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Tri-Counties Genealogy & HIstory

Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries for Tioga, Bradford, Chemung Counties

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Tri County Clippings- Page Three Hundred Five

1876 -  Wellsboro Agitator - Obituaries
 Part Two
Part One Part Two Part Three
Thomas Bevan
Thomas Bevan, wholesale liquor dealer in Pittston, Pa., committed suicide recently by hanging.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Oliver Shumway
Oliver Shumway, of Addison, died a few days ago.  He was 87 years old last January, and has been a resident of that section for many years.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Andrew McWhorter
A few days ago a man named Andrew McWhorter, living at Cunningsville, a little place in the town of Dansville, NY, died from the act of his own hand.  At 5 o’clock in the afternoon before, he took about a tablespoonful of Paris green, and in a short time his sufferings were terrible to behold.  It is said by some that the man had had considerable difficulty in his family and that this, together with the free use of whisky, had partially unsettled his mind.  It is probable that his intemperate habits were chiefly to blame for his death.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dixon F. Marks
Dixon F. Marks, a distinguished electrician of New York, died in that city last Wednesday.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

O. A. Brownson
O. A. Brownson, L.L. D., who has resided at Detroit since the discontinuance of his Quarterly Review, died on the 17th, aged 72.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Eleanor M. Callihan
Last week Sunday a deliberate murder was committed in Corning.  A dining-room girl at Terry’s Arcade Hotel, named Eleanor M. Callihan, was shot through the heart by a jealous lover, John McNamara, a porter at the same hotel.  They were engaged to be married, though no time had been set.  Sunday morning “Mack” proposed going to church with Ella.  She replied, “Yes, we are all going,” referring to some lady friends who were to accompany her.  On returning from church, “Mack” followed Ella to her room, where some conversation is known to have taken place.  He fired three shots, two of which took effect, one passing through her heart, causing almost instant death.  The only words she spoke were “O, Heavens!”  Mrs. Terry, hearing the firing, hurried to the scene, and met “Mack” leaving the room.  She took hold of him and asked what he had done; he appeared angry, aimed the revolver at her, but did not fire; she knocked it one side and passed into the room.  The murderer rushed through the house, sprang through a back window, and fled.  He stopped a few minutes at his mother’s house on Second street, entering the house in an excited manner and leaving suddenly.  His brother “Patsey” heard his mother exclaim:  “For God’s sake, stop, Jack!”  He followed Jack who ran over  the hill, overtook him, and asked him what was the matter.  Jack replied:  “I have shot my girl in the forehead and chin, and I want to shoot myself.”  After some persuasion “Patsey” obtained the revolver.  He went a ways with Jack and finally left him in the woods at a spot he cannot describe.  A number of officers and others started in pursuit; but “Mack” evaded their search, and has not yet been taken, although heard of in several different localities.  A reward of $600 has been offered for his arrest.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Mary A. Rockwell
In Jackson, April 14, 1876, Mary A., wife of Rev. M. Rockwell, aged 67 years and 12 days.  She was baptized and united with the Columbia Baptist Church at the early age of 10 years, and for 57 years was a consistent follower of Christ.  For 50 years she was a sharer in the labors, trials and joys of her husband, a kind and loving wife and mother.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Henrietta  Stuart
In Delmar, of consumption, April 17, 1876, Henrietta, wife of Levi Stuart, aged 49 years.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Caroline E. Goldsmith
In Blossburg, April 18, 1876, Mrs. Caroline E. Goldsmith, aged 40 years and 9 months.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Asonette McCarrick
In Millerton, Pa., April 17, 1876, of general debility, Mrs. Asonette McCarrick, aged 72 years.  (Tuesday, April 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

J. L. Graham
J. L. Graham, the Consul of the United States at Florence, is dead.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joseph Bohm
The death of Joseph Bohm, a celebrated violinist, occurred on the 23d of March at Vienna.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas Dodworth
Thomas Dodworth, the originator of the New York musical band that bears his name, died in Morrisiana a few days ago, aged 86.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Richard M. Corwine
Richard M. Corwine, formerly of Ohio, and an eminent practitioner of law before the courts in the District of Columbia, died a few days ago, in the 64th year of his age.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joseph E. Davidson
Joseph E. Davidson, aged 14 years, was shot and killed last week, near Albany, Mo., by Frank Corley, aged 18 years.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Colonel William Shirk
Colonel William Shirk, prominent as a railroad builder and bank director, died at Lebanon a few days since.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Stewart Marsh
Stewart Marsh, a young man of 16, residing in Cambria county, fell while running, a few days ago, and broke his neck, causing instant death.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Lillian Lois Wilson
In Delmar, April 19, 1876, Lillian Lois, daughter of M. D. and Mary M. Wilson, aged 8 months.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Esther E. Hoyt
At Osceola, Pa., April 18, 1876, Esther E., widow of Abel Hoyt, aged 76 years.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Annie Demaux
In Charleston, April 27, 1876, Annie Demaux, aged 25 years and 8 months.  (Tuesday, May 2, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Gilbert Ayers [SRGP 09942]
In Sullivan, May 3, 1876, Gilbert Ayers, aged 87 years and 11 days.  (Tuesday, May 16, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Anna Lewis
At Job’s Corners, Rutland township, April 3, 1876, Anna, wife of Stephen Lewis, aged 78 years.  (Tuesday, May 16, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Elizabeth Scott
At Job’s Corners, April 12, 1876, Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Scott, age 43 years.  (Tuesday, May 16, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James M. Bunnell
In Wellsboro, Pa., Wednesday, May 10, 1876, James M. Bunnell, aged 29 years and 4 months.  (Tuesday, May 16, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Margaret Jones
In Morris Run, May 11, 1876, Mrs. Margaret Jones, wife of Harmon Jones, aged 27 years.  (Tuesday, May 16, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald, a lad of 14, was caught in machinery in the carding room of the Boston flax mills and literally torn in shreds last Tuesday.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. W. P. Wheeler
Hon. W. P. Wheeler, of Keene, NH, died in Brooklyn a few days ago.  He was esteemed one of the leading lawyers of New England.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dr. Wm. W. Hall
Dr. Wm. W. Hall, editor of Hall’s Journal of Health, fell in a fit in the street in New York a few days ago, and expired in a few minutes.  Dr. Hall was 63 years old.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Jonathan Thompson
Jonathan Thompson, the oldest citizen in Towanda, a soldier of the war of 1812, and whose father was a captain in the Revolutionary war, died in that place a short time ago.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Captain Stephen Lewis
Captain Stephen Lewis, for 30 years a resident of Addison, died recently from an attack of typhoid pneumonia.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George Goines
George Goines, for so many years the portly, colored porter for the Rathbun House in Elmira, died in that city on the 8th inst.  His personal history is said to be a wonderful and eventful one.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Festus Redington
Festus Redington, a soldier from this township at the Soldiers’ National Home near Dayton, Ohio, died on the 10th instant, in the 66th year of his age.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

L. F. Hoffman
On the 15th instant a man by the name of L. F. Hoffman, while at work on the roof of a barn owned by T. R. Wagner at Addison, in some way or other slipped and fell to the ground, a distance of 20 feet.  He was so seriously injured by the fall that he lived but a few moments.  Until recently, he had been in charge of the Erie pump at Addison.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

H. H. Frazer
H. H. Frazer, editor of the Independent Republican, Montrose, died suddenly at his home in that place on Tuesday morning, the 16th instant, from an attack of bilious colic.  Mr. Frazer has for many years ably edited and published the Independent Republican.  He was held in high esteem in the community in which he lived, and will be sadly missed from its midst.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Silas A. Newton
The Hornellsville Herald of last week gives the following account of an uncommon succession of accidents in one family:  “Mr. Silas A. Newton, an old gentleman 70 years of age, lost his life in a singular manner at the depot.  According to the testimony at the Coroner’s inquest, Mr. Newton passed under a freight train, and upon raising up to an erect position was struck by another freight train in motion and knocked down upon the track in such a manner that the car wheels passed over him, nearly severing the head from the body.  This terrible accident was followed by one happening with almost fatal results to two daughters of the deceased.  The night after their father’s death they retired to their sleeping apartment, leaving the top of the coal stove partly uncovered.  During the night the room became filled with coal gas, and both came near losing their lives from suffocation.  One of the ladies was thrown into violent convulsions, and the other was rendered almost insensible.  Dr. Jameson was called and gave prompt medical aid, which soon removed them from danger.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Viola Keeney
In Keeneyville, May 6, 1876, of scarlet fever, Viola, daughter of Ira and Viola Keeney, aged 3 years.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Hosea Squier
In  , May 12, 1876, the wife of Hosea Squier, aged 77 years.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

B. M. Bailey
In Elmira, NY, May 13, 1876, of apoplexy, B. M. Bailey, aged 59 years, 4 months and 20 days.  He was born in Charleston and was a son of Roswell Bailey.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Drehmer
Six months ago, William Drehmer, of Dansville, in attempting to put a large cat in a bag, for the purpose of carrying it home, was bitten by the animal on one of his hands.  Soon after this the part began to inflame and swell.  For some time Mr. D. was prevented from attending to business, from the effects of the bite, and he has been unwell most of the time since.  On Thursday morning, April the 27th, he went to his business as usual, but in a short time became so ill that he could not reach his home without assistance.  During the day his symptoms did not change, and he remained about the same during the night following.  About 5 o’clock on Friday morning, feeling considerable pain, his wife assisted him from his bed to a chair.  She left him a few moments and when she returned found him in what she believed to be a fainting fit.  On the arrival of a near neighbor, who came at her call, it was ascertained that Mr. Drehmer was dead.  It is believed that the bite of the cat left a virus in his system that slowly but surely produced death.  There was, however, no evidence of hydrophobia connected with the patient’s disease.  It is difficult to tell precisely in what way the poison worked its fatal end.  Mr. Drehmer was a very respectable and worthy citizen.--Rochester Democrat.  (Tuesday, May 23, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Levi Stine
Levi Stine, the juror in the Mollie Maguire murder trial at Pottsville who had been ill for some time, died last Wednesday night.  A new trial will be necessary.  (Tuesday, May 30, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Alvin C. Foster
At Keene, NH, Alvin C. Foster, who had been collecting money and received quite a sum, was found murdered and robbed last Wednesday in the yard of a public school house.  (Tuesday, May 30, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Samuel J. Frost
At the execution of Samuel J. Frost, at Worcester, Mass., last Friday, a most horrible spectacle was presented.  The fall was so great that the head of the unfortunate criminal was jerked from his body, and hung only by the ligaments, the blood spirting in every direction over the scaffold and floor.  (Tuesday, May 30, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Henry Kingsley
Henry Kingsley, the English author, is dead.  (Tuesday, May 30, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. J. A. Crawford
Hon. J. A. Crawford, at Kingston, Ga., was stung on the head by a bee last Wednesday, and died in two minutes.  (Tuesday, May 30, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

President William A. Stearns
President William A. Stearns, of Amherst College, Mass., died suddenly of paralysis of the heart last Thursday evening.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dr. J. O. Stone
Dr. J. O. Stone, an old and well-known physician of New York, dropped dead on Broadway last Wednesday, it is supposed from heart disease.  He was 65 years old.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John France
In Fall Brook, May 31, 1876, John France, aged 44(or 14) years, 3 months and 1 day.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Rebecca Dewey
In Tioga, June 2, 1876, Rebecca Dewey, aged 15 years.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Florence Tinkham
In Sylvania, May 22, 1876, Florence, youngest daughter of Clark and Eliza Tinkham, aged 7 years and 6 months.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Michael Connelly
In Sullivan, May 24, 1876, Michael Connelly, aged 72 years and 4 months.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Castle
In Tioga, Tuesday morning, June 13, 1876, William Castle, aged 18 years and 6 months.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Delia Day
At Lamb’s Creek, June 9, 1876, Delia, wife of P. W. Day, in the 24th year of her age.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lyman Kiff
In Covington, June 7, 1876, Lyman Kiff, aged 81 years and 25 days.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Ina Gregory [SRGP 22273 Ina Sumner]
In Sullivan, June 4, 1876, of consumption, Ina, wife of Lorain Gregory, aged 18 years.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Mary Ann Shaffer
In Mansfield, June 10, 1876, Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Shaffer, aged 6 years and 6 months.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Hettie Sheffer
Near Liberty, Pa., April 15, 1876, Hettie Sheffer, aged 28 years.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Michael Connelly [SRGP 09045]
To the Editor of the Agitator:  Michael Connelly passed peacefully away to the spirit world, May 24, 1876, in the 79th years and 4 months of his age.  His birth place was in Dutchess county, NY.  At the age of 21 years he came west and settled in the town of Hector, Tompkins county, NY.--Some 16 years after he removed into Sullivan township, locating near Mainesburg when these hills and valleys were covered with their primeval forests, and has resided here about 41 years. He was the father of 10 children--five boys and five girls--some of whom have gone before, but most of them still remain on the shores of time.  The companion of his young and vigorous manhood and ripe old age still survives, cheerful and resigned tho’ bereft and infirm, to walk on alone only a few more short and feeble steps till she shall reach that home where “there is rest for the weary.” The cause of Mr. Connelly’s death was a cancer on the side of his face, which though comparatively painless was a great affliction, and gradually made its advances toward the citadel of life until its conquest was complete.  He never made a public profession of his faith in Christ, but he has left to his family and near friends satisfactory evidence that he trusted confidently for his salvation in the sufficiency of the atonement.  He feared not to die, but rather for some months past desired to be set free from the burdens of the “earthly house of this tabernacle,” and to be admitted to the “house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.”  He was held in much respect by his neighbors and acquaintances and in loving esteem by his near relatives.  We trust that death to him has been gain.  D. E. B.  Mainesburg, May 29, 1876.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [State Road Cemetery]

Frankie E. Holden
At the residence of her mother, in Mansfield, May 29, 1876, at 5 o’clock a. m., Frankie E. Holden, in the 31st year of her age.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Mary Johnson
In Blossburg, June 2, 1876, Mrs. Mary Johnson, aged 85 years, 9 months and 1 day.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Laura C. Ward
At Le Roy, NY, May 13, 1876, Laura C., wife of Charles K. Ward, and daughter of L. Davenport, of Elkland, Pa., and 54 years.  (Tuesday, June 6, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Larry McCarty and female child
Mrs. Larry McCarty and four children were badly burned last week by the explosion of a kerosene lamp at Ogdensburg.  The mother and one daughter died from the effects of the injuries received last Thursday night.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George Wurster
George Wurster, known as the Lycoming Giant, died at the residence of his parents, in Piatt township, Lycoming county, on the 28th instant.  He was about 21 years of age, and the largest man in Northern Pennsylvania.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Philena Sanders
In Barton, Kansas, June 10, 1876, of dropsy, Mrs. Philena Sanders, formerly of Wellsboro, aged 70 years.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Andrew Klock
In Charleston, June 26, 1876, Mrs. Andrew Klock, aged 35 years.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Luther Perkins
Luther Perkins, a young lawyer, was shot and killed at Austin, Miss., last week Sunday, by Willis Gibson, a merchant.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Baird
James Baird, of Cambusdoon, the millionaire iron-master, who recently gave $2,-500,000 to the Scottish Church, died last Tuesday.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Henry Roff
Mr. Henry Roff, a well-known citizen of Lawrence township, died recently at a very advanced age.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Gibson Williams
A sad death occurred in Downingtown, Pa., a few days ago from bleeding to death.  Mr. Gibson Williams, a young man in good health, commenced to bleed at the nose.  After bleeding a long time, he became alarmed and sent for Dr. Pratt, who did all in his power to stop the flow of blood by plugging up the nose.  The blood flowed from the ears and eyes, and also caused vomiting.  Other medical aid was summoned, but without avail, for he soon expired.  (Tuesday, June 27, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

O. A. House
O. A. House, the notorious divorce lawyer, of New York, was killed a few days ago at Lawrence station, New Jersey, by a woman with whom he cohabited, and who had been divorced from two husbands.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Lewis H. Jones
Wednesday night Lewis H. Jones, the proprietor of the hotel at Earlville, Madison county, NY, was shot through the heart by an Irishman of that village whom he had refused a drink.  The murderer has been arrested.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John W. Whiton
John W. Whiton, of Newtown Falls, Mass., was instantly killed there on Tuesday by the premature discharge of a cannon.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Charles Phillips
By the premature discharge of a cannon at Great Barrington, Mass., on Tuesday, Charles Phillips was fatally injured, Charles Boyce lost the sight of both eyes, and Geo. Deckler was severely burned.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

L. H. Culver
In Charleston, Pa., June 23, 1876, of scarlet fever, L. H., only son of Rilley and Catharine Culver, aged 1 year and 3 months.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Elizabeth Sweet
At Niles Valley, July 2, 1876, Elizabeth, wife of L. N. Sweet, aged about 60 years.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Louise Hawthorne
Miss Louise Hawthorne, a well-known actress, was instantly killed by accidentally falling out of a third-story window of the Tremont House, Chicago, about 3 o’clock last Wednesday morning.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Ann Sebring
Mrs. Ann Sebring, mother-in-law of Gov. Hartranft, died very suddenly at the Executive Mansion, Harrisburg, on Monday of last week.  She was highly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.  The funeral took place at Norristown.  (Tuesday, July 4, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Gen. Santa Anna
Mexican advices announce the death of Gen. Santa Anna on the 20th of June, aged 84 years.  (Tuesday, July 11, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Col. John Trout
Col. John Trout, of Williamsport, born at Towanda in 1823, a hero of the Mexican War and a prominent man in many societies, died at his home a few days ago.  (Tuesday, July 18, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Milton
John Milton, an old and respected member of the bar of Northumberland county, died suddenly at Milton on the evening of the 4th, while looking at the illuminations.  (Tuesday, July 18, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Ex-Judge Michael Connolly
Ex-Judge Michael Connolly, at one time very prominent in the municipal affairs of New York, died in that city a few days ago.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Randall Wilmot
The Cortland, Ohio, Gazette says:  Randall Wilmot, father of David Wilmot, author of the ‘Wilmot Proviso,’ died at his residence, on High street, on the 9th inst., aged 84 years.  The deceased was born in Woodbridge, Conn.; learned the carpenter’s trade in New Haven city, and thence moved to Russel, Ohio, in 1842.  From Russel he moved to Braceville, where he lived 11 years, after which he came to Cortland, located in business, keeping a provision store, known by the quaint sign with these words:  ‘End of the World.’  The deceased leaves an aged widow, and out of a family of seven children, only four are living.  David Wilmot died March 16th, 1868.”  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Eliza Armour and daughter
Eliza Armour, of Newburgh, aged 49 years, was burned to death last week.  She had wrapped her body in cloths saturated with kerosene, as a cure for rheumatism, and the cloths caught fire from a lamp, roasting her alive.  A daughter, in trying to save her mother, was fatally burned.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

George Herman
George Herman of Wellsburg, while returning home from the hay field on Jud Smith’s farm, last Thursday afternoon, was struck by lightning and killed.  His body was found under a tree on the Comfort road, about 11 o’clock at night.  It is supposed that he was struck during the severe storm that passed over the valley at about four o’clock in the afternoon.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Jennie Dorman
An exceedingly tragic accident occurred at Dunmore on the morning of the 4th.  The victim of the tragedy was Miss Jennie Dorman, an interesting and accomplished young lady about 18 years of age.  Miss Dorman’s younger brother was engaged in firing off a small cannon in the back yard of their residence on Reed street, and, after a method of gunning quite common among the boys, loaded it up with brick dust, scraps of old tin, iron, powder, &c., getting in a very heavy charge and ramming it down tight.  Then procuring a match he set it off, and at that moment his sister passed in front of the murderous weapon which exploded with fearful force, lodging the entire charge in her side and causing a ghastly wound.--She lingered in great agony for two hours, when death relieved her from her sufferings.--Scranton Republican.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Lulu M. Brown
In Blossburg, July 9, 1876, Lulu M., daughter of A. J. and Mary M. Brown, aged 1 year, 4 months and 21 days.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Guernsey
In Tioga, July 17, 1876, John Guernsey, eldest son of John H. and Sophie G. Putnam, aged 3 years and 11 months.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Howard O. Ingram
In Morris Run, June 30, 1876, Howard O., son of Dr. N. Ingram, aged 5 years and 5 months.  (Tuesday, July 25, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Henry S. Rice
Mr. Henry S. Rice, formerly a resident of this borough but for some time past a workman in Mart King’s factory at Mansfield, died recently at the later place.  His remains were brought here for interment last week Monday.  Mr. Rice was a soldier in the late war.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. J. W. Laughborough
Hon. J. W. Laughborough committed suicide at Little Rock, Ark., last week.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Rev. Samuel Butcher
Most Rev. Samuel Butcher, Bishop of Meath, the Premier Bishop of Ireland, is dead.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. James Kinsey
To the Editor of the Agitator:  Again death has visited our village and removed one of the oldest inhabitants.  Mrs. James Kinsey, who has lived for a long time here and was respected by all who knew her, died last Thursday night at 10 o’clock.  The funeral was attended at the house Sunday morning, and not more than half the people present were able to get inside, thus showing the respect due one who was beloved by all.  Lawrenceville, August 7, 1876.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Thomas M. Grigsby
Mr. Thomas M. Grigsby, a well-known citizen of Fairfax county, Va., who resided near Centerville, was stricken with apoplexy while sitting on his front steps a few days ago, and fell to the ground below, breaking his neck.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Joseph G. Moore
Joseph G. Moore, U. S. Consul at Trinidad, died Tuesday of yellow fever.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Adaline Christenot
In Wellsboro, July 29, 1876, Mrs. Adaline Christenot, aged 64 years, 2 months and 11 days.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Hannah Skinner
In Clymer township, March 23, 1876, Hannah, wife of Mr. B. W. Skinner, aged 57 years, 4 months and 19 days.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Paul K. Wheeland
In Topeka, Kansas, July 18, 1876, Paul K., infant son of W. W. and L. H. Wheeland, aged 10 months.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Delos Taylor
In Shippen, Pa., June 18, 1876, John Delos Taylor, aged 38 years.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Wasson
William Wasson, for 14 years Canal Appraiser of New York, died at his residence at Auburn, NY, last week Monday of hemorrhage of the lungs.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Joseph Perry
Mr. Joseph Perry, an elderly man, living alone in Richmond, NH, was found in his cellar a few nights ago with three bullets in his body.  He has since died.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Margaret Gifford
At Osceola, June 13, 1876, Margaret, wife of O. R. Gifford, in her 58th year.  (Tuesday, August 8, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Patrick Kelly
Mrs. Patrick Kelly was burned to death, at Lowell, Mass., last week, her clothes taking fire from sparks from her pipe.  (Tuesday, August 15, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James McIntyre
James McIntyre was killed by a band of masked burglars at Archibald, Pa., on Tuesday night.  One of the burglars was afterwards shot by a son of Mr. McIntyre.  (Tuesday, August 15, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Anna Haag
A shocking accident, resulting in the death of one little girl and the wounding of another, occurred at Hammondsport, NY, Saturday afternoon, the 5th instant.  Five children were playing in an up-stairs room in the German Hotel, kept by Jacob Frey, when Jacob Schmulz, a little boy of seven or eight, brought a shot gun from an adjoining room to use as a plaything.  It was discharged while in his hands, the main part of the charge entering the back of Anna Haag, aged about 12, causing a terrible wound from which she died in about 1 ½ hours.  Five scattering shot entered the body of Lizzie Schmock, aged 10, inflicting severe but not dangerous wounds.  Medical aid was immediately summoned, and everything possible done for the sufferers.  The news of the calamity spread like wild-fire through the village, causing the greatest excitement.  Immediately after the accident telegrams were sent to the fathers of the children, who reside in New York, and 1 ½ hours later another was sent to the father of Anna Haag, announcing her death.  He in company with the fathers of the wounded girl and the little boy arrived Sunday morning, and returned the same evening with Anna’s remains.  Lizzie was too severely wounded to be moved, Lizzie and Jacob are cousins, and are related, we believe to Mr. Frey.  All three children had been brought to Hammondsport by their parents to spend the hot summer months.  Mr. Frey’s son had been hunting the day before the shooting, and upon returning attempted to draw the load, but breaking the ramrod, he removed the cap so that all danger should be obviated.  It seems, however, that enough of the fulminating powder remained on the tube to ignite the powder when the hammer snapped down.  (Tuesday, August 15, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Eliphaz Field
In Constantine, Michigan, July 26, 1876, Mr. Eliphaz Field, aged 72 years.  (Tuesday, August 15, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Moses Milton
Moses Milton, a well-known farmer of Berks county, committed suicide recently by hanging himself.  Drink is the supposed cause.  (Tuesday, August 15, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dr. Edward Connelly
Dr. Edward Connelly, a prominent physician and citizen of Somerset, Pennsylvania, committed suicide a few days ago by taking poison.  (Tuesday, August 15, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Female Brown
A few days ago, while Dr. E. B. Brown, of Tioga, and Dr. William Humphrey, of Detroit, were operating on a daughter of W. J. Brown for bare-lip, the child suddenly died, it is supposed from the effects of the chloroform administered.  The girl was seven years of age, and had taken chloroform without trouble a few weeks before.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Amanda Terry
At Brookfield, Pa., Thursday, August 17, 1876, Mrs. Amanda Terry, aged about 45 years.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Alvah C. Bush
At Tioga, Pa., August 23, 1876, of typhoid fever, Mr. Alvah C. Bush, 2d, aged 24 years.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Child Dewey
At Tioga, Pa., August 19, 1876, an infant child of Mr. Charles Dewey.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Mary Smith
At Tioga, Pa., August 23, 1876, of cholera infantum, Mary, daughter of D. W. and Amelia G. Smith, aged 9 months.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Everett
The Pottsville Chronicle, August 16, says: “Last evening a horrible accident occurred at Frosty Valley, near Danville, resulting in the instantaneous death of a man named John Everett.  While adjusting some gearing at a saw mill where he was engaged at work, his clothing was caught by the saw, pitching him headlong upon it.  In an instant one leg and a portion of his hip were severed from his body, also one arm and a portion of his shoulder.  His body was terribly lacerated.”  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Female Leonard
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Leonard, living in Smithfield, Bradford county, while in the garret with her mother, found a bottle containing corrosive sublimate, which had been stowed away with some other bottles in the garret.  The child, ignorant of what it contained, drank some of its contents.  The mother soon noticed that something was the matter with her child, who having the bottle in her hand, led her mother to suspect the trouble.  As the symptoms became more marked antidotes of egg and milk were administered, but to no effect.  Dr. Underwood was then called.  Although not more than ¾ of an hour had elapsed from the time the poison was taken until the Doctor arrived, it was too late to save the child, who died in about two hours after taking the poison.--Journal.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. Jonathan Roe
Mr. Jonathan Roe died at his home Saturday evening, August 12th, in the 65th year of his age.  Mr. Roe was born in Delaware county, NY, and came to this State and county at an early day.  He has resided here uninterruptedly up to the day of his death.  Occurring as it did on the eve of our meetings, his death cast a gloom over many households in this community where he was universally respected and beloved.  The dread disease that finally took his life--cancer of the stomach--entailed upon him great suffering, but he bore it all with true Christian resignation.  He was baptized and joined the Baptist Church at Tioga about 25 years ago, and he held his membership there until a short time ago, when he united by letter with the Baptist Church of Middlebury.  In that Church he was always regarded as one of the most devout, active and liberal members, and in it he continued faithfully to labor until his health gave out.  The funeral sermon, from 2 Corinthians v: 6 was preached by Rev. N. L. Reynolds.  A large number of people were present and participated in the services, before which the remains were taken to the old cemetery for interment.  B. C. H.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Melvin D. Angell
At Knoxville, Pa., August 15, 1876, Melvin D., son of W. D. and Jennie E. Angell, aged 1 year, 10 months and 7 days.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Waters
At Arnot, August 11, 1876, of cholera infantum, John, son of Dr. D. C. and Susan Waters, aged 17 months.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mercy S. Carpenter
In Deerfield, Pa., August 13, 1876, Mercy S. Carpenter, aged 29 years and 6 months.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Beverly Harmon
The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted by the Sunday-school of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in this village, last Sunday:  Whereas, Our beloved associate, Beverly Harmon, has been removed from us by death, after a few days’ illness; and Whereas, We deeply feel the loss which we have sustained by this solemn visitation of Providence; and Whereas, We deem our departed associate to have been truly worthy of our esteem, by his uniform attendance upon the ordinances of God’s house, and his manifested interest in the Sunday-school, as well as by the habitual sobriety and amiableness of his deportment; therefore Resolved, That we will endeavor with more earnestness to deserve the universal esteem which was felt for him, and will more faithfully try to follow his example of habitual attendance upon the house of the Lord and the stated sessions of the Sunday-school, whether for the study of the lessons or for social worship.  Resolved, That we deem this sudden bereavement through death a special call of God to us to be always ready for our own departure for this world, not knowing at what moment the summons may come to us.  Resolved, That we hereby extend to the father and mother and the sisters of our dear associate the heartfelt sympathy which we feel in this severe family bereavement.  (Tuesday, August 22, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Felicien Caesar David
Felicien Caesar David, the eminent musical composer, died at Paris last Wednesday, aged 66.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Josiah A. Harris
Josiah A. Harris, founder of the Cleveland Herald, died a few days ago.  He was Mayor of that city in 1846.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Rosa Hagenaar
Rosa Hagenaar, at one time a popular singer in Germany, died recently in a hospital in Frankfort-on-the-Main.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Wm. L. Hirst
Wm. L. Hirst, an eminent lawyer of Philadelphia, died at Bedford Springs Wednesday evening, of typhoid pneumonia, at the age of 72.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Paulina Wright Davis
Mrs. Paulina Wright Davis, a well-known advocate of universal education and independence, died at Providence, Rhode Island, a few days ago.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

James Hummel
James Hummel attempted to kill his wife, from whom he had separated, in Cincinnati, a few days ago, and then committed suicide.  The wife will probably live, though stabbed in every limb.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. A. Dodge
To the Editor of the Agitator:  Death has again visited us, and this time has removed Mr. A. Dodge, who departed this life Sunday morning, August 27.  Mr. Dodge was about 65 years old.  For a number of years his health had been somewhat precarious, he having been frequently close to death’s door; but He who notes the sparrow’s fall raised him from his critical condition to a semi-healthful state.  His occupation was formerly that of a farmer; but owing to his impaired health he entered upon the mercantile business, and about five years ago moved to this place.  Since that time he has lived here, trusted in his dealings, firm in character, and a humane neighbor.  His death was somewhat unexpected, as only the preceding Friday he was in his usual health.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John Dunn
Mr. John Dunn was suffocated by foul air while cleaning out a well at Towanda a few days ago.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Child Walter
In Somerset, Pa., a few days ago, a little two year old child of Mr. Frank Walter met with a very painful death by being scalded.  The child was playing in the yard beneath the kitchen window where the hired girl, who had been boiling corn in the kitchen, went to the window to pour off the boiling water, and not seeing the child, poured the water all over it scalding the poor little one so severely that it died in a few hours afterward.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. James Bacon
At Cherry Flats, Pa., August 10, 1876, Mr. James Bacon, aged 74 years and 8 months.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Female Spencer
In Mansfield, August 25, 1876, an infant daughter of F. M. and Maggie Spencer, aged seven weeks.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Miss Amanda Austin [SRGP 18315]
In Sullivan, August 21, 1876, of pneumonia, Miss Amanda Austin, aged 15 years, 1 month and 15 days.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mrs. Zilplia Putnam
In Covington, August 24, 1876, Mrs. Zilplia Putnam, aged 77 years.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Annie Vance
In Blossburg, August 20, 1876, Annie Vance, aged 3(or 8) months and 27 days.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

William Decker
At Horseheads a few days ago William Decker lost his life.  He was at work pecking clay from a bank when a slide occurred, completely covering the unfortunate man.  Efforts were made at once to rescue him, but when the dirt was removed he was dead.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dr. Henry C. Ward
Dr. Henry C. Ward, of Hornellsville, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor in a barber shop in that village, one week ago last Thursday morning.  He was a young man of more than ordinary ability, but had acquired an appetite for strong drink, and the act was committed in a fit of despondency after a night’s carousal.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John Kennedy
Mr. John Kennedy, an old and highly respected citizen of Italy, Yates county, NY, died from the effects of poison a few days ago.  He went to Penn Yan for necessary family supplies in the morning of that day, and got a bottle of corrosive sublimate for destroying bed bugs and also a pint of bitters in a small bottle similar to the one containing poison.  On reaching home he took a swallow from the wrong bottle, which was at once detected from the burning sensation which followed.  Medical attendance was summoned, but too late, and he died.  Mr. Kennedy was a thrifty farmer and well known through the county.  He leaves a wife and children to mourn his sad fate.  (Tuesday, September 5, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Edgar L. Merriman
Edgar L. Merriman, the Democratic candidate for Congress in the Twelfth Pennsylvania district, died at Wilkesbarre last week Sunday morning.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Geo. Smith
Geo. Smith, the Assyrian explorer is dead.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Wm. A. Thompson
Wm. A. Thompson, a respectable lawyer of Worcester, Mass., committed suicide last week by cutting his throat.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

John Marvin and William Norris
John Marvin and William Norris, both of Tarentum, Pa., were drowned at Cape May Tuesday morning.  Norris lost his life while attempting to rescue Marvin, who had ventured beyond his depth and become exhausted.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Gen. Wm. H. Richardson
Gen. Wm. H. Richardson, Adjutant General of Virginia, died at Richmond recently, aged 81 years.  He was a son of Major George Richardson, an officer of the Revolutionary War, and filled many places of honor and trust under the State.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Oliver Brenheisser
Oliver Brenheisser, Sheriff of Carbon county, died August 24th, aged 32 years.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Abram Ammick
Abram Ammick, a crazy and deaf man, was run over by the cars, near Bath, a few days ago, and killed.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. F. H. Carter
Mr. F. H. Carter, of New York city, was drowned in Lake Keuka last Wednesday while fishing.  It is supposed he fell out of his boat by accident.  (Tuesday, September 12, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Hon. John Purdue
Hon. John Purdue, of Lafayette, Indiana, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon of apoplexy.  (Tuesday, September 19, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Ex-Governor Henry A. Wise
Ex-Governor Henry A. Wise died at Richmond, Va., at noon last Tuesday, after a long illness.  (Tuesday, September 19, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Major Augustus H. Seward
Major Augustus H. Seward, eldest son of the late Governor Seward, died at Montrose, NY, on the 11th instant, aged 50.  (Tuesday, September 19, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Mr. John S. Mowrey
We regret to announce the death of Mr. John S. Mowrey, a prominent citizen of Little Marsh, which took place last Thursday.  Mr. Mowrey was ill but two or three days, his disease being pneumonia.  He was engaged in the mercantile business, and was also Postmaster at Little Marsh at the time of his death.  He was a zealous member of the order of Odd Fellows, belonging to the Wellsboro Encampment.  Several members of the order from this village attended the funeral at Little Marsh last Sunday.  (Tuesday, September 19, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Frank B. Smith
Frank B. Smith, Secretary Robeson’s private secretary, committed suicide on the steamer Newport a few days ago.  The act was supposed to be caused by disappointment in love.  (Tuesday, September 26, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Prof. E. L. Snell
Prof. E. L. Snell, of Amherst College, died suddenly last week Monday.  (Tuesday, September 26, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Rear Admiral Pennock
Rear Admiral Pennock died at Portsmouth, NH, suddenly Wednesday afternoon of apoplexy, aged 62.  (Tuesday, September 26, 1876, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/15/2007
By Joyce M. Tice