Bradford County PA
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Town of Veteran Photos
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Photo: Ridge Road Women
Township:  Townof Veteran, Chemung County NY
Photos from Walt Samson
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During the War Years on the Ridge Rd. up in the Town of Veteran where I grew up, the ladies actually had a surprisingly active social life. The commonality of the group included the Grange, Home Bureau, the 21 party telephone line and Dairyman's League.

There are a decreasing number of us who remember these ladies. The attached photo has the names annotated on the reverse. Like most pictures of this group, some faces are obscured and not all the local ladies were present. I have other photos, and in due course plan to offer others to complete the group.

Note the style. Most all wore figured dresses. This was the War era, a time of sewing at home, often using the colorful feed bags that were then popular, and a very practical source of fabric.

Walt Samson

Ridge Rd. Ladies – 1945

Veteran, Chemung Co., NY

Standing – L to R

Anna Belle Van Duzer      1887-1963

Annie Wheeler                 1885-1961

Ruth Mosher                   1900-1972

Francis Dann                   1914-1995

Berneice REED Mac Dougall       1882-1958

Lena Horton

Violet Smith

Helene Hayes

Lena Banks

Mina Tuma

Nina Roemmelt

Elizabeth Conklin             1901-1992

Rebecca CONKLIN Carrier

Emily Wagner

Sitting – L to R

Lily Ramstein        d. Fla.

????? ????

Helen MAC DOUGALL Samson     1909-1995 

Children– L to R

Lu Ann ????

Stuart Samson

Nancy Tuma (front of Mina)

Jimmy Carrier

??? Dann

Front Three: Emma Billings, Lily Ramstein, Berneice MacDougall
Back Five: Ruth Mosher, Martha Saunders, Ola Chappell, Elizabeth Conklin, (Maybe Bess Hobler at end)
Ruth Mosher & Jean Rommelt 1941
The kids in the picture all grew up on the Ridge and Middle Roads in the Town of Veteran during the 30s. They dressed quite proper to accompany their mothers to a Home Bureau meeting.
Walt Samson

Ralph Dann, Lois Mae Mosher, Norman Hayes, Marshall Conklin

Added 06 March 2008 - From Walt Samson
Women of Ridge Road July 1956 Veteran Garden Club Annual Picnic, Seneca Lake, 18 July 1956
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 14 JUL 2005
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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