Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA |
The Training School
Reference is here made to one phase of Normal School life which is close to the heart of every senior.- So-called ... practice teaching" to most of us has seemed deserving of a much more meaningful title. We, have met many of the' real problems ,of teaching, some of them more acute because of the keenness of -students who seem to know all too well that some of us are merely practicing.
Every graduate of M. S. N. S., no matter what town or family he comes from, must face this ordeal and be subjected to its leveling influence. The beautiful part of it all is, that many of us "find ourselves", and reach to heights previously unknown. So much we learn by teaching that it even seems as though we should have begun to teach when we first came to Mansfield.
Much of this training and valuable experience we owe to skilled and sympathetic supervisors, for without them few of us would have survived the first two or three weeks.
From the Junior High School down to the Kindergarten, Mansfield is well equipped in buildings, appointments, apparatus and training teachers.
The new kindergarten building and equipment has met the situation almost perfectly with its two large rooms and play space. The Primary and Grade School is modern in every way and everyone of its thirteen rooms is filled with children who come for miles. The late improvements to the interior of the Junior High School have made it the pride of the school. Taken altogether there are few rural neighborhoods whose children may have the advantage of such schools and equipment and few Normal Schools, if any, in the State which have equal opportunities and equipment for the training of prospective teachers.
The social relationship between student-teachers and students of the Training School found expression in the activities of the Junior High when the students entertained their student-faculty and later when the student-faculty entertained the Junior High School students in the gymnasium. The mutual relationships were strongly cemented by these more intimate contacts and all declare this kind of thing a large success.
One thing strikes the senses of every visitor to Mansfield and that is its atmosphere of industry, refinement and congeniality. This atmosphere is reflected in every department of the school. It begins to show in the Kindergarten and is evident in the Primary and Grade department. It seems to particularly pervade the halls and classrooms of the Junior High School and among the Normal School students in their work and recreation. Even in their idle moments the wholesome atmosphere of a well regulated family is conspicuous.
Mansfield. Normal School may properly be as proud of its training school, its faculty and its students, as its students are proud to be identified with such an institution.
The Training School holds as its standard the idea that the purpose of the school is, primarily, the development of the child into a socially acceptable individual. Therefore, it has held an open-minded attitude toward all modern methods compatible with this aim. And so, social activity has been introduced as far as seems possible in classrooms in charge of inexperienced teachers.
Although we may find ourselves in varied and difficult situations next
fall, we can truthfully say that we carry with us a vision of better education
toward which we will strive with minds ever open to suggestions. This we
accredit to the Training School.
- Ruth York.
1931 Carontawan [yearbook of Mansfield State Teachers College]
George A. Retan, B.F., M.A.
Director of Training School.
Pennsylvania State Forest School; New York University; Dickinson College.
Jessie P. Willett, A.B.
State Normal School; Davis Elkins College; Teachers College, Columbia
Drucilla Worthington, A.B.
Supervisor, Grade I
Beliot College; University of Wisconsin.
Mary Ellen Handrick, A.B.
Supervisor, Grade II
Iowa State Teachers College.
Edna Puterbaugh Marsh, B.S.
Supervisor, Grade III.
State Normal School; Teachers College, Columbia University.
Dorothy F. Hutchinson, B.S.
Supervisor, Grade IV.
Mansfield State Normal School; University of Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth P. Stalford, B.S.
Supervisor, Grade V.
Mansfield State Normal School; Columbia University; Bucknell University.
Mildred L. Grigsby, B.S.
Supervisor, Grade VI.
Mansfield State Normal School; Columbia University; Bucknell University.
Blanche R. Ross, B.S.
Primary Director.
Western State College; Teachers College, Columbia University.
1934 Carontawan [yearbook of Mansfield State Teachers College]
The Principal of the Model School
The Supervisory Staff of the Model School is mainly interested in the
service which this school renders over three hundred boys and girls. We
are concerned that these children shall have a profitable and enjoyable
school life. We are more interested in them as human beings than we are
in their progress in what was once called "the three R's." An endeavor
is made to give music, art and handwork a significant emphasis and thus
avoid a one-sided symbolic training. We believe that the future education
of these children depends more upon the attitudes with which they leave
us than it does upon any other factor.
- George A. Retan