Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
Town of Big Flats

1880 Town of Big Flats Census

 Main Street in Big Flats
Postcard from Collection of Alice PEASE Hartford 
Comments and "Corrections" to 1880 Transcription for Town of Big Flats
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Enumerated June 28, 1880 by John Brandt
Transcribed by Carlton Wolfe
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to deal with them. 
Pages 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
Pages 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40
11 110 111 McMahon Mary C. 49 F widow housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld
        Michal 24 M son wks. on RR NY Ireld Ireld
        Patrick 22 M son wks. on RR NY Ireld Ireld
        John 20 M son wks. on RR NY Ireld Ireld
        Mathew 18 M son laborer NY Ireld Ireld
        George 16 M son laborer NY Ireld Ireld
        Mary 15 F dau NY Ireld Ireld
        Carrie 13 F dau NY Ireld Ireld
        Joseph 9 M son at home NY Ireld Ireld
  111 112 Eddy Charles 35 M hus wks. on farm Can Can Can
        Charlotte 34 F wife housekeeper Scotld Scotld Scotld
  112 113 Champion Lemuel 59 M hus farmer NY NY NY
        Fannie M. 47 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
  113 114 Minier Samuel A. 30 M hus merchant NY NY NY
        Clara  23 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        William C. 2 M son at home NY NY NY
        Henry B. 7m M son at home NY NY NY
      Smith Emma J. 14 F   servant NY NY NY
  114 115 Carpenter Edward  68 M hus farmer NY NY NY
        Harriett N. 62 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        George 26 M son laborer NY NY NY
        Lizzie W. 22 F dau at home NY NY NY
      Jewell Stanley D. 26 M   minister NY NY NY
  115 116 Fuller Ambrose S. 49 M hus hotel keeper NY NJ NJ
        Massacy 50 F wife housekeeper NY NJ NJ
        William C. 26 M son at home NY NY NY
        Mary L. 22 F dau at home NY NY NY
        Edgar E. 16 M son NY NY NY
      Woodword William 63 M hus physician Eng Eng Eng
        Margaret C. 53 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        George H. 29 M son physician NY Eng NY
        Harriett E. 14 F dau NY Eng NY
  116 117 Voight Morris F. 30 M hus harnessmakr Saxony Saxony Saxony
        Amelia 24 F wife housekeeper NY Germ Germ
        Charles M. 3m M son at home NY Saxony NY
        Clara  58 F moth/wido at home Saxony Saxony Saxony
  117 118 King Albert A. 32 M hus blacksmith NY MA NY
        Urania 32 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        Hattie 7 F dau NY NY NY
  118 119 Qimmers Sylvester B. 23 M hus farmer NY NY NY
        Ida E. 28 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
  119 120 Gregory Charles S. 19 M   store clerk NY NY NY
  120 121 Seely William A. 43 M hus farmer PA NY Ireld
        Mary M. 33 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        Wallis 9 M son NY PA NY
        Ralph E. 7 M son NY PA NY
  121 122 Voorhes George S. 44 M hus cigar manfact NY NY NY
        Hannah 43 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        Lizzie T. 18 F dau at home NY NY NY
11       James T. 8 M son NY NY NY
12       Henry  72 M father carpenter NY NJ NJ
  122 123 Bacon Charles L. 67 M hus gentleman NY VT NY
        Sarah S. 49 F wife housekeeper NY VT MA
  123 124 Coachran Westley 66 M hus minister NY NY MA
        Elizabeth 65 F wife housekeeper NY MA MA
  124 125 Baker Robert R. 67 M hus carriagemakr NY NY NY
        Mary 64 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
  125 126 Storms Asa 40 M hus farmer NY NY NY
        Anna L. 41 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA
        Charles A. 8 M son NY NY NY
  126 127 Sherman Joseph A. 32 M hus shoemaker PA NY NY
        Almey 25 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        Farle 9 M son NY PA NY
  127 128 McGeary Frank 31 M hus painter NJ Ireld Ireld
        Kate 32 F wife housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld
  128 129 Markle Jacop A. 58 M hus farmer NY PA NY
        Angaline 52 F wife housekeeper NY PA NY
        Frank 29 M son/hus grocer NY PA NY
        Frances 21 F dau-i-l/wife housekeeper NY PA NY
        Wallis 2 M nephew at home NY PA NY
  129 130 Williams Jacop  66 M hus farmer NY PA NY
        Naomia 53 F wife housekeeper PA CT CT
        Charles 22 M son laborer NY NY PA
        George 16 M son laborer NY NY PA
        Cyrus 13 M son laborer NY NY PA
        Hattie 9 F dau at home NY NY PA
  130 131 Scofield Joseph 58 M hus farmer NY NY NY
        Rachel 53 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        Sarah A. 28 F dau at home NY NY NY
        Fredrick E. 24 M son laborer NY NY NY
        Mary L. 17 F dau NY NY NY
        Carrie 12 F dau NY NY NY
  131 132 Read Theapulis W. 59 M hus physician Eng Eng Eng
        Delia W. 62 F wife housekeeper NH NH NH
        Emma 46 F sister  music teach. NY Eng Eng
      Sweet Charlie 21 M nephew laborer NY NY NH
  132 133 Winters Sarah H. 63 F widow housekeeper NH NH NH
  133 134 Peebles Corbet 77 M hus physician VT    
        Martha 47 F wife housekeeper NY NJ MA
        Elura M. 21 F dau at home NY VT NY
        William C. 18 M son NY VT NY
      Taylor Edwin C. 23 M son-in-law physician NY NY NY
      Johnson Grover 30 M hus miller NY NY NY
        Rachel 28 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY
        Hattie B. 12 F dau NY NY NY
        Walter 10 M son NY NY NY
        Bertha 3 F dau at home NY NY NY
        Nelson 3 M son at home NY NY NY
  134 135 Thomas David  80 M hus laborer Wales Wales Wales
12       Elizabeth 78 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/14/2002
By Joyce M. Tice