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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
1869 - Viall Bullock of Columbia
Diary of Viall Bullock
Township: Columbia, Bradford County PA
Year: 1869
Transcribed by Kathleen M. Smith
Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice
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Viall A. Bullock - Journal #1
(April 2, 1869 — January 10, 1870)
Transcribed by Kathleen M. Smith

Viall Allen Bullock was born in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts on December 31, 1800 to Asa and Jerusha (Allen) Bullock.  He was the youngest of nine children.  Viall Bullock came from Rhode Island to Bradford County,Pennsylvania in 1817 with Joseph Gladding (who married his sister, Marcy).  From all indications Viall Bullock never married.  According to the 1850 census, he lived alone.  During the time of these journals (this is the first of 4), his niece, Sarah Almira Bullock, lived with him and kept house.

Viall Allen Bullock was a brother of my g-g-grandmother, Mary Bullock, who married Peleg Peckham.  Mary is often referred to in these journals as Aunt Peckham or Aunt P.  Her daughter is referred to as Susan P. Calkins, SPC and other variations.  Susan was married to John Henry Calkins, or JHC.

Viall Allen Bullock died January 1, 1886 and was buried at the Sylvan Hill (Gladding) Cemetery, in Bradford County, PA. 

NOTE:  The diarist rarely referred to women and children by their full name, and referred to many family members by initials only.  If the last initial is “B”, their surname would be Bullock; if “G”, most likely their surname was Gladding, and if “P”, they would be from the Peckham family.

Additionally, the author often used symbols, such as some form of shorthand, which is indicated by (symbol) or (?).  And finally, any text that has been stricken in the transcript was stricken in the journals.


V.  A.  Bullock
Brad.  Co.

Viall A.  Bullock 1

1869 April 2.

 Went to Troy took 10 bus. grain to mill, called with Almira on Dr.  Ingham who is moving to his new home on Elmira St., bought this book for a diary (50¢) Called on W.  H.  Peck for his opinion on the powers of the trustees of the P. Cong.\Sylvania.

3 Weather cold, attended the meeting of the P. Cong.\Sylvania.  The trustees were instructed by a vote of the members to repair the church building.  Melinda M.B. called on us.

4 Sunday Melinda went to Stephen’s today, some snow squally.

5 Cool weather, bought 10 lbs. of honey of E. W. Besley. 12-1/2 cts. in the comb.  1.25

6 Hitched up my team & took S. B. to the X Roads to buy lumber, did not find what I wanted, some snow.

1869 April 7 2

 Some milder with a white frost.  Some snow squalls fore noon, went to brother James & Mr. Gladding at the later have obtained at the latter’s place a paper written by my father intended for publication in the Providence Gazette announcing the death of my mother which was March seventh 1817 in the forty-ninth year of her age.

8 Went to Sylvania, new shoe on Sorrel’s nigh, forward foot     35¢
 received of H. Peters a pair of cleviser for the evenin for which I had previously paid for, bought a quire of paper foolscap of G.P.M.     20¢
 attended the law suit J.B. v. Col. Township to recover no pay for keeping paupers.  Weather considerable cold

1869 April 9 3

 Ground frozen, sent a letter by S. B. to mailed directed to E. D. Bullock.  Delivered my black 3 yr. old heifer to Mr. Daly for which he paid me $60, all in Nat. Currency.

10 Ground frozen - pleasant cool.
 S. B & FJB commenced ? oats ?

11 Ground frozen, visited at S. B. with J. Morgan - Dr. Ingham & J. H. Calkins and their wives & Aunt P.

12 Ground frozen some pleasant ?
 S. B. & FJB finished threshing oats v U helpt FJB clean the oats

13 Ground frozen - pleasant, went Troy with Alm.  Bought four 4 ounces of Ayres Linament other articles paid 2.50
 & a pt. measurer at P? and paid for it in mon. 15¢
 Paid Grant for mending Almira’s spectacles. 15¢

1869 April 13 4

 Considerable snow squally while we were at Troy.  Called at F. J. Calkins & saw a second hand stove that he wishes to sell, engaged a book about painting at M. & Parsons which they will send to the city for.  Mr. Wardwell called on us this evening to commence chopping stove wood for me.

14 Let S. Bullock have a load of very good hay from my bay for which he is to bring me as much next haying time.

 Should there was much as three quarters of a ton.

14 Quite cold for the time of the year, found 3 lambs this morn, the first this spring lost one of a pair of twins.

1869 April 14  5

 Bought of S. Bullock two yearling heifers in good condition but not large, paid him in money 30.00

 Mr. Wardwell begun chopping stove wood.

15 Ground frozen, drew some firewood, becoming warmer.

16 Froze little or none quite warm & pleasant during the day, measured & located the line from the N.E. corner of my farm southerly to the road the distance from the aforesaid corner south to the N.  termination of S. Bullock’s Apple Hedge is 46 rods from thence to the road is 22 rods total from the aforesaid corner to the road is 68 rods the measuring was made parallel with (symbols or shorthand)

1869 April 16 6

 I forgot to note yesterday the 15th inst. that Edward Bullock & Cephas Miller then called on us and took dinner on their return homeward from Smithfield ?.

17 Some rainy this forenoon, went to Port O. forenoon.  Mr. Wardwell who has been chopping for me most of the week left after dinner to return in a few days.  Set out a small apple tree - supposed to be Red Astracham in the fruit grove near the asparagus bed.

18 Very pleasant, too warm to freeze last night; since the rain yesterday the grass shows itself a little.  JHC sent up B. Howell & his wife who brought Aunt P.  Also brought

1869 April 18 7

 some Prince Albert and Pinkeye (symbols) potatoes to swap for some early Goodrich do.

19 Went to J. Bullock’s to look at a pair of steers of his two year old.  He asked for the pair sixty dollars, did not buy.  Light showers last night, quite warm today, some rain toward night.

20 Continues warm, set out a young apple tree (supposed to be golden sweet) near the S.  West corner of the orchard.  P.M. took a letter for A. Peckham to the P.O. on my return home was overtaken by a very powerful rain accompanied by a very strong wind.  Fortunately was on horseback instead of a carriage.

21 Little showery this morn, cooler, light showers during the day.

1869 April 22 8

 Quite cool this morning.  S.B. had my lumber waggon to go to Troy mill, let him have two dollars 50 cts. of it to get 50 Buckthorn trees the remainder to get a book on painting, weather pleasant & windy.  Went to Sylvania - shoe set on bays forefoot for lameness - it did not remove the lameness.

23 Frosty - an agent for a 20 dollar sewing machine of Wheeler & Wilsons make called.

24 Warm & pleasant - set out about a dozen willow cuttings in the west edge of the swamp.  Also one at the n.w. corner of the meadow south of the house.  Mr.  Bloss with A. Tinkham called on me to see about painting my house.  Concluded to employ him

1869 April 24 9

 Plowed a little in the garden,  planted some peas and early Goodrich potatoes.

25 Cool & a little sprinkling of rain this morning, latter part of the day pleasant & cool.  J. Morgan & J. H. Calkins & their wives & ?, visited us.

26 Warmer & pleasant - began plowing my corn stubble N. of the road & next for to S. Bullock for wheat, took Aunt Peckham to the cars A.M. to go to A.  Peckham in Elmira among others who took the cars the same time were C.  Harkness, Mrs. Andrews, Mial Watkins & ?.

 H. Peckham began work for this afternoon at one dollar a day - took a letter from Tioga to J. Bullock.

April 26, 1869 10

 Sent a Brad. Reporter to Cousin E. D. Bullock, it contained some poetry contributed by D. Bullock addressed to J. Birch & wife.

27 Warm growing weather.  Shut my calf away from the heifer it is some more than 4 months old, a heavy shower about 5 o’clock P.M.  H. C. P. went home then, warm.

28 Warm & pleasant, grass is doing well, the ground is rather wet this morn to work.  Went to Troy with lumber waggon, bought ½ bu. timothy.  2.50 and ½ pk. Of clover at R M & L 1.25; bought a corn plow of SWP 5.00; bought of R. Redington 100 lbs. Of White Lead paint in tin cans stamped Bartlett &. At 15 dollars 15.00; other articles .40; paid him except 5 dollars

28 April 1869 11

 as I found that I had carelessly neglected to take with me sufficient money, on my return home found Uncle & Aunt Gladding at our house.

29 Some light showers & cool.  J. Jewell delivered “the farmers book” for which I paid 3.75.  Ground too wet to work.

30 Ice quite a thickness, finished plowing & harrowed, ready for sowing the corn stubble ground north of the road next to S B’s land.

May 1 Rain begun after day light some snow mixed with rain forenoon.

2 Rainy this morning mixed with snow, continued more or less wet till nearly dark when the wind changed from N.E. to N.W. & cooler, hard for young lambs, gloomy (symbol)

1869 May 3 12

 My bay mare __ yrs. old I found with a dead colt this morning in the stable.  She was cramped for room was the difficulty, could not get the mare to stand up this (symbols).  Cold wind from N.W. with some scattering snow flakes.

 This mare’s time of (symbol) was 338 days, after noon sent FJGB after Huhlander to attend to the mare, paid A.C. Peckham 1.50 cts. for work done last week. [Note from Joyce - E. Hulslander was veterniarian at this time]

4 Pleasant & less cool, the German peddler (with a chaise top to his box) staid with us last night, let him have a 5 dollar bill for which he gave me one doll. In fractional currency, one in small coin & three in Nat. Currency, paid Mr. Wardwell $6.37 for chopping six &37/100 dollars & thirty seven cts.

1869 May 4 13

 P. Hulslander called this A.M. to see my sick mare, FJGBullock having gone after him yesterday.  His object was to subdue the inflammation of the bowels for which he directed that I give her a heaping table spoon ful of pulverized Nitro in some more than half a cup of sweet or castor oil to which add nearly a teaspoonful of spirits turpentine once in three hours.  I paid him 1.00, his price for attendance, the mare died suddenly little before dark, probably I cannot buy another so good less than 175 dollars or perhaps 200 dollars.

5 Somewhat pleasant & warmer.  Aunt Peckham came from Elmira this morning train.  Edward Peckham came with her.

1869 May 5 14

 P.M. Sowed 2-1/2 bu. wheat on the corn ground next to SB’s Apple tree hedge - Francis JGB harrowed it in for me partly this afternoon.

6 Cool.  Francis finished harrowing in the wheat at half past nine o’clock A.M.  Sowed a little more than ½ bu. timothy & several qts. Of clover on the ground, begun harrowing the buckwheat stubble directly west of the wheat field preparatory to sowing to grass seed.  P.M. Francis harrowed some more than two hours on buckwheat stubble for grass.  E.W. Peckham returned from J. Morgans.

1869 May 8 15

 Pleasant but rather cool.  Rode to Troy with S.B., paid 5.00 to R. Redington for White Lead that I had of him the 28th abt.  Made inquiry about the price of horses of Hobert & Porter, N. Fish, D. Bixby & bought of Beebe a Lawsime & Brandywine pear tree at 25 cts. a piece (symbols) .50, bought of RM&L __ qts. timothy.

9 Continues cool, some signs of rain, the cherry blossoms have begun opening now after some signs of rain with a very slight springling (sic) this morning the damp clouds disappear afternoon.  JHC & Susan came here just before night to ascertain their mother’s health.

May 10 16

 Warmer & pleasant.  E. W. Peckham assisted me to harrow the small lot W. of the house preparatory sowing grass seed.  Dr. Ingham & W. called on us A.M.  P.M. sowed a little Alsike Clover & Kentucky Blue grass west of the house, also sowed timothy & red clover on the remainder of the lot, weather the warmest for several weeks.  HCP (symbols) four month old calf, some signs of (.20) rain this evening.

11 Considerable warm, plowed each side of the hemlock & most of the buckthorn hedge, plowed also a little more of the garden & planted eight hills of the early rose potatoes, also planted one row each of Prime Alb., Early

May 11, 1869 17

 Goodrich & pink eye rusty coat out west of the house, shut the sheep from the S.West meadow, S. Bullock took from my barn a quantity of oat straw & some hay.

12 Quite warm & pleasant, peas coming up, wheat also (symbol) up finished planting potatoes, except the border of cornfield.

13 Warm with signs of rain, little sprinkling of rain forenoon with southerly wind, a nice thunder shower towards night.

14 Cloudy & sunshine this morn some rain during the past night, the ground is thoroughly wet grass & growing luxuriantly & is more forward than usual.  Francis JGB drew manure on the corn ground for me

May 14, 1869 18

 about 3/4 of a day with their team.  E.W. Peckham helped him at loading, J.H. Calkins plowed corn ground for me.  We had quite a shower before dark, it continued more or less till bed time.

15 JHC finished plowing my corn ground before breakfast, he & his folks having staid with all night.  West to the P.O. brought up a package of early rose potatoes for G.P., E.W.P. took the cars from home, set out 4 maple trees at the road side west of the house to supply the place of dead ones, paid Ed. W. P. (symbols) - 1.50.

16 Some showery during the day rather cool.  Dr. Ingham & folks came & took dinner, become quite cool.

May 17, 1869 19

 Cool enough for quite a frost but was prevented by cloudiness & wind, transplanted two apple trees from the fruit grove to the orchard & north side of the old log building, some showery about the middle of the day, set out some grape cuttings in the fruit grove consisting of Iona, Adironclar - Delaware Rebecca, N. Munadine & drew some earth from the road to put around them to kill out the grass as they were set out in greensward.

18 Continues rather cool, set out 20 buckthorn trees next to the road east side of the garden, had 36 more left which I set out in the garden to be transplanted elsewhere hereafter, drew some earth from the roadside to put around them

May 18, 1869 20

 P.M. worked on the Burial ground exterminating the shrubbery & and leveling the ground, the proprietors generally assisted.

19 Somewhat cool yet, mulched the maple trees at the road side & the buckthorn set out yesterday.

20 Quite cool, a peddler from Mansfield staid with us last night, he took supper & breakfast with us & horse had hay & oats, for which we charged him $1.00, took tin ware of him of which tin pans of the smallest size were 15 & 20 cts. each - 3 pts. & 2 qts.  Yesterday I observed some conquedels giving forth some of their inimitable m carols for the first time this spring.  James B took dinner with us & proposed that I take a mare of his & use it.

May 20, 1869 21

 drew some stones from the S.E. meadow & dropt them in the path way between the house & road.

21 Warmer - Furman came little before noon & finished plowing my garden about two thirds of it, went home after dinner.  I let him take some hay out of my bay, perhaps as much as 300 lbs.

22 Rode to Troy with Stephen B., bought ten gals. Of linseed oil, saw of Mitchell & Parsons at $1.10 the gal. and other articles to use in painting.  12.70; bought an oil can of cross tin in Eighmy’s for $1.25 & a cake turner at 15 cts.  1.40; bought at RM&L 15 lbs. sugar, light brown very nine at 16 cts.  2.40; bought at Redington’s drug store 6 lbs. Ohio paint at 5 cts. & one box Germ. Oint. .55

May 22, 1869 22

 Mr. Bebee of Troy gave me 6 roots of Philadelphia Raspberry which I set out soon after I got home, whirled a few stones from the meadow east of the garden, my watch was 6 mts. Faster than Grants regulator, set mine with his time but did not alter the regulator as it did not appear beyond doubt that my time was erroneous, Dr. Ingham called at our house P.M. to see Aunt P., whose health is not improving.

23 Quite cool with some frost & cold enough for a somewhat destructive one had the sky been clear.  JHC & wife & ? called on us, Aunt P is some better yesterday & today.  Dr. Ingham called towards night.

24 Pleasant & considerable warm, went to JB, who will let me have a horse to use before long, turned the cattle in the south side of road

May 24, 1869 23

 Set a post for barn yard bars opening into the S.E. meadow at the S. part of yard to where I am to plant corn, the post is at the west part of the barway, set it but little more than two feet deep but I put a pin through near the bottom of it.

25 Warm, James B. & Alton came & brought a horse & helped draw manure & spread on top of the corn ground, left the horse with me which I used side of mine & harrowed over the corn ground with the harrow bottom upwards.  Jerusha A.M. & Mrs. Knapp called to see Aunt P. this forenoon, used one of James B’s horses with mine in fitting the corn ground.  I did it by drawing the harrow bottom upwards over it both ways, did not finish it.  Dr. Ingham & Mary Annah called here.

May 26 1969 24

 Finished fitting the corn ground and got Stephen B to help mark it with his cultivator, begun planting corn alone immediately after dinner but was driven to the house by a heavy shower about 2 o’clock, continued somewhat wet during the afternoon, cooler before dark.

27 Quite cool would have been a destructive frost if it clear & still during the night, planted corn alone, Susan P.C. & children called A.M.  Stick my pumpkin seed from a super excellent pumpkin A.M. in the N. part of the cornfield.  James B got of me six baskets of ears of corn, perhaps about 3 bus. of shelled corn, payable in after harvest

May 28, 1869 25

 Finished planting corn forenoon, planted hubbard squash seed in the south part of the corn field, cut down an old (symbols).

29 Mr. Bloss & A. Tinkham begun painting my house this forenoon, put on clear lead for the tint coat.  Dr. Ingham & W. called a few minutes, planted Melons & citrons.

30 Warm & lowry, went with Stephen B. to James B’s, talked some about a mower that we bought of JB several years ago, handed Aunt Gladding 20 cts. sent by Aunt P., got some pumpkin of Aunt Gladding, supposed to sweet pumpkins.  (Sic) John M. & John H.C. & their wives called a little while before night, they intend going a fishing excursion in a few days.

May 31, 1869 26

 Quite warm & the top of the ground is quite wet, rain during the night with prospect of showers during the day.  Mr. Bloss & Albert T. came this morn to paint but they went home without working any on account of the approaching rain, became drier weather before noon.  Mr. Wardwell dined with us & wanted to cut more stove wood A.M.  Planted string beans & ? & set out between 50 & 60 tomato plants after a considerable shower.

June 1 Planted some pumpkin seed supposed to be sweet pumpkin.  S.W. from  the house planted beans in the garden, cloudy & less warm than the last few days, Stephen B. took Aunt Peckham over to his house.  It is the first time she has been away

May June 1, 1869 27

 since her sickness.  Uncle & Aunt Gladding came here afternoon, did not see Aunt P., set out cabbage plants.

23 Lowry warm & little rain (symbols), bought a pair of table cloths linen of an Irish peddler, price 5.00, & he threw in a couple of handkerchiefs, paid JH Morgan Collection tax 4.37, planted carrots.

3 Went before breakfast to PPP’s in search of two yearlings of mine, drove them home, the painters commenced work again, being the second day they have worked for me, set up some stakes & lines in the cornfield, weeded some of the earliest potatoes in the garden towards night with the help of Francis JGB, tagged the sheep, no rain today except (symbols).

Friday June 4, 1869 28

 Washed my sheep 40 in all, assisted by Stephen B., Richmond Sweet & Francis, paid R. Sweet .50.  P.M. rain about 4 o’clock so that the painters went home.

5 A.M.  Drew a couple loads of wood to the house, weeded a little in the garden.  P.M. set a bar post & put in the bars at the east part of the barn yard, little rain.

6 Quite cool but no frost, but little cloudy this morning, brother Ira & Helen & son came before noon also came Stephen B. & Lodina & M.E. - James B & Uncle & Aunt Gladding & Susan P.C., Aunt P. went to Jerusha A. Morgan’s, being the second time she has left here since her illness.

Monday June 7, 1869 29

 Worked on the Road, the painters painted on the south side of the house the second coat.  P.M. worked all day on the road, weather somewhat cool, the painters begun the second coat on the west end of the house.

8 Some showers during the past night, somewhat cool, worked on the road this forenoon, Stephen & Francis with their team work for me, fitted a piece of ground in the garden for Sweet Swede Turnips, continued quite cool all day.

9 Some frost to be seen on the rails near the house, went to Troy, put James B. horse side of mine, bought ten lbs. of Mansfield Eighmy .50

Wednesday June 9, 1869 30

 bought 6 lbs. of Ohio paint at Redington’s .24; bought 1-1/2 bus. plaster, could not make change so I left the money for it at Mitchell & Parson. .40, bought at Mitchell & Parson one lb. Young Hyson tea 1.50, paint brush .85; codfish at .52, P.M. becoming warmer.

10 Begun to rain a little before breakfast, went to the Cross Roads on foot, the horses being down the hill, after twine to bind the wool, Francis and JGB begun shearing for me.  P.M. put up a shelf over the kitchen door east, the wind has changed from ? nearly south to a westerly course with no rain this afternoon till little before dark.

Friday June 11, 1869 31

 Pleasant, little cool.  Mr. Bloss & Tinkham came to work at painting again but it rained at about 10 o’clock A.M. at my proposal, I had a settlement with them, they brought in a bill of 6 days each at $2.50 per day, amounting to $30.00, which I paid them and took their receipt therefore.  The painting done by them is three coats on the south side & west side of the wing & two coats on the east & west ends of the main body of the house, the cornice & trimmings generally which I had tinted with the Ohio fire proof they had painted not more than one third of that part of the house which they painted as the north part of the house both east & west of the wing & the north & east part of the wing they did not paint.

Friday June 11, 1869 32

 Francis sheared sheep again.

12 Francis sheared sheep, I painted the cornice & other parts of the house that required the tinted paint & finished the east & south parts of the house except the portico.

13 A light shower last night, James B called on us, had some talk about his making a deed of the east part of the burial ground, got a twenty dollar bill charnged at G.P., little rain this evening.

14 A.M. Lowry with some rain, P.M. showery, Francis with the help of Daniel P., finished shearing my sheep, 40 in no.  I marked them & turned them with the 19 lambs in the N. pasture.  I am to give

Monday June 12, 1869 33

 five dollars for shearing the 40 sheep, paid toward it   1.00, painted a part of the portico.

15 Found myself unwell from a cold, took some medicine including a dose of compontion powders, health better this afternoon, cultivated the corn some.  Alton rode horse for me, some rain.

16 Quite cool, better of my cold, but am & have been several day some troubled with rheumatism, my Sorrel mare, old foaled a horse colt, color - bay, the off hind foot white from the hoof to a little above the fetlock is white.  Painted some about the portico.

17 My health is some better, weather becoming warmer, begun painting again on the house, old Mr. J. Calkins came up & got some beans to plant.  H. Ferguson called on me to buy my wool offered 40 cts. - did not sell.

Thursday, June 17, 1869 34

 James B. brought up his dark colored mare for me to keep & use a while, he took another one (bay) home which I had kept & used some a while, sold to Jeroloman & Peck mine fat sheep five of them at $2.75 apiece which they took away the other four at two & a half dollars apiece which $ they take about a week hence 13.75 they paid me for the five (symbols).

18 Went to P. O. afoot did some painting on west end of house, no rain, top of ground getting dry, quite warm this afternoon.

19 Quite warm night paid 50 to Chas. Shaw for riding horse to cultivate corn, garden, hedge, potatoes etc.

Sunday, June 20, 1869 35

 Called with Almira on Uncle Gladding, quite a shower afternoon which was needed.

21 Went to James B. cleaned the dirt from the mower belonging to SB & myself which we design to sell.  P.M. went to Troy with Stephen B bought some screws etc. 20 cts. & ten postage stamps 30 cts. & a diary 50 cts.   1.00 some light showers, was offered for my wool 42-1/4 cts. the lb. At Mitchell & Parsons.

22 Quite a shower begun about 5 o’clock this morning, warm, went to Austinville, sold my wool to H. Ferguson for 42-1/2 cts. the lb., he takes it at my premises, paid U. Ferguson for the service of his horse last season $9.00, went to Troy with Stephen B. bought at R. M. & Leonards, sugar &    4.10.

Wednesday, June 23, 1869 36

 Finished painting the west end of the house, something of a shower little after noon.

24 Finished painting all that part of the house begun by Bloss & Tinkham viz. E, S, W & W side of the wing, Mr. Jeroloman & Peck took away the other 4 sheep they bought the 17th inst. They paid 10.00 for them as agreed.

25 Lowry, has rained a little during the night.  Francis helpt me this afternoon cultivating & hoeing corn.

26 Francis worked for me this fore noon finished weeding the corn, begun to rain moderately between one & two o’clock P.M.

27 Light showers.

28 Quite showery during the past night.

Monday, June 28, 1869 37

 Francis begun plowing south of the road next the line fence for me for buckwheat, begun painting the cornice north side of the house east of the stoop, a little rain about 1 o’clock P.M., quite a shower about 5 o’clock, slightly cooler after the shower.

29 Prospect of drier weather, painted the cornice about the stoop after laying up rails some on the fence the south side of the SE meadow, took down the sitting room stove, directions for locating it may be found in the large leather cover memoranda book, let James B. have 1 bu. of ears of corn & 3 bus. of buckwheat to be paid in grain after harvest, the day passed without any rain though I think there was in sight.

Wednesday, June 30, 1869 38

 Quite warm, rainy considerable part of the forenoon.  Engaged of G. W. Pieru of Geneva Nursery engaged of the following fruit trees, one each of the Burne D’Anjou pear at one dollar each - one Clapps Favorite at one dollar & a quarter, one Orange Quince at seventy-five cents - one each of Bergen Yellow - Old Mixon ??-Coolige’s Favorite & Serrati Early York Peaches at 25 cts. apiece, four Kittatinny Blackberries & four Mammoth Cluster Raspberries at 25 cts. apiece, total amount $8.00.

 James B. called on me and we made out a form of a deed for by him to make to the proprietors of the burial ground.

Thursday, July 1, 1869 39

 Went to Troy Mill took two bus. each of wheat - corn & buckwheat, got the wheat & corn ground, got three shoes set on Sorrel & one on J. B.’s mare, paid Mr. Betterson for it, .97, after I got home rolled & drew stones off the buckwheat ground, no rain today.

2 Very heavy dew & cool, harrowed the buckwheat ground preparatory to sowing & begun the sowing.

3 Quite showery before breakfast & quite warm, turned my sinter calf from the meadow to pasture with the cattle with spurs, went to Austinville P.M. attended the funeral of S. Duater Goodrich, R. M. Clieney preached the sermon, thermometer at about 90.

Saturday, July 3, 1869 40

 The ground is rather too wet to sow buckwheat this afternoon, engaged my wool again to H. Ferguson at 45 cts.

4 Rode to meeting at Sylvania with Stephen B. discourse by Parson Palmer of Tioga Co. Univ., a very drying wind.

5 Continues dry, rather cool, finished sowing & harrowing in buckwheat 2 &  /160 acres south side of the road joining it & Stephen B’s land.

6 Cool early, took my wool 39 fleeces to Ferguson’s at Austinville, wt. One hundred & forty nine & a half lbs., did not receive the pay for it, bought these a codfish at 9-1/2 cts. the lb. .68 at Mills druggist 1 pt. Lard Oil .32  1 lb. Nitro, finished using the 28 tinted paint about the cornice etc. except about the stoop.

Wednesday, July 7, 1869 41

 Cool, hoed the carrots etc. (symbols) painted the columns about the stoop & nearly finished the painting.

8 Quite warm, Francis worked for me cultivating in the garden & corn field forenoon, considerable shower afternoon, I hoed in the garden part of the forenoon.

9 Rainy early this morning, rode to James B & the X Roads with Stephen B. made some inquiry about mowers having in view the purchase of one, P.M. the sunshines warm.

10 Slightly cool with sunshine, hoed the potatoes & corn west of the house.

11 Alternately cloudy & sunshine with little rain & drying wind, Aunt P. rode to JHC with Stephen B. and his folks.

Monday, July 12, 1869 42

 West to Austinville, got the horses shod to the amount , 50 cts., set the shoe on sorrel off hind foot & the two hind ones of Browns received of H. Ferguson 67.27 in payment for 149-1/2 lbs. sold to him last week bought of him two sacks of Onondago salt, price 25 cts. wt. 8 lbs. bought at Austin’s a whetstone shaped for a mower 15 cts., mailed a letter to the  Univ.  P.M. House enclosing pay for the 2.50 cts. for the Universalist. Proposed to H. Blood to buy a heifer of me.  P.M. went with Stephen B. to the X Roads to buy a new mower, they were sold out so we came home without one, perhaps shall get one Wednesday.

 Susan P.C. came here and picked some red raspberries.  Aunt P. went home with her - no rain today.

Tuesday, July 13, 1869 43

 Mowed a little in the front yard, a little rain after 11 o’clock A.M., several light showers afternoon.

14 Very dense fog, the following shows the profits of my sheep, the past year not reckoning the keeping or the shearing etc. the no. of sheep wintered is 40 sold 5 for mutton at 2.75 cts. each & 4 for 2.50 cts., amounts to $23.75 the wool weighed 152 lbs. sold it all but one small fleece which we retained at 45 cts. the lb. Which made the wool worth $68.39 leaving a surplus of 10 additional to the flock which at 1.50 cts. a head is $15.00 which foots up

 Wool -         68.39 and the
 9 head for mutton     23.75
    $ 107.14

 I paid $5.00 for shearing the 40 head which deducting would leave a fraction over $2.50 a head as profits.

Wednesday, July 14, 1864 44

 P.M. some unwell during the the day some showery towards night again, hoed & thinned the carrots.

15 Thunder showery this morn & warm, went to the X Roads & brought home a mower that I with brother Stephen bought of McClelland & Adams, the price is $110.00.  I paid 60.00 of it having more land to mow over.  Stephen paid 25 dollars down towards his part, showery after we got home.  Casper McClelland came up & put the machine used it some in my meadows below the garden, my sorrel mare did not perform well her colt being away from her so Stephen’s were first on the machine & mowed a little.

Friday July 16, 1869 45

 Some showery during the night with prospect of more, showery before noon, went to the P.S. & brought up the mail matter, bought a pint of lubricating oil 0.13.

17 A slight sprinkling of rain before breakfast, drew in the barn the hay cut the day before yesterday, the first drawn in this summer, no rain today.

18 Lowry with some sprinkling of rain, killed a fowl.  P.M.  No rain.

19 Some prospect of hay weather, P.M.  Francis worked for me with my team about 2 hours mowing & cultivated several rows of corn, no rain, hoed out nearly all the Swedish turnips.

20 Somewhat cool at sunrise

1869 Tuesday July 20 46

 Francis mowed for about 2 hours forenoon my team, P.M. raked up all the hay, no rain though there was thunder in hearing distance.  Bought of a Mansfield peddler half a dozen glass cans, Spinners at $3.00 the doz. & 5 ? boxes of matches at .10 each 2.00.

21 Found the top of the ground quite wet & some standing water from the heavy shower of last night, hoed some in the cornfield (symbols).  Mr. Smith came here with James B. to buy our second hand mower, did not make a bargain.  P.M.  Francis worked for me mowing & drew in one load of hay, raised the horse pitch fork & used it, the first this summer.

Wednesday July 21 47

 Susan P. C. & her girl picked red raspberries, some sprinkling of rain afternoon, grew cool towards night.

22 Quite cool, Francis finished mowing eastward down to the valley north side of the road, drew in two loads from the same lot, before noon continuous rather cool & cloudy nearly half the time.  P.M.  Worked alone raking & rolling up hay, not very good hay day though no rain.

23 Not so cool this morning.  Francis helped draw in two loads of hay (symbols).  P.M.  (1-1/2 lines of symbols.)  Picking berries turned & rolled up hay alone.  Francis helpt me draw in the last of hay that was cut.

Saturday July 24, 1869 48

 Signs of rain, hoed in the cornfield today, nearly finished it, the day passed off without rain.

1825 Warm, James B with Allan & his gr. child called on us & informed of the funeral of W. Young’s child less than two years old I think, a very dry wind & no rain.

26 Warm & dry, I got on to the mower & cut between 1 & 2 acres forenoon, being the first time I have used the mower myself, on the approach of a thunder shower Francis came & helpt roll up hay perhaps about one hour.  Almira also assisted, quite a smart shower before dark.

27 No rain during the night but a little sprinkling before breakfast with prospect of more lowry with some sprinkling of rain mixed with some sunshine during the forenoon.

Tuesday July 27, 1869 49

 Planted 6 or 7 varieties of hollyhock west of the house, afternoon alternate cloudy & sunshine without rain, finished hoeing in the cornfield.

28 Francis came this morning & mowed the middle of the S.W. meadow, we drew in one load before noon.  P.M. drew in another load & Francis pitched it off by hand over the stable, it was the first load he ever pitched off by hand, we then found there was a shower approaching after raking & rolling up some more than half that was down we were driven from the meadow by a shower.

29 A heavy shower the latter part of the night, no rain forenoon since light but the clouds indicate it.

Thursday July 29, 1869 50

 After dinner we were hastened to the meadow by an approaching threatening black cloud but in less than an hour a shower drove us to the house but succeeded with the help of Francis in rolling up the hay that was down or nearly all.  Felt a little touch of rheumatism, it became more troublesome in the evening, resorted to linament.

30 Quite cool, it having begun before night yesterday when Uncle & Aunt Gladding made a short call before sunset, found the rheumatism quite troublesome in my left shoulder, Francis came after dinner & helpt draw in & unload one load of hay went home & raked hay awhile then he & his father returned & unloaded it & drew in another load, being all that I have cut, did not unload it.

Friday July 30, 1864 51

 The rheumatism which has been in my left shoulder a day or two past has diminished considerably, weather continuous cool all day without rain.

31 Health not very good yet did nothing at haying none being down, no rain, somewhat cool.

Aug 1 Rather cool, went to Sylvania to hear Mr. Palmer, ill health prevented  his attendance, halted a few minutes at Mr. Gladdings & surveyed their display of flowers, no rain today.

2 Rather cool, weather doubtful.  Francis came about   o’clock or a little before to work, finished mowing the S.W. meadow forenoon drew in the hay from the above named meadow, Reckoned & settled the running accounts.  Stephen B. & Francis JGB

July Aug. 2, 1869 52

 & found due Francis including work done by them since the settlement with Stephen B.   25.95.  I paid him the same in money, he has helpt me some today which is unpaid, signs of rain tonight.

3 Stephen B. & Francis finished mowing & raked up & drew two loads of hay & put it on a stack at the east end of the barn myself laying the stack, another load they have rolled up ready to be drawn, very good hay day, there was a very slight sprinkling of rain about sunrise, I cut & drew some hemlock poles to lay on the top of the stack afternoon which I laid up

Wednesday Aug. 4, 1869 53

 Little cool helpt Stephen put the third loan (small ones) on my stack, he calls them enough to pay for the hay he had of me last spring.  I begun to mow in the valley east of the barn, stopt mowing little before noon on account of the approaching rain, covered the stack which is unfinished with six sheets, it rained quite moderately the greater part of the afternoon.

5 Continuous lowry though but little rain during the past night.  P.M.  I mowed in the valley east of the barn which finishes the mowing with me this year except some in different places by hand, cool during the day, at sunset becoming quite so threatening to produce a frost, our new mower has given good satisfaction, no expense

Friday Aug. 6, 1869 54

 Some frost was seen about the swamp, prospect of good hay day, no rain but quite cool & some cloudy hence poor hay weather.  Aunt P. came here from Mr. Gladdings, rolled (symbols).

7 Cool opened part of the hay ricks waited after noon a couple hours or so for S & Fr. B to help me in draw in hay.  Mr.        , who is soliciting subscribers for a Co. Map detained us some time with his description of the map.  I put down my name for one, the price is to be nine dollars, hauled two loads to the stack & unloaded one leaving the other load side of the stack for the stack to would settle

Sunday Aug. 8, 1869 55

 Cold enough for frost but cloudy & windy.  J. Morgan & J. H. Calkins & their folks visited us this afternoon, Aunt P. is unwell from taking cold, weather dry, buckwheat is suffering for want of rain, somewhat warm.

9 Prospect of a continued drouth.  Stephen B. delivered his flock of sheep, 17 in number, three of them are lambs which he gets, the remainder he gets two & a quarter dollars apiece.  Stephen B. helpt me draw & unload two loads of hay, which finishes haying, except the unloading of one load which is on the barn floor & perhaps I shall cut by hand a little near the house.  Paid Francis JGB to bal. Accts.  1.50   Dr. Ingham & Susan P.C. called little before night to ascertain the state of Aunt P’s health, who continues unwell.

Tuesday Aug. 10, 1869 56

 Drouth continues, mowed in the front yard before breakfast, applied an eave to the east end of the barn preparatory to putting a roof on the stack, very dry, thermometer little below 80 noon.

11 Some sign of rain, turned the milch heifers in the S.W. meadow, the grass has started up but very little since in it since it was mowed. Subscribed for a book “Wonders of the world”, W.W. Bloss agent.  Mrs. Cornell the elder & Mrs. A. Blood called a while the latter looked at my milch heifer with a view of buying, put a board roof on the stack.

12 Quite foggy with wind S.E.  I yesterday inoculated several, early harvest buds in the fruit grove, there was a very small sprinkling of rain quarter day towards night, it lasted a minute or so only.

Friday August 13, 1869 57

 Warm & dry with signs of rain, a light thunder shower middle forenoon, rained moderately with thunder an hour or so before noon, dry afternoon, Aunt P. went to Stephen B’s.

14 Rather cool early, went with S.A. to the north pasture & picked some blackberries.  Dr. Ingham took Aunt P. to Susan’s, Francis, cousin Asa came to S. B.’s this evening.

15 Some shower during the night & a very little this morning we intended to attend Mr. Palmer’s meeting in Sylvania but was prevented by the prospect of rain although we might have gone, we went to Uncle Gladding’s afternoon, Mr. Lewis a brother of Dayton S. called there, we started for home on the approach of a shower, which begun on our premises in less than five mts. after we got to the house & rained quite hard for a while.

16 Little cool & cloudy, measured the stem of Plantain 17 inches of it containing seed.

Monday Aug. 16 1869 58

 P.M. Cut a hemlock near the swamp to put under the shed door, found a small ledge of stones near the line fence next to Peleg P’s.  Let Stephen B. have a small dry pine near the east edge of the swamp for timber for his hog pen about to be built.

17 A very slight sprinkling of rain about sunrise wind westerly, burnt a brush heap near the little stone ledge that I found yesterday.  Almira went three & picked some blackberries.

18 Very foggy wind westerly, helpt S.B. bind his oats an hour before noon & afternoon, Asa Warner also helpt.

19 Quite warm & dry sent a letter & two papers to

Thursday Aug. 19, 1869 59

 J. W. Davis by Francis, who starts today for New England, the papers contained poetry by D. Bullock & J. Bird, thermometer at 85 in the shade at half past one.  P.M.  Went to Troy the building up on the ruins of the fire has changed the appearance very much not having been there since July the first I think since July the first I think, Long’s Tavern is progressing rapidly the plaistering considerably done, bought a quire of letter paper at Redington’s 0.25 got a grist of b.wheat left these seven weeks ago, took supper at J.H.C., Almira having stopped there.

20 Very warm, I neglected to note that yesterday H. Cogg set my watch with their time, it had gained five or six minutes since the second of April last, running not quite so close as from Nov. last to the fire.

Friday Aug. 20, 1869 60

 Inoculated 5 or 6, buds of early apple from J.H.Calkins’ orchard, thermometer at 84 at 9 o’clock at 90 about the middle of the day, helpt Stephen bind his oats afternoon a couple of drovers were along in pursuit of heifers or cows coming in during the ensuing fall thunder is heard in different directions but no rain here.

21 Thermometer at 74 before sunrise, no rain during the night, went to X Roads after breakfast after the mail matter.  SMP had been there after the Dr. ahead of me & taken the papers.  D Peckham begun cradling my wheat a little before noon.  I helpt SB unload part of a load of oats & load another.

Saturday Aug. 21, 1869 61

 P.M. showery nice for b.wheat & corn, grass needs much more.

22 Cloudy, no rain during the past night, therm at 64 at 7 A.M., P.P.’s 3 horses broke into my & S.B.’s enclosure different lots we put them in my stable where they remained till they were taken home by the owner.

23 Little cool at sunrise thermometer at 76 at noon, D. Peckham cradled most of my wheat, A.A. Bullock & family called on us before night & staid with the night except the oldest two children who staid at S.B.’s

24 Foggy & heavy dew.  P.P.’s 3 horses were in my pasture again, A.A.B. & folks started for home before noon.  Daniel finished cradling the wheat before noon.  I bound wheat a couple of hours.  (Symbols) S.B. helpt me rake & bind wheat   M    Afternoon except that

Tuesday Aug. 24, 1869 62

 we drew in a load of wheat just before night.

25 finished binding the wheat drew to the barn & fitted a beam to put over the barn floor.  P.M.  Stephen B. helpt me unload what the load drawn in yesterday & draw two more & unload one of them, which finishes the wheat harvesting, a thunder shower spread over us about 4 P.M.  It rained quite hard a short time, grass needs much more.

26 Somewhat cool & pleasant.  P.M.  Drew some stones from S.E. to relay the well top & underpining of the north part of the house.

27 Therm. at 48 a little before sunrise, drew a load of underpining stones from the N. & S afternoon, therm at 77 at 4 P.M.

Saturday Aug. 28 63

 Therm. at 70 gr. before 8 o’clock.  Yesterday br. Isaac called here with his youngest son before noon, he called again today & brought Aunt Peckham with him on his return home.  P.M. went to the delegate meeting, Aunt P. rode to J. M.’s with me, I was overtaken with a shower just before I reached home, it rained quite powerful half an hour or nearly.

29 Very little rain this morning.  P.P.’s 3 horses were in my pasture, the rain of yesterday we learn was productive more damage than I was aware. Daniel Bristol (SRGP 09017) was killed by lightning, also a cow of W. B. Watkins & two of Daniel Bradford’s trees were struck in different places, when I was returning home from Austinville & ascending the hill this side of the school house.

Sunday Aug 29, 1869 64

 & before the rain had reached where I was I could see the vivid lightning glare which made me very anxious to get home & under the protection of the lightning rod.

30 became some cooler, J.N.G. assisted me in examining the foot of J.B.’s horse, Nellie, to ascertain the location of her lameness, I drew some more nice faced stones for underpining for house well, etc., become quite cool

31 Quite cool but some windy & cloudy but for which there may have been some frost in some places in town, the weather at & before sunset threatens a frost, the weather looks more favorable this (symbols).

Wednesday Sept. 1, 1869 65

 Cool but no frost, J. Morgan passed here on his return home from Harrisburg, whither he & A. Adams had been to take H. C. Peckham to the insane asylum.

2 Went to James B.’s to learn something about the lameness of his mare that I am using this season, drew 3 loads of wood to the house & 1 load of nice faced stones from the N. pasture, it is a little less cool than it has been the three previous nights.

3 Weather moderated very much from the three previous mornings, they were nearly or quite cold enough for a somewhat destructive frost had there been no wind or clouds to prevent, turned my cows to bate in the N. meadow

Friday, Sept. 3 1869 66

 P.M. went to Austinville, paid my school tax (8.00) a dintion of 5 percent being made from the tax 8.42 an amount of the early payment also, paid C Tetter for setting six shoes, 4 on (symbols) 2 (symbols) (0.90).  C Tittin & wife called on us at sunset to see a heifer they talk of buying, concluded to buy.

4 Rather cool & very pleasant.  C Tetter came & got the 3 year old heifer all over white, which he bought last night & paid for it $55, the price.  P.M. attended the republican meeting in Troy, the speakers were Gov. Geary - ______ Scott, U.S. senator - Judge Kelley of Phil. & Hon. Gahisha A. Grow, the speakers were all excellent, the weather pleasant, the attendance large & orderly.

Sunday Sept. 5, 1869 67

 Pleasant dry & rather warm.  Byron Guthrie, his wife, her mother & sister O. Amand P. made us a visit today.  Mr. H. Bliss came with them & visited to G.P.

6 Warm & dry some cloudy forenoon, very light sprinkling of rain before noon, afternoon signs of rain without any, begun to rain the fore part of the evening moderately.

7 Warm & cloudy but little rain during the past night, rode to Troy with S.B., gave 28 cts. to the P.M. clerk to send for the Brad. Rp. From Aug. to after the election, bought half bu. of air slacked partly lime (0.25) & a pick 1.50 charged, bought at Grorhs 2-1/2 lbs. cheese (0.50) & a small codfish at N.&P. (0.22).  Aunt was brought here by JHC’s brother.

Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1869 68

 Quite a refreshing rain last night with prospect of more, Julius P.B. & wife took dinner with us also S.B. & Wife & James B.  JPB & W., who are on a visit to their friends in this country left our house before four P.M., it began to rain soon after they left, continuing about two hours, when the wind changed from a southerly direction to the N.W., quite a copius shower the latter part of the evening from the N.W.

9 Considerable cool, water standing in some places indicating a sufficient fall of rain to help grass (symbols), went with my pick & hoe & repaired the road some towards the school house & borrowed at Mr. Gladding’s a trowel, mixed up some mortar for stonework.  Aunt P & SAB visited to S.M.P.

Thursday, September 9, 1869 69

 rather cool & mostly cloudy, little rain just before night.

10 Little cool took down the stone work of the top of the well, some rainy, turned the sheep in the north meadow, enclosed $1.00 in a letter to Petting M. Bates & Co., Park Row, NY for P. T. Quin’s book on Pear Culture & the Hearth & Home for 3 months (1.00).

11 Cool & the sky nearly free from clouds, at work some on the stone work on top of the well.

12 Quite pleasant, took Aunt P & Almira to J. Morgan’s, Julius P.B. called there, we returned home leaving Aunt P. there, who will go home with Susan P.C., who also visited there.  J.M.’s brother Phinchas was there.

13 Warm, dry & pleasant, finished the stone work of the well except cap stone

Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1869 70

 Pleasant, mailed a Brad. Rep. To J.H. Bullock, date of paper Sept. 9, it is the first of a series of that as a campaign paper that I received, placed the cap stone on top of the well, pulled part of the beans, JHC came & got some of Aunt P. cloths, they are going to the Fair.

15 Pleasant but some cloudy. Self & Almira rode down to the X Roads in Giles P. carriage, took the cars about qr. Past noon, on arriving at Elmira went to A. Peckham’s, took refreshment, the RR fair to Elmira for self & Almira & back is 2.00, went on the fair ground about 2 P.M.  Almira accompanied, the two tickets of admission (0.80), among the novelties we saw was a wheel for spinning

Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1869 71

 wool which was so constructed that the performer operated it while sitting or standing at his or her option, when the thread was run out and sufficiently twisted, the spindle would move towards the operator, the thread at the same time winding out to the spindle approaching so near the operator that his hand would nearly or quite touch it when in running out & twisting another thread the spindle would recede from the operator during which as he turned the sheel as before & the thread becomes twisted it the spindle would approach the operator again.  Saw 3 corn shellers viz. Burroth-Cornells Improved (symbols) & Cauldwells Combined - one of the latter had a an oval shaped drum that contained

Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1869 72

 the spikes that shelled the corn I think it the best, saw a machine with an emery wheel to grind a mower scythe that I think is reliable, saw a lot of poultry somewhat similar to those that we have that were labeled “Java silk silken, they were not so desirable to look at, returned to & staid all night at A. Peckham’s, the weather has been during the day quite warm as well as very dusty.

16 Some cooler this morning early after breakfast, went with Almira & bought a basket at Dickenson’s on Lake St. with a cover to put glassware in (1.13), a butter stamp at (symbol) (0.35), bought at                    On (symbols) a couple of glass preserve (symbol) (1.00), also two doz. Glass __ (symbol) (1.20) we went on carpet binding (0.50) at Perry’s 1 lb. Tea (1.25)

Thursday, Sept. 16, 1869 73

 Went to the fair ground before noon, saw among other things the monster ox wt. 3,500 lbs., cattle of the Ayrshire Alderny & other breeds & sheep of the Cotswold -Southdown & other breeds, the emery grinder Palmers, for mowers, the Home Washer - another washer (name forgotten) with cast iron gearing, cogwheel more than 1 foot in diam. operated with a crank, improved, a good display of stoves, think the American, by Wm. Doyle Albany is a good one, the floral department was considered by some deficient in some respects but there was a beautiful display of some kinds especially of the dahlias, went with Almira towards night & found Asa Edwin at his boarding house, he is unable to work on account of a sore thumb

Thursday, Sept. 16, 1869 74

 went from thence to A. Peckham’s again & to in the fore part of the the depot in the evening, saw there among others Darius Davis of Providence on his way westward, Asa A. B. & his folks were waiting to take the cars for N.Y. on his way to Providence &, we took the cars which were late & much crowded rode up from X Roads in G. P.’s waggon & got home at twelve o’clock midnight.

Friday, Sept. 17, 1869 75

 Continuous quite warm, some rain towards night, a powerful rain in the evening & warm

18 Saturday 18 the ground is more thoroughly wet than since before haying it appears that the rain of of last evening did considerable damage to the roads including the rail roads, pulled some more beans in the garden, weather warm, killed a silken Java (symbol).

19 warm, some cloudy, JHC & folks & J. M. & w. & Albert called on us, took dinner also, Francis & M.E.

20 Continuous quite warm went to James B’s at dusk, took two letters to Julius, who started for the R.R. on his way home, brother Isaac goes with him on a visit of several weeks, Asa A.B. & family started last Thursday & A. Haven & wife went the next morning.

Tuesday, Sept. 21, 1869 76

 A thunder shower passed by us early this morning south of us sprinkling us but a little, lettered a sign to put up at my stall at the Church, several spills of very light rain during the day, continues warm.

22 Begun to sprinkle some about sunrise, talked of going to Troy, the prospect of rain (symbols), drew a stone from the south lot for a step at back east door & drew the step stone that has been used there to the front door for a step stone, went down to Mr. Gladdings & brought home Almira where she had been visiting, a little cooler tonight after having had several light showers during the day

Wednesday Thursday, Sept. 23, 1869 77

 Went to Troy with S.B. & W. bought a stone hammer $1.00, a doz. Fruit Cans glass at R.M. & L. holding a qt. each $2.25 sixteen lbs. of light brown sugar at 16 cts.  2.56 - one Tea canister at Eighny & Gray, (0.20) where I bought the hammer above noted, a bunch of envelopes & a cake of Yankee soap at Redington’s about 18 cts., the purchases amounting to 7.11.

24 Selected some seed corn and shocked it up in the field, cloudy & warm, measured the Castor Bean again, found the height to be 7-10/19 ft. & still growing luxuriously.  Francis B. cradled part of my buckwheat, cloudy & warm without rain.

25 Cloudy & quite warm, yesterday I applied the last of the linament to James’ mare, Nellie.

Saturday, Sept. 25, 1869 78

 Rode with Stephen down to the Taylor School house attended the meeting of the Universalist Society to choose delegates to the Association before we left a woman stuck up a notice of for a musical Concert.  P.M. rode with Stephen to the caucus for the nomination of republican town officers.

26 Arose this morning about three o’clock troubled with sore throat & a cold, found it raining, Aunt P. returned from Elmira last evening about 11 o’clock.  Francis brought her here from Cross Roads, it is now 11 A.M., raining & has without intermission since I arose, about noon the wind changed from an easterly direction to N.W. & before night the rain storm terminated.

Sunday Sept. 26, 1869 79

 Wrote a letter this eve to Alvora & Clauson pub. of Brad. Rep. informing them of the failure of the above papers coming to P.O. for me, also wrote one to Rev. J. B. Gilman of Manchester, Michigan.

27 Wind N.W. little cloudy quite cool indicating the probability of a front tomorrow morn, sent the above noted letters to the P.O. by Stephen, begun cutting up the corn.  Furman finished cutting the buckwheat a little more than 2 acres, paid (1.00)

28 Some frost on the rails & other wooden articles but nothing killed about my house.

29 Less cool no frost visible (symbols), attended t he meeting of the N.B. association of Universalists at Sylvania, sermon by S(L?) Paine of Alleghany

Wednesday Sept. 29, 1869 80

 County, N.Y. forenoon & by L.F. Porter afternoon, J.B. Gitman of Manchester, Washtenaw Co. Michigan is announced as the preacher this evening, the weather during the entire day has been superbly pleasant.

30 Did not attend meeting last evening, very pleasant moring morning, got to the meeting house at about 10 A.M., sermon in the morning by W. B. Randolf, P.M. by N. Doolittle, a collection was taken 65 dollars, place of meeting the next year Sheshequin.  Clergyman present - S(L?) Paine - N. Doolittle - J. S(L?) Palmer - S(L?) B. Randolf - J. B. Gilman - S(L?) F. Porter - R. W. Chuncy

Friday Oct. 1, 1869 81

 Continues extremely pleasant, raked up buckwheat & shocked up corn forenoon

2 Pleasant, raked buckwheat part of forenoon.  Ed. Bullock & his sister of Tioga Co. called on us about the middle of the day, he went home towards night, our folks & J. Morgan - JHC & their folks & Aunt Gladding with Jerusha, her daughter, visited at Stephen B., Cloudy with some sprinkling of rain before night.

3 It looks as it has rained considerable during the past night & continued without intermission till nearly 8 o’clock A.M., did not attend Mr. Paine’s meeting in Sylvania, cloudy during the entire day

Monday Oct. 4, 1869 82

 Rainy during the past night & some wet since day light, went to P.P.’s & informed him of his line fence needing repairing, handed to J.N. Gladding a Twenty Dollar bill from which he is to take Fifteen Dollars to apply toward the expense of the burial ground fence for my half of a section & the whole section of my brother Samuel, deceased, growing cooler, (symbols)

5 Cloudy & rather windy a little wet in the morning, cut up some corn.

6 Some frost the first this fall that killed anything on my place & this but slightly destructive, the pumpkin vines in my field are not half killed, did not attend the political republican (symbols) Austinville


Thursday Oct. 7, 1869 83

 Frost again similar in its effect to the one yesterday, finished raking the buckwheat.

8 Begun threshing b.wheat.

9 Pleasant & mild, threshed b.wheat very nice time (symbols), looks like a change of weather , Julius’ wife called on us a few minutes having been at Stephen B’s (symbols)

10 Looks like rain this morn, went to church, Helen B. rode with us.  S. Paine preacher, some showery, spent the eve with Almira & Helen at G.P.’s

11 Cool with a little frost on the rails, etc., set a cherry hitching post at the S.W. corner of the garden, very drying wind afternoon, some threshed b.wheat

Tuesday Oct. 12, 1869 84

 Cloudy & little rainy, went to election voted for Gov. Geary, etc., also for town officers, the first time under the new law at the time of electing state officers, lowry & some rainy through the day & evening, less cool latter part of the day.

13 Went to Troy, Almira & Helen went rode down wit the Bryans Mingyini & Circus exhibited there, bought half a dozen two qt. glass fruit cans of N. & Peck at 25 cts. apiece, they the “Gem” with glass covers & other articles amounting to (1.85), did not go in to the show, returned home & drew the pumpkins to the house, weather become quite cold & threatens a destructive frost, thermom.at 45 (symbols)

Thursday Oct. 14, 1869 85

 Cloudy & some air stirring, no frost of consequence, dug some holes for fruit trees that I expect soon, SVP spent the even with Helen, some rainy this eve

15 But few clouds to be seen at sunrise, no rain forenoon.  P.M. threshed b.w.  Francis helped (symbols)

16 Finished threshing b.wheat alone.  Almira took Helen B. home with Mr. Gladding’s horse & buggy, weather cool.

17 Quite cool some frost perhaps the most destructive we have had though not thoroughly so, some ice.

18 Cold with ice & some frost, vegetation nearly all killed that is liable to by frost, pigeon berry plants are injured but little, the castor bean not entirely, drew down two loads of wood, a little snow was seen in the air (symbols).

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1869 86

 The roofs of buildings etc. are whitened some with snow, we had quite a thick snow squall forenoon, JHC brought Aunt P here, Francis helpt me clean up the b.wheat after noon for which & his threshing for me half a day I paid him (.80)
 F. Newberry called and took my assessment today, gathered the remainder of the Louisa Bon DeJer dwarf pears which bore excessively some over a bushel.

20 Some ice, gathered (symbols), the remainder of the Duchess pears produced about a bushel, prospect of a frost this eve.

21 The first really thorough frost this fall on my place that is about the house.

22 Rode to Troy with S.B.  Took a grist of b.wheat to mill

Friday, Oct. 22, 1869 87

 Bought articles various (2.20) sold a tub of butter to R.M. & L. wt. 45 lbs., did not test it (18.90)

23 Rainy this morn.  S. wind, rainy most of the fore noon, measured some b.wheat to take to market, no clear sky today till towards night when the wind changed from S. to W. when it became clear W & N.W. with prospect of drier weather.

24 Pleasant & not very cold.  Isaac F.B. called on us the first time since he returned from his visit at the east, growing colder the latter part of the day, spent the eve with Almira at Stephen B.  Mr. Luu & his w. being there.

Oct. 25, 1869, Monday 88

 Took Leventun bus. buckwheat Vieles mill sold it for 75 cts. for bu. ($12.79) bought of R.M.&L. a bbl. of salt. (3.00)  Jas. B. rode home with me, cold & chilly riding.  Sold to C Grorh a ½ bu. romanite apples for thirty eight cts. took pay (.38) in sugar.

26 Thermom. At 24 (symbols) under the stoop about 6 degrees lower than the coldest this fall, Stephen B. & (symbol) & her father & mother & James B visited with us this afternoon.

27 Went to Troy took Aunt P. to JHC who took six cabbages to Troy.  They were weighed yesterday with all the leaves on that had not fallen off.  The roots were on also but cleaned of all dirt & weighed severally as follows - 37¾ tbs.-29¼ - 28¼ - 27¾ - 27¼ - 26¼.

Thursday Oct. 28, 1869 89

 Found the market for cabbages in Troy glutted, an Irishman offered me for the largest one before noted ten cents when another man at his side immediately offered for the same twenty five cents.  Made considerable inquiry for a market for them & sold them to Lewis for $1.00 six in no., concluded I should not soon offer any for sale in Troy market, took a large size cabbage to Stephen B. who is soon going to start for the cars & accompany Mr. & Mrs. Luce to their home, about one o’clock p.m. we had quite a thick snow squall from the west which soon whitened the ground the first time this fall.  Continued to snow some all the afternoon, covering the ground more than one inch deep, the amount of several inches having thawed as it fell.  Weather more moderate towards night and in the evening.

Friday, Oct. 29, 1869 90

 Cloudy at sunrise scarsely froze any last night, grows colder.

30 Very cold & windy all day, thermom. Not above 28 under the stoop all day.

31 Not so windy nor quite so cold as yesterday, thermom. At 28 about sunrise, continues cloudy as it has for several days past, went with Almira to Uncle Gladding from thence I went to James B, saw there WAB & his young wife, some sunshine the latter part of the day, the sky clear of clouds at sunset with prospect of milder & pleasanter weather which is very much to be desired.

1 Cloudy, little sunshine before noon, gathered apples.  Mr.          delivered to me the Brad. Co. Atlas which

Monday, Nov. 1, 1869 91

 I had previously subscribed for paid for it nine dolls. (9.00), gathered apples.

2 gathered apples commenced digging potatoes, postponed for warmer weather, Almira begun transplanting tulips etc., mixture of sunshine & cloudy, the latter predominated.

3 The weather has been moderating the last day or two with prospect of Indian summer without the realisation, the latter part of today has been very much like an Indian summer, dug potatoes & gathered a few apples.

4 Indian summer, dug potatoes.

5 finished digging potatoes buried some in the garden, they wer early Goodrich-Prince Alb. - Guernsey - a for pink eye rusty wet - Merino (symbols)

Friday, Nov. 5, 1869 92

 The kind of potatoes that I think of planting next year are early rose - early Goodr. Guernsey - pink eye rusty coat & - Merinoes, weather a cool Ind. summer with prospect of a close

6 Wind N.W. & quite cool the Ind. sum. having disappeared & some snow squalls fore noon.

7 Ground whitened a little with snow & quite cold & windy, continued cold & windy all day & evening with light flurries of snow considerable part of the time, copied & transposed Home sweet home with variations from Petersons Magaz. Dec. no. 1863.

8 Continues quite as windy & nearly as cold as yesterday, therm. under the stoop rising no higher than about 28, the weather (symbols)

Monday, Nov. 8 93

 Went to the Cross Roads & rec,d of G. W. Pierce the trees engaged of him the 30th of June, took extra pains to guard against their freezing by covering with blankets & buffalocs paid 8.00.

9 Nearly a calm, therm. at 29 before sunrise, clouds some broken set out all of the fruit trees & briers except the quince, the funeral of W. Kinkey took place today.

10 Froze some cloudy with an occasional sight at the sun, placed a sleeper under the cow shed door, some snow flakes flying in the air, but little snow to be seen on the ground which has hardly been completely covered yet any time.

11 Some thick snow squalls forenoon

Friday, Nov. 12, 1869 94

 More moderate therm. but little below freezing, drew a load of hemlock wood & put under the shed & kept the waggon orchard to receive the apples, cloudy forenoon cold, raw wind all day & cloudy.

13 Thermom. At 24 at sunrise which I think is about as cold as any morning this fall, become much warmer by night, snow flakes falling occasionally during the day, the ground becoming a little whitened in the evening, wind easterly.

14 Ground covered with snow two inches deep, snow has been falling moderately most of the day without increasing the depth devoted a part of the evening to altering the melody of the variation last main of Home sweet home that I had copied from Peterson Mag. Dec. no. 1863

Monday, Nov. 15, 1869 95

 Cloudy nearly all day overhead no thaw of any consequence, begun threshing spring wheat, some snow flurries in the air.

16 Cloudy forenoon water drops very little from the snowy roofs, threshed some wheat, the wind changed from N.W. to S.E. & begun to snow before night.

17 Raining this morn & probably did most of the night, wind continuous easterly the ground mostly covered with snow yet no storm of consequence since morning wind S.W. & some sunshine, picked up some apples.

18 Spent the Thanksgiving today at home to work, quite windy forenoon, little sunshine.  P.M. less wind & more sunshine, dug the carrots put some  up cellar

Friday, Nov. 19, 1869 96

 Cold early therm. at 25 sunrise, growing warmer becoming almost an Indian summer before noon, drew half or more of the corn shocks in the bar for husking.

20 Rainy this morn & has through most of the past night with wind I think S.E. a little before 8 A.M. the whirled around to N.W. with a little snow & soon the sun could be dimly seen, husked some corn for a grist the first this fall.

 P.M. dug & heaped up & partly covered the greater part of the Swedish sweet turnips, the wind changed to S.W. & less cold though some snow (symbols)

21 Cloudy & rather cold, Aunt Gladding & JNG spent part of the day with us, little or no clear sunshine or thaw.

22 Therm. at 23 before sunrise drew two loads of wood in shed

Monday, Nov. 22, 1869 97

 Ground whitened with an inch or more of snow which fell the fore part of the night.

23 Bought a couple pieces of broad cloth of a peddler for which I paid him, there is three & a half yards (22.00), in each piece, color brown & blue mixed, both pieces double width, borrowed of S.B. seven dollars to make out the payment.

24 Ground 5 or 6 inches depth of snow on it, wind round to N.W. no thaw scarcely discernable, cloudy till towards night, therm. at 22 the fore part of the evening.

25 Thermom. At 15 after light & in sitting room at 40, husked some corn but rather cold work though in the barn & dry.

26 Therm. at 28 at 6 o’clock, cloudy with a little clear sky

27 Therm. at 38 before sunrise

Saturday, Nov. 27, 1869 98

 Plowed cleared out drains the west side of cow shed & of the barn west end & side of the other shed, grew colder little before night, considerable windy with little snow helpt Almira pick up some cider apples.

28 Self & Almira rode to Sylvania church with S.B., J.B. Gilman delivered a missionary discourse, some subscriptions were obtained ranging in amount from five to thirty dollars the sun shone the most of the afternoon which was quite a rarity.

29 Thermom. At 30, little rain about the middle & latter part of the day, got the cider apples all under shelter of roof.

30 No freeze last night but windy with some rain

Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1869 99

 Sorted over on the kitchen floor & took to the cidermill in Austinville 16 bus. apples though the lad that kept tally made them little over 13 bus. could not get cider to take home, got both horses shod all around, price (1.60), paid him (Mr. Tetter), lacking ten cents not having enough with me, rainy several hours afternoon.

1 Little cooler begun to freeze middle forenoon, placed the door stop at the east bank door.

2 Therm. (symbols) at 22 cloudy, took 4 bus. buckwheat, 2 of wheat & 1 of new corn to mill & brought it home ground, it snowed moderately most of the day without accumulating two inches in depth, went in the gazette office, did not pay for the paper the ensuing year, perhaps shall

Thursday, Dec. 2, 1869 100

 There is an auction in operation in Troy this week, Cowan, the Elmira auctioneer is selling, borrowed of Aunt P ten dollars in money, bought for her two cake turners at 15 cts. each

3 Therm. at 20 before sunrise, partly cloudy.  I find on looking at sunrise the therm. stands at 17 ½ or 18, paid S.B. seven dolls. Which I borrowed of him.  The 23 ult. To pay for broadcloth, also sent to him to pay for ?.20 the Brad. Reporter to date & order its discontinuance.

4 Cloudy therm. at 16 the sky was nearly clear of clouds last evening, wind N.W. & the therm. I think at 14 with prospect of sinking down to about 10, but the wind is S.W. this morn

Saturday, Dec. 4, 1869 101

 Windy afternoon, removed most of the stones from near the door step east intoked the stack & banked up the house

5 Therm. at 30 mostly cloudy some snowy during the day, went with Almira to JHCalkins.  J Morgan & W & children were there also, the latter on their way to Troy school.  Aunt P paid for the cake turners (30cts.) that I bought for her in Troy.

6 Yesterday weather was moderate.  Today it is colder, snowing more or less all forenoon.  Therm. at 14 bed time.

7 Clear therm. at 8 above before sunrise, snow about 5 or 6 inches deep, begun pickling cabbage.

8 Cloudy therm. at 24 (symbols), no wind, went to Austinville paid Chas. Teeter what was unpaid (.10), got 37 gallons of cider, drew two loads of firewood.

Thursday Dec. 9, 1869 102

 Clear sky & still thermom. At 22 hence very pleasant, drew several loads of stove wood to the house, boiled down some cider, kettle being outdoors.  Though sunshine & no wind, all day it thawed but little.

10 Some hazy clouds overhead.  Therm. at 22 no wind.  Drew 3 loads of firewood, some thawy but a thin coat of snow yet covers the ground in our fields.

11 Cloudy therm. at 34 (symbols), found J.B. old mare which have used for several month cast in my stable unable to get up, on being put in position went to J.B. & left word of that fast, thawy all day.

12 Some cloudy no freeze last night.  Found J.B.’s mare not living.  He & boys came up & drew it away & took home her colt.

Monday, Dec. 13, 1869 103

 Cloudy froze but very little, troubled some with chilblain on top of the great toe on the left foot, husked some corn, it has been growing cold somewhat all day, some foggy.

14 The fog of last night is changed to frost with which the trees are loaded, cloudy all forenoon, the frost remaining on the trees all day, cloudy all day, set up the fence posts at the end of the old shop, the moon & some stars shone dimly this eve.

15 Cloudy, found my watch stopt this morn, uncovered & uncapped the conductor of water of the S.W. spring & put it in good order for a cold winter except the application of straw which I intend to give it, rain with some sleet & snow in the evening.

16 Rainy during the past night, wind easterly, my chilblain on

Thursday, Dec. 16, 1869 104

 great toe of the left foot is troublesome, my watch started again on putting it in my pocket, it probably needs oiling, nothing having been done for it since a year last Sept. 4th.

17 Rode to Troy with S.B., he took down & sold to the X Roads two tubs of butter at 40 cts., the streets are muddy in Troy, made inquiry at the market price of apples & poultry.

18 Froze but little, helpt S.B. thresh oats, it began to snow before noon, were obliged to stop threshing at noon as it snowed constantly & continued all day & drifted some towards night.

19 It snowed but little during the night, the depth is from 0 to 10 inches, but the wind has made so much bare ground that it is better wheeling than sleighing, but little windy.

Sunday, Dec. 19, 1869 105

 Still moderate & pleasant this eve, the moon shining considerable of the time.

20 Cloudy not very cold, helped S.B. finish thrash his oats, some snow squally forenoon, S.B. helped me kill a mutton, more clear sky this eve than in the day time

21 Cloudy not very cold, killed & dressed for Troy market 14 fowls, some snow falling afternoon.

22 Rainy this morning continuing without intermission till nearly 11 o’clock A.M., when there a cessation for a few minutes when the wind which easterly suddenly whirled to S.W. with rain & snow awhile, rode to Troy with Francis, I took 6 bus. of apples to Davidson & McCabe, they gave 75 cts. per bu., bought of him 3 ½ lbs. cheese 70 cts., candy at 40 cts. per lb. Both .90

Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1869 106

 Sold 14 dressed chickens wt. 39 lbs. to Chas. Grose at 10 cts. per lb. (3.90), sold a side of mutton to S.W. Pierce, weighing 21 lbs. at 8 cts. (1.68), sold to Dewey & Winsted the sheepskin that I butchered this week at $1.00 & an old one a little damaged for 75 cts., paid Aunt P for money borrowed (5.00)

23 Cloudy, put plows harrows & overhead in the shed &, growing some colder, my chilblain toe is slowly getting better but yet quite sore

24 The sky mostly covered with clouds though about clear last eve at bed time & early this morn, little cloudy afternoon & growing warmer.  Francis brought over one & a part sleigh loads of corn being the last of the corn they have husked of my corn

Friday, Dec. 24, 1869 107

 He brought 6 bus. of oats that he lets me have for corn had of me.

25 Weather moderate, this day is made the occasion of celebrating the anniversary of Christmas by Aunt Peckham & by children by the exhibiting of a Christmas tree in our house, the children & grand children of Aunt P. were all present viz. Four children & nine gr. children.  Stephen B. & family four in no. & A. A. Bullock & wife, who happened to be in the vicinity & the four consorts of Aunt P., children also, Aunt P., Almira & myself, making the no. present twenty six, there was an attractive exhibition of articles including the ornamental & the useful especially the latter, amounting in value to

Saturday, Dec. 25, 1869 108

 the buoyant & exhilerated feelings that pervaded the assembly after the supper & the distribution of the presents was manifested in by the subyouthful portion of those present in a display of music with instruments adapted to their age much to the enjoyment of those present.

26 Moderate, A.A.B. & W. left here intending to return home today.  A.P. stays with us tonight, the others all left.

27 Husked corn a little today, muddy.

28 Husked some corn, continues muddy towards night the wind changed from E. where it has been to N. or N.W. with prospect of being cooler, it rained some last night.

29 Froze some last night, cloudy, husked some corn.  A. Peckham & his two boys called here awhile, cloudy all day wind N.W.

Thursday, Dec. 30, 1869 109

 Moderately cold, cloudy, finished husking my corn.

31 Wind N.W. but partly cloudy, moderately cold, clouds curdly indicating a storm air warmer.

Jan 1, 1870.  Continuous moderate for winter signs of snow, drew some stove
 wood with my sorrel mare hitched to the sleigh, having lashed a pair of fills to it, drew several loads afternoon, clouds look some like rain.

2 Raining before light, continued with but very little intermission till towards night when the wind changed from S.E. to S.W. with a heavy shower the clouds breaking away, showing a little sunshine.

3 There was a fall of snow last eve, quite windy during the entire past night, the snow 1 inch deep.

Monday, Jan. 3, 1870 110

 Continues somewhat windy.  I can now wear my untie shoe on the foot of my chilblain toe (the left foot) quite comfortably, the wind has become quite calm this evening.

4 Cloudy through the day with some clear sky cleared off the barn floor to begin threshing.  Rev. J. B. Gilman in co. with JNG called on us a few minutes, my chilblain toe has not troubled any today with wearing an untie the first time in about three weeks.

5 Thermom. at about 22 not much cloudy, repaired a length of board fence on the east side of the lane dug off the frozen earth & drew in a new hemlock post found the frost about 3 inches deep, attended a meeting of the proprietors of the Cemetery near Mr. Gladdings, most of the proprietors were present, cloudy P.M.

Thursday Jan. 6, 1870 111

 Wind S.W. cloudy, light snow squalls, in Irishman in pursuit of work called on us & took dinner.

7 Therm. about 14, little more than one inch of snow fell since dark last (symbol), cloudy all day with no snow.  Comfortably cold, handed Stephen B. in payment for the Rural American (1.00) for the ensuing year, received of him a copy of the Department of Agriculture for the the year 1867.

8 Therm. at 20 begun threshing my spring wheat with flail some snow squalls some of them tedious.

9 Therm. at 10 above, hazy clouds towards night, 1 inch snow

10 Therm at 20, no snow the past night, begins to snow from S.W. at 8 a.m.  J.B. called awhile early afternoon.  Also JNG on his way to Springfield

Monday, Jan. 10, 1870 112

 David Brown, Irishman began threshing spring wheat for me today.  JNG called in the eve for me to write a transfer of the lower half of his section in the burial ground to John Howland, price five dollars.

11 Therm but little below freezing point.  David Brown the Irishman who called on me last week, began threshing for me today.

12 Some rainy during the last evening & night, quite warm for winter, drew several loads of wood & put under the shed, cloudy during the day with but very little clear sky, some sprinkling of rain.

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By Joyce M. Tice
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