Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy &
History by Joyce M. Tice
School Memorabilia of the Tri-Counties
Brick School at Blossburg
This photo is labeled Bloss Brick School
School: Blossburg Brick School |
Blossburg, Tioga County PA |
Photo |
Year: 1909 |
Photo Submitted by: Esther MAYS Harer
Postcard from John Rowe of New Zealand |
Articles Submitted by Sandra Watters from
the grandmother's scrapbook
Formatted & Published by Joyce M. Tice |
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Historic Blossburg High School Burns; Loss About $30,000
Blossburg - Blossburg’s 61-year-old high school was destroyed in a $30,000
fire Sunday night. The fire was believed to have started in the boiler
room. Before it was discovered to the basement was doomed and the
fire had begun its march to the upper stories of the old brick structure.
Supervising Principal M.F. Jones told The Star-Gazette Monday that the
loss was about $25,000mon the building and approximately $3,000 on equipment.
Postmark 1909 |
There is partial insurance. Sought New Building
Loss of the building further complicates Blossburg’s pressing school
problem. Since the fall of 1933 agitation for a new building to relieve
conditions here has been under way. With the “Brick School” in ruins,
arrangements must be made to house 400 grade and high school students.
There are two other grade buildings in Blossburg, the Central and Tannery
schools. In addition it is possible that the building in mid-town,
will be used for classes. The fire was discovered by Mrs. Bradford
Connolly who resides in the eastern part of Blossburg. The Brick
School is located a the top of a hill in the western section.
Firemen found the flames beyond control as the oiled floors and old timbers
quickly caught from the seething basement. In addition there
was a stiff breeze. Held 400 Students On the first floor
were four rooms for third and fourth grade pupils. The second floor
was devoted to high school class rooms in addition to a large auditorium.
In the basement, besides the boiler room, were science laboratories and
other equipment. The Brick School had been repaired and renovated
many times during its long service. This season it had 400 students
and eight teachers. What arrangements would be made to provide for
the students were incomplete Monday. The School Board was to meet
during the day to study plans for classes.
Valedictory Speech Blossburg High
Class of 1936
by Pauline Schultz
We, the graduating class of 1936, have come to the end of our
high school career. This night marks the completion of our twelve
years of planning, studying, and hoping. The time has passed away
so quickly that it is with regret that we leave our school and go into
the world of experience to face a future so uncertain.
Up to this time we have had wise care and direction in our homes
and school, but from now on our lives will be more or less in our own hands
and it concerns us to know what we should do to make them successful.
Living is like traveling. Life is a journey. It is
a trip through a strange land which we have never seen before, and we never
know a moment ahead where we are going next. We hear strange languages,
see strange scenes, meet strange dilemmas, new tangles, new experiences.
Everywhere are confusion, discouragement, and conflict. How shall
we make the journey pleasant?
What shall our lives be? Shall we worry them away in idleness
and complaint, or shall we, by our deeds, leave footprints along the way?
What ever they will be depends upon ourselves.
To start our future well we should consider our circumstances,
our home, our financial condition, our education, our limitations and upon
these determine to build a life worthy of the best that is in us.
To do this it will need ability on our part to rise above our shortcomings,
accept our handicaps, and make the best of what we possess.
We have observed how people sacrifice, labor and rejoice
together because they love one another. We have seen this in our
family circles, in our school, and in the community in which
we live. So it is important for us to cultivate friendships -- wide
friendships with people in many walks of life, these older and wiser
than we, those younger and happier. Without friends we become
narrow-minded and self-centered. We have little thought for others.
Friends are our inspiration. We cannot succeed without
them. We share their happiness and seek to be worthy of their esteem.
They make life richer and more significant. Our friends should be
as close to us as D was to Jonathan.
As soon as these two met, the one a king’s son,,, the other a
shepherd boy, they forget their differences and felt that they were
nearer than kindred. Out of the chaos of the time and the disorder
of their own lives they built a new and beautiful world where peace, love
and sweet contentment ruled. Jonathan forgot his pride: David, his
ambition. It was like a smile from God, changing their world for
them. The one was saved from the temptations of a squalid court,
and the other from the bitterness of an exile’s life. The princely
soul of Jonathan held no room for jealousy. David’s frank nature
rose to meet the nobility of his friend. Jonathan withstood his father’s
anger to shield his friend. David was patient with Saul for his son’s
sake. They agreed to be true to each other in their difficult positions.
This bend of friendship certainly must have been close and tender
to have such results in princely generosity and mutual loyalty of soul.
If we are to get the best out of life, we must put our best into
it, for the Bible says, “As a man soweth, so shall he reap.”
There is a law of exchange that rules in every sphere of life. If
a person wishes a new hat, a suit, or anything he must give something in
return for it. If he wants a well-trained mind, he must study to
acquire knowledge. The same thing holds true in the spiritual world.
To have power over sin and selfishness, ever tongue and temper, and the
other evils, or to enjoy to the utmost, one must pay the price - give something
in exchange.
We must choose a vocation. What each one of us will
do is uncertain. Of course we have our minds on a certain kind of
work, but we enter a world of unemployment and crowded professions,
so we have to take up work other than that which we planned, but what concern
should it be to us if we can do the work well and be happy in the
performance of duty?
Again , we may be among those unable to find employment immediately.
If so, our opportunities for self-improvement will be greater. We
can prepare, in a better way, for life, and we need not be idle, for we
can find activities in home, school, church, or community that will help
us better ourselves.
At the beginning of our new life we should make up or minds to
be happy. Start each day with a beautiful thought, a word of praise,
or a kind deed. Observe the beauties of nature - the flowers, the
birds, the sky, and the stars. Se good in those around us and each
day of our lives will grow brighter.
No life is complete unless inspired by great ideals. We
should have before us constantly something great to strive for. Woodrow
Wilson once said, “No man that does not see visions will ever realize any
high hope, or undertake any high purpose.” If a definite aim exists
in our minds, our thoughts and plans are all directed toward the making
of that dream a reality.
Perhaps o man, except Washington, did so much to win the Revolutionary
War as did Benedict Arnold, but he forgot his ideals and became a much
despised person. Not so with Washington. He declined to make
use of his influence for his own purposes. He refused bribes and
gifts, and disciplined his soldiers who forgot patriotism; and today
he is praised and his name dishonored as one of the greatest in history.
Because of what we do or say or the way we act the life of someone
will be different. Our influence may build up or tear down.
It may spread cheer or gloom, create good will for discord, encourage evil
or good, elevate or degrade. Hence our community will, to a great
extent, be made by the force which we exert on those about us.
As we proceed on this journey of life, we notice that there are
two roads which we may follow. One has a gradual upward slant.
Everything at its beginning looks sunny and happy, but a little farther
on it slopes downward and is full of sorrows, disappointments, and evils,
and finally ends in tragedy. The other road leads upward and is every
hard to climb. It is full of difficulties, but its end is beautiful.
It is sunny, happy and cheerful, and it leads to complete enjoyment.
The first is traveled by those who would enjoy life without sharing
its burdens. The second is for those willing to undergo a few hardships,
those who are willing to pay for what they get. Therefor let us take
the latter and go forward remembering that the outcome depends upon ourselves,
and if we are not so successful as we would wish to be, let us practice
that grand virtue of patience and stand firm at the post of duty where
God places us and give to life the best that we have and we may be assured
that the best will come back to us.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On ?
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice
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