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Transcription of Emmeline Tracy's Diary for the years
1854 - 1855
Copied by Ida Pierce Coeyman from the original diary Photo at left of Store and Baptist churh in Smithfield
at beginning of twentieth century - some fifty years later than emeline's
Note from Ida: This is a copy of Emmeline Tracy's diary for the years 1854-1855. Her sister Mary Ellen Tracy Gerould gave me the original copies. By 1943 the ink had become so faded that I feared this sweet, intimate story of the early life in Smithfield Township would be lost to succeeding generations. In the early 1860's the author married Brainerd Bowen of Troy, Pa.
Copied from the Athens Library, Athens, Pa. by Claudetta Wittig Harding.
Typed by Pat Smith Raymond
Formatted and Published by Joyce M. Tice December 2008
Continued from Part One January
to June
July 1 Saturday--finished three dresses today. One for Mrs. Anthony, one for Mrs. Desang and one for little Emma Himon. Elijah, Mary and I have been out walking to get rested so we can sleep comfortably.
July 2 Attended new school church again, this morning because there was no services at the old school. Mr. Sterling took his text from Romans 1st 16th. In the evening we went to the Methodist Church. Mr. ---- preached from Colossians 1st 28-29. One year today since Mary Kellogg was married to Mr. Dietrick.
July 3 Mrs. Cole, Mary and I have been to call at Mr. Hughs. Was introduced to Mrs. Hay. Elijah, Mary and I sat till 11 o'clock on the door steps looking at the bright moon, the sky rockets and blazing cotton balls.
July 4 Stayed at home till 5 o'clock and sewed for ourselves. Then went by invitation to Dr. Barretts where we spent the time very pleasantly. Met Mr. Winther and lady there. There was no general celebration in this place but parties amused themselves as best suited their tastes. The new Sunday school scholars had a picnic, also the Lutheran school. The mechanics formed a procession headed by an excellent band of music and repaired to a grove where they were addressed by J. W. Barret, Editor. Another party of young people, after spending the day in the woods came back to the "Eagle" where they spent the night in "tripping the light fantastic toe". The cars which came today for the first time from Canton brought any quantity of Irish gents and ladies and it was amusing in the highest degree to see them parade the streets. So after carousing and fighting till near morning, the crowd dispersed. And this is the way we Americans celebrate this precious day - in drinking and carousing, swearing and fighting. "Proud land of liberty" sure the Maine liquor law will I fear meet with a cool reception in this little town.
July 5 What extreme warm weather! It is almost impossible to breathe. Rec'd letters from home which brought the painful intelligence of the death of little Genett Gibson.
July 6 The weather is unaccountably warm down here in the valley. The thermometer stands some of the time at 96. A fire, the greatest that has ever taken place in Philadelphia occurred there last night as learned by telegraph, although it commenced on the 4th inst. Walnut Street theatre, Welches circus, the Chinese Museum and the great menagerie are consumed with innumerable other buildings--Mary and I took a walk this evening. Called at Mr. Turks.
July 7 Mr. Harris came here to board today. He is employed in the P. Office. Sarah and I have been to Mr. Van Cleves and purchased 4 lawn dresses, two for herself and one a piece for Mary and myself--the cost $9.
July 8 Mrs. Hay sent for Sarah, Mary and I to visit there this afternoon and we accepted. They are very pleasant people--formerly from Baltimore. Mr. Hay is a contractor on the Lunbury and Erie Railroad. Had a heavy thunder shower today.
July 9 Five months since Mary Ellen left home. Went to the old school church this morning. Heard Mr. Lackey from Jersey Shore preach from the 132 Ps. 18th verse. In the evening went to the new school. Mr. Sterling's text was Isa.
July 10 Wrote to Jane, Miss Flora and our folks and received letters from home. Haven't been in the street today except as I went a piece with Harriet Sterling home.
July 11 This day has been spent as usual in sewing very busily. Elijah, Mary and myself have been calling on Miss Mary Parsons who lives with her uncle Hall. Am well pleased with her appearance.
July 12 George returned today. Has been to N. York and Philadelphia and purchased a quantity of musical instruments. Elijah, Mary and I received each a letter from Smithfield.
July 13 Sarah with her children took the cars this P.M. for Smithfield and Mary and I are going to stay here till she returns. After she left Mary and myself went to Mr. Halls and Miss Parsons accompanied us to the iron foundry. Saw melted iron for the first time. They were casting a large piece. We also called at Mr. Ayers and Elijah's school.
July 14 Barnum's menagerie has been here today. Six elephants attached to an immense vehicle passed up and down the streets, followed by a very small elephant, the carriages containing the wild animals, and drove of men, women and children, a motley group indeed. We did not go to the tent, but had the pleasure of seeing General Tom Thumb, a gentleman of twenty two summers and the same number of inches high. Saw Mr. Hellis too, who has no arms and is only two or three feet high. Mr. Cole has two pianos come and is looking for two more tomorrow and a number of other instruments. He is going to have a music store. This evening Miss Maggy Whittlesey called and the Dr., Mary and I accompanied her home and staid and chatted a while with Mrs. Sampson.
July 15 We get along well sewing alone, although we've had so many calls today that we did not quite finish all the work that was promised. Dr. Barrett, Dr. Derby and Jenny Ayers, two Mrs. Hepburns, Mary Parsons and sister and a number more have been in.
July 16 Heard Mr. Clark preach this morning at the old school church from Hebrews 1. This evening heard Mr. Sterling preach from Ephesians 1, 7 and 8 verses. The weather is becoming very warm again. It has been an uncomfortable day.
July 17 Mary and I have nearly made a dress today besides some other work and making a long call at Mr. Thomas Hepburns. His house is new, was built by a Mr. Dubois at an expense of about $15,000 but after completing it, he became melancholy and determined to dispose of it at some rate; so Mr. Hepburn purchased it for $11,000. Mr. Debois became so insane it was necessary to take him to the insane asylum at Utica. Watching an opportunity to commit suicide he succeeded in the attempt about two weeks since by jumping into some machinery while walking out with his keeper--Ah riches, what wilt thou not cause a man to do! Called this morning in to Mr. Dodge's. A fine shower we've had today.
