Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Robert Bruce Park of Athens PA, and Cornell University in Ithaca NY
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Charles Dana Park, Robert Bruce Park, William Kellog Park(seated) ~1882
 Robert Bruce Park ~1898
Diaries of Robert Bruce PARK  1893  1894 1895 

Robert Bruce PARK was born in Athens, Pa. April 7th, 1870 and died there August 24th, 1905. He was the son of Dana Fish PARK and Lydia Minerva CARNER. He had an older half brother, Irving Kingsbury PARK, the son of D.F. PARK and Catherine BALL (who died in 1859) a sister, May Belle PARK, and two brothers, William Kellog PARK and Charles Dana PARK. He graduated from Cornell with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1894 and worked as a Draftsman and Surveyor. He married Nellie Rita MYER on December 21, 1898 and my mother, Gertrude Lydia PARK, was born on June 27, 1903 in Philadelphia. His son, Robert Bruce PARK, was born after his death, January 3, 1906.

I have transcribed as accurately as I could except for deleting periods in places like Y.M.C.A. and P.O. etc. Thomas Smith []

In this diary, Robert was 24 years old, a student in Ithaca NY at Cornell University.
Transcription copyright 2011 by Thomas Smith and Joyce M. Tice

    January 1894

Monday 1:  New Years Day.  Up at 7:30 a bright cloudless day.  Was up street early to store for some things then returned to PO with letters one to HSL then sharpened skates and rode down to Thurstons  and was at pipe line pumping station awhile.  Returned for dinner.  In afternoon went down to cove to skate, an awful crowd but bad ice.  Twelve girls and a lot of boys broke in and had big time.  Took measures at pump station.  In eve went with Chas and called at Corbins and soon came home.  Retired about 11.

Tuesday 2:  Up at eight and after nine went up to bank.  paid Kinners bill then rode to depot with Irving.  Saw train come in then went around to Dan Wellers mill to see him about business.  Also went to Kendalls store.  Returned down street and got Bairds check for acct.  Walked  down to Canfields with Mary C. Mildred S. and Chas.  Home to dinner.  Spent afternoon going to and from store and barn waiting for a load of hay and stamping honey boxes with rubber stamp.  In eve drove up to Sayre and called on Anna Angier.  returned and watered cow.  listened to reading and went to bed at midnight.

Wednesday 3:  Breakfast at 8.  Got things together to pack.  Went up street and into store.  Received check for $50 from Erconbrack for TPCA job.  Deposit $20 with estate fund on borrowed account.  (Fair)  Hitched up Doll after greasing wagon and drove over to Morleys Mill and stoped at the Pump Station for more data.  After dinner got things together and Chas drove to depot with me.  stopped at Lowe’s for slippers.  train late but pulled out and arrived at Ithaca at 3:20.  Up hill, left grips at house and registered all around,  Unpacked, built fire, down street for books etc.. turned in at 10.

Thursday 4:  Warm, wind South.  Slept until 8 o’clock.  Hurried up to breakfast and on to hill.  but had nothing to do until 10 AM.  Then had Church in Motors.  got a book by $1.00 deposit.  had exam problems explained.  At eleven had Crandall in 1st Geodesy.  Went down to house and done up two bridge books for Preston and wrote letter to him and postal home.  Call from Coe.  Went up on hill after dinner.  no need, but put on a stretch for Arches.  Stopped at Gym for a bath, then went down to express office with books.  bought books at Finche’s.  Down again after supper.  study with Coe.  had call from Jacobs.  to bed at 10.

Friday 5:  Wind N.  Up at 7:30 but it was very dark and foggy.  The fog hung down all day, rather like clouds on the surface.  could not see a hundred feet away.  Had an eight o’clock and commenced work on oblique arch.  At ten had a lecture (first) on Sanitary Engineering.  Geodesy lecture at 11.  Down to house and dinner at 1:30.  Up on hill again to talk on Cement Lab and had  day assigned for lab work.  Read on oil transportation  awhile then went to Gymnasium.  bowled and bathed.  Down to house, and after supper studied till nearly 10 then retired.  Colder in eve.

Saturday 6: Cold. Up at 6 for awhile but slept again till near eight.  Returned to house after breakfast and studied till dinner time in Arches, Moters and read several chapters in bacteriology.  After dinner went down street for a walk a bought a pair of hose.  Then went up to the Gym for exercise.  bowled a little, run and went into baths.  Came back to room and studied on cement notes awhile.  Shaved and  soon went to supper.  After supper dressed up.  went down street with Coe to Prager’s but did not stay.  To PO, bought books, etc.  Study till 10, then retired.

Sunday 7:  Warm to cold.  Up at 8:30 and after breakfast came back to room and stayed until dinner time.  playing autoharp and reading Fair Haven.  After dinner came back and wrote a letter home and at four o’clock went up to Barnes Hall but was too late for the new plan.  change of time etc.  so I went into reading room and read till 5:30 then went with the boys to supper.  In eve went with  O. P. C. Gregory & Mason to Baptist Church.  no show as expected.  turned in at 9:30.  Clear, sunny

Monday 8:  cold freezing.  Out at 7:30 and had eight o’clock in oblique arch computation.  Lecture at ten in sanitary engineering and Geodesy at eleven.  Went to house and studied cements for awhile and after dinner went up to Lincoln Hall to prelim in Cement.  easy.  talked about seminary work and had a talk with Comstock about thesis.  Then read up on petroleum until 4:45 and then went to Gym for exercise and bath.  After supper went down to reading room and PO.  returned and studied till ten.

Tuesday 9:  Cold.  No eight o’clock today, so did not get out so early but went up on hill  and read and studied until 10.  Then had Moters and at 11 Geodesy.  At 12 got book and read about half an hour on thesis reference.  Had register sent home.  After dinner found letters from Mother, and from H. W. Preston with check for books.  Read engine indicators till 3 then went to Gym and was there bowling, bathing etc. till 5 when I went down street.  Took walk with Coe before supper.  then down street again after supper and worked on arches awhile.  turned in at 10.

Wednesday 10:  Eight o’clock in arches.  got first plate well started.  At 10 had lecture in Hydraulic Engineering and at eleven Geodesy.  Read short time after twelve then went to dinner.  Found Gazette, letter from home, and Trautwine.  Read till time to go on hill.  Had first bacteriological talk two hours under Chollie Sherman.  Then read an hour on roads and went to Gym for work and bath.  In eve went to the Lycieum Opera to hear  Marteau Concert with Coe, Gregory and Mason.  Sat with Ira Sairs.  Home at 10:15.

Thursday 11:  Cold, sleet in eve.  Founders Day.  so had no work on hill.  After breakfast wrote a letter to Reading Iron Co. for  a description of oil pumping engine.  At 9 went down  street and found Ira Sairs and rode on car to Campus and showed him over the sights in shops, museum, etc.  Bowled with Coe in Gym at 12.  After dinner went to the house and read Geodesy and at 3:30 went up the hill and read seminary reference 1 ½ hours.  Called on Coe after tea and went down street to PO.  Returned and read over Geodesy and Bacteriology & Gazette.

Friday 12:  Cold!!  Up at 7:30 fell against table and got a bad bump.  Had to hurry to eight o’clock in arches.  had lecture in Engineering and a prelim in Geodesy.  went down to dinner and read awhile before going to first meeting of civil eng society.  had papers by Towle and Hooker.  read awhile on seminary and then went to Gym.  After supper hurried to house, shaved and dressed for first dancing lesson in Prager’s Hall from 7 to 9.  had a very pleasant evening and returned at 9:30 read awhile.  very cold.

Saturday 13:To breakfast at 8 then up on hill and inked in arches plate also finished seminary reading and read up on thesis.  Stayed until dinner time then changed shoes and went to shoe shop to fix heels and had skates concaved.  then took street car to inlet to skate.  The ice was very nice and a large crowd out.  Stayed until five. had quite a time getting up the hill.  63 in car.  after supper had call from Noah and played autoharp awhile.  Then read over cement notes and Geodesy and after walking up to drug store and cooking up some broth went to bed.

Sunday 14:  Up at 9 to breakfast and went on to Barnes Hall to bible class and then read in west dome till near dinner time but went to house first.  After dinner read till 3:30 then went up to Barnes Hall again this time to CUCA and after prayer meeting out and down in time  for early supper.  Wrote letter to mother and then went down to the
Baptist Church with the boys and heard illustrated sermon on the parables of Christ.  very large crowd and good singing.  Out and to room finished latter and turned in 9 PM.

Monday 15:  Up at 7:15 and eight o’clock in arches and lecture at ten in hydraulic engineering and the geodesy at 11.  Went to house before dinner found blue print of pumping engine from Reading Iron Co.  Went up on hill after dinner the rain coming on after I started.  Prelim in cement tests.  had section assigned for lab.  Talked thesis with Comstock.  Read awhile then came home and studied some before supper.  wrote a little on thesis and sort o studied moters and geodesy  till 9:15 then laid aside.  very disagreeable weather rain and wind.

Tuesday 16:  Study in Lincoln Hall till 10 then had lecture in Moters and another in Geodesy at 11.  Read roads till one. then to dinner.  In afternoon studied and wrote on thesis till 3:30 then went down street & bought some zinc for arch curves.  returned and studied bacteriology till 5 then went to supper.  Paid Mills Bros. collector balance on sweater  .Oh!  what awful mud and mist and disagreeable weather.  Colder in PM and freezing in eve.  Moters in eve till 9:40 then exercised and went to bed.

Wednesday 17:  A most beautiful spring like day, but cool all day.  Had eight o’clock in arches and at ten had lecture in Hydraulic Engineering  read by Mr. Mott.  Geodesy as usual at eleven.  Read half hour on roads and after dinner returned to Lincoln Hall for bacteriological lecture.  Then read roads and talked with Prof. Spaulding on same.  To Gym for run and bath.  Down to PO in eve and got a nice long letter from Miss L.  Studied in Geodesy during evening.  drawing curves.  heard band play while down street.  Had a call from  Place.  Turned in at 10:30.

Thursday 18:  To breakfast at 8 then went on to hill and replotted curves and read moters till ten o’clock when we had a lecture on automatic regulators of flow.  At eleven had usual dull period in Geodesy.  Went direct to house but soon went to dinner. then to library where I read Encyclopedia Britannica etc. about oil.  Went to C. E. Library and read road controversy of Owens C. E.  Went to gym and went into P. W. Class and bowled at th__ pins s___d 25 pts.  Early supper, played auto harp, wrote postal and went up to Coe’s for book but did not find it.  He brought down later.  Rain, mud, etc.

Friday 19:  Eight o’clock in oblique arches and lecture by Mott in sanitary engineering.  Prelim in Geodesy at eleven did fairly well.  Direct to house.  returned via dinner to Lincoln Hall in bacteriological laboratory awhile then went to the C. E. Society meeting.  Paper by Strong was very good.  Went to Gym for exercise and bath, then to supper.  In eve dressed and shaved and went down street to second lesson in Pragers dancing academy and returned at 9:30 and turned in at 10 as usual.  fine even out.

Saturday 20:  Went to the hill just after breakfast and finished first plate in oblique arches and read an hour on  Owens road discussion.  Then went to Gym 11:15 and played hand ball etc. till dinner time.  After dinner stopped into Coe’s room awhile then came home and read over Bacteriology & Gazette.  Down street in eve with Coe and Reid.  returning studied Geodesy and moters till ten o’clock.  Had a nice long letter from Mother enclosing one from Will.  Clear and cool day.  clouding for rain.

Sunday 21:  To breakfast at 9 and was caught in the rain so did not go up to bible class but came back to house and bought a paper and read till dinner time.  Chicken for dinner.  In afternoon wrote letter home and at 3:30 went up to CUCA to hear F. S. Goodman Asst. St. Sec. speak.  twas very good talk.  walked around with Lamphear before supper and went to PO.  run across Quick and went to Congregational Church where we had a most excellent sermon by Rev. Griffith.  Turned in at 10:30.

Monday 22:  Late getting out so was half an hour behind time in arches.  got stretch on for next plate.  Lecture or talk in sanitary engineering.  Geodesy lecture at 11 and at 12 had special meeting of the Civil Eng Assoc regarding sending a delegate to McGill University undergraduate dinner.  After some talk and balloting Strong was chosen.  Had bacteriology talk in afternoon and subject assigned for report.  Read a while went to Gym in P. W. Class.  After supper went down to PO and to Martin Bessemers for some pills.  Returned and studied.  A nice day, clouded in eve.

Tuesday 23:  Studied in Lincoln Hall on Moters till 10 then had lecture on them.  Geodesy at 11.  Then went direct to house and found letter from Mother, one from Hickey and Harvard Circular.  After dinner stopped at Barnes Hall awhile and read Puck.  At two had Geodetic Lab work cleaning up a level instrument.  Finished by four o’clock then read an hour on seminary and talked thesis awhile and went to supper before six no Gym.  Went down street with Coe after supper and then studied awhile with him.  home and to bed at 11 PM.

Wednesday 24:  Slept till 7:45 then up and rushed for hill half hour late.  worked on arches till 10 then had a talk from Fuertes. at 11 had usual Geodesy.  To the house and found mail from home. _____ etc.. had early dinner then took car down to dentist to have date changed and rode back by car to campus.  Bacteriology, then read awhile went to gym, bowled and ran.  In eve down street.  had postal from Charles, then went home and wrote several letters and studied awhile on Moters and worked on thesis.  Turned in at 10:30.  A cloudy rainy day but cold wave predicted.

Thursday 25:  Turned very cold in night and north wind with snow squalls continued all day.  Studied about an hour in Coes room after I had breakfast.  Went up to lecture in  Moters and Geodesy.  Returned to room after dinner and started letter to Miss L.  study some then went to Lincoln Hall to read up on Geodesy reference.  Returned to supper and stayed in room all eve.  finished letter to Miss L and studied for Geodesy prelim till 10.  Packed laundry and exercised a bit and went to bed.  Clear and cold predicted.

Friday 26:  Eight o’clock but did not get there till 8:15.  Lecture in Sanitary Engineering and then at 11 a prelim in Geodesy which I hit for a hundred.  Went up the hill and at 2:30 attended civil Eng. association.  had an interesting talk on coal mining by Rosser 95.  Read awhile in reading room and reported to Prof Spaulding.  Went to Gym for awhile.  After supper dressed up and went to Pragers from 7 to 9.  up to house and then took car to LV Depot and train home at 12.  Looked on at the German awhile.  home and talked with mother till 2 AM

Saturday 27:Up at 9:30 had late breakfast.  Went up street several times.  Repaired table and got honey in for packing for Mosser.  After dinner fixed honey.  then down to pumping station for data etc. for an hour or so.  went on to Morley Mills and got  a bag of feed.  Returned and took honey to depot.  After supper read awhile and then went to Caucus in town hall.  after which went to Lowes store and had a long boxing match with Raup.  Home at 9:30 and read till eleven then went to bed.

Sunday 28:  Up at 9 and after breakfast got ready and went to Waverly to Church with Mother and heard an excellent sermon from Rev. Linn E. Wheeler.  Drove back via Angiers for a book and then home.  After dinner thumbed banjo awhile then took a walk with Chas Park and Floy Raup to the Ward farm.  Returned and wrote letter to Mosery Co. then finished packing and started to the train which proved to be late 30 min.  Delayed at Sayre and other stations but arrived in Ithaca quite late.  Unpacked and went down to restaurant and had a fine oyster stew.  Returned and went to bed at 10.

Monday 29:  Up at 7:30 and worked on arches, found a mistake which requires whole terms work to done over again.  Lecture in Sanitary at 10 and Geodesy at 11.  Early dinner then attended senior class meeting and saw Howes elected class photographer.  Laboratory work in Bacteriology cooked up gelatine.  cleaned and sterilized tubes etc.  Computed on arches and found mistake in angle.  Worked on it till near 6 then to supper.  Played autoharp awhile then went to study on Moters at 7:30.

Tuesday 30:  Up at 7:30 and bundled up and started out.  snow a foot deep and drifting fast.  Walked up the car track.  Had a hard time crossing the campus in the awful wind.  How I pity the coeds- This weather is a strong argument against coeducation at Cornell at least.  Moters at 10 and Geodesy at eleven.  Down to house and dinner and up on hill again to Geodetic laboratory.  worked some on new arches plate.  To Gym at 4:45 Supper at 6.  Calculations on thesis in eve.  worked till 10 then turned in.  Wrote postal to mother.  Masque plays at Lyceum

Wednesday 31:  Sophomore Cotillion.  Broke the record.  up at 7 this time and at work on draughting before eight o’clock.  got first plate in pencil.  Lecture at 10 in Sanitary Engineering.  At 11 had the usual geodesy talk.  Went to house before dinner and then returned to the hill for Bacteriological laboratory. Planted 1cu cm of water in gelatine bullion plate culture.  Worked on arches from 3 to 5:30.  Stopped at Gym till after six listening to the Cornell band concert.  In room in eve computing on thesis and study some.  A better day, not so cold.  fine sleighing.

     February 1894

Thursday  1  Up at 7:45 and up hill.  study moters awhile and put on stretch before ten.  Moters at 10 and geodesy at 11.  Worked awhile draughting before dinner.  Went to J. B. Howe dentist at 1:30 had three teeth filled paid $4.00.  Took car to campus and read seminary 1¼ hours.  Then worked till six on plate.  After supper went to room read  Sun, then studied Geodesy till 9 o’clock.  Laid books aside and used dumb-bells etc. and went to bed.  A cold day, clear at times. snow squalls.  Junior Ball Concert in the Lyceum in eve but I did not attend.

Friday 2:  :   A beautiful day, clear and cold.  warmed a little at noon.  Eight o’clock in arches.  Lecture and talk on Sanitary Engineering at 10.  Small class after the concert.  Geodesy at 11.  At twelve went into Bacteriological lab to count germs on my first plate.  Shaved after dinner, read the Gazette and returned up the hill to hear lecture on the Roman Aqueducts by Clemens Herschel C. E.   Very interesting.  Read roads with Kehler for 1¼ hours then went to supper.  Down to Pragers from 7 to 9.  Returned.  had beef tea and to bed.  Junior Ball.

Saturday 3:  Another nice day.  Late breakfast and got on to hill at 9 and read till 12 with Kehler on roads.  Read Mass Health Reports for Bacteria subject but found nothing of use.  After dinner studied in room till 3 then went up and watched the coasting.  and then had a haircut and went up to Gym for a bath.  Saw the snow bust of H. W. Sage being made.  Down to room and sewed up.  After tea played on Autoharp.  had a call from Noah C.  Studied Geodesy and read Moters and retired at 10:30  Warm and snow melting.  rain threatened.

Sunday 4:  Up to breakfast at nine and to bible class in Barnes Hall at 9:30 until 10:30 then read to dinner time in reading room.  Stayed in room after dinner and wrote a long letter to Mother and one to Will.  read awhile and went to supper at 5:30.  Played autoharp and read all the parables of Christ.  in evening did not go to Church at all all day.  Went to bed at 9:15 had some beef tea for a night-cap.  A  stormy day all day and quite a little snow fell yet many out sleigh riding.

Monday 5: Chimes were ringing when I woke up and so I had a late breakfast and it was 8:30 when I got to work on arches.  Studied for geodesy during lecture in sanitary engineering and at 11 had a prelim in Geodesy.  It was fairly easy but I did not do well.  I don’t like prelims on Monday.  Hurried to house and got a glass corked bottle and boiled it for half an hour and took a sample of well water to the Bacteriological lab.  started some more plates.  Read bricks 1 hr.  Went to gym.  Study in eve in moters, work thesis.

Tuesday 6:  A beautiful day but cold except in direct sun light.  Up on hill and read on “Brick” for awhile before the lecture on moters at ten o’clock.  then at eleven had geodesy. went to house before dinner and found a letter from Mother.  In after noon went into Library  till laboratory time then worked with Ayers on geodetic work replacing cross hairs by cob webs.  wrote report on exp.  to supper at 6 and then at room read and wrote letter to Scotten & Co..  Went to PO for env & stamps and then studied geodesy and arches till 10 then retired.

Wednesday 7:  Out early having eight o’clock in Arches and lecture by Prof Fuertes on the Santos, Brazil sanitary improvements showing plates about 30 immense 3 ½ by 7 ft said to have cost about $3000 to get out.  At 11 had Geodesy as usual.  mathematical formulae.  Read from 12 to 1 in seminary work. - Bricks-  After dinner went back on hill to Bacteriological laboratory and made transfer culture and then read an hour and drafted.  Went to gym.  Down street in eve.  wrote letter.  Studied and copied sanitary notes.

Thursday 8:  Up at 8 and drafted on arches till 10.  Moters and then an hour of Geodesy.  hard mathematics right through.  Went to dinner at 12:30 and then to house copied notes awhile then went to Gym to play hand ball but boards were being painted so I bowled and bathed and went to house to study Geodesy.  ground on that till suppertime. In eve went down street to PO no mail.  Returned studied till I got stuck then went to Noahs and got pulled out.  Come back and studied to eleven.  Warm.  snow going and wind coming.

Friday 9:  Eight o’clock at breakfast but got to work at 8:30 on arches.  at ten had some Sanitary talk and advice from Mogue and at 11 a prelim in Geodesy.  I had two easy ones but only worked on one.  had it right in 5 min but worked on something not required for rest of hour.  After dinner down street for rubbers.  car up hill.  drafted awhile.  to gym at 4:30 and bowled “Princeton” with Coe and Lort.  In eve went down to Pragers for awhile then come back and read Gazette for sometime.  Turned in at eleven..

Saturday 10:  Breakfast at eight then went to Barnes Hall and read in the Library till 10:30 hunting up to report on measures and customs of the times and relating to parables of the Sower, The Taxes and the mustard seed.  Then went to CE building and read on bricks and talked thesis with Comstock.  I went to Gym and bowled with Coe awhile.  In PM copied notes then went  down street for a walk with Coe and then up & had a sing  in  OPC’s room.  Supper then read Bacteriology.

Sunday 11:  Breakfast at nine and at 9:30 had bible class in Barnes Hall.  gave account of  manners and customs relating to parables of Sower, Taxes and Mustard seed.  Went down to Baptist Church with Noah Cummings.  then up to dinner.  Wrote letter to Mother and at 4 PM went to CUCA heard Prof Gilmore of Rochester College speak on “the way to study the bible”.  He is author of song “He Leadeth Me”.  It was a good lecture.  Stayed to after prayer meeting . subject “As a man thinketh so is he”.  Early supper.  Stayed in house in eve.

Monday 12:  Up at 7:30 drawing an arch at 8:45, to 10 o’clock lecture in Sanitary Eng. then the usual Geodesy.  boys got fresh while waiting of Poppy & one fellow got a bad bump on eye.  Early dinner and returned to Hall at 1 commenced to snow.  Bacteriology – wash dishes etc.  Read seminary an hour talked with Prof Church on thesis.  Went to Gym and bowled, threw ball etc.  Stayed in room in evening.  worked on thesis & study moters.  Snow continued from noon till now 10.  getting deep.

Tuesday 13:  Lot of snow but not drifting.  the sleighing fine.  Late breakfast and read on moters till 10.  Lecture on moters then at 11 Geodesy grind.  Read on Seminary till 1 then to dinner and to house where found letter from mother & Will.  Laboratory in Geodesy all PM. with rod comparisons.  No Gym.  After supper wrote letter to  mother enclosed Mosser & Co. check without endorsing it.  Went to PO and took laundry down.  Come back and read new book on steam and computed on thesis.  Sophomore mobs out.  Turned in at eleven.

Wednesday 14:  At work by 8:15 on arches.  drawing till 10 then lecture in sanitary engineering.  finished the term notes before hour was up so we had election for Chief Engineer for lake survey.  result give N Cummings 14 out of 23 votes.  At twelve had geodesy in room 45.  Dinner at 12:45.  to house then back on hill for bacteriology.  had practice with compound microscope.  read awhile then went to Gym and bowled, bathed etc. and then to late supper 6:30.  Went to PO had a letter from home and from HSL.  Copied notes in eve. Scraps between under classes.

Thursday 15:  Up at eight and on to hill and worked out Geodesy problem, read steam.  then had a lecture on hydraulic moters.  at eleven had the Geodesy rot as usual.  Went to house before dinner and at 1 went to ’94 class meeting.  reports from committees and then a discussion on Cap and gown followed.  finally left with committee to canvas the class.  Draughted an hour on arches and then come to house.  did little work.  Stayed in house in eve bohning for the prelim.  A blustering snowy day cold north wind.

Friday 16:  Eight o’clock in arches, commenced to ink in first plate.  At 10 had lecture on reading of the Santos report by Prof. Fuertes.  Prelim in Geodesy at 11 did not do well at all.  To dinner  at 12:30 shaved and went down street.  took car up hill and attended Civil Eng. Assoc at 2:30 articles by  Green Mayhew & Clark.  went to Gym and then to supper at 5:30.  Dressed up and went down to PO and Pragers till 9.  Returned to room read Gazette till 11.  then turned in.  A bright moonlight night.  clear day and drifting snow and very cold.

Saturday 17:  Breakfast at 8.  Went on to hill & finished inking of first plate in arches. Looked up in thesis.  Went to Gym and bowled with Coe till 1:45 then had to hustle to get to dinner.  In Coes room till 3 reading steam.  Come home found letter from mother then wrote postal and went  to PO and bought some paper etc.  Back and worked thesis till supper and again after supper till Coe came down and we went down street and to Lyceum to benefit concert.  very good.  Out at 10:15 then walked home and turned in at 11:30.  south wind again.

Sunday 18:  Had a big fire at 5 AM about a block up the hill in direct view from my window but I did not wake up to see it.  Had breakfast at 9.  Bible class at 9:30 and went to Congregational  church at 11 with Durand.  returned to dinner.  Wrote letter to Miss L.  went up to CUCA and heard Rev. Breckinridge of Brooklyn.  stayed to prayer meeting.  Down to early supper then to house finished letter to Miss L and then wrote to Mother and sewed up coat & suspenders.  Retired at 9:45.  A beautiful clear coming after a beautiful day.

Monday 19:  Eight o’clock in arches.  ten o’clock in Santos improvement description.  and eleven o’clock in Geodesy.  To dinner at 12:30 & went back direct to hill & drafted till 2 o’clock when I had bacteriology talk and laboratory.  culture of white growth from agar tube to gelatine plate.  three dilutions.  To Gum at 4:30.  played handball and took PW work then to supper at 6:00.  In eve rec’d special letter from Kinner and went to Chi  Psi house to see K Kellogg come back and studied geodesy.  rec’d letter from Mother.  I  at  11.  Warm day, snow melting fast.

Tuesday 20:  Athens to vote & return.  Studied in Lincoln Hall on Steam then at ten had a lecture in it.  Cut Geodesy went to boarding house for lunch and went to LVRR depot and took train at 12:40 for Athens.  At Sayre found other train late so I walked carrying satchel which I left in Kinners store.  went to the polls and voted straight Republican ticket.  Committee had a sleigh and team drive up to Sayre with me.  took train at 3:15 for Ithaca.  arrived at 4:30.  Shaved before supper then went to Lage to musical  _______ to room and study till 10:30 in at 11.  Freshman Banquet.

Wednesday 21:  Ithaca NY to Athens  Eight o’clock in draughting at ten had reading of the report of Santos improvements.  At eleven had Geodesy lecture.  At twelve went over Geodesy work with Noah Cummings.  Went to dinner returning to hill.  Bacteriology from 2 to 3.  Then bohned on Geodesy till Marsh came at 4 when we had a prelim.  I done fairly well.  To Gym in aft.  Packed up after supper and took 7:35 train arrived in Athens at 9:10 and went home visited till 11 o’clock when I went to bed.  Sophs killed a woman at banquet hall last eve.

Thursday 22:  Up at 7:30 and up town after breakfast and in to store.  Worked about bu8ilding burned trash.  After dinner hitched Dollie to the sleigh and Chas & I brought two loads of wood and boxes from store then after reading awhile I went up to shovel snow from roof and had to show things to McKean..  Went to PO then to house for supper.  In eve read  ___________ awhile then went up street to see boys in the YMCA.  listen to orchestra practice and played  _________  Home at 10 and to bed.

Friday 23:  Out as usual to breakfast and went up street on errands and worked in store with Chas cleaning and painting the wood work up stairs.  After dinner I drove over to pump station leaving Doll in Thurstons barn  & used hydrometer for gravity.  found average  about 50# & 1”.  Also got a lot of data and went to mill for feed and saw a sleigh tip over and horse run away.  home at 5:30.  Went to Charity concert in eve.  good but too long.  home and did not get to bed until 12:30.

Saturday 24:  Seven thirty saw me at breakfast and oh! how cold way below zero.  and it did not get far above in all day.  Went up street on biz and errands and worked in the store awhile and after dinner we – Chas and I went to store and finished painting and started a second coat of varnish paint.  Practiced on the two step & waltz.  In eve I called on Wm Dedrick about renewal of judgement.  and had a nice visit.  returned home at 9:30 and sharpened shears, knives, etc. and after fixing furnace went to bed 8 degrees below zero at 11 PM.

Sunday 25:  Up at 8:30 and up to PO and to Corbins office after breakfast.  Returned to house and read awhile then took a bath in the tub.  Chicken dinner at 12:30.  After dinner had long talk, read, etc.  Wrote several letters.   packed up.  Up street awhile for shoes but did not get them.  At 3:45 started for train & arrived in Sayre and after some wait took train for Ithaca arriving at 5:30  had a late supper and went to room.  built fire & read papers.  In at 10.

Monday 26:  At work on arches at eight 30 and at ten had reading of the Santos report from Fuertes.  At eleven had geodesy and was excused about five minutes early so we run to mass meeting in Library  big crowd.  time  1 ½ hours and at 2:00 heard lecture by a ’89 man on the manner of work on the US-Mexican line.  At 4 heard excellent lecture by Chief Eng Melville of Navy.  one of the survivors of Jennette Artic exposition.  Late supper after having White try voice.  Down Street in eve. (Note:  Melville was one of eleven survivors of the Jeannette Arctic Expedition 1879 – 1881.  Thirty three men started out on the steamer Jeannette to find open water to the North Pole, but their ship was trapped in ice and the survivors did not return to US soil until 1884.)

Tuesday 27:  Up on hill at 8:30 read till 10 on steam and at 10 had a lecture on same subject.  At 11 had Geodesy “rot” on “least squares”  Oh dear!  We all are groaning over the stuff.  Put in half hour on arches before noon.  After dinner came up and commenced my cement Laboratory work of term making brickettes.  Came down to house and shaved.  up to supper then came back donned my best and at 7:15 was admitted to membership of Cornell Choral Union.  Home at 8:30  Study Geodesy and worked on thesis.

Wednesday 28:  Eight – 15 in arches drawing. at 10 had more Santos report and at 11 had Geodesy again.  Read till 12:35 on Trinidad pitch.  After dinner went to room but then returned for bacteriology lab reading of papers made stick culture in gelatine.  Through at 3:30 then wrote up reports on Geodetic Laboratory.  finished all but one.  At 5 quit and went to Gym.  run a little and went into plunge.  Down street in eve, sent postal home.  Up to house, study steam & copied Geodesy problem.  Recd letter from Miss Loveland.

            March 1894

Thursday 1:  The first day of Spring and beautiful day it was.  Snow melting and streets turned to mud.  In eve clouded up for rain.  Had to study Steam on hill awhile.  put in half hour on arches.  Lecture in steam at ten and at eleven a lot more of Geodesy rot.  Read on Trinidad Asphalt.  Had a hair cut after dinner then went down street.  bot cravat sent postal to Cornellian & letter to Tiffany of Binghamton.  Studied awhile before supper.  After tea played autoharp & read Gazette and looked at geodesy again.  In at 10:30

Friday 2:  Out at 7:30 arches at 8.  Lecture on Santos Improvement at 10 and at 11 had weekly prelim in Geodesy.  three questions.  did not touch two of them.  Read an hour before dinner on ____.   After dinner went to room, read a time then went down to Dr. Besemers.  bought a lamp fount.  walked up to house and found a letter Mother.  Went to Gym till four then to Lincoln Hall and read an hour.  Down to early supper then dressed up and went Pragers Hall till 9:20 and then went to Mayhews room till eleven o’clock when I wended my way up the hill and got to bed at about twelve o’clock.

Saturday 3:  A most beautiful day overhead.  Warm & muddy.  In evening stars shine from a cloudless sky.  freezing slightly.  to breakfast at 8 then returned to room and shaved dressed etc. and went to Howes  for  a sitting for photo.  come back and read steam till 12:30 then went to dinner after which I went up hill and finished arches plate and read the Trinidad Report with Latting till 5:15 when we were hustled out by Janitor.  Walked down to supper after which in room looked over the senior statistic blank.  played Autoharp at 8.  took walk down street and read in reading room awhile.  Study bacteriology till 10.  thesis till 11.

Sunday 4:  Up to breakfast at nine and to bible class on hill in Barnes Hall at 9:30.   Stayed and read until 12:30 then went to dinner after which I went to my room and sorted over papers, shelves, etc. and at 2:30 went out for a walk going down the road toward Buttermilk.  The walks were in awful shape,  mud & snow.  took to the DL&W track and went to the LV depot and waited for a street car to go to house.  Wrote letter to Mother.  After supper had a call from Noah Cummings.  also from Muncey and OPC.  A most beautiful mild spring day and clear dark evening.  Turned in at 10:30.

Monday 5:  Late to eight o’clock.  finished & handed in my arches plate, then studied twist rules in reading room.  Lecture on Santos report and talk about exams at 10 and at 11 Geodesy with accent on the first syllable and not on the last two.  Dinner at 1.  returned after going to house.  Bacteriology culture in milk and buillions.  Went down street and got proof of picture.  After supper walked down street aways.  met boys with letter so came back.  Worked on thesis till eleven o’clock and then turned in.  very tired.  feeling rocky.

Tuesday 6:  Up to breakfast at 8:30 and to Lincoln Hall for a time of study on steam before the lecture on same subject at 10.  At eleven worried through an hour of equations and probabilities.  Hurried to house and wrote letter home sending proofs along.  went back to cement lab broke about 25 briquettes and then started report, sketching the machine.  Went to supper at 5:45 and then shaved and dressed up and went up to Sage to the musical union.  paid dues, signed the constitution etc.  Down street with Laundry.  study.

Wednesday 7:  Dash of rain last night, much cooler today with wind and very clear air.  Computed an arches table from 8:15 to 10.  Then Fuertes lecture at 10 and  more geodesy at 11.  Read an hour on seminary work.  To house after dinner, hurried up to Bacteriology and made a permanent cover glass plate of my bacteria.  went to gym at four playing hand ball and bowling.  Down to PO in evening.  called on Ayers and Kehler and come home at 8:30.  read steam and then figured in thesis.  to bed at eleven.

Thursday 8:  Quite cold.  fog at first, the clouds and clear alternated all day, but evening clear.  Did not wake up till 8 o’clock then hurried up the hill and studied over steam.  had the last lecture in same and also geodesy and discussion on the exams.  Early dinner returning to senior class meeting.  warm time over memorial finally decided on Prize Debate as 94’s Mem.  Read two hours seminary.  Down to house ordered two dozen photos.  Read Cosmopolitan till supper time.  Gazette in eve.   built fire.  Wrote to Chas sent “Charity Concert” to Cornellian.

Friday 9:  Up to work at 8:15 on computations of arch angles.  At 10 the usual lecture in Sanitation and at 11 no prelim in Geodesy but some more text.  Early dinner then used Thatcher machine with Coe.  At 2:30 went up to Civil Eng Soc meeting but skipped out at 3:30 for house.  changed clothes and went to Pragers hall for an hour or more practice.  After supper went down again and come out at 8 and after going to room went to Prof Jacobys house to reception of Bible Class and had a very enjoyable time.  some eight coeds present -  acted as escort to Sage.  returned home and to bed at 12:15. a clear night after dreary day.

Saturday 10:  Up to breakfast at 8:30 and then to Lincoln Hall and was in the bacteriological lab all forenoon cooking serum for germ cultivation.  Dinner at 12:30 then back to lab for work.  finished up the tubes and then stayed till four practicing on the microscope but did not make a good plate for keeps.  Went to Gym and played handball awhile then went to supper.  Spent evening working on my thesis and did not go down street.  Had a short call from Noah.  Turned in at 10:30.  Beautiful day.

Sunday 11:  Up to breakfast at nine then to bible class at 9:30.  Returned to house and wrote letter and read till dinner at 12:30 and again after in room with letter writing and reading till 3:30 when I went to Barnes Hall to CUCA to hear report of delegates to Detroit convention of Student Volunteers.  Had supper at 6 and then came to room finished letters and filled rest of statistic blank and played autoharp.  Went to bed at 9:30.  A windy cloudy day till about 4 then clearing off so evening was very clear.

Monday 12:  Up to Hall at 8:15 worked on the arithmometre on arch angles till 10 then lecture on sanitation.  at 11 had some more Geodesy.  To dinner at 12:30 returned to hill and worked on report of arch to hand in, but did not finish till after the bacteriological laboratory which took till after 3 PM.  At 4:30 came to room and studied on Moters.  After supper went down street for walk and to PO & brought mail.  had a letter from Mother with $10 enclosed.  Studied on moters till 10:45 then turned in.  Moonlight eve.

Tuesday 13:  Breakfast at 8:15 study in Moters in Lincoln till 10 then had first exam in it in which I done very well.  at eleven we were given some more geodesy.  Went to gym and played hand ball for an hour.  getting late dinner returning to cement lab at 2 tested for time of setting then wrote up report on same.  Talked about getting engine indicator.
Left for supper at 5:15 storm coming in and strong south wind blew awful dust storm on campus.  but rain soon came.  Up to Musical Union at 7:15 and then later tried to study bud did little at it.  turned in at 10:30.

Wednesday 14:  Worked on twist rules of arches from 8:30 to 10 in shop of Lincoln.   Sanitary talk and stories at 10.  Geodesy at 11 and at 12 was in Lab till dinner time.  After dinner went to house to get letter and wrote one home.  Then went back to bacteriology lab and made one cover glass slip complete.  Went down street with Coe at 4 to gallery but no pictures and then took a walk but soon came to house and read motors till supper time.  In eve had talk with Mrs. B and did not get to any study till 8:45 quit at 10:30.  clear & cold

Thursday 15:  Studied moters in Lincoln from 8:45 to 10 then went in to last exam in subject but did not do very well in it.  After that had last lecture in Geodesy.  Read about ¾ of an hour.  made a Gelatine stick culture & then went to dinner.  After dinner went down to Dr. Bessemer for medicines.  Came back and studied till supper.  In eve sewed buttons on coat, read sanitary lectures and studied for first final in Geodesy.  Quit at 10 and got to bed at 10:30.  Several inches of snow during day.

Friday 16:  Snow melted off during morning.  finished arch twist rules before ten o’clock then went up to the last sanitary lecture of term.  At eleven had first final in Geodesy did but fairly well.  Went to Gym and played at hand ball till one o’clock.  After dinner went up to the CE building and cut arch stone from plaster paris & handed it in.  then bound computation report & put in.  Down to Pragers in evening.  had a big crowd.  Very warm.  Back to room read Gazette and turned in at 11:15.

Saturday 17:  A beautiful day.  Went up to Lincoln to read but got at the Geodesy Lab report.  worked at that till one o’clock.  finished it and handed it in.  After dinner was in Coes room awhile then he came down to mine and we studied on steam and Geodesy awhile then went down street for a walk to see the type writers about Thesis.  Supper at six.  Study on Geodesy, Sanitation and arches in evening till about eleven then quit and went to bed.

Sunday 18:  A beautiful clear spring day south wind blowing.  After 9 o’clock breakfast came to the house and read Buffalo Express till 10:45 then went down to the Baptist Church.  nine baptized.  Dinner at 12:30 then came to house and wrote to Mother and to Will and packed laundry and then took a walk up the six mile creek valley visited the new pump plant of Ithaca water works.  After supper finished letter and took to the Post Office after which I played autoharp awhile and went to bed at 8:30.

Monday 19:  Did not wake up till 7:45  though alarm went off at 6:30.  Hurried down street with laundry and got to breakfast at 8:30.  carried dinner on hill for first time this year.  Studied Geodesy awhile took a walk and at 10 had an easy exam in Sanitation & at eleven had a terror in Geodesy.  did not ouch it.  After dinner  in No 10 went to work in Bact lab and finished report and cleaned up.  After a visit to Sibley went to Gym played at hand ball called on Noah.  Down street in eve.  studied Geodesy with Noah.  read steam.  in at 11.  letter from Mother.

Tuesday 20:  On hill at 8:30 study on Steam and Geodesy.  at ten did fairly well at Steam and got about 30 in Geodesy at 11.  Went to house.  broke spectacles & went down to have repaired.  Dinner at 1:15 went up to cement lab and sifted cement in test for fineness.  wrote up report and handed in.  Down to room.  study arches.  took a walk and then after supper went down street to PO.  In eve went to Noahs room thence to Rossers where six of us ground on arches for tomorrows exam.

Wednesday 21:  Up at 7:15 early and was at the CE Building at 8.  earliest this term.  Two hours exam in oblique arches.  easy and hit it very well.  At ten had second exam in Sanitary engineering quit at 11. then we (the senior class) went into the metric lab to hear explanation of the pendulums used in determination of gravity.  Hand ball for an hour at the Gym.  After dinner stayed in room studied on steam.  Down street in eve.  got a letter from Will.  Sent postal to Chas.  Back to house and studied on Geodesy rot for tomorrow but did little.

Thursday 22:  On hill at 8:30 study on geodesy and at ten had exam (the last) in Steam numerical example.  hit it OK.  At eleven had another exam in Geodesy.  no good.  several fellows handed back their blank papers.  House before dinner, but in PM went down street to buy a hat.  raining hard.  Went up to Lincoln and signed for the Crosby Indicator.  Came down and read over the Geodesy.  After tea went down to PO with Noah and got letter from Chas.  Coe came over and we worked on Geodesy awhile then sung.  After that I read Gazette and turned in at 11 PM.

Friday 23:  Ithaca to Athens -  Up to Lincoln Hall at 8:30 study awhile then had the last Geodesy exam at nine.  did very little on it.  At ten we had last exam in Sanitary and after that I got my planimeter and got early dinner at 11:15  Took street car with Cummings and Gregory at 11:45 and got to Athens via LV at 2:30.  Hustled over to pump station and got fixed at four taking cards.  took 30 ____ double.  Supper at 6:30 then talked awhile.  to bed at 11:30 after short walk up street.  cold north wind.

Saturday 24:  Up at 6:30 out to milk and do barn chores.  run errands up to store sold vinegar etc.  At ten went up with the fellows to the train & Burt Flory came down and we all went through the Bridge shops together.  After dinner hitched up to Rishels wagon and drove to mill and then finished up engine test with crude & refined both running.  Back at four and worked out some results.  After tea went up to the hall and lit up.  Called on some of the boys and got in at ten o’clock.  Cold with strong south wind changed to north.

Sunday 25:  Up at 7 and milked cow.  tended to chores and after breakfast rubbed mud from wagon and dressed and started at 10 with Cummings and Gregory to Waverly to Baptist Church there and drove back by way of Elmira road.  after dinner sat around some time and then Gregory, Will, Chas & I walk up in Round Top and was caught in snow storm.  got back in time to do chores again and then after lunch went to Presbyterian Church with the fellows.  Read till 10:15 then went to bed.  cold north wind howling blizzard etc.

Monday 26:  Up and attend to chores as usual then after breakfast packed the indicator and shipped to Rosser and went to depot to go to Sayre by train but finally walked up and visited the pumping station and car shops latter with Flory.  Came back to Athens on train at 12.  Worked in Hall in PM made short call on Millie S. after supper & brought her to Hall in back.  Tried my first dance in the German from 8 till 2 AM.  Home at 3 AM after a very nice time.  a big crowd about 50 in all were present.  a success through out.

Tuesday 27:  Athens to Wilkesbarre – Up at 6:15 after three hours sleep.  had a hurried breakfast and took train with Will for Wilks-Barre at 6:34 and arrived there at 10.  Went to Wills room then took car to the Gun Factory and looked through it.  Dinner at twelve then went up street and looked around got posted and at 2 took a car to Parsons and got temperatures of tanks for thesis.  Went to Parsons house and made a call.  returned for supper.  In eve visited YMCA etc.  had oysters in half shell.  Turned in at 10:30.  a cold blustery day.

Wednesday 28:  Wilkes-Barre to Athens – Up at 7 and after breakfast went up street and took street car to Kingston and on the way ran Dr. Leonard.  Called on Dave Rosser and went through the Wyoming Seminary.  Met Place ’94 and other Cornell men.  Back to boarding house awhile before dinner.  After dinner took car with Will to the Lehigh depot.  Will left for his gun trip at 12:45 and I for Athens at 1:35 and arrived at home all OK  at 4:15.  Milked after supper and went up street into YMCA read, and played piano.  Home and to bed at 10:30 after a talk.

Thursday 29:  Up at 7 and milked – up street and helped Charl clean up the crash and assembly Hall.  Up street a while then came to the house.  After dinner worked on thesis computations till 2:30.  walked up street to see about house repairs and got honey case came back and packed the crate of honey for Kinner.  Milked after supper and then went up street on errand and had a talk with J.L. Corbin.  Returned to house at 8:30 worked on thesis and read till 10:30 when I turned in for the night.

Friday 30:  Up street early and got out bottles for Goffs man and learned that  Walker  wanted me so I walked up to Keystone caught a ride to DL&W and found Nat and went to work on survey of Athens, Sayre and S. Waverly RR.  Had dinner in Waverly.  worked all day and got to Keystone ave.  walked home.  In eve I dressed up and went to Sayre on train.  called on Anna Angier and walked home at ten.  Brilliant display of Aurora Borealis.  Had a lunch.  talked awhile and went to bed at 11:30.

Saturday 31:  Up at 6:30 milked and hurried breakfast and started on survey again with Nat on the proposed DL&W switch.  commenced online back of Pauls grove and during day run down by the hospital trying the different curves etc. so was slow work.  At noon we examined  so engineers instruments in one house.  Finished at 5:45 near Murrays line.  Walked home very tired.  Milked the cow and then had a number of errands to attend to.  taking most of the evening.  but got home at 9:30 and after a long talk got to bed at 10:45.

     April 1894

Sunday 1:  Up at 8 and attended to work at the barn.  after breakfast read awhile and took a bath in big tub.  dressed for the day and read most of the rest of the day.  Tended to the barn work again in eve.  and after supper had a call from Irv & Cordie so I visited with them till church time.  then went to the Presbyterian church.  hear Rev. Sawtelle.  Walked home with and made short call on Emma home at 9:15  tearing our KM at the gate.  Went to bed at 10.  Much colder in eve north wind.

Monday 2:  Up and done chores and started work at 7 but stopped at Post Office and wrote a letter to Registrar for permit to register late as Friday or Sat.  worked with Nat In RR location and it was very cold work wind blew very hard.  Had our dinner in Snells hot house & run line down to UB Co.s land by six.  Home to supper and had to attend to milking and went up to JLC’s office and done some errands.  Home at 8 read and visited till 10:30.  Had a letter from Coe.  reporting marks.

Tuesday 3:  Commenced work on survey at 7 and finished line by noon ending on Main St.  After dinner took cars to Waverly with Walker and Coleman and started in levels of the line and got down to the Packer pond.  walked home to supper quite tired out.  Registration day but I did not go up to register.  will finish the survey work.  In eve wrote several postals then went up street on errands and returned and went to bed at 10.  clouding up for storm.

Wednesday 4:  Up early  and took 6:55 train for Sayre with Nat and Tom and commenced line at Packer.  run levels to Athens and checked Lehigh bench mark.  Finished at 11:30 and had dinner at home.   After dinner Tom & I went over to the pump station and gave grade for a new tank.  took elevations on other tanks and came home.  Up street in eve after the first thunder storm of the season was over.  cleared off beautifully in eve.  to bed at 10 PM.

Thursday 5:  Up later than usual and worked in the garden most of the morning.  raked out among beehives and started a hot bed.  sowing lettuce and radishes.  Up street several times.  Rain about noon so had to buy a pair of rubbers and started over to Walkers to plot map but met Nat on the bridge so took his note book and made a copy of survey notes and at the same time melted up old wax scrap into a chunk of 3 ¾ in.  Packed wax in box to ship by freight.  Packed grips and took to depot.  to bed at 11:30.

Friday 6:  Athens to Ithaca – Up early and after a quick breakfast went to depot and took train at 6:50 for Ithaca.  arrived at 8:30 unpacked and went on to hill but could not register but first had to see the Dean of faculty.  waited for him till 1 o’clock when by his permission I registered.  Down street after dinner for pictures.  worked on thesis.  after supper down street to Pragers Hall.  Recd letter from home with check for $50.  Home at 10 and to bed.  Snow squalls all day, clear eve.

Saturday 7:  Up to breakfast at 8 went on the hill read seminary and paid tuition, Lab fee and Gym locker rent.  Went to Gym and played hand ball for an hour or more.  had a bath and swim and went to dinner.  Spent most all the afternoon writing on my thesis.  In evening went down street with Noah to PO and spent some time in the reading room.  Came back to room and worked on thesis again for about an hour.  Turned in at 11:30.  snow storm all day long. cold and wet.

Sunday 8:  Up to breakfast at 9 and bible class at 9:30 went to Chapel at 11 and hear Bishop _________ of Buffalo (Methodist).  Out in time for dinner.  In afternoon wrote letters to Mother and Miss Loveland and in evening via PO with RW_ to Presbyterian church to hear Booker Washington talk on his colored school at Tuskegee, Ala.  quite a talker. – Up the hill and made quite a call in Quicks room then came home in a hard snow storm.

Monday 9:  First eight o’clock of term but did not get at work until after nine o’clock then till twelve hunted through note book for reference data.  At 12 had lecture in hydraulic engineering.  Down street after dinner got some more pictures, calendar, envelopes etc.  then returned and worked on thesis till supper time.  In eve went to PO and got a letter from home.  bot a thesis tablet and saw Dr. Bessemer.  Returned up hill and went with Coe and  Reid to Barnes Hall to hear Washington on Negro Problem.  Beautiful day and eve.

Tuesday 10:  Up at 7:30 and started on Cartography map of last years lake work.  put on a stretch but did not get started on that.  Lecture at twelve in Hydraulic Eng.  Dinner at one.  Went to house for heavy coat as snow was coming on.  Put last Cement lab afternoon in making sand briquettes.  Worked awhile in Cartography.  In eve went to Sage to the Musical Union Sing.  Came back and worked till ten on thesis.  Snowed hard most of afternoon and eve.

Wednesday 11:  Whoop La just think of it. 18 inches of snow.  a foot deep at 8 AM – 18 inches at 5.  and still snowing.  Reports of heavy snow fall over the country.  Loafed from 8 to 12 in Geodesy Computations.  Lecture by Mogue at twelve.  After dinner worked on thesis till supper time.  wrote letter home and to Sanborne and Lewis.  In eve played Autoharp and then went to PO and to Clinton House to see Mr. Kellogg about work on RR.  Thesis work till 10. in at 10:30

Thursday 12:  Up and at work on Cartography at 8:30 and worked on that till 12 then had another lecture in Hydraulic Engineering.  Worked on thesis computations till 3 then went up to Coe’s room.  talked with Durand about type written thesis.  Went up to Gym and exercised, bowled and played at hand ball till 5:30.  After supper worked on thesis coefficients until 10:30 then put up and went to bed.  A snowy, wet sloppy day.  snow going fast making deep mud.

Friday 13:  A beautiful day and warm.  snow going off very fast.  Went to Lincoln Hall and after selecting from index names of publications on railroad construction read from 9 to 12:30 on railroad seminary.  Going down to dinner saw Arch Maurice and made appointment for after noon and at time went with him about the campus, into buildings etc.  and down to room.  Read the Gazette after Arch left and after supper went to Pragers Hall.  returned at 9.  thesis till 10:30.

Saturday 14:  Another most beautiful day.  Up at 7:45 and read two and ½ hours on railroad seminary, then went to Gym for a while and took a bath.  After dinner stopped in Coe’s room awhile then came to the house and read and worked on thesis till about five o’clock then took a walk down street coming back in time for supper.  Down street to PO and reading room after tea.  returned to thesis work again.  Quit at ten and got to bed at 11.

Sunday 15:  Up at 8:30 and to bible class at 9:30 and Chapel at 11 where I heard Rev. Alexander of New York. (Presbyterian)  He was great!  To dinner after chapel and then to room to write letters.  took long walk down street coming back at 4 read and rested till supper time.  In eve mailed letter home and went to Baptist Church hearing sermon by Jones.  Home at 9 and turned in.  A very beautiful warm shiny day.

Monday 16:  Up to hill at 8:15 and figured with Coe on the geodetic work till 12 then went to lecture by Mogue on Hydraulic Engineering.  Dinner at 1:45 then work on thesis till supper time.  In eve went down to PO receiving letter from Mother and bid from Chas for reception on Friday eve.  Went with Noah to reading room for an hour then he came to my room for a visit.  a picture and talk thesis.  a fine day. cloudy in eve. in at 11.

Tuesday 17:  A very beautiful clear, warm day.  up at 8:30 to Cartography work and kept at that till 12 when I had the usual Hydraulics lecture under from Fuertes.  At twelve we went  to senior class meeting in Chemical lecture room where considerable wrangling took place over class tax, pipe, etc.  meeting was so long I had to take dinner in a restaurant and hurry back to Hydraulic laboratory.  Worked with Bryson on Pelton wheel.  Gym for bath.  Musical union then call on Roberts.  Home at 10.

Wednesday 18:  Up to work on computations at 8:15 and kept at it till 12.  Hydraulics lecture as usual.  After dinner went to room and after reading some worked till supper time on my thesis.  In eve down to PO and awhile in reading room and at thesis again till 10.  Day clear but some what cloudy toward eve.  windy and smoky.  Wrote postal to Chas.  Turned in at 10:30.  Traded pictures with some boys.

Thursday 19:  Up at 8 and at Cartography at 8:45.  work on same till 12 then heard Mogue’s lecture.  Dinner at 1:15.  stopped at Coe’s.  down street with him run at Fire Alarm N.G.  got pictures.  returned and went on hill to CE building had a thesis talk with  Mr. Comstock.  Read and took some notes on seminary matter in railroading.  Went to the Gym for a bath and after supper went to the Lyceum Opera House  to hear “Eli Perkins” lecture on the philosophy of wit and was somewhat disappointed.  Returned & packed up for home.  To bed at 11.  Local showers.

Friday 20:  Ithaca to Athens – Up at 7 for earlier breakfast then usual.  took street car with Coe at 8 for LVRR and started for Athens at 8:20.  train lost time on run to Sayre but we had an enjoyable visit with Eli Perkins.  After reaching home we went through shops of U. B. Co. etc.  In eve I lit up the hall and we had a party of about16 couple and had a great time till about 1 o’clock.  It rained hard most of the evening thundered at times.  About supper time we had a terrible thunder storm.  Home and to bed at 2 AM.

Saturday 21:  Up at 6:30 to milk and do the chores.  up street on errands and spent morning up street.  secured a Hawkeye camera loaded with plates and after dinner went down to pump station and made four exposures on it.  but had a blamed hard time with the thing.  came up along the hill and met J. Coe and Chas Park with Lois Stulen and Mary Canfield and we went up on Round Top& had a jolly time returned for supper having tried several snapshots.  Up to Ida’s calling in the evening then to Louise’s.  Home at 10:30.

Sunday 22:  Up at 8.  found it threatening soon it rained and kept at it all day, and so we did not drive to Waverly but Coe, Chas & I went to the Episcopal Church.  In afternoon started at 3:30 for a call at Ida’s.  had a very pleasant time.  returning at 6:00 for lunch then sat in the twilight in sitting room till near 9:30 then packed satchel for Ithaca and went to bed.  Day was wet  and miserable did not stir out in evening.

Monday 23:  Athens to Ithaca – Up at 6:15 had early breakfast and took train at 6:50 with Coe for Ithaca.  arriving at 8:30 missed first street car but got up to room, unpacked and then went to Lincoln 10 to work on computations at 9.  Lecture in Hydraulic Engineering at 12:00.  After dinner went back and worked with Bryson on lab computations till 5.  Then went to Gym for a bath.  After tea went down street with Coe and Reid for a walk to PO.  no mail.  Home and at thesis till 9:30.  turned in at 10.  Rain most all day.

Tuesday 24:  Up to Lincoln at 8:30 at work on Cartography till 12.  then had the usual lecture in Hydraulic Engineering.  After dinner I returned to the hill and read two hours on seminary in Rail Roading.  Came down at 4:45 and had haircut and shave.  stopped in Coe’s room till supper time.  After supper I went with O.P.C. to Sage to the Musical Union.  home and worked on thesis till eleven o’clock.  then turned in.  Day was cold, dark and threatening rain.    north wind.

Wednesday 25:  Up at 7:30 Computations till twelve then lecture and talk by Mogue.  After dinner I worked on thesis till 3 then went down  street and  returned for some more work before supper.  After tea wrote awhile before going down to PO for a walk.  Returning I worked on thesis till 10:30 then turned in.  Have about 6000 words out besides tables and some computations.  A beautiful clear day warm, but cool in evening.

Thursday 26:    Up at 7:45 and got to work on Cartography at 8:30 and quit at 12 to attend the lecture in Hydraulic Engineering.  After dinner I went with Coe, Reid and Moore after arbutus.  We walked up six mile creek to the hill beyond Brookton.  got there after 2 ½ hours walk found a few flowers and came in on  E. C. & N. train at 6 PM.  After supper fixed up a little and at 8 went with Coe & Reid to Lyceum to see the play “Gondoliers” by the choral chief.  out between acts.  Home at 11:30 and to bed at 12.  A nice day and cool clear eve.

Friday 27:  Up at 6 then slept til 8:30.  Mrs. Becker got me a nice breakfast and then I sat down and read the Journal and Gazette and at 10 went down street with Coe and on return sat down and talked thesis.  After dinner I went up to Lincoln read an hour then attended the lecture by Prof Mendenhall of coast survey.  He was entirely bald headed and was a bright fast talker on subject the form and size of earth.  twas great.  Read another hour.  talked with Crandall.  Watched dress parade.  Down to PO in eve found letters.  In at 11.

Saturday 28:  Up at 7:30 found it cloudy but went up on the hill without my umbrella.  Worked on tracing of engine indicator diagrams till 1 then went to dinner in the hard rain.  After going to the house for an umbrella I returned to the hill and worked on tracing till 5 then to Gym for bath.  Down street in evening to PO. No mail.  Returned at 7:30 to thesis work and ground on that till eleven then to bed.  Read Encyclopedia Americana on pipe lines in morning took notes  and incorporated in thesis.

Sunday 29:  Another very bright clear day.  Up at 8:30 and breakfast at 9 and a t 9:30 had bible class under Prof Jacoby in Barnes Hall.  At eleven went to Chapel and heard Rev Russel H Cornwell Baptist. Philadelphia who preached a wonderful sermon on the simplicity of Christs life and of the belief on him.  Immense crowd.  Wrote letter to Miss Loveland in afternoon. and in eve to Mother.  Down to mail letters and called on Mrs. Roat, my freshman land lady.   Home at 9:30 and to bed at 10.

Monday 30:  A beautiful day warm and bright.  Up at 7:15 worked computations till 12 then had no lecture as Mogue had  a caller.  Early dinner then worked on thesis and ground all afternoon except for a time while down street.  Down to PO in eve recd letter from Mother.  Noah came over and we ground on my work till after ten.   with still lots of trouble.  I worked till 11:30 and found mistake but got a fine result at last.  turned in satisfied.  Less than a week to finish in.

     May 1894

Tuesday 1:  Up at eight and to work on Cartography.  got started on inking the roads.  Lecture at twelve in Hydraulics.  had a copy of notes this time.  Returned from dinner and worked in the Hydraulics Lab with Bryson till 3:30 then went to Gym for bath.  and then worked on thesis till supper time.  Went up to Musical Union at 7 and had a nice sing.  Went over to Baptist Circle small crowd.  slow time but had to stay it out and  got caught in rain.  home at 11 and to bed.

Wednesday 2:  Nice day very warm at noon.  cool off in eve.  Up to geodetic computations at 8:15 and ground at em till 12 then had Hydraulic Engineering Lecture.  After dinner worked on thesis till 4 then went down street, returning to thesis till supper time.  Did not go down street but ground at thesis till 10.  then took a short stroll out doors, coming in at 10:30 and got to bed at 11.

Thursday 3:  Up at 7:30 and at Cartography early working till 12 then had the usual lecture in hydraulic engineering.  After dinner worked on thesis computations all afternoon.  After supper went down to PO for walk.  received Gazette.  Returned to room short time then went to Coe’s room and look over new type written thesis.  Returned to room at 9 and worked on my thesis till 12 then turned in.

Friday 4:  Up at 8.  very cloudy and hazy.  started out with umbrella to breakfast and Lincoln Hall.  Worked on Hydraulics Lab report with Bryson for 2 ¼ hours.  and till noon on  engine tracing.  Raining hard now.  Went to house and came back to hear lecture by Freeman on slow burning structures illustrated.  Finished tracing before supper.  Down to PO in eve.  nice long letter from Mother.  walked over on Univ Ave to Durand’s with part of thesis manuscript.   home and in at 9:45.

Saturday 5:  Up at 8 and went up to Lincoln Hall for a little while and then went to Gym for a bath and then to room fixed up a bit and went down to barber shop for a hair combed and then to Hoover Gallery and sat for picture.  returned to room and worked till dinner time.  At 2:30 I went to Percy field to see a baseball game.  Cornell vs U. of  P.  big crowd.  hard game. final score was 13 to 10 for Cornell.  U. of  P. got 8 in one inning.  big jubilee march after a minstrel band.  sashay down Aurora and State St..  late supper.  work thesis in eve.  rained hard at 7:30.

Sunday 6:  Breakfast at 9.  Bible class at 9:30.  Chapel at 11.  Heard Radcliff.  Pres. of Detroit.  a very scholarly address.  too deep for most.  Dinner at 12:30.  After dinner wrote a long letter home and read Gazette during a very hard thunder storm.  After it cleared off I walked down State St. into the city and back.  Supper at 5:30 and then walked about the campus with Noah C. and Lamphear back to house & then went to Baptist Church.  Home  via PO and in at 9:30.  A very clear evening.

Monday 7:  Up at 7 and worked in computations form 8:30 till 12 then had the usual hydraulic engineering lecture.  After dinner I worked on thesis except for awhile down street.  Down street in evening again returning to work on thesis till about 12:30 AM.  Worked very hard considering it was my birthday.  twenty four years have passed over my head.  A very nice day with high wind.

Tuesday 8:  Up at seven working on tables till about 8 then to breakfast.  Finished up tables on hill before going into Cartography.  tracing contours this time.  Lecture on water works at twelve.  Back on hill for awhile after dinner.  then went to gym and played hand ball till four.  Proof read 42 pages of thesis before supper.  In eve up to Musical Union then over to Durands on thesis errand.  In at 10:45

Wednesday 9:  Up to geodetic computations at 8:20 worked till 12 then had the lecture on water works.  After dinner I had to sort over correct and insert tables into my thesis typewritten pages.  finished and delivered to my binder at 4 PM.  then read in reading room.  after tea (strawberry shortcake) went down to PO with postal to Mother then went on to campus to open air concert by the Cadet Band.  enjoyed it.  singing on way home, fine eve.  To bed at 9:30.

Thursday 10:  Cartography from 8:30 to 12 and then lecture till 1.  After dinner I went down to binders and got my thesis and proof read it and corrected and took it up to Lincoln Hall and gave to Mogue.  After drawing awhile I went to the Gym then down street for a pair of slippers.  After supper, shave, dress up and to Coe’s room and at 8:30 was at Lincoln Hall to reception tendered the CE Seniors by Prof Fuertes and wife.  Fine music, swell crowd and a dozen dances with refreshments.  Home at 1:30 AM.

Friday 11:  Ithaca to Athens – Up at 7 and street car to LV Depot (back for Mrs. Decker’s glasses.)  Arrived at home at 10.  After dinner drove up to the Willow Street house for tubs etc.  Later again with Mother and also to Aunt Jule’s house.  after coming home I scattered manure  on garden and looked after ploughing.  Mowed grass around yard and hives.  Up to Opera House to the Aeolian Concert in eve.   had fine time. good crowd.  Home at 10:30 and to bed  at eleven.  Rain in AM to fair evening..

Saturday 12:  Up at 6:30 and after early breakfast went to work on the fence from barn to Harris lot.  finished before noon after several interruptions having to go to store.  sold plow point. bedsteads etc.  Worked in garden, barn etc. most of the afternoon.  up street on errands.  Sprayed cherry trees with paris green and lime water.  After supper I washed old Dollie and then fixed up, shaved etc. and went up to Ida’s for a call.  small party present and had a jolly time.  home at 11 and to bed.

Sunday 13:  Athens to Ithaca – Up at 6:30 and milked the cow and attended to barn chores.  After prayers and breakfast I went up to open hall, mail letter at PO and then dressed for church.  mother and I went to Waverly stopping at the cemetery on our way up.  Excellent sermon by Mr. Wheeler.  Very dust drive back.  After dinner  sat under trees and visited with mother.  Packed up and took LV train at 4:06.  arrived in Ithaca at 6:00.  After supper went to Baptist Church.  to bed at 9:45.

Monday 14:  Up at 8 and at computations at 8:30 working till twelve.  Lecture on water works etc. till 1.  After dinner I came back to the hill read three hours on seminary work.  Came down at 5 and went to Howes for pictures but got none.  After supper had a talk with Mrs Becker and then at 7:45 went up to Barnes Hall to hear musical union sing two selections (I had such a cold and hoarseness I did not sing) and Waldo Pratt lecture on music.  In at 10.

Tuesday 15:  Fine day but quite cool.  At work on Cartography at 8:30 and worked till 12 getting pretty well along.  Title of map next.  At twelve the usual lecture.  After dinner went  to the house but soon returned to hill and worked off my incomplete in Geodesy Laboratory.  also worked about an hour on cartography.  at six went to supper and then sat down and played autoharp.  Did not go down street.  Wrote letter to Gurley and to Eddy & Co.  also to Reading Iron Company.  turned in at 10:30.

Wednesday 16:  A nice day clouded in PM very dusty.  Computations in morning finished Keuka Lake angles and commenced copying into book.  Cut Mogues lecture at 12 after waiting some time.  but he gave it to about ten fellows.  Back after early dinner and started title on map and read two hours in Library on seminary time.  To Gym and played hand ball awhile.  Down to reading room and to PO in eve.  back and looked up subjects in index.  in at 9.

Thursday 17:  Raining when I started out but it soon stopped and cleared up some.  Cartography and Lab work while plate was drying.  Lecture at twelve on water works.  Exam set for next Thursday 3 PM.  After dinner went down street and got ten photos at Howe’s – don’t like them-.  Ret to house.  read Sun and went to hill and worked up last Lab report (hydraulic) & put half hour on Cartography.  Down to PO in eve recd Gazette. and letters from Mother and Miss L.  Up to band concert on campus in eve. back at 8:30 to read.  Thunder.

Friday 18:  Went up on hill at 8 and worked on Cartography finishing plate in the forenoon and after dinner went back and read two hours on seminary  reading and went to meeting of Civil Engineering Assoc. election of officers for next year. Terrible thunder and lightning storm with hail about 2:30.  Left Lincoln Hall at 5:30 and after supper stayed in room till about 7:45 then went down street mailing postal to Mother.  Very warm.  came back and read ten pages of lecture notes.  in at 9:30.

 Saturday 19:  Up at the seminary reading at 9 and got in two hours also worked a while on Towles Map.  At twelve I went to the Gym and played hand ball till one.  After dinner I went down street and got some pictures and came to room.  shaved and went on hill again.  reading an hour making ten hours this week.  Read in Barnes Hall awhile before supper.  Stayed in room in eve.  played autoharp and read notes.  Hard rain most all day.  Cornell & U. of  P. games postponed.

Sunday 20:  Breakfast at nine and then went to Quicks room and visited with him till 10:30 and went to Chapel but found it more than full so I went to Barnes Hall and read an hour.  At 11:30 went home and wrote till noon.  After dinner went to room and wrote letters to Miss Loveland and Mother and card about foundation.  In eve went to Baptist church with Cummings and Lamphear.  Rained at times during day.  wind S.

Monday 21:  Got to work at computations at 8:30 finished vertical angles (Keuka Lake) that we had worked on during the term and commenced on Quads of Skaneatelas at 12.  Mogue announced that he could not be with us for the rest of the term for lectures.  of course we were very sorry (?) Went to room after dinner but came on to hill and reported seminary to Prof Spaulding.  Helped Place letter his map till 4.  Came home and dressed and had supper with Mrs Becker by invitation with the boys.  down street, study with Coe on lectures.

Tuesday 22: Still it is dark and rainy reports of high water and breaking dams are plenty.  Went on to the hill and completed my map, cut it out and handed in and then read two hours on seminary.  After dinner I went back on hill and worked on the boys maps that were behind.  At four I went to Chemical lecture room to hear Dr. Wilders lecture to seniors – two hours long.  Up to Musical Union after tea and had a good sing.  In at 9 again.

Wednesday 23:  Found sun shining when I woke up and went up to the computations for last session.  At twelve Juniors and Seniors met to hear instructions from Fuertes.  To dinner at 12:45.  By this time twas clouded over & raining.  Worked all afternoon numbering and packing lake survey instruments, etc.  quit at 5 and watched the inspection drill till the chimes rang.  After tea went down to PO and then read over Hydraulic Notes with Coe.  turned in at 10.  raining.

Thursday 24:  Another rainy day.  Did not go up on hill but packed satchel with things for the lake trip and left with Coe for the trunk.  Down street for Photos and then read over notes in Hydraulics.  Went to Gym for a bath.  Went on to the hill and put in seminary report and at 3 had exam in Hydraulic Eng.  This is my finishing exam of my course.  in eve sorted over things in my room and went to Journal Hall to Senior Banquet.  home at 3 AM after fine time, quiet affair.

Friday 25:  Ithaca to Athens – Up at 7 to early breakfast and took street car to LV Depot and got home at 10 Coe with me.  Worked in the shop on bee boxes till noon.  After dinner up street and had hair cut.  Home and slept from 3:30 to6.  Dressed and went over to Stulens at 8 Herdic to Assembly Hall.  Cold and rainy but not raining in evening.  The German was a fine affair and great success.  Ended at 2 AM and us boys were home later of course.

Saturday 26:  Clouds and rain early but by 9  it cleared and the afternoon was very clear and bright after 8 days of rain.  Up at 7:30 and went to work in bee boxes.  Coe, Chas & I.  and  worked till noon.  In PM I was at it alone and put boxes on 24 hives.  then raked grass, howed in garden, propped posts, etc.  In eve up to Ida’s.  a large crowd there.  Home at 11 after errands and talk with Jos Hines on business matters.

Sunday 27:  Up at 8.  A bright morning.  went up street with Coe for a walk to the site of Spruce  Street sewer.  Did not go to church with the boys and girls but drove with mother to the cemetery.  After dinner I shaved and Coe, Chas & I went up to Ida’s & at 3 we went on to Waverly and Maurices and then 16 of us went on to round top. I went up with Miss Ainsworth.  We had to hurry back as a thunder storm was coming on.  Got to Ida’s just in time.  In house all evening and packed up for Owasco.

Monday 28:  Up at 6 found it raining.  Had early breakfast and started for train.  Got in to Ithaca – after changing at Sayre – in pouring rain.  After a few minutes wait, the Cornell Engineers started a Survey of Owasco Lake.  Laid over at Auburn about half hour.  then got in Ensenore to Glen House at 12.  After dinner unpacked and started in rain to set signals.  hard job, set two got feet soaking wet and returned to hotel at 7:30.  Hung around in eve and wrote postal.  to bed at 10.
Tuesday 29:  Up at 6:30 and after breakfast started out in steam boat with Towle, Bryson & Mott and after planting two signal stations stayed at Cascade for the rest of the day taking angles to lake stations.  Twas warm & clear till about 2 then clouded.  Steamer after us at 4:30 and we got home in a hard rain.  After supper it had stopped raining and we saw Place & Towle off for Philadelphia.  Rowing on lake.  Worked in office awhile.  to bed 10:30.
Wednesday 30: Up to breakfast at 7 and found it pouring rain so no work could be done so hung around office and hotel all the morning and got some bait and fished from the dock but had no bites.  so after dinner Spencer & I took a boat and went on the lake and rowed into the inlet.  hard north wind made high waves to ride over coming back.  Had a sing after supper did no office work.  read awhile and wrote a long letter to mother and then turned in.  Got pretty wet on the lake.
Thursday 31:  Out at 6:30 found it foggy and sprinkling.  All parties out.  We were the last going to the Moravia station where by lot I became guard over property from 9 till 1 while the rest were out setting signals.  but after dinner I had a hard lug on the box to the signal.  the rain came on before we got our angles read so we must go again.  Home on train about 5:15.  In evening recd letter from H. S. L. and Mother.  Sat in parlor.  played piano and turned in at 10.

     June 1894

Friday 1:  Out at 7 again and raining again, but in showers.  Out this time with Capt Towle in Geodetic level work walked out about 2 miles before commenced work.  then ran up about two miles more and had lunch at Weykoffs station.  ran rod in morning and level instrument in afternoon.  Returned to the starting point just in time to catch the steamboat for Ensenore.  Trolled an hour before supper, but no fish.  No work in eve it was so cloudy.  Walked on track.  rain at times most all day.  Letter from home in eve.

Saturday 2:  Raining but out we went for geodetic levels walking about four miles on LVRR but could do no work as it rained so hard so sat on stoop of farmers house till noon.  had some coffee and eat dinner then walked to Weykoff’s station and obtained permit to ride to Ensenore on freight train.  After getting to the hotel had a bath and dressed and took train at 5 for Auburn found Coe.  took N. Y. Central to Skan Junction and had to walk to Skaneatelas in rain.  Supper, walk to library.  to bed at 11.

Sunday 3:  Awake at 8 clearing up with sun out at times.  breakfast at 9.  Coe and I went to the Baptist Church with Miss Loveland and called on Miss Cobaine on the way home.  Had dinner at 1 with the Misses Mabel Avery & Maud Conover present.  After dinner I walked to the cemetery with Misses Kneeland & Cobaine and later walked home with the other young ladies.  and then made arrangements for getting to Auburn.  In eve to Presbyterian Church with Miss K and then had a nice long visit with the people.  Fair day with hard rain in eve.

Monday 4:  Up at 7:30 and had a fine breakfast.  Visited with the people till about 8:45 when the man who was to drive Coe to Auburn came along.  We bid goodbye and started for Auburn arriving at 10 o’clock.  Took LVRR to Ensenore and changed clothes and started to work but came back to dinner.  After dinner went via steam boat to Cascade walked a mile or two to Gallery signal and worked with Crandall & Bailey on Angles.  caught steamer at 5:45 but did not get to supper till 7:30.  Reported for Astronomy in eve but was cloudy.  Computations till 10:30.

Tuesday 5:  Raining with S. wind and very cloudy all over.  Waited till near ten for the boat to take us to Weykoff.  Started work at 11 but was caught in an awful storm took refuge in a barn and eat lunch.  After noon we ran geodetic levels a mile & a quarter to RRBM and back.  Severe N wind after the rain and cold.  Brilliant rainbow.  Quit at 5:45 and pack up and while waiting for steamer played “Duck on the rock”.  Ensenore for dinner at 8:00.  Computations in eve till 10 then turn in.

Wednesday 6:  Late to breakfast then went out with Goodman’s party measuring base line and worked at that all day varying from one part to another.  Came in for dinner and quit at 6:15.  After supper I went with Clark trolling on the lake for half an hour.  Hung around the office doing little & looked on at the parties observing astronomy.  Wrote a letter to Mother in eve and received one from her.  Sat in  parlor awhile and finally turned in at 10:30.

Thursday 7:  Early breakfast and then started out to Holcomb signal station and worked on signals angles about all day.  Twas very bright and clear till about noon when it clouded over and became smokey and rained a little.  Strong north wind and cold.  Quit and came in at 4:30 and went out on the lake for a while.  After supper rowed across the lake and then worked on Zenith telescope but had hard luck and got no results. Went in at 11:15 setting in the office for awhile.

Friday 8:  The nicest day in a long time, one of the rare June days.  Went out rowing and up the glen for a walk before the boat came to take me across for work on sounding.  From ten to twelve I took time and read angles on the steamboat.  After dinner work on measuring the baseline.  finished about 5:45 and cleaned out the field along the line.  Fished with Towle in the evening and later rowed about the lake singing and had some fun with fellows in the parlor.  Sat around till near twelve when I retired after packing trunk, etc.

Saturday 9:  Ensenore to Ithaca – Breakfast at 7:30 then finished packing and got trunk etc. into the baggage car and at 8:15 went with Bailey after the signal at station Holcomb about 1 ½ miles out.  Train on time and we pulled out for Auburn at 10:15 short wait then on to Ithaca arriving in time for dinner.  Unpacked and got settled after dinner and went down street for class-pipe and invitations.  To Gym for a bath, shaved, and got into light clothes.  Very warm.  Talk with Mrs. B. then down again for a walk.  Read till 11.

Sunday 10:  Did not wake up till  9:15 so missed breakfast but Mrs Becker got on some eggs, coffee etc. then I sat on the back stoop talking and reading till 1 o’clock when I went to dinner.  Came back to house after dinner and wrote five letters.  Twas very hot no air stirring so I stayed at home all day and did not go out in evening but looked over the Cornellian.  Played autoharp in eve.  The sun went down in the smoky, hazy atmosphere like a ball of fire.  turned in at 10.

Monday 11:  Breakfast at 7:30 then took car to depot just in time to meet Mother with Chas and the girls and we went up onto the hill and through conservatory.  Barnes Hall, Library, Museum.  climbed into the tower.  Walked about the Fiske estate into the gorge and tunnel.  dinner at Clinton House.  Took boat Col Horton up the lake and got off at Glenwood for several hours in woods, ice cream etc.  got back to Ithaca at 5:30.  After supper walked around awhile and took car for depot.  so the party went home at 8.  Chas & I returned to house.

Tuesday 12: Up to breakfast at 8 and at 8:30 commenced work on the computations.  Charles having gone down street but came back and I showed him through the CE building.  Worked all the afternoon to make up yesterdays cut and at  5:30 went down to supper.  Chas going to dinner with Coe.  Down street in the evening to the PO but no mail.  left things at the laundry and saw Hills level in his room.  cooler in eve after hot dry with a short shower.  Thunder and lightning in even.  In at 9:30.

Wednesday 13:  After an 8 o’clock breakfast Chas & I walked up cascadilla and fall creek gorges to Forrest House and down via South & Stuart ave.  Chas left via car at 11:30 to take dinner on Kellogg’s yacht while I killed time till noon.  Got to work on computations at 1 and quit at 4:45 went to the Gym for a bath. In eve went up to Sage to practice the tenor part of the anthem to be sung at Baccalaureate service next Sunday.  Wrote HSL.

Thursday 14:  At work on hill at nine on computations finishing the vertical angles and commencing the sounding plot.  After dinner dressed and went down street and set for pictures at Evan’s.  Bot a blue serge coat and saw a runaway & smashup.  Wrote a letter home and to Fred Sherman before supper.  Down street in eve coming up via John Hills to bring his level for examination.  Had a call from Dodge.  Sat in the cool till 9:30 then went to bed.

Friday 15:  Went on to the hill after breakfast and showed a sub-freshman around till about 9 then went to work on computations and quit at twelve.  cleaned out locker and went to dinner.  In PM took a level apart cleaned it and inserted new cross  hairs of spider web and then set it up outside for Mrs. B to look through.  In eve down street to PO found a letter from Mother then waited till after nine for report of Cornell – U of  P race, no returns.  Call from Noah – 11.

Saturday 16: thunder storm when I woke up and it rained very hard till after 8.  then I took Hills level up to  CE building to adjust it.  worked quite awhile as it was way out.  Prof Crandall came to look it over and thought it was a hard specimen and that $60 would be a big price for it.  After dinner went down after proofs and Gym for a bath.  up on campus awhile.  Saw chimes rung at 1 for first time.  Down street in evening.  Read report of boat race – Cornell beat U of P by 4 lengths. small rejoicing walked around with Coe till 10. very warm day and evening.

Sunday 17:  Up at 8 and shaved before breakfast then after eating walked around awhile and went to the armory to practice the anthem with full chorus.  Came down to the house & wrote a long letter to May & after dinner stayed at room till time to go on hill.  The Baccalaureate sermon was preached by Dr. Lyman Abbott of New York.  very good.  music also good contrary to that of past.  Walked a bit before supper.  A large crowd out and Oh how warm.  Wrote home and then down street called on Miss Norton.  Home and in at 11.

Monday 18:Another very warm day but with some south wind and thunder all about us but no rain till evening.  then but a slight shower.  Went up for tickets after breakfast and forenoon went down street read in library etc.  After dinner went up the 6 mile creek gorge and laid in the shade awhile.  forgot to go to Pragers reception.  Crews came home from Phila.  Down street several times and had letter from home and Miss Kneeland.  Called on Mrs Roat and home at 9:30.

Tuesday 19:  94’s Class Day -  Up at 8 but went down street and bot a belt, a pair of white duck pants and then hurried up the hill to the library.  Marched with the class to Armory via Sage.  Exercises were good.  large crowd, cool.  Up to the Chapel, ivy orations song etc.  then to Library for group picture.  Marched to grove by Lincoln Hall for bal of exercises.  Broke up at 12:30.  Rained hard at 1:15 and at times all afternoon.  Statistic book out.  Freshmen beat Danntlers crew four lengths.  In evening read awhile.  called on Enz & Miller.  Senior ball in Armory, did not attend.  Home and in at 10.

Wednesday 20:  Up to early breakfast and took car to Lehigh depot in time to meet Mother and Aunt Julia and we went direct to the campus and walked about and into several buildings.  After dinner came to my room and later down street to get things then took a ride in street car to Renwick,  In eve went to 24th annual contest in oratory.  won by a coed for first time.  Miss Harriet  C. Connor.  Home at 10.

Thursday 21:  ’94 Commencement Day -  Ithaca to Athens – Up at 7 and after breakfast went on to the hill and left the folks in Barnes hall while I went to White Hall to fall in ranks for march to Armory.  Exercises commenced at 9:45 there being several orators (1 girl).  Then the conferring of degree of Civil Engineer was given to me at about 10:30.  Said goodbye to the boys.  Took walk up gorge before dinner.  Packed trunk etc. and cleared up all other business and came home at 9:15 PM.

Friday 22:  Athens – Up at 6 and at work in the garden before breakfast and again after breakfast.  Cut grass hoed corn etc.  Up street on errands and business matters after dinner worked about the house and twas awful hot.  Got chores done & milked the cow at 6:30 & changed clothes.  Went down to Thurstons cove to the picnic just in time to help finish the lunch.  Home by boats at 8:30.  cooler on the river in eve.  to bed at 11.

Saturday 23:  Working in weeds for an hour before breakfast and awhile after it.  Up street several times on errands and got trunk from depot and unpacked.  Fixed grapevine trellis at back of house.  Very warm.  too hot to work during day.  Up street in afternoon to see Kendall on business.  Made a deposit for estate.  Worked from 5:30 till dark in garden hoeing, spading and planting seed of turnip and beet for cow.  Up street in evening.  Very hard thunder but no rain.

Sunday 24:  Up at seven and milked the cow and after breakfast went after the mail.  Went into the bathtub and put on my ducks and tried to keep cool.  Set around the house all day and read.  laid in the hammock.  Done chores in eve and wrote letter to Miss Kneeland and after playing autoharp awhile went to bed.  Thunder storm in eve but little rain.

Monday 25:  Up at 5 and got out the old cultivator and with Dollie Chas & I ran over the garden not planted then raked and hoed the ground over and plant a lot of corn and potatoes.  but had a dash of rain in afternoon so got in a dozen cauliflower plants.  Had a talk with the street committee about the level work on the electric road line being rushed in.  trouble over the grade at points.  In eve I called at Corbins a few minutes.  Gave grade for Merrill in lot in AM.

Tuesday 26:  Up at 5:30 and worked in the garden awhile.  but after breakfast went up street measured with cloth tape from centre of Chestnut St north to Rail Road and the run plot or level over the line on East sidewalk and east rail of electric road finishing at 12:30.  After dinner plotted the profile of the time taking about all afternoon.  Did not take in the tennis tournament or tea but went to the ball in eve in Opera House with Miss Norton of Ithaca.  In at 3.

Wednesday 27:  Up at seven later than usual and worked around the yard.  up street and took some measures on Elm street talked with street committee.  came back to house in time to catch a swarm of bees from Hive 42 and had quite a time in getting them in.  Had 86 stings in right hand & wrist on glove.  After dinner read on H & B.  book and ordered by mail a Complete Transit & Level instrument (combined).  Up street in evening in store.  Back and to bed at 8:30.

Thursday 28:  Up at 5:30 and churned before breakfast and worked in garden mowed lawn cleaned paths etc. till nearly eleven.  then went up street on errand and got back to dinner.  After dinner was in the house awhile then went up street saw Bob Mulligan about gutter grades.  then went up where the sewer is being put under the railroad.  bad work.  Came to house and worked an hour on profile.  In eve drove out with Mother and later called at Ida’s.

Friday 29:  Out at 6 and after breakfast put in gutter grade on Main Street.  West side from Chestnut to Paine Streets and from Public to Ferry on east side.  very hot putting in east side in the afternoon in hot sun and Oh! how I sweltered, finished at six.  After supper  I worked in garden hoeing and cleaning grass from among the bee hives.  Later went up street and came in at 9:30 read till after ten then went to bed.

Saturday 30:  Another hot day.  Out at 8:30 and got Bridge Co. transit and gave line of locust street for the gravel haulers,.  Chas working with me.  After dinner was up street awhile then at four went up to depot and went with Decker (CE) to sewer and gave some levels.  about half a day in all.  Late to supper.  Worked in garden planting corn after supper.  Saw Miss S. awhile then went up street returned at 9:30.

     July 1894

Sunday 1:  Up at 8.  after breakfast went up to the PO and found pictures and letter from Heller  & Brightly say transit was shipped.  Came home and made ready for going to Waverly to Church.  Communion Sunday.  Drove back via Penn Ave rough road newly opened.  After dinner sat around till nearly 5 then drove up to the cemetery with Mother.  Doll meets street car for first time.  In eve sat around in hammock till eight then went down to river and made a call.  To bed at 10.

Monday 2:Up at 6:30 and at work in the garden and after breakfast went up street to PO and again after awhile and found my new Heller and Brightly transit had come.  Gave my note at Farmers National Bank for $230 paid interest for four months.  and got the transit out and found it very satisfactory.  After dinner worked on profile of Main Street several hours.  went up to Willow street house to clean up garden and saw about plowing.  picked currants and look at stars, saw Saturn with rings.

Tuesday 3:  Up early as usual and started out to work but had to go up to Sayre on street car and bought  a second hand level rod & called on several of our old customers and took car home and worked from ten to twelve then again after dinner worked at the gutter grade till five o’clock.  very dusty and hot.  after supper planted some parsnips in a spaded up place.  the sat the transit out to show the girls the stars.

Wednesday 4:  Up at 6 and after early breakfast went up to Willow St to scatter plaster on the lot while being plowed.  worked there till about 9 then came home and sorted over corn for planting.  dressed in my ducks and watched parade and after dinner stayed around home till the fantastic parade which was quite a fizzle.  Called at ____ in afternoon.  In evening worked at cleaning out a beehive (dead) till dark then went over to the meadow to see the fireworks.

Thursday 5:  Up at six and up street but no survey work so worked at profile to finish it.  Up street several times on errands.  Had a big swarm from hive no. __   and finally got it down cut out queen cells and changed some comb from no. 42.  Got them straightened around by two then went up street on some business and errands.  In eve worked in the garden and took off first case of homey (form hive no. __)  Up street again to see about survey and maps etc.  To bed at 10.  very clear cool day.

Friday 6:  Up at 6 and after breakfast got some lumber & started men at work at Elm street.  then went with Chas and worked all the morning on side walk grade on locust street.  In afternoon worked all day trying to survey Steckers lot on centre street but could not find the pins wanted.  Rain at five so came home.  Up street in eve.  read in YMCA then home and worked on the tracing of centre street till 11 read awhile and turned in.

Saturday 7:  Up at 6:30  and loosened all the school desks up stairs.  after breakfast went up street then drove up to the sawmill and on to Sayre after lumber but could find none.  So had to come back and worked about home till noon.  very cold driving.  North wind.  After dinner was in house as it rained so could not go out on survey.  cleared up later but did not go out to work, but looked after lumber from Bristols and engaged carpenters for Monday for repairs in school building.

Sunday 8:  Out at 9 and after breakfast went after Dr Corbin to come to see Mother who has a severe cold and sore throat.  did not go to church at all.  Very cold day built a fire in the furnace stayed in the house the rest of the day wrote a letter to I.J. Coe and to Miss Ainsworth and in eve I milked the cow while Chas got supper.  The Tracy boys stay over the day with us.  Read in the eve till eleven on “Baron Montez”.

Monday 9:  After the usual work around home Charles and I went out with the level to finish up Locust Street line and grade.  Stopped at the sewer pit on way back.  Came down to house and looked after work of repairs till noon.  After dinner stayed around home awhile at work and later drove up street with Mother and then took 4 saws to Swan to file.  Put rent sign on Willow street house.  In eve worked in garden till it was dark then went up street awhile.  had talk with Borough attorney about profile.

Tuesday 10:  Up at 6:30 at work for awhile and at 8 went with Chas up to Wheelock ave and found street line and set stakes at 25’ stations for 950’.  Home for dinner then back again and took levels on north side, middle and south side of street to plot profile from and run levels to connect with Main Street System.  Home and worked up elevations before supper.  At the weeds and mowed lawn after tea.  Up street on biz and back and worked on profile.

Wednesday 11:  Day very hot till afternoon when it clouded over.  After breakfast I drove up street to find a mason and had other work to attend to then went with Chas Park and Nelt Hood to set grade stake on Wheelock Ave.  done at noon.  After dinner up to PO then worked at school house, ground the axe & scythe and drove up after saws(to Swans) and with Mother for a drive.  After tea milked the cow and worked in the garden planted corn and weeding a big patch.  Up street at dark & later called on Emma.  Wrote to Miss Loveland.

Thursday 12:  Very cloudy early in morning and rain till about 9.  enough to lay the dust.  Drove up to Dentons and there after some cement for repairs.  Got some paste and with Charles helped put cheese cloth on all the wooden partitions did not finish till afternoon.  Worked till about 4 then finished later.  and inked in profile of Wheelock street.  After tea worked in the garden till 7:30. Went out on the Susquehanna with Chas, Louise & Mary to hear the M______ club concert.  In at 10, read till 11.

Friday 13:  Up at 6:30.  No survey but was up street and after came back to house and hitched up and drove to Sayre to interview a lot of our old customers about payment.  Very hot, but strong wind.  Back at 11:30.  After dinner laid down and read the rest of “Baron Montez” and slept an hour.  Then took a shave, bath etc. before supper and at 6:30 took street car for Sayre & Waverly.  Called on Miss Tuthill and played croquet till 8:30, band concert & ice cream.  Car home at 11.

Saturday 14:  Seven o’clock saw me out.  Up street on errand after which I worked at home and Mother & I papered south room of school building.  Stopped for dinner and did not quite finish, let Snedeker do that.  2 ½ hours.  Took off two cases of clover honey before tea and after supper painted wagon wheel of carriage and cover.  Took care of honey from bees & took a cake up to Ercanbrack.  Attended to some estate biz, dunned a few debtors etc.  Home at 9:30 played autoharp with Chas.  to bed at 10.

Sunday 15:  Up at seven and milked the cow and after prayers and breakfast went up to PO but did not get back till 9:30, then had to hustle to catch the ten o’clock car.  Mother & I went to Waverly to church.  quick connections but had to wait several times on return trip.  After dinner Mother, Aunt Julia & I went to the cemetery on street car and back at five.  I spent most of PM in hammock reading.  In eve up street a few minutes then back and turned in at 8:30.

Monday 16:  Up before 6 and used cultivator in garden and after breakfast went out with Chas Park and Nelt Hood and marked out lots for Chas Hosmer($3.00) & Wm Stecker ($5.00 paid)  Did not get through till near one o’clock.  Afternoon was spent in looking for Nat Walker & making arrangements for survey tomorrow.  Bought some red berries in PM & blackcaps in eve for canning.  Up street several times in evening on errands.  cut grass for Dollie.  Had transit out, looked at full moon.

Tuesday 17:  Out at six and weeded onions etc. before breakfast.  At eight I hitched Dollie to Irv’s carriage and we drove down to the point east of river to run a line for the fish club.  found line OK. and finished up soon.  drove back before dinner.  Measured in front of McCurdy(25c) for Corbin.  Took cart to Andrew’s to fix tires.  no work in afternoon except fixing floor in school house, up stairs.  Very hot day all through.  In eve was up street most of time looking for our old customers with money.  home and in at 9:30 to 10.

Wednesday 18:  A very hot day.  worked at clearing up lane till sun got too hot.  then went up street on errands.  Rest of morning was around house.  After dinner drove up to Sayre collecting and only got $9.29 from all of them.  A very hot drive got back at 4:30 into J.L.C. to post collections.  After tea Mother and I worked in the lane till after dark then I quit and went up street.  came back and played with Chas till bed time.

Thursday 19:  Awake at 5:30 and was at work at six in school house cleaning out.  After breakfast at it again till 8:30 then went up street.  Worked about house all the morning painting stairway etc.  Afternoon got the cart over back of house and cleaned it thoroughly and started to paint it.  Picked sweet peas blooms and took to Voorhis before tea.  After supper took off a case of honey.  used old smoker as new one was full of fly poison.  Cleaned it up in eve after return from up St.  wired bottles, wheeled in hay.

Friday 20:  Out at 6:30 and after breakfast started to work again on the cart.  painted all but the wheels during the day.  Up street several times on business made several collections.  Made a batch of Hires root beer in the forenoon bottled in fifty bottles.  Helped unload a load of hay in afternoon.  Shaved.  Went up street after supper again returned with Mother & Aunty at 8:30 raining easily and much cooler after a terrible hot day.

Saturday 21:  Up at seven and after a little work went up street several times got an Erie mileage for Mother.  Painted awhile on cart till rain came on.  Up street several times before noon.  Had dinner at 11:30 and at twelve drove to Waverly with Mother who took the 1:14 train on DL&W for Tully, NY.  Stopped at several paces on estate biz on way home.  Rained in afternoon and did not do much till 4 then got 150 celery plants and a lot of cauliflower & cabbage and had a big job putting in.  Up for clothes that Shakespear pressed.  Walked down with Mame.  in at 9:30.

Sunday 22:  Up at 8 and had late breakfast, dressed up and sat in house all forenoon and afternoon migrated out to the hammock to read, fell asleep and so did my right arm.  Did not go out in afternoon or in evening except to hitch up Dollie and take Aunt Julia for a ride down street, back at 8:30 and went to bed at 9.  The day was quite cool except when clear in afternoon.  Wrote a letter to Noah C.

Monday 23:  Out at 6:15 and covered the celery plants and hoed the corn & potatoes, finished after breakfast.  Up street and bot some fish lines, etc. and came to house at eleven and rigged up my pole or rod.  After dinner put separators in some section cases and went up street for awhile.  came home and changed clothes and went to the picnic in Thurstons Grove.  Rained before we got back.  Found a letter from Miss L, read awhile.  wrote a postal to Mother & turned in at ten.

Tuesday 24:  Out at 7.  After breakfast went up street and into the store & sold E. B. Carner a lot of old store utensils.  scales, cans, etc.  was busy there till noon.  got cash for sales $33.00 and put on deposit.  After dinner Will Sawtelle and I went out on Susquehanna and caught bait.  50 bullheads 40 frogs and a few clippers, crabs & lampreys.  Came home and changed clothes and after supper went up street on errands then went to an informal reception gathering at Buchanans by Miss Lavine.  Very pleasant evening.  Home at 11. to bed at 12.

Wednesday 25:  Woke at 4:30 having forgot to wind alarm.  got out and fixed bait and things then Will Sawtelle came along and we started with our load for river.  got to fishing at 5:15 and fished all day going below the point of Susquehanna and Chemung rivers.  Not biting very good and hardly at all in afternoon.  I got 12 bass and Will but 2.  Went in swimming at point at 11:30.  Started for home at 5:30 & arrived late to supper.  Cleaned five fish and watered celery after supper and turned in at 9 PM.  cloudy & south wind.

Thursday 26:  Did not get up till 8 so had a late breakfast.  After returning from upstreet I got out the wax extractor, cleaned out a dead beehive and melted the combs and kept it going all day.  but did not get much wax as it was badly moth eaten.  finished the painting of the cart.  Up street in afternoon and wrote a postal to Mother in evening, then cleaned up some bee boxes and found a nest of rabbits in the bee hive yard.  Read during day.  to bed at 10.

Friday 27:  Out at 7:30 and up street and went into the store after breakfast and sorted over the underwear and goods that were scattered about and got them together on one side.  this work took all the morning and part of the afternoon.  Came home and sat around till tea time.  After this was up street on business and for a stroll back before nine and read awhile.  Very hot close day, rivers have risen a foot since yesterday.  Opened a hive and inserted some brood frames.  Bed at 10.

Saturday 28:  Up at 7 and went up street after breakfast as usual.  got out a case of honey for Kinner and sold a barrel of vinegar to Catlin Bros.(recd pay 4.95)  In the afternoon I went into Corbins office and took a copy of accounts due to date from small ledger.  Had a hard shower while there.  Fixed a sun-wave-extractor in afternoon.  Had samples of tin plates form Bert Greer.  Up street in eve but home early and turned in at 10.

Sunday 29:  Up at 7:15 milked the cow for Charles and went up to the PO after breakfast but no mail. Shaved and went into the tub.  dressed up and sat around and read “The Fair God” most all day did not go out at all.  In afternoon we had a very hard wind and rain storm.  One of the big apple trees over the beehives was blown down last night.  Read in house in evening till about 11 then turned in.

Monday 30:  Worked in the garden weeding peas and hoeing cabbages and paths.  Then got three cases of honey out and cleaned up before dinner.  After dinner hitched up Dollie and Chas and I drove to Waverly with the honey and sold it to Hallet & Son $9.10 less flour 75c.  After return wrote a postal to Mother and then went into store and worked on Willistons account.  After tea went up street and Will Sawtelle and I called at Dr. Cowley and Prof Robinsons awhile.  In at 10.

Tuesday 31:  Drove up to Willow Street to hoe corn but found it not grown enough yet so came back and went up street.  Took rod & bait and went to river, fished down to bridge and from bridge.  could see bass but caught none.  Up street in afternoon finished some book accts and attended to errands.  In eve went up street and took a long walk with Jef Kucher.  Came home and turned in at 10.  Very smoky day from forrest fires.

     August 1894

Wednesday 1:  Up street after breakfast and then went after bait getting about 40 bullheads & 20 clippers.  home at noon.  After dinner got paint and painted north side of tin roof of house very hot work.  After finishing that I got my bait, tackle etc. and at 5 went after a canoe and at 6 started with Irving for the “Cannon Hole”.  Along hard paddle.  got there about 8:30.  Seven in tent.

Thursday 2:  Camp at Cannon hole – Was awake at several times during the night and awful thunder and rain coming on.  Up early and fished till breakfast(9 AM) only one fish.  Played ball awhile then fished again.  Dinner at two.  Played ball again in rain, lots of fun.  Irv went home at seven.  I stayed and went out with Will Sawtelle.  no fish.  in at 10.  very dark.  Fish supper, very good.  Dark night.  cool day.

Friday 3:Up at 6:30 and went over the outline with Will Schrier.  Not a single fish on it.  Breakfast at eight & at nine I started for home fishing on the way.  but no luck.  Reached the boat house at 12:30 and put up canoe and went home to dinner.  After dinner changed clothes throughout, shaved and went up street.  Did not do much.  After tea went up street again and read in Lowe’s store.  Home at 9 and went to bed – colder.

Saturday 4:  Breakfast at 7.  Up street to PO and ordered pants of Bailer.  Went to Bridge Shops & to boat house to lock up the cushions etc.  Drove down to Morley’s Mill after feed for Doll and then to the wagon shop for dash board.  did not get it.  After dinner cleaned up some honey and took two cases to Waverly sold to Quigley & Snyder, left cases.  Drove around awhile and met Mother on Erie train at 5:45 and then home.  In early in eve.

Sunday 5:  Milked the cow for Charles at 7.  Went to PO after breakfast.  Sulphured the honey room, nearly setting fire to building.  Picked sweet peas and then drove up to the cemetery with Mother to put flowers on Father’s grave.(just one year old).  Read Wallace’s “Fair God” to finish.  Sat around till five before dressing up.  Wrote to Miss L in eve.  did not go out but turned in at 9:30.  Avery cool clear day and pleasant evening.

Monday 6:  Up before seven and after breakfast worked in garden cutting and tying tomatoes.  Up street to PO and on errands.  then back and put in time around till noon packing honey and after dinner took to depot and shipped two cases to Jas F Wagenhorst of Mertztown, Pa.  Worked in eve cut grass from beehives and hoed corn & potatoes etc.  Up street awhile in eve coming in at 9 and read awhile.  a very hot day.

Tuesday 7:  Seven again.  Went to the Willow Street house after breakfast.  returned for paint then painted till noon with Snedeker.  Returned to it again after dinner and worked till six.  Got one coat on downstairs and partly on upstairs rooms.  Rode home and after supper went up to Lenox met him on street got some rent (13) and shoes repaired.  Home and up again at 9:30.  A very hot day.  Letter from Mill K of Skan.

Wednesday 8:  Out at 6:30 milked cow and rubbed down caked bag.  After breakfast went up to Willow St house with paint and painted all morning.  finished first coat and started well on second.  went to dinner and worked till 5.  Went home after tea took off one case of honey.  Sawyer examined the cow.  Went up street showed a fellow through Aunt Julia’s house..  Attended to books at Kinner’s and at Markets.  Stayed up awhile but came home at 8:30 and turned in at 10:00.

Thursday 9:  Up street after breakfast to attend to errands and see J. L. Corbin on estate biz.  At 10 Chas and I drove up to Willow Street with paste for papering. and again with brush.  I papered with Snedeker the rest of the day finishing one room and hall and got ready for upstairs.  In evening went up street paid Will’s and my taxes and got amount of Estates.  Sat in Stecker’s office till nine went home and read the Gazette and turned in at 10.  Had a letter from Coe.

Friday 10:  After breakfast drove up to Willow street and went at papering again and worked all day.  Snedeker & I.  finishing all upstairs and stairway ready for last room.  At noon I got out a case of honey for Kinner & carried it up to Willow.  In eve went up street to Corbins office and saw him about report of Administrator.  Saw Mulligan about some grades on Bridge street.  Home & read awhile and addressed envelopes to the creditors.  Turned in at 10.

Saturday 11:  Drove to Willow Street house again with paste and honey for Kenyon.  Snedeker & I papered front room down stairs thus finishing east side of house.  Snedeker did not work in afternoon.  After dinner Chas & I went out and put in grade stakes for gutter and sidewalk on Elmira & Bridge street corner 2 ½ hours.  After taking instrument home went up street again and got cow medicine.  In eve up. got pants of Bailor.  paid Aunt Julia’s taxes saw Jule awhile.  Home played autoharp  In at 10:30.

Sunday 12:  Raining when I got up.  washed and dressed and after breakfast went  to PO and then read till church time.  Shaved and then went to Presbyterian Church with aunt Julia.  Read in afternoon.  Wrote a letter to Bert Greer.  Cool, so stayed in house all day.  In eve went to Presbyterian church but there was no electric lights on in town so the crowd went out.  So I went to Methodist church to hear Rev. Cure.  good sermon.  Home with Miss Borton & Schrier.  came in at 9.

Monday 13:  Up at 6:30 and after going up to PO and back went up to Willow street and worked at painting on outside and cleaning out the east inside.  After dinner went up again and set 4 glasses.  12” X 28” and painted west side finishing up stairs on west side.  Snedeker work all day.  In evening saw about printing statement talk with Jule and handed in bill to borough council, addressed envelopes and walked up street.  Home and in at 10.  Aunt Jule goes to Cardiff.

Tuesday 14:  Out at 6:30 milked the cow and went up after washer woman.  Drove to mill for horse feed.  carried Squire Baird up to his office.  Drove up street for Lowman and had a talk with Council committee on streets.  want me to work for $3. a day.  Got statements of estate acct and mailed to 29 creditors.  Went to Willow and painted till 12.  In afternoon went again to Willow finished work inside at 5.  Snedeker went home and I hoed corn for awhile.

Wednesday 15:  Did not go up to Willow in forenoon till 11 when I drove up with Doll and painted till noon.  before that I was up street on errands and business and cleaned up two cases of white honey for Hallet of Waverly.  After dinner got out another case and took 3 to Waverly and was caught in a hard storm while it did not rain in Athens.  Sat around the rest of the time in Corbin’s office talking over matters.

Thursday 16:  A very clear day.  strong north wind all day.  Early breakfast.  went to Willow street house to paper.  call from W. S. & friend.  Out of paste went home for more at 10.  Doll fell headfirst into the valve box of well at barn.  Had a big time in getting her out.  took up floor chopped timbers out and twenty men dragged her out by rope.  Worked in PM at Willow.  In eve up street on errand.  could not find mileage.  Will returns from West at 9:50.  sat up talking till 11.  then turned in.  Snedeker all day.

Friday 17:  On the Susquehanna – Awake at 5.  up and got down to river at 5:30  Waited for Sawtelle & Town till near six.  We started in canoe at six.  stopped at Fish club house to patch W’s boat.  Towanda at 11:15.  dinner at a spring at Wysox.  Reached Rummersfield at 5 and eat supper.  Put canoes in creamery and went to Rummersfield hotel.  wrote postal home.  Fine trip, lots of rifts and paddling.  Fish a little, got two bass.  No wind.  sun hot and reflection blinding.  Turned in at 9.  – Snedeker work form 1 – 5:30

Saturday 18:  Wyalusing to Athens.  Awakened at six and got started on the river before seven.  run canoes together to eat breakfast and caught two bass before through it.  long stretches of quiet water and some nice rifts.  Got to Wyalusing bridge at 11.  carried boats over to Lehigh depot in time for 11:37 train. Met Gaylord who I met on train to World’s Fair.  Got to Athens at 12:45.  home to dinner.  To Corbin’s office then run grades north side Bridge from Elmira east to C. Basin.  Up in evening home at 9.  tub.

Sunday 19:  Did not get up till 12:30 as Sunday school was out.  after a double breakfast & dinner I sat around the house reading during the rest of the day.  An awful rain came on lasting most of the afternoon.  I went up street several times in evening mailing decks to A. J. Thompson & Co. & Ira Dodge and finally got a letter from PO.  After reading awhile at home turned in early.

Monday 20:  Up at 6.  early breakfast and started out with transit to Spruce Street sewer to give Northrop some check levels.  Rain came on so I went home hitched Doll to buggie and went to Sayre collecting but had no success.  W. L. Sawtelle rode up with me.  After dinner went up on Main Street above Railroad take levels for profile of side walk and tracks.  Quit at six.  In eve went to Sayre on car made a long call on Dr. Beach about survey.

Tuesday 21:  Went out after breakfast with level and took levels for profile from Pine Street to Borough line.  Rod on each walk, each gutter & rail.  50 ft stations.  finished at noon.,  After dinner worked three hours on computations for elevations.  wrote to Finch of Ithaca for profile paper.  Went up on store roof for measures on repairs.  After supper weeded among the celery plants.  Settled accounts with Snedeker.  Went up to Sayre on street car at 8:15 to see Dr. Beach but the house was dark so came back on next car.  read till 10.

Wednesday 22:  After early breakfast took car to Sayre to Dr. Beach’s and got copy of deed for survey.  next car home.  hitched Doll to buggy and with Chas drove up east side to Beachs farm.  run line grades etc. till 12.  Left transit and drove home to dinner and back and run out lines set stakes for barn etc.  quit at six and home in half an hour.  Milked cow and up street after supper.  got goods out of store for Snedeker.  home and read till 10:30 then turned in.  Letter from Miss L.  a nice day, clear sky.

Thursday 23:  Up at seven.  no profile paper so no work to do.  but went up street on errands and was back and forth several times.  read at times.  cut a stove pipe hole in partition in school house and sent out ten cards to creditors asking for reply to circular letter.  A very warm day, clear and sunny.  took off a case of honey and then called on Emma Schrier a while.  Home and read till 10 when I went to bed.

Friday 24:  Up at seven and finished picking plums from small tree.  went up to PO had letter from Jack Towle.  saw Kinner to get plums taken up.  Sat around house till noon.  After dinner black stove pipe in school room and went up street for awhile again waiting for mail.  got profile paper from Finch.  Took off a case of honey and went for a drive with Mother then went up street for awhile and sat on front porch singing with the boys.  turned in at 10.

Saturday 25:  Up at seven and up street to mail and then worked 2 ½ hrs on profile of Main Street before noon going up street several times on errands and business.  After dinner I sat down to work on profile but felt dizzy so quit.  but I wrote a letter to D. B. Stewart & Co. and cleaned up a case of white honey for Waverly & started up but returned at RR as a train was coming on.  Shortly we had a most terrible thunder & lightning storm, hard rain.  In eve cleaned the carriage then laid down.  sick soon went to bed.  very dizzy & faint.

Sunday 26:  Up to breakfast at 8.  after breakfast I shaved then went to PO for mail.  postal from Keeler Ver St from Quick.  Returned to house and at 10 drove to Waverly with Mother to the Baptist church.  heard Mr Wheeler for probably the last time, in Waverly at least.  No rain in Waverly yesterday.  After dinner sat in house and read and called on Emma awhile.  Lunch at 6:30.  Did not go to church in evening but read till about 9.  Then turned in.

Monday 27:  After breakfast I took a basket of tomatoes up street.  went to PO etc.  then worked two hours on profile of Main Street.  Went to Corbin’s office.  got his check for estate money & deposited it then wrote out checks to seventeen creditors and after dinner went up and mailed them.  Sold three barrels of vinegar to Snyder & Co paid & deposited.  In eve up street early called at Corbins.  Mame & Louise & Chas came in.  I walked down with them.  Home and to bed at 10.

 Tuesday 28:  After breakfast I computed a while on profile then went to work with Chas and run grade for track and gutter from Borough line to Orchard Street work till 12:30 so got in a half day.  After dinner was up street.  First day of encampment large crowd in town.  Very smoky.  Drove to Waverly with case of honey for Snyder & Co. got $3.12 for it.  Very dusty.  Smash on electric car line.  Attended to mail and in eve was up to Corbins office on business.  Home at 9 and wrote three letters sent check to Mercur & Mercur.

Wednesday 29:  Around house and up street till 8 then Chas & I went to Mile Hill and worked till 12 putting in grade for cobble  gutter.  After dinner changed clothes and went over to the G.A.R. encampment and saw a most uninteresting game of baseball between Towanda & Athens 23 to 13.  Got back to a 6:30 supper after tea found five cases of honey ready to come off but got new cases ready.  On street awhile in eve.  wrote several letters.  to bed at 10.

Thursday 30:  Up street then back and took off five cases of honey.  Worked till 10 cleaning them up.  Up street again till noon.  After dinner finished putting up stove pipe in schoolhouse and did not do much in the rest of the PM.  In evening I went to encampment again.  Saw the fireworks and crowd.  found the fellows and  had some fun singing in the camps to the people.  Ice cream at Fullers and then home at 11.  a very warm dusty day.

Friday 31:  Out at 7 and at 8 Chas & I went out with transit finished Mile Hill gutter and went over to First St. and put in sidewalk grade for east side.  home at twelve 15.  Up street after dinner on errands then hurriedly changed dress & went to the encampment grounds.  saw mule race  .Sham battle and balloon ascention but no drop with parachute.  After supper up street.  boys on front porch.  serenaded the Canfields and home at 10.

    September 1894

Saturday 1:  Up at 6.  saw Algie Harris, his son Max & Mother off.  had breakfast and went up street.  Fixed table for mother and stayed at home all morning.  After dinner cleaned up three cases of honey and took to Waverly sold 1 case to Brooks and two to Kennedy.  Called at Childs store and came home at 4.  In eve took car with Chas to Sayre to Angiers.  quite a large party played at Library cards.  Home on last car at 11:15.

Sunday 2:  Up at 7:30 went to PO after breakfast.  Hitched old Dollie up and Mother & I drove to Waverly to church.  New pastor, Wm DeWoodie, a young man.  Communion Sunday.  Very dusty driving.  Stayed at home for the rest of the day writing letters to Miss Kneeland & Miss Loveland.  Sat on porch with Mother in cool of evening.  Read a little while.  Finished writing at 8, then sat around till near ten when I turned in.

Monday 3:  Up at 6:30.  after breakfast picked tomatoes for Kinner and went to Aunt Jule’s house and picked a peck or more of plums.  Started to pick pears when I was called to show a man through Aunt Julia’s house.  Then got scythe and mowed weeds about the lot.  trimmed the grape vine.  after dinner went up again.  fixed the pump, got boards for shelves, paper the pantry, rehung door, fixed water barrel etc.  finished at 6:15 and drove home.  Up street in evening home and to bed at 10.

Tuesday 4:  After breakfast got board of Bristol & Co. found Miner Degroff and sent him for lumber.    Then I built shelves and patched up around in Aunt Jules house till noon.  Saw M. P. Murray about survey and went home.  After dinner drove down street for Howard Allen and we drove up on plains & laid out a lot and put corners in for one block on Church St..  worked till 4:30.  After driving home went up street.  in eve up street again looking for washer woman.  Bath tub and to bed at 10.

Wednesday  5:  Went up street on errand after breakfast then cleaned up two cases of honey taken off last night.  Went to Chestnut St house and worked till noon sawing boards for walk.  After dinner hitched up and drove to Allens.  finally found Chas Park and went to the new county bridge on old Tozer bridge site and set stakes for approach and run levels over.  Drove home.  rain coming on and after reaching home it poured down hard for a long time.  Dressed and went to the entertainment in old Academy with mother.  home at 11.

Thursday 6:  Up before 7 and after going up street Chas and I drove to Tozer Bridge again and took cross section levels for 750 ft of approach.  had dinner with us finished at 3:30 and came home.  worked an hour on profile and after tea help Charles by repairing lounge and milking Elsie May.  Went up street before eight and worked two hours on computations of fill for bridge approach.  Then turned in.  Letter from Bert Greer.

Friday 7:  After breakfast sat down to compute the volume of fill for Tozer bridge approach by area of 31 sections by the mean area formula (A+A)/2 x l(in yds). Plotted sections and made profile & plan  of road and fill.  finished at noon and gave to N. E. Harris.  After dinner I made out sketch for Dr. Beach of the Hulett __ on postal card..  Worked awhile on Borough profile and interviewed Fuller & Lucky (committeemen).  In eve saw J.L.C. on business and after writing letter went to bed.

Saturday 8:  Up at 6:30 and after breakfast started out with Charles to give check level on gutter for Bridge Street.  North Side.  Wm Ackly had made a botch of laying 50 ft for Kinney.  Rain came on so I could do no more came home and worked an hour on Borough profile.  After dinner sawed boards for a walk and drove up street with em.  Bot 3 basket of peaches helped mother at canning then and took tub bath at 10.

Sunday 9:  Up at 7 and dressed.  went to PO & shaved and then hitched up Dollie & Chas & Mother drove to Waverly to Church.  I sat around and read  laid in hammock and whiled away all day.  In evening went to bed at 8:30.  Day very warm, cloudy and no wind.  Went up to cemetery with Mother at five.  Road quite muddy from rain.

Monday 10:  Up at6.  weeded late cabbage before breakfast and after breakfast went up street and soon came back wrote letters to 2nd Bank, Elmack Sill & Clev Post.  Wrote check for Quick.  Hard rain at noon.  After dinner I sawed a pile of two foot boards for a walk then went to Aunt Julia’s house and built a swing shelf in the cellar.  had a letter from Helen S. Loveland in afternoon.  will see her next Sunday.  Rain most of day.  In eve milked and went to depot with Chas and trunk. and again to see him off at 11:44 for Easton.

Tuesday 11:  Up at 6.  milked and after breakfast drove to Johnsons with laundry, back by Herricks.  got out transit and with Will Segar as help laid out a street in Herricks meadow from McCaslins shop to Susquehanna street.  worked till four in afternoon to finish.  At noon had a call from G. Maurice offering me a place in the draughting office for a few days.  took the offer.  After work went up street and then home.  weeded out turnips.  Up again in eve then dressed and called on G. M. and cleaned up inst.  Wrote note to HSL and then turned in.

Wednesday 12:  Up at six, milked and fixed Dollie for the day and went to work.  letters from five creditors of the estate.  At 8 was in U.B. Co. office and started on deck girder made pencil plan.  After dinner finished that and commenced tracing on cloth on another  scale.  quit work at 5.  Saw JLC awhile on biz.  home and wrote checks for Stowell, 2nd Bank & Ackerly Sill __ and letter to Cleveland Post.  Dropped a line to Miss L. in morning.  In eve up street for awhile got check for Borough work.  Paid Bailor 5.50 for pair of pants.

Thursday 13:  Up at six and attended to chores and after breakfast went to work making plan & elevation of deck girder  spacing rivets & stiffeners.  Afternoon work the same.  a hard rain coming on and it quite cool.  quit at 5 and sold Bailor the tailor some old linings (2.94)  After attending to chores about house read & played awhile & went up street received letter from Chas with mileage.  Watched the street show by Forrest house awhile.  in at 10:30.
Friday 14:  Up and done the chores as usual and went to work in draughting office at 8 o’clock and kept at it all day except for the dinner hour.  nothing unusual occurring. cloudy and warm day.  In evening went up street on errand and stroll.  come home early and went to bed at 10 after reading a while. Drove to Johnsons for a basket of clothes.

Saturday 15:  Athens to Newark Valley – After doing chores and having breakfast went to shop and drafted all AM.  After lunch took a tub bath and dressed shaved etc. and went to shop again for an hour taking 4:06 train for Sayre then at 5 for Newark Valley.  put up at Dimmick House.  moonlight night strolled several times.  did not see Helen or find her home though passed by it several times.  Went to bed at 10.  Thunder storm came up about 11. hard rain.  Room no 12.

Sunday 16:  Newark Valley – Up at 7, breakfast at 8.  waited till church time then strolled down to Congregational church.  hear sermon by Rev Ellsworth who will preach in Athens next Sunday.  After church met Helen at the door and drove home with her and her father.  A very pleasant home just outside of town stayed there to dinner & lunch and till about 9:30 a rather long call and had a very pleasant visit.  Found hotel locked up dark.  pounded around & holler till I was let in.  Rained all PM so could not ride.

Monday 17:  N.V. to Berkshire & Athens – Foggy when I woke up.  had breakfast at 7. sat around till 8:30 then walked up to Helen’s got there at 9.  sat in the house awhile then took a stroll up on the hill back of the house.  a beautiful day.  After dinner Helen & I started for a drive.  going to Berkshire to her sisters.  about 5 miles then drove on further for a long time.  Tea at Patche’s.  Started back at 7.  reached her home at 8:45.  After a few minutes of leave taking started for train in a very happy mood.  Home at 10:30.

Tuesday 18:  Athens -  Up at six and did lots of barn chores and then went to work at draughting again worked on plate girder till noon and after dinner worked on tracing of buckle plates.  Rain came on at 4:30, very hard downpour so worked in office till 5:45 before quitting coming home under C Marches umbrella.  Up street again for bread..  done chores played a while.  wrote up five days diary.  wrote letter to Helen in evening.  Turned in at 10:30.

Wednesday 19:  Raining hard, and kept on raining all day.  Chores as usual.  then to work finished trace of buckle plate at 10.  and made trace of turn table.  In afternoon worked at inking in girder.  Quit at five and went home picked grapes & apples in the rain.  got basket of Irv  after supper and chores done I packed the basket with grapes, pears & apples and expressed to Helen S Loveland.  Irving dead heading it.  Read in YMCA.  Home and in at 10.

Thursday 20:  Up at 6:30.  Breakfast before doing chores and then I cleaned up a case of beeboxes from a motheaten hive.  Work at 8 in office of U.B. Co. tracing of girder inking in the rivets etc.  clear in early morn but rained hard before noon.  let up then and showered at times during rest of day.  after five o’clock I took a street car to Sayre collected 5.00 of Rounds and interviewed Cary, Stevenson & Kingsley.  Car home at 6:30.  Milked etc. in dark.  home in evening except for a short while up street.  Shaved.

Friday 21:  A bright warm day for a change.  Up at six 30.  Worked around house till time to go to work at shop.  finished drafting of girder and commenced inking in of posts for bridge.  new work.  lots of mistakes.  At five took street car again and went to Sayre but made no collections.  home at 6:15.  Milked and sorted over two cases of honey for Brooks.  up street awhile.  home and read till 10.  then turned in.

Saturday 22:  Up at six early breakfast and drove up to cove for our basket of laundry and then to work.  Spent the day inking in drafting of posts for bents of St. Louis Terminal Sta.  At 5 went home marked honey hitched Dollie and went to Waverly with two cases for Brooks.  back and milked and had supper at seven.  Read awhile then up street.  watched show till 10:30 then came home.  Letter & paper from Miss L.  Day clear & cool.  mud drying up.

Sunday 23:  Up at seven & milked cow shaved & took a tub bath, dressed & went up to the PO.  Hitched up Dollie & Mother & I drove to Waverly to Church, heard Rev. DeWoodie preach.  Stopped at cemetery on the way home.  Read till dinner and PM till 4 then went to YMCA heard Rev. Ellsworth.  In eve went to Pres. Church heard Rev Ellsworth on his visit to the Holy Lands. 1 ½ hours.  very interesting.  turned in at ten.  Storms during day.

Monday 24:  Up at 5:30 at work at barn & in garden hoeing.  picking apples etc.  To work at 8 and put all day on inking in tracing of post 309 & 310.  At noon picked some pears & apples for Chas.  At five went to work and took off seven cases of honey boxes from hives.  set in on shop bench before tea.  After supper & chores done hitched Dollie and took bundle & basket for Chas to depot and Laundry to Liz.  Played & read awhile then walked up street & watched street show.  home at 10.  to bed at 11.

Tuesday 25:  A beautiful day, clear & quite cold. (One year ago was in Chicago, up at 5 to see Miss L off for Florida & today she starts south again)  Up at 5:30 and done the usual chores and put cases of bee boxes into honey room.  Worked at inking in all day finished one and nearly another sheet.  After five went home hitched Dollie to the cart and carried some more sidewalk boards to Aunt Julia’s house.  In evening went into the store with Mother for things.  Up again and then studied French till 10.

Wednesday 26:  The coldest morning yet.  Up at 6:30 and done work at barn and went to Shop at 8.  finished one sheet and started another girder at 10:15  worked the rest of the day on that. got oil barrel out of the store at noon for Mineral Oil Co. At five came home and got rest of the bee boxes off and into shop at 5:30.  Done chores before tea and after tea read & played.  Went up street awhile but home before nine.  French awhile and in at 10.  clear, windy day.

Thursday 27:  Up at 6 as usual and after breakfast cleaned up the honey cases and left empty case down stairs.  Finished another tracing and worked with Preston computing on Section 3rd .  After 5 hitched Dollie & drove to Johnsons for laundry, dine work at barn before tea.  Read awhile then went up street in YMCA and J.L.C. office.  Home at 9.  fixed up rat holes.  read again.  Dave Hill nominate for N.Y. Gov Yesterday.

Friday 28:  A beautiful bright, clear warm day.  Up at six 30 & after breakfast done chores and away to work got Dedrick to hoe potatoes.  Computed all day on stringers of floor section.  After five got out Doll and took two barrels up to Chestnut Street and picked up & hoed.  Our share came to only five bushel.  poor yield.  Home at 6:30 milk after tea.  Up to PO and in Loves store awhile.  Read at home till 9, then in.

Saturday 29:  Another beautiful day.  Through chores at 7:30 computed all forenoon and awhile in afternoon and commenced inking in another drawing.  After five went to the Chestnut Street house & finished nailing sidewalk and got 7.50 rent in advance.  Will came home for Sunday.  After tea up street.  took street car ride to Sayre & back with W. L. Sawtelle and was in High School hall for a time with him.  home at 9:30 looked at Jupiter.  to bed at 10:30.

Sunday 30:  A bright day.  A typical autumn day.  Milked at seven.  washed, shaved and dressed.  then drove with Mother to Waverly and heard Rev. De Woodie preach on “The Christian’s inheritance”  Came back by the Elmira road from Nast Brooks.  Read and wrote to Noah Cummings after dinner.  talked with Will P.  Stayed at home all day.  After lunch I went up to M. E. Church to YMCA annual meeting.  Sermon by Bard of Wilkes Barre.  Out at 9.  then home.  killed  a rat or mouse in the pantry.  Turned in at 10.

    October 1894

Monday 1:  A bright sunny day.  Up at 6:30 milked before breakfast.  Stopped at Dr Corbins on the way up for some pills.  Worked at inking in a pair of girders all day.  Went to Morses at noon to get potatoes moved from Chestnut Street.  After five hitched to Dollie and took laundry to Johnsons.  Will rode with me.  In eve in at YMCA and also in Corbins office looking over matters.  Home at 9.  Went to Kelloggs twice and home and in at 9:30.

Tuesday 2:  Another beautiful day.  After barn work & breakfast hoed some potatoes before going to the shop.  Inked in some struts on part of a plate and then started the Erie bridge repair and worked the rest of the time on that.  After five came home & picked over a bushel of the small pears.  and put away.  After chores & supper played awhile then went up street on errands and for a walk.  Came home and went to bed at 10.

Wednesday 3:  Up at 6:30 cloudy and warm.  Shook off the fall pippins and sent to Kinner.  To shop at 8 and worked all day on Erie repair span.  At five came home and hurried to get potatoes from Chestnut street down into cellar worked in the rain.  Went back to PO and found a nice long letter from Miss Loveland written in Jacksonville, Florida.  Rained hard in eve.  milked after tea.  Up street to PO & YMCA after writing several letters  Study French awhile.  10:30.

Thursday 4:  Out at 6:30 and after chores and breakfast did no work but shaved.  Took the morning to finish the Erie Bridge No 9 sheet and after dinner commenced inking in a Pratt Truss for C. C. P. & R. a big job.  At five came home & picked two bushels of Spies apples from south yard and tree & put in storm room.  In eve played awhile then went up street to YMCA during a hard rain.  home and read till near 11.

Friday 5:  Six found me up done chores and after breakfast picked up apples.  To work on tracing of C.C.C. & ST. L  RR bridge.  all day on it nearly through.  after five came home and pick two bushels of apples.  and milked before supper.  Drove up after Laundry in morning before work.  In evening went up to YMCA awhile then home and retired at 10.  Raining.

Saturday 6:  6:30 To office at 8 as usual.  all day on Big 4 bridge.  compared bill as ordered to that on sheet found several mistakes.  Lettered some on it and then made out time sheet.  Picked 2 bushel of Spies apples before dark.  Up street in evening then home at 8:30 and read till 10.  turned in.  Hard dash of rain in the forenoon but very clear in the PM & evening.

Sunday 7:  A most beautiful day.  Up at seven and after breakfast shaved and took a tub bath and went to bed again til 1:30 then up to dinner.  after which I played the melodeon awhile.  Mother & Will went driving and I took a walk with Mr. Fischer down onto the Ward farm.  Home and wrote a letter to Coe.  In eve went to Presbyterian church and took a walk with Floy Raup.  read till 10.  fix fires and in at 10:30.

Monday 8:  Up at 6:30 done barn work before breakfast after picking up apples carried a half bushel of pears to J.D. Voorhees got 50c for em.  Shop work till 11 on the big four then commenced on tracing of another girder sheet.  pay day drew three checks.  $25.50 in all for about 15 days work.  Picked apples as usual till dark.  up street in evening, but home early and after reading awhile went to bed.  a clear day but quite cool.

Tuesday 9:  6:30 again breakfast at 7.  Picked four dozen ears of corn for the Stimson house and carried up on way to work.  Finished inking in plate at 11 and worked the rest of the day on checking lengths of stringers & floor beams.  by computing.  Col 5.50 from S.A. Brigham in full for acct.  put away another bushel of apples.  Letter from Miss Kneeland and one from Rob Goodman.  Up street awhile in eve but home at 9 and to bed at 9:45.  cloudy looks like  rain.

Wednesday 10:  Rained hard in night and kept on raining till noon.  Water in cellar and leaks at the barn.  After barn work & breakfast went to shop computed till noon.  After dinner inked in a tracing of Pegram truss pin connections.  Home at 5 and picked some Baldwins from ground & cut corn before supper.  after tea milked & done barn work put away another bushel of apples.  Up street to Dr Corbins.  In YMCA.  to bed at 10:00.

Thursday 11:  Up at 6:30 windy & trying to rain.  After breakfast I shaved before going to work.  Finished the tracing of Pegram joints & commenced work on checking lengths of stringers & floor beams.  Rain in afternoon with double rainbow.  Settled with Joorhees.  after 5 read Gazette & put in another bushel of apples.  Seek no further.  Milked before supper.  After tea read papers awhile then up street into YMCA, Opera House & Lowes.  Home and in bed at 10.  A very beautiful moonlight night.

Friday 12:  Up at 6:30 done work as usual and drove up after laundry before going to work.  Computed on checking of lengths of stringers & floor beams all day nearly.  but commenced on a new girder to pencil in.  Stopped in Herrick’s field to see foot ball practice awhile then came home but done no work except stepping a rat hole with ____.  After doing chores went with Mother & Aunt Julia to the Harvest Supper in Pres church.  Home at 10.  in at 10:30.

Saturday 13:  Up at 6:30 as usual and done work about barn.  went to shop and worked on a new girder except for some time on changes in old tracing.  heavy rains at times and hard north wind.  After five stopped at Lowes for Shoes & order coat & vest of Bailor the tailor.  Home and done chores before tea.  Up street with Aunt Julia on errand in YMCA home & read & played organ turned in at 10:30.

Sunday 14:A blustering cold cloudy day.  7 found me up.  milked and done chores.  Up to PO and then shaved, tub bath & dressed then went to church with Aunt Julia.  Oysters for dinner.  played awhile.  Read for sometime.  Wrote a long letter to Miss L. and to church in eve Presbyterian.  Rev Sawtelle On C.E. pledge.  Wrote a letter to Chas.  turned in at 9:30 after fixing furnace.

Monday 15:  Out at six.  worked about barn as usual then off to work.  Worked all day on girder design.  Bert Carpenter worked at picking apples so when I got home had five bushel to carry up.  After tea and doing chores went up street on errand but did not stay long.  down to Johnsons with laundry then worked by lantern light fixing barn & putting in window.  In at 10:30.  Cold cloudy In AM, clear in PM and beautiful moonlight night.

Tuesday 16:  Out at 6:30 as ever.  Milked & attended to chores but twas time to go to shop when the breakfast was through.  All day on girder 314-315 __ inking in parts of it.  Home at 5.  helped Carp bring in apples then at corn till dark.  Supper, done chores then carried the corn stalks into barn and cut some up.  Went up street.  then to barn & sorted over four cases of honey for customers.  Played awhile.  turned in at 10:30.  beautiful evening.

Wednesday 17:  A beautiful day clear cool and bright north wind.  Out at 6:30 and attended to work at barn before breakfast.  Shop at 8 and work forenoon on through girder.  After noon on inking in a detail drawing of bridge(through pratt).  Around to see shingling on Auntys house.  Dressed & shaved after lunch & chores & went in cab to Nevins.  Bessie N was married to Frank Lake at 8:15 horning outside.  nice presents etc.  Home at 11.

Thursday 18:  Up at 6:30 done work at barn and around house went to work at 8 and worked all day inking in a bridge drawing.  At five took street car to Sayre and visited several places.  collected one dollar of Mrs. Smith.  Home at 6 and chased cow about the garden.  after doing chores went up street awhile on errands & reading awhile.  Home and to bed at 9:30.

Friday 19:  Up at six 30 and done work and after getting my own breakfast went up to the doctors.  took a case to Express office for Chas.  Mother quite sick with a heavy cold.  Commenced on a new stringer order 25 & worked all day on  it except when correcting details of other sheets.  After five came home & hitched Dollie to cart and went after laundry.  Dollie very lame so could not trot.  Late supper.  after dark.  Read in evening did not go up street.  In at 10.  Deposited 25 on estate fund.

Saturday 20:  A beautiful day.  warm & mild.  Up at six 30.  hurried through work and tried to lead Doll to shop but she was to lame to go.  sent blacksmith down who pulled a big nail out of her foot.  I worked on through girder all day commenced inking in.  Picked the Gilliflowers and done barn work after tea.  then went up street coming home & sorted out two cases of Buckwheat honey for out of town customers.  Read till near eleven.

Sunday 21:  A beautiful calm warm day.  Up and done the barn work at 7.  After prayers & breakfast went up to PO no mail.  returning home read, took bath in tub,  did not go to church.  Took  a short stroll up street in afternoon.  Wrote four or five letters but most of time read papers, etc.  In eve went to church(Pres) heard Rev Sawtelle.  Home early.  finished writing to Miss C.M.A.  then turned in.

Monday 22:  Another nice day but cloudy.  Up at 6.  awake at two by fire alarm but did not go out.  Picked up a bushel of potatoes before going to work.  I finished another girder sheet and commenced a new one.  After five drew check.  got Kit of Irv and took two cases of Honey to depot for Schaeffer, Deetz & Co.  also took laundry to Liz.  In eve up street had hair cut.  read till 10:30 then in.

Tuesday 23:  A cloudy day.  6:30 again.  picked up a few apples and done some odd jobs about home before work.  Inked in Fischers details of Oletangy bridge worked all day at it.  After five played at foot ball awhile and the  done barn work before tea.  Read & played awhile then upstreet paid Lowe for shoes.  In Opera House awhile. to see foot ball practice.  Home at 10 and turned in at 10:30.

Wednesday 24:  Rained nearly all day.  I was up at 6:45 and hurried through the chores and went to work.  Inked in the rest of Oletangy bridge sheet and made up the corrections on several other sheets.  Paid  M. Degroff 3.75 wages for Aunt Julia.  took several barrels down from store & sort apples into.  Chopped a barrel full of corn ensilage.  Up street in eve to YMCA and in Lowes store.  Read at home till 9:30 then turned in.  Raining steadily but not hard.

Thursday 25:  Up at 6:45 and hurried through barn work & off to shop.   Cloudy and slight rain.  Fire alarm at 10:30 last night.  fire in News Office next to our store building which was slightly damaged.  fire out soon.  Worked all day on M. girder 316-17.  after five drove up to cove for laundry with Kit.  in eve played & read and then up to YMCA & watched foot ball practice in Opera House.  Home and up till 10:30 then retired.

Friday 26:  Cool & cloudy all day.  Up late and had to hustle to get to work on time.  Kept at 316-17M all day.  a big 7 footer 65’ long.  hard job.  At noon dig some celery.  After quitting work at five watched the foot ball practice in the field awhile.  Done up the barn work before tea.  afterwards cut all the cauliflower heads.  Went up street twice.  got coat & vest form N.Y. by express.  Home at 9:30 & played autoharp awhile.  going to bed at 10:30.

Saturday 27:  Out at 5:45 and done work before breakfast and went to office  at 8.  worked all forenoon on girder & finished it.  After dinner worked at inking in till about 3.  then we all left and went to the driving park to see foot ball game between Athens & Cook Academy game.  score 22 to 0 for Athens.  Home at 4:15 and worked till dark getting in leaves.  In eve up street several times worked in house covering rat holes etc.  Read till 10.

Sunday 28:  A most beautiful balmy day.  Cloudless.  Done work about barn after seven.  Up to PO in early forenoon.  Read awhile then took a tub bath.  Dinner at two.  After dinner hitched up to Dollie and took Mother for a ride over the east side then went  out for second time with Aunt Julia.  Took a walk up through the shop yards.  In evening went to Presbyterian church.  home with and made a short call on Emma S.  Turned in at 10.

Monday 29:  Another nice day.  Up at six to do work.  Off to shop at 8 and worked all day inking in 3rd sheet of Big Four  bridge.  out at five and carried in a load of leaves from  McCurdy and after doing barn work after tea I drove up  with laundry to Johnsons.  then worked under the electric light getting leaves for bedding.  At nine came in then up street for a few minutes.  To bed at 10:30.

Tuesday 30:  Out at 6:30 to work about premises.  to office at 8 and worked all day at inking in 316-17M girder.  finished and added several notes to other plates.  Home at five and done the barn work before tea.  Read after supper for a while & then went up street.  got PO order for 50 for Inquirer for Napoleonic album.  In YMCA awhile reading.  home at 8:30 wrote letter & read till 9:30 then turned in.  Much colder & cloudy windy.  leaves flying.  trees all bare.

Wednesday 31:  Raining when I got up at 6:30 and kept raining all day.  like a blizzard except for no snow.  Commenced a new girder 318-19A. and worked on that except for some big 4 corrections.  Home at five after interview with McMahon about insurance on store,  In eve done work at barn after tea.  read awhile then went up street, two groceries  shut up by sheriff.  A dark, rainy day high winds.  Read till 10 then went to bed.

    November 1894

Thursday 1:  A cold clear day.  Up at 6:30 did barn work and after breakfast shaved before going to office.  Made some corrections & additions to plates finished before then worked rest of day on 318-19A.  After five went home and Anderson & I drove Dollie up after the laundry.  Did barn work before tea then after eating read.  went up street on business.  Home at 8:30 played and read till after 10.  then went to bed.  Had letter from Miss L.

Friday 2:  6:30 again.  work done before breakfast.  to office at 8.  All day on same girder inking in and detailing splice plates.  At noon got barrels out of cellar of store for  Jim Rogers.  Paid $50.00 on my transit note at the Farmers bank.  Watched the foot ball practice a while.  Home and had supper before doing work.  After finishing took street car to Sayre and called on Dr. Beach but got no pay.  Home on car at 9.  read till 10.

Saturday 3:  Nearly seven when I got out and twas raining.  had rained very hard during night.  To office at 8 inking in splice plates.  Making changes in big 4 bridge details.  At noon paid three insurance policies at Tidds.  Work till five five at office then home & sifted furnace ashes and done other work at barn till dark.  read awhile after tea before going up street.  Up twice on errands.  sat in Finches store awhile.  To bed at 10:30.  cold day.

Sunday 4:  A cool clear quiet day.  Up at 7:30 doing chores etc.  Breakfast at 8:30 after which went to PO for mail & paper.  Read for a time.  Took shave and tub bath then sat around till dinner time.  About 3 PM took Mother out for a drive up around the cemetery.  In eve cow was late was 6:30 when I had supper went to Presby church heard Rev Sawtelle.  Home at 8 read awhile then went to bed.

Monday 5:  A very cold disagreeable day.  hard north wind rained almost continually.  Office at 8 finished one girder and commenced another and done some “repairs” on big 4 sheets.  Dark very early.  had supper before doing work then Mother & I sorted over apples for awhile after which I went up street in YMCA to read.  Home at 9.  read till 10 then turned in.  Tomorrow is election day.

Tuesday 6:  Election day.  Cold snow squalls all day  Hills white with snow.  Republicans sweeps entire north.  New York goes 150,000 republican.  Levi P Morton as Governor.  Penn elects Gen Hastings gov.  Worked all day in office most of time making corrections on bridge big 4.  but got started well on another girder.  At five drove up to cove with washing,  In eve in house tell 8.  then went up street to hear the returns.  home at 10.  read till 11 then turned in.

Wednesday 7:  A beautiful clear day but cold & freezing.  Office at 8 and worked all day checking dimensions etc.  Quit at 4:20 home then up street & back.  took  a shave & changed clothes and went to Allens to reception to Howard Allen & bride.  Very pleasant affair.  home again at 6:30 and the done chores.  Did not go up street.  had  a bread & milk lunch.  read reports of elections till 9 then turned in.  A clear day clouded in eve.

Thursday 8:  Out at seven hurried through the work and went to office.  All day checking figures and making corrections.  Snowed almost all day long.  Road very muddy.  cold.  In eve done errands after digging up celery and putting away in the house cellar.  Read till ten then turned in.  Pay day.  drew 21.00

Friday 9:  Another cold day.  Out at 6:45.  doing work around as usual.  Went to office at 8 and work another day on corrections & checking, changes etc.  After five drove up through the mud to cove for the Laundry.

Saturday 10:  Out at 6 done work and sifted ashes before breakfast.  In office at 8 worked all day at the corrections and additions on different sheets.  At five got money order for three Dollars for Jack Towle, _____ City, ___  After supper Mother & I sorted over all the Baldwin apples and made out a barrel which I covered and set out to be shipped to Aunt Josie.  Went up street later but not for long.  Read till about 10:00

Sunday 11:  Up at 8 and done the barn work etc. and had breakfast at 9:30.  Up to PO mail from May coming home next Tuesday.  Shave & tub bath but did not go to Church.  Wrote to Jack Towle & to Miss L in after noon and after doing up barn work read till church time.  Lights went out while singing first hymn.  Home early to bed at 9.

Monday 12:  Up at six thirty and had breakfast before doing barn work.  Shop at 8.  and as usual spent the day on repairing sheets of girders.  At five came home and hitched Dollie took laundry to Liz.  Done chores after tea.  played awhile & went up street.  went into the High School building with Rob Page, C Peck, Alvin Andrea & Will Sawtelle and had a great time till 10:30 home and to bed at eleven.

Tuesday 13:  Breakfast again before doing barn work etc.  To office at 8 and put in another day at the repairs of draughting sheets.  Home at five and done chores before tea.  After supper read awhile & then up street.  Went to the Methodist church to hear illustrated lecture of Worlds Fair.  twas very good.  After getting out went to depot and waited for 5:56 train from New York bringing May home.  home on St car, to bed at 11.

Wednesday 14:  Another disagreeable day, dark and stormy.  Done work at barn before having prayers & breakfast.  To office at 8.  made corrections in forenoon and in afternoon billed & inked in a sheet of stringers.  Home at five and attended to chores.  Up street after supper and came home again at 8:30 read till 10 then turned in.  Had a letter from Coe.  Had talk with Mineral Oil Co. man in eve.

Thursday 15:  Up at 6:30 doing work at barn before breakfast then fixing furnace etc.  went to office work same as for a week past.  making changes in old drawings but finished that and commenced inking in a girder I had drawn about a week.  After going home at five drove up to cove after laundry.  in eve sawed another board for a door at the barn.  Up street awhile in eve but to bed at 10:30.  Sifted ashes by lantern ___.

Friday 16:  A very nice warm day.  somewhat smoky.  All day in office doing up my girder 318-19D nearly complete by quitting time.  Saw Degroff & Bristol & Morse about shingles etc. for the Chestnut Street house.  Paid Stacy 50cts for taking potatoes to Waverly.  After work & supper read for awhile then went up street on errands.  Up again & watched the foot ball practice by electric light in Herricks field.  In at 10 to bed.

Saturday 17:  Raining when I got up at 6:45 and rained most of the forenoon.  Out so late I had to hurry to get to the office on time.  finished girder 318-19M and quit at 4:45 and took car for Sayre.  collected two dollars of Mrs Brown but no more.  Walked home from West Sayre to supper at six.  Done chores & sifted ashes after tea.  up street twice.  Saw boys come home from Binghamton foot ball game.

Sunday 18:  Up at 7:30 and after doing work at barn and having breakfast I shaved and went up to the PO coming home I took tub bath & dressed & Mother & I drove to Waverly to church.  Drive home very cold, warmer later.  Chicken dinner.  Took a walk with Floy Raup to U.B. Co. yard & LV Depot.  home at 5 and done chores & had supper.  then went to YPSCE and church.  Home at 8.  read till 9:30 then went to bed.

Monday 19:  Up at 6:15 and done work at barn and about the house.  Went to office earlier then usual.  Spent the day on details of splice plates of girders.  Had several hard snow squalls during forenoon, much colder.  so wore heavy over coat in PM.  After five drove up cove with laundry.  Done chores after supper.  In eve up street on errands for awhile.  Home at 8:30 and to bed at 10.  Sent for 6 parts of Napoleonic album.

Tuesday 20:  6:30 found me at work at barn.  After breakfast and house chores I went off to the office.  worked all day inking in girder 318-19M.  After quitting work at five went home,  stopping at McMahons office but he was not in.  In eve up street and saw McMahon & made out necessary papers receipting losses on store building.  5.52 paid to carpenter Jesse Barber for repairing.  certified to through Notary Public. R. L. Page.  Home at 9 read awhile then turned in.  Letter from Noah Cummings.

Wednesday 21:  6:30 again and out doing the morning work now, by lantern light.  Finished up the three 318-19 girders & commenced a sheet of pin plates for N.C. & HRR railroad bridge.  Quit at five then went home but came back for bread and then home doing chores before tea.  In eve read till 8 then went up to see foot ball practice in the meadow.  Walked down street aways with  Raup then home.  turned  in at 10:30.

Thursday 22:  Up at 6:30 and had work out at 7.  off to office at 8.  worked all day on finishing up pin plate sketch and checking bills of material.  After five came home as usual with oysters.  Done work before supper and after it read awhile then up street for a while but came in at 9. and read till about ten then turned in.  clouded up during day looked stormy.

Friday 23:  Tried to rain almost all day but did not do much at it.  Put in the day checking over some plates.  and commenced a skew girder bridge on Penna RR.  Got dark very early had to work by lamp light for awhile.  In eve went to the Presbyterian church social of YPSCE & had a very enjoyable time.  home with three girls then home with myself at  11 and in at 11:30.

Saturday 24:  Out at 6:30.  after doing work & having breakfast went up to L. I. Hoyts house on business relating to rent of store.  to the house again to give keys to Will.  To work at 8:20 and put time except for noon hour till 2:40 on Penn RR girder.  at that time Anderson & I skipped out and went to the football game between Athens & Waverly.  A hard game.  Athens outplayed their opponents but did not score.  neither side scored.  Home at five.  Up in eve on errand.  turned in at 10.

Sunday 25:  A cold blustering all day.  rain then snow so ground all white.  Up at 7:15 and fixed fires and done chores and had a 9:30 breakfast.  Not to church in AM but bath & read.  In afternoon went with Will to call on Ida C.  Came home in snow storm.  In eve done work in dark had oysters for supper.  Went to the CE meeting then to church.  Home at 8 read till 9 then went to bed.

Monday 26:  Out at 6:30 and swept snow from walks.  attended to barn chores and at house.  To office at 8 and put all day on the Penn RR girder.  Rivet spacing etc.  After five came home and done chores before tea after which Will & I worked at putting up the storm door on north of kitchen.  Went up street later for a little while.  Killed a rat in my room last night.

Tuesday 27:  Snow melted and twas like a balmy spring day.  Usual work in office still on that RR girder.  In eve up street several times bought two Lehigh Glee & Banjo Club tickets.  went into store and scared some rats.  Home at 9 & figured over some accounts.  Had a talk with J.L.C. & Stecker.  Turned in at 9:30.  very windy & much colder in eve.

Wednesday 28:  Out at 6:30 found it very cold.  After working around home awhile went to office early 1st one there.  All day long on inking and completed details of P&E RR girder.  work getting scarce, one of the boys dropped.  Fire alarm about eleven but did not go out.  No fire.  Stopped at Dr Corbins on the way home at five and done work before tea.  In eve up to reading room awhile into store for a time with Linbau.  Home & played auto.  to bed at 10.

Thursday 29:  Did not get up till 8.  then after doing some odd jobs around the barn thst had been waiting for Thanksgiving day,  I took street car to Waverly to see a foot ball game between Waverly & Ithaca.  very one sided game.  Home at 12:30 sifted a lot of ashes.  had a big turkey dinner.  went to another game over the river.  Athens beat Sayre 50 to 0.  Home at five and worked till dark around house.  No supper but was at home till 8.  then up street.  Killed two rats in the store.  Turned in about 10.  Letter from Miss L.

Friday 30:  Out at 6:30 as usual went to office at 8 and finished in afternoon the P & E girders then for rest of time was working on descriptive geometry application.  The other work coming in.  At five came home & done work before tea and then shaved and at 7:45 went to High School Hall with Mother to hear concert by Glee & Banjo Club of Lehigh.  Disappointed in it.  Home at 10 and got to bed at eleven.

       December 1894

Saturday 1:  6:30 again but hard work getting up.  Went to office at 8 but no work had come up so I sharpened my pens then came to house & finished the storm door.  Raining & snowing most of time with sloppy under feet.  After dinner read in YMCA awhile then worked in store cellar cleaning up.  Home in evening except for a time up street on errands.  turned in at 10.

Sunday 2:  Up at 8 and to PO after breakfast.  Will & I cleaned ice from the front walk before church time.  I did not go to church either morning or evening.  Read in the house most all day.  Raining outside about all day.  Took tub bath at 11.  In afternoon wrote a letter to Mill Kneeland.  After doing chores in early eve I went over to YPSCE no church.  Home and read till 8:30 then turned in.

Monday 3:  Up at 6:30 doing barn work then went up to Bridge office but nothing to do so went over to see work on cross over of electric cars over RR.  Old Dedrick & I sawed the fallen apple tree into wood.  Went to foundry to Sheridans about selling plow points.  Fixed the valve in hot water tank in afternoon.  then went to store and cleaned out in cellar and commenced work on first floor.  Up street in eve read in YMCA.

Tuesday 4:  Later in getting out nearly 8 when through breakfast.  went up via Drs to Sheridans foundry but could not sell points.  Was in store awhile in forenoon cleaning out.  After dinner racked off twenty gallons of vinegar about 6 years old from barrel in cellar.  sold tallow for 30c.  put iron awning frame down cellar.  Talked with Mr. Hamaker about rent of store room.  In eve went to Dr. Hensons lecture on “fools” in High School hall.

Wednesday 5:  Up at 6:30 found the cow dumpish,  would not eat feed or hay.  gave little milk.  After breakfast went up to store sold goods to amt 5.97.  went to barn to unload corn stalks, paid 4.00 for load.  got dose of medicine for cow.  In afternoon was in store awhile.  back & forth all afternoon.  to Dr Crawfords several times.  In eve read till 8 then went up street and was in Crawfords office.  Home at nine and after fixing furnace turned in.

Thursday 6:  Up at 6:30 attended to usual work at barn up street on errands and put most of day in the store getting out goods for sale, cleaning up putting wood into cellar.  Dirty & cold job but mostly done.  & so much that I hardly know what to do first.  In eve was in the store awhile looking over papers but done no biz.  Home  and to bed at 9.  A beautiful clear eve.

Friday 7:  Up at 6:45 went up to store at 8:30 after work & breakfast & reading awhile.  Cleaned out and burned a lot of trash, swept up had big dirty job all day long.  In evening sold some underwear about two dollars in amount at half price.  lit up and had a number in till about 8:30 when I locked up and went up street for awhile.  Home & read till 9:30 then turned in.  Raining after 9:30 quite hard.

Saturday 8:  Cloudy & raining.  done work around house then read awhile after breakfast.  Went to the store about nine and swept & shoveled out a lot of rubbish and put up the wood stove and built a fire.  Had quite a run of customer in the afternoon.  rained hard in evening so did not have a crowd  but sold about eleven dollars of stuff, odds & ends, etc.  & sewing machine.  Home at 10 and turned in.

Sunday 9:  Out at 8 and done chores.  After prayers & breakfast I went to PO found No 11 of Napoleon Album.  Home shaved, tub bath & dressed.  had a chicken dinner  at 12:30.  In afternoon read awhile then wrote to Miss L.  After chores & supper went to YPSCE & then to church.  After coming home finished letter to Miss L. and then fixed the furnace and turned in.  Stormy at times.  very muddy.

Monday 10:  Out at 6:30 and after doing work around barn went up street and into store and cleaned out rest of rubbish and burned it.  Was in store most of the time again for afternoon.  sold some goods during afternoon.  Opened up for a while in the evening but did not do much business.  Closed at 8:30 and strolled up street before going home.  Turned in at 10:30.  Hard snow storm in eve.

Tuesday 11:  Out at 6:45 milked and then sifted ashes till 8:30.  went up street in the store awhile.  boarded up front window where glass was broken out.  Did not build fire till evening.  Cut glass in afternoon and fitted into an up stairs window.  cut scrap pieces into 8 x 10 sizes.  Closed at 8 having sold about 1.65 of goods.  Went up street into Lowes store for a chat with the boys.

Wednesday 12:  Seven found me out doing chores after breakfast.  Took our clothes to store, laundry to laundry.  got M. Degroff for help at cleaning out the store.  tore up both north counters and shelves  and in afternoon got Charlie Morse to move them to the room back of school house.  A hard job.  In evening saw Mr Angier about windows for store.  Later went to the High School Hall and heard Col Copeland lecture on “Seeing the Elephant”.  In at 10:30.

Thursday 13:  After doing work at home and having breakfast went to the store and was there off and on all day.  tore up big dry goods counter & cut it in two parts.  moved the tables and goods over to other  side.  In eve was in the store and lit up awhile sorted over goods.  came home at nine and after read awhile went to bed.

Friday 14:  A nice day but cold.  Up at six thirty and went to store with step ladder and worked all day.  In the afternoon got Morse to move the dry goods counters and desk etc. to the store room.  Took a street car ride to Sayre on business in the morning.  In eve shaved and went to the academy building to a free social by the village improvement
Society.  Home and to bed at 12.  beautiful moonlight.

Saturday 15:  Out at 6:30 and after the chores were done and breakfast down I went to the store and worked.  got Morse to move a load of rubbish to the house.  Had quite a rush in business.  sold over seven dollars of goods.  big glass for front window came but was six inches short so must wait for another to be sent for.  lit up awhile in the evening.  was up street later but home at 9:30 and to bed before 10.

Sunday 16:  A beautiful day warm  and sunny.  Did not get out until 8.  then after breakfast went up to the PO.  Read for awhile then went into the tub.  Chicken dinner.  After dinner walked up street and made a long call at Lou Nevins.  Home at five and done the work and after supper went over to YPSCE and later to church.  Home at 8 read till 10 then went to bed.

Monday 17:  Out at 6:30 very dark & cloudy and much colder.  Usual chores about the barn then hitched up and took the basket of clothes to the cove.  drove to Sayre.  collected $5.00 of Mrs Brown.  home then drove right back to Angiers to order some flooring.  Worked rest of morning and all afternoon in the store putting up partition.  Had Degroff and Barber at work.  Wrote to Towle and made a long call on Lon at the shop.  In at 11.

Tuesday 18:  Up at 6:30.  After doing house chores went up street to store where I worked all day.  helping make the partition and scrubbing the ceiling in front office, a dirty job.  Hole being out for a double window in north side.  Had a letter from Miss Kneeland invited to Skaneateles.  Quit at five and went Home.  In eve done some errands then went to bridge shops & had a talk with Lon Nevins got list of machinery etc.  Home at 10.

Wednesday 19:  Up later than usual, went up street after doing work etc.  took Doll to blacksmith to be shod and later drove to Sayre.  collected 5.00 of Rounds.  Worked in store till noon.  After dinner set big pane of glass in front window.  cleaned out and got ready for painting.  got paint of Kinney.  Charles came home from Easton at five o’clock.  In eve read awhile then went up street into YMCA for a time.

Thursday 20:  Out as usual at 7.  done work about barn and after breakfast went to the store and put in all day at painting the front office, scrubbing etc.  Got the ceiling about half done.  Sold about $3.00 in goods.  In eve up street into YMCA awhile and Lowes Store.  Home at 9:30 and turned in at 10.  Cold and hard frozen.  No snow in a long time.  A queer winter.

Friday 21:  Seven at work.  To store at 8.  Charles and & I  painted all forenoon on front office and both awhile in afternoon.  and I all of time.  Barber finished at noon and Degroff last night.  Got the ceiling finished and cleaned south window.  painted doors and sash in partition.  Chas & I put a lot of boards up stairs.  Did not go up street in evening but went to bed at 8:30.

Saturday 22:  Out at 7.  hurried through the barn work went to the store and PO, then went at cleaning up.  swept out the front office finished painting office during day.  oiled partition.  Moved table and  load of wood to the house and helped move parts of the new job press in.  Broke window from back door and reset it.  in eve did not light up but done some errands.  Large crowd on street.  store windows fixed with window display.  Beautiful starlight.

Sunday 23:  A very cold but clear sunny day.  we did not get up till after eight.  After doing chores I went to PO and to Mrs Weller for oysters.  Home read till near twelve took tub bath.  At three went with Sawtelle to Gold Cure meeting to help at singing.  Went up street got in to get some crackers.  Wrote to Miss Kneeland.  In eve went to Pres church.  read till nine then turned in.

Monday 24:  Very cold.  After breakfast at seven hitched Dollie to carriage and drove up to Johnsons with the wash.  After return went to the store and worked cleaning up.  Sold  50cts of goods.  paid Humphrey in full for Blacksmithing.  Made a Christmas tree in front window.  and covered it with all sorts of things I had on hand.  washed windows.  In evening went up street then into Presbyterian church for awhile.  Home at 10 and in at 10:30.

Tuesday 25:  Up at 7:30 and after doing barn work went up street received a beautiful calendar  for 1895 from Miss L. and a letter later in the day.  Worked in the store till noon painting inside of new windows.  cleaned up some goods.  dinner at two.  Irv & Cordy over at home in PM till 5 then to PO.  In eve to Pres Church exercises home at 9 to lunch and at 10:20 went to bed. – Conquest of Mexico and Life of Washington from Aunt Jule

Wednesday 26:  Up at 7, doing work as usual then off to store  where I packed  stuff onto elevator and run upstairs.  With nothing special to do one can hardly remember just what he did do.  I went up to Oakes & McKinneys and finally selected a satchel marker and had engraved the name of Helen S Loveland,  Newark Valley, NY and late in PM packed in three boxes one inside another, till it made quite a package & sent by mail.  In eve wrote a long letter to her.  Snowing at 7.  and harder at bed time..

Thursday 27:  Awoke at 7, found it a regular blizzard outside with snow over boot tops and drifted bad.  got to barn and done work rather late.  Went up street got snow shovel  so Chas & I shoveled walks.  In store cleaning out and bringing truck home.  in eve up town several times.  Snow blew hard trains belated and no electric cars running.  Wrote to Mrs H and Prof Crandall in eve.  Recd trans of CE of Cornell.

Friday 28:  Up at 7.  very cold 14 below zero.  after chores & breakfast went up street with Charlie to the cove after laundry.  walked back,  snow too deep to drive.  Went to Willow Street house to clean snow from the walk, also swept out the west side of house.  Home late to dinner.  In afternoon took up crash in front room of up stair store room.  Shaved, went to Stulens.  in eve dressed and with crowd of eight couples took a chartered car to a dance in Waverly in Stones Hall.  very cold in eve.

Saturday 29:  Got home at 2:30 by electric car.  18 degrees below 0.  Went to bed & got up at 7.  doing work had late breakfast, read and done odd jobs till noon.  After dinner got the cutters out in barn and in shape.  up street about 4.  read Washington till then.  four chapters.  Done a few errands.  In eve up street again on errands.  Went to bed at 8:30 to make up lost sleep.  Slept a little while before dinner.

Sunday 30:  Up at 8 to barn chores much warmer compared to several mornings past.  only 10 above zero.  Breakfast at 9:30.   read life of Washington most all day at times.  Tub at noon.  dinner at one.  In afternoon read.  chores at five thirty.  did not go to YPSCE as was too late.  Went to church at 7:00, home at 8.  then read till 9:30 in W.- very interesting.  read 17 chapters.  Through Braddocks defeat by French & Indians.  turned in at 10 after fixing fires.

Monday 31:  Up at 7 and went up street to Johnsons with clothes after breakfast.  Hitched up Dollie with bells to the old Grand pa Park cutter had a fine ride.  stayed in house the rest of forenoon except for one trip up street.  After dinner went to Dr Murrellis for a tooth filling after which went on Chemung below bridge and skated till 5.  Sold light cutter to F. N. Weller for $10.00 cash.  In eve up street on business trying to sell the big sleigh.  Home & in at 10.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 October 2011 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice