Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Robert Bruce Park of Athens PA, and Cornell University in Ithaca NY
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Diaries of Robert Bruce PARK  1893  1894 1895

Robert Bruce PARK was born in Athens, Pa. April 7th, 1870 and died there August 24th, 1905. He was the son of Dana Fish PARK and Lydia Minerva CARNER. He had an older half brother, Irving Kingsbury PARK, the son of D.F. PARK and Catherine BALL (who died in 1859) a sister, May Belle PARK, and two brothers, William Kellog PARK and Charles Dana PARK. He graduated from Cornell with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1894 and worked as a Draftsman and Surveyor. He married Nellie Rita MYER on December 21, 1898 and my mother, Gertrude Lydia PARK, was born on June 27, 1903 in Philadelphia. His son, Robert Bruce PARK, was born after his death, January 3, 1906.

I have transcribed as accurately as I could except for deleting periods in places like Y.M.C.A. and P.O. etc. Thomas Smith []

In this diary, Robert was 23 years old, a student in Ithaca, NY at Cornell University.
Transcription Copyright 2011 by Thomas Smith and Joyce M. Tice

January 1893

Sunday 1: Rain all day very hard. Did not go to church in AM or evening or to YMCA in PM. Stayed in house and sang and played with Mary M. and read papers. Popped corn in the evening.

Monday 2: A little colder, Park school reopens. Did very little but read the papers. Will went to Towanda to Shoot. Expected May but she did not come. It began to freeze in PM. Was in YMCA in evening and played with the boys.

Tuesday 3: Packed up for Ithaca. Very much colder. In the house most of the morning and started at 2 PM on L.V. (Lehigh Valley RR). Called on Anna Augier in Sayre, then went to Ithaca. Registered and unpacked in evening. 219 E. State.

Wednesday 4: Cold. The first eight o’clock of the term, Mechanics. Registered in the C.E. Dept. all around had lecture in St. Details and sections assigned. Studied in PM. Down street in evening but had to study again after return. Sent mileage home.

Friday 6: Cold. a blizzard all day. Had recitations in Mech. and Pol. Econ. and computations in Structural Details. In PM went to C.U.C.E. association(Cornell University Civil Engineering) in Lincoln 10, then home and patched up. After supper studied Mechanics and copied notes of Roofs & Bridges.

Saturday 7: Cold. Clear in AM but snow in PM. Went down street at 8:30 Physics class at 10 AM. Gymnasium at 11 AM then down st. Mailed Gillespie Survey to Chas.. Studied most of PM and evening for Monday & Tuesday. Postal from home in AM.

Sunday 8: Very cold. but sunny & no snow. Breakfast at 9. church at 11. Communion Sunday too. Stayed to S.S. dinner at 1:30 in PM. laid around and talked after supper I went down to Calg. Church to Rev Kelsey, Prof elect to a chair in Botany at Oberlin. had a great talk and went to bed at 10:30

Monday 9: Cold. windy. snow squalls. Mechanics at 8 AM. no recitation at 9. at 10 worked a joint design and had short lecture. at 12 had first Poly Econ lecture of the term. After dinner went to room and then to Lab. Worked all the PM to finish experiment. Study in eve.

Tuesday 10: Very cold, north wind. Recitation in Mechanics and Railroading. Went down street after dinner and mended(?) autoharp and went to Gym afterward. in eve did not study much, but talked and looked at Poly. Postal from Chas.

Wednesday 11: Bitter cold windy but quiet in eve. No university work. founders day. At 11 attended exercises in Armory. speech 1 ½ hours long. tuned autoharp and studied in PM. went down st. to P.O. in eve. had a letter from home. played harp and studied in eve.

Thursday 12: a little warmer. Had Mechanics at 8 AM and after an hour of recitation in R.R. drew on map of R.R. Location. In PM tried to study but could not very well. Went to Gym for exercise and after supper study Polycon. St. Details and Mech. Had a call from Latting at 10 PM and to bed at 10:40.

Friday 13: colder. with snow most all day. but windy. north. Had Mechanics study 1 hr. lecture in St. details. one hour computations then at 12 had Polycon change hour from 12 to 9 AM. Went to C.E. Assoc. in Lincoln Hall, then visited in Gym the rest of the PM and studied in eve.

Saturday 14: Bright, sunny day, but very cold. down street twice. once to get new spec. bow. Went into physics recitation at 10. In Gym till 1 PM. after dinner down street watched coasters on the Buffalo St. hill. went to studying again at 3:30 and ground till 10 o’clock at night.

Sunday 15: Very cold again. Went to Baptist Church in the morning. wrote home and to Chas in the afternoon and in eve went to Unitarian Church to hear Prof. Ross lecture on signs of the unrest. went to bed about 10 o’clock.

Monday 16: Up at seven. very cold as usual. Prof. Church sick so had no recitation in Mechanics. but had lecture in Polycon and work in Str Details and lecture in Physics. worked in the laboratory in the afternoon with G.F. Brown. Had a letter from home in the eve.

Tuesday 17: 10 below zero at 8 AM. when on the hill. Mechanics and railroad kept me busy all the morning. bright and sunny, warm at noon. study in PM in evening heard the lecture of Prexy Schumman in Barnes Hall on Philosophy of Knowledge.

Wednesday 18: Cold yet. Mechanics, Polycon, lecture and computations Str. Details and Physics Lecture. Laboratory work in PM. finished 2nd experiment. study in evening. Latting came over and studied with me. did not get to bed until about 11 o’clock.

Thursday 19: Cold and a little snow. Mechanics at eight as usual. RR Location and mapping. finished line plot. PM put most time on Polycon essay and evening had to work out Mechanics problems. to bed about eleven o’clock.

Friday 20: Cold yet. Mechanics at 8, Polycon at 9 Lecture in Struc details at 10 and finished 2nd joint before 12. Went to house found letter from Mother & Chas. Went to C. E. Society in PM and down st. traded watches, got a Waterbury studied and popped corn in evening.

Saturday 21: Not so cold. Physics at 10 and in Gym till 1 o’clock. bowled for second time and scored 126 on 10 frames. study in PM. down st. in eve. got my pants. in evening afterward studied till eleven to bed some time later.

Sunday 22: Nice sunny day. not very cold. after breakfast read in Barnes Hall until Church time. Had veal pie and ice cream dinner. Read in PM and played autoharp. Went to Baptist Church both morning and evening. the evening sermon being addressed especially to young men. wrote home.

Monday 23: Warmer. Mechanics. Lecture in Polycon and recitations in Str Details and physics lecture all in the morning. In PM had laboratory work broke wrought iron rod. went down st. after supper. had letter from home. study till 10PM.

Tuesday 24: Not very cold. Had Mechanics and RR work as usual and PM studied for Mech. and in eve went to Baptist Church to a 10’ social. good entertainment but slow social Went with Cummings to call on Roberts. got home after 11. and to bed later.

Wednesday 25: Mechanics, Polycon. Work in Str Details and lecture in Physics. In PM work at computations in Lab till 5:45. in eve study as usual. had to build a new fire. Not very cold but very slippery. Hard north wind during the day.

Thursday 26: Warmer. Thaw during day. Mechanics at 8 and RR work til one. Rec’d letter from home. Went down street bought LV Mileage of Ives. went up to Gym at 5 PM and studied till 10:20 PM and then packed for going home tomorrow.

Friday 27: J. G. Blaine died. Cold. Mechanics at 8 and Polycon at 9. Struct till 12 then early dinner hustled around and took LV 1:20 train home. Talked till supper time. Went to YMCA rooms to hear lecture by Rev B. E. Wheeler on Vesuvius and Pompei. Very good.

Saturday 28: Warmer and windy. did little but run errands all day. visit and see the boys. and read etc. In YMCA rooms in PM. worked in the store in PM and evening. talked till bedtime at 10:20 went to store to lock safe at 10 PM came back and went to bed.

Sunday 29: Warm & rainy. Went to Church with Aunt Julia. Sermon by Rev Sawtelle. After dinner visited and talked till train time. Train 35 late. Rode up with Eli Merrill. Supper 7:30 to bed at 10:30 after visit with boys.

Monday 30: Colder. freezing. Mechanics at 8. Polycon lecture at 9, lecture in structural details at 10. Physics at 12. Lab work in PM writing reports etc. Unitarian Church burned. At 5:30 a hard snow storm form South set in. Study in evening on Mech & RR.

Tuesday 31: Cold. Snow about 3" Mechanics at 8. RR lecture on Tunnels and Map work in AM. In PM study Polycon and Mech. Went down street to see ruins and rode up to campus on the electric car. went to Gym. Wrote home. studied.

February 1893

Wednesday 1: Warmer, snow during night. Recitations as usual in Mech. and Polycon. Struct D and Physics. Work in Lab in afternoon. broke steel rod, sung with boys after supped. studied til 10:30 then went to bed. Sophomore Cotillion in evening at Armory. Did not attend.

Thursday 2: Colder again. Mechanics and RR work till 1 PM. Home and studied in Polycon and Mechanics etc. in PM. went down street for paper, ink, etc. In evening took car down to Wilgus to attend Glee, Banjo, Guitar & Mandolin club concert. very good.

Friday 3: Warm in morning but by night blowing very cold from North. recitations as usual in morning but went into Physics class at 12. In PM attended 1st C. E. Lecture by Col. Prout on RR accidents, room full and lecture very good. After sheet work on struct details. Junior Ball in Armory

Saturday 4: Very cold again. Very windy. Work on Struct detail drawing all the forenoon and in afternoon studied Mech Str. Det. etc. Bot a pair of rubbers down st. in the evening. Went to bed about 11:30. Rec’d by U.S. Ex. my clothes from home.

Sunday 5 :Still very cold. Went to Barnes Hall to read, then to the Baptist Church. in the afternoon I wrote home and to Chas & Will. Sewed up and talked till supper time. In eve went to Library Hall with Murray and Quick Bros. to hear Prof. Ross lecture on "The Farmer as Plaintiff".

Monday 6: Warmer. snow changed to rain, mist & fog, very slippery. Had Mechanics, Polycon, Str Details and Physics as usual and worked in laboratory all the afternoon and studied in eve. Had a letter from home.

Tuesday: 7: Warm in AM Colder later very slippery. Mechanics and RR work as usual. Study in PM till 5, when I went to Gymnasium & exercised, bath, etc. Worked all evening on 3 problems in Mech for tomorrow. to bed at 10:45.

Wednesday 8: Very cold No Mechanics because no steam to warm room by. Polycon. Lecture in Str. Details & Physics. Work in lab all the afternoon in the pit. and in computing. No cars running, break down. Study Mechanics in evening to bed 10:30.

Thursday 9: Cold again. Mechanics at 8. RR Lecture at 9 and map work and Str Detail work till 1 PM. In PM study till about 5 o’clock when I went to gym for run and bath and in eve wrote a letter home and studied.

Friday 10: Quite warm again. Strong south wind. snow melts, muddy etc. Mech. Polycon. Str Details & Physics as usual. study Mech & Polycon in PM. Went to P.O. saw Eli Merrill and went to Architect lecture in the Columbian Building in eve.

Saturday 11: Cool in the AM with snow. warm in PM. work awhile on hill in morning then went into Gym for bath and work. Studied in afternoon and evening in Physics, Mech etc. went down street to get shoe fixed in PM read awhile in library reading room. to bed about 11:15.

Sunday 12: A warm spring like day. Presbyterian Church in AM C.U.C.A. song service in Barnes Hall in PM and in evening went to Library Hall to rear Prof. Ross lecture on "The Working Man As Plaintiff". Read in PM and wrote a letter to father.

Monday 13: Nice in AM. but about noon commenced to snow and kept at it. at night was over 4 inches deep. Mech., Polycon, Lecture in Str Details and Physics as usual and handed first plate in. Went down street to P.O. in eve but did not get a letter.

Tuesday 14: letter from Will. Colder, fine sleighing. Mechanics at 9 and RR work till one. In PM studied and went down street twice. Had letter from Mother and Father and Will. Had a call from Lamphear. studied in eve to bed at 11. cars run up hill again.

Wednesday 15: Warm, snow mostly all melted off. streets all water. Mech, Polycon, Str detail recitation and Physics lecture. In PM worked in lab and in evening studied about an hour then popped corn and loafed till nearly 11PM.