July 18 Had more of a leisure day than usual, finished a silk dress for Mrs. Peterman. This evening the Dr., Mary and myself have been to Mr. Thompsons, never spoke with him before. Well, it is now four weeks since I left home and I have become acquainted with a number of the Williamsport people and on the whole like them very much, and am delighted with the place itself. It only need the presence of a few enterprising Yankees to set things in motion and indeed they are coming in and will undoubtedly continue to come, the numerous public works making an opening.
July 19 Mary and I went over to Mrs. Dodge's this morning to assist her in making a dress. She took us to dinner at the Eagle Hotel. Came home to tea after which Dr. Derby and his mother called. When they left Elijah, Mary and I walked down to the end of our street to some of the farms.
July 20 Of all the hot days I ever experienced this has been the hottest. The thermometer stood at 104. We did not go out as we anticipated, it was too warm. After sunset Mary and I strolled up the street a few rods to catch a cooling breeze, but there was none to catch or at least if there was it did not come within our grasp. And now we'll go to bed and try to sleep a bit.
July 21 We really stand in need of rain. Vegetation is becoming injured, and the dust in the streets is always over shoe. Sewed again till nearly dark, then called down to Mr. Sterling's.
July 22 Finished a lawn dress for myself today. Have had quite an easy time, got out of our hurry somewhat. The strong breeze which commenced playing this morning has brought on a rain. It comes just in time to save vegetation from destruction. Dr. Barrett and wife called up us again tonight. Miss Mary Parsons has been here 2 times today.
July 23 Sunday evening. Attended the new school this morning and evening. Mr. Sterlings' texts were Hebrews 12, 22 and Ezekiel 26 and 32. Undoubtedly these are the last sermons we shall ever listen to in Williamsport and they were as good as any I've heard since coming here. The first mentioned was a description of Heaven--the new Jerusalem. The other treated of Babylon, the conquering of it by Cyrus.
July 24 Mary Ellen and I went this morning early to the flower garden, called at the burying yard on our way. Had numerous calls today to examine musical instruments. After tea the Dr., Mary and I went to Mr. Halls and got Mary Parsons then went down to the river and walked along the bank until we reached Mr. Tompson's, where we called a few moments; after which we went to the court house to an exhibition of the blind. Mr. Chapin, the Principal of the Blind Institution in Philadelphia, was there with three of his blind students--a young man and two girls. The former played the violin, the latter the piano. They also gave us examples of the manner they pursue their various studies--reading, writing, geography and arithmetic. Poor creatures! They little realize what a world of beauty they are shut out from.
July 25 Have now finished our sewing and ready to start for home at half a days warning. After tea the Dr., Mary Ellen, Mary Parsons and myself went up to the great saw mill belonging to Sampson, Ballard and Co. It is a building some 150 feet long--a water mill, no steam about it and carrying 120 saws sometimes 20 in one gang-thus cutting two logs into boards by running through but once. They were sawing quite fast when we entered--but the boys seeing company come in, with not a little pride whipped up and soon the saws were shissing through their respective logs, not unlike a ball through the air. They can cut out 100,000 feet of timber in 24 hours, but usually about 60,000 which is about a load and then it is taken on the canal to markets below.
July 31 At home again. Last Wednesday Sarah and the children returned to Williamsport and brought word that Mary and I must leave by the next train. So we spent the afternoon in calling upon our friends. In the evening and next morning some of them came to bid us good-bye and Dr. Barrett, Elijah, and Sarah accompanied us to the cars. It was 3 o'clock when we left and reached Canton about 6 1/2 o'clock, a distance of 42 miles. There we met Williamsport people--Mr. Sampson, Mr. Maynard and daughter and Mary and I spent the evening at Mr. McDougals. After breakfast next morning we took the stage for Troy. There were four passengers beside ourselves. Mr. Fish, wife and little blind son, aged 10 years, and another gentleman, all good company and we had a very good ride. We had been in Troy only about fifteen minutes when Dorrence and Jerusha came for us. Jerusha had so changed in appearance that Mary did not recognize her till her name was spoken. It was 3 o'clock P.M. when we reached home once more, both having enjoyed the absence exceedingly well and hoping to visit there again at some future time. Yesterday attended our own church again. Mr. Corss preached from the 111 Psalm, 10 verse, and 2 Cor. 6, 11, 12 and 13 verses. In the evening Alanson and Albert were here. This evening Alonzo has been here and Dr. Bullock called this P.M.
Aug. 1 Had a severe thunder shower today. Mary and Jerusha went to Mr. Mitchell's and aunt Susan. Mrs. Moody and little Specky came, so I took their horse and carriage and went after the girls. Found them just sitting down to tea so I sat with them. In the evening Alonzo was here.
Aug. 2 Sewed till dinner, then got ready to go to Uncle Bulkley's and Orra's; called at Mr. Browns on our way there. Had a pleasant visit all around.
Aug. 3 Stayed over night at Uncle Orras' and after breakfast this morning we all went to see Mr. Williams new steam saw mill which has just commenced operations, after which we came home and sewed the remainder of the day. We were all to prayer meeting again tonight. Mary received a letter from Elijah.
Aug. 4 Aunt Susan and Jane came early this morning and stayed till after dinner. Mrs. Wilcox and Fred Perkins also ate dinner here and Emily Futters and Clara Phelps are here staying overnight. I have been to Mr. Mitchells, so we've had a very busy day. Yes, and Spencer called too.
Aug. 5 Emily and Clara stayed until after tea and then I took them home. It is Saturday night again and the moon is shinning brightly.
Aug. 6 Sunday evening. Went to Church as usual. Mr. Corss preached in the morning from the 89th Psalm and 34 verse. In the afternoon from Ephesians 4, 23. At half past 4 o'clock I went once more to our little Sunday school, south of us. It is indeed an interesting school. Alonzo spent the evening here
Aug. 7 Went with Jerusha for blackberries this morning. This evening Mary and I have been to carry Aunt Susans' new dress home, which we finished today. Heard of the death of Mrs. Pollock, who is to be buried tomorrow.
