the garden & at repairing fences. Harvey hoed corn.

Friday, July 4

Cloudy & cool. Worked about the house some in the morning, & then went to the Huddle & heard Br. McDougall deliver an address. Returned with Br. Wells & found Eliza & her Aunt Sally at the house & soon after Luther came.

Saturday, July 5

Weather fair & some warmer. Worked in the garden part of the day & towards night went with Br. Wells to Bunyan’s; we tarried there. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & towards night went to Troy with Eliza & staid at Drake’s. Harvey hoed a little but found it too wet.

Sunday, July 6

Fair weather & considerably warmer. Started with Br. Wells from Mr. Bunyan’s & went to meeting at LeRoy & heard Br. Spalding. Returning called & took tea with Br. Churchill & made a short call at Mother’s. Luman returned with Eliza, & then took her back to her school.

Monday, July 7

Warm & fair. Went to Huddle in the morning to get boots mended & to engage a firkin. Worked in the garden & afternoon finished sowing buckwheat. Luman worked for Jack. in the forenoon & afternoon dragged buckwheat. Harvey hoed corn. Sam & Amanda called in the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 8

Forenoon fair & warm – afternoon rainy & cool. Worked a spell in the garden in the morning & then went with the team to the Steam Mill & brought up a load of boards the boys engaged in hoeing corn. In the afternoon we were hindered by the rain, from doing anything.

Wednesday, July 9

Cloudy principal part of the day. Worked with Brigham & the boys repairing the road & bridge west of the barn. Luman worked with the team, in the forenoon for Jack. Drake, hauling timber for barn – in the afternoon he worked with us on the road.

Thursday, July 10

Weather fair & quite warm — Worked with the boys & team on the road again today. Brigham with his team & boy worked with us. Repaired the bridge by the waggon house.

Friday, July 11

Weather continues fair & warm. Went to the Huddle in the morning & got my boots. Worked in the forenoon with the team & boys on the road. In the afternoon the boys hoed corn & I went up to the R.R. with a load of boards, which I brought up last Tuesday. Brought home a firkin from the Huddle.

Saturday, July 12

Weather fair & quite warm. Went to LeRoy to attend the general meeting which commenced yesterday. Heard Br. Hyatt, & in the afternoon Br. McDougall spoke. Returned at night. Boys employed at the corn – finished plowing it & hoed some. Harvey went after Eliza at night. Br. Wells called & tarried.

Sunday, July 13 (beside date 7 - 53 E.)

Weather fair & warm - as yesterday – Went with horses & waggon & carried wife & girls to meeting at LeRoy. Br. McDougall spoke in the forenoon & Br. Hyatt in the afternoon. Mrs. Griffin rode with us home. Geo. & Amy called towards night.

Monday, July 14

Weather continues warm & dry. Worked at digging a new drain to the cellar, the old one having become stopped. Boys hoed corn in the forenoon & assisted at digging in the afternoon. Found a fresh water lobster & prepared it to send to Mr. Atkins in Connecticut.

Tuesday, July 15

Cloudy in the morning with a sprinkling of rain. Hoed some in the garden & towards night went with team & brought a load of boards from the steam mill. Boys hoed corn in the forenoon & dug on the drain the afternoon. Amanda came at night with her little girl & Mrs. Rose.

Wednesday, July 16

Weather fair & warm again – Hauled load of boards to the R.R. made new buckboard & blocks for the brake & towards night brought another load of boards from the mill. Luman commenced cutting the clover, north of the house.

Thursday, July 17

Fir & extremely warm weather – said to be the warmest day of the season. Went with load of boards as far as Luther’s. Took Erastus’ light waggon & went with him to Troy. Took Amanda & Mrs. Rose home. Bought a barrel of salt at Pomeroy’s & brot it home. Daniel Pomeroy called to buy my cattle. Did not sell. Boys worked at hay.

Friday, July 18

Weather continues fair, & heat more moderate. Found the mare in the pasture with her shouldr hurt & quite lame. Got George to take Erastus’ waggon home & load of boards from Luther’s to R.R. Plowed corn for him in forenoon. Harvey hoed for him in the afternoon & he helped us haul two loads of hay into the waggon house.

Saturday, July 19

Cloudy, with a slight sprinkling of rain. Got George with his team to help get in two loads of hay in the forenoon. Hoed some in the garden. Luman went with our horse & finished plowing George’s corn and Harvey helped Eaton finish hoeing it. Br. Wells called & tarried.

Sunday, July 20

Weather fair & quite cool. Ground getting to be very dry. Remained at home during the day. Valentine called & spent part of the day with us. Dr. Drake & Erastus called & took dinner with us. Alanson also called. Luman went home with Drake & returned at night.

Monday, July 21

Weather continues fair & dry. Shower off south west, with only a slight sprinkling here. Hoed in the garden part of the day, & helped Harvey put up 30 cocks of clover hay. Luman employed at mowing. Lent Adolphus Saxton a pair of waggon wheels to use on horse rake.

Tuesday, July 22

Fair dry weather. Worked in the garden in the forenoon & at making a kitchen drain. Harvey hoed potatoes for Brigham. In the afternoon I helped the boys put up 20 cocks of clover hay which Luman had mowed in the forenoon.

Wednesday, July 23

Weather warm & continues dry. Posted accounts for Griffin in the morning & worked in the garden the remainder of the forenoon. The boys finished mowing the clover north of the house. In the afternoon George came with his team & helped us get two loads into the waggon house & two in the barn.

Thursday, July 24

Dry warm weather continues. Worked in the garden some, went down to the corners to see Taylor’s new horse rake perform, wrote a letter to Mr. Atkins & put up to send to him in the mail Daniel’s little Geography & the little fresh water Lobster. Luman cradled the wheat on the hill & Harvey raked & bound.

Friday, July 25

Dry & warm as hereto fore. Wrote a letter to Russel Bailey at Middlefield & in the afternoon went with wife to visit at Mr. Bunyan’s Mrs. Ayres being there. Left my letters & other matter at the P.O. Boys raked & bound wheat in forenoon, & afternoon mowed some patches of grass about the house.

Saturday, July 26

Weather Fair, warm & very dry. In the forenoon went over the creek to see the cattle & worked some at repairing fences. Boys finished binding the wheat & carried it together. In the afternoon they hauled the wheat – two loads – & a little jag of hay. I went to the P.O. & got my papers. Br. Wells called.

Sunday, July 27

Weather continues warm & dry. Family attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon, I remaining at home. In the afternoon went to meeting at the Huddle & heard Br. Spalding deliver a discourse, he calling here on his way from LeRoy. Br. Wells tarried with us.

Monday, July 28

Cloudy principal part of the day, with some thunder in the afternoon, but no rain. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill one to the R.R. leaving the other at the Huddle. Boy commenced mowing on the flat. In the evening ??? came, & soon after John also.

Tuesday, July 29

Rained some in the course of the night, & at intervals through the day. Spent the forenoon with the boys at Griffin’s shop, helping him set the tire on the waggon. Luman then put on the load again, & I went with it to the R.R. in the afternoon. Valentine came & tarried.

Wednesday, July 30

Morning cloudy – soon cleared off – & day extremely warm. Valentine paid me $2.00 for hauling boards. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. Boys mowed some in the forenoon, & in the afternoon put up 40 cocks of hay. Thunder in the evening, & prospect of showers.

Thursday, July 31 (beside date 4 - 0 E.)

Day fair but not so warm as yesterday. Hauled load of boards to R.R. & then helped the boys get in 3 loads of hay. In the afternoon went tot he mill & hauled from there another load of boards to the R.R. – the boys employed mowing on the flat.


Friday, Aug. 1

Weather fair & quite warm again. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. Boys continued mowing in the forenoon, & in the afternoon they raked & put into cock the principal part they had cut.

Saturday, Aug. 2

Weather continues fair & very warm. Went with load of boards in the morning to the R.R. & then assisted the boys to get in the hay. Hauled in 4 loads, they having mowed one in the forenoon. Went over the creek & gave the young cattle some salt.

Sunday, Aug. 3

Morning cloudy with a little rain. Another light shower in the course of the forenoon. Remained at home during the day on account of fatigue. Eliza came home with Lura. She departed again straight for her school.

Monday, Aug. 4

Morning rainy, & considerable rain fell in the course of the day & following night. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. Got a small sack of flour & one of meal at the store. Boys mowed a little, & played the residue of the time. Called at George’s at eve.

Tuesday, Aug. 5

Morning & forenoon cloudy. In the afternoon the sun shined a part of the time. Wrote a letter to Mr. Grow at Washington & mailed it at the Summit. Hauled two loads boards to the R.R. & one from the mill. Boys hoed in the garden some, & mowed in the afternoon. Call

Wednesday, Aug. 6

Day warm & pleasant but with indications of more rain. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. – Boys mowed some in the forenoon & in the afternoon they raked & put up 30 cocks of hay. Geo. called in the evening.

Thursday, Aug. 7

Weather continues fair & warm. Went up to the R.R. with load of boards in the morning & wife went along to visit at Champneys. Hauled another load to the R.R. from the mill, calling & taking tea at Champney’s on the way up & return after dark in the midst of a thunder shower. Boys worked at haying.

Friday, Aug. 8

Forenoon cloudy. Worked with the boys clearing out the bay & putting in a new floor. Afternoon fair. Went down to the mill & brought up a load of boards & the boys worked at mowing. Br. Wells called last night & went away this forenoon. In the evening called at Brigham’s.

Saturday, Aug. 9

Forenoon fair, afternoon showery. Went with load of boards to the R.R. in the morning, & then helped the boys get in two loads of hay, when we had to stop hauling hay in consequence of the rain. Went down to the mill in the afternoon & brought up another load of boards.

Sunday, Aug. 10

Weather warm & fair through the day. Remained at home during the forenoon. Afternoon Br. Wells & Phinney called. Went with them and attended meeting at the school house at the Corners. Br. Wells delivered a discourse. Valentine called in the morning & spent principal part of day.

Monday, Aug. 11

Weather continues fair & warm. Went up to the R.R. in the morning with load of boards & returning called on Lewis Saxton & agreed with him for 2 pigs. Helped the boys get three loads of hay into the barn & then went down to the mill & brought up another load of boards. Br. Wells called & tarried.

Tuesday, Aug. 12 (beside date 1 - 40 E.)

Weather fair & not so warm. Business hauling boards. Brought one load from the mill & went to the R.R. with two. Called at Lewis Saxton’s & brought home two pigs. Saw Mr. Varney who paid me $5. for Eliza. Boys worked at the haying. Valentine called in the evening & tarried.

Wednesday, Aug. 13

Weather fair & warm, & quite dry. In the afternoon as for two or three days preceeding there wer indications of rain. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. Valentine helped the boys at haying. Br. Wells assisted them in raking & putting the hay into cock.

Thursday, Aug. 14

Weather continues fair & dry. Went to the R.R. in the morning with load of boards & then employed the team hauling hay. After getting in six loads, went with teams to the mill & brought up another load of boards. Valentine & Br. Wells assisted the boys in the hay field.

Friday, Aug. 15

Day fair. Employed as usual hauling boards. Hauled one load from the mill & two to the R.R. The boys with Valentine & Br. Wells worked at mowing & putting up hay into cock. Towards night Luman commenced cradling oats over the creek.

Saturday, Aug. 16

Weather fair & rather cool. Went to Troy with wife & carried Fremont home. Carried wool to be carded, & paid Br. Shepard $10. & gave note for balance of $11. Set out for home towards night & being overtaken by a shower, stopped at Luther’s over night. Boys with Valentine & Br. Wells got in 6 loads of hay. Lurenda & Eliza concluded their schools.

Sunday, Aug. 17

Had a fine rain in the course of the night. Day fair & cool. After breakfast returned home from Luther’s & remained there through the day. Luman went after Eliza & returned with her toward night. Called at George’s a little while at night.

Monday, Aug. 18

Day fair & warm. Hauled a load of boards for Valentine from the Steam Mill to George Saxton’s, & went to Griffin’s shop & had some chains repaired. Luman cradled about four acres of oats over the creek which finished the piece.

Tuesday, Aug. 19

Morning cloudy, rain commenced falling about 9 o’clock & continued thro the day. Raked oats with Br. Wells and Harvey a spell in the morning & put up 160 sheaves before the rain. Luman went in the morning to cradle oats for his uncle Luther. He did not return.

Wednesday, Aug. 20

Continues cloudy with some rain. Posted accounts for Griffin in the morning, & then went with team & brot up a load of boards from the mill for Valentine. Luman having returned went with them to Geo. Saxton’s. Subscribed for Fremont’s life. Worked at repairing stable floor.

