Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Wysox Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1812 Taxpayers 
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Early Taxpayers of Wysox Township
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Residents at the organization of Bradford Co., PA, 1812-13. The taxable inhabitants (all males 21 years and over and females owning property) as ascertained from assessment rolls, voting lists and other sources. Taken from Clement F. Heverly's Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co., Pa., 1800-1825, Vol. II, 1915, reprint pages 189-200. Typed for the Tri-Counties Site by John Hoff of Oklahoma.

Wysox Township

Now including parts of Sheshequin, Rome, and Standing Stone Twps.

Ailsworth, Harry Dolton, John Keeler, William  Shores, Caleb
Alger, John Dininger, Wm. F.  Lent, Abraham Shores, Joshua
Allen, Jesse Drake, Daniel Lent, John  Shores, Nathaniel
Allen, Peter Drake, Ebenezer Lent, Joseph Shores, Samuel
Allen, Stephen Drake, James Lent, Tobias Shores, William 
Allen, William Drake, James Jr.  Manville, Adrin Smith, Jesse
Atwood, Jedediah Drake, William Martin, Benj.  Smith, Jonas 
Atwood, John  Dresser, Benj.  Martin, Daniel Stevens, Asa
Atwood, Joseph Dutcher, Jacob Martin, Ralph Stevens, Jonathan
Atwood, Lemuel Dutcher, Sarah McDuffee, Ferdinand Stocking, Josiah
Barns, Sylvester Dyer, John Merithew, Stephen Streator, Amasa
Barstow, Gamaliel H. Eiklor, David Miller, Peter Strickland, Jacob
Barstow, Seth T.  Eiklor, Frederick Mix, Hiram Stringer, Benj. 
Beebe, Richard Elliott, James Moger, Joshua Strope, Catherine
Beebe, Thomas B.  Elliott, John Moger, Samuel Strope, Henry
Bell, Joseph Elliott, John L.  Moody, Enos Strope, Margaret
Bennett, Gideon Elliott, Joseph Moody, Moses Talladay, Henry
Bennett, Nathan Elliott, Thomas Moore, James Talladay, John
Bennett, Wilber Elliott, William Morgan, Harry Tracy, Elijah
Birney, Henry Ellis, Elnathan Mott, Elihu Tutch, Peter
Birney, John Ferguson, Wm.  Myer, Jacob Tuttle, Ebenezer
Blackman, David Gibbs, Russell Myer, William  Tuttle, Henry
Blackman, Franklin Goff, Samuel D.  Newell, Abel Tuttle, Jacob
Brookins, Cyrus H.  Green, Isaac Newton, Leb Tuttle, Joel
Brown, Benjamin Green, Willard Paine, Chintz Tuttle, Josiah
Brewster, Daniel Gordon, John  Parks, John Tuttle, Wm. 
Buck, Willard Gore, Silas Parks, John Jr.  Vankuren, Henry
Buffington, Wm.  Hannis, George Patrick, Shepard Vargason, David
Bull, John Hinman, Abner C.  Pierce, Josiah Vargason, Isaac
Bull, Thomas Hinman, John Pierce, Shepard Vargason, Rufus
Bumpus, Reuben Hinman, John B.  Piollet, Joseph M.  Vought, David
Butler, Walter Holghan, John Post, John Vought, John
Cannan, Andrew Holley, Daniel Post, Peter Wandle, Abraham
Cannan, Matthew Holley, James Price, Zachariah Warner, Adonijah
Cogswell, Edward Horton, Gilbert Primer, Jacob Wheeler, Walter
Coolbaugh, Daniel Horton, John Ridgway, David Whitney, Elliott
Coolbaugh, Moses Horton, Stephen Ridgway, Robert Wickizer, Jacob
Coolbaugh, Peter Hovey, Lorenzo Scott, George Wood, John
Coolbaugh, Samuel Huyck, William  Shales, John Woodburn, John
Cowell, Christopher Johnson, Peter Woodburn, Moses
Culver, Timothy Johnson, Truman Woodburn, Naphtali 

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