Aug. 8 Mariette, Harriett, Mary Ellen, Jerusha and I went to Emir's this afternoon and in the evening a swing was erected in the grove near the house and Caroline, Alonzo, Alanson, Chapin, Griffin, Albert, Fanny, Harrison, Morrison, Newton, Selden, Lizzie, Pris, and Melissa all came to enjoy the swing. Mary, Harriett and I called a few minutes down to Mr. Child's.
Aug. 9 Think the visit yesterday was too exciting or something for I've felt sick all day. Aunt Susan, Lue, and Specky called a while this morning and Dr. Bullock this afternoon. Emily Tracy stays tonight.
Aug. 10 Mary and I went to Mr. Mitchells to do some sewing for Elijah and Selden, but were soon sent for as Mrs. Higgins and Jane had come to make a visit. Mother has been with Emir and Ann to Mrs. Woods. Received a letter from Dr. E. G. Tracy.
Aug. 11 Mariette spent the day with us. Selden and Jerusha went to Waverly, and mother to Uncle Bulkeys and Orras. Lemon finished working for us today and has gone home.
Aug. 12 Saturday Eve. Uncle Selden and Aunt Susan, called early this morning and Uncle Orra was here to tea. Have written to Mrs. H. B. Van Horn and Mary Bacon.
Aug. 13 Selden is 25 years old today. Heard Mr. Corss preach this morning from Ephesians 4, last clause of verse 17. In the afternoon Mary Ellen, Jane and I went to the Baptist Church. Mr. Hendrich preached an excellent discourse from Gallations 5, 22. "The fruit of the spirit is gentleness." A number of us went to the South Sunday school. Harrison and Alonzo have been in this evening.
Aug. 14 Jane Tracy and Mrs. Higgins came this morning and stayed all night. Mr. Morrills and Fannie Andrus, Mr. Shaw and Miss Chubbuck from Ulster came just before night and went with us to Literary Society. Lizzie Child, the Editress, Dr. Bullock, Assistant. A few of us went to Uncle Seldens after it closed and while waiting there Elijah came in on his way home from Williamsport.
Aug. 15 Received a letter from Miss Parsons of Williamsport. This evening we had a swing in the grove of elms. Our company was Dr. Tracy, Jane, Clara, Lizzie, Pris, Harrison, Morrison, Harriett, Hiram, Mariette, Alonzo, Alanson, Caroline, Chapin, Griffin, Albert, Fannie, Susannah, Emir, Ann and Newton.
Aug. 16 This afternoon the following named persons visited here: Dr. Bullock, and wife, Mrs. Hyatt, J.E. Bullock and wife, E.S. Tracy and wife, Uncle Orra and Rev. Mr. Hendrick. Had a pleasant time.
Aug. 17 Elijah and Jane were here to dinner. Mr. Hyatt came for Emma who stayed overnight. In the afternoon Mary Ellen and I visited at Mr. Edward Childs with Ann, Harriett, Lizzie, Pris, Elijah and Jane.
Aug. 18 Fannie Tracy stayed last night and spent all day with us. Jane has been to have another dress fitted. Spencer called in and Dr. Tracy was here to tea. Father, Mother and Aunt Sallie spent the afternoon at Dr. Bullocks in company with several others.
Aug. 19 Mary and I have been to the village making calls. Went to Uncle Seldens, Dr. Bullocks, Mr. Durfey's, Mr. Higgins and Kingsleys and M. B. Gerould. Last Monday, Mr. Slocum, an old man, went out to walk and not returning in season, search was made for him in the woods nearby. He was not found however, till today--Saturday, when nearly 100 men turned out to search. His body lay near the road not far from Mr. Ransons down in the South Woods. It appeared he had been dead only a few hours. It is supposed he fell down and not having strength to rise, lay there and died. How dreadful! Finished writing a letter to Mrs. Hendrich.
Aug. 20 Caroline is 32 years old today. Mr. Corss was absent so we had no preaching. Went to Sunday School down South. The roads have become so dry and dusty that it is very disagreeable getting around and the leaves of trees are turning yellow and dropping off.
Aug. 21 Mrs. Jesse Bullock is 32 years old today. This evening Newton and Mary Ellen have gone to Mr. Bacons. Finished letters to Flora Hendrick and Mary Parsons.
Aug. 22 Aunt Susan called this morning, and just after dinner we were surprised by the arrival of Mrs. Moody from Brooklyn. Miss Lockwood from Ulster brought her here and in the evening, I went to Uncle Seldens with her. Found that a Miss Bradley was lecturing in the Academy, so all of us went in to hear her. She occupied the evening by examining heads. Didn't like her for the reason that she was not acting in her sphere at all--that's my opinion.
Aug. 23 Aunt Susan and Mrs. Moody took dinner with us and stayed till 4 o'clock after which Mary and I went to Uncle Gorhams and met Lizzie and Pris. When we started for home, met Emir going for Ann to Uncle Orras, so we went with him and had a nice ride.
Aug. 24 Aunt Susan and Elijah called this morning and Elijah is here again tonight. It has been the most uncomfortable day I ever knew. Quite warm, very dry and dusty with the air full of smoke. Indeed, a portion of the time it was almost impossible to breathe.
Aug. 25 Until today we have had no rain of any account for 5 weeks, so a hard thunder shower was a welcome guest, which has purified the air very much. Mr. Beals and wife from Otsego Co., and Aunt Bersha visited us this afternoon. Dr. Tracy and Fannie Andrus called this evening and Jane Tracy is staying tonight.
Aug. 26 Father and Dorrance have been to pay $300 to Mr. Tyler on the notes given for Seldens farm. A shower has rendered the air very pure and bracing.
Aug. 27 Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach from 1 Cor. 14, 12 and 1 Tim. 1, 5. He said the word Charity in the Bible meant Love. Mrs. Moody of N. Y. was at church this afternoon. Collins Tracy called in this eveing.
