Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Orwell Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1812 Taxpayers 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Early Taxpayers of Orwell Township

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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Residents at the organization of Bradford Co., PA, 1812-13. The taxable inhabitants (all males 21 years and over and females owning property) as ascertained from assessment rolls, voting lists and other sources. Taken from Clement F. Heverly's Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co., Pa., 1800-1825, Vol. II, 1915, reprint pages 189-200. Typed for the Tri-Counties Site by John Hoff of Oklahoma.

Orwell Township

Includes parts of Herrick and Rome Townships

Allis, Eleazer Dyer, John Humphrey, Alvin Smith, Ebenezer
Allis, Eleazer Jr.  Easterbrooks, Abel Johnson, Artemus Smith, James
Allis, Silas Easterbrooks, Jesse Johnson, Asahel Starks, Samuel
Barnes, Jesse Easterbrooks, John Johnson, Truman Streator, Lemuel
Barnes, Joel Easterbrooks Stephen Lent, Catherine Streator, Nathan
Browning, Amasa Easterbrooks, Wm S. Lent, James Thatcher, Thomes
Browning, Daniel Emery, Caleb Lent, Richard Utter, Stephen
Browning, William Frisbie, Chauncey Knolton, Harry Vought, Achatias
Bush, William Frisbie, Levi Mandeville, Benoni Vought, Daniel
Chaffee, Luther Grant, Cyprian Martin, Benajah Vought, Godfrey
Chubbock, Nathaniel Grant, James Maynard, Nathan Vought, Joseph
Clark, Eliphalet Grant, John Moody, Nathaniel P.  Wage, John D. 
Collins, Anson Grant, Josiah W.  Olds, David Warfield, Wm. 
Cook, Joel Grant, Lysena Payson, Nathan Wattles, Arunah
Cook, Joel Jr.  Grant, Oratio Payson, Wm.  Wattles, Dan
Cook, Uriah Grant, Orente Pierce, Lucinda Wattles, John
Conklin, David Grant, Zachariah Ranney, John Wells, Samuel
Cowles, John Green, Amos Roberts, Czar West, Hezekiah
Cranmer, Stephen Gridley, Chester Roberts, Elam Woodruff, B.I. 
Cross, Zeruah Hickok, Nathaniel Roberts, Libbeus Woodruff, Samuel
Darling, Abel Hickok, Nath'l Jr.  Robinson, Curtis
Darling, Theron Hill, Daniel Russell, Dan
Dimmick, Amasa Hill, John Russell, Hezekiah
Dimmick, John Howe, Isaac Russell, Hezekiah Jr. 
Dimmick, Simeon Howe, James Russell, Michael
Howe, Philo Russell, Roswell
Howe, Uriah

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