Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
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Meetings every Second and Fourth Saturday Evenings of each month, on 3d floor of B. B. Mitchell’s Block, Main St., Troy, PA.

J. Z. King, Commander;
E.E. Warfield, Secretary;
Dr. A. K. Axtell, Medical Examiner


Four beautiful tin-types, for 50¢ at M. Gustins Gallery.

Fresh Oranges and Lemons at D. E. McMahan’s

Groceries at D. E. Mahan’s

New Sugar Cured Hams, at C. N. Grohs

A few hundred bushels potatoes wanted immediately.  Hovey and Mitchell

For 25 cents I will send receipt for Silver Plating.  Address C. F. Gray, Granville Centre, Pa.

Fresh roasted coffee at C. N. Grohs’

Wanted, for cash, Poultry, Eggs, Wool, Hides, Pelts, Beans &c, at Hovey and Mitchell’s

Undoubtedly the place to get a good Cigar is at the post-office.  Sayles keeps the best always.

Leave your Magazines and Books for Binding, at Hovey and Mitchell’s

Fresh invoice of Minnesota and Oregon Flour, just received at C. N. Grohs’.

The East Troy Band have a good heavy spring wagon for sale, call J. A. Ball, East Troy, Pa.

For Sale – Of my own raising, clean Grass Seed, grown in 1882. George F. Taylor, Troy, Pa.

Building Lots for Sale – Mrs. John Hooley offers three good building lots on Paine Street for sale.  Call at her residence.

Ladies’ and children’s muslin Underwear, babies’ dresses neatly and elegantly trimmed, very cheap at the Five Cent Store.

Jasper Clark is prepared to gum and file saws of all kinds, and will put them in the best possible shape.  Shop on Elmira street, formerly occupied by Hosea Huntley.

Moving Buildings: W. T. Simerson and C. Mosher are prepared to do all kinds of work in the line of moving buildings.  Post office address, Sylvania, Pa.

I have a good house to rent after April 1st, also pasture ground to let, will also take young stock for the season.  Have a quantity of excellent hay and spring wheat for sale.  D. S. DeForest, Troy, Pa.

At Wooster and Boothe’s you will find every thing you want in staple and fancy groceries.  The purest and best goods to be found in the market.  Also the largest and best selected stock of Crockery, French China, Lamps and Glassware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Notions, &c.  All goods warranted to give satisfaction.

Just received at Brailey’s, fine Oranges, Figs, Dates and Lemons.

Farms for Sale, Lease or Let: I have 8 farms in Bradford County that I will sell, lease or let.  Will sell on long time.  Farms run from 50 to 300 acres each,  E. Pomeroy.

Notice: Parties contemplating a trip to any point North, East or West, call on or address Mr. Geo. Holcomb of Troy, Pa., for tickets before purchasing elsewhere.  Mr. Holcomb, who has been with the N. C. Railway for the past five years, has made arrangements with the N.Y.L.E. & W., and different roads North, East and West and can save you time and money by purchasing of him in case you want to make a quick trip and at low rates.

Mrs. Frank Loomis is prepared to do Stamping for HAND EMBROIDERY. All the latest and neatest patterns.  Call at residence on Paine’s Hill.

Going West:  Mr. Geo. O. Holcomb, agent for the N.Y.L.E.&W. R. R., at Troy, Pa., has promised several who are contemplating to settle in the west to accompany them, and to start on or about April 1st.  Those that are anxious to take a western trip, and would like to join the party will call or address Mr. Holcomb for rates or information to any point in Kansas, Minnesota, Dakota or Nebraska, as he represents the Union Pacific Land Department, at this point, and can give any information desired, having been over the grounds himself.  On arrival at Chicago there will be a representative to meet them from each of the above points, who will accompany the parties to their destination, and give all information wanted.  This trip will be so arranged that all who desire to go can make the trip with great speed and comfort, and at very low rates.

Notice: To parties Intending to Build.  We the undersigned having formed into partnership, are prepared to promptly execute all work entrusted to our care, in the line of Lathing and Plastering, Brick Laying, Stone-laying and Stone Cutting, also Cementing, Arching, Boiler and Furnace setting a specialty.  Best of reference given.  Mortar always kept on hand.  Residence on Elmira Street. Hagerty & McNulty, Troy, Pa.

For Sale: One lot of four acres and a fourth miles from Troy, with saw mill, cider press, house and barn thereon.  Also a desirable lot in East Troy, with a good house, barn, office and a variety of fruit trees thereon. Terms reasonable.  Inquire of, A. C. Fanning. Troy, Pa., March 19, 1883.