Aug. 28 Aunt Sally completes her 45 year today and not married yet--fear she never will be. Called on Mrs. Moody this morning at her fathers. She returns to N.Y. tomorrow. Newton Wood, Cyrus Hulbert, Alonzo and Abzada have called here today.
Aug. 29 This afternoon Mary and I went to the village and Mrs. Higgins came home with us to stay through the week.
Aug. 30 The last day of summer and already are the leaves dropping from the trees; many being quite bare--because of their early fall dry weather. Mary fitted a dress for Mrs. Higgins today and we have all been very busy sewing. Just at sunset, Selden, Don, Mary, Mrs. Higgins and myself got on to the big wagon, with a board placed lengthwise between the wheels and rode down to the other farm, then home by the village. Dr. Bullock called in today. So farewell to the summer of 1854. Ye have left us, your pleasures and your sorrows are alike gone forever yet the record of them are deeply engraved on memory's page.
Aug. 31 But Ah, not so fast; the wheels of time move not so rapidly, one day more is thine, fair summer, which Autumn shall not claim. Thou left us with many tears. Thy fair countenance become overcast with angry clouds and soon the storm burst upon us in all its fury. But now all again is calm and beautiful.
Sept. 1 Friday Evening. We have welcomed Autumn by a feast. Mrs. Elsa Durfey, Mrs. Elmira Durfey, Mrs. Elsa Fritcher, Riton and the little girls came to eat chicken pie, baked chickens etc. Mrs. Higgins and Lemon Forrest were here also and we had a musical time. Mr. Higgins stayed here last night and is here again tonight. Mr. Corss and Johnny, Mariette, Morrison and Abzaba and Dr. Tracy called in during the day.
Sept. 3 Yesterday morning, Selden, Mary and I went down to Ulster to spend the day with Fannie Andrus, who is engaged in a select school there. She took us to Mr. Chubbucks to dinner and to Dr. Mill's to tea. The Dr. was my school teacher when I was about 10 years of age. Fannie came home with us and stayed over night and Alonzo took her back this evening. Attended church today. Mr. Corss preached from Isiah 28, 20 and Co. 2, 6. Mother and Selden has been this evening to see Cordelia Gerould who is very sick. Alanson stays here tonight.
Sept. 4 Warm weather has not passed by yet, very uncomfortable indeed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox were here to tea. Six years ago this evening D.B.M. closed his eyes forever on this world. Six years have his remains rested beneath the green turf of the village church yard.
Sept. 5 This day completes my 29th year. Ah, I am growing old--passing away 'twas on my 23 birthday that I looked upon D.B.M's lifeless form for the last time. Jane Tracy and Mrs. Weed called this P.M. Jane told us about her tour to Williamsport last week to attend the Grand Lodge of Good Templars.
Sept. 6 Another very warm day. Have had a hard thunder shower this evening and Alonzo and Newton calling in were obliged to stay the whilst and have concluded to put up for the night.
Sept. 7 Just learned that the lightning last evening killed a man only a few miles from here, while in bed. Do not know the particulars.
Sept. 11 Last Friday received a paper from New Berlin, N.Y. containing an account of the death of little Mary Isabelle Harvey, aged 5 years and 9 months, daughter of John B. Harvey. On Friday afternoon a few of us girls were invited to Emirs to a quilting and in the evening the gentlemen came in. It began to rain about dark and never ceased till after 10 o'clock, so we stayed until it was over. On Saturday afternoon Newton and Mary, Alonzo, Caroline, and myself with nine others from this place went to lower Ulster to a birthday party given by Frank Shaw, who is 21 years old. There were, I should judge about 40 persons present and we would have enjoyed it highly had it not commenced raining soon after we arrived and rained most of the time until last evening. Our part of the company, however, were wise enough to set off just before night while it did not rain and got home safely. The rest of them in consequence of waiting to attend the Templars Lodge got wet through and did not reach home till 4 next morning. Mr. Corss preached yesterday from 2 Cor. 1, 21 and 22 and Gal. 5, 24 but few were there because of the storm. Saw Mrs. Ballon from Greenfield, Mass--sister of Live Haven. Morrison was here in the evening. Today--MOnday, Mr. Wilcox came for Mother to go to Orville Kelloggs and she has not got back yet. Dr. Tracy called in a few minutes.
Sept.13 Mother returned from Orvilles yesterday afternoon bring the intelligence that they have a little daughter--born the evening of the 11th instance, so Mary Ellen and I started right off to see it. Called at Uncle Caldwells to see Mrs. Cole, who is there from Williamsport, then went to Orvilles and there was Orion with the dear little baby. Oh, how queer, how funny it seemed. It's a nice little thing and a little cousin too. Then we came back as far as Emir's and stayed until this afternoon to help Ann quilt. Aunt Susan came to bring us some more work and Mother and Aunt Sallie have been visiting at Uncle Gorhams.
Sept.14 Mary Andrus came to get a dress made. Heard that yesterday Mr. Christopher Child had a little daughter come to live with him. Frederic Perkins stays tonight.
Sept.15 Mr. Allen Hale is in town. Came back from the West to buy a farm, he is homesick and wishes to settle again in Smithfield. Harrison, Newton and Alonzo have called in today. Selden, Don and Rush have gone to singing school, which commenced this evening.
Sept.16 Learned today by way of Mother and Don, that Mary Parry was married on the 6th instance to Mr. Thompson, an English gentleman, who has been in this country about three years. Aunt Susan, Charlie Martin, Uncle Orra, Alanson, and Harrison called in today.
Sept.18 Did not go to church yesterday until evening when Father, Mother, Don, Alonzo, Newton, Mary and I went down to the Christian Church where they are having a protracted meeting. Mr. Whitney (a stranger) preached from Isaiah 55, 7. This evening we have been to Literary meeting. Mary L. Andrus, Editress, Dr. Tracy, Assistant. I was appointed for the next Editress.
Sept.20 Selden, Mary and I were invited to Mr. Birds last evening to visit with some of their York State friends--Mr. and Mrs. Harkness and Miss Seely; found them to be very pleasant people. It was so dark and rained so hard that we stayed till morning. Father, Mother and Aunt Sallie have been to Mr. Farnsworths. Dr. Bullock ate supper with us.
Sept.22 At home all day yesterday. An Irish pedlar came along with some nice linen tablecloths and we purchased a pair, paid 4 dollars. Today, I went to Waverly with Don, called to see Abzada, who came home with us, called on Miss Calkins, Mrs. Thompson (Mary Parry only two weeks since), at Wm. Fritchers shoe store, and Henry Fritchers house and to Mr. Parrys. Then came home to prayer meeting which was on Friday evening on account of the singing school. Three years ago tonight I was crossing Long Island Sound.
Sept.23 Eight years today wince Annie Kellogg died and seven years this evening since Grandmother Tracy died. Mary Ellen has just received a letter from Mary Parsons, who is now at Deposit-Deleware Co. and she will call here when on her way home.
Sept.24 Sunday evening. Mr. Corss text this morning was Isa. 33, 17 and in the afternoon Eccl. 3, 11. This evening Selden, Alanson, Mary, Jerusha and I have been down to the South Church, where they are trying hard to get up an excitement. Mr. Hammond preached from Eph. 5, 14. They have kept up their meetings more than a week and are to continue still longer.
Sept. 26 Yesterday, the 25, Uncle Selden called here with Captain Bowen, a cousin of Aunt Susan's from Rhode Island, also Nehemiah and John called in. After tea Mary and I went to Uncle Orras and stayed till after dinner today. Got home and found Mother and Father had gone to a party at Uncle Seldens. Lemon and Dr. Bullock have been in this evening and Elijah and Mary Andrus are staying tonight.
Sept.27 Father, Mother and Aunt Sallie were invited to Mr. Bullocks this afternoon to visit again with Capt. Bowen and lady. Mailed a letter for Mrs. Nehemiah Tracy, Westchester and received a paper from J. B. Harvey, New Berlin. Nancy Corss is here tonight. Alanson and Mary have gone to Emir's.
Sept.28 Selden has been to take Capt. Bowen and wife to Waverly. Alonzo and Newton spent the evening here. Received a letter from George Tracy saying that Wm. F. Strong died on the 27 of Aug. at Kingston, Pa.--age 20 years.
Sept.29 Went to the preparatory lecture. Mr. Corss preached from Gal. 6, 4 and 5. Ann has been here this afternoon and Florna Bullock stays with us tonight. Two weddings in town yesterday. Mr. Ebenezer French (widower) to Mrs. Wood (widow) and Mr. Constant Matthewson (widower) to Mrs. Hamilton (widow). Many congratulations.
Sept.30 Father and Mother went to Leonard Hollow. Aunt Susan and Elijah called here. This evening some of us have been down to meeting. Mr. Hammond took his text from Exodus 32, 26--many are anxious and some think they have experienced religion.
Oct. 1 Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach this morning from Isaiah 53, 12. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered and Mr. Farnsworth's child was baptised, called Edward William. This evening Alonzo, Selden and Mary have been down South to meeting and I have written letters.
Oct. 2 Expected to sew all day, but in the afternoon company began to come in and kept coming and so my plans were frustrated. Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Gerould, Mrs. Weed, Mr. Crowell and Mr. Corss were here, all but one were here to tea.
Oct. 4 Night before last it commenced raining and continued to do so, sometimes powerfully until late last evening. In the afternoon Dr. Tracy and I went with him to Dr. Andrus' and took tea, then came home by the village. Today have been preparing to go to Towanda to the second County fair to act in the capacity of judge in the department of "Flowers and House Plants". Heard that Anthony and Marion have a little daughter, born yesterday--How funny!
Oct. 7 Since the above was written, I have spent two days in Towanda. Don and Rush went and took Lizzie and me down on Thursday morning. We took dinner in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, stayed over night at Charles Gerould. On Friday Father, Mother, Selden and Mary Ellen came down. They with a number of others went again with us to the Church for dinner. There being no competition on flowers and house plants my committee had nothing to do, so our time was spent in going around, which was pleasanter for us. Lark asked me to ride home with him--so I did. It was the second fair held in our county and I think has done credit to it. They will no doubt increase yearly in interest. On Thursday evening the Court Hose was lighted up and short addresses were made by Messrs. Patton, Wilmot, Mercur and Overton. I never spent two days more pleasantly than these.
Oct. 8 Sunday night. Heard Mr. Corss from John 19, 5 and Matthew 4, 17. Saw Polly Hill, an old playmate of mine at Church. This evening as well as last, went down South to meeting. Last evening Mrs. Curry preached from Micah 2, 7 and this evening Mr. A. G. Hammond spoke from 2 Cor. 12, 9. He baptised a number today. Hope they are not deceived, but fear it may be so.
Oct. 9 A threshing machine on our premises for the first time. Alanson, Clayton Gerould and Alanson Tracy are assisting in the threshing. It has been a delightful day.
Oct. 10 Mary Ellen, Caroline, Fanny and I visited at Mr. Liba Geroulds this afternoon and Mrs. Higgins visited here. This is the day for electing the Governor of our state. Bigler and Pollock are the Candidates.
Oct. 11 Mr. Pollock got 59 majority in this place, we rejoice to hear it. Elijah and Clarissa were here today.
Oct. 12 Mariette and Abzada have been here all day. Dr. Doty called with a piece for the Luminary which I commenced editing today. Evaline and Flora were here to dinner.
Oct. 13 Yesterday and today Newton and I have been busy writing (not printing) the Luminary. It is a great task, but I like to do it. Newton and Henry Phelps stayed here last night. Our paper today brings the awful intelligence that the noble steam ship Artic ran against a properller in the 27 ult and sank together, it is supposed, with nearly all on board numbering 400 persons. 32 only are known to have escaped.
Oct. 15 This morning Mr. Corss preached upon excommunication from 1 Cor. 5, 2 after which he declared from the pulpit that Isiah Aduah Kingsley had by the vote of the church been excommunicated for selling intoxicating liquors.
Oct. 16 Newton came again this morning and we finished up the paper in good time without getting in a great hurry as is usually the case. The room was well filled, some from Ulster and even Waverly to hear it. Everything went off nice, just as we wished it might. Juliette Baily a young lady of Springfield died last night.
Oct. 17 Mr. Shaw and Miss Chubbuck were here to dinner and tea and Phebe Weed and Fanny Andrus are here tonight.
Oct. 18 Cold weather has certainly come again. It is snowing now. Mother and Aunt Sally visited at Mr. Alvin Arnold's this afternoon and Rush went to a little girl's quilting party at Mr. Geroulds. This evening Dr. and Aunt Polly have been in.
Oct. 19 Been at home all day; no one called but Newton. This evening the children have all been to singing school which is taught by Mr. Stimson. Read a little in the book which is creating so much excitement--"Hot Corn" and do not like it, not because it does not state facts, but because such facts better not be published to the world in that manner. To sum the matter up in a few words--it is a low vulgar book and never ought to occupy a place in a family library.
Oct. 20 Mr. Corss and Nancy came from Towanda and took supper with us. Nancy is attending school at the Collegiate Institute, about 120 students at present. A very good beginning.
Oct. 21 Dorrance is 15 years old today. Mariette and Abzada have been to assist Mary Ellen in mending her old clothes. We call it a patching bee. Alonzo, Alanson and an Irish pedlar called in. It has been a very mild pleasant day. The paper informs us that war has actually commenced between the Allied powers and the Russians. Sebastopol was taken about the 27th ult and about 18000 Russians were slain. A full account also of the dreadful loss of the steamer Arctic was received today. Too heartrending to be thought of.
Oct. 22 Ah indeed! then Nehemiah has got a boy; born last night. Dear me, can it be! Well strange events do take place in this world. Now Anthony Orville, Mary Dietrick, Nehemiah and I know not how many more that two years ago were the life of our society and wherever a social circle met, there we were sure to find them. Now they are old folks and must necessarily stay home and look to their babies. I declare it's too bad, yes quite too bad.
Oct. 25 This week so far has found Mary and I very busy. On Monday morning we went to the village and took up our abode in the shop where the two Marys are going to live for a time. Went in the evening to hear an address from Mr. Hendrick delivered before the Literary Society. The subject was Politeness and excellent it was. Came home Tuesday morning and Uncle Olmstead, Aunt Annie, Euphemia, Malvina Gerould and Polly Hill visited that day. At night we children went to Uncle Orras to stay with them for the first time in their new house, but Aunt C-- is not there to enjoy it with them, No, she dwells in a fairer mansion at Gods right hand. At family prayers last night Uncle Orra read the 8th Chap. of Romans. Today Mary and I have been assisting Mariette and Abzada about their new dresses. Expected Mr. Stimpson here tonight, but as yet he doesn't arrive. Past 11 o'clock and bed time, so good night.
Oct. 26 Mr. Stimpson, our music teacher, took dinner with us and came back after his school this evening. He is a little bit of a fellow, but sings well. Lark spent the evening here.
Oct. 27 Mrs. Wilcox, Wealtha, Orion and baby and Nehemiah have been here today. It is the first time that Orion has brought her baby here. Jerusha went home with Nehemiah to stay till Sunday.
Oct. 28 Saturday night. At 9 o'clock this morning Mary and I were on our way to the village. Went to the shop and repaired two dresses for Jane Tracy, who came from Towanda yesterday. Aunt Sally received a letter from Chauncey Bassett and I one from Mary Parsons. The observer today brings the almost incredible intelligence that the fate of Sir John Franklin and his crew have just come to light, that they starved to death somewhere on land between the Hudson Bay and the Artic Ocean and that a quantity of articles belonging to them have been found with the Indians and bought of them.
Oct. 29 Sunday evening. Heard Mr. Corss preach from Matthew 12, 30 and John 8, 12. This evening Aunt Sally, Jerusha and I have been down to the school house and heard Mr. Palmer preach from Hosea 10, 12. Don't think him very smart at teaching, guess he'd do about as well at plowing or digging potatoes. Mr. Hammond gave another farewell exhortation, finally about every sermon and exhortation I've heard from him has been farewells but yet he doesn't seem to get away. Mr. Ebenezer French died last night the 28th of October. He was married to his second wife on the 28th of Sept. just one month since. Elijah is in town today; has taken up quarters in Windham township as M.D.
Oct. 30 Newton stayed here last night and at 1 o'clock this P.M. we all went down to Mr. French's funeral. Mr. McDougal was expected here to officiate, but not coming, Mr. Apperson preached from Job 30, 23. Old Mr. Peck died. This evening Selden, Mary, Don and I have been to Uncle Olmsteads. Mary stopped at her shop when we came back. She has now gone there to stay and it may be a long time before she lives at home much more, and I anticipate many lonely hours in consequence.
Oct. 31 Been writing to H. A. Miner, which I've too long neglected. Mr. Corss called in today and Dr. Bullock has chatted with us all the evening. Topic of conversation--early days of Smithfield.
Nov. 1 For three days past it has appeared precisely like spring. It will be pleasant one hour and the next perhaps raining smartly. Mother and Mrs. Wilcox have been to old Mr. Kingsley's. Finished a letter to H. A. Miner.
Nov. 3 Yesterday after dinner Jerusha and I went over to the shop and in the evening went to singing school. I did not come home till this evening.
Nov. 4 Elbertine Arnold died today. Aged 18. She has been sick a number of weeks. Went to the village tonight for Mary Ellen.
Nov. 5 Sunday night went to church today. Heard Mr. Corss preach from Acts 2, 41 to 47 and Mat. 9, 12. At 2 o'clock we attended Elbertine Arnold's funeral at the Baptist church. Mr. Hendrick preached from 1 Cor. 7, 25 to 31. She was to be married very soon to Mr. Bailey a widower with two children lately from Conn. She was 18 years of age last April. How unexpected! The bridal robes have been exchanged for the shroud. Have been writing this evening to M. A. Parsons.
Nov. 6 This morning Mr. Fairman came to see if Father would let the farm go back to Edmund, which he bought of him not quite a year since. Of course he met with a refusal. This evening have been to Literary Meeting. The paper was read by Fannie Andrus and Mr. Hendrick. It was a grand paper. Edson Hays gave an address on "Woman's Rights".
Nov. 8 Last evening Selden, Mary and I with a number of others spent the time at Sevelons, where we met Mr. Thompson and sister from Ill. They are a brother and sister of L's wife. They took tea with us this afternoon--we like them very much. This evening Harry Durfey and wife, and Laura Califf have been here. Here it is 11 o'clock and I not in bed yet, it was half past 3 this morning before I went to bed.
Nov.10 Visited last evening at Hallis Allens. Met quite a number of strangers and two sisters from Waverly. After singing school Mr. Stimpson and some of his scholars came. I stopped at the shop and stayed overnight. Went this afternoon to witness the closing exercises of Mr. Newton Allen's school. Two papers were read; one by C.H. Phelps and the other by Louisa Allen. Came home on foot again, to prayer meeting.
Nov. 11 Today Stephen Perkin's remains were brought from Speedsville and interred in the village burying ground. Funeral services tomorrow.
Nov. 12 Sunday night. Mr. Corss text this morning was Gallations 1, 16. In the afternoon he preached a funeral discourse for Stephen Perkins in the Baptist Church from the 102 Psalm, verse 24. This young man died on Thursday last at Speedsville, N.Y. of typhus fever brought on by over excitement with regard to the so-called Spiritual napping--another victim of that dreadful delusion. When will the world be wise and not suffer themselves to be imposed upon by such imposters! Mr. and Mrs. Dietrick are in town.
Nov.13 Mary Ellen stayed home till noon and cut a dress for mother and assisted about repairing mine. Have been very busy sewing and have a large amount to do, enough to last me 4 or 5 weeks. The wind blows cold and I pity the poor.
Nov.14 Mr. and Mrs. Dietrick called on their way home. Mother has been to Uncle Orras all day and Father this evening. Uncle Bulkly and Thaddeus Hill had a law suit yesterday which was decided today in T's favor. We think the decision right. It snows.
Nov.15 Mother completes her 51 year today. Just sent home the last of Aunt Susan's sewing which we commenced the first of August. The Carson League have found Jno. Bush and Frank Tuttle guilty of selling liquor in an unlawful manner and as they refused to get bail have been sent to jail.
Nov.16 A dreary day, cloudy and snowing occasionally. Frank Shaw made us a call this afternoon. This evening went over to the shop and was in the singing school a short time.
Nov.17 Arose at 4 o'clock this morning to get breakfast for Dorrance as he was going to Waverly. He found Fred Corss at Mr. Parrys and brought him out. Fred has been living at his grandmother Hoyt's in Kingston since March last, but getting the Ague and fever was obliged to come home. He knew Wm. Strong well, and the particulars of his death.
Nov.18 Freddie has been here all day. Sat up but a portion of the time having had a chill and the fever. His father came for him, but he was too sick to go home tonight. When Mary Ellen came home today she brought Aunt Sallie a present in the shape of a nice satin bonnet trimmed with silk velvet.
Nov.19 Been to church. Mr. Corss text this morning was Ps. 10, 4. In the afternoon he preached upon matrimoney from 2 Cor. 6, 14 and 1 Cor. 7, 35, a sermon got up for a special purpose. This evening we children have been to Uncle Orras. Little Bittie Tracy came home with us from church and stays tonight.
Nov.20 Mrs. Edmund Fairman came this morning to try and coax Father to let them have the farm back again. Strange indeed! For not one year has passed since they or Mr. Fairman, especially, couldn't hardly wait for us to buy it. They act very queer and very inconsistent, certainly. Mrs. Mitchell and Abzada were here to dinner and Alonzo stays tonight.
Nov.21 Our folks butchered hogs today. I have been making a dress for Mother and have not felt well at all. Indeed does it thunder? I think so.
Nov.22 No, it was not thunder, but the distant report of cannon, probably the people of some place were celebrating the victory of political candidate. Visited this afternoon at Mr. Mitchells.
Nov.23 Thursday evening. The children have gone to singing school and it seems so quiet. One year today since Aunt Cynthia died; Mary and I stayed there two nights following her death. Mr. Allen Hale and family arrived in town last Saturday after an absence of about 9 months which has been spent at Knoxville, Ill.
Nov.25 Yesterday morning went over to the shop and finished Sarah Cole's night dress. Did not come home until this P.M. We have, this week accomplished more than our usual amount of work.
Nov.26 Sunday Evening. Mr. Corss preached today from Mark 16, 16 and 1 Peter 3, 8. It has been a cold, disagreeable day. Newton and Alanson are here. I have been scribbling some on my contribution for the Luminary but do not feel at all satisfied with it. How I wish I could write just as I want to.
Nov.27 Dr. Tracy called this afternoon and this evening. Selden and I visited with him at Mrs. Geroulds. We took Lizzie along and had a good visit. Dorrance commenced attending Miss Hendricks select school today.
Nov.28 A very pleasant but cold day. Abzada is here tonight.
Nov.29 Mary Andrus is quite sick at the shop. Fears are entertained that a fever will be the result. Mr. Chapman from Conn. is also sick at Mr. Kingsleys. I hope I may never be sick away from home.
Nov.30 Went to the shop when Selden went to singing school. Found Mary very sick. They are afraid of inflamation of the bowels. This evening Willard Wood is to be married to Mary Jane Niles.
Dec. 1 Winter is here again; has entered quite pleasant, but rather cold. Jerusha visited today at Mr. Sumners. Mary is no better.
Dec. 2 Very cold but pleasant. Selden has been to Athens. He met Daniel Child coming in from R. Island with his wife. He was married last Thursday to Miss Lizzie Barney.
Dec. 3 Stayed at home from church today on account of the storm; it is the first snow storm of the season and bids fair to be lasting. The snow is already several inches deep. While we are blessed with everything to make us comfortable during the inclemencies of this season of the year, how many are suffering from cold and hunger and how little do we think of them and how little do for them!
Dec. 4 It is two years and perhaps more, since we have experienced so stormy and blustering a day. The snow is quite deep and drifting badly.
Dec. 5 Colder than it was yesterday, all we can do is to get as near as possible to the fire and try to keep warm. Jerusha commenced going to school today to Miss Emily Butler. Harrison has been in this evening.
Dec. 6 The weather has moderated considerably today and looks very much like having another storm. How strange it seems; only five in our family. Mary and Don at the village; Rusha at Uncle Orras.
Dec.7 Commenced snowing again this morning, but the weather becoming colder, it stopped about noon. Newton and Mary Ellen came along about 10 o'clock to go to Ulster to the dedication of the new Methodist Church, but it stormed so bad our folks persuaded them not to go any farther; they were sadly disappointed and I was sorry for them. This evening father, mother and I are alone. Aunt Sallie went with Selden to singing school; so I sit here by the fire alone, our folks being in the kitchen.
Dec.8 Too cold to be expressed! Selden has been to take a load of witnesses to Towanda for the Carson League. The cases brought before the court amounted to nothing. The jury were rummies; too bad. Have written this evening to Dr. E. G. Tracy.
Dec.9 Mary Andrus is much worse. They tried to take her home, but could not. Dr. Peck and Jane Tracy called here this evening. Emily Butler stays tonight.
Dec.10 Went to church in a sleigh today; haven't had a sleigh ride before this season. Mr. Corss preached this morning from 119 Psalm, 140 verse. In the afternoon, Mr. Corss and Mr. Hendrick exchanged desks. Mr. Hendrick preached a beautiful discourse from the 49 Psalm, 8 verse.
Dec.15 Been staying at the shop since Monday. On that evening the Luminary was read by Miss Emily Butler and Henry Phelps. Mr. J. E. Bullock gave an address. On Tuesday we were invited to Mr. Bullocks to tea and in the eveing Selden, John Phelps, Miss Hendrick, Mary Ellen and I called upon Daniel Child and Lady. We had a time getting through the snow banks and came near being spilled out. On Wednesday evening the same company with a few more went to Mr. Bacons, where we spent the time very pleasantly. On Thursday afternoon Mary Ellen and I visited Mrs. Higgins and this evening we were invited to Mr. Phelps to an oyster supper, but I was obliged to come home and thus I am cheated out of it.
Dec.17 Sunday evening. Been snowing again all day. Went to Church, heard Mr. Corss preach two discourses from Deuteronomy 8, 15 and 16. We are expecting company, and expecting to visit most of this week, if sleighing continues there will be any quantity of such business done.
Dec.18 This evening, Lark and Jane came here. They stopped at the shop and got Mary Ellen; she will stay home until tomorrow night. It is tremendous cold weather.
Dec.19 Daniel Child and wife spent this afternoon and evening here. I think we shall like Mrs. Child; she is very lively and pleasant. We had a chicken pie for supper.
Dec.20 The cold is intense, almost beyond endurance, but it does not keep us at home. Selden, Dorrance, John, Justin, Flora, Clara, Susan, Mary Ellen and I have been this eveing to Mr. James Pierce's. We had a pleasant visit as we always do when going there.
Dec.21 Not to cold today; in the afternoon I took one of our horses and the cutter and went out riding with Mrs. Daniel Child. Called at Orvilles, went to the village and stopped at the shop and Esq. Phelps, then home by Mr. Child's. Received letters from Mrs. Moody of Brooklyn and Mr. Mitchell of Waverly.
Dec.22 At the church meeting, which took place today, Alanson Tracy and Mary Ellen presented themselves as candidates for church membership.
Dec.23 Saturday night. All at home again. Don has been to Towanda for Jane who has come home to enjoy the holidays. Lark Bird is again a single man! Received his divorce this week. Weather very cold yet and sleighing excellent.
Dec.24 Sunday. Heard Mr. Corss preach from Genesess 45 and first clause of verse 20--also from 1 Theo 5, 23. This evening Selden and I went to the Red school house to meeting. Called and took Jennie Tracy along. Mr. Corss text was 119 Psalm, 5 verse.
Dec.25 Christmas again, but what care I? St. Nicholas no longer comes seeking my stocking in the chimney corner, so what care I? Don, with a number more have gone to Troy. Mrs. Daniel R. Child called again today and Lark has spent the evening with us.
Dec.26 Mary Ellen and I have been visiting this afternoon at Mr. Childs and Daniel and wife came home with us just for a ride. Alanson has been here this evening. George Campbell was married yesterday to Mary Deroy.
Dec.27 Mary Ellen went back to the shop today. Dr. Andrus and wife, Dr. Tracy and Jennie visited here this afternoon.
Dec.28 One year since George H. Harvey died, poor fellow, how little he expected to die so soon? Have been writing to his sister Elizabeth. Mrs. Wilcox made us a call today.
Dec.29 Dr. Tracy called this morning. Perhaps he will yet settle in Smithfield, which would be very agreeable to his friends. Have made the skirt of a dress for Jane. Susan Phelps and Antionette Seely are here tonight.
Dec.30 Saturday evening. Again we are all at home. I do think as a family we enjoy Saturday night more than any other portion of the week. We are, almost always alone, and we sit down so quietly by the cheerful fire (at this season of the year) and read. The business of the week is done and we feel so much at ease. We always have plenty to eat, drink, and wear, which is not the case with thousands in our large cities and towns;--therefore, our hearts should be filled with thankfulness to the Giver. How many this night retire supperless! I'm glad I don't know. Mary brought me a wine colored silk velvet hat with white plumes tipped with the same color of the velvet and a wreath inside of roses and velvet leaves. Well, it is beautiful but shall I wear it? I'm some fearful it looks too flaunty or something of that sort. Daniel and wife called in a few minutes today.
Dec.31 The last day of a year ever brings with it a train
of strange, peculiar feelings! Who of us that are living, today, will still
breathe the vital breath a year hence? Ah, who? If we live, may we live
unto the Lord, if we die, may we die unto the Lord.
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933 histcent83@gmail.com |