Mansfield PA and Richmond Township in Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Richmond Township & Mansfield Borough, Tioga County PA
We now have a local history museum in Mansfield representing the area in and near Mansfield including Sullivan, Rutland, Covington and more
Visit the History Center on Main Street at 83 North Main Street. We also have a locaton at 61 North Main Street.
Regular hours are noon to 3 T, W Th or by appointment.
Also visit us on Facebook
A Tribute To Mansfield Folk

Clipping form Millerton Scrapbook of 1920/1930 era

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy Sites by Joyce M. Tice

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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 2/10/99 
By Joyce M. Tice 

We came as strangers, and settled down
To dwell within this city’s gates,
And as we came, disease and death
Stalked at our very heels to wait,
Until such time as easy prey should come
Within its treacherous grasp;
And then its ravages began
To tear our hearts and souls aghast.
With cruel haste it snatched from
Out our arms; our loveliest child.
It left us dumb to prayer and feelings
Numb, save grief so wild
That were it not for those it still
Held in relentless pain,
It would have relieved our hearts
To wish for sleep’s eternal calm.
Each morn the bell would ring,
And o’er the sounding wires
Would come, a sweet, sweet voice,
Full of deep-felt inquiries;
Strange, sweet voices, to whom
We could give no name.
No form or face could grace this voice, 
Our ears could but entrain.
But the heartfelt sympathy and feelings
Of neighborly love were given;
Consoling words and hopes, gave us
Back our faith and hope in Heaven.
We were prisoners in our home.
For many and many a day;
With some of our little ones parted from us,
Who on beds of sickness lay.
And one of our littlest ones were we denied
Her wants to care,
That we might shield those who escaped
From this great monster’s lair.
Yet morning and night the little bell
Attached to the sounding wires,
Would ring, and the voices of kind-hearted
Folk would call with loving inquiries;
And we learned anew what the dear
Christ taught, of those wonderful words of help;
When He begged us all on this earth
To love our neighbor as ourself.
Mrs. Allen H. Albe
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-County Local Poetry

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 02/10/1999
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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