Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of the Tri-Counties
Smithfield Township, Bradford County PA
Fannie Gerould Diary 1881 - Part Two
Diary: Fannie Gerould
Township: Smithfield, Bradford County PA
Year: 1881 May to August
Submitted by Ruth Walton
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Book 2

The Empire State DIARY


Published for the Trade

Sunday, May 1

Quite chilly this morning and clouds towards night, growing a little warmer. This evening it rained considerable and very very dark. I arose about 8 o’clock and after breakfast prepared for church. I went to the Congregationalist Church and heard Rev. Phelps, with Cousin Clara. Then down to Disciple to Sunday School and communion. I called down to see Uncle William on my way home. I found Charley at our house when I reached home. He stayed untill nearly 10 o’clock. I retired immediately after he went away.

Monday, May 2

Rainy morning and untill noon then cleared of finally the sun set clear. Quite warmish this forenoon and cooler in the afternoon. I arose at 6 o’clock and after breakfast prepared to go to school. I commenced a summer school down in Keeler holler again with 8 scholars. The day passed of pleasantly after school I went home with Gertie Keeler to stay over night and found their little boy very very sick so I assisted them what I could in taking care of him. I feel very tired and sleepy too.

Tuesday, May 3

Pleasant morning and day: but the wind blew quite chilly most of the time and this evening quite coldish. I arose about 1/2 past 6. Gertie Keeler slept with me last night. Ray is some better this morning: but very sick yet. I went to school in good season which passed of pleasantly with the addition of 5 new scholars. After school at night I went home to Etta Keelers to stay over night. I had a very pleasant visit before time for bed also chewed gum some for fun. I feel some weary tonight.

Wednesday, May 4

Pleasant day and some chilly especially in the forenoon. In the afternoon some warmer. Roads very dusty and farmers in a hurry to sow their oats. I arose this morning at 1/2 past 6 and prepared for breakfast in a hurry after which I crocheyed some before schooltime. School passed of pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Will Keelers to stay over night. I read some in the Chautauquan after school and before supper also after supper while Etta done the chores. In the evening I crocheyed a while and retired in good season feeling very tired.

Thursday, May 5

Pleasant untill about noon then cloudy the remainder of the day and looks very much like rain tonight. I arose about 1/2 past 6 and had to hurry some to be ready for breakfast at 7. After breakfast I crocheyed some untill schooltime then went to school which passed of pleasantly with the addition of 1 new scholar. After school I returned to Mr. Will Keelers to stay over night. Supper was ready when I reached their and after supper I read some in the Chautauquan aloud to Mrs. Keeler. I retired about 9 o’clock very tired and sleepy too.

Friday, May 6

Cloudy day. And quite rainy this morning and forenoon. Some chilly this afternoon. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and after breakfast I read some in the Chautauquan then went to school which passed of very pleasantly. Charley came and took me home at night. When I reached there I found Cousin Clara Minnie Addie and Mother nearly sick and I had to take some care of them, especially Addie. I heard the sad news of Uncle William’s death when I was coming home. Lantie was here this evening and brought us some meat.

Saturday, May 7

Pleasant day and quite warm, seeming considerable like summer. I arose this morning sometime between 7 and 8 o’clock and after breakfast proceeded to do my share of the housework which was quite a bit today. Ma was better today. This P.M. after my work done I took a bath and changed my apparel. Cousin Clara is here and nearly sick with a cold. Addie and I went down town just at night. Aunt Dell and her mother called this evening. Grandma came to stay all night. I am very very tired tonight as usual.

Sunday, May 8

Pleasant day and quite warm, uncomfortably so out in the sun. Grandma slept with me last night and this morning I arose at 1/2 past 6 and after breakfast prepared for the funeral of Uncle William which took place today. It was the largest one I ever attended, held in the Disciple church and the sermon by Rev. Encil. He was buried under Masonic Orders. We got around home about 2 o’clock then prepared dinner. Charley Brainard was here as a matter of course. I had the sick headache tonight so did not attend church this evening.

Monday, May 9

Pleasant most of the day and quite warm. In the afternoon or just at night we had a thundershower and how fast the leaves put forth is wonderful. I arose about 1/2 past 6 and prepared myself for to go to school. Mr. Joralemon came about 1/2 past 7 and I reached the schoolhouse at 1/2 past 8. but did not build any fire. Cousin Clara went to Milan in the stage also Mrs. J. and Dick Tracy were in same besides myself. I had 3 new scholars making 16. School passed of pleasantly after which I went down to Mr. S. Burnside where I intend to board this week.

Tuesday, May 10

Pleasant and another warm day although some breeze from the west. A thunder shower went around us about 3 P.M. cooling the air a little. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and had breakfast at 7. At quarter past eight started for school which passed of quite pleasantly although I did not feel any too good or clever. After school I returned to Mr. Burnsides to stay over night. I finished reading "Cicero" tonight and Rachel and I retired soon as dark and I feel very tired and cross also _____. It is so warm.

Wednesday, May 11

Pleasant and very warm. We had quite a thunder shower in the night or about 8 o’clock this morning. I arose about 1/2 past 6 and eat breakfast nearly 8 o’clock afterwards started for school which passed of very pleasantly. After school I came back to Mr. Burnsides to stay over night. I helped Mrs. B. some about her calico dress and in the evening we came up to the school house to hear Rev. King preach and think it about 1/2 past 9 when we got back. I feel very tired and almost sick.

Thursday, May 12

Rainy this morning and quite a shower too. Making it muddy. Quite warm and uncomfortably so. I took breakfast at 8 afterwards helped Mrs. B. a little on a waste then hastened my steps toward the schoolhouse and got caught in a shower. When school called I built a fire to dry of the boys they got wet coming to school. I was some late. School passed of pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Burnsides and found Mrs. Decker their and her two boys. I am tired tonight.

Friday, May 13

Pleasant day and warm though not so much so as yesterday. The wind blew quite strongly making it cooler. Some cloudy towards night. School passed of very pleasantly after which I walked home for a change arriving their about 6 o’clock and feeling very tired. Ma had had the garden plowed today. Addie was up to Mr. Tilden and she came a piece with me. I heard of M. Bullock and Lill Doty’s marriage tonight. I feel so very very tired tonight that I shall retire early.

Saturday, May 14

Cloudy part of the time and when the sun did shine it was hot. Scarcely any wind during the day. It looks muchly like a rain tonight, and finally did about 11 o’clock. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and after breakfast we all went out in the garden to work. We finished planting some before noon and in the P.M. I finished my sun bonnet. Also took a bath and changed my wardrobe. Addie came home tonight to stay next week. She and I went down town just at night. We had a good sing this evening.