Thursday 16: Colder. slippery on walks. Mechanics and RR work as usual. Commenced tracing map of RR. studied in PM till 5 then went to Gym for work and bath. In eve studied in Mechanics, Polycon, etc.

Friday 17: Letter from Chas. Cold, clouded up and south wind began to blow and by 4:30 a snow storm set in, spoiling skating on lake. Recitations in Mech, Polycon & Physics and work in Str Details. In PM attend lecture by Desmond Fitzgerald on Water Works. Went down street in eve. then study.

Saturday 18: Snowy, windy, and cold. Late breakfast. study till 10:15 then took car across city to new steamboat building. Saw Kellogg & Merrill. Back at 12 to Gym. Bowled and bathed.. late dinner. Study in PM. down street to P.O. & reading room back later to study. to bed at 10:30.

Sunday 19: Cold. windy, stormy. Went to Barnes Hall after breakfast and read till 12 o’clock. went to room, wrote letter. After dinner wrote letter and read. In evening went with Latting to Library Hall to hear the lecture on "Consumer As Plaintiff" by Prof. Ross. heard it before.

Monday 20: Very bitter cold. North wind blows a blizzard. snow drifts. Work as usual. had Mech, Polycon lecture. Str Det computation. Physics lecture. Worked in the lab all afternoon. Found fire out when I got home. did not go down street. study mechanics, etc..

Tuesday 21: Cold but not so windy. Mech at 8. RR work till one PM. Found a letter from home at the house. Study in PM, went down street and read in library. Reading RR failed yesterday. Study with Latting in eve then sung and had a good time till after eleven o’clock. to bed.

Wednesday 22: Washington’s Birthday. No regular work so went up and drew on my map all forenoon. Snowed till about 4 PM. deep & drifting. Blizzard all over country. Study in PM. Went down street in eve, got letter from Mother. Freshmen out in force.

Thursday 23: Warmer, but more snow. RR from 9 till 1. Mech at 8. Study all PM. on Mech & Polycon. Went to Gym for an hour before supper. After supper went down to P.O. with Chuck and Murray. The Sophs out in gangs in the street. Quick gets head bumped hard in Murray’s room Bed at 11.

Friday 24: Fair weather. Mechanics at 8. Polycon at 9. Str Det lecture at 10.. work do at 11. Physics at 12. Copied lecture till3:30 then went C.U.C.E. Society. T.S. Clark gave good description of Topography work in west. Down street in eve. Freshman Banquet. no trouble at all.

Saturday 25: Snowy most all day. Paid C.U.C.A. dues 2.50. Worked on map till 12. then went to Gymnasium for nearly an hour. study awhile in PM, slept some, down street twice in eve. sent laundry home by U.S.Ex. No mail. study till eleven o’clock.

Sunday 26: A very clear, bright, sunny day. and bright moon at night. Barnes Hall in AM. C.U.C.A. in PM and to State St. M.E. Church in eve to hear Rev. Beach of Cambridge talk on the no license question. Home at 9:30 the wrote letter home.

Monday 27: Very bright and warm day. Mechanics at 8, Polycon lecture at 9. Str Det at 10 & 11. and lecture in Physics at 12. Lab work all afternoon. Two letters from home, one of Friday and written Sunday. Study in Trig and Mech. in eve.

Tuesday 28: Stormy. sleet and hail. Worked at Mech and RR all the morning. Study in PM. Had a hair cut and went to Gymnasium. Study in eve. went down street to mail letter and saw Ignace Paderwerski. to bed about 11 PM.

March 1893

Wednesday 1: Beautiful warm day. March comes in as a lamb. Mechanics at 8. Last lesson in Marshall’s Polycon. Str Details till 1 o’clock. Work all the afternoon in Laboratory work. study in evening and copy lecture (Str Det) notes. Windy in eve.

Thursday 2: Warm, snow melting wet. Mech at eight RR work till 1 PM. Down street after dinner to buy Dunbar’s Banking then study for Friday. study in evening on Mechanics and Physics.

Friday 3: Warm day. Mech at 8. Str Det till 12. then 1st lesson in banking under Dr. Hull. At 2:30 went to lecture in Phys lect room by Kueschling of Rochester on storm H2O in sewers. In eve went to Rowles room to fig cuts and fills on RR. Had letter from home. sent mileage to Chas.

Saturday 4: A howling blizzard all day. Out with Ben H. in with Grover C. Worked on hill on Struct Det drawing finished Plate II. Went to Gym for bath. In PM wrote up part of Str Det report of Truss and study Mech. In eve study banking, Mechanics and Physics.

Sunday 5: Wind blows cold all day long. Went to Barnes Hall in morning. back to house to read before dinner. Went to Opera House to mass meeting. 2,000 present had great time. Wrote to Father and Will. in eve stayed home and popped corn and kept warm.

Monday 6: Cold day again in AM but warm in PM. Mech Str Det and lecture in Poly con. Work all PM on Galvanometer exper. Down street in eve. received letter from home also "Our Times". come back and studied till eleven o’clock on Mechanics for 1st review prelim.

Tuesday 7: Started cold – Ended warm. City Election – No license carries the day by 128 majority. Clinton D. Bouton elected mayor. Mechanics 1st prelim done but fairly well. R Road work till 1 o’clock. Studied Banks and Mechanics till 6:30 then down street in eve to hear returns. studied Mech till late.

Wednesday 8: Warm bright day. Snow melt water, mud & slush. 2nd prelim in Mech at 8 did but fairly well. Structural Details till 12 then recitation in Banking in PM. took second ex in Magnetometry. Rec’d clothes & letter from home. Study Mech till 11:30 in eve.

Thursday 9: Warm with fog and rain all day. Prelim in Mech did well in it. RR work till 1 PM. Finished map of relocation. Copied lecture notes in PM and wrote up some truss comps. Also studied Mechanics rest of afternoon and in evening. to bed at 11.

Friday 10: A bright warm day. but clouded up by night. 4th Mechanics prelim, struct detail drawing and Banking recitation. Prof Church talk on the Black-board drawings was good.(2:30). work on Lab experiments. ______ in eve on cuts and fills. to bed at 11:30

Saturday 11: South wind. foggy and rainy all day. Stretched papers. went to physics recitation. Played hand ball and took bath in Gym. came to house and studied Mechanics. Study RR and Mechanics in PM. down street twice in PM and eve. study in eve as usual.

Sunday 12: Nice day. up at 9:30 to Baptist Church in AM. CUCA in PM. read papers, wrote letter to mother. down street to P.O. in eve and called on Latting later sung awhile. to bed at 9:30 to get up early to study.

Monday 13: Nice day but clouding up. Mechanics at 8. Hit the prelim cold. best yet. Str details till 1 o’clock for Prof. Ross was sick and no lecture in Poly con. worked all PM in lab on the magnetometer experiment. One more day of it. Went to PO and got a letter in evening.

Tuesday 14: Cloudy. caught in rain on hill in AM. Did well in Mechanics prelim. RR prelim at nine. got about half right. worked on map and plate till one PM. In PM studied on Mech. Study in even on mech till near eleven.

Wednesday 15: Cold. north wind. blizzard snow. Mechanics prelim at 8. all OK. worked on struct details from 9 to 12. Lecture in Polycon at 12 by Prof. Ross. Work on lab report all afternoon did not quite finish up. letter in eve from home with mileage. Study RR & Mech.

Thursday 16: Cold north wind but clear in PM. Last prelim in RR and Mechanics in PM. study in RR track etc. for exam. in eve studied with Noah Cummings on RR work to bed at 10:30.

Friday 17: Nice bright but cool day. Final exams commence St. Patrick’s Day. At 8 AM had final in RR Constr. a very good exam. did fairly well work on structural details till one o’clock. Read over Polycon lecture in PM. Studied Mechanics rest of PM and evening went to PO and got Gazette.

Saturday 18: Nice day, bright but cool. 1st final in Mechanics very hard. hit it for about 30. to house for while before dinner. Studied Polycon in PM could not get it out for exam at eve. in eve went down to PO & studied until near 11:30 to bed at 12 o’clock.

Sunday 19: Nice day. cloudy in PM. To Congregational Church in morning. stayed in house all day. write and draw. Called on Clark and Cummings. wrote home went down to PO in eve via Latting. came back played autoharp. to bed about 10.

Monday 20: A nice day. studied Mech in morning. worked on structural details in PM. at 3 went to 2nd Mechanics. done very well. Think will get through. Hard exam, worked till 6. In eve went to Quicks and bolmed(?) Physics till 10:30. to bed at 11.

Tuesday 21: Nice day again. up at 6:45 Physics at 8 AM a ____y through before 10. Came down and studied Str details notes. drew on Str roof truss. worked on same in PM. and on bill of materials. In eve went down St to PO. Studied with Latting and Cummings till near eleven. to 11:30

Wednesday 22: Rain in AM. but in afternoon around all while at night several inches. Exam in Structural details at 8 AM not very easy but done well. Finished last plate in afternoon and handed in with report. Went to Gym and then studied Polycon also in eve.

Thursday 23: Cloudy with some rain. Up at 7:30 Studied Polycon with Noah till 1 PM. then after dinner read lectures. Took exam at 3 PM. fair exam. packed up and left at 8:30 for depot. Train on time got into Sayre at 10:45 then walked home in 35 min. Talked till nearly 1 PM(?)

Friday 24: Cloudy day. loafed and rested. read papers & run errands in AM. Up street in PM and to Dr Mundles and had tooth filled. rained a little in showers at times. Home in eve and went to bed early.

Saturday 25: Clear day overhead. but very muddy below. Up street and down several times. rode to train with Irving. In PM Chas and I piled a lot of wood in school house cellar. In eve was in store awhile. went to bed about eleven.

Sunday 26: Cool, fair and cloudy. snow early. to Pres Church with Aunt Jule. After dinner took a walk with boys up st. Came home. Irving was at house. Supper at six, did not go out in eve but went to bed at 8:30.

Monday 27: Cloudy day and cool. but bright moon in eve. Did not do much all day. Run on errands to PO wrote to Nat Walker and in eve had fun in the parlor with the girls and listened to Shakespeare reading (12th Night). to bed at 11 after working Trig awhile.

Tuesday 28: A bright sunny day, but quite cold for all that. Report card arrived. All OK. lowest mark 75. Highest average yet about 81. Played handball with girls in Am & noon. Saw Anna Angier up street in eve. Home in eve and to bed at 10PM.

Wednesday 29: Clear & bright but cool again. did not do much in AM but go on errands & walk in PM. attended funeral services of an old Athenian. Played handball in PM and in eve walked to Sayre and called on Anna Angier and walked back. then it was nearly 12 time I got back.

Thursday 30: Nice day. In AM heard recitations in school for Mother but did not in PM.

Played handball at noon and after school with girls. did not go uptown till 5 o’clock. was up again in eve but home and to bed early.

Friday 31: Nice day but cloudy. Good Friday so no school. In store awhile. Sawed suckers out of apple and pear trees while Charlie raked yard of leaves. I also did some raking. up street in evening. went to Pres. Church to warm syrup and charade social.

April 1893

Saturday 1: Nice day clouded up and colder. worked in store all morning on books etc.. In PM did not do much. I went to depot to meet Will but he did not come. Foundry whistle got loose at 7:30 causing fire alarm and considerable fun.

Sunday 2: Cold, windy, but clear. nice. did not go to church in AM. dinner at 1. Went to YMCA meeting in PM and to Pres Church in eve. Sawtelle preached as ______ few minutes. Laid around and read most all day. to bed before 10.

Monday 3: Nice day helped in store all morning. Went to 3:00 PM train with Chas. Up street in eve. Then went to Chas’ German(?) in Park School Gym. about 14 couples present. I assisted Millie Shaw to distribute the favors had fun with girls and had cake & lemonade etc. to bed at 2 AM.

Tuesday 4: A nice day though cloudy in morn. Saw Will Park, M Shaw and M Myrtle off. called at Corbins and went back to house for dinner. Played handball at noon with girls. visited with Mary till time to go. Went on ______ to Sayre. Train at 3:40 for Ithaca arrived 6:05 registration in eve and bought books, sent mileage.

Wednesday 5: Cold & clear early but cloudy later. Up on hill and registered in CE work at 9:50. Mechanics at 10 AM. Bridge stresses at 11 and Banking recitation at 12. In PM built a fire, studied RR and Mech and went down st. in eve studied Bridges and fixed pictures.

Thursday 6: About 3 inches of snow on the ground in AM but it melted before night. 1st lecture in designing. 1st recitation on RR. Mechanics and Bridge stresses recitation and PM study on banking and bridges. went to Gym for bath study in eve on RR and bridges etc. til 10:30 to bed at 11.

Friday 7: It was hailing snowing and raining all at once when I got up. wind blow hard from S. hard walking. RR at 8. Mech at 10. Bridge at 11. Polycon at 12. work in afternoon and went down street after material. In eve work on Trig for mother till eleven. had a letter and a collar from home.

Saturday 8: First thunder storm of season. Cloudy with fog and rain most all day. warm and muggy. paid tuition and Gym locker. sent Trig examples home. Work on hill on bridge stress most all day. bath in PM. In eve finished bridge stress prob then studied on lesson for Monday till near eleven. shaved and went to bed 11:30.

Sunday 9: Cloudy and cool. Heard Rev E. W. Donald D.D. (Episcopal) in the Chapel at 11 AM. In PM I walked with Latting to south hill and hurried back was late to supper. In eve had singing with Latting and Cummings. Then finished letter home.

Monday 10: Nice day again. Elem designing at 8. nothing till 11 as we had no Mechanics. Church sick. Bridges at 11 and lecture in Polycon at 12. Study in PM on RR and bridges. down street to PO in eve. had a letter from home. study Mech in eve and took a short run.

Tuesday 11: A beautiful day all day. no eight o’clock. RR at 9. Mech at 10. Bridges at eleven. Study Polycon Mech & Bridges till 4:30 then went down to Percy Field to see baseball practice. back via Gym to supper. study in eve as usual. had some music took a short run at 10:10.

Wednesday 12: Cloudy and windy. rain in PM and hard rain in eve. Lecture at 8 Mech at 10. and Bridges at 11. Banking at 12. study RR copy lecture notes and study Mech in PM. wrote home sent Trig prob, and studied Bridges in eve till 10 o’clock. then went to bed without taking run.

Thursday 13: Rain early, but became clear afternoon was beautiful. Lecture at 8, RR at 9, Mech at 10. Bridges at 11. study till dinner time. In PM copy lecture notes. study Banking then took a stroll up 6 mile creek for an hour or more. Had a letter from home in AM. study RR Mech and bridges in evening. went to bed about 10:45

Friday 14: Cloudy, sleet at noon, colder. RR at 8 – Mech at 10. 1st prelim in Bridges at 11. Rec in Banking at 12. In PM heard lecture in deep foundations for bridges by Geo S. Morison of Chicago. The engineer of the Memphis bridge. rain and snow hard. Down street in eve. no mail. Baseball Benefit. study in eve. to bed at 10:30

Saturday 15: Cold. snow and sleet all day. Went up on hill and copied bridge work. Got credit for Physics. went to Gym for bath and then to dinner. In PM studied notes, Bridges, etc. down street in evening called on boys at 83 E Seneca. study in eve till near eleven on Mech, notes & RR.

Sunday 16: A most beautiful bright day. read in Barnes Hall before Chapel. Then hear Rev Wm Farenck(?) (Baptist) preach a good sermon -____- And at the top of the pillars was lily work. Walked to Coy’s Glen with Quick, Murray & John A. after arbutus. a long walk but little flowers. In eve attended lecture by Dr. Dykes on Divorce Reform in Barnes Hall. not much interest to me.

Monday 17: Cloudy day with showers in the after-noon. Prelim in designing at 8. Study till 10. Mech at 10. Bridges at 11 and lecture in Banking at 12. Read till 3 PM then studied Bridges, Mech and RR till supper. Down st, in eve, got letter from home. study in eve, wrote to Father.

Tuesday 18: Cornell 21. Syracuse 0 A nice sunny day. no eight o’clock but studied. RR at 9 Mech at 10, Bridges at 11. read in Barnes Hall until 1 then to dinner. Studied Mech, Bridges & Banking in afternoon. In eve played autoharp then read Banking, reviewed Mech and worked on Bridge problem. Went out for a short run at 10 PM.

Wednesday 19: Nice day again. as usual lecture, Mech, Bridges and Banking. In PM read RR over with Noah and at 4 o’clock went down to ball ground to see practice, also went to crew house and saw both crews row. studied late. to bed at 11:30.

Thursday 20: Rain and cloudy all day. in PM and eve wind blew fearfully. Prof. Spaulding only gave part of lecture at 8. RR at 9. Mech at 10. and Bridge (oral) at 11. and worked till one on problem. In PM copied two lectures, read RRs and studied mech a little. In eve worked on mech. called on Latting and got to bed at 10:30.

Friday 21: Nice and bright in morning. RR at 8, study at 9, Mech for half hour at 10. excused from Bridges and Banking to attend lecture by Jas Owen, a road engineer from N.J. He gave a very good practical talk. In PM went on hill to work on bridge problem caught in rain before got to supper. study in eve. Cornell 12 Binghamton 2

Saturday 22: Cloudy, rainy. after breakfast built fire. studied till 9:30, Went on hill and worked on bridge problem till dinner time. Studied in PM till 4. then went to Gym for a bath. came back and studied till super time. Cornell 1 Binghamton 2. In eve went down to PO and reading room. came back, fixed shoe and studied a while.

Sunday 23: Cloudy, rain awhile, then sun shines a while. all day long. Read in Barnes Hall till Chapel opened. Hear Rev C H Briggs of heresy fame preach 56 minutes. In the afternoon wrote to mother. went to CUCA heard talk of Northfield. Write to Will and Mary in eve. then to PO. came back with Latting. to bed at 10.

Monday 24: A very nice mild day. Spaulding did not come to deliver lecture. work on bridges for an hour. at 10 had Mech, at 11 had bridges and at 12 a lecture on Banking. Studied Bridges & Mechanics most of afternoon, in eve went down to PO got a letter from Mother. In eve studied on RR.

Tuesday 25: Cold and cloudy in AM. no eight o’clock RR at 9. Barbour(?) elected asst luminessary(?) Mech at 10 and Bridges at 11. new book came. home and studied Mech too 1. After dinner went after arbutus with the boys O.P.C., L.A.M. & W.J.L. Walked about 7 miles got some nice flowers studied hard in eve to make up. very nice in PM and eve.

Wednesday 26: A bright day. not a cloud till PM. Lecture at 8. Mech and Bridges and Banking as usual. After dinner copied notes studied a little then went to Cornell 12 Williams 7 game. only six ½ innings very poor playing. Clouded up in PM and cold. Study hard in eve to make up time.

Thursday 27: Cloudy and cold in morning but warmer in PM & sunny, clear moon in eve. Lecture and recitation as usual. Bridge prelim sprung on us at 11. not in it at all. In PM copied notes & studied bridges. down street in eve then took a walk with Latting. study mech & RR. to bed at 11.

Friday 28: Nice day. clouded up at night. RR, Mech & Bridges & Banking (last lesson) as usual in morning. In PM heard lecture on the erection of bridges etc. by Cornell graduate (Skinner 89) lectured 2 hr 10 min "and he never smiled again". Sent laundry home at night. no mail. study a little in evening. call from Quick. to bed at 10:30.

Saturday 29: Cloudy, work on hill awhile in AM then studied till noon. After dinner started early for Percy Field to see ball game. It looked cloudy and rainy. but a big crowd was out. and best game played I ever saw. eleven innings score Princeton 3 Cornell 2. Princeton gets two on errors. study in eve after return from day.

Sunday 30: Nice bright morning. clouded over later. rain hard in eve. up at 9:30, wrote letter till time for Chapel.. Hear Bishop C H Fowler, Methodist of Miami very good sermon without notes. Eph:2:8 preached 55 min. In PM wrote to Father & Chas. Went to CUCA and read in evening. to bed early.

May 1893

Monday 1: Cloud, with rain. lecture, Mech Bridges. Lecture in Banks as usual. Read Gazette. study Mech and Bridges in PM. read RR Transportation and RR theory in evening. Down to PO got letter from Mother. Worlds Fair opens at Chicago.

Tuesday 2: Cloudy all day but no rain. no eight o’clock. RR at nine then Mech and Bridges. studied awhile before going to dinner. In PM copied notes, studied Mechanics then worked on bridges rest of afternoon and most of evening. put a little time on RR trans to bed at 11.

Wednesday 3: Cloudy, occasional misty rain. Rain hard in evening. Short lecture in Design. Mech and Bridges & RR Trans as usual. worked on hill in PM on bridge problems. Junior Lake Captains appointed. Study Mech & RR in eve. Rec’d a letter from Father. went to bed at 10:45. cold.

Thursday 4: Rain terrible in night. Flats flooded RR tracks under water. Recitation as usual till 11. then went to Mass Meeting to consider the new scheme for exams. out at 12:30. Worked all afternoon and evening on Bridge Problems. lots of mistakes etc. finished at 10 PM and then studied awhile. rain all day no ball game of course.

Friday 5: Cloudy & rainy at spells all day. RR Ec, Mech. Bridges and RR Trans etc. as usual. Copied lecture notes and read RR Trans. Diplomas (six) came from home worked on them awhile in Pm also in evening. Called on G> F. Brown and got an alphabet book. to bed at 11:30.

Saturday 6: Cornell 7 Lehigh 3 Cloudy. cold. some rain. reports of floods all around. No work on hill. Studied at room till 11:30 went to Lincoln Hall and copied an alphabet then to Gym for bath. Studied Mech & bridges in PM. worked some on diplomas. Down street in eve. no mail. got prelim papers read in reading room till 8 home and study till 10:30.

Sunday 7: Cloudy and cold early but warm and clear in PM. My 23rd birthday. and away from home. In morning heard Rev T Edwin Brown DD Baptist Phila preach in Chapel. In PM in house till 5 then took a walk up creek and down the other side. Called on Hunt in eve and sown St. Bed 10.

Monday 8: A beautiful bright day all day. up early to study for prelim. had it at 8 AM. Mech Bridges & RR Trans as usual. Study RR Ec and Mech in PM. in eve took laundry down got a letter from Mother. studied bridges in eve till 10 o’clock. had a short call from Latting to bed at 10:30. Cornell 4 Clinton Institute 0

Tuesday 9: Another beautiful bright warm day. no eight o’clock. Mech lecture last one. Review in Bridges, RR Ec as usual. In PM read RR Trans studied bridges and evening on review in Mechs which begin tomorrow. Headache and don’t feel like studying. down street in PM to bed at 11.

Wednesday 10:A beautiful day and evening. 1st Mechanics prelim. did fairly well. mistakes of course. made two consecutive flunks in Bridges and RR afterward. Studied Mech all the afternoon, went down street and shaved. Played ball a while after supper then studied bridges.

Thursday 11: A cloudless hot day. 86degrees F. F____ & P. RR ec, prelim in Mech and one in Bridges. hit both well. In PM studied on Bridges & Mechanics and put evening on RR for prelim neglected Poly con. Down street in eve for ball score. Rec’d the laundry from home. to bed at 11. Cornell 5 U of P 2, at Phila.

Friday 12: Settled acct with Dr. Bessemer. Warm and bright. south wind. at night clouded up and wind blew hard but cleared again. Prelim in RR at 8 – Did not "touch it". Prelim in Mech and RR Bridges did well in both. Polycon at 12 was not called on. In PM C.E. Society reports & election of officers. Strong, Clark, Towle & Brown. Copied notes studied RR Trans till 10. down st. in eve. no mail. Baseball at Washington Cornell 4 Georgetown 2

Saturday 13: A bright warm day again but was clouding over in the afternoon. Studied in morning in Polycon, Bridges & Mechanics. Put all afternoon and evening on bridge problem. Went to Gym for a bath in PM. Down to PO in eve. bought a straw hat for $1.00. waited for ball score then came home. to bed at 11. Cornell 7 Lehigh 4 at Bethlehem.

Sunday 14: Fog and misty rain at times all day. Did not go to Barnes Hall or to Chapel in AM but read at room. Then to Baptist Church. came back and at Dips till dinner finished two in afternoon. In evening wrote letter home to mother. did not go walking. Went down street in evening with letters to mail. to bed at 10.

Monday 15: Morning very bright and warm but clouded up and in PM at 5:30 rain very hard. Prelim in Mech and Bridges. did not do very well in either. last lecture of year in Polycon and Shape. In PM copied notes & studied Mech and in eve on Bridges & RR. Down to PO. no mail. Cornell 9 Colgate 3 on Percy Fld.

Tuesday 16: Rainy. all day and poured very hard in evening. No eight o’clock. RR prelim at 9. an utter flunk and done very poorly in Mech and Bridges. In PM studied Bridges and notes for tomorrow. down street after exam books in PM and again after mail in eve but got none. Study for Mechanics in eve. to bed at 11.

Wednesday 17: Rainy. clouds and cold. Had three prelims. the last in Mech. Bridges and Shapes. Flunked in Bridges. Last recitation in Political Economy and last of the C.E. Course outside of Lincoln Hall. Study Mech and RR for final tomorrow. Wrote home. feel blue. tired out. Rec’d nice long letter from home.

Thursday 18: Cold, rainy all day. 1st final at 8 o’clock. RR very hard did not do well. In PM at 2:30 was 1st Mech final It was easy but I did not do very well in it showed my ignorance. In eve built fire and studied bridges till 11 o’clock and rec’d a postal from Mother. Did not go down street. stayed in and bohned. to bed at 11:30.

Friday 19: A cold but very bright nice day. Final in Bridges at 8. worked 3 ½ hours in it. In PM final in Mech did fairly well in it. In evening went ’94 Junior Contest for 86 memorial prize. Chapman gets prize. Pack up my satchel for lake trip. Worked on diplomas and studied Polycon notes to bed 11:30.

Saturday 20: A bright day except PM cloud and rain and clear in eve. Final in Polycon at 8. Lake pointers by Spaulding at 11. Home via LV at 12:30.. Walked from Sayre and dinner at 2:30. Fat rooster with Mary M. Saw Tracys off. Up street in eve. worked on Diplomas in evening. finished them to bed at 11:30. Cornell 8 U of M. 2

Sunday 21: A bright sunny day. up at 8 To Waverly to Church in nice drive. Dinner at 2. Read papers. went to see Dr. and attended YMCA in the afternoon. Wrote to Nat in evening. packed up satchel. talked with Mary and went to bed at 11. a bright moonlight out.

Monday 22: Nice day. Up at six. started for Ithaca. Changed via Cayuga branch to Auburn. Walked about the city, then the Skaneatlas junction then to Skaneatlas. Worked all PM on adjustments of stadia. Put up at Kneeland’s in very nice place. sung and walked out in eve to bed at 10:30.

Tuesday 23: Nice morning. Up at 6:30 early breakfast. started out north on stadia. work at transit. lunch at 1. Caught in a most terrible thunder storm., and did but little in afternoon. came in had supper at 7. Down to office and worked until 9:30. then came up to house. had hard wind in eve.

Wednesday 24: Bright but very cold in the forenoon. warmed up some in afternoon. Worked all day on Topography. checking work of yesterday. completed one traverse. run a ways on next job. Worked in office in eve from 7:30 to 10:15. then went home. Wrote a postal to father.

Thursday 25: Cloudy and cold. north wind. started at sta 20. Worked all day. dinner at 1. Then run on to Mottville Corners. hard work all day. back at 6. found a letter from home. after good supper worked in office for time until 10. then came back to room and to bed 10:30.

Friday 26: Started bright but clouded up and rained most of afternoon. Started work at 8:30 lost time checking. finished up one traverse. Dinner at Mottville corners. run one mile west connected with Hookers line. home at 6:30. Played piano in office at night.

Saturday 27: Cloudy and cold. went on train to Mottville worked all forenoon and awhile in afternoon but did little as it rained most all the time. went through a cloth mill and chair factory. waited in rain for train. came in at 6 PM. worked in office in eve. Found Aunt Josie’s Sister at Mottville. To bed late after bath.

Sunday 28: Up at 8:30; bright and sunny went to Baptist Church with Miss Kneeland – called with her on Miss Cobayne. – then home to dinner which was very good. After dinner went to library. no singing. So Barbone and I took a walk went down east side of lake. wrote letter home. to Methodist Church in eve to _____ meeting. to bed at 9:30.

Monday 29: Warm, pleasant, went out on train at 8. Worked all day on traverse. dinner out. Had a bottle of pop given me. run about 2 miles of line, but did not quite finish where we started for. In eve we worked in office till 9 PM. then went to look on at the CUCE Ball in Legg Hall. to bed at 12.

Tuesday 30: Cloudy with hard rains in morning. run about half a mile then took train at 12 o’clock for Skaneatlas Holiday of afternoon. so we had a ball game Juniors vs Seniors – Juniors won 9 to 7. I played first base. had great fun. marched down street give yells. late supper. Sing in eve and ice cream at Pres. church.

Wednesday 31: Warm. Cloudy. Out in cars to Skaneatelas Junction. run line on NYC & HRRR for 4 ½ miles walked back instead of waiting for train. Home at 6:30. Hard thunderstorm at 5:30. Work in office in evening. Letter from home. Very tired walked about 10 miles. To bed at 10:30. wrote postal home.

June 1893

Thursday 1: Cloudy in morning but hot in afternoon. no rain. walked out checked up some work and run traverse on new line about 3 miles. in on train at 6 o’clock. supper at 7:30. At office in evening working and sing for practise. Front rod all day. Clear in eve but strong south wind. to bed 10:30. Letter from Mother.

Friday 2: South wind and rain. worked in office awhile. then went out meandering. worked in rain all forenoon. no rain in PM. went about 18,500 ft. sketched contours. used aneroid. in on train at 6. fixed up and went to the concert. big crowd. sung three pieces in Chorus. Home and packed up at 11:00.

Saturday 3: Up early. said good bye to Kneelands went do Depot. checked goods as loaded. started out at 10 rode in baggage car. When in Auburn helped transfer all goods to LV car. rode in baggage car to Ithaca arriving 1 PM. late dinner. on hill to unpack. took a bath in Gym and in eve down street to bed at 11.

Sunday 4: A very hot day. laid around house all day trying to keep cool. read and slept in the afternoon. wrote letter home and mailed at PO in evening then called at Heaths till 10.. had some soda and came home and to bed at 10 o’clock.

Monday 5: Very warm. up on hill early commenced work at 8:30 on map had trouble with Latting. done part over found I was right first. worked again in afternoon. until 6 PM. then to supper. Down St. in evening then came back and worked form 8 to 10:45 copying map co-ordinates. then packed up and went to bed.

Tuesday 6: Rainy. but warm. Worked on hill on map till 11:30 then went to train. arrived in Sayre about 2 PM walked home got dinner. went to Church where practice was going on. up street. to depot for grips. Park School Commencement in evening. Large turn out and good exercises. to bed at 11:30

Wednesday 7: Bright day. Up at 6:45 on the jump and run to catch train at 7 o’clock for Ithaca. arrived at 8:30 spent several hours showing Floy Raup around campus. worked on map till 1 PM to dinner. Raup with me. work all PM. downtown in eve then back started packing to bed at 10:30.

Thursday 8: Bright and warm. up early on the hill finished the map at 12M. After dinner went down to inlet and got Prof Crandalls transit. took it to the building. cleaned it out and brot to room. Packed up and in evening went to Prof Crandalls house for his level rod. read Gazette. to bed at 10.

Friday 9: Cornell 7 U of P 5..Warm! hot!! Trunk out at 8. went to depot afterward. home at 10:30. Had pins made. went to Sayre in PM for wood for rod. worked on that till supper time. run errands etc. up street in eve then home and unpacked trunk. visited with mother till 10:30 had some milk and went to bed.

Saturday 10: Hot today. cleared up the school room. helped in the store on books in AM and spent most of time in PM in store. got transit rod pointed and painted and hung up in elevator shaft. Run on errands. etc. staid in store a while the home and talk till 11. then to bed.

Sunday 11: Clear day. windy from S up at 8 & to PO after breakfast. To Pres Church with mother read and laid in hammock. In afternoon went for walk up to cemetery and back. got out tubs etc. Had supper then went to Methodist Church to hear Rev Edwin Mills of Elmira sermon to high school class.

Monday 12: Bright and warm. Up at six o’clock and worked in garden. up street after breakfast. run errands and worked in garden by spells. In PM did little till Millie Shaw cane then went with her to Canfields and to train. To bed early.

Tuesday 13: Cloudy in morning but clouds cleared away later and then it was hot. Up early and hoed. worked around in the morning and in PM helped Father plant corn in field on Elm street. in eve hoed in garden again. up street making arrangements for Park School Alumni Banquet.

Wednesday 14: Another hot day. Up street in AM over to Walkers early after map, did not get what wanted so plotted my own for cemetery survey. worked five hours in all. got north side finished. up street in eve. got vernier glass & Trautwine.( Trautwine's Civil Engineering Pocket-Book)

Thursday 15: Hot all day. plotted on the cemetery map. south side. worked on it nearly all day. Rec’d steel tape from Crandall by USExpress. Bought an ax and ready to start out. In eve went with Mother to the High School Commencement. not very fine. out at 10:30. Home and to bed at 11:15

Friday 16: Up at 6:30 started at seven for 1st days work on the cemetery plot. worked all day. got a good start. Windy (South) and warm but cloudy. home for supper at 6:30. Springled(?) some plum trees up street and then home and to bed at 10:30.

Saturday 17: Up at 6:30 and to work again. Raup & Stulen as help. Very hot. had neck badly burned sun shone hot all day. quit work at 5:30. Up street in evening on errands. home and worked on toastmaster job till 12 o’clock then went to bed.

Sunday 18: Up at 8:30 to PO for mail down and ready for church and went with Mother to Waverly and was a little late. drive into cemetery on the way down and after dinner laid around house and took a walk. Called in eve on Emma. hot day.

Monday 19: Up and at work early with Stulen and Raup all day 7 to 5:30. very hot day but nice breeze. In evening attended Park School Alumni Banquet. at Hotel Stimson. 24 present. nice supper musical program etc. good time, home at 2 AM.

Tuesday 20: Had to hunt up stakes so did not get to work till 11 o’clock. Stulen and Chas Park works with me from 11 to 6. home and up street in evening. Saw Millard Murray about survey work. to bed early. hot day no wind cloud and rain eve.

Wednesday 21: Out at seven again, Park and Stulen as help. worked all day on cemetery. Hard rain in afternoon. quit at six. at home in eve. up street on errands very hot day. little wind Rec’d card, all OK and transactions of CUCE’s. to bed in eve at 11.

Thursday 22: Started out very warm and was hot ill noon when clouded up and thunder storm came on rained rest of day. Chas, Stulen and I worked from 7 AM till 2 PM on cemetery lot survey. Up street in evening on errands to bed at 10.

Friday 23: Cold and cloudy in morn but clear rest of day with strong north wind. Nice day to work in. Stulen, Chas & I worked on cemetery plot all day – run out of stakes again home at 6:30. Up street in evening home and read surveying book. to bed at 11.

Saturday 24: bright day. hot sun. windy. up at seven. up street and then went to Milan will Millard Murray and made a survey of the Grace Welles land near LV Depot. Worked all day – John Stulen as help. Chas came after us at 6 PM. Up st in evening - to bed at 11.

Sunday 25: Up at 8:30 washed shaved and got ready for church. late breakfast. Went to Presbyterian church and heard Rev Sawtelle. Dinner at 1:30. Read and laid in hammock till 4 PM then went YMCA Silver Lake Quartet present and sing. and one Rev Mead talked. did not go out in evening but wrote to Aunt Jule. Thunder storm

Monday 26: UP at six and to work again on the cemetery plot. Rain in the forenoon worked right along and rain again in PM worked in it till 5 o’clock. ground my ax. Home _____ all over. Rain hard in eve. did not go out but read till 9:15 then to bed.

Tuesday 27: Rain and cold. No survey work. so made Root Beer in the morning. In afternoon made copy of Map of Murray survey. got some paper and made tracing. to Murray’s office in evening and gave bill of work cheap at 6.25

Wednesday 28: Bright day. cold and fog early but warm later. Worked on street grade for city till 8:40 then went to cemetery for rest of day. got the north side nearly finished. home at 6:30 late supper up street in eve to bed at 10 PM.

Thursday 29: Cold and heavy fog early Up to cemetery worked all day. finished north side and traversed south side and checked to 1’. run some of the road lines and lot lines on the border. quit at six to have daisies mowed from field. Up street in eve

Friday 30:Cold and early but became very hot. Got the daisies cut from south side. Run border lines and stakes, traversed the small wedge on south of old plot and started lots on the west end. Up st in eve. had ice cream with W.L.S. to bed at 10:30

July 1893

Saturday 1: Very hot day but little wind blowing. Worked all day in the cemetery plot with Stulen & Chas. nice working since the daisies were out. In eve went to YMCA social ice cream & lemonade On Herrick’s lawn. Then walked down street and home & to bed a t 11:30

Sunday 2: Up at 9:45 late breakfast did not go to church in AM. but stayed at home & read. In PM went to YMCA on Herrick’s lawn and in eve to Pres Church to YMCA annual meeting out early and took a walk in eve down street. Wrote letter to Harry. to bed at 11.

Monday 3: Started out cloudy and at 10 AM had very hard thunder storm from NW. worked all day with John & Chas on cemetery plot quit at 6:15. In eve up street on errand. in YMCA rooms awhile and later took a walk down street. Home and to bed after reading at 11. mowed the lawn.

Tuesday 4: The glorious Fourth. A very nice day sunny and clear. No surveying so worked around house at weeds and drafting (4 hours in all) up street several times and over to tennis – court Took a walk in eve but nothing going on. went to bed early.

Wednesday 5: Look like rain early but clear later. worked from 7 AM to 4 PM on cemetery with John & Chas then quit and went on Picnic in Thurston’s Grove with party of girls and boys in boats from bridge. had supper. rowed and sung and back at 9:30 read awhile and went to bed at 11:30

Thursday 6: Cloudy & windy. No survey as TPTC has its annual tournament. so Chas & John must attend. but I put in four hours on drafting on the cemetery map. Up street to Shops for pencil. Attended tennis tea in PM but did not go to dance in eve but went to bed early.

Friday 7: Warm day. worked all day with John & Chas on cemetery plot got over quite a good deal of ground. no rain. worked until 6 PM then home. Up street in eve and read awhile and to bed at 10. Thunder storm during night.

Saturday 8: Very warm again up to cemetery (john & Chas) at 7:30 worked till 2. laid off an hour on account of thunder storm then worked till 4:20. then came home and went on small picnic to the grove to Waverly with girls J.K.P & W.L.S. & I walked home 11.

Sunday 9: did not get up until 11 AM slept about 11 hours. nothing to eat until dinner. read and laid around house until four PM then went to YMCA meting. State assistant Secretary present and gave good talk. Did not go out in evening but went to bed early.. Beautiful day. clouds in eve.

Monday 10: A bright beautiful day. Up on cemetery again and put in the last stakes completing south wedge all done but some measures. Chas & John as help. Home at 6:30 Up to store in evening then home and looked up on work. angles etc. to bed at 10

Tuesday 11: Warm day again. Went with John up to cemetery for some measurements for three hours home to dinner. In afternoon worked an hour or so on maps. In the afternoon made another batch of root beer. some in bottles but most in keg.

Wednesday 12: Another nice day. worked thee hours drafting in morning. In the PM went to grove and mowed a place for picnic. At 5:30 went to picnic returned at 9 and went to Pres Church to ice cream social Home and to bed 10:30

Thursday 13: Nice day clouded over and at eve hard thunder storm and rained most all night. Went in swimming at 5 in Chemung and drafted four hours on the cemetery map. up to store in evening Rec’d express from Ithaca. saw Irv. to bed early. rain hard

Friday 14: Rainy. wet. fog etc. Up street several times and drafted on map. up street after dinner then down & worked on map again. Picked berries and after supper worked an hour on map. 7 ½ hours in all. up street again in eve.

Saturday 15: Cloudy and rainy. Up to the cemetery with John for measures for two hours. then drafted an hour. Up to store in evening and awhile after dinner and before supper. Milked the cow and mowed some grass. very hard rain in eve.

Sunday 16: Picked berries. laid around and read. etc. till dinner and read in PM till 4:30 then went out for a drive with Mother. up to Evans and down street. done barn chores, milked etc. sat on front steps until bedtime. to bed at 9.

Monday 17: Cloudy in morning clear in PM & evening. Up early and milked. milk both AM & eve now. worked on map run errands etc et . in afternoon sup street several times and in store a long time in evening. home and to bed at 10 PM

Tuesday 18: *Warm day. worked for Borough line & gutter grade for main street and Penn. Ave. had a hard hunt for pin Very hard rain come on at noon. home late to dinner worked a little in PM. in store awhile then went to U. B. Co. for cloth. In store till 9:50 on inventory.

Wednesday 19: Nice day out at 7:30 in street Pen Ave and found pins. gave line and grade for walk from Willow to Spruce to 11:30 then worked till 12:05 for Corbin. In store till about 3 PM then worked till supper on map tracing. Milked, took off honey. then in store till 10 in inventory.

Thursday 20: Nice day. milked at 6:30 took care of honey. got stove from School house and put up in house. then gave grade on N side of Herrick St. Home to dinner. Up to store at noon. worked from2:15 to six on map tracing. milked and worked in store till eve on inventory. to bed 10:30

Friday 21: Nice day. In store nearly all day. worked on map 3 hours. also in store in evening.

Saturday: 22 Nice day. up early milked, cut cabbage. hoed potatoes, pulled beets cucumbers etc. worked in store all day and one hour on map. In store in eve till nearly ten. hard work making up accounts etc. Father quite sick.

Sunday 23: Nice day. cool north wind blew hard all day. milked and done chores. dress read. up to PO after dinner drove to Sulphur Springs in two hours & back in 1 hr 10 min. milked etc. and stayed in the house and went to bed at 10 PM.

Monday 24: Another nice day up to store all day on books, clerking, etc. worked several hours on map. finished trace. In store in evening until 10:15 and then home and to bed at 11. Father much weaker

Tuesday 25: Nice day. in store all day working on books etc. Hard rain at one time. Bought a contour pen of an agent. Home in evening and bed at 10. Father very ill not able to get out of bed.

Wednesday 26: Another nice day except for early rain and very hard rain in the evening. Stayed in the store all day and in evening and worked about three hours on second map. to bed at 10:30

Thursday 27: A nice day. work same as usual at store all day on books etc. in eve also.

Friday 28: A nice day. up and do chores as usual and worked in store all day. rode up in planes to hunt for an address. worked two hours on maps. fixed two cases of honey boxes and took honey to the store. Home and to bed at 11.

Saturday 29: A nice day again. Up as usual. done the chores and worked in store all day long and in evening till 9:30. then home and sat by Father until after 11. then to bed.

Sunday 30: A nice bright day up at 7 to milk etc. did not go to church but stayed at home and stayed by father most all day and evening. to bed at 11.

Monday 31: Up and at the work again. went to store about eight. remain closed for inventory. finished before noon and worked around house in PM. did not open up in evening though I sold C_____. Father continues very low.

August 1893

Tuesday 1: Cloudy early but bright later and nice clear evening. Worked all day in store. put two hours on map. selling out for cash. Father sinking slowly.

Wednesday 2: Warm again. in store all day except a while in afternoon when father was feeling very bad did not open in evening. but sat up till 11. then to bed

Thursday 3: Warm day again in store awhile again most all day. and at four o’clock drive to Waverly after Aunt Josie & Myra. Slept in parlor on sofa, up late. Worked 2 hours on map. Father failing slowly.

Friday 4: Again a warm day did not open store again but for a little while. In PM rack off three barrels of vinegar. settled with Corbin for deeds etc. Worked awhile on books in eve. Home and to bed at 10:30. Father still very low.

(The following daily entry is outlined with heavy black pen)

Saturday 5: Another bright day. Sat with Father awhile then went to store to clean up scales etc. but was called home at 11:45 found Father dying. He passed away from toil & worry, just at 12 while the sun was highest. sent telegrams, arrangements, etc. drove to Waverly in eve home and to bed at 10:30.

Sunday 6: Bright day. cloudy and rain once. up at 7:30 after breakfast went to cemetery then on to Waverly. returned at 11. in PM slept several hours in the hammock. stayed at home in evening. sat up till Hull came. Post Mortem of father held at 9:30 AM.

Monday 7: Cloudy with rain in the forenoon. colder did little. but made arrangements for hacks. trimmed the limbs, up to the store and looked over books etc. Home in evening took walk with May and Myra.

Tuesday 8: Bright clear day. At 10 AM the funeral services of father were held in the house. Mr. Wheeler made the address. no singing. The GAR; S of U and both fire departments attended in a body. Mr. Wheeler made a beautiful talk. every word true. At the grave everything was in good order. In PM had business to attend to. store in eve.

Wednesday 9: Fog early but a beautiful day afterward. worked at home till 10 then took 10:23 train to Towanda to take out administration papers. took dinner at the Ward House. talked with recorder about the map. Train late, home at 3 PM. worked rest of day.

Thursday 10: Another bright warm day. hunted around for bondsmen and got Ercanbrack and Page. Made a copy of map for Millard Murray. got 2.25 for it. blue prints & all worked in store on accounts etc. home at 9:30 and to bed.

Friday 11: Very warm and bright. not a bit of air stirring. worked in store all day. and in evening drove to Waverly with Irving. Myra and May to Parshalls and Fred Parshall play the Pres Ch. organ for us. drove back at 10:30. very hot and dusty.

Saturday 12: Clouded up in night and rained by spells all day. laid the dust nicely. busy in store all day and in eve done chores morning and night as usual. Large cash sales during day. Home at 9:15 and to bed about 10:30. cooler in eve after the rain.

Sunday 13: Much cooler, woke up early but did not get up until noon to dinner. north wind blew hard after dinner Chas and I walked up to the cemetery with flowers for Father’s grave. came back and read etc.

Monday 14: A bright day again. up and worked chores as usual. worked for borough most all the morning and afternoon till 2 o’clock then in store in eve. Sent in bill to borough for work about $42. Home and to bed at 10:30

Tuesday 15:Bruight day. cold in early morn and warmer later. in store in morn then looked through the docket of Williston, Lamberson and Hoyt for Judgments in favor of father. in store in eve. sent out letter. etc.

Wednesday 16: Nice day. appraisers came an look over the stock at store, accts. etc. also came to house and barn and made out list. have yet to go to Towanda dockets. In store in eve until 9. then up and talked with Hoyt about some matters.

Thursday 17: Cloudy. fog and rain. a very hard shower at noon. up at 6:30 wheeled a bushel of apples to Gregory. in store most of day setting up accts. busy all the while no time to loaf. home at 9 and to bed at 10:30

Friday 18: Fair day. up and at work as usual in store most all day. delivered some goods with Doll and cart. drove up street several times. collecting etc. in store in eve home at 9:30 and to bed.

Saturday 19: Fog. cold and rain. up early. Milked and after breakfast took off a case of honey from no 6B. Then shaved went to Towanda and looked up judgments on docket in favor of father. had job all day home and in store till late in eve.

Sunday 20: A nice day. up at seven- thirty. milked etc. Went to Waverly to church in the morning. returned and in afternoon drove with Mother, Aunt Julia and Chas to the cemetery. came home and stayed around. had calls from Mr Fish, Irv and others. did not go to church in eve.

Monday 21: Bright day, up as usual out with wagon, up st. and then in store rest of day writing letters etc. staid in store till quite late. Sold apples etc. to the other stores.

Tuesday 22: Another good day. Up and around as usual nothing more than usual to do. worked awhile on maps. making purple into black for blueprint. home at 9:30 and to bed.

Wednesday 23: Started bright but clouded up soon and in eve sprinkled. delivered some goods and then came back and spent most time in store. helped fix things at house on repairs. Home in eve at 9:30 to bed at 10.

Thursday 24: Cold and rain all day for the excursion to Glenwood. In store all day long. Worked upstairs racking off vinegar had a hard job. In store in eve till nearly ten o’clock then home an to bed

Friday 25: Bright day. up at 6:30 after breakfast picked corn but could not sell. stayed in store till noon. had hair cut. After dinner washed and went in hack to Waverly to Irving’s Wedding to Cordie Parshall. home at six, in store in eve – rain

Saturday 26: Rainy in forenoon but clear in afternoon. in store all day and in evening till 10 o’clock. had big sales over $15.00 abused for sending dunning letters.

Sunday 27: A bright day. up at 8 and laid around the house, did not go to church in morning or evening. We went to the cemetery in the afternoon to flowers on father’s grave. to bed in eve at 8 o’clock.

Monday 28: Cold stormy and fog windy etc. had to be up at 5:30 to pick plums, do chores etc. and went to store late. had to work in store all afternoon and evening. had a blue print made of map of cemetery.

Tuesday 29: Cold and stormy again. peddled plums up street and then opened store. wrote letter to Cummings. Got old Dedrick to work up stairs in store cleaning up. in store till 9:30 in eve. Chas went to Sayre collecting.

Wednesday 30: A very bright clear day in store all forenoon but in afternoon went to cemetery to paint lot stakes. worked 3 ½ hours and done 370 lots, very tiresome work up and down. drove over after cow in eve and in store till 9 PM Home and to bed at 10:30

Thursday 31: Nice day worked at house and store in morning and went to cemetery to paint stakes in the afternoon. worked three hours then came in store in evening.

September 1893

Friday 1: Another good day. stayed around store all day. was so lame that I could not go to cemetery at all. turned colder in evening. north wind blows.

Saturday 2: Another nice day cool enough to work. but was too lame to go to the cemetery to paint stakes so worked around the store and house all day. in store in evening.

Sunday 3: Bright day. up at seven and went to Waverly to church in morning and to cemetery with Mother and Aunt Julia in the afternoon. Went to bed early in the evening.

Monday 4: Bright cool day. In the forenoon went around town fixing our sidewalk and in store awhile. In afternoon went to Cemetery to paint stakes. worked 4 hours. In store writing in eve. home at 9 PM

Tuesday 5: Nice day, quite warm. Worked about the house and in store in evening and after dinner drove up to the cemetery again and painted stakes 3 hours. Went to the old plot to attend burial services of R. N. Lowe. home and in store in evening.

Wednesday 6: Another nice day very little wind. work at house and store in morning and in afternoon went to the cemetery again at the stakes. work 3 ½ hours and did not see big balloon go over. In eve was in store as usual.

Thursday 7: Up and worked around house, saw Mary off at 10:23 then took dinner. with me to cemetery. Thunder storm at noon. worked till 4 PM when a terrible storm from NE came on an it was very dark. ran for home. worked 4 ½ hours in eve got ready for auction sale.

Friday 8: A nice clear day, worked in store all day getting ready for auction sale. did not go to the cemetery. In eve the sale of store goods commenced and sold about 16.50 up till near 10 PM and then went home to bed.

Saturday 9: Bright day. worked at store clearing up etc. got load of corn stalks. In eve continued sale as no one was in in afternoon. Sold over $22 this time. Sales of day about 37 dols. home but did not get to bed till 12 o’clock.

Sunday 10:Bright day. did not get up till 1 o’clock. Washed and dressed down to dinner. Read and played organ in afternoon till 5. then went up street. In eve went to Pres church then called upon Emma S.

Monday 11: A nice day. worked at house and store all day and had auction sale in evening did not sell very much. twas after eleven when I got home.

Tuesday 12:Tuesday and up at 6:30 worked around house took off honey and then went to store. Nothing going on bright day but clouded up in the evening. home at 10:45 after auction sales.

Wednesday 13: Cloudy with occasional rain. worked at house and delivered pears and worked at store. had sale in evening not much sold. up late. to bed a t 10:30.

Thursday 14: Rainy cloudy. took off four cases of honey and picked tomatoes. in store during rest of day. and was measured for suit of clothes at Bailer’s. auction in eve again.

Friday 15: Rain very hard in forenoon and again in afternoon and eve. in store awhile and in eve had sale of goods at auction. paid taxes and saw about insurance. to home and bed at 10:15

Saturday 16: Another day of work in store. had quite a sale during day. some at auction and in eve had a winding up sale big crowd but not buying closed up at 10:30 and went home. pretty well tired out.

Sunday 17: Up early and did not go to church at all. In afternoon went with mother to the cemetery and came back and in eve decided to go to the worlds fair on train via D. L. & W. tomorrow. had things packed and went to bed.

Monday 18: Up real early. had lots to attend to and after dinner got ready and to Waverly via Herdie and started for Chicago via DL&W ex. At 5:20 got a seat at Elmira. Made acquaintance of Helen S. Loveland of Newark Valley N.Y.. Lost time and arrived in Buffalo at 11 PM. Had lots of fun on train. Raining in eve. rec’d 25.00 from T.P.C.A.

Tuesday 19: Passed into Canada during night and arrived at Hoosic tunnel in early morn 5:25 western time. Through Michigan via Grand Trunk Into Indiana at 12:30 Off at Harvey at 4:30 PM expected to go via Ill Cent into city but wreck between us & city. We started after delay of several hours but our train was wrecked. but no one hurt – Had to go back and stayed all night at private house.

Wednesday 20: Up and had breakfast early and started for city at 7:08 via Ill Cent arrived at Grand Crossing at 8:30 and found our way to Athens Cottage Hotel. Again starting we got to Worlds Fair grounds at 10 AM. Walked north through grounds and went first into Penn State building. then to Fine Art, Fisheries, Govmt, M fgrs. Saw grand Fire works. Electricity building. Home with H.L. at 10:30

Thursday 21: Up at 7:15 to breakfast and off to grounds. visited Penn RR Transp, Horticultural Hall. Ship Models. Puck, Womans, N.Y. State. LRR to south loop Indians, Dairy, Forestry. Boot & Leather, Electric Power Plant. Agriculture, Naval Ship. wondered around alone. Started for home and was caught in an awful storm, wet through. but got back to hotel at 9. and called on Geo Lyon and soon after came to bed.

Friday 22: Looked stormy, but took coat. went with party via Cottage Ave. cars to Midway and went up in the Great Ferris wheel, but did not go into any of the side shows. Again went to the California, Illinois, Womans, Puck and Mfgrs and Mines & Mining building. At the new liberty bell at noon. Wooded island. Watched fountain & parade. Hotel at 8:30.

Saturday 23: Went with HSL to grounds and to Mech Hall and Ag Hall C_____, Santa Maria Ship. Krupp Arm works, Forestry & Entomological. dinner at French Bakery. Again to dairy and agricultural where I saw Geo W. York. Sat with H.L. by the Col fountain listening to concert. Went into Scenic theater and then to Mfgrs building. Miss L left at 4:30 and 5:30 Chas and I took L to 22nd St then to Rock Is. RR to train for Ottawa at 6:08 arrive 8:30.

Sunday 24: Up at 7:30 to breakfast with Mae P. at 8:30. Did not go to church but talked with Cousin Sylvia. In PM drove out with Mae & Cousin Sylvia to Miss Delagneaus and had a very pleasant time. In evening went to Christian Endeavor with Mae and returning had lunch and went to bed at 9. Day cold. occasional rain.

Monday 25: Bright morning Up at 6. Breakfast at Sydney B’s. started for Chic at 7. arrived 9:45. to hotel and then to Worlds Fair Grounds at 10:35 found Miss L. as appointed. Went to Womans building and had lunch with Cousin Sylvia. After lunch Miss L and I went through Illinois, Iowa, German and Ceylon buildings. war ship, Horticulture. lunch in Pa. building. then took L road to auditorium arrived at 7:45 and saw play of America. seats $1.50. out at 11. Ill Cent home.

Tuesday 26: Up at 5 early breakfast. went with Miss L to 43rd St. and thence via L to congress st. car on Adam to Penn RR depot just barely caught train. I went as far as Archer Street and here said Good Bye. Returned found Grand Trunk depot. Found Chas & John bot lunch etc. Train started at 11:30 had a poor seat in on old duck of a car. hard traveling. fun in eve.

Wednesday 27: Oh what a night we had. Arrived via Suspension Bridge and Mich Central to Buffalo. transferred to DL&W and left for home at 9 on nice vestibule train. slept some on the way. Arrived in Waverly at 1 then took LV to

Athens 2:30. Hurriedly packed trunk and left for Ithaca, NY at 4:50. arrived at 6:00 but could not register. Unpacked in eve.

Thursday 28: Up early and on to hill and looked around to see about books, lessons, etc. Had first recitation in Hydraulics, Astronomy and commenced bridge computations in afternoon. And in PM had 1st work in Astronomical Lab. home at 5:30 and soon to supper. Study in eve till 10.

Friday 29: Up at 7. Had my first 8 o’clock of term in Bridge Designing. then Hydraulics, Astronomy and work on Stereotomy and Arches till noon. study in afternoon and evening down street and got a letter. bought this pen, home and to bed at 11.

Saturday 30: Up at 7:40 and to breakfast then up the hill but could not register so went up again at noon but no use must wait till next week. quite cold yet. Down street in PM but could not cash check.

October 1893

Sunday 1: A cold but clear day – up at 8:30and from breakfast I went to Barnes Hall and to Chapel and heard Rev. Alfred Monerie of London England preach. He had been presiding at the Congress of religions at Chicago. In afternoon I went to CUCA and also wrote home to mother and to H.S.L. went over to Lattings room in eve.

Monday 2: Up at 7:40 and off to breakfast a very bright clear day. Hydraulics at 8 and Astronomy at 9. then went over and registered at the office. then worked on Stereotomy till 1. In PM slept most of time. had a severe headache studied in eve after return from down street to bed at 10:30

Tuesday 3: Another nice bright day. up at 7:30 and went on to hill after breakfast. The Hydraulics and Astronomy are at 9 and 10 every day. Today had bridge designing but had left computations at the house so went after them. Had lab work in the afternoon in astronomy. Studied in eve on hard lessons.

Wednesday 4: Woke up at 7:30. found it very cloudy. rain came on at 9 AM and rained a good deal of time all day. Hyd. Ast.. and Stereotomy was order of day. Study Hyd. and Ast in afternoon and eve. Had letter and two papers from home. – Letter from Miss L.

Thursday 5: Up at 7:30 Breakfast at 8 went on to hill and had Hydraulics, Astronomy, and Bridge Designing till noon and after dinner had work in the laboratory inside. – A beautiful day outside. Study in eve till 10. then to bed.

Friday 6: Ithaca to Athens A nice day but clouding up. had bridges at 8 then Hyd and Astronomy at (9) worked awhile on Stereotomy. but left at 11:30. Paid tuition left card and got down to the LVRR and took 12:30 train for home. arrived at 2:15 Fixed old well and worked otherwise. cloudy.

Saturday 7: Athens to Ithaca A very bright day. Chas and I went to cemetery and painted the stakes of lots worked from 8 to 11:30 then drove home having finished. After dinner went to dentist but had no work done. Had odd jobs to do and business matters to see to and then packed up and returned to Ithaca at 6. and study some to bed at 11:45

Sunday 8: A nice day up at 8:30 and to Barnes Hall and into Prof Jacoby’s Bible class on the New Testament. Then to sermon in Armory by W. C. Doane. big crowd about 1200. read awhile in PM then took a walk. In evening went to Barnes Hall and hear addresses. home at 10 and to bed later. nice day.

Monday 9: Bright again. up at 7:30 and work in Hyd. Ast. Stereotomy as usual. After dinner study Ast and Hyd. In eve went down to PO had a letter from home and Gazette. Then back and read awhile and studied again.

Tuesday 10: Bright day. up and on hill at 8:15 study till 9. then Hyd. Astron and Bridge till noon. After dinner work in lab till 5. the study till supper time. In eve study hard for next days work. Prof Fuertes away and Crandall takes his place.

Wednesday 11: Another nice day. As usual up at 8:15 to the hill and study till nine then

Hyd. Ast. Stereotomy then at 1.voted on s__ questions and went into mason meeting till near two. study after dinner when s__ gets 416 majority of 1266 votes. Observation in evening. home late.

Thursday 12: Bright day again. Up at 7 and on the hill. Had Hyd Ast and Bridge computations finished SS and commenced design. After dinner slept all PM as toothache kept me awake last night. Down street in eve. got letter & paper – Back and study Hyd & Ast till 10:30 then to bed.

Friday 13: Up early, had an eight o’clock. and then the usual work till 1 PM with Hyd. Astronomy & Stereotomy finished first plate. Clouded up at night and during the night had a most terrific storm of wind and rain. such as swept up the coast. In afternoon and evening studied hard for Mondays lessons went to bed at 10:30

Saturday 14: The storm continued right up to eight. About 8:30 went to Lattings room and we finally concluded to go after chestnuts as it was clearing up. We. Latting, Barbour and I went way up to Glenwood bout Found no nuts of any acct. Returned at 4 PM and went to Gym. Down street in eve. called on Dunham.

Sunday 15: Cold wet rainy. dreary all day. Up at 9:30 to the bible class in Barnes Hall and the went to chapel and heard a Methodist man from Albany preach. In afternoon stayed in house. read and wrote letters and in evening played autoharp and wrote letters. to bed at 9:30.

Monday 16: Cold and occasional rain. Up at 7:30 and on the hill. Hydraulics but no Astronomy so had three hours on Stereotomy and in afternoon studied. Cleared up at 3 PM so in evening went to the observatory for work. Home at 10. very cold. wrote home.

Tuesday 17: Up at 7. Study in Lincoln Hall till 9, then Mech. Ast. and Bridges till 1 PM. Then to dinner. after dinner studied Hydraulics till went over to Cummings room and came back together to work astronomy and got stuck. Went for a walk up to the big stand pipe on east hill(600000gal) Down street in eve read in reading room back and study till 10 then to bed.

Wednesday 18: Up at 7:30 as usual and went up to Lincoln Hall and studied till 9. then Hydraulics and as it was so cold we had no class in astronomy so spent time till 1 on Stereotomy drafting. Study in afternoon and in eve went up to observatories but it clouded over suddenly. Came to Coe’s room and worked Astronomy. Home at 11.

Thursday 19: Nice day with fleecy clouds. Up at 7:30 and on hill at 8:30 Hyd lecture and one in Astronomy then bridge design till afternoon. After dinner came back to Hill and worked with Latting on the sextant readings. to house at 5 and found a letter from Helen L. studied some built fire. After supper read and studied till 10. then to bed.

Friday 20: Cloudy and warm. Had Bridges at 8. Hyd at 9. Astron at 10 and Stereotomy till 1. Voted at senior election. 206 votes cast- We – independents elected every candidate we had up. Prex by 6 votes. Had jubilee. Went to CE Hall and worked till 5 PM house. down street in eve had letter. went up to Coe’s room till 11:20

Saturday 21: Up at 8. Came back to house after breakfast and studied till noon. After dinner went to Gym for exercise and a bath. home and bohmed. down street in eve. back to house and at it again for Mondays prelim. and worked on Astronomy some. Nice day to stay outdoors. Retired at 11:20

Sunday 22: A nice day all through. Over slept till 9. late breakfast so did not get up to bible class but read in Barnes Hall till Chapel time. When I heard another English Episcopal Divine. He was a dandy preacher entirely without notes. very queer too. In PM wrote to Miss L and to Mother. Called on Latting. in at 10.

Monday 23: Raining when I got up. Went to CE Hall and studied for the exam and got a question I had not studied at all. Hard luck. Astron at 9 and Stereotomy till 1. In PM studied on Astronomy problems and Hydraulics. Went to PO and got a letter and studied bridges and probs again till 10. when I retired.

Tuesday 24: Warm day clear in afternoon. Usual recitation in morning and lab work in the afternoon. Had sextant to find hour angle of sun. In eve studied Hydraulics and Astronomy. worked till 10. then retired. clouded over again. very warm, but cooled off later in eve.

Wednesday 25: A nice day but quite cold. Hyd. Ast and Ster in the morning. did not flunk in Hyd. in PM worked on Ast problems. went down street and built a fire and in eve down street again. study on Hyd and bridges till 10 then retired. Tufts 6 Cornell 0

Thursday 26: Cold day. north wind. up at 7:30 and studied a while on the hill. Hydraulics at 9 Astron and Bridge work till 1. back again at 2. and had work in observatory till __ PM and then to home. After supper studied Hyd and work a prob in Ast. then read over bridges and went to bed.

Friday 27: Cloudy. rain all day. and in eve very dark. Had to run to get to 8 o’clock in bridges. Hyd Astronomy and Stereotomy as usual. In after noon spent most of time writing up Astronomy lectures. went down street both in afternoon and evening. rec’d postal and paper from home. Study and read in eve till 10:30

Saturday 28: Clear early but clouded over and rained in afternoon and evening and was colder. Up at 7:30 and returned to house after breakfast and copied lectures.. studied hydraulics till dinner. After dinner studied till 3 PM. took a bath and exercise in Gym. Expressed laundry home. down again in eve.

Sunday 29: Up at 8:30 and after breakfast went to bible class and then to Chapel and heard Rev. Moxon of Boston(Baptist). Came down to house and went up to dinner. had tough chicken & lots of fun. In PM went to Lyciem Opera house to mens mass meeting. Wrote to Mother. mailed letter down st. Retired 8:30

Monday 30: Cold day. cloudy and clear by spells. up at 7 Study till 9 in Lincoln . Hydraulics, Astronomy, and Stereotomy. till noon. Study in PM in Astron and Hydraulics. Went up to Coes and to Lattings room in eve. Down to PO and had letter from home. Studied awhile and copied problems. then went to bed.

Tuesday 31: Cold and bright day. Up at 7 as usual. Hyd. Ast. and Bridge design till 1. dinner and down to house. then back up on hill to lab and computed and wrote up on my experiments. looked on Gym awhile till supper time. did not go down street. In eve studied on Hyd and Astronomy. Cider Raid Close of Worlds Fair. Retired at 11.

November 1893

Wednesday 1: Called up at 7:20 went on hill, but no Hydraulics so worked on Ster plate till 10. then had Astronomy and returned to Stereotomy worked until 1. In PM Coe came down. worked on bridges. Noah came down so we three went to Percy Field to see football practice. In eve. down street, study Hydraulics went to Coes. work Astronomy. home at 11.

Thursday 2: Out at 7:30 loafed around till 9 for Hydraulics and then had Astron and Stereotomy till noon. After dinner went back and work on lab notes till 6:30 writing up report etc. In eve went down street and rec’d postal from home then came back with Coe and went to his room and studied Hydraulics together. came back at 9:30 worked at bridges & retired at 10:30.

Friday 3: Up at 7:15 raining and wet. up hill to lecture in Bridges. then Hyd lecture and astron ditto. work usual on Stereotomy till noon. after dinner came down to house. and Coe came in studied Hydraulics then went down street. In eve went to Observatory. had beautiful clear night on way back peeked in to Military Ball.

Saturday 4: Up at 7:30 and after breakfast packed up and took car to LV Depot. train late so went to Sawyers store for awhile. train came in on time. arrived home at 10:30. had errands to run, business to attend to for rest of the day. Packed seeds, wrote letters etc. Sat up in eve late. took a bath in tub. slept downstairs on cot. retired at 11:30 (rain)

Sunday 5: Rainy, cold, cloudy all day. up and milked, attended to Doll and Kit. (Irving being sick) had breakfast and prayers. Sat around house and was up to store several times. In PM went with mother to see Irv. Returned to Ithaca on express at 5:50. had a call from Latting in eve. played & sung. to bed at 10.

Monday 6: Up at 7:30 study on hill till 9 then Hyd. Ast. and work on Stereotomy as usual till 1. in afternoon study with Coe and eve down street and then up to Coes room again. in observatory till about 9:30 home and to bed. a beautiful clear day and night.

Tuesday 7: Election Day – Up at 7:20 and to breakfast and early to hill as usual. Hyd and Ast then bridge design till noon. In afternoon did not go on to hill as work in obs. last night. but study in afternoon and evening with Coe and read. down street and to bed at 10. Republicans victorious

Wednesday 8:Cold and cloudy. smoky. up to Lincoln Hall by 8:30 study in basement. Recitations as usual. In afternoon study and work. down street in eve. returned and study till 10. In afternoon went into Gym for exercise with P.W. Class. in eve too cloudy for observatory work.

Thursday 9: Over slept till 8:15 then hurried to breakfast and on to the hill. Had Hydr at seat lecture in Ast. and bridge comp. till 1. After dinner went onto hill again and worked in lab. wrote till 5 then to Gym. In eve down to PO had letter form Miss L. Study in eve till 9:45.

Friday 10: Up at 7. very cold. frost. Bridges at 8. then Hdy. ast and Stereot. in afternoon read. studied Hyd with Coe and at 4:30 went with him to Percy Field to see the football practice. In eve went up to Barnes Hall and read awhile. then to observatory but did no work as the clouds came on. went to house with Coe. talked, sung etc. till 11:15

Saturday 11: Up at 7:30 very cold, but clear. warmed up later. went to the hill and worked on Stereotomy till 10:45 then went to Dr. Wilders lecture to all the men of university. after dinner studied awhile then went to Percy Field with Coe to see football game. big crowd. a very fine day. Cornell 0 Lehigh 14. in eve down street. study awhile. to bed at 1.

Sunday 12: Up at 8:30 and to bible class at 9:30. read in Barnes Hall till 11. then took a walk with Lamphear over to the powerhouse in the gorge. dinner at 1:30 In PM wrote letters to mother, May, Mrs. Blanchard and J. F. Corbin. in eve went down to mail letters and went around to Baptist Church had a political speech cold, windy day.

Monday 13: Bright at first, cloudy later. recitations as usual. Stereotomy till noon. in PM studied Hydraulics till 4:45 then went up to the Gym & went into P.W. class. In eve it cleared up so I went up to observatory. but before we got to work it became cloudy so nothing could be done. Home in at 10.

Tuesday 14: Bright day. up to hill at 8:15 studied till 9. then Hyd. Astron lecture and two hours work on bridges. In afternoon went up on hill and worked on Astronomical Transit work but did not accomplish much. Read awhile in Barnes Hall till suppertime. In eve down to PO study with Coe till 10. then run down to fire back & to bed 11:30

Wednesday 15:Up early and on to hill for an eight o’clock Prof. Fuertes talk to seniors about thesis work. Recitation in Hyd. Astronomy and work in Stereotomy as usual. In afternoon had a bad toothache. studied some went to the Gymnasium. In eve went to the reception of bible class students. had a nice time, but toothache again. Home and to bed at 11:45. No observatory

Thursday 16: Awoke at 8:15 having slept since 7 AM. Tooth ached and jumped all night. could not sleep. set up. laid down. tried every way Oh what a night. Cut everything and went to dentist who relieved the pressure(ulcerated tooth) and came to room and slept several hours. In PM down to dentist again for treatment. walked up hill and back again. slept awhile. In eve did not go out but studied with Coe.

Friday 17: Up at seven, had bridges at eight Hyd at nine, Astron and Ster till noon.. in afternoon played football awhile. then studied Hydraulics with Coe and set in twilight. sung etc., till supper time. In eve went to PO rec’d letter. met Cummings, Lampher & Quick and with Coe went to Lyceum to hear Leland T Powers in David Copperfield. Immence.

Saturday 18: Cold and rainy early. but did not rain after 9. At 8:30 went to Coe’s room then after studying awhile went to Lincoln Hall. thence to the Gym and bowled and exercised. After dinner went to Spencer’s and Barbour’s room for _________ and notes then worked at room on transit computations till supper time. In eve down street till 8. study after. to bed at 11:30

Sunday 19: Out at 8:30 to bible class at 9:30 had to respond to subject. Then to Chapel heard Rev Dr. Henry M Landers the pastor of Madison Avenue Baptist church in New York City. In afternoon stayed in house and wrote letter home and to Miss L. cold and snow squall in evening. growing colder all time.

Monday 20: Cold. snow squall all day. clear up in eve. but no observatory work. up at 7:30 work as usual Hyd. Ster. Astr. etc. in afternoon studied with Coe in hydr and astronomy problems. also in eve. After supper went down street to PO but got no letter from home. up till 11 o’clock.

Tuesday 21: Clear & cold early but soon cloudy and by three PM was snowing hard melting as it fell. made it wet and slushy. Up to Hyd. Ast. and Bridges. went to house at noon and found a letter from Mother. Ret to lab work in Ast comp. at 5 I went to Gym for awhile. In eve did not go down street but studied Ast & Hyd till near 10. to bed

Wednesday 22: Cold, cloudy day. Lectures in Hydr and Astr. and in Ster. commenced plate over again. Class meeting of C.E.’s. After dinner studied with Coe till 4:15 went down street. then to his room. then to supper at new boarding place. Eddy street. nice place all around. In eve down street again, and study awhile. then wrote to mother. Rec’ letter from May.

Thursday 23: Cold and cloudy. up at 7:30 study on hill till 9. Had usual recitations and bridges. Afternoon had work computing on observatory notes. In eve studied a short time. shaved and went to Baptist Church Social. had a very pleasant time. refreshments etc. Home again at eleven. cloudy but calm slight snow.

Friday 24: Cold. blizzardy day. had an eight o’clock in Bridges and Prof. J replied to the resolutions given him by class. Hyd & recitations in astronomy, the Stereotomy work till 1. After dinner went to dentist but had to go again at 4 and made an appointment. Study till supper time and a while in evening. Cold stormy all time. to bed at 10:30

Saturday 25: Cold blizzardy day. Up early and to Lincoln Hall at 8:15 work till noon on the Stereotomy and after dinner went to room and then to hill again and worked till four on Stereotomy. Then to Gym and bowled and run etc. till time for supper. Went down street in eve but rec’d no mail. Did not study in eve at all.

Sunday 26: Up at 8:30 to Barnes Hall after breakfast but too late for Bible Class. did not go to Chapel but stayed in the reading room till near twelve. then come to room. Had chicken dinner at 1 after dinner was in Coe’s room awhile then took a walk back on hill via Forrest Home. back in time for Supper. In eve wrote letter to mother and went Congregational Church.

Monday 27: Cold day. up on to hill at 8:30. Hyd rect. also in Astr. made grand flunk in later. Stereotomy drawing till noon. After dinner studied with Coe awhile then came to house. In eve went down street but had no mail. Study till 10 on Astronomy review and ditto of Hydraulics. In eve strong South wind and hard rain.

Tuesday 28: Warmer, cloudy cooler at noon and cold at night. Lecture both in Hydraulics (last class of term) and in Astronomy. Worked Alt Azimuth comp with B. F. L in PM and in eve bohned Hydraulics for the first prelim on term. Studied over Astronomy too. Rec’d letter from mother in morning.

Wednesday 29: Ithaca to Athens Up to Hydraulics, Astron & Stereotomy as usual & after dinner packed my satchel for leave. studied awhile then went to hill worked bridges. To Gym and after supper took car to train. Arrived at Sayre at 9:30 walked home just ahead of train. to bed at 11:30

Thursday 30: Thanksgiving – a beautiful clear, warm day. Up town & around on errands, business etc. worked at house and after dinner went to Herrick’s Meadow to see the football game between Sayre & Athens. the later beat by 50 to 0. Yale is beaten by Princeton 6 to 0. At home in eve, studied a little.

December 1893

Friday 1: A cold fierce snowy day. Drove up street in afternoon. In morning had business to attend to and letters to write. worked in south yard to clean up in _______ in storm. up and down several times and in eve studied Ster & Ast. to bed at 11:15.

Saturday 2: Cloudy . colder occasional snow. Up at 7:30 after breakfast drove up to Willow Street to fix house. done some errands, and then drove over the river and visited the U.S. pipe line pumping station. came back. Had business to attend to in afternoon. Mother sold centre street house. Study a little. Up street in eve at home again 10.

Sunday 3: Cold & raining. up at 7:30 let Chas sleep. snow 3 in deep. shoveled off front walk and paths to barn & woodshed. Milked etc. Did not go to church but stayed in the house and read. Dinner at 4 PM. Went to depot for 5:11 train. two hours late. returned to house. then to G.L. Eveanbracks rec’d $25.00 TPCA heard train go up. run but could not catch it. to house, read till 10 then to bed. Colder wind from north.

Monday 4: Athens to Ithaca Up at 6 early breakfast and made for depot. Train off track at Towanda so late about 2 hrs. returned home and read awhile. went back to depot and got train for Sayre at 8:40. Changed here and waited to go. Left at 9:05 laid at Summit awhile arrived at Ithaca at 11:30. built fire. Study most after noon & eve. to bed at 9. found letter from Miss L. & Cousin Syl.

Tuesday 5: Cold and +4 degrees during night. Up at 7:15 study awhile then had 2nd Hyd prelim and hit it cold. Talk in Astr. then worked bridges till noon. Copied laboratory computations in the afternoon. To house at 5 sewed buttons etc. Study in eve till 10:15. wrote postal home. Clear eve. to bed at 10:45

Wednesday 6: Settled with Prof. Crandall for transit $5.00. Cold & cloudy. warmer in afternoon. Study on hill before prelim in Hydraulics. hit it cold. No Astronomy as Prof Fuertes was ______ so worked Stereotomy till 1. After dinner studied Hyd and in eve went to observ. but results unsatisfactory. misty, so home at 9 study till 10:45 then to bed.

Thursday 7: Cold but thaw a little at noon. Up at 7:30 study till 9. then flunked utterly in the easiest thing in the lesson. but recited perfectly for 1st time in Astronomy. Worked on bridges till dinner time. study Hydraulics in afternoon. had call from Coe and after supper from Noah and went to PO with him. Ret. studied Bridges & Hyd till 10.

Friday 8: Up at seven. had eight o’clock in Bridges, the last of the term and prelim in Hydraulics. very well one little flaw only. Recitation in Astronomy then worked on Stereotomy till 1. After dinner went down street and then rode up hill and worked on bridges and lab reports. Read Gazette in eve then study. had two letters from home.

Saturday 9: Breakfast at 8. Worked till 12 in hill on Stereotomy and writing up my laboratory reports. After dinner went down to dentist J. B. Howe and had tooth filled temporarily. returned and went to Gym for a bath. Then copied some computations in Coes room till supper time. In eve down street then study Hyd & Ast till ….

Sunday 10: Cloudy windy day. To bible study at 9:30 and Chapel later. heard J. P. Stratton Presb. Circleville O. Dinner at 12:30. After dinner went to the house and wrote letters all the afternoon. To HSL, May, and Mother. In eve Ben came over and we sang till 9. Then he left I went to bed.

Monday 11: Cold, cloudy, windy and quite a snow in evening. Prelim at 9. did fairly well. Recitation in Astronomy. Work Stereotomy till noon. In PM read letters from J.L.C. and Mother then wrote letter to Mosser & Co. N W Tiffany. 2nd Nat Bank. Nat Walker and to Mother. Study Hydraulics rest of PM and again in eve. Astr study to bed 10:30

Tuesday 12: Cold slight snow during night. up to hill at 8:15 – Flunked in Hydraulics also in Astronomy. Worked on bridges till 1. then to dinner. found letter at house from home. Ret to hill and wrote up the last experiment on E___ of R____ and got ready for binding. Study Hyd in eve till 10

Wednesday 13: Very cold all day. blizzard and squalls of snow. Hit the Hydraulics at 9 all OK. and had lecture in Ast worked on Stereotomy till 1 PM. after dinner returned to hill, bound laboratory reports and worked zenith with Ben. In eve studied Hyd till 10:15.

Thursday 14: Very cold. 3 degrees F at 5AM. but warmed up and snowed occasionally. Up to last prelim in Hyd and got all balled up. four flunks in ten exams Whew! Talk from Fuertes at 10 to 11. Then worked in bridges. finished pins and started upper chord. Study Hyd in afternoon. Bridges awhile in eve then to PO. returned and study hydraulics.

Friday 15: Warm raining , snow melts and walks slippery. Up to Law Lecture Room C. for first final in Hydraulics without books. hit it for almost 50. In afternoon went to hill and finished Stereotomy plate and handed it in. In eve studied with Coe on Bridges etc. to house and to bed 10:45

Saturday 16: Up at 8 and back to house. study Astronomy and Stereotomy till 12. After dinner went up to Hall at 2 PM had last final in Hydraulics. did not touch it. it was a terror. 3 hrs 20 min and one man out before. In eve went down street then up to Coes room to study Bridges and Stereotomy till 11. then went to house and to bed 11:30.

Sunday 17:Cold north wind. snowy. Up at 9 and after breakfast to Coes room and then with him to Congregational Church. walked up the hill to dinner. In my room most of the afternoon and went down street for a walk. In eve read for awhile and then went to bed at 8 o’clock. Wrote letter to mother. played autoharp etc.

Monday 18: Up at 6:30. studied Bridges. Went onto hill and at 9 had exam in Bridges and did fairly well for me. At 12:30 had dinner and in afternoon studied astronomy till 4 then Coe came down and we went down street and returning via my room for books went to supper and then studied Stereotomy and Astronomy till 10:30 then home.

Tuesday 19: Cold and blustery. up at 7. At 8 had a tough exam in Stereotomy but did fairly well. Then went to the house and studied. At 2 had final in Astronomy. it was easy but it happened to be on something that I had not studied. Gym at 5. then had special supper. down st. in eve.

Wednesday 20: Ps CXLII Up at seven. early breakfast took street car to LV Depot & train for home at 8:25. arrived home at about 10. the rest of the day I worked around the house and into the store. In eve stayed at home and read. to bed at 11. Day was cold and windy.

Thursday 21: Up at seven and after breakfast sorted over some honey to ship. Up to train at 10. bought some shipping cases of Mathewson left at store. Settled with Gregory. Saw Nat Walker and oil pipemen. After dinner called on O’Leary. had quite a talk about thesis work. Packed honey ready for shipping. Stay in house in the evening.

Friday 22: Ps VIII Warm. cloudy rain in eve. Up at 7 and after going up street on biz work with bees. feeding. covering entrance etc. In afternoon worked on sorting of honey. had fire in stove in shop and got over about a dozen cases. a sticky job. In eve up street several times on errands. Bot some maple syrup. Looked up oil etc. in Encyclopedia. to bed at ten.

Saturday 23: Ps XVI Up at 7. up street then at the honey again. finished the job in afternoon and 11 ½ cases of white. 4 each of buckwheat and clover besides extracting cases. Drove up to the willow St. house for measurements to plan repairs. Rec’d letter from H.S.L. and pay for bridges. Up street in eve. to bed at 10.

Sunday 24: Prov XVIII Up at 8:30 bath and then stayed in house and read till after dinner then took a walk up street and one to the bridge. Later chased after the cow along the river through fields .all round had a great old time getting her in. Went to Pres Church in eve and to bed at ten.

Monday 25: Luke II 1-17 Christmas day. Up at 7:30 had several jobs. fixed north side gate. south gate. put in glass in window and repaired floor in doll’s stall in barn. Up street both morning & afternoon. in eve dressed up and went to exercises at Presbyterian church. Rained home and called on Emma. home at 9:30

Tuesday 26: John XIV 1-21 Nice day but cold. commenced early to extract honey. white first. about 18 pounds then dark about 40 pounds. put in quart pails. took nearly all day to finish and clean up mess. up street in eve. went to train at six. read awhile in eve then to bed at 11.

Wednesday 27: John XV Clear nice morning. took pails of honey to Gregory and returned extractor to Mathewson. Then down to train with Will. got pay for 1 bbl of Vin of Kendall. drove over to pump station. In afternoon read awhile. run errands went to train. Up street in eve. returning read part of squirrel inn.

Thursday 28: Ps XIX Cloudy and cold in AM but thaw in afternoon. Errands and bought blackboard paint and painted blackboards at school building. Up street several times. In PM drove over to oil pumping station and worked several hours. taking data etc. for thesis work. returned at 5. up street for oysters. after supper finished Squirrel Inn.. Up street again worked on computations till 10:30

Friday 29: A changeable day. Up at 8 and then off up street on business errands for mother, then stayed around talking and visiting. After dinner curried Doll and drove over to the pump station stayed three hours. getting data. awful muddy.

Saturday 30: Philippians IV 4-19 Up at eight. then up street on biz. rode down to Morley’s Mills with Nat Walker and got some information. After dinner computed then went to barber shop for hair cut and shave. Then drove to mill for feed and went to pump station for an hour or so. rough roads, hard driving. In eve Mother and I washed and oiled the light harness. up street in eve. to bed at 11.

Sunday 31: II Timothy 1-15 Up at 9 to breakfast. Read books papers till 12. took bath in tub. Dinner at 1. In afternoon read till about four then called at Corbins just as girls were going away. short but sweet. Wrote letter to Helen S. L.. Stayed in the house in eve to bed at 9:30. Time is up for ‘93

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 16 September 2011 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice