The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community HIstory & Genealogy

Family Bible Records for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

Tioga County Newspaper Abstracts      Chemung County Newspaper Abstracts      Obituaries By Cemetery

My Ancestral Bible Records - 
Links to Tri-County Site Guests
Some of the following list is part of the Tioga County Records collected by Rhoda ENGLISH Ladd
Additional Bible records have been submitted by guests of Tri-County Genealogy Site. 
We welcome any Bible records you may wish to submit for inclusion on this resource page. Please submit them to in Wordperfect or MS Word Format or by any other method. If you submit themin the text of your email please be sure you have the word Bible in the subject line. Thanks
Bible Records are among the most valuable contributions that can be made to this site. They are one of a kind and terribly vulnerable to permanent loss. Submitting them to the site can rescue them from obscurity and make them available to other family members. Save these precious records. Get them up here where they can be used and preserved.
Adams - Cole
Adams - Swartout
Ames - Thayer
Atwell - Daniels
Ayers - Collins
Backer - Tidd - Utley
Bailey - Sayles
Baity - Frost
Baker - Philly
Ball Notebook
Ballard - Bowman
Ballard - Gamage
Ballard - Taylor
Ballard - Blakslee
Barber - Wilcox
Barnes - Swartwood
Beach - Blundell
Beach - Davis
Beagle - Evans
Beardsley /Wood
Beebe - Stokes
Beebe - Whalen
Bell - Hankinson
Bernauer - Champney
Bigelow - Osterkout
Blue - Furman
Bolles - Marsh
Bolt - Booth
Bossard-Wass Bible
Bowman / Case
Boyden - Calvin
Brewer - Schofield
Brewster / Palmer
Brigden - Deland
Briggs / Spalding 
Briggs - Jewell
Brisco / Bronson
Brown - Morehouse
Brown / Hildreth
Brown / VanHorn
Bryan / Russell
Buchanan / Bowman
Buckbee / Miller
Bunn - Lewis
Bullock - Sweet
Burleigh - Burley - Shaw
Burleigh - Hall - Chesley - Sheafe
Burlingame - Wood
Burr - Franks
Burritt - Shattuck
Burritt - Strait
Bush - Hamblin
Butler - Bacon
Butts - House
Campbell / Love
Canfield / McKee
Close - Weeks
Cole - Davenport
Collister - Moore
Conover - Stoddard
Conover - Stoddard - Barden
Cooper - Mack
Cooper - Shipman
Cory [Corey] 
Coryell - Miller
Cranmer Records
Crippen / Redfield
Crippen - Backer 
Custar (Custer) - Cole
Dalaba - Haskins
Dartt - Dockstader 
Darrt - Woodin
Decker - King
Dinsmore - Treadwell
Dort, McCurdy
Doty - Wright
Drake - Goodsell
Drake - Lent
Dunham - Hammond
Eastabrook / Potter 
Eddy - Parke Sampler
Ellis Family
Elsbree - Knapp
Emick - Pierson
Evans - Holleran
Fanning - Spaulding
Farnsworth / McNitt
Fellows - Swan
Fellows - Backer
Fellows - Landon
Fischler - Bernauer
Fish - Field
Flood - Kennedy
Flynn - Collins
Ford - Rumsey
Forrest / Morse
Francke - Grosskopff
Frost - Vandemark
Fuller - Ryman
Furman / Babcock
Furman, Soper, Merritt
Gleason - Hakes
Gloeckler, Mitstifer, Fulkerson
Goff, Fox, Dimock, Braund, Stine
Grattan - Saunders
Graves - Campbell
Gray - Harvey - Ripley
Gregg - Wisner
Grosjean - Bailey
Grosjean - Grinnell
Hagar / Coe
Hardy / Borden
Harer, Hartman, Zinck
Harer - Roupp
Harris / Whitaker
Hart - Purvis - Brown
Hawkins / Gibbs
Herrington - Perry
Heverly- Bitts
Hickok - Wright
Hickock - Kipp -Laudenslager
Hill - Holt
Hodges / Shearman
Hollis - Bosworth
Hollis - Overpeck
Holly / Smith
Holly / Dailey 
Hooker - Porter
Hotchkiss - Eames
Houck / Bigelow
Howell / Adams
Howland - Gilbert
Hubbard - Burley
Hudson / Briggs
Hunt - Holman
Ingalls / Stoner
Jessup / Collson
Johns - Wood
Johnson - Bates
Jones / Pearson
Jones - Lines
Joralemon / Albert
Joralemon - David
Judd -Oakley
Kemp / Drew
Kiff - Case
Kiley / Codney
Killgore / Kyte
King - Carpenter
Kinne - Brown
Klinger - Dewey
Klinger - Ritta 
See Klinger File [JMT]
Knapp - Ring
Kratzer - Allen
Kriner / Broughton
Kummerle / Gerne
Lawton / Rathbone
Lee / Williams
Lent - Cass
Leonard - Aylesworth
Leonard / Stevens
Loomis - McAfee
Mallory - Rundle
Mallory Coleman
Manning 1
Manning 2
Matteson / Winegarden
McCallum -Colgrove
McClure - Wright Bible
McDuffee - French
McKean /McCain
Merrill - Allington
Merrill - Hartshorn
Miller - Coleman
Miller / Davidson
Mitchell / Bartle
Monro / Card
Monro / Cole
Moore - Barber
Moore - Ramsey
Moore - Stevens
Morley - Olmsted
Morton - Seeley
Mosher - Wiest
Murry - Whitney
Newell - Fitzwater
Newell - Granteer
Nixon / Hunt
Oldroyd / Beckwith
O'Connor - Webster 
Orvis - Clark
Ostrander / Boice
Ostrom - Bunnell
Owen - Bishop
Palen - Webster
Pequignot - Norman
Palmer - Storer
Palmer - Smith
Peters - Morse
Pierce - Burgess
Pierce - Herman
Pierce - Perkins
Pierce - Place - McCallum
Pierce - Ransom
Plumley, Grosjean, Holden
Post - Conklin
Prutsman - Brewer
Prutsman - Millar [Miller]
Raymond - Lampman
Reed / Shuart
Reese - Richardson - Impson
Robinson - Parker
Roblyer - Sanford - 
Gates - Wood
Rockwell - Alvord
Rogers - Sargent 
Rose - Clapper
Rossiter / Shumway
Rouse - Scribner - Griffen
Ruggles - Beardsley
Rundell / Studwell
Runyan - Houghton
Rushmore - Baker
Rushmore - Wyatt
Russell - Moore
Russell / VanDusen
Satterlee / Dunn
Scarfe / Stevens
Seeley - Kelsey
Seelye - Conant
Shaff - Roe
Shaver - Woughter
Shaw - Holcomb
Shaw / Certright
Sheffer - Flick - Beck
Shirner - Johnson
Shults - Watkins
Simonson- Horton
Sisson Bible 2
Slade - Place
Smith - Crofut Bible
Smith - Gaylord
Smith - Jacoby
Smith - Post
Smith - Shores
Smith - Worden
Soper - Purvis
Spencer - DeVall
Spink - Brooks
Squires - York
Stanton - Blow
S. Stanton - H. Rockwell
C. Stanton - B. Rockwell
Steele - Copestick
Stephens - Ranson
Stewart - Baxter
Stoll - Smith
Sturgis - Fuller - Dewey
Swain - Warren
Swan - Lunn - Fellows
Sweet / Woodhouse
Taylor - Hulslander
Thompson / Hulbert
Thompson / Dodge
Thompson / Houtz
Tinkham / Gardner
Titus - Norris
Tozer - Kinney
Trumble / Cradit
Vandeburg - Dimon
VanDemark / Abbey
Vanderpool - Vanderpool
VanKirk / Joralemon
Vaughan - Hinman
Vermilya - Whipple
Vibbert - Goodsell
Vickers - Postle - Spencer
Walz - Aker
Washburn - Cook
Watkins - Rumsey
Watkins - Chilson
Watkins - Shults
Webber /Haswell
Wells - Tompkins
West - Johnson
West - Lent
Westbrook - Prutsman
Westbrook - Mitchell
Wetmore / Champney
Wetmore - Cole
Wheaton - Young
Wheeler - Smith
White - Rockwell
Willhelm / Matteson
Williams - Case
Wills / Warren
Willson - Predmore
Wilson - Rockwell
Wilson - Burton
Wolcott - McCullough
Wood - Hale
Wood - James
Wood - Beardslee
Wood - Wilson
Wood - Smith
Wood - Johns
Wright - Jones
Wylie - McLeod
Zimmerman, Zitter, Hoose
Diaries, Letters, and Bible Records are among the most valuable additions we can hope to have for the site. First, they are one of a kind. Only one copy exits, usually in private hands, unavailable to the public or to other descendants. Many even end up on the auction block where they are valued for very different reasons than we genealogists value them. Second, they cover events, relationships, births, marriage, deaths for a period when public records were not kept in our area, Pennsylvania and New York. They may well be the ONLY record of a person's vital dates, or even existence. Third, they are VERY vulnerable. If a person has the only copy of certain information in existence and it is damaged, it is GONE FOREVER. Getting these records transcribed and available is the only way to preserve this information about the people who took the pains to record their existence. We owe it to them and to our fellow researchers who have willingly shared their own resources.

I am certain that many of you have in your possession Diaries, Letters, or Bible Records or Transcriptions thereof that can add to the body of knowledge we make available to the researcher. Get those records in. At the same time you can register as a descendant for that following the format I have established below. If you descend from families whose Bible records are already on site, just give me the path to them from you. Use only real names and not marrried names, to show our female ancestors the same respect and individual recognition we give our male ancestors. Separate the generations with commas only, no number or any other indicator. Simple is best and causes me the least amount of editing. If the Bible represents multiple generations, as the one in my example does, present it as I have in the example.

The Bible record transcriptions may be done in your word processor and sent as a file attachment or may be typed into your email. Please proofread FIRST.  I do not want to have a submission followed by several corrections. Check your work and then send it.  Do NOT use tabs in your work. If you are using columns, either use Excel or insert a table into your document. Tabs collapse when converted to HTML and all your formatting will be lost.

If you have Bible records from other areas that are not already published, please include those also, as we need to get these out to the people who need them.

Before sending your submissions., please read the directions a second time to ensure you have followed them. 

In a message dated 12/16/2007 2:41:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I have an old family Bible that appears to have belonged to an Aaron Rowe (name written in pencil on a front leaf).  The Bible was published in 1847.  On the "births" page, the following are recorded:

Aaron Rowe Born Aug 6 1796
Polly Rowe Born Jan 25 1799
S. Freeman Rowe Born Sept (?) 21
Sarah A. Rowe Born June 24 1828

Many Rowes and Nelsons are listed.  The most recent birth is John Garst, Dec 12 1953.

I didn't find these exact names on your site, but the family names appeared with enough frequency that I thought I would ask if these names ring a bell?

Thank you,
Timothy R. Bonine 

In a message dated 8/17/2010 5:01:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
History of the Stone and Lewis lineage from their family Bible of Remington Sears Lewis...
His parents died in Bradford Co., PA

Elnathan Lewis born 6 Feb 1776 Hopkinston, Washington, Rhode Island
died 24 Nov 1857 Bradford Co., PA

Anna SEARS Lewis
Born 17 Dec 1775 Rhode Island
died 20 Jul 1849 Springfield, Bradford Co., PA