Sunday, May 15

The rain in the night cooled the air of considerable for today. Cloudy most of the time and towards night it rained again. I arose about 8 o’clock and after breakfast prepared myself for church. Grandma came down a while before church time. Also Charley came and went to church with me. I staid through all the services today. Charley came home with me and staid untill 10 o’clock this evening. We did not attend church this evening cause it was some rainy.

Monday, May 16

Cloudy and rainy today. Also quite chilly. Wind plenty tonight. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and prepared for to go to school. Soon after breakfast Mr. Joralemon came for me. I was the only passenger today except Mr. Prince a little ways. School passed of very pleasantly after which I came to Mr. Sherman Burnsides where I intend boarding again this week. I did nothing but rest and retired a little after eight feeling sleepy.

Tuesday, May 17

Cloudy and rainy still and very chilly. It rained most of the time and grew cold towards night. I arose about 7 o’clock and after "hash" in about 20 min. of nine started for school. School passed of very pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Burnsides. And after supper I cut and fitted the lining to a basque for Allie Burnside. I had splendid luck. I retired at about 1/2 past 8 feeling some tired as well as cross. It is still raining or was a few min. ago.

Wednesday, May 18

Rainy part of the day and cloudy. Also chilly if not cold. It tried to clear of towards night but rained again before dark. I arose at 1/2 past 6. School passed of pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Burnsides to stay over night. I found Minnie Burnside and her mother their. I sewed for Mrs. Burnside until dark then we played dominoes a while untill 9 o’clock. Then I retired feeling very tired as usual. It is raining again.

Thursday, May 19

Rainy part of the day and quite coldish all the time. Cloudy all day. At night it looked some like clearing of. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and after breakfast I basted some more on Allies dress. Then went to school which passed of pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Burnsides to stay over night. Allie went to a party so Rachel slept with me. We played French Euchre a while before I went to bed. I read in the Tongue of Fire some tonight. I feel some tired.

Friday, May 20

Cloudy most of the day though the sun did shine a few times: but did not rain any I believe. I arose at 1/2 past 6 this morning and read a while before breakfast and after in "The Tongue of Fire." I started for school at 1/2 past 8. Received a note from Charley. School passed of pleasantly after which I started home afoot but got a chance to ride a ways with Orville Kellogg and Ellen and walked the rest of the way. I found our folks cleaning house and Mrs. Marvin there. Minnie and I went down to Mrs. Peck to C. S. S. C. this evening.

Saturday, May 21

Rainy all day and think it hardly stopped during the day. Quite chilly so much so we had to build a fire to keep comfortable. I arose at 1/2 past 7 and after breakfast went to work on a blouse waist for myself & finished same before night. Ernie went down to Brainards, Freddie to Grandpas. The rest of us at home sewing the rest of the day. Aunt Malvina and Eva came in a while this afternoon. Freddie came back at night. I finished reading "The Tongue of Fire" or nearly so tonight. We had some chorus singing this evening.

Sunday, May 22

Cloudy this morning and cleared of before noon: but had one or two showers during the afternoon. Quite chilly all day. Ernest came home also Charley came with him. I did not attend church at all today so done up the morning work. Addie went and Minnie. Charley went with them. Ma went over home with Lanties folks to stay untill tomorrow night. C. was here to dinner as usual. I read some in the "Art of Speech" this afternoon. And visited the rest of the time. I have a fearful cold on my lungs.

Monday, May 23

Cloudy part of the day and the wind blew some chilly this forenoon, but it grew warmer towards night. The sun set clear for once. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and prepared for school and accidentally missed the stage so Ernest went up to Rev. Tildens and he let him drive his horse down to bring me. I reached here at 20 min. before 10 A.M. School passed of very pleasantly although I had a fearful headache. After school I came to Mr. A. Keelers where I intend boarding this week. Mr. & Mrs. K. were gone until nearly dark..

Tuesday, May 24

Pleasant and quite warm. The thermometer stood 1000 in the sun and over 800 in the shade. There was quite a fog this morning. Gertie slept with me last night and we arose this morning at 1/2 past 6 and eat breakfast about 1/2 past 7. School passed of quite pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Keelers to stay over night. I read all the time I had in The Chautauquan until nearly dark. After tea Mr. and Mrs. Keeler went to the Centre on business and I amused the children.

Wednesday, May 25

Pleasant and quite warm during the day and in the evening a shower which made it some cooler. I arose at 1/2 past 6 as usual and had a fearful headache to start on. School passed of pleasantly with 13 scholars present. After school I returned to my boarding place Mr. Keelers and cut a dress skirt for Mrs. Keeler and sewed on same. After tea I read a little in The Chautauquan. And in the evening Mrs. Keeler and I went down to the schoolhouse and heard Rev. King preach. Charley came back with me after same.

Thursday, May 26

Pleasant and very warm. Sun shone all the time. I arose about 7 and had breakfast at 8 after which I combed Gerties hair then went to school. School passed of pleasantly with 16 scholars after which I came back to Mr. Keelers to stay over night. I found Mrs. Joe Smith here so had quite a visit with her. I sewed on Mrs. Keelers dress-skirt most of the time untill dark. Although the girls and I went a piece with Mrs. Smith. I went to bed in good season or as quick as dark feeling tired as usual.

Friday, May 27

Some cloudy part of the day: but the sun shone fearfully hot at noon. Very warm any way all day. I arose about 1/2 past 6 and sewed little on Mrs. Keelers skirt before breakfast also after breakfast. School passed of pleasant as usual with the exception Minnie got mad and left at noon. The scholars were most all their. Charley took me home after school. We went for a drive in the South part of the town and reached our house at 6 o’clock P.M. After tea Addie and I called down to see Ditons people a few moments. Edd Cowell was here when we returned.

Saturday, May 28

Pleasant part of the day but a shower towards night. Also a hard one after dark. Quite warm all day. I arose about 1/2 past 7 or guess it was 7 and this forenoon did some house work and fooled some of the time away. I partly cut my calico dress. In the afternoon Mrs. Riggs and her daughter came and stayed about 2 hours. After they went away Ma went down to Mr. Phelps and stayed untill about 9 o’clock. Addie was up to Rev. Tildens and sewed all day – came home tonight. We retired early as usual.

Sunday, May 29

Pleasant after it cleared of in the morning and quite warm. It cloudied up toward night some. I arose about 1/2 7 this morning and after breakfast prepared myself for church and went with the girls and heard Bro. Encil. I did not stay only untill after Sunday School today. Uncle Owen was their and called down to see Ma. I found Charley here when I returned and he stayed the afternoon and evening. We all went to the cemetery this afternoon except Ma. I did not attend church this evening feeling too lazy.