Thursday, Aug. 21

Lowry weather, with sprinkling of rain occasionally. Hauled two loads boards from the mill & one to the R.R. Bought a small sack of flour. Boys ground their scythes, cut some bushes in the meadow, & towards night raked & put up a few bunches of oats.

Friday, Aug. 22

Cleared off in the morning, & day fair. Hauled two loads boards to the R.R. & one from the mill. Boys employed raking & binding oats over the creek. In the evening, Cornelius Sales & his wife, with George & Amy made a call. Wife having been unwell for some days, had Samuel call to see her in the afternoon.

Saturday, Aug. 23

Morning fair, soon became cloudy, rained some, cleared off again at noon & towards night had a smart shower. Hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & then the boys hauled in three loads of oats – they having been employed through the forepart of the day at raking & vinding.

Sunday, Aug. 24

Day cloudy at intervals, without rain. Samuel called to prescribe for wife, she remaining quite unwell. He remained until afternoon. At 4 o’clock attended meeting at the corners & heard a discourse from Br. Wells. Caleb called to see me.

Monday, Aug. 25

Two smart showers in the course of the morning, balance of the day fair. Hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Luman cradled oats for Luther in the afternoon. Went to see Bunyan at night & returned in the evening.

Tuesday, Aug. 26

Weather fair & pleasant. Hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Boys raked & bound oats over the creek part of the day. Luman some on the hill. James Bothwell called & soon after Col. Wilson & Luther Andrus.

Wednesday, Aug. 27

Fair day. Boys hauled in two loads of oats in the forenoon & in the afternoon I hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Bought 8 lbs. sugar at the store. Luman being unwell did not work much in the afternoon.

Thursday, Aug. 28

Cloudy in the morning but cleared off soon & remainder of day fair. Hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. The boys assisted by Br. Wells raked & bound the oats that were cut. Samuel called in the evening & staid over night. Thunder shower in the night.

Friday, Aug. 29

Fore part of the day cloudy, latter part fair. Hauled load of boards to the R.R. in the forenoon & in the afternoon boys hauled in two loads of oats. Luman in the forenoon cradled more. Wife went home with Samuel. Esra Holcomb called. Went up to see Calvin.

Saturday, Aug. 30 (beside date 6 -8 M.)

Fair day. Wend down to the mill & hauled up a load of boards in the forenoon. Caleb called to see me. In the afternoon the boys went up to the R.R. with the boards, Luman having finished cutting the oats & millet. I attended the primary political meeting at the Huddle. Amanda came.

Sunday, Aug. 31

Slight frost in the morning. Day fair & pleasant. Br. Rogers in the morning made a call. Attended meeting at the Huddle in the forenoon & heard him preach. Brs. Witts & Palmer being present. Elon called in the evening. Valentine spent the day with us.


Monday, Sept. 1

Weather quite pleasant, but not very warm. Had Erastus’ waggon & went with team to Towanda in company with Mr. Bunyan, Stephen Tidd, Valentine & Caleb to attend the convention. Returned in the night, & Mr. Bunyan tarried with me. Borrowed of Mr. Peck $20 for Caleb. Boys raked & bound the oats.

Tuesday, Sept. 2

Weather continues pleasant & cool. Spent the principal part of the day with Messrs. Barnes & Jones, who called to have Articles of Agreement between them made. Boys finished hauling in the oats – 2 loads – & then went to work at mowing.

Wednesday, Sept. 3

Weather fair & some warmer. Ground getting quite dry again. Did not engage in any particular business, but gave some attention to matters & things in general. Alanson called to see me & after he left George came in. The boys worked in the meadow at mowing. Towards night they raked some.

Thursday, Sept. 4

Weather fair & warm. In the forenoon commenced making a fence back of the house. In the afternoon Samuel called & staid some time. Boys worked at haying. Towards night helped them get in a load. Eliza went home with Amanda & returned.

Friday, Sept. 5

Weather continues as yesterday. Not being very well, did not engage in any labor. Boys worked at haying. Luman helped Brigham get in some hay & then hauled in another load of our own. Towards night Alexander Bothwell called & tarried with us.

Saturday, Sept. 6

Weather continues warm and dry. After breakfast went up to the Huddle to assist in raising meeting house, boys employed at haying. In the afternoon Luman attended the raising & Harvey went fishing – Luther & Sally called & spent the afternoon with us.

Sunday, Sept. 7

Warm & dry with indications of showers in the afternoon. Walked over to LeRoy & attended meeting there Br. Spalding the speaker. Called at the new P.O. & got three numbers of the Harbinger. Returning rode part of the way with Br. Rockwell. Called & took tea with him.

Monday, Sept. 8

Rained some in the course of the night. Day fair & warm. Hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Have a very lame back. Boys employed putting up some hay in the meadow, & threshing the oats that were left on the floor after hauling.

Tuesday, Sept. 9

Weather fair, warm & dry. Went with Harvey in the morning to the mill & brought up a load of boards. Afternoon sent Harvey to the R.R. with the load my back being so lame that I was obliged to give up labor. Luman was employed through the day, mowing the coarse grass along the creek.

Wednesday, Sept. 10

Forenoon cloudy, afternoon fair & warm. My back continues very lame. Remained indoors & read Begilow’s "Life of Fremont". Harvey went with the team & hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Luman finished mowing by the creek in the forenoon & in the afternoon raked & put the hay into cock.

Thursday, Sept. 11 (beside date 5 - 46 M.)

Shower in the forenoon, afternoon fair. Continue quite lame. Walked to the Corners & back twice in the course of the day. Harvey hauled two loads of boards from the mill & one to the R.R. & got a sack of flour 48 lbs from the store. Luman helped Brigham get up his oats. Cattle buyer called.

Friday, Sept. 12

Weather fair, dry & warm. In the morning sent Luman to show the cattle to drover but did not trade. Made preparations to attend yearly meeting at Canton & went up to R.R. with Harvey on load of boards. Proceeded from there in a car to Canton. Called at Br. E. Rockwell’s. Heard Br. Mitchell in the evening. Tarried at Br. Rockwell’s.

Saturday, Sept. 13

Weather continues warm & pleasant. Attended meeting in the forenoon & heard Br. Hyatt. Took dinner at Br. Rockwell’s & attended conference & business meeting in the afternoon. Took tea with John Giffin & attended meeting in the evening. Br. Mitchell spoke. Tarried at Griffins, Paid Due Bill $20. to Mrs. Stockwell

Sunday, Sept 14

No change in the weather. Attended meeting meeting & heard Br. Mitchell in the forenoon. Took tea at Stockwell’s & in the evening Br. Mitchell delivered the concluding discourse, after which I rode home with Br. Wilson to Alba & tarried with him overnight.

Monday, Sept. 15

Weather fair & pleasant. Took breakfast at Br. Wilson’s & walked down the track to the depot, & from thence rode down to Luther’s. Took dinner there & in the afternoon proceeded home. Harvey hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. & had also hauled one on Saturday. Luman worked at the hay.

Tuesday, Sept. 16

Weather continues fair & dry, until towards night when a thunder shower passed over with a little rain. Rode down to the Steam Mill with Harvey. He went up to the R.R. with a load of boards & I walked home. Caleb called to see me. & towards night Bunyan came. Luman finished the mowing.

Wednesday, Sept. 17

Continues warm & dry, with some indications of rain. Went over on the hill as far as Dennis Perry’s. Bought & brought home two calves. Had them of LaFayette Churchill. Price $8. Luman helped Brigham at threshing. Harvey hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R.

Thursday, Sept. 18

Warm & pleasant weather the ground being very dry. In consequence of lame back, cannot do much labor. In the forenoon Luman cut piece buckwheat below the road. In the afternoon, raked some hay. Stephen Landon called. Harvey hauled a load of boards from mill to R.R., & one load hay.

Friday, Sept. 19

Rained a little in the night & day fair & some cooler. Went down to the steam mill & got a sack of flour & some sugar. George took dinner with us. Luman cut buckwheat on the flat, & afternoon went to Temperance picnic. Harvey hauled load of boards from mill to R.R.

Saturday, Sept. 20

Slight frost this morning, day fair & warm. Assisted Luman in the forenoon, to prepare a place south of the barn to stack the hay. Harvey hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. At night boys hauled two loads of hay, leaving one on the waggon. Valentine came & tarried with us.

Sunday, Sept. 21

A very little frost in the morning. Forepart of the day fair, latter part cloudy with indications of rain. Remained at house during the day on account of lame back. Girls attended meeting at the Huddle. Being likely to rain Valentine assisted the boys to unload the hay & finish the stack.

Monday, Sept. 22

This day is the 55th anniversary of my birth. Weather came off fair again. Luman raked the buckwheat below the road. Harvey hauled load of boards from mill to R.R. – Went down to steam mill in the forenoon, & towards night, went with wife to Luther’s on our way to take the cars tomorrow for Troy.

Tuesday, Sept. 23

Severe frost in the morning, and day fair. Went to the depot in the forenoon with Sally & proceeded to Troy in the cars. A large collection of people there, estimated at 8 or 10,000. Heard the speeches of Mrssrs. Grow & Noble. Several were hurt by an accident. At night returned on the cars to the depot, & put up again at Luther’s.

Wednesday, Sept. 24

Weather continues fair & dry. In the morning we rode home from Luther’s with Marcus Ayres. Boys worked at cutting corn yesterday, they finished it this forenoon, & in the afternoon they bound some & commenced hauling it to the barn. Valentine called. My lame back continues. Rec. letter from Mr. Atkins.

Thursday, Sept. 25

Forenoon fair & cloudy in the afternoon with a little sprinkling of rain. Went down to the sawmill & called to see mother. Luman worked a spell in the morning cutting buckwheat for Elon. After breakfast the boys worked at binding & hauling the corn to the barn. Valentine called a& tarried over night.

Friday, Sept. 26

Forepart of the day cloudy with signs of rain. Cleared off afternoon, & dry as ever. Luman cradled some in the forenoon for Elon & in the afternoon the boys finished hauling the corn to the barn. Helped Luman put up some fence at the creek, & turned the calves into the field south.

Saturday, Sept. 27

Weather cool but continues dry. Went down to the steam mill in the forenoon & residue of the day remained about the house. Luman finished cutting Elon’s buckwheat, & raking ours. Harvey hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Rec. letter enclosing Caleb’s note from Laporte M. & co.

Sunday, Sept. 28 (beside date 10 - 4- E.)

Continues cool & part of day cloudy. Br. Wells preached at the Huddle in the forenoon & at the Corners in the afternoon. On account of my lameness in the back, & being attacked with pain in my left shoulder, I did not go out, to meeting. Br. Wells returned at night.

Monday, Sept. 29

Cloudy principal part of the day. Lathan Andrus called & got 2 bu. apples. Went home with him to see his calf. Called at BR. Rockwell’s & looked at his. Luman threshed oats. Harvey hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. In the afternoon Valentine called & staid over night.

Tuesday, Sept. 30

Commenced raining in the night & continued moderately at intervals thro the day. Rode with Valentine to Charles Ross’ & back. Mr. Catlin’s son called to get advice concerning assessment. Elon called. Boys threshed some oats. George called & spent with us the evening.


Wednesday, Oct. 1

Cloudy & lowry through the day. In the afternoon there were showers of rain & sleet. Went down to the steam mill & spent some time there Luman worked part of the time at threshing oats. Harvey hauled a load of boards from the the mill to the R.R. Valentine called in the afternoon.

Thursday, Oct. 2

Cleared off & weather cool. Mr. Bunyan called in the morning on his way to Towanda. Went in the morning with Harvey & brought the cattle to the yard, expecting drover. He did not come. Luman hauled a load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Heman called & tarried.

Friday, Oct. 3

Weather pleasant & fair. In the morning drover called & looked at the cattle be we did not make a bargain. Bunyan called & spent some time with us. He told me Montauge wanted me to haul some nails. Wrote him a letter & commenced one to Mr. Atkins. Luman hauled load of boards from mill to R.R.

Saturday, Oct. 4

Weather continues dry & warm. Finished a long letter to Mr. Atkins & carried Montange’s letter to the P.O. Luman brought up a load of boards from the mill in the forenoon & in the afternoon he worked with Harvey at hauling & threshing the buckwheat.

Sunday, Oct. 5

Thundershower in the night, day fair & warm. Valentine spent the day here. Attended meeting at the Huddle & hear Br. Rogers, he having called here in the morning. Erastus called in the afternoon. George & Amy called towards night.

