Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Marriages of the Tri-Counties
Marriage Announcements Connected to Town of Veteran,  NY
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.


Some marriage records copied by Linda KIMBLE Francisco from Town of Veteran, Chemung County, NY on May 25, 1983.

 December 7, 1892, Husband: John M. Goodwin of Horseheads, age 24, a farmer born in Millport, NY married Emma Brant, age 20. Her father: William H. Brant; Her mother: Malissa Smalley. George H. Thompson, minister.
 April 16, 1898, Husband: William N. Harris of Elmira, age 59 years, a laborer born in Croton, NY—His 2nd marriage. Married Elizabeth Campbell of Elmira, NY, age 50 born Addison, NY. His father: George Harris and his mother: Olive Barber. Her father: James Campbell and her mother: Charity Orns. By Reverend C. D. Smith.
 January 11, 1900, Husband: Edwin Shoemaker of Big Flats, age 45, a farmer born in Big Flats, NY. His father: J. W. Shoemaker and his mother: Anna Yawger. Wife: Ella Brant of Big Flats, age 31, born Catlin, NY. Her father: William Brant and her mother: Malissa Smalley. 1st marriage for each. George H. Thompson, minister.
 August 13, 1902, Husband: Francis J. Newton of Pine Valley, NY, age 22, a weaver, born Houghton Lake, Michigan. His father: Jerry Newton and his mother: Florence Mercelles. Married Anna Soper of Pine Valley, age 18, born in Pine Valley, NY. Her father: Charles K. Soper and her mother: Alice G. Burris. C. D. Smith, minister.
 June 6, 1906, Husband: Henry Campbell residing in Veteran, age 45, a farmer, 2nd marriage. His father: Charles Campbell and his mother: Elizabeth Redfield. Wife: Hattie Lindsey of Geneva, age 35 - 1st marriage. Her father: William Lindsey and her mother: Emma Coe. Name of person solemnizing the marriage: S. K. Campbell, justice.
 December 25, 1916, Husband: Clayton Gerow, age 21, white, 1st marriage, residence, Wellsboro, PA. His father: Jim Gerow and his mother: Sarah Smith. Wife: Nellie VanHouten, age 20, white, 1st marriage, Residence: Veteran, Occupation, teacher, born Veteran. Her father: Willis VanHouten and her mother: Elsie Jessup. Place of Marriage: Big Flats, NY by William Hanson, minister. Witnesses: Harold J. VanHouten and Mildred VanHouten.
 October 27, 1930, Husband: Harold Halpin of Erin, NY, age 21 years, white, 1st marriage, occupation: farmer, born: Erin, NY. His father: Patsy Halpin and his mother: Clara Wood. Wife: Rosamond VanHouten of Sullivanville, NY, age 20, her father: Willis VanHouten and her mother: Elsie Jessup, Place of marriage: Wellsburg, NY by Rev. L. A. Guiles. Witnesses: Harold Wilcox and Miss Helen Van Houten.

The following clippings submitted by Tim Rodabaugh and Walt Samson and others

1871 - Married- dated 1871
In this village the 8th inst. By Rev. Chas. M. Nickinson, Hull Fanton and Mary Thomskellenger. At the residence of the bride’s father, in New York City, on Tuesday, May 30th, 1871, by Rev. W. H. Ferris, D. D., Rev. W. M. Henry of the same place, formerly a resident of this village, to Miss Nettie Ferris, daughter of the officiating clergyman.In Millport, on Wednesday, June 7th, 1871, by Rev. J. T. Canfield, Mr. H. W. Seaman and Miss Frankie Rhodes, all of Millport.

1886 - Orange Blossoms at Veteran
Marriage of Miss Cornelia M. Coon and Mr. Melvin G. Greene
     Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs Peter Coon of Veteran, N. Y., Mr. Melvin G. Greene and Miss Cornelia M. Coon were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Connell, of Millport, N. Y.  Many relatives and friends graced the occasion with their presence.  Mr. Snyder Atwater, of Elmira, officiated as groomsman, and Miss Hattie Green as bridesmaid.  The happy pair stood under an arch of evergreens trimmed with calla lilies and a bell suspended from the center of the arch with a wreath of white roses.  The bride was attired in peacock blue satin rhadama and wore white flowers.  The wedding march was played by Miss Murray of Van Ettenville.  After congratulations had been received the guests partook of an elegant wedding supper and enjoyed looking over the many handsome gifts received, of which the following list will give an idea:  Handsome decorated china tea set of fifty-six pieces, Mr. N. H. Wilcox and wife, Miss Hattie Greene, Miss Fannie Breese, Mr. Alvin Greene; handsome decorated hanging lamp, Mr. James Mosher, Illinois; chamber set of ten pieces, Mr. J. L. Horton and wife, Mr. Alfred Horton and wife, Horseheads; amber glass set, Mr. Lyman Jackson and wife; wall pocket, Mr. A. L. Scott and wife; pair vases, Mr. O. H. Jackson and wife; wall pocket, Mr. Will Rarrick and wife; combination silver table caster and butter dish, Mr. Charles H. Burrows and wife, Elmira; pair linen towels, Mr. and Mrs. George Gay and wife, Pulteney; bed spread, Mr. H. Tinney and wife, Branchport; gold bowl berry spoon, Mr. Corydon Tinney and daughter, Canandaigua; silver sugar bowl and pair of damask towels, Mr. Frank Greene and wife; table spread and napkins, Mr. H. Greene and wife, groom's parents; bed spread, Mr. James Roberts and wife; glass set, Mrs. A. J. Coon and daughter, Van Ettenville; bed spread and one dozen napkins, Mrs. Peter Coon, brides mother; pair vases, Mrs. Carrie Tompkins, Odessa; pair Turkish towels, Miss Rilla Allen; bed spread, Nancy Breese; syrup cup, A. R. Frost; terra cotta cases, Miss Lou Roberts; wash bowl and pitcher, Mr. Frank L. Jackson; silver berry dish, Charles Wygant and Cora Wilcox; plush work box, Mr. Grant Tifft; amber berry dish, Mrs. Robert Tifft; half dozen silver fruit knives, Snyder Atwater, Elmira; hanging lamp, Mr. John Shoeler and wife, Elmira; set of silver spoons, Mr. Bradley Coon, brother of the bride; plush album, Mr. George Coon, Cuba; patent rocker, Mr. Will Southwick; lambroquin, Miss Clara Jackson; silver napkin ring, Miss Lillie Tinney, Branchport; server, Miss Myrtle Coon, Cuba; hand made lace, Miss Florence Coon, Cuba. (Elmira Newspaper, 26 December 1886)

1905 - McDougall - Reed
At the Methodist Parsonage Tuesday evening occurred the marriage of Charles McDougall and Berneice Reed, both of the town of Veteran.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. H. Yard.  The witnesses to the service were Miss K. Agnes Reed and H. Cavanaugh of Elmira.  Mr. McDougall is a prosperous young farmer of the Ridge Road.  Mrs. McDougall is a graduate of the Horseheads High school and recently had been a teacher in the public schools.  Many friends will unite in extending congratulations and wishing these young people success and happiness.
(Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 2, Thursday, 21 December 1905)

1906 - Shafer - Gregory
At the home of ex-Sheriff and Mrs. A. S. Fitzgerald in Watkins, last evening, occurred the marriage of Miss Lavina H. Shafer of Sullivanville, and Elihu R. Gregory of West Albany, N. Y.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Yard, pastor of the Horseheads Methodist Church.  Mrs. Gregory has been a life resident of Sullivanville, and has been one of the leaders in the Church work of that community.  For a number of years she has been treasurer of the Methodist Church.  Mr. Gregory is a successful teacher in the West Albany Schools.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 3, Thursday, 21 June 1906)

1906 -  J. H. Mallory Marries
The marriage of J. H. Mallory, Jr., and Miss Maude Girard occurred at the Chase Cottage, Buckeye Lake Park, Newark, Ohio, Thursday, Sept. 13.  The groom is the son of G. W. Mallory of Sullivanville, and is now occupying a lucrative position in the post office department at Washington.  He recently visited here where he has many friends.  The bride is a charming young lady of Columbus, Ohio, and several prominent people were present at the wedding.(Chemung Valley Reported, Page 2, Thursday, 27 September 1906)

1908Allen-Stevens. – dated Dec. 28, 1908
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. J. J. Allen in Elmira on West Gray street, Dec. 28, at 10 o’clock, when Miss Martha A. Allen of Veteran, became the bride of Alfred F. Stevens of Schenectady.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Willis Stackhouse of Pennsylvania, nephew of the bride.  The bride wore a handsome suit of blue broadcloth and hat to match.  After a wedding dinner the bridal couple left for an extended wedding trip to Albany, Watertown and other places of interest. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them.

1908 - Doolittle - Lawlor
     The marriage of Miss Lottie Doolittle of Veteran, and Pearly Lawlor of Willawanna, occurred at the Baptist parsonage in Chemung Saturday night.  Miss Doolittle has been teaching school in the Slabtown district, near Horseheads.
(Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 19 March 1908)

1910 - Couple United After Being Separated for More Than a Third of a Century – dated Dec. 14, 1910
Nearly 40 years ago George Spaulding and Mary Vary were united in marriage at the Ridge Road Baptist church in Veteran.  For a time they lived in the same house where the late Nathan Vary lived, he being a brother of Mrs. Spaulding.  An estrangement occurred after the couple had lived together a short time and finally separation followed, the husband leaving the locality and for many years his whereabouts were unknown.  A reconciliation has been effected after a period of about 35 years and on Saturday Mrs. Spaulding left for Salamanca where she and the husband of her younger days will now live together.  Mrs. Spaulding lived with her brother, the late Nathan Vary, until his death and since that time has resided with her son, Clarence Spaulding in Veteran.

1910 -  Smith-M’Dougal  - dated Sept. 20, 1910
Millport, Sept. 24.—At the Methodist parsonage Thursday evening the Rev. C. L. Shergur united in marriage Miss Myra S. Smith of Pine Valley and Alonzo F. McDougal of Veteran.  Mr. And Mrs. McDougal will reside in Horseheads.

1917 -  Married Yesterday Morn
Miss Banks Becomes the Bride of LaMotte P. Breese
     Yesterday morning at 10:30, at the spacious home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Bowman, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Cornelia Day Banks and LaMotte Paul Breese.  They were unattended and the ceremony was performed by Rev. J. C. Russell, D. D., of Oneonta, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the families.  Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served and then the happy young couple left by auto for a trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and other points.  The bride was attired in a gown of white crepe.
     Mr. Breese is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Breese who reside near Breesport.  Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Breese will reside at the Breese Farm and they will be at home after September 1.  Both are among our very well known and most highly esteemed young people and for that reason have numerouse friends.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 9 August 1917)

1933 - Stewart - Van Duzer
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Stewart of Locke, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Rebecca Putnam Stewart, to Henry Bennitt Van Duzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Van Duzer of Ithaca Street.  The ceremony took place in the Presbyterian manse, Chittenango, March 31.  Miss Stewart is a graduate of Groton High School and Clifton Springs Training School for Nurses and is at present taking a post graduate course in the Syracuse City Hospital.  Mr. Van Duzer is a student at Cornell University.  (Chemung Valley reporter, Page 4, Thursday, 20 April 1933)

1934 - L. S. Van Duzer, Carolyn Hough Wed Saturday
     Miss Carolyn Hough, daughter of Mr. J. E. Hough of Susquehanna, Pa., and Lewis S. Van Duzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sayre Van Duzer of Ithaca Street, were united in marriage at 11 a. m. Saturday, October 20, at Christ Episcopal Church in Susquehanna.  The ceremony was performed by the Reverend Sykes.  The bride, given in marriage by her brother, John Edward Hough, was attractive in a White satin gown and bridal veil, and carried a shower boquet of yellow roses.  Miss Dorothy Hough, acting as bridesmaid for her sister, wore red transparent velvet and carried white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Hough, mother of the bride, wore a wine colored satin dress and a white corsage, and the bridegroom's mother was attired in brown satin, with a pink corsage.  David Faul of Elmira was best man at the wedding and ushers were Garney Hentsman of Binghamton and Jonas Van Duzer Jr., of Horseheads.  Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Keystone Hotel in Great Bend, Pa., after which Mr. and Mrs. Van Duzer left on a trip to Canada. Horseheads people who attended the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. J. Sayre Van Duzer, Miss Emily Van Duzer, Jonas Van Duzer Jr., Captain and Mrs. L. S. Van Duzer, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pelletier, Mrs. Elizabeth Van Duzer.
     The bride attended Rochester University and Mr. Van Duzer attended local schools, was graduate from the Southside High School in Elmira and Pratt Institute.  He is now employed as electrical engineer for the Light, Heat and Power Corporation in Elmira where they will reside at 567 Coburn Street after November 10.( Chemung Valley reporter, page 1, Thursday, 25 October 1934)

1934 - Miss Lamont is Bride of Edward Van Duzer
     Miss Anna Belle Lamont of Towanda, Pa., and Edward C. Van Duzer of Horseheads were married at the Presbyterian manse in Towanda Monday afternoon by the Rev. Paul A. Hazlett.  They will reside on Mr. Van Duzer's poultry farm near this village. (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 18 January 1934)

1934  - McVay - Rodabaugh
    Delroy Rodabaugh and Miss Lois McVay, both of the Town of Horseheads, were married at the Methodist parsonage on Saturday evening, May 12, by the Rev. Frederick Maunder, pastor of the Church.  Julia Urkewich and Edward McVay, Jr. were the witnesses.  Mrs. McVay, mother of the bride, was also in attendance.
(Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 4, Thursday, 17 May 1934)

1936 - Miss Hulett and Mr. Chapman Wed
     A pretty wedding took place Monday noon, Aug. 24, at the Presbyterian manse in Horseheads when Miss Pearl Lillian Hulett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hulett of Horseheads, became the bride of Bernard H. Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chapman of the Town of Veteran.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. E. Malick.
     They were attended by Miss Lillian Kocourek and Joseph Kocourek of Horseheads, aunt and uncle of the bride.  The bride wore a green crepe dress and hat to match with black suede slippers and black gloves and a corsage of talisman roses and baby's breath.  The bridesmaid wore a rust colored crepe dress with brown accessories and a corsage of salmon pink roses and baby's breath.
     Follwing the ceremony, dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents to 30 guests.  The room and tables were decorated in pink and white with bouquets of garden flowers.  After the reception the couple left for a trip to the Thousand Islands.
     The bride, who is a former school teacher, is a graduate of Horseheads High School and Training Class and also attended Elmira Business Institute.  The bridegroom is a successful mechanic with the Alart Motor Co., in Horseheads.
(Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 11, Thursday, 3 September 1936)

1940 - Miss Dyer Bride of Mr. Van Duzer
     Miss Winifred Dyer, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Dyer and the late Mr. Dyer of East Pembrooke, and James H. Van Duzer, son of Mrs. Anna Van Duzer of the Ridge Road and the late Mr. Van Duzer, a former resident of Horseheads, were united in marriage July 6 by the Rev. Mr. Lewis at the Methodist Parsonage in Weedsport.  They will reside in East Pembrooke, where Mr. Van Duzer is in the hardware business.  Mrs. Van Duzer is a teacher in the Buffalo city school system.   (Chemung Valley reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 18 July 1940)

1944 - Benjamin F. Turner Jr. Married in Ireland
     Announcement has recently been made of the marriage on April 10, 1944 of Benjamin F. Turner, Jr., Motor Machinists Mate 1/C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Upper Oakwood Avenue, to Miss Muriel Beryl Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Reynolds of Londonderry, Northern Ireland.    Rev. H. Irvine officiated at the marriage which took place in the Carlisle Road Methodist Church, Londonderry.  Mr. Turner has been stationed in Ireland since December 1941.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 27 July 1944)

1944 - Miss Phyllis Stow to Wed Lawrence Halpin
     Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Stow of Sayre Street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Kathryn, to Lawrence M. Halpin of Pine Valley.    Miss Stow is a graduate of Horseheads High School and is now attending Elmira College.  Mr. Halpin also a local High School graduate, is employed at the Holding and Reconsignment Point and expects to soon enter the Navy. (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 6 April 1944)

1945 - Miss Banks weds Frederick M. Lant
A lovely wedding took place Sunday, Sept. 2, when Miss Ruth Ann Banks and Frederick M. Lant were united in marriage at the the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Banks of the Middle Road.  Mr. Lant is the son of Mrs. Lillian Lant of Elmira and the late Mr. Lant.
The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin gown with a lace veil caught in a halo of gardenias, and carried a bouquet of white rosebuds.  Mrs. Alfred Dalrymple was matron of honor and she was attired in a blue silk gown and carried a bouquet of yellow roses.  Anson Lewis of Pine Valley was best man.  Usherettes were Misses Joyce Dann, Blanche and Louise Mosher, all of Horseheads.  A reception for guests followed the ceremony, after which the couple left for a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada.  They will live on the Middle Road where the bridegroom is engaged in farming.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 27 September 1945)

1945 - Miss Parrott Weds F. L. Campbell Jr.
     The marriage of Miss Gladys Parrott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Judd Parrott of Cayuta, RD 2 to Frank L. Campbell of Horseheads RD 3 took place Friday, June 22, 1945, at 4 p. m. at the Methodist parsonage in Breesport, the Rev. Edgar L. Kinner officiating.   The bride wore a two piece tan and blue printed jersey dress and a gardenia and red rosebud corsage.  She was attended by her sister in law, Lulu Parrott, who wore a brown print dress and a gardenia and yellow rosebud corsage.  The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Edwin M. Campbell of Belmont.  On their return from a short wedding trip, the couple will reside near Sullivanville, where Mr. Campbell operates a dairy and poultry farm with his father.
(Chemung Valley Reporter, Thursday)

1948 - Miss Maria Roy
Weds G. A. Turner
Saturday, Aug. 28
     Elmira Heights - St. John's Episcopal Church of Elmira Heights was the scene of a summer wedding at high noon, Saturday, August 28, 1948, when Miss Maria Roym daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Roy, Sr., of the Sing Sing Road became the bride of George A. Turner, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Archie Turner of the Ridge Road.   The Rev. Robert Sudlow performed the double ring ceremony.  Miss Mary Jane Peters of Savona was organist and Ronald Brown of Horseheads sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love".    The bride, who was escorted to the altar by her father, wore a period gown of nylon marquisette over taffeta with a high neckline, long full sleeves, bustle back and a full skirt with ruffles cascading in back.  Her full length veil fell from an open crown halo bonnet of illusion.  The bridal bouquet was of Easter lilies.  Mrs. Frederick Woodside od Newton Highland, Mass., was matron of honor for her sister.  Bridesmaids were Mrs. Richard Maconi of New Haven, Conn., and Miss Sara Turner of Horseheads.  All were gowned identically in ankle length gowns of white illusion net over taffeta with basque bodices, pleated berthas and bouffant skirts edged with pleats.  They wore matching picture hats and lace mitts and carried white silk parasols trimmed at handles and at tips with blue delphinium flowerets.       Elizabeth Ann Roy, cousin of the bride, as flower girl wore a gown similar to those worn by the other attendants with pink rosebuds trimming her parasol.   Robert Turner was best man for his brother and William Earl Roy and Robert Roy, nephew and cousin of the bride, were ringbearers.  The ushers were William Roy and Milton A. Roy.  For her daughters wedding Mrs. Roy chose a gown of robbin's egg blue crepe and lace with matching flower hat and white accessories.  The bridegroom's mother was gowned in dubonnet crepe with matching hat and accessories.  Both wore gardenia corsages.   A reception for 200 guests was held immediately following the ceremony in the Church parlors.   For her going away outfit, Mrs. Turner chose a white tailord summer suit with pink and brown accessories and an orchid corsage.  The couple returned from a trip to the New England states and are now residing at Pleasant View farms on the Ridge Road. (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 9 September 1948)

1948 -  Miss Janes to Wed Robert Bush
     The engagement of Helen Louise Janes to Robert Bush has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Janes of Sullivanville.  Mr. Bush is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Bush of Sullivanville.   The bride-elect is a graduate of Mountain Lakes (N. J.) High School and attended Tusculum College, at Greenville, Tenn.  Mr. Bush is a graduate of Horseheads High School and served three and one half years in the Army Air Corp.  He is now employed at the Eclipse Machine Division.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 25 March 1948)

1951 - Miss Pastrick Weds R. A. Roemmelt Saturday, Aug. 25 at St. Mary's
     Miss Josephine Pastrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pastrick of 1147 Willow Street, and Robert Alan Roemmelt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Roemmelt of the Ridge Road, were married Saturday, August 25, 1951, in St. Mary's Church.  The rev. Francis Reilly performed the double ring ceremony at 11 a. m. The bride's sister in law, Mrs. Henry J. Pastrick, was matron of honor.  Miss Arlene Shepard of Pine City and Mrs. Franklin Westlake of Horseheads were bridesmaids.  Miss Patricia Pastrick, neice of the bride, was flower girl.  Dr. John C. Roemmelt of Elmira served as his brother's best man.  Henry J. Pastrick and Franklin Westlake were ushers.  After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Frank Ford of Big Flats.  Mrs. Roemmelt graduated from Horseheads High School and Elmira College in 1951.  She is employed by the Chemung County Welfare Department.  Mr. Roemmelt attended Horseheads schools and served in the U. S. Army. After a wedding trip to Canada Mr. and Mrs. Roemmelt will live on the Ridge Road. (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page. 1, Thursday, 30 August 1951)

1952 - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kiser, Horseheads, R. 3, announce the marriage of their daughter Irene to Grant Larabee, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Larabee, Sr., 206 Franklin Street, Horseheads.  Mrs. Marjorie Van Gelder of Horseheads and Frank Campbell, Jr. of Horseheads R. 3 attended the couple.  The ceremony took place in the Horseheads Baptist parsonage Feb. 9, 1952 at 1 p. m. and the wedding reception was held at the bride's home for 100 guests.  Mr. and Mrs. Larabee will make their home with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Harry Kiser, Horseheads, R. 3.
(Chemung Valley Reported, Page 7, Thursday, 14 February 1952)

1954 - Sarah Turner
Mr. Stowell
Wed Saturday
     The marriage of Miss Sarah Helen Turner, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Archie Turner of the Ridge Road to Edgar Burton Stowell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Stowell of Rochester, took place Saturday, August 7, 1954 at noon at the home of the bride's brother, George A. Turner and Mrs. Turner on the Ridge Road.  The Rev. Waldo A. Kihlstrom, pastor of the Horseheads Presbyterian Church, performed the ceremony. The bride wore a white organdy princess style waltz length gown having an appliqued embroidered skirt.  Her net face veil was attached to a headband.  She carried a Colonial bouquet of Eucharist Lilies.   Mrs. Milton Roy who attended her sister, wore a green and white sois de vive print and carried a Colonial bouquet of red and white rosebuds.    Jack Stowell acted a best man for his brother.  Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at the Turner home.  Thirty guests, members of the immediate families were present for the wedding ceremony and luncheon.  Mrs. Turner chose a blue taffeta print with white accessories and a gardenia for her daughter's wedding.  The groom's mother wore a navy blue and white print with white accessories and a white corsage.  When the couple left for a short trip the bride wore a navy and white dress with white hat and matching accessories.   Mrs. Stowell is a graduate of Horseheads High School and Elmira College and received her M. A. degree at Syracuse University.   Mr. Stowell is a graduate of Springfield College, Springfield, Mass.   Mr. and Mrs. Stowell are residing in Rochester where both are members of the faculty of the Benjamin Franklin High School. (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 12 August 1954)

Mr. And Mrs. Robert B. Smith of Horseheads, RD 3, announce the engagement of their daughter, JoAnn, to Walter Ross Samson, son of Mr. And Mrs. Charles R. Samson of the Ridge Rd., Horseheads.  Miss Smith after graduating from the Horseheads High School attended the Jean Summers Business School.  She is employed by the Customer Service Office, Westinghouse Electric Corp.
Her fiance attended Horseheads High School and is a junior at Syracuse University where he is majoring in mechanical engineering.  The wedding will be solemnized early in the fall.

