Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Leigh Allen, WW1 Vet
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Local Boy Writes of Peace Celebration in France;
French People Wild With Joy When News Came

Sergeant Leigh Allen, Of Mansfield Tells How the French People Celebrated Signing of the Armistice.

Tours, France, Nov. 12, 1918
Note: Column ends here, but is continued with gap in text in next.We have ony a fragment of the following article.

carrying the most picturesque torches, reminding one of the ancient Grecian ones.  They were preceded by the French cavalry bearing a flag of each nation in the war except the enemies, and between marched the important men of the evening.
 Five French generals were marching in the first rank between the torch bearers and their wonderful dress uniforms of red, blue and black, with a great deal of gold braid surely made a most charming picture.  Behind these high officials marched the English and American officers and bringing up the rear ranks were our own wonderful marine band.  The crowds were so dense that the parade made slow but gloriously applauded progress.   I shall never forget the magnificent sight and the thought of those French cavaliers bearing the standards of the Allies made one feel that they have seen some part of the great crusades, as we really are.
 The line finally came to a halt in the great public square where now the fountains were playing and red, white and blue lights were shooting their rays up, apparently with the spray of the fountains.   A sudden quietness… Note: the column ends here, is not continued.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/16/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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