Monday, Oct. 6

Principal part of the day cloudy with a little sprinkling of rain in the afternoon. Luman hauled the load of boards to the R.R. & in the afternoon brought up another from the mill. He also hauled in a load of buckwheat & Harvey worked at threshing. Called at George’s in the eve.

Tuesday, Oct. 7

Forenoon somewhat cloudy, afternoon fair. Got some money of Ed. & bought & frot home tow calves from Br. Rockwell’s. Luman went with load of boards to R.R. & brought another from mill. Hauled two loads buckwheat. Harvey threshed. Br. Champney & his wife called. Also Valentine.

Wednesday, Oct. 8

Heavy frost in the morning. Day fair. Put up some fence in the forenoon & in the afternoon went to the Steam mill. Luman went up to R.R. with load of boards, brot. up another from the mill & hauled the last of the buckwheat. Harvey worked at threshing. Samuel Rockwell called & towards night Valentine came in.

Thursday, Oct. 9

Morning foggy. Day fair & warm, Went to Troy with George, took dinner at Drake’s & returning brought rolls from the factory & grist from Rockwell’s mill, which was sent over yesterday. Luman hauled up load of boards to R.R. & afternoon brought up another from the mill. Harvey finished threshing the buckwheat.

Friday Oct. 10 (beside date 10 - 78 E.)

Morning frosty & foggy succeeded by a warm & pleasant day. Rode with Levi Taylor to the R.R. & walked from the depot by way of Marcus Porter’s to Stephens. Called with Stephen & Fiche at Wm’s, & returned with them & staid over night. Luman hauled load of boards to R.R. & brot up one from the mill.

Saturday, Oct. 11

Weather continues fair, warm & very dry. Stephen came with me to the depot, proceeded from thence to Luther’s, & from there rode home with George. Luman had hauled load of boards to the R.R. & at night brought up another from the mill.

Sunday, Oct. 12

Weather fair & warm & continues very dry. In company with Br. Wells, walked to LeRoy & attended meeting there. Brs. Wells & Reynolds occupied the desk. Returning we stopped & took tea with Br. Churchill. Church gave letter of commendation to Br. Bruce & his wife.

Monday, Oct. 13

Morning cloudy & towards nigh rained a little. Picked a few winter apples, & went down to Tom. Pratt’s to look at some calves. Luman hauled load of boards to R.R. & another from the mill. Harvey dug potatoes. Towards eve put up the buckwheat straw.

Tuesday, Oct. 14

Day fair & cool. Went in the morning to the election & served as clerk on the board. Detained till after midnight. Luman hauled load of boards to the R.R. & brought home another from the mill. Harvey gathered some apples. Br. Hubbill came & tarried overnight.

Wednesday, Oct. 15

Very hard frost in the morning, day fair & quite cool. Remained about the house during the day with Brs. Wells & Hubbill. Valentine called to dinner. Luman hauled the load of boards to the R.R. & afternoon went to the mill & brought up another. Martha came to visit Mary.

Thursday, Oct. 16

Another severe frost this morning. Weather continues fair & dry. Went up to Charles Ross’ to see a calf, & in the afternoon, gathered some apples. Luman hauled to the R.R. the load of boards from home, & brought another from the mill. Harvey threshed some oats.

Friday, Oct. 17

Froze hard again. Weather cloudy & rained some int eh afternoon. Went down tot he Steam Mill in the morning. Samuel called & took dinner with us. Luman hauled load of boards to the R.R. & another from the mill, in the afternoon.

Saturday, Oct. 18

Cloudy & rainy. Rained during the night. Got Drake’s horses & waggon & went with wife to Troy, having heard that Eulalia was sick. Found the little girl better. Agreed with Pomeroy to come down & look at my cattle. Remained there over night. Boys worked some at threshing oats.

Sunday, Oct. 19

Morning fair but quite smoky. Day very warm for the sason. Staid at Drake’s till afternoon & then we started for home. Eliza returned with us. Called a little while at Luther’s. Arrived home jsut at night & found Susan Smiley at our house & also Valentine.

Monday, Oct. 20

Day fair, warm & smoky, with frost in the morning. Husked some corn at the barn. Luman went up to the R.R. with the load of boards, & brought down 26 kegs of nails for Montange. Harvey threshed some oats.

Tuesday, Oct. 21

Morning frosty & fair, day warm & smoky. Worked principal part of the day at husking corn. Luman went to Towanda with load of nails for Montange, intending to stay with Samuel in Franklin tonight. Harvey dug potatoes, & at night we buried about 8 bushels.

Wednesday, Oct. 22

Morning Cloudy & smoky with a little sprinkling of rain. Went down to the Steam mill in the morning, had a settlement, & found a balance of $2.52 in favor of Phillips. Traded some & rode home with Elon. Husked some corn, & buried some winter apples. Luman came up from Franklin & took load of boards to R.R.

Thursday, Oct. 23

Continues cloudy with a very little rain. Worked at husking corn the principal part of the day. Boys took a grist up to Taylor’s mill in the morning & the balance of the day they worked at hauling some wood from the sawmill & from over the creek.

Friday, Oct. 24

Morning frosty & weather cool & fair. Went down to the steam mill in the morning, Y rode home with Isaac. Mary with Daniel & Jane came to visit us. Spent the afternoon with them. Luman worked for Abe. Mott. In the evening Elon & George came in.

Saturday, Oct. 25

Morning fair, weather cool, & ground quite frozen. Could not work, in consequence of a return of lameness in my back, which is quite severe. Boys worked about the barn in the forenoon, & in the afternoon they dug a few potatoes. At night Valentine came.

Sunday, Oct. 26

Weather continues fair & cool. Lameness continues & could not attend meeting. Family attended at the Huddle. Valentine remained with us. Wrote letter of commendation for Br. Harbut & his wife & sent it by Luman to Calvin. In the evening John called.

Monday, Oct. 27

Morning cloudy & rainy & weather continued so through the day. Sawyer & Grosse? came with threshing machine & worked at my barn through the day. Br. Wells assisted. Had also Manville & Eaton to help. Could do nothing myself –

Tuesday, Oct. 28 (beside date 4 - 47 E.)

Fair in the morning, weather cold. & afternoon cloudy. Finished threshing in the morning. They took the machine to Elons barn & Luman assisted there. Harvey picked up a few small apples for cider. Harvey Holcomb called. Engaged some brick of him.

Wednesday, Oct. 29

Part of the day cloudy & the weather cool. Lameness getting no better I remained in the house during the day. Luman helped Elon finish threshing in the forenoon – afternoon he complained of being unwell. Harvey dug some potatoes in the garden & some in the field.

Thursday, Oct. 30

Weather cool & cloudy part of the day with indications of rain. Lameness continues unabated. Pomeroy called & agreed to pay $70 for my cattle & take them next week. Boys finished digging & burying potatoes & carried the beans into the barn. Valentine called in the afternoon & staid over night.

Friday, Oct. 31

Cloudy, smoky & cold with some flakes of snow falling. The boys with Valentine took a few bushels of apples to Harry’s mill & made a little cider. Afternoon the boys dug some on cellar drain. My rheumatism being a little better a little better I went to the Corners with the boys.


Saturday, Nov. 1

Weather continues quite cold & unpleasant. Went to the Steam Mill with Luman & brought home a load of timber for addition to house. Afternoon the boys were employed digging drain. At night, Amanda came with her babe & little girls. They came from Troy with Erastus.

Sunday, Nov. 2

Weather more pleasant & not so cold, but partially cloudy. In the afternoon quite pleasant & warm. Br. Wells with Luman & the girls attended meeting at the Huddle I remaining at home on account of lameness. In the afternoon Erastus called & took tea with us. Valentine tarried with us.

Monday, Nov. 3

Warm, cloudy, smoky, & a little rain. Laid out two sills for addition to house. Sent Luman in the morning to Steam Mill for some tobacco. After he returned he worked with Harvey digging. Levi Taylor called in the morning on election matters. In the afternoon Luther & Sally called & at night Griffin came in.

Tuesday, Nov. 4

Weather mild & towards night a shower of rain. Attended the Presidential election at the Huddle & served as clerk on the board. Received a summons as Grand Juror at Dec. term. Boys went to the corners & finished making the cyder & played the balance of the day.

Wednesday, Nov. 5

Morning clear & weather much colder – soon became cloudy with flurries of snow. Laid out some timber for addition to house. Went to the Corners & also to the Huddle. Luman went to Franklin as witness for Com’lth vs. Norman & Chauncey Bailey. In the evening Elon came in, also Geo. & Amy. Valentine here.

Thursday, Nov. 6

Morning pleasant with hard frost. Continued fair through the day & moderately cool. Went with Harvey to Rockwell’s mill at West Burlington. Called at Mr. Steven’s while grist was being ground. Luman went to Griffin’s & got the mare shod in the morning & balance of day dug in cellar drain. Bunyan called.

Friday, Nov. 7

Clear & cloudy. Weather cool. Pomeroy called in the morning for the cattle. Sold him another, & received for the whole $87. – Paid Br. Wells $5. & Edward $8. Bought a heifer of Elon to $20. & paid him $17. leaving $3. due. Amanda & children returned home. Lurenda went with them & came back at night.

Saturday, Nov. 8

Morning rain, continued so through the day, terminating at night in showers. Employed part of the time posting accounts for Griffin who had called for that purpose. Boys hauled a load of stones for the cellar drain. Valentine called & took dinner with us.

Sunday, Nov. 9 (beside date 2 - 24 E.)

Cloudy, cold, uncomfortable weather through the day. My lameness continuing I did not think proper to attend meeting today. Br. Wells remained for the same cause. Lurenda & Luman attended meeting at the Huddle. At night Valentine came & tarried.

Monday, Nov. 10

Morning fair & frozen. Day cool & pleasant. Boys finished digging stair way for cellar in the morning & then went to hauling stones for the walls, underpining, &c. Commenced laying the walls for stair way, & making stairs for the cellar. In the evening posted some accounts for Griffin.

Tuesday, Nov. 11

Froze hard during the night. Day cool & pleasant. Worked at wall & cellar stairs back of the house. Posted some accounts for Griffin & was hindered some time with him & L. D. Taylor who called for the purpose of settling. Paid Taylor the balance of my account. Boys worked at filling drain.

Wednesday, Nov. 12

Night more moderate & day quite pleasant. Employed at the cellar stair way building the wall & stairs. Commenced writing a letter to Alfred Bailey of Conn. Boys finished hauling stone for cellar drain, hauled a load of wood & Luman went with Eliza to the steam mill.

Thursday, Nov. 13

Weather quite mild & pleasant. Worked principal part of the day at the wall & cellar stairs. Boys hauled two loads of stone for wall & underpinning hauled some slabs & fenced the apple & potato heaps, & commenced moving the hog pen. In the evening George & Amy called.

Friday, Nov. 14

Fore part of the day fair & moderately warm, latter part cloudy & rained a little at night. Finished the cellar stairs. Called with wife at Brigham’s & took dinner. Lurenda & Eliza with Miss Andrews & others went to Towanda to attend the Association of Teachers. Bos worked at plowing and scraping back of the house for the addition. Sent by Lurenda $40 to Montanges.

Saturday, Nov. 15

Morning cloudy & frozen. Snow on the hills. Latter part of the day fair. Worked some at laying underpinning for addition to house & at smoothing the ground around it. Boys worked at plowing & scraping, Preparing & place for the building & levelling the back yard. Girls arrived from Towanda. Valentine also. In the morning finished & mailed letter to Mr. Bailey.

Sunday, Nov. 16

Forepart of the day cloudy & cool, – latter part fair. Luman & the girls attended meeting at the Huddle. The residue of the family remained at home. Valentine remained with us through the day. In the evening wife went down to see her mother.

Monday, Nov. 17

Cloudy principal part of the day & severe squall of snow in the afternoon. Framed a sill & put it in place, & worked some at laying foundation. The boys finsihed plowing & scraping & opening water courses back of the house, & also hauled two loads more of stones. Valentine called in the forenoon.

Tuesday, Nov. 18

Cloudy & cool. Worked at framing & at the foundation. Wrote a letter to Mr. Wilcox of Great Barrington. Sent by Br. Wells $10. to Hiram Reynolds & letter to P.O. Boys with Valentine put on another covering to potato heaps. In the afternoon they hauled manure on the garden. John & Emily came for a visit.

Wednesday, Nov. 19

Part of the day cloudy & weather more mild. Finished framing three more sills, & put them together. Moved the hog pen down by the garden. Boys finished hauling manure on the garden & plowed it. They then went over the creek & cu and hauled up a couple loads of wood.