Monday, May 30

Pleasant part of the forenoon and cloudy the rest. A fearful thundershower in the afternoon and some hail with it. I stayed at home this forenoon and at noon prepared dinner. Charley was here to same. After hash prepared of to church (the Baptist) where we heard Rev. Phelps speech, then they decorated the Soldiers graves. It rained most of the time while at the church and made it bad getting around. I finished reading "My Wayward Companion" between times and then in the evening we went up to the Congregationalist Church to a festival. A dance to the hotel tonight.

Tuesday, May 31

Cloudy morning and looked like rain but cleared of about nine and was quite warm. It cloudied up again before night and rained a very little. I rode down to the school this morning with Mr. Joralemon and found all my scholars their and school passed of pleasantly after which I went up to Mr. Joe Smiths to visit tonight. I had a good time but felt some tired when I first got their. I retired at nine and the bed felt good for once. I called to Mrs. Keelers and Gertie went a piece with me.

Wednesday, June 1

Pleasant this morning but cloudied up before noon and in the afternoon it rained quite lively and all the evening too. I arose and eat breakfast with Mary Crawford at 5 o’clock and visited some and about 1/2 past 6 we started. They went to Waverly so I rode down far as the schoolhouse. I reached there about 7 and done some writing before school time. I had about 12 scholars and school passed of pleasantly. Eva Pierce visited same. After school I went up to Mr. A. Keelers in the rain and got some wet.

Thursday, June 2

Cloudy and rainy part of the day and quite chilly so much so I had to keep fire at the schoolhouse all day. I woke up at 2 o’clock sick and oh dear me how I did suffer and "nobody to it." I managed to get to the schoolhouse and teach all day but it was as much as ever. The scholars were all there but one. After school I returned to Mr. Keelers to stay over night. And feeling so badly I lay down on the couch and fell asleep a few moments and after supper I went to bed and slept alone tonight.

Friday, June 3

Quite pleasant this morning but cloudied up and commenced raining again before nine o’clock and kept it up all day and part of the night I guess. Also chilly so I kept a fire in the schoolhouse all day. I felt some better this morning and school passed of as usual after which not getting a chance to go home I came back to Mr. Keelers to stay over night in the rain. A brother of Mrs. Scott was their when we got there. Gertie sleeps with me tonight and we retired early.

Saturday, June 4

Quite pleasant this morning but cloudy before nine o’clock and chilly almost cold. It cleared of again before night but quite chilly yet. I arose about seven and after breakfast washed the dishes for Mrs. Keeler then she came and brought me home. I found Ma and Minnie here sewing fast as they could. I made me a shirt and washed same. A company went to Mountain Lake today for fun I guess. I don’t feel any too good today and shall retire in good season and sleep with Ma. Mrs. Voorhise, Aunt Phoebie called.

Sunday, June 5

Quite chilly all day and part of the time cloudy also a heavy shower about 3 P.M. I slept with Ma last night and this morning arose and cut my toe-nails out before breakfast and after breakfast I prepared and went to church and heard Bro. Encil preach but did not stay longer. Addie and I came home and found Aunt Carrie and Libbie here. Charley came in a little while also Grandma and she stayed all night too. A temperance lecture at the Methodist church by Rev.Cirss but I did not go and stayed at home to keep house. I retired at 10 P.M.

Monday, June 6

Pleasant all day though quite chilly. So much so I had to build a fire to the schoolhouse. I arose and eat breakfast at 1/2 past 6 and after that pepared for school. I rode down in the stage. There were two passengers besides me and a load of boxes. School passed of pleasantly with one new scholar and nearly all the rest there. After school I came down to Mr. Wolffredts where I intend boarding this week. I enjoyed myself very muchly. And retired soon as dark feeling very tired.

Tuesday, June 7

Cloudy this morning and about 1/2 past eight commenced raining and kept at it all day also very chilly so we needed a fire for comfort. I arose and eat breakfast at 7 and about 8 started for school. It rained so Herman came after us with the horse and buggy. School passed of pleasantly after which I was back to Mr. Wolffredts to stay over night. I retired before dark again tonight feeling very tired as usual.

Wednesday, June 8

It was cloudy this morning though some warmer than yesterday. It rained part of the day and tonight looks more like clearing of. It is very muddy and wet still. Herman went and took us to school it being such traveling, he also came after us tonight when school was out. School passed of pleasantly as usual. I had to have a fire again today it being damp and chilly. Shall retire in good season.

Thursday, June 9

Cloudy during day and raining hard not stopping during the day. Herman went and took us to school and came for us at night. School passed of pleasantly with 12 scholars. I returned to Mr. Wolffredts again tonight and spent my time reading the Chautauquan what time I had. It rained hard all day and when we retired still raining. I am not very tired, not walking much.

Friday, June 10

Rainy weather still and oh how dreary. It rained all the time except a few moments at noon. Quite cool weather so we had a fire as usual this week. Hermann went and took us to school this morning and came at night for the children and I not getting chance to go home I went back down to Mr. Wolffredts and stayed over night. I read in The Chautauquan what time I had to spend. I was not very tired tonight. School passed of pleasantly with 12 scholars.

Saturday, June 11

The sun shone all day for a wonder and warmer than it has been in a long time. I arose at 7 and eat my breakfast then I read what time I had and finished reading the Chautauquan this morning. I rode home from Mr. Wolffredts in the stage. I reached home about 2 P.M. and felt some lazy and after dinner I trimmed a hat also Minnie and I fixed Belle and Anne a hat just for fun.

Sunday, June 12

Pleasant most of the day and cloudy a little while in the forenoon but no rain for a wonder. Quite warm and uncomfortably so in the afternoon. I arose at 1/2 past eight and done the chamber work before breakfast and after I done up the work. I did not go to church any where today, but stayed at home and took a bath. After Sunday School Charley came as usual. Lanter called a few minutes this evening. I went and heard Bro. Encil preach. I retired about 10 o’clock.

Monday, June 13

Pleasant and quite warm today. The wind blew quite hard tonight and maybe for a shower before morning. I arose and eat my breakfast at 1/2 past 6 this morning and afterwards prepared for school. I rode down on the stage, Olie driving same. School passed of pleasantly with 15 scholars after which I came down to Mr. Davie Pierces where I intend boarding this week. I read some in the Chautauquan and after tea we had a sing: also visited more or less. At 9 P.M. I retired feeling tired.

Tuesday, June 14

Quite a shower in the night and it cooled the air of some. Pleasant most of the day though a little while looked like rain. Quite warm in the P.M. I arose and eat my breakfast at seven or half past then prepared for school. Which passed of pleasantly as usual. Then I returned to Mr. Pierces and cut and fitted a polonaise for Eva. Good luck! She was alone when I got there. In the evening we called to Mr. Chamberlains then all went to Business Meeting to schoolhouse. Charles Depue got hurt today.

Wednesday, June 15

It rained again last night and today same quite cool. Cloudy part of the time and sun shone the rest. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and eat breakfast at 1/2 past 7. I have suffered intensely with a stiff neck today and could hardly do my duty. School passed of pleasantly with 12 scholars after which I returned to Eva Pierces to stay over night. I helped her with her dress. And after it was dark so we couldn’t see we sung and had quite a time. We retired about nine P.M. It is very chilly and also clear almost seems like a frost before morning.

Thursday, June 16

Pleasant most of the day although quite cool so much so we had a fire at the schoolhouse. It rained some last night before morning and cloudied up this P.M. looking very much like rain but cold I think. I arose at quarter past seven this morning. And eat my breakfast about eight. School passed of pleasantly as usual with about 13 scholars after which I returned to Mr. Pierces to stay all night. Lida was gone; Eva was there and I helped her on her dress. We retired about nine. My neck feeling some lame yet.

Friday, June 17

It commenced raining in the night and has rained quite a bit during the day and cloudy all the time. I arose about seven and after breakfast prepared for school. I had to build a fire today. Had 15 scholars and school passed of very pleasantly after which I started home afoot and Thomas Pierce taking pity hitched up and carried me to the top of the hill. I rode the rest of the way with Edd Cowell. The C. S. S. C. met at our house this evening and we had a very good time. Carrie and Libbie also were here a while. I retired at 1/2 past 10.

Saturday, June 18

Pleasant part of the day and did not rain at all. Quite warm and hot in the sun. I arose at 1/2 past eight and after "hash" went over town of an errand then Addie cut and fitted my polonaise. I helped Ernest hoe potatoes a small while then I went to finishing my calico partly and done it too and put same on. Ma cut and fitted a duster for a little girl living on Big Pond. Addie and I went up town and called to see Beatruses baby. We retired in good season tonight and feeling tired.

Sunday, June 19

Pleasant all day looking a very few moments like a shower about four o’clock this afternoon: but none here. Quite warm especially in the sun. The wind blew quite strongly from the north and the north west. I arose about nine A.M. and done my chamber work before breakfast and afterwards I took a bath and prepared for church. Addie and I went together and stayed all through. Bro. Encil preached to a good sized audience. Review in the Sunday School. Charley came down here as usual after church and spent the afternoon and evening. We did not attend church this evening my head aching so hard. I read some in the Telegram this afternoon. I feel some hard as usual.

Monday, June 20

Pleasant morning but cloudied up before nine o’clock and rained before noon. And a shower in the afternoon also. Then it cleared of for a small while and quite warm. I arose about seven and after breakfast prepared to go to my school. I went down with Mr. Joralemon or Olie drove the stage. School passed of very pleasantly with fifteen scholars. After which I came up to Mr. Brainards where I intend boarding this week. I called to see Mrs.Wolffredt on business. I read what time I had in the Chautauquan and wandered around the door yard and looked at the roses. I retired in good season feeling very tired.

Tuesday, June 21

Pleasant most of the day and quite chilly, so much so I built a fire at the schoolhouse and kept one till afternoon. I arose at 1/2 past 5 and eat breakfast at 6. I read some in the Chautauquan before school time. Minnie went with me today and stayed, her folks going to Waverly. School passed of very pleasantly with 15 scholars after which I returned to the Brainards to stay over night. Rev. King called today of an errand. It seems very cold this evening so much so we sit by the kitchen fire. Seems like frost. I retired at 1/2 past 8.

Wednesday, June 22

Quite pleasant and cool so much so I had a fire at the school house untill afternoon. Some frost this morning they say. I arose about 1/2 past 6 or thereabouts and read some in The Chautauquan after breakfast and before eight o’clock then I started for school. School passed of pleasantly with 16 scholars. After which I returned to the Brainards to stay over night. I went and helped Minnie & Frank pick currants for supper. And the read in the Chau. some aloud. A festival to Milan tonight but I shant go. I retired at 1/2 past 8.

Thursday, June 23

Cloudy part of the day and looked like rain especially this evening. Quite chilly the wind from the northwest and I had to have a fire untill afternoon at the schoolhouse. I awoke at 1/2 past five and eat breakfast at six. I read some in the Chautau. before school time. I started for school about eight o’clock. School passed of pleasantly with sixteen scholars. After school I returned to Mr. Brainards to stay over night. I finished the June Chautauquan. Also read some in the Argus. Strawberries for supper. I retired in good season feeling very tired.

Friday, June 24

Cloudy part of the day and looking some like rain. Quite chilly so I built a fire at the school-house. I arose at 1/2 past five and after breakfast read a few moments in The Argus. School passed of pleasantly as usual with 15 scholars. Afterwards I returned to Mr. Brainards to tea – had strawberries. After which Charley and his mother went and took me home and in the evening went to a lecture at the Disciple church. To be given by Miss Emma Allen but she was sick so she could not finish same. I shall sleep with Mother tonight and here it is after 10.

Saturday, June 25

Quite chilly this forenoon. Cloudy most of the time and grew warmer. We did not rest very good so we lay abed untill after eight, which was very lazy. Lantie came before breakfast and brought Libbie to stay with us untill tomorrow. She stayed contented. I worked 30 button holes in Addies and my polonaise and with Ma’s and Addie’s help we finished them the suits. Towards evening Minnie and I went down town of an errand. It was dark when we returned or nearly so. After ten before we finished our stant so as to go to bed.

Sunday, June 26

Rainy early this morning but stopped before nine o’clock. Some of the time cloudy. Quite warm. We arose little after eight and after "hash" I took a bath and dug out my toes and then went to church and heard Bro. Thenix who preached in Bro. Encils place. I stayed to Sunday School then Minnie and I went home. Charles was there to dinner as usual. Addie went home with Carrie and Lantie.Edd Carroll called a few moments. I attended church in the evening and heard Bro. Phenix again. Charley stayed until about ten then I drove him home.

Monday, June 27

Cloudy and rainy most of the day. And it rained very hard when school was out. Quite warm so I did not build a fire at the school house, for a wonder. I arose about seven and prepared for school before breakfast. I rode down with Mr. Joralemon and settled with him as it was the last time. School passed of pleasantly after which I went up to Mr. Dave Gibsons where I intend to board this week. Cora and I rode with Hermy Gates as he was going up that way. I read some in English literature, and retired early.

Tuesday, June 28

Pleasant morning and quite hot where the sun shines. About noon it cloudied up and rained very very hard. Also a similar shower about 1/2 past 2 P.M. and one just at night. It rained when I went to bed. I arose this morning at 6 and eat my breakfast before 7. School passed of pleasantly with 16 scholars present. After school I returned to Mr. Gibson’s to stay over night. I finished reading the English Literature tonight. Then I crocheyed some for a change. I retired soon at dark feeling some tired.

Wednesday, June 29

Pleasant day and very warm especially when the sun shone. The sky was clear as a bell this evening and a new moon. I arose and eat breakfast before seven this morning and read some in Brick Pomeroy’s "Brickdust" before school time. School passed of pleasantly with fifteen scholars after which I returned to Mr. Gibsons to stay over night. Raspberries are just beginning to get ripe and strawberries are plenty yet. I read more in "Brick dust" tonight and then retired soon as dark or about 1/2 past eight feeling "weary in well doing."

Thursday, June 30

Pleasant part of the time and quite chilly so much so I almost needed a fire at the school house: but did not build one. I arose at 1/2 past six and after "hash" I read a while before school time in "Brick dust," by Brick Pomeroy. School passed of pleasantly with sixteen scholars after which I retired to Mr. Gibsons to stay over night. Frank Pierce and his affianced visited my school today. I did not do much when I returned to Mr. Gibsons tonight but visit and read a very little. Also retired early as usual.

Friday, July 1

Pleasant day and quite chilly in the morning the wind blew so chilly. It grew warmer towards night. I arose at 1/2 past six and after breakfast played with the children their to Mr. Gibsons a while before school time. Then went to school which passed of pleasantly until noon. Then Charley came and persuaded me to go to the Center so I closed school. And in the P.M. we went to the Baptist church and heard Rev. Weston preach and the ordination of Frank Pierce. Afterwards Charley came home with me and stayed till 12 P.M.

Saturday, July 2

Pleasant and quite warm scarcely any breeze during the fore noon, but some in the P.M. I did not rest any too good last night nor feeling great. I went out and helped Ernest hoe potatoes 2 times today and helped Ma sew on Gertie Encils dress, which we finished. Addie & Minnie went to singing school this evening. Aunt Phoebe called here this evening a while. I took 2 naps during the day. There was an attempt to assassinate the president of the U. S. this morning. Mr. James Garfield but living still.

Sunday, July 3

Pleasant day and quite warm although the wind blew some from the north. I arose about seven feeling some better physically but sad after the news we heard last night. Mr. Garfield is on the gain we heard tonight. I prepared and went to church. We all went and heard Frank Pierce preach. Then down to Sunday School. We then returned home and found Charley here and Grandma also was here to dinner and till evening. Temperance lecture tonight but we did not go i.e. Charley and I.

Monday, July 4

Pleasant early this morning but we had one or two small showers before noon: also very warm and suffocating. I arose at seven feeling some cross for we were disturbed by their celebrating from midnight untill daylight. I stayed at Smithfield to the celebration. A good time and a great number there. Fantastics were good and quite funny. The hib race at 7 P.M. also created sport and Fire works in the evening were splendid. I see them from home. Charley was with me all day and evening. I did not go to the grove to hear the speech this fore noon not feeling very well.

Tuesday, July 5

Pleasant and very very warm. There was some breeze from the west part of the day. I suffered intensely in the school room in the afternoon for we had the west blinds closed. I arose at 1/2 past six and had to hurry someto get ready to go to school at 1/2 seven. Eddie Cowell went around that way and took me down. School passed of pleasantly as could be expected so warm a day. After which I went to Mr. Albert Keelers to stay all night. I read a very little in the Chautauquan before dark also I played with the children some for they had company from Towanda.

Wednesday, July 6

Pleasant and the sun shone very warm. Though I believe there was more breeze during the day so it was not quite as hot as yesterday: but very warm. I arose about 1/2 past 6 and eat my breakfast about seven at Mr. Keelers. School passed of pleasantly with ten scholars, though we suffered some from the heat. After school I went up to Mr. Hodges to stay over night. I was very tired when I reached there. I found them slicked up for the school marm. I read what time I had in the Chautauquan and retired about 8 o’clock P.M.

Thursday, July 7

Pleasant this morning and cooler than yesterday also cloudied up before noon and rained some at spells. I arose and eat my breakfast before seven and about eight started down to school. School passed of pleasantly with ten scholars. After which I came back to Mr. Hodges. We hurried some for fear it would rain and it finally did after we had eaten supper. I finished reading The Chautauquan tonight and read some in the Golden Cigrser [?]. I retired soon as dark feeling tired.

Friday, July 8

Rainy morning and chilly. It rained during the night and before seven this morning. It cleared of or nearly so before night. I arose about 1/2 past six and eat breakfast at seven to Mr. Hodges. At eight Stella and I started for school. School passed of pleasantly with 10 scholars after which I waited a while at the schoolhouse for Edwin to ride home. He finally came so I rode home reaching there about six P.M. After tea I run over to Auntie’s a few moments. They had another excitement to the Centre this week Tuesday. F. Wheeler undertook to kill or shoot L. D. Forrest. I retired early or about nine.

Saturday, July 9

Cloudy early this morning but cleared of soon and terribly warm and hot too. A beautiful evening we had tonight. I arose about six and after breakfast I went and gathered potato bugs a while. Then came in and helped Ma and Minnie do the calico washing and work. Addie is up to Mr. Tildens sewing today. In the P.M. I took a nap and nearly melted for it was terribly hot this P.M. At night I done my necessary ironing and finished just before dark. We sit on the stoop a while and heard some violin music over to Pats.

Sunday, July 10

Pleasant untill about 2 o’clock P.M. then cloudied up some. Very very warm and at most hot. Thermometer 1000 in the shade, they say. I nearly roasted. I arose about eight o’clock. Addie came home before I got dressed, from Mr. Tildens. After "hash" she and I took a bath then prepared for church and went to the Baptist church and heard a minister from Phila. preach. And I came home after the sermon and found Charley here when I got here. Addie went back up to Mr. Tildens this afternoon. Our folks did not build a fire to get dinner. I retired at 10. Did not go to church.

Monday, July 11

Pleasant and quite warm after it cleared of. It rained hard this morning before seven. I arose at six and prepared for school before breakfast which I had at seven. After it stoped raining I started for school. Edwin took me down there and got their at 1/2 past 8. School passed of pleasantly with 10 scholars after which I went to Mr. Henry Gates where I intend boarding this week. I busied myself crocheying when I was not doing any thing else i.e. amusing the children. I retired very early or soon as dark feeling tired as usual.

Tuesday, July 12

Pleasant and very very warm and hot especially in the afternoon. I arose about seven and eat breakfast about 8. After which I hastened to school. School passed of pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. Gates to stay over night. There was ten scholars to school today and we almost suffocated during the afternoon. It was so warm I did not crochey any tonight but read some ficticious stories when I was not busy flying the fan to keep cool. I wiped the dishes for Addie tonight. Retired early.

Wednesday, July 13

Pleasant all day and quite warm: though there was more breeze than was yesterday. Some cloudy towards night. I arose about seven and eat my breakfast between 7 and 8. At 1/2 past 8 I went to school which passed of pleasantly with ten scholars. Mrs. Wolffredt died this morning at seven o’clock. Had been sick about a week. Professor Ryan visited my school this afternoon and stayed about 20 minutes. After school I returned to Mr. Henry Gates to stay over night. I read some more storys to pass away the time. Also retired early.

Thursday, July 14

Pleasant and warm though not so much so as has been some the time this week. It is some cloudy this evening and looks as though it might rain easy. I arose at 7 and eat breakfast barely in time to get to school early. School passed of pleasantly with nine scholars after which I returned to Mr. Henry Gates to stay overnight. Mrs. Wolffredts funeral was at 12 o’clock today. I spent my spare time ready more silly hash for which I am ashamed – ficticious storys!! I am some weary tonight so I retired in good season and visited some with Addie after I had got in bed.

Friday, July 15

Pleasant and some cooler this morning but got quite warm again before night. I arose this morning about seven and eat breakfast quarter past eight. I visited with Addie and Henry quite a bit then went to school which passed of as usual with nine scholars. After which I rode home Edwin coming for me. I found the children alone. Ma over to Lewis Geroulds, and they ironing. Mrs. Diton Phelps called a few moments after supper. Then Addie I and Minnie prepared ourselves and went over to Chautauqua Circle to Malie Tracy: but had none.

Saturday, July 16

Pleasant this morning but cloudied up before noon and before night we had one or two showers which wet the ground considerably. Quite warm most of the day. I arose at seven and Addie and I took a pirce also Fred. Then went berrying down the Towanda road and got five quarts. Got back by ten o’clock. Ma and I dissolved bargains somewhat we had made for our future. I had a most fearful head ache this afternoon: but I managed to do my necessary chores on Saturday. And made four buttonholes for Ma.

Sunday, July 17

Cloudy part of the day and chilly in the house to what it has been the past week. I arose this morning about 1/2 past eight with a fearful stiff neck which lasted me all day but not quite so bad. I did not muster up courage today nor evening. I took a bath and cut out my toe nail instead. Charley came about 10 and did not go to church neither. Lantie called while I was making my toilet. Mamie Andrus was here to dinner and stayed untill evening. Charley stayed untill ten o’clock this evening.

Monday, July 18

Pleasant morning: but quite chilly the wind blowing strongly from the north west. Cloudy towards night and looks this evening much like rain. I arose about six and after breakfast prepared for school. Eddie Crowell came and took me down their. School passed of pleasantly after which I went down to Minnie Burnsides where I intend boarding this week. My toe is very painful tonight so I did not keep on my shoe. Cyntha and Allie Burnside came over and we played French Eucher.

Tuesday, July 19

Pleasant and some smoky also grew warmer towards night and got some warm in the afternoon. also dusty. I arose at 1/2 past 6 and eat breakfast about seven after which I started for school and reached there at 1/2 past eight. School passed of pleasantly after which I returned to Mr. James Burnsides to stay over night. I read some of Fannie Ferns writings before supper afterwards Minnie B. and I went and called on Miss Flintoff to Mr. Wolfferdts. We came back and visited a while in the dark and retired about nine P.M.

Wednesday, July 20

Pleasant the last half of the day and cloudy this morning. Quite warm and very smoky – looks like Indian Summer. I arose at six this morning and eat breakfast at 7. Minnie and I visited some last night hence I feel some lazy this morning. School passed of pleasantly as usual with 10 scholars. Lida Pierce and Charley Brainard visited same. After school I returned to Minnie Burnsides to stay over night. We had a good visit by twilight this evening and retired about ten P.M.

Thursday, July 21

Pleasant and quite warm espedcially in the sun. The wind blew some from the West: and very very dusty in the road. I arose at six and eat my breakfast abou seven. Minnie Brainard came up and went to school with me and stayed all day. I had some time in which I visited before schooltime. School passed of pleasantly as usual with nine scholars after which I returned to Mr. James Burnsides and found Miss Doty their sewing. I read what time I had. I shall sleep with Miss Doty.

Friday, July 22

Pleasant and quite warm also dusty and dry. I arose about six this morning and eat breakfast at seven then visited untill schooltime with the girls, Minnie and Miss Doty. School passed of pleasantly as usual after which Eddie Cowell came for me or just before it was out. I finished then went home. When I got their I found my folks all gone down to Gertie Encil’s school picnic. So I went over town and got me some new shoes and put them on and went back also down to Auntie’s a few moments, and home again.

Saturday, July 23

Quite cool all night and this morning: but grew warm towards night : and before noon it was quite warm. Dust thick yet you can hardly see. We arose about seven and Minnie went back to Mr. Phelps to stay today. Ernie went over to Grandmas so Ma Fred and I were alone. Addie over to Claytons yet. I puttered around all the fore noon at usual things and this afternoon I cut curiosity blocks and stars for a quilt or to finish one. I worked part of the evening at it also. Freddie got shot today but not hurt much.

Sunday, July 24

Hot weather and would have been more so had not the wind blown some. Also very very dusty and smoky. I arose at seven and swept the middle room before breakfast also made the boys bed. Afterwards I washed the dishes and prepared for church and went and heard Bro. Encil preach: also stayed to Sunday School then retirned home and found Charley there who stayed until about ten o’clock in the evening. Mr. Curtis came home with Addie and stayed untill about eleven. I was asleep or nearly so when he went.

Monday, July 25

Pleasant this morning but cloudied up and rained a little about noon and at 1/2 3 we had a very hard thundershower. The wind blew down several trees and done other mischief. Also another shower at dark and a hard one too. Eddie Cowell took me down to school this morning. School passed of as usual. We undertook to have school in the grove a little while: but had to give it up on account of the shower. After school I went up home with Gertie Keeler to stay over night. Retired early.

Tuesday, July 26

Pleasant this morning: but we had one shower and quite a lively one too. Some cooler than has been for a day or two. I arose at 1/2 past six. Gertie slept with me last night. We had breakfast at eight and soon as possible I hastened to school. School passed of pleasantly with 11 scholars. After which I returned to Mr. Albert Keelers to stay over night. No one was there but Mrs. Scott and Ray untill after tea then they returned home. We went and got the calves back into the orchard. I retired in good season feeling tired.

Wednesday, July 27

Pleasant this forenoon and in the afternoon cloudied up and commenced raining and rained untill after five quite lively. I arose at seven and had breakfast at 1/2 past seven. School passed of pleasantly after which I had intended to go home with Rachel Burnside but on account of the rain we waited to the schoolhouse and Mrs. Keeler came for Gertie and persuaded me to go up there. I finished my weeks stant [?] tonight. And Perlie and I retired early feeling tired.

Thursday, July 28

Quite cool and cloudy part of the day and a heavy shower about six this evening. One went around us about three P.M. I arose to eat my breakfast at seven and visited a while with Mrs. Keeler before going to school. School passed of pleasantly with 11 scholars after which I went down to Mr. Davis Pierces to stay over night. Eva came about dark and we sung some this evening and retired about 1/2 past 9 or 10 P.M. I had some apples which tasted very much like ripe ones. Mrs. Pierce was there sweeping and dusting.

Friday, July 29

Quite cool this forenoon but grew warmer. Cloudy some this afternoon and looked like a shower: but we had none. I slept with Miss Eva Pierce last night and she arose at 6: but I lay a while longer: guess lazyness!! I had to hurry to get to school after breakfast. School passed of pleasantly, Minnie & Ernie visiting same as they came down after me tonight. I found Ma some tired however Grandma made her a present of a picture. Carrie and Libbie brought it to her.

Saturday, July 30

Pleasant and some cool early this morning grew warmer towards the middle of the day. Some cloudy this P.M. I arose about six o’clock and help do the Saturday’s work: then cut some blocks for my star quilt. Eddie Cowell called a while this forenoon. This afternoon Minnie and I went up town and to a "horse lecture." We called to Uncle Allens and at 5 P.M. went down to the pond to see a couple baptised. We also took a boat ride. Ma and I went after tea and called to Aunt Malvina.

Sunday, July 31

Cloudy this morning and looked very much like rain but it cleared of and did not rain until this evening and between 10 and 11. Quite warm all day: but cool evening as has been most of the time. I helped do up the morning work then prepared and went to church and stayed all through services. When I returned home I found Charley B. here and about 6 P.M. Charley C. came with vehicle and we went down to the poor house and back for a ride. We came up the turnpike home and had quite a time.

Monday, August 1

Quite cool this morning: but grew warmer towards night and we had quite a rain during the day and it thundered also. I arose at 6 and prepared for school before breakfast and about eight started for Keeler Hollow in the Stage reaching there at a quarter before nine. I swept the schoolhouse before I called school. School passed of pleasantly after which I went up to Seth Gates to stay all night. I sewed on my piece work what time I did not fool away.

Tuesday, August 2

Foggy morning and pleasant during the day and evening. Quite warm especially in the afternoon. I arose about 7 and after breakfast pieced a block then went down to school. Which closed this noon for good. Nearly all the scholars their and it passed of pleasantly. Charley came and took me home and then Minnie Charley and I, Charley Curtis and Addie prepared and went down to the poor house then to Troy to supper and round by Springfield home again reaching there about 1/2 past one and some tired.

Wednesday, August 3

Smoky and very very hot especially about one o’clock. I arose about eight o’clock feeling very tired or lazy. About 10 Grandma Carrie and Libbie came and in the afternoon the Methodist Missionary Society met at our house. I done part of the house work this forenoon and helped about the tea-work. I went to bed a while and went to sleep too. Cousin Beebe came down and spent the evening. It was fearfully hot also this evening was uncomfortably so I could not sleep any. I am tired and weak.

Thursday, August 4

Very warm and smoky. Some cloudy or at least we could not see the sun very plain. I feel some lazy this morning as usual but managed to arise and eat breakfast at 1/2 past seven. After which I made out my report finishing before dinner. And this afternoon I cut seven stars and pieced them all but one before I retired in good season. Is very hot night so we could hardly sleep any. I feel some cross as well as lazy.

Friday, August 5

Very warm and if it had not been for showers occasionally people would have suffocated I guess. Quite smoky too. I arose and helped prepare breakfast and afterwards and afterwards Ma went over to Cousin Louises. Addie stayed to home sick today and lay abed most of the day. I cut thirty stars and pieced a few of them. Ma came home just at night. Before the shower. I feel some tired as usual and shall retire in good season. It is some cooler tonight than last.

Saturday, August 6

Pleasant morning and bid fair to have a hot day and did not lack much neither. About noon very very hot I thought. I sent and got Ditons horse and buggy this morning and Fred took me over to Mr. Tomases to get my school order and reached home again at nine A.M. Lettie Tilden came down to get me to work some buttonholes. Diton came in and paid me thirty dollars of my school money and the other twelve $ I let go toward the taxes for Ma. It rained during the day.

Sunday, August 7

Rainy this morning and stopped before nine: but cloudy most of the day and cool. Almost cold this evening. By the way it was a most beautiful evening. I helped do up the work this morning and did not get around to go to church so stayed home. Charley came before I got the work done and stayed all day. And towards night Mr. Curtis came and they went and got a rig and we went to Ulster and around by Milan home again reaching there at 12 o’clock.

Monday, August 8

It was quite a cool night and also cool today though pleasant most of the time. I slept with Addie last night and I arose at seven and after breakfast prepared to help do the washing which was a big one. We did not finish untill afternoon. Minnie Riggs and Susie Riggs called this forenoon. Also Lettie Tilden. In the afternoon I finished piecing my star blocks. Mrs. Hattie Gerould, Balentines baby was buried here this afternoon. Aunt Phoebe Phelps and Laura Webb was here this evening and stayed quite a little while.

Tuesday, August 9

Quite cool weather still and some of the time cloudy. I slept with Mother last night and this morning arose at 1/2 past six and after "hash" I ironed most of the time in the forenoon. Ma went to a surprise party down to Aunt Mariannes. I lay down a little while before dinner and after dinner fixed my old white skirt over not quite finishing same. Minnie went to bed and that left me alone most of the afternoon. Minnie and I went down to Mrs. Phelps after Addie tonight. Ma was here when we got back.

Wednesday, August 10

Quite cool this forenoon but grew warmer towards night. Pleasant all day and some smoky. I arose and called Ernest 15 minutes before 5 and went back to bed and arose before 6. Ernie expected to start early with a drove of cattle: but did not start untill nearly noon. Addie went up to Mr. Tildens to work. Lettie called down here twice today. I finished fixing my skirt and commenced making a new one. Gertie was here a while this afternoon also Eddie Cowell. I stayed at home and retired very early tonight.

Thursday, August 11

Pleasant and quite warm also smoky. The wind blew quite strongly. I arose in good season this morning and finished my skirt today. Kittie Downey called here twice today also Mrs. Voorhis called towards night. Minnie went out to tea at Rebecca Webbs this afternoon. Tonight we all went to prayer meeting and we had a good one too. Addie sewed for Lettie today. It was nearly ten o’clock before we got around to go to bed and I am very tired as usual.

Friday, August 12

Cloudy and looking much like a rain this morning but finally cleared of and was very warm in the afternoon, smoky and dusty. I arose about seven this morning and after breakfast Minnie and I went at it and did the starched ironing and did not finish untill 2 o’clock. Ma with about 50 other Smithfielders went and visited the poorhouse today, returned about 4 P.M. Gertie was here a while also Gerald came and Edd Cowell was here during the day. I retired to bed in good season.

Saturday, August 13

Very very warm and sultry and would be unendurable were it not for the wind which blew from the West and North. Some cloudy this afternoon and sprinkled a very little. Edd Cowell was here twice this forenoon, I settled with him. Grandma came to stay all night with us. Her and I went to the funeral of Freddie Messing this afternoon at 3 o’clock. After supper we called up to Aunt Malvina’s a few moments. Grandma will sleep with me tonight. We retired about nine o’clock.

Sunday, August 14

Cloudy and some rainy this morning: but cleared of before noon and quite cool. I did not sleep any too good last night and arose in pretty good season this morning. Addie and I prepared ourselves and went up to Methodist Love feast this morning and stayed and heard Elder Wilbur preach then down to our Sunday School. After which I came home, found Charley here as usual and he stayed untill twelve o’clock tonight. We did not attend church at night.

Monday, August 15

Pleasant and quite cool especially in the morning. Smoky also. I arose at seven then Mrs. Wilcox was here to have a dress cut. After breakfast Ma went at it. So I got the washing agoing and finished in the afternoon. William Fish was here and I traded some. Aunt Phoebie was here this afternoon a while. I ripped up my old green dress for carpet rags. Addie and Minnie slept with me tonight.

Tuesday, August 16

Pleasant and quite cool yet and some smoky. I did not rest any too good last night because the girls slept with me. But arose this morning at seven and spent the day cutting carpet rags of my green dress. And got around to sew some of them. Ma went down to meet Addie tonight and they did not return until after eight or thereabouts. I sewed some this evening on the rags. And retired in good season as usual. We done the ironing.

Wednesday, August 17

Pleasant and very cool so much so Ma started a little fire in the middle room this morning. It grew warmer towards night and smoky also. I arose about seven this morning or a little before and I nearly finished sewing my green rags today. Aunt Phoebie came up and stayed most of the forenoon then took Ma home with her to stay the rest of the day. Mrs. Ham Wood was buried today. She died with a cancer. Minnie went blackberrying so I was alone. Charley came up tonight and staid untill 12 o’clock.

Thursday, August 18

Pleasant day and quite cool this morning. But grew warmer towards night and a red sunset. I arose at seven and helped some about breakfast after which I went to sewing rags again and finished all the green ones then this afternoon I went to bed and took a nap. We all went to prayer meeting this evening and we had a splendid one and it lasted untill ten o’clock. Addie will sleep with me tonight and we retired early.

Friday, August 19

Pleasant and some warmer than has been long back. Quite smoky and dusty yet tonight it looked like rain. I arose about 7 this morning and after "hash" went about finishing the starched ironing and ironed 2 skirts. Minnie went up to Uncle Orphises today. Addie down to Mrs. Phelps. Ettie Doty came and spent the day with me and about 4 o’clock I went down to the post office with her. We called to Mrs. Voorhises a few moments. I pieced on my curiosity some.

Saturday, August 20

Pleasant and quite warm especially out of doors. And very very dusty and smoky. I arose before six and washed myself before breakfast and prepared to go to Towanda. Charley went and took me. We started at 1/2 past ten and reached there about 2 o’clock. We took dinner then I went up town and done some extensive trading at Prville [?]. We went up to Charleys Uncles to tea and then we started home reaching their about 9. The irish over the way disturbed my sleep very much so I felt cross.

Sunday, August 21

Pleasant and quite warm more so than has been long back. It cloudied up long in the afternoon and looked muchly like rain: but failed somewhat. I arose about the usual time and prepared for church. Was ready before the first bell rung. I went down and heard Rev. Encill preach and I stayed all through services. And then we returned home and found C. B. here who stayed the afternoon and evening. We went to the Baptist church and heard Galin Wood preach. Charley Curtis was here also and went with Addie.

Monday, August 22

Pleasant day and quite warm, also dusty. It grew colder towards night and tonight seems almost cold enough to freeze. I arose at the usual time and after "hash" we all went to washing and cutting rags. I washed my own clothes and that is about all. Cut and sewed rags the rest of the time. Cousin Beebe called just at night. Also Mrs. Cole and daughter a few moments. Cousin told us of the death of Mrs. Manners in Waverly. I am fearfully tired.

And here ends the entries in Fannie’s 1881 diary.

The following entries were recorded in a Cash Accounts section in the back of this diary:

  Received Paid
January 29 Shirt Co. for ruches   .10
March 9 For teaching school 54.00  
" Cashed a note for Ma (or bought one of her)   21.00
March 10 To Shaw on debt   12.69
" To Mrs. Crowell on debt   1.55
" To Voorhis on debt 7.36
" To Newman on debt   3.15
" To Riggs on debt   .75
March 11 To Joralemon for stage ride   2.60
March 18 For C.S.S.C. books   .82
March 19 For Ma to Walter C.   .50
March 22 For Maple Sugar   .15
March 25 To Mr. Bullock on debt   2.38
March 29 For Sugar for ___   .15
March 31 For 2 lbs. of oatmeal   .12
March 31 For 1 bottle of shoe blacking   .15
April 4 For Magnets to Galvanic Pottery   .50
April 6 For Medicine for Ma   .25
April 7 For Paper and Chromos   1.00
April 27 For sewing for Mrs. B. 1.50  
April 30 To Voorhis for Arti.   .30
May 1 For Ministers Support   1.00
May 7 For 2 yds. Of Gingham   .25
May 14 For 2 spools of thread   .10
May 30 For 2 yds. Of Calico   .15
June 17 For C.S.S.C. English Literation   .36
June 25 For 2 ruches   .10
June 27 Joralemon for S. Ride   2.00
June 17 For Birdseed   .12
July 30 To C.B. Riggs for cards   .20
August 1 For stage ride   .25
August 6 For school teaching 42.00  
August 6 For taxes   12.00
August 10 For lace   .10
August 13 Ed Cowell for rides   1.40
August 15 To W. Fish for Bread pan   1.50
August 15 To W. Fish for 1 doz. Napkins   1.75
August 15 To W. Fish for 1 pr. Towels   .75
August 15 To W. Fish for 6 yds. of lace   .54
August 20 To Powell & Co. Towanda   23.87
August 20 Of Eva Pierce for work .50  
Bills Payable
Jan. 15 Phillips & Co. for Mdse. 1.00
  March 10. Settled.  
May 14 To Stella Crowell for corset 1.25
" To Stella Crowell for 3 pr. Hose .25
" To Stella Crowell for 1 tie .25
May 23 To Newman for dry goods 3.36
May 28 To Newman for 12 yds. Calico .96
June 18 To Newman for 3 yds. Cambric .37 1/2
June 25 To Newman for mdse. .91
June 25 To Stella Crowell 1.25
July 18 To Newman for Ma’s dress 1.68
July 22 To Newman for shoes 3.50

1878 Part One 1878 Part Two 1881 Part One 1881 Part Two