Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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World War 2 Memorial in Canton PA, 07 MAY 1945
Does anyone have a closeup shot  Send to Joyce
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the 700 pages of Military Records on the site by using the Military button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
If you have photos or listings for other World War 2 Memorials in Bradford County, send them in to be added to this page.

Janet PETERS Ordway found the listing to go with the photo above in the F. Marshall Case materials and sent it in January 2007.

Roll of Honor Board   Located on  Library Lawn
Dedicated Armistice Day, 1942   Canton, Pennsylvania
Adams, Bruce Kilmer, Harold Taylor, Floyd Jr
Adams, Henry Kaseman, Edward L Terry, Albert
Aderhold, John P Keagle, Roger Terry, Carl D
Alexander, Louis Keiffer, Lester R Terry, Charles
Allen, James Kelley, Martin C Terry, John W
Antes, Russell Kelly, Paul K Terry, Richard K
Austin, James H Kelley, Leo Thompson, Sheldon
Ayres, Donald L Keltz, Paul Tillotson, Phillip L
  Ketchum, Donald L Tillotson, Stanley A
Bagley, Walter Kiff, John N Tillotson, Ward
Bailey, Ernest M Kilmer, Charles E Tillotson, William
Bailey, Galen King, John Tomkins, David E
Bailey, Harold King, Edward Tomkins, John P
Barnes, Arthur D Krise, Charles E Tomkins, Paul N
Bassett, Marshall Krise, Robert F Tomlinson, James Allen
Beardsley, Meade Kujuwa, Edward Transue, William
Beck, Webster Kujawa, Leonard Tunnicliff, Leslie
Beechey, John Kujawa, Leon Tunning, Charles E
Beers, Leo F Kraiss, Paul Tracy, William J
Bevan, Carlisle   Thompson, Felix Jr 
Blake, H F Lake, Joseph D  
Blake, Robert Lamb, Dean I VanFleet, Walton
Bolsford, Frank R Jr Landis, Guy L Vermilya, James
Botsford, Milton Landis, Walter Vermilya, Elmo
Brackman, Russell L Landon, William S Vermilya, Clarence
Bradford, Paul L Lee, Robert VanDyke, Lawrence
Bradford, Arthur Leighton, Floyd Wallace, William Ord
Brown, Chester Leonard, Donald Walter, Joseph H
Brown, Jesse Leonard, Ernest Duane Watts, Lisle Howard Jr
Brown, John Leonard, Luther D Watts, Robert Bruce
Brown, Leon Lindley, Benjamin Wheeler, Frederick Jr
Brown, Orlo B Looney, William M Wentz, Philmore
Brozeen, Walter   Wheeler, Harold W
Buck, Mark D Machmer, Irvin E Whitman, Thad W
Bullock, Howard E Marble, Malcolm C Wilbur, Gordon
Butters, Harry L Marvin, Arthur Wilcox, Clarence
Bellows, Max Marshall, Preston Wilcox, John W
Bastion, Lester F Mason, Clarence Wilcox, Wayne E
Bubacz, Chester Mason, Clayton Wilcox, Perry 
Benedict, Martin Matson, John Williams, Carroll E
Blackman, Allison Matson, Lawrence Williams, Donald
Bryington, Gus Matthews, Samuel Williams, Harold E
  May, Bernard W Williams, Lewis A Jr 
Dann, Daniel Innes Maynard John Wesley Williams, Milo
Darrah, Clark P Jr McBlane, James Williams, Mortimer C
Dickerson, Harold McCauley, William R Williams, LeRoy
Dresle, Herman C McNeal, Lester Webster, Percy
Dutchess, Raymond McNett, Kenneth W Webster, Richard
Deitrich, Floyd McNeil, Lester Webster, Robert
  Merrick, Harold Webster, Max
Earle, Richard Morgan, Frank Wynne, John
Earle, Kenneth Morgan, Martin Wynne, James
Earley, James Miller, Elmer S Woodwad, Louis
Earley, William Mott, Joseph W Wood, Kenneth E
Elliott, Lorimer D Morris, William K Wooster, Paul E
Eckman, William   Wooster, C Elwin
  Neal, Phillip S Wooster, G Keith
Fennell, James   Walcheski, Vincent
Ferguson, Roy T Osipovitch, John J  
Fields, Fred D   Young, Elmer R
Fields, Gordon L Packard, LeRoy F  
Finch, Willis L Packard, Leslie A  
Fitzwater, Harry G Palmer, L E  
Fitzwater, Lavern R Page, Donald E  
Freeman, Merrell Page, Theodore M  
Foster, Richard Pannell, Thurman  
Foster, William R Perry, Robert W  
Foust Raymond E Potter, Carl L  
Fulkerson, John W Preston, Daniel  
Furman, Allan P Preston, James  
Fetherbay, Donald Putnam, Evelyn  
Fetherbay, Glenn Pelton, Albert L  
Fetherbay, Willlis    
  Raker, Glenn E  
Gaisewhite, George C Raker, Russell W  
Gleckner, Romaine Rundell, C Wilmot  
Good, Lester E Raplee, Harold J  
Goodman, Benjamin Renstrom, Donald L  
Goodman, George Renstrom, Harmon  
Graham, Harley L Rightmire, Stanley  
Gray, Willis H Robinson, Malcolm  
Gray, Waldo Robinson, Ralph  
Green, Thomas Robinson, Robert LeRoy  
Griswold, Robert H Roberts, Harry  
Griswold, Scott W Reynolds, John L  
Goodman, George Reynolds, Robert  
Gleckner, Robert H Jr Rockwell, Ivor  
Grimm, John Rosbach, Elmer  
Griswold, Victor Rosbach, Sidney  
  Ross, Richard R  
Houghtaling, Leonard Rauscher, Clarence M  
Hanford, Norman    
Harer, Edwin Schrader, Edgar L  
Harrar, Lynn Scott, William J  
Hawthorne, Robert O Sechrist, Harold  
Hemenway, Bernard Shadduck, Lemuel B  
Heess, Walter R Shadduck, Ralph  
Hill, Walter T Shadduck, H R  
Hawthorn, Dean W Shank, Glenn  
Hipple, Clyde O Shank, Paul R  
Hoffa, Harry Marshall Shiffert, George  
Holcomb, H Dean Shoemaker, Theodore  
Holcomb, J Newton Sidler, Earl P  
Holmes, Crawford C Skelley, Chester  
Holmes, Franklin P Slater, John  
Holmes, John F Smith, Francis H  
Holmes, Kenneth C Smith, F Robert   
Holmes, Norvin C Jr Smithgall, Raymond O  
Howlett, Alice Snell, Paul K  
Herrer, Donald Spaulding, Gordon L  
Harvey, E Emith Spencer, G Sherman  
Hatton, Clarence E Spencer, George S  
Hall, Arthur A Spencer, Lester I  
Howard, Aldine Spencer, Howard  
  Spencer, John P  
Ingerick, Elwyn L Spencer, Miles  
Innes, Floyd Stone, Gerald Dean  
Irvin, Dane  Sturgis, Allyn R  
  Swingle, Donald  
Jenkins, Kenneth Swingle, Garth  
Jenkins, Wilford M Shoemaker, Duane A  
Johnson, Gordon W Shoemaker, William C  
June, Royce L Schmelzle, Oliver Jr  
World War One Soldiers
Photo of Canton Bandstand (Original is blurry) from Don Stanton
Canton World War One Soldiers in front of the Bandstand shown above.
WWI – 1918: In front of Band Stand, Library in back
Front Row – L to R: Back Row – L to R
1) Philip Hawkins 1) Harold Merritt
2) Sam McNett 2) Mel Brooks
3) Leonard Boyce 3) Jim Coons
4) 4) Robert Randall
5) 5)
6) 6) Frank Delmot
7) G. Jenkins 7) Bill McIntosh, Sr.
8) 8)
9) Ron Clark 9) Randall Newell
10) Wilson Randall 10)
11) Jim Snell 11) E. J. Preston
12) Joe Campbell 12) Fred Newell
13) Lloyd Kniffin 13)
14) Merton Thomas 14) Maynard Jenkins
15) Jim Williams 15)
Thesehese names are listed on a separate sheet.  I would guess that these 3 were also in the service and thought to be in the picture somewhere.
Cameron Campbell
Thomas Towner
John Mase
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Bradford County Millitary Rolls
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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1940s Ulster & Sheshequin Honor Roll
Ulster – Sheshequin

Roll of Honor

Donald McCarty Kenneth Swingle Rudolf Gallup William Hushelpeck
Robert Gallup John Layman Basil Rice Joseph Cotter
Frank Wickizer Horace Brown John Loghyr Donald Loomis
Wm. McCarty Hugh McCauley Rex Heller William May
Frank Tillman David Wilkinson Paul Bustin Francis Huff
Paul Rogers Joseph Tuttle George Goodman Paul Mathews
Walter Keir Arthur Johnston Warren McCauley Leonard Bidlack
Bruce Gorrell Amos Wittig Frances Chaffee Walter R. Gillette, Jr.
Kenneth Gorrell Henry Blow Esther Allen – WAAC Raymond Wilbur
Joseph Campbell Sidney Smith William Crawn Francis Vought
Henry Litzelman Howard Sackett Robert Harkness Richard Tinney
John McCabe Harry Dunham Donald Hayward Merrill Krotzer
Gordon Crawn Francis Bidlack Harold Learn Peter McCabe
Donald Hunter La vern Bidlack Fred Chaffee Jack Spencer
Blair Horton George Howell Raymond Spencer Floyd Dixon
Earl Rice, Jr. Arthur Blauvelt Charles Pruyne Dale Horton
Hartley Thompson Edward Stone David Burleigh  
Harry Thompson Donald Nickeson Roger Congdon  
Ike Thompson Sterling Ellis Eugene King  
Jack Gleockler Edwin Stack Merlin Evans  
Robert Watkins Robert Young Gordon Taylor  
Richard Jacobs Max Smith Victor Ford  
Charles Forrest John Vallilee Freeman Ford  
Robert Forrest Ernest Vann Arthur Blow  
Walter Lane Park Horton Ralph Layman  
Ralph Horton Leonard Potter Clyde Bresee  
Donald Stack Max Lane Wilbur Bidlack  
Paul McCue Paul Chaffee Harold Horton, Jr.  
Clarence Horton Jack Whipple Harry Ayer  
Floyd Blow James Racht Kenneth Davidson  
Sinclair McMorran Alfred Wright Richard Chaffee  

Not listed on board: John Cotter, Alliger Serapinas, Newton Drake, Roland Richards, Kenneth Buffington, Blair Horton, John Roberts, Paul Roberts and Glenn Fish. A memorial piece was inserted in the top for deceased William Brosnan.
Submitted by Suzanne Congdon

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11 NOV 2006
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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