Thursday, Nov. 20

Day pleasant & comfortably warm. Worked some at underpinning. Put the hog in the pen. Boys employed at hauling manure on the ground where we had potatoes until towards night when I went with Luman to the Steam Mill & got some sample boards, & a little store trade. In the evening George called.

Friday, Nov. 21

Morning fair & frozen. Latter part of the day cloudy & not so cold. Indications of rain. Went with Luman in the morning to the steam mill & got another load of boards & timber. Worked at stone work & framing. Boys worked the residue of the day at hauling manure on the ground east of the house.

Saturday, Nov. 22

Rained a little during the night. Day fair & quite warm for the season. Worked at digging & laying foundation, & framing some. Boys hauled a few stones, finished hauling manure on the ground east of the house & Luman plowed it – Harvey in the mean time finished digging for wall.

Sunday, Nov. 23

Weather frosty in the morning, pleasant & warm until towards night, then cloudy with south wind & indications of a storm. Br. Wells returned from Bunyan’s. Remained at home – girls & Luman went to Troy & wife went to see her sister Eliza who is sick. She staid through the night. Lincoln came home with the girls.

Monday, Nov. 24

Cleared off in the morning & the day fair & mild. Mr. Tidd called in the morning to engage Eliza to teach their school this winter. Went with Harvey to Charles Ross’ & bought & drove home three calves. Paid for them $14. Worked part of the day at the foundation wall. Luman commenced plowing over the creek.

Tuesday, Nov. 25

Weather mild & cloudy. Towards night it began to rain & continued through the evening, with high, south wind. Attended to settlement of Griffin with Lament?, who called for that purpose, & framed a sill for the house. Luman employed plowing over the creek & Harvey & Lincoln husked corn & attended to chores. Wife went down to stay with Eliza.

Wednesday, Nov. 26

Day cloudy & clear at intervals & somewhat colder than yesterday. Framed & put on another sill. Went over the creek & cut a stick of timber to make a cunductor for the water & hewed it. Ezra Baxter & his wife called for a visit. Luman plowed over the creek. Received a letter from Mr. Atkins & his wife.

Thursday, Nov. 27 (beside date 10 - 53 M.)

Day fair & moderately warm. Finished & put in the conductor turning the water off west. Went down to see Eliza in the morning & to read the letter to Mother. Worked the residue of the day with Harvey about the frame digging up an old apple tree & grading the ground. Luman worked at plowing.

Friday, Nov. 28

Frosty morning & fair day. Went to see Eliza in the morning. Worked at grinding tools & framing. Harvey at cutting wood grading back of the house. Luman finished plowing ove the creek & commenced on the buckwheat ground below the road. Wife went in the afternoon to see Eliza & remained over night.

Saturday, Nov. 29

In the morning ground white with snow & sleet continued to fall through the day. Dug some & framed a post. Luman went to the steam mill in the forenoon & plowed below the road in the afternoon. Harvey dug some & attended to cutting wood & choring. Received a letter from Daniel, at Bellfonte.

Sunday, Nov. 30

Wintry morning – froze hard during the night, but day fair & thawed some in the afternoon. Luman only, attended meeting at the Huddle today – Lurenda being at Troy & Eliza having attended her aunt last night. At night made preparation to start early tomorrow for Court.


Monday, Dec. 1

Weather chilly & not very pleasant. Started at 7 oclock in the morning for court. Luman went with team & Erastus’ buggy to carry me down, he returning in the afternoon. At 3 o’clock p.m. the Grand Jury were called, & soon? the court appointing me Foreman. Commenced business on a case of homicide & adjourned to 9 oclock tomorrow.

Tuesday, Dec. 2

Weather continues cloudy, chilly & with some snow falling. Resumed our business in the grand jury room, returned a "true bill" against White & Mitchell for the crime of murder, & in the course of the day 6 other bills against other individuals for different offences, & made presentments to the court. Bought spectacles & gold pen of Chamberlain for $2. supposing I had lost my others.

Wednesday, Dec. 3

Unpleasant weather continues attended with a moderate fall of rain & sleet through the day. Attended to business in the grand jury room, deciding 7 more bills in the course of the day, ignoring 3 of them, & making presentment of 5. Among them was one against Ed. Charles Ross left with me a note for $100. to have discounted.

Thursday, Dec. 4

Weather continues cold, but not stormy. Reconsidered 2 bills, ignored yesterday. Passed 1 & ignored the other, approved of building fireproof, made final presentments to court & were discharged, with order for 1 day extra pay, & recv’d $7.25 from the treasurer. Had note discounted at bank, rec. – $97. & walked to Monroe & put up for the night with Cranmer.

Friday, Dec. 5

Weather fair & cold. Started on foot for home from Cranmer’s. Met Luman at N. Gilbert’s in Franklin, who had come with waggon to carry me home. Called at Samuel’s & stayed some time. Took dinner there & brot Jerusha along with us. Stopped at the steam mill two hours & brot Eliza home. Found lost articles in the house. Eliza commenced school there on Monday.

Saturday, Dec. 6

Cold, raw weather with some flurries of snow. Went to Troy & carried three firking of butter. Eliza, Harvey, & Mary went along. Sold butter to Longs for 21 cents per pound. Rdc. $8. cash, & their note for $43.03 to be paid first of March with use?. Brought home three trunks of goods for Taylor. Paid Levi Taylor in the morning $97. for discounted note –

Sunday, Dec. 7

Weather continues cold & unpleasant. Mary complained of being sick at Troy yesterday, & is quite unwell today. Lurenda & Eliza attended meeting at the Huddle, the remainder of the family remained at home. Mr. Griffin called & gave information of an old school mate of mine he has lately seen at Wellsville N. Y. Mrs. Patterson.

Monday, Dec. 8

Cloudy wintry weather, with, occasionally some flakes of snow falling. After Luman had gotten a shoe set on the horse, went with him to the Steam mill & got 1000 feet sample boards, & some sugar, coffee, &c. out of the store. Paid Jack. $5. & put a helm into the new axe. Luman carried some corn to the mill. Lurenda began her school at the Corners.

Tuesday, Dec. 9 (beside date 5 - 10 M.)

Day cloudy, dark, & moderately cold — Erastus called in the morning to borrow a chisel. Went over the creek with Luman & worked at cutting wood & getting out some sleepers for the house, till afternoon & being very tired did no more the remainder of the day. Luman worked about the barn & at choring. Mary recovered so far as to attend school afternoon.

Wednesday, Dec. 10

Unlike the weather for some time past, this day is fair & very pleasant. Went over the creek with Luman & worked at cutting wood, cutting & piling brush, & getting out timber for the house. Finished the sleepers & hewed one beam. Spent some time writing a letter to Mrs. Paterson, formerly, Electa Comstock.

Thursday, Dec. 11

Rose before day, in the morning & found the ground covered with snow, with snow briskly falling from the south, which however soon changed to rain, with high wind. Completed my letter to Mrs. Patterson & directed to Wellsville Allegany Co. N.Y. Did nothing out doors. Valentine called & gave me a paper of tobacco.

Friday, Dec. 12

Another fair day, & tolerably warm. Went over the creek, in the morning with Luman & got out another beam, cut & piled some brush &c. In the afternoon Luman brought grist from mill, & hauled up a drag of wood. Valentine called as he was starting away on his trip, & Eliza came home. Rec. letter from Mr. Wilcox.

Saturday, Dec. 13

Fair weather continues. Cloudy towards night. Worked with Luman in the forenoon, over the creek, & got out another stick of timber, besides cutting & piling brush &c. In the afternoon boys commenced plowing around the old cellar in order to fill it. Br. Wells came in the evening.

Sunday, Dec. 14

Weather similar to Thursday last – snow in the early morning, & rain through the day. At night the wing changed, & blew briskly from the west. On account of the weather, there did not any of the family attend meeting today. Br. Wells remained with us. At night Br. Brigham & Lathan Andrews called.

Monday, Dec. 15

Weather cloudy & cold with flakes of snow flying in the air. Worked over the creek in the forenoon chopping & piling brush, & in the afternoon framed a post. Luman went to carry Eliza to her school in the morning & then went to get the hors shod. In the afternoon he brought up some corn from the barn. Wm. Elliot called to get his daughter boarded.

Tuesday, Dec. 16

Cloudy, cold, & disagreeable weather. Wrote a letter Daniel. Worked some at framing & at laying foundation for another small addition to the house. Luman went to the Corners & got a buck lamb belonging to Eliza Taylor. He worked some at digging for the foundation & choring.

Wednesday, Dec. 17

Cold disagreeable weather. Several slight squalls of snow in the course of the day. Jack came in the morning to engage horse to use a few days. Went to the Huddle & mailed letter to Dan, Argus to Wilcox, & Reporter to Atkins. Worked a little at foundation wall. Luma hauled wood from over the creek – Rec. letter from Rhoda A. Bailey, Conn.

Thursday, Dec. 18

Weather quite cold & freezing, but more pleasant. Ground froze so hard – raising the conductor – that the water passed under it. Worked some at framing & some at the stone work. Luman repaired the water works, & dug some for foundation wall. Samuel called towards night & took tea with us, & then went to the Huddle.

Friday, Dec. 19

Very cold morning – day fair & more moderate in the afternoon. Jack came & got the horse to go to Troy. Worked at framing part of the time. Luman regulated the water spout again, which the frost had put out of order. Towards night he went after Eliza.

Saturday, Dec. 20

High wind through the night & towards morning & storm of sleet commenced which changed to rain & continued till afternoon. Worked a spell n the morning at the water works & attended meeting – the dedication of the new house at the Huddle. Br. McDougall spoke on the occasion. Attended again in the evening & heard Br. Hyatt. Br. Wells tarried with us.

Sunday, Dec. 21

Fair weather & cold again. Attended with the family at the new meeting house & heard a discourse from Br. Hyatt; & again in the evening when Brother MacDougall was the chief speaker. Notice given that meeting would be continued over tomorrow. Samuel called towards night & Mrs. Saxton took tea with us. Delight Elliot came to board.

Monday, Dec. 22

Cold frosty morning, part of the day cloudy. Went to the steam mill in the morning & worked some at framing. Sheriff called & gave me a copy of notice as viewer? &c at Monroe Jan 22. Brs. McDougall & Hyatt called & took dinner. In the evening attended meeting & heard Br. Hyatt. Eliza came home with Miss Burroughs.

Tuesday, Dec. 23

A slight covering of snow on the ground in the morning; weather very cold & squally through the day. Worked part of the time at framing. Luman mended his boots & attended to the chores. Spent the evening with George, his family & a part of mine having gone to attend the meeting at the Huddle.

Wednesday, Dec. 24

Weather extremely cold with considerable wind. Worked at laying out timber & framing. Luman went after Mr. Parker to butcher a sheep, & in the afternoon took the waggon to Sayles’ shop to have it repaired. In the evening attended meeting at the Huddle. Br. McDougall spoke.

Thursday, Dec. 25

Fair day. Weather more moderate. Employed as usual – laying out timber & framing. Luman worked at digging another channel for underdrain back of the house, which has become much out of order on account the hard freezing.

Friday, Dec. 26

Weather fair & much more moderate but quite cold again towards night. Business same as for several day preceeding. Luman harnessed the colt, brought the waggon from Sayles’ & hauled some plank & timber from the road up to the house. Eliza came home George called & spent the evening.

Saturday, Dec. 27 (beside date 3 - 37 M.)

Weather continues mild & thawed a little in the middle of the day. Worked some at framing, & with the help of the boys, raised the body of the kitchen and buttery. In the evening attended meeting at the Huddle & heard Br. Spalding who with his wife, returned & staid with us over night.

Sunday, Dec. 28

Cloudy in the forenoon & rained a little. Thawed sufficiently to make the top of the ground muddy. Attended meeting at the Huddle & heard Br. Spalding again. Br. Rockwell immersed Laythan Andrews. In the evening Br. Brigham called & spent some time.

Monday, Dec. 29

Day fair & pleasant, weather mild. Went down to the steam Mill in the morning, walked back & called to see mother a short time. Framed some sleepers & put them into place. Luman went the team to the Steam Mill in the morning & after getting the mare shod, took on a load of boards & hauled to the R.R.

Tuesday, Dec. 30

Weather very pleasant and mild, through the day. Worked as usual at framing. finished the sleeper for the addition on the north side. Luman went down to the steam mill in the morning with the team, got the horse shod, & hauled a load of boards to the R.R.

Wednesday, Dec. 31

Weather colder & a light snow fell in the morning. Worked at the frame. Tore up part of dining room floor & put in a sill across. Luman hauled another load of boards from the mill to the R.R. Eliza came home at night. In the evening Valentine called & presented me with part of a box of segars.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 03 December 2010
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice