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Say Hello to Joyce
Submitted by Dorothy Gard
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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James Smith, Jr. and Diana Shores Family Bible

These bible records are in the possession of Dorothy J. Gard, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Line from transcriber to first names in bible: Dorothy J. Gard, George E. Gard, George A. Gard, Joanna Post, Cynthia Post, Marsdel Smith, James Smith, Jr.

Transcription of entries into the “Family Record” of the James Smith, Jr. and Diana Shores family bible, subsequently pinned to the record pages their son Freeman Marsdel Smith’s family bible(where he records his name as Marsdel F. Smith):

(first page)
July the 1st 1848
Wysox Bradford County
State of Pennsylvania
James Smith Jr Born
April the 24 – 1821
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Diana Shores Borne
May the 3 – 1820
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sheshequin may the 4 –
-1842 Marthy Jane Smith
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Freman Marsdel Smith
Born the 3 of August 1845
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Catharine Caroline
Smith Born April the 22 – 1848
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
James Prat Smith
Born July the 3 – 1851
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
George Hansel Smith Born
April the 15 – 1853

(reverse of first page)
Eva Bell Smith
Born October the 1 –
 - 1858
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mary Emma Smith
Born August the 29 – 1862
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
George Hansel Smith
Marian Walace(?) Shores
Wer Married
Dec 11th 1878

(second page)
Marthy Jane Smith Died
July the 30 1844
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Catharine Caroline
Smith Died August the 15
 - 1851
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eva Bell Smith
Died November 3th – 1862
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Diana Smith died
May 10th 1900

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Bible Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
 Bible Records
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Say Hello to Joyce
Submitted by Dorothy Gard
Marsdel F. Smith and Cinnie Post Family Bible

These bible records are in the possession of Dorothy J. Gard, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Line from transcriber to names in bible: Dorothy J. Gard, George E. Gard, George A. Gard, Joanna Post, Cynthia Post, Marsdel Smith.

Marriage Certificate Page

This is to certify that Marsdel F. Smith and Cinnie Post were united by me in holy matrimony at Wysox, PA on the 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord 1876 in the presence of both families. Signed J. B. Davis, Minister of the Gospel

Family Record Pages
James Smith, Jr. Wysox, Bradford Co., Penna 1821 Apr. 24th 1840 Autumn, by Rev. J. Towner 1905 Nov. 21st
Diane Smith nee Shores Sheshequin, Bradford Co., 
1820 May 3rd   1900 May 10th
Marthy Jane Smith do.  1842 May 4th   1844 July 30th
Marsdel Freman Smith do. 1845 Aug 3rd 1876 Feb. 23rd 1929 May 10th
Catharine Caroline Smith do. 1848 Apr 22nd   1851 Aug 15th
James Pratt Smith do. 1851 July 3rd 1885 Sep. 10th 1922
George Hansel Smith do. 1853 Apr 15th 1878 Dec. 11th 1893 Oct 11th
Eva Bell Smith do. 1858 Oct 1st   1862 Nov 3rd
Mary Emma Smith do. 1862 Aug. 29th Oct. 1st 1884 1912 April 23
Kate Smith, wife of P. J. Smith Bradford Co. Penna 1863   1921 Feb 28
John R. Post Sheshequin, Bradford Co. Penn. 1832 Mar 31st 1855 July 21st 1928 Dec. 5th
Frances Conklin Post Wysox, Bradford Co. Penn 1835 Oct 25 1855 July 21st 1884 Apr 30th
Hannah Hallock Archer Morrow Post Monroe, Orange Co. NY 1831 Nov 16th 1887 Mar 15th 1912 Aug 18th
Bradley J. Post Sheshequin, Bradford Co. Pa 1857 Aug 28th 1884 Feb 27th 1928 June 7th
Cynthia Post Wysox, Bradford Co. Pa 1859 Feb 18th 1876 Feb 23rd 1922 Mar 18th
Joanna Post Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa 1865 June 18th 1887 Mar 16th 1930 May 19th
Sarah O. Post Towanda,
Bradford Co.
1869 May 21st 1895 Dec 18th 1935 Nov 22nd
Frances M. Post Towanda,
Bradford Co.
1871 Aug 2nd 1893 Feb 16th  1941 Jan 12th
George (A.) Gard Jr. Wysox, Bradford Co.
1892 Mar. 3rd 1917 Jan 13 1978 August 1st
Bradley J. Post, Jr. Wysox,
Bradford Co.
1892 June 12th   1927 June 1st
Mable Gard Wysox,
Bradford Co. 
1899 May 13th   1975 Nov. 18th
Pearl Freeman Gard Alba, Bradford Co. Pa 1895 Dec 7th 1917 Jan 13 1971 May 8th
Barbara Sue Gard Lancaster, Lancaster Co. Pa June 15, 1946 1971 October 30  
George J. Gard Lancaster, Lancaster Co. Pa June 27, 1949 1980 July 19  
Linda K. Gard Lancaster, 

Lancaster Co. Pa

Dec. 28, 1953    
Philip L. Kohl   Sept 20, 1946 1971 Oct. 30  

Above names from James Smith, Jr. through Mary Emma Smith are in one hand, those of John R. Post through Mable Gard in another hand, and Pearl Freeman Gard through Philip L. Kohl in the hand of George A. Gard. Most of the death dates were added later, as were the birth and marriage dates of the last four entries.

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Bible Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
 Bible Records
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Say Hello to Joyce
Submitted by Dorothy Gard

These bible records are in the possession of Dorothy J. Gard, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Line from transcriber to first names in bible:  Dorothy J. Gard, George E. Gard, George A. Gard, Joanna Post, John R. Post

John R. Post and Frances Conklin were married July 21st 1855.
Cinnie Post and Marsdil Smith were married February 23rd 1876.
Bradley J. Post and Susan Gard were married February 27th, 1884.
Joanna Post and George B. Gard were married March 16th 1887.
John R. Post and Hannah Morrow were married March 15th 1887
Frances M. Post and Reuben S. Young were married Feb. 15, 1893.
Sarah O. Post and Thomas E. Price were married Dec. 18, 1895

Births – page 1
John R. Post was born March 31st 1832.
Frances Conklin was born Oct. 25th 1835.

George Gard born     1815
Anna Salisbury          Dec 15, 1817
Mable Gard was born May 13, 1899

Births – page 2
Bradley J. Post, born, August 28th 1857
Cinnie Post, born, February 18th 1859
Joanna Post, born June 18th 1865
Sarah O. Post, born May 21st, 1869
Frances M. Post, born August 2th 1871
George B. Gard, June 1st 1859
George Gard Jr. born March 3, 1892
Pearl Freeman Gard, born Dec. 7, 1895
George Everitt Gard, born Nov. 7, 1918
Walter Freeman Gard, born Nov. 26, 1922
Dorothy Johns Gard, born Dec. 8, 1918
Barbara Sue Gard, born June 15, 1946
George Johns Gard, born June 27, 1949
Linda Kay Gard, born Dec. 28, 1953
Mark Freeman Gard, Dec. 8, 1961
Rose Thompson Gard, Apr. 7, 1927
Philip L. Kohl, Sept. 20, 1946
Irene Kohl, October 22, 1977
Owen Nathaniel Kohl, March 28, 1980
Mira Eleanor Kohl, March 1, 1988
George Hartenstein Gard, Dec. 31, 1988
Frederick Johns Gard, Jan 23, 1994

Frances Post, died April 30th 1884
Reuben L. Young died June 10th 1916
Cinnie Post Smith died, March 18, 1922
Hannah Post died Aug. 12, 1912
Bradly Post Jr. died June 10, 1926
Bradley J. Post died Dec. 5, 1928
John R. Post died Dec. 5, 1928
Marsdil F. Smith died May 10, 1929
Joanna Post Gard May 19, 1930
George B. Gard,  Oct. 1, 1926
Sarah Post Price,  Nov. 22, 1935
Frances Post Young, Jan. 13, 1940
Pearl Freeman Gard, May 8, 1971
George A. Gard died August 1, 1978
Walter F. Gard died Feb. 8, 1977
Irene Kohl died Oct. 23, 1977
Mable Gard Ward died Nov. 13, 1975

Additional entries on blank page
George A. Gard and Pearl Freeman Gard were married Jan. 13, 1917.
George E. Gard and Dorothy M. Johns were married June 13, 1942.
Walter F. Gard and Rose Thompson were married Nov. 22, 1950.
Barbara Sue Gard and Philip Kohl were married Oct. 30, 1971 at Wysox Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Anna Thomson, 87, of Middletown, NY, died Feb. 17, 1972 and was buried Feb. 21, ’72, Rev. Harry L. Ferguson, Pastor.
Archibald Thompson died May, 1956.
George J. Gard and Deborah A. Zeisloft were married July 19, 1980.
George J. Gard and Molly A. Hartenstein were married Oct. 2, 1987.

Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's 16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make it easy on yourself. 
“Mothers Bible presented to O J Vibbert by his Mother April 1887”-Found at Ulster Library Book Sale-7/07  Bible in rough condition, but saved the family records.

Family Records
Sheshequin, Bradford Co, Pennsylvania.

Sarah Adelade Vibbert was born Feb 23rd 1856

Sarah A Vibbert was married December 31st 1879 to Omer Tompkins.

Omer Tompkins died Aug 15, 1920.

Addie Tompkins died Feb 14, 1922.

Charles M Vibbert and Eva H Lent were united in marriage October 10th, 1883.

Charles Mahlon Vibbert was born July 9th 1854.

Eva H  Lent Vibbert died June 30, 1912.

Oswell J Vibbert and Carrie A  French were united in marriage February 10th, 1886.

Oswell Vibbert was born March 6th, 1852, died May 3, 1931.

Grace C Vibbert daughter of O J and Carrie A Vibbert was born Jan 17,  (1995 is what is written, but believe it should be 1885)

James G Vibbert was born June 8th, 1825, died June 18, 1900.

 James G Vibbert was married to Lomira A Goodsell Sept 1st, 1847.

Lomira Ann Goodsell was born Nov 13th, 1828.

Lomira Ann Goodsell Vibbert died March 10, 1885.

Amos Anthony Vibbert was born Dec 22, 1858 died Sept 19th, 1862.

Mary A Vibbert was born July 9th, 1867 Married to Wm Fice
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 06 OCT 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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