1960 - Turner - Hoagland United In Marriage Saturday, March 26th
     Miss Deanna F. Turner and Herbert L. Hoagland were married Saturday, March 26, at 2 p. m. at the Methodist Church.  The Rev. Raymond W. Smith heard the exchange of nuptial vows, using a double ring ceremony.  The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, Sr. of Ridge Road, Horseheads.     The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. Hoagland of 107 Hazelwood Ave., Golden Glow Heights.  Mrs. Helen Sunningham was the organist with Mrs. Clifford Robertson, vocalist, providing the musical setting for the service.  Mr. Turner gave his daughter in marriage.  She was attended by her sister, Mrs. William Blaha of Odessa.  Stephen Cooper served the bridegroom as best man.  Seating the guests at the Church were the bride's brothers, George E. Turner, Jr., Carl Turner and Richard Turner.  A wedding reception followed in the Church parlors.    The bride selected a white embroidered nylon organdy gown styled with Sabrina neckline, long sleeves, and a bouffant skirt of tiered embroidery.  Her head piece was a crown of lace and pearl orange blossoms securing a fingertip veil of illusion.  She carried white orchids centered on a prayer book.    The matron of honor selected a pale blue silk organza with fitted bodice and bouffant skirt.  Her tulle and velvet crown of flowers was in matching blue and she carried a complementing bouquet of pink carnations.    Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland are on a week's tour of the South.  The bride is a graduate of Horseheads Central School and is employed at the Horseheads office of Marine Midland Trust Co. of Southern N. Y.  The bridegroom, a graduate of Southisde High School, is stationed at Ft. Niagara, Youngstown, N. Y. with the U. S. Army.  Prenuptial parties were given for Mrs. Hoagland by Miss Elizabeth Teller, Mrs. Sara Brick, Mrs. Stanley Benjamin, and Mrs. Richard Sleeper.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 31 March 1960

1965 -   Miss Linda Klesa and Richard Turner were united in marriage Saturday, June 26 by Rev. Lyman Farnham in St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Horseheads.   The former Miss Klesa is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ford J. Klesa of Stuart St., Horseheads.  Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Turner of Ridge Road.   Attending the bride were Mrs. Peter Frazier of Ithaca, matron of honor; Mrs. Gary Klesa of Horseheads, sister-in-law of the bride; Miss Susan Elizabeth Stewart of Syracuse and Miss Carol Lazoration of Horseheads, bridesmaids.    Wendy Susan Margeit of Horseheads, cousin of the bride, was flower girl and James Joseph Klesa, brother of the bride was junior usher.  Serving as best man was Michael Whitford of Pine Valley.  Ushering were George E. Turner, brother of the bridegroom; Gary L. Klesa, brother of the bride and Carl E. Turner, brother of the bridegroom.  All of Horseheads.   Following a luncheon and a lawn reception at the Korner Kitchen Restaurant the couple left for a tour of the Southern States.  They will reside in Ithaca. (Chemung Valley reporter, Page 4, Thursday, 1 July 1965)

1972 -  Double Ring Ceremony Performed
A double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Willis Hull in the First Baptist Church of Horseheads.  United in marriage were Miss Doris Chapman and Joseph Baxter on Saturday, January 1, 1972 at 11:00 a. m. The bride was escorted by Mr. Lawrence Chapman, her brother. Mrs. Patricia Swithers was soloist. Miss Dorothy Chapman of Horseheads was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Joy Allington of Horseheads and Miss Bonnie Baxter of Sayre, Penna.  Mr. Lawrence Chamberlain of Waverly served as best man and the ushers were Mr. Gerald Lewis of Horseheads and Mr. Jeffery Baxter of Sayre, Penna.  After the reception at the Church, the couple left for a trip to Tennessee.  They will live in Sayre, Pennsylvania.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Page 1, Thursday, 27 January 1972)

Undated - Miss Bowen Weds Archie S. Campbell
     The marriage of Miss Aurelia G. Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bowen of Pine City, and Archie S. Campbell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Campbell of Horseheads R. D. 3, took place on Tuesday evening, August 24, 1945.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Herbert L. Gordon, pastor of the Riverside Methodist Church, Elmira, at his home.  Attendants were Mrs. Arthamese Denny, sister of the bride and Kenneth H. Campbell, brother of the bridegroom.   The bride wore a tailored suit of autumn green with black accessories and a corsage of gardenias and white rosebuds.  Her attendant wore a gray suit, with black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds.  Later the couple left on a motor trip to Buffalo and Canada.  They will make their home in Wellsboro, where Mr. Campbell is employed by G. L. F.  (Chemung Valley Reporter, Thursday)

Veteran Hill
The Hill seems to be on the move of late.  Two weddings have taken place in the past week, that of John Terry and Miss Myra Egglesdorf of Catharine, on Wednesday, and also Fred Campbell and Miss Nina Stoughton on Saturday.
(Chemung Valley Reporter, Thursday)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 18 MAY 1998\
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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