Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1880 Federal Census Records for  Chemung County NY 
City of Elmira  - Third Ward

1880 City of Elmira Census - Third Ward -Part 1 of 2

Nearly 3200  People in this Census Transcription For City of Elmira - Third Ward in Two parts
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Transcribed by Carlton Wolfe
City of Elmira, Third  Ward
Enumerated June 10, 1880 by Robert B. Murray
Part One
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20
21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
31-32 33-34 35-36
Big Flats
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

Census records are very often difficult to read because of handwriting, microfilm quality, and spelling issues. Our early census takers were not as well educated as we'd like them to have been, and even the people bearing the names often could not spell them with the same consistency we are accustomed to in this era. The census taker wrote what he believed he heard as well as he could. These have been transcribed for you to the very best or our abilities given the difficulties mentioned. Please be tolerant of what you would consider "mistakes." If you can recognize the names you are looking for, then it is a success. If not, then you may want to find a place where you can view the originals so that you can judge for yourselves. Excessive attention to outmoded spelling issues is the sign of a beginner in family research. Those of you who have been at this a while are well aware of the "spelling errors" in our early records and have learned to take them in your stride. 
33       Johnson Lilian 4m F dau at home NY MD MD  
    313 345 Beecher Thomas K. 56 M hus preacher CT CT ME  
          Julie J. 53 F wife housekeeper CT CT CT  
        Farran Clara T. 22 F boarder housekeeper NY NH CT  
          Julie B. 19 F boarder housekeeper NY NH CT  
        Bogardus Frank C. 17 M boarder at home NY NY NY  
        Kerney Martha 28 F servant housekeeper Ireld Ireld Ireld  
  1006 314 346 Georgie William 54 M hus farmer NY      
          Mariae 42 F wife housekeeper NY   NY  
          Lamont 18 M son farm laborer NY NY NY  
          Nettie 15 F dau NY NY NY  
          Hattie 12 F dau NY NY NY  
          Charley 8 M son NY NY NY  
          Eddie 3 M son at home NY NY NY  
  107 315 347 Moore William 35 M hus wks.jobbing TN     TUTHILL AVENUE
          Emma 38 F wife housekeeper PA VA PA  
          Judson 13 M son NY TN PA  
          Nelley 11 F dau NY TN PA  
          William 7 M son at home NY TN PA  
          Jessie 5 M son at home NY TN PA  
          Harriett 6m F dau at home NY TN PA  
  607 316 348 Georgie Roswell S. 41 M hus engineer NY      
          Pheby J. 36 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Charles A. 16 M son hackman NY NY NY  
          William E. 14 M son at home NY NY NY  
          Mary T. 12 F dau NY NY NY  
          Danuel C. 12 M son NY NY NY  
          Harry D. 1 M son at home NY NY NY  
  539 317 349 Manly Charles G. 63 M hus wks.jobbing CT      
          Betsey A. 59 F wife housekeeper PA      
          Charles G. Jr. 17 M son store clerk PA CT PA  
  540 318 350 Taylor Mansel 47 M hus gardener PA PA PA  
          Matilda 44 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Alfred J. 18 M son gardener MD PA NY  
          Euguene 14 M son at home NY PA NY  
          Laura J. 12 F dau NY PA NY  
          May B. 9 F dau NY PA NY  
          William H. 5 M son at home NY PA NY  
          Harry 3 M son at home NY PA NY  
  422 319 351 Miller Jud 41 M hus teamster PA PA NY  
          Bina 29 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Jennie B. 8 F dau NY PA NY  
      352 Smith Hiram W. 28 M hus teamster NY NY NY  
          Susen J. 25 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Harvey 4 M son at home NY NY NY  
  402 320 353 Symonds Alonzo 36 M hus quarry wkr. NY NY NY  
          Rebecia 31 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Jessie 8 F dau at home NY NY NY  
          Lillie 5 F dau at home NY NY NY  
33         Abigal 67 F moth/wido housekeeper NY NY NY  
34 402 320 353 Terwelleger Mary L. 13 F boarder NY NY NY  
  652 321 354 Teachout Sarah 62 F widow housekeeper NY     OAK STREET
  860 322 355 Coulson Rebert 54 M hus wks.jobbing Eng Eng Eng EAST AVENUE
          Sarah 52 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Eliza 15 F dau NY Eng NY  
      356 Swartwood Agustus 48 M hus wks.jobbing NY      
          Rebecca 38 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Charles 9 M son NY NY NY  
  902 323 357 Berry Issace 57 M hus tannery wkr. NY      
          Rosema 50 F wife housekeeper MA      
        Sullivan Della 24 F dau housekeeper PA NY MA  
          Michol H. 31 M son-in-law glass worker PA Ireld Ireld  
          Florence 6 F gr. dau PA PA PA  
          Henry 1 M gr. son at home NY PA PA  
          George 1 M gr. son at home NY PA PA  
  906 324 358 Stull William H. 37 M hus store clerk PA NJ NJ  
          Elizibeth 29 F wife housekeeper PA PA PA  
        Dennison Frank B. 7 M step-son NY NY PA  
  952 325 359 Clark William 46 M hus wks.jobbing NY Ireld Ireld  
          Nancy A. 46 F wife housekeeper NY Ireld VT  
          Leslie 22 M son wks.jobbing NY NY NY  
          Dora 14 F dau NY NY NY  
          William 11 M son NY NY NY  
  962 326 370 Haley Joseph 56 M hus teamster PA      
          Elizebeth 32 F wife housekeeper PA      
          Joseph 25 M son tannery wkr. PA PA PA  
          Frank 17 M son at home PA PA PA  
          Fredrick 14 M son at home PA PA PA  
  964 327 371 Hogencamp Mathias 42 M hus wks.jobbing NY      
          Mirae 32 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
          Pheby 20 F dau housekeeper PA NY    
          Rosella 12 F dau at home PA NY    
          Martha J. 10 F dau at home NY NY PA  
          Mariette 6 F dau at home NY NY PA  
          Catherine 4 F dau at home NY NY PA  
          Minard 2 M son at home NY NY PA  
  954 328 372 Lawrence Nelson J. 36 M hus carpenter PA   PA  
          Allice D. 36 F wife housekeeper PA NJ NY  
          Alzoa L. 8 F dau NY PA PA  
          Edgar W. 3 M son at home NY PA PA  
        Georgie Safronia 29 F servant housekeeper NY      
  970 329 373 Moshier Alom J. 36 M hus carting wkr. NY NY NY  
          Effie R. 33 F wife housekeeper NY NY NY  
    330 374 Fuller William M. 29 M hus plan.mill wkr. GA GA GA  
          Mary A. 30 F wife housekeeper NY Eng NY  
  604 331 375 Budd David M. 53 M hus fish dealer NY NY NY BEACH STREET
          Cynthia J. 51 F wife housekeeper NY CT NY  
          Nettie M. 12 F dau NY NY NY  
          Evelema 9 F dau NY NY NY  
34 602 332 376 Wing Edson W. 36 M hus RRbaggage m. PA PA NY  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/14/2002
By Joyce M. Tice