Removal: About April 1st, I will move my Blacksmithing business to the shop in the rear of Redington & Leonard Co’s sheds, where I shall be pleased to see my friends and customers.  Patrick Collins.

Three good young Horses for sale.  Time will be given if wanted.  L. P. Williams, Troy, Pa.

Bargains: E. J. Lee has just opened a BARGAIN COUNTER, where will be found useful articles of every description, at prices so low that you will be astonished. These are added to his large and well selected stock of crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c., &c.
Remember that you always get Best goods at Lee’s.

G. Bradley has opened his Dining Room again. Warm meals 25cts.

Get your Sour Krout and Pig’s Feet at Hickok & Peck’s Meat Market.

Wanted to exchange – A new Buckeye Mowing Machine for a good Organ or Buggy.  Inquire at this office.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


List of letters remaining in the post office at Troy, Pa., for the week ending March, 17, 1883:
Huntington, Ward
Lyon, Miss Bell
Loolmis (Loomis?), Seth
Robinson, Miss Hannah
Smalley, Mrs. Fannie
Terry, Lucinda

S.F. Sayles, P.M.

Bob Burdette lectured in Towanda Monday evening.

The Towanda daily Journal has been changed to a morning paper.

Rev. S. F. Mathews will preach in the M. E. Church, at East Troy Tuesday evening, April 3.

Mr. Sewell’s next subject next Sabbath evening will be, “Total Abstinence.” Text, Rom. 14:21.

Our enterprising young dentist, P. N. Barker, intends going to Posstsville to open a dental office, soon.

B. B. Mitchell’s children were recently presented a fine Shetland pony by their grandfather, Mr. S. W. Pomeroy.

The subject for discussion at the Farmers’ Club, Saturday, March 31, will be: “The general treatment of cows in the spring of the year.”

Lyman Smith had the misfortune to get his left hand severely jammed and bruised in some machinery which he was working at the Enterprise shops yesterday.

The third race between Steele, of Morris Run, and T. C. Herbert, who claims to be the champion 20 mile runner of the world, will take place at Canton, Saturday next. An exciting time is expected.

If you want to be ahead of your neighbor with early potatoes in the summer, sprout a peck or so in a box of earth behind the kitchen stove, and plant them out as soon as the ground is dry and warm enough.

The next annual meeting of Lackawanna Presbytery will meet in Scranton, April 16th.  Mr. Theodore Waldron is the delegate from the Presbyterian church of Troy and Mr. N. M. Pomeroy his alternate.

Abner Claffin will offer three cows three two-year olds, farming utensils, ect., at public sale on his premises below East Troy, Saturday, March 31.  Credit will be given on sums over $5.  H. N. Fish, auctioneer.

A.B. Austin, a prominent business man of Elmira, died of pneumonia last Tuesday night, aged 60 years.  Mr. Austin formerly lived at Austinville, this county, where he conducted a general mercantile business for some time.

Rev. J. M. Clarke will preach in the Opera House, Sunday evening, April 1st, at 7 o’clock P.M. Text (by request): “Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:14

Rev. H. Payne closed a series of meetings at Hickstown, N.Y., Friday evening.  Fifty persons confessed faith in Christ. Mr. Payne goes from Hickstown to Elmira where he will conduct a revival in the Free Will Baptist church at that place.

At a meeting of the graduates of the High School on Friday afternoon, the following officers were elected: President E. E. VanDine; vice president, Miss Grace Sayles; treasurer, Geo. D. Leonard; secretary, R. R. Wilson. Another meeting will take place Friday afternoon, April 16th.

D. D. Fitch of Granville Summit, expects to move West this spring, and will offer the following at public sale on the premises of Andrew Fitch, near Granville Summit, Thursday, April 3, 1883, at 10 o’clock a.m.: Twenty-five cows, six yearlings, one thoroughbred Jersey bull, one pair horses, farming utensils, household furniture, hay, grain, &c., &c.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


Will Dillon started on Tuesday for a visit among friends in Illinois.

Dr. A. K. Axtell and son Will, start for Groton, Dakota, this week.

Mr. A. J. Sadler of Audemied, Pa., is visiting friends in East Troy.

Clayton Montgomery, of West Burlington moves to Troy this week.

Mr. Abner Claffin of East Troy, will move to Troy about the first of April.

W. F. Dewitt, of the firm of Dewitt & Ballard, returned from a trip to Philadelphia, Monday last.

Paul Pomeroy, who has gone into the draying business at Athens, moved his family there last week.

Alfred Backwell and Willis Rockwell of West Burlington, returned Saturday from a trip to New York.

D. Mitchell, our veterinary surgeon, has returned from Cornell University and resumed his practice here.

Constable H. N. Fish has been seriously ill for the past two weeks, but we are glad to say, is now improving and able to ride down town Monday.

The Reporter says that two more papers will soon be published in Towanda.

Thursday last, as Mr. and Mrs. Waldron were driving into town, their horse took fright and ran away, throwing both out.  Mrs. Waldron was severely injured but we understand no bones were broken.

A special meeting of Priam Lodge, I.O.O.F., this (Wednesday) evening, at 7:30 o’clock to make arrangements for attending the funeral of Brother F. J. Calkins. A full attendance is desired.  W. F. Baker, N.G.
J. R. Willour, Sec’y.

School Prizes – On Thursday afternoon March 15th, in the High School the medal was awarded to Edward E. Clark. Harry Davison and Grant Covel were next in merit. Frank Genert won the badge in the Grammar School, March 16. Bertie Compton won the badge in the intermediate room.

Thursday, March 22d the prize in recitations was awarded to Minna Silliman. Next in merit were Jennie Manley and Laura Redington. Friday March  23d, Edith French received the prize for best recitation in Grammar School; Adah Long was next in merit. Essey McKean received the badge in the intermediate department.

When telephones can be made as cheaply as stated by the American Farmer, there is no reason why every well regulated family should not have one. This journal gives the following directions for making a phone: To make a good and serviceable phone, good from one farm house to another, only requires enough wire and two cigar boxes. First select your boxes, and make a hole about half an inch in diameter in the center of the bottom of each, and then place one in each of the houses you wish to connect; then get five pounds of common stove pipe wire, make a loop in one end and put it through the hole in your cigar box and fasten with a nail; then draw it tight to the other box supporting it when necessary with a stout cord, you can easily run your line into the house by boring a hole through the glass.  Support your boxes with __ts nailed across the window and your telephone is complete.  The writer has one that is 250 yards long and cost forty-five cents that will carry music when the organ is played thirty feet away into another room.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883

SIMPKINS – BAXTER - In East Troy, Feb. 13, 1883 by Rev. A. King, David Simpkins, of Michigan, and Miss Queen E. V. Baxter of East Troy.

AYERS – In West Burlington, Monday, March 26, 1883, Fay, son of D. W. C. Ayers, aged 14 years.
BURNS- In Granville, March 23, 1883, by a fall, Margaret Burns, aged 80 years.
HARRISON – In West Burlington, March 22, 1883, Frank Harrison, aged 16 years.
FURMAN – In Austinville, March 23, 1883, Marry, wife of Howard Furman, aged 51 years.
NEWELL – In Troy, March 26, 1883, of pneumonia, Caroline M., wife of L. P. Newell, aged 75 years.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


Some of the articles which the revenue tax has either been removed or reduced we give below. The reductions are made to take effect May 1st, 1883:
The tax on bank checks, matches, perfumery, proprietary medicines, soaps, etc., is taken off entirely.
Dealers in leaf tobacco will pay a tax of $12 instead $25 as at present.
Dealers in manufactured tobacco pay $2.40 instead of $5.
Manufacturers of tobacco and cigars pay a tax of $6 each instead of $10 as heretofore.
Peddlers of tobacco of the first class $20; of the second class, $15; of the third class, $7.50; of the fourth class $3.60.
Retail dealers in leaf tobacco, $250 instead of $500.
Manufactured tobacco, snuff and smoking tobacco, 8 cents per pound, instead of 10 cents.
Cigars $3 per thousand; instead of $6, as at present.
Cigars weighing not more than three pounds per thousand 50 cents per thousand; weighing over three pounds, $3 per thousand.
These reductions take place as before mentioned on May 1st, and on all unbroken packages on hand after May 1st a rebate is allowed in sums not less that $10. All claims, however, for rebate must be presented within 30 days following the date of reduction.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883

Saturday. March 24, 1883

The Troy Farmers’ Club holds its meetings regularly every Saturday afternoon at the Opera House in Troy. Visitors are always welcomed and earnestly invited to take part in the discussions. The speakers have generally been practical farmers, settling forth ideas derived from actual experience. The usefulness of the club has in all the years of its existence, depended upon the interest of these practical farmers, who come with greater or less regularity, without a thought of teaching their associates or appearing as speakers.  The desire to receive suggestions, hints, statements or facts and experiences which may aid them in their work, leading to fuller success or better understanding of questions constantly presented, is generally the motive of their visits.
At an early hour the president took the chair and at once proceeded with the regular order of business.  Although no public announcement had been made, it was understood by members of the club that this meeting would consider the coming cow.
PRES. A. H. THOMAS – The question of preference in the different breeds of cattle is one about which there is a great diversity of opinion and is unquestionable ONE of the most important, if not the most important of all the branch subjects connected with the general subject of dairying.  In Bradford county – where the whole continent expects to find the best butter – there can be no theme more important or profitable to consider, than when and how to get the best dairy of cows. I am, as you know, in a small way engaged in dairying. It has been my aim, and still is, to have the best there is connected with that branch of farming, and certainly no subject would have more interest to me, personally, that the one selected for this afternoon’s discussions.
ASA ANDREWS – I have has some experience, in a small way with the different breeds of cattle. If you want to breed for beauty, or for oxen, you want the devonshire, they make very good cows, too. I have two heifers that are 2 years old this spring, one native the other durham raised together and on the same feed. The durham is a beauty and has the marks of a No. 1 cow, and would sell for nearly double the money that the native would. I am satisfied that we have made great improvements in our stock in western Bradford since this club was organized. Farmers who do not join our club or take part in these discussions, say that they can beat us club men, and we are willing that they should; it will not hurt our country in the least.
T. H. PORTER – My experience has been mostly with native cattle. I have three cows of nearly the same age and condition, but of 3 different breeds. The durham cow makes 1 ½ pounds of butter per day, on the same feed that the jersey and the native make 1 ¼ lbs. My durham calves sell more readily, are thrifty, and make better two-year-olds, than any other.
S. U. CASE had tried three different breeds of cattle and thought perhaps the coming cow would be a cross between the durham and the jersey.
JACOB VANNOY – We ought to test our cows by keeping the milk separate; and churn the cream of each by its self, then we could tell what our cows are worth. No doubt some of us keep very unprofitable cows and did not know it.  I am experimenting with the jersey at present. I think we had better satisfy ourselves whether there is really any difference in breeds after all; except in keeping and care
R. STILES proposed a trial of farm implements at the fair ground the 20th of April next. It was commented upon and referred to the directors.

APPLICATION FOR CHARTER: In the Court of Common Pleas No ____ for the county of Bradford of _____ Term 1883. (Blanks are actual, not because words are unreadable)
Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the said Court on Monday, May 7, 1883, at 10 o’clock a.m., under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations, approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of intended Corporation to be called The First Universalist Church of Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylania. The character and object whereof is the worshipping of Almighty God according to the faith, doctrines, discipline and usages of the Universalist church. And for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly, and its Supplements.
Delos Rockwell, Solicitor

AUDITOR’S NOTICE – The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphan’s Court of  Bradford County, to distribute the funds remaining in the hands of the Administrators of James Burnham, late of South Creek, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Troy Borough on Monday, March 19th, A. D. 1883. When and where all persons having claims upon said funds are hereby notified to present the same or be forever debarred.
A.C. Fanning, Auditor
Troy, Pa. Feb. 21, 1883

AUDITOR’S NOTICE – The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphan’s Court of  Bradford County, to distribute the funds remaining in the hands of the Administrators of A. M. Brigham, late of LeRoy, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Borough of Troy on the 20th day of March, A. D. 1883. When and where all persons having claims upon said funds are hereby notified to present the same or be forever debarred.
A.C. Fanning, Auditor
Troy, Pa. Feb. 21, 1883

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883

Improved Farm Gate, Pat’d Feb. 29th, 1876

We the undersigned are using Hullett & Ways Improved Farm Gate, on our farms. Manufactured and put up by Geo. N. Beardsley, of Alba, Pa. Pronounce it the best of any thing of the kind yet brought to our notice and we believe it to be without rival for cheapness durability, simplicity of construction and for practical use as a farm gate; easily handled, therefore we would recommend it to the farming community.
C. S. Newell, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa.
L. P. Williams, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
Frank G. Manley, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
A.H. Thomas, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
E. W. Scott, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
L. Packard, Canton, Bradford Co., Pa
T. N. Manley, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
E. Johnson, East Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
Wm. A. Thomas, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
H. Knights, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
Daniel White, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
Samuel Thomas, Troy, Bradford Co., Pa
Austin Leonard, Leona, Bradford Co., Pa
A.D. Ayres, Canton, Bradford Co., Pa
T. A. Seward, East Smithfield, Bradford Co., Pa


The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


New York, March 22d, 1883

Editor Register –
I find myself again seated to write a few lines for your columns. We have has several days of spring like weather and the birds were rejoicing in every tree, but last night a cold wave struck us, and this ___ing, although the sun shines brightly, it is intensly cold and as one steps out he feels a sting to his nose immediately, and but few of yesterday’s thousands are out, and those that are their faces tell us plainly that old “Probabilities” sometimes change his mind very suddenly.  I have read a daily paper since I have been here, now about 3 months, and have kept a little watch of passing events. Over a hundred burglaries and nearly 30 robberies in this street, or in more genteel phraseology, “highway waylays.” About 20 millions of dollars has been represented in failures, and half as much was in mysterious disappearance of clerks and agents. These are not imaginary figures but actual facts that have come to notice of one not skillful in such matters and not taking extra pains, but simply watching the facts as they occur from day to day, with an honest attempt to, in a small way, sum up the advantages of a country and city life, and in occupying this small space I have said nothing of loss of property and life by fire and accident.

As for the poor I have said nothing yet, I have seen enough of that class of people to use all of your paper for weeks to describe, but I prefer to speak of the efforts that have been put forth to relieve this class of suffering humanity.

There are in this city alone 33 dispensatories giving away medicine and advice to the sick poor. The institutions are all supplied with thoroughly educated physicians and surgeons. Over thirty hospitals are open to the afflicted and unfortunate, and yet I am told the supply is not near equal to the demand, and that hundreds are lying sick and hungry their only relief by one of the organizations of charity in connection with some of the Churches or community associations. Indeed I would feel as though my picture would be too dark and gloomy if I did not speak of the work going on by these different powers for good, many of them employing men and women, trained for the work, going from house to house, and the suffering and pain and misery that this brave band are relieving, pen will never be able to describe and the world will never know of. Others may seek the gilded but dangerous whirlpool of city life, but for me, give me the country, where we can know our next door neighbor, where we can meet and with a hearty grasp of the hand exchange the civilities and simplicities of life and I trust it will not be so many weeks ere I shall be back with my old friends of Bradford.

Yours &c.,
P. S. Carpenter, M. D.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


DELOS ROCKWELL, Attorney at Law, Troy, Pa.

E. B. PARSONS, Attorney at Law, Troy, Pa.
Collections promptly attended to.

A.C. FANNING, Attorney at Law, Troy, Pa.
Will be at his office except the week preceding and the first weeks of the February, May, September and December Courts, at which time e will attend to duties of his office as District Attorney of Bradford, Co., in Towanda. Special attention given to the settlement of estates and business of the Orphans’ Court.

W. E. CHILSON, Attorney at Law, Troy, Pa.
Ground floor between office of Hon. Delos Rockwell and the meat market on Canton Street. Also Land Surveyor and Notary Public.

ALBERT MORGAN, Attorney at Law, Troy, Pa.
Office with E. B. Parsons on Canton Street.
All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention.

FRANK F. DRAKE, Attorney at Law, Troy, Pa.
Office over Long’s Flour Store, Canton Street.

Nitrous Oxide Gas administered. Office hours 8 to 12 am and 1 to 5 pm.
Office over Oliver’s Furniture Store, Main Street.

Nitrous Oxide Gas administered.

Office, Elmira St. Troy, Pa.

Troy, Pa.
Office over Oliver’s Furniture Store. Calls promptly attended to.

Shop in the New Jewelry Store, Canton Street
No. 9 Canton Street, Troy, Pa.
All diseases of horses or cattle promptly attended to, advice given and medicines and prescriptions prepared.


Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care.

Will attend to all business entrusted to his care.

And General Jobber. Pictures Framed, and Brackets made to order. Shop, No. 10 West Main Street, Troy, Pa.

Register Office, in Long’s Flour Store, Canton St. Troy, Pa.

The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


The probable cost of a Channel tunnel has always been a very obscure question, and Sir Edward Watkin has hitherto been very silent about it. Recently he felt himself in a position to give some figures on this particular important point. He is making a tunnel somewhere or other, through one of the hardest stratified rocks he knew. This cost £38 a yard, and that means roughly, £65,000 a mile.  The Channel tunnel would be about 24 miles. Instead, however, of taking the cost at £63,000 a mile, let them assume that it would be £100,000 a mile, and that would represent a cost of £2,400,000 for the tunnel under the sea. That is his estimate of the cost of the actual tunnel. Next, he believed the estimate of £350,000 for the tunnel to connect to Chatham and Dover and the Southeastern railways would not be exceeded. The entire cost of the work, therefore, came to only £3,000,000. With an original outlay of this modest kind, Sir Edward was no doubt justified in describing the project as likely to be one of the most profitable ever undertaken – if profitableness were the only thing to be considered. But then in this modest estimate nothing is included for the cost of fortifications at the English end of the tunnel, every penny of which should fall upon those who have made them necessary.  

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Published On Tri-Counties Site 10 DEC 2004
By Joyce M. Tice

Clippings submitted by Don Stanton