Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
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Letters From Migrants 1823 - 1899

Photo of Don by Joyce M. Tice at Sullivan Township Museum October 2004
Letters: Letters from our Emigrants to Mary Williams and Oliver Williams of Troy 
Township: Columbia Township, Bradford County PA
and nearby areas
Transcribed & Submitted by Don Stanton 2003
Published by Joyce M. Tice 2005

Joyce's Search Tip - December 2010
Do You Know that you can search just the 355 pages of our
Diaries and Letters
on this site  by using the Diaries button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? But diaries and letters are wonderful sources to understand the culture of time and place. Read them and enjoy them slowly.
Tri-Counties considers Don Stanton a V.I.P. He has been for many years a prime contributor of GREAT STUFF to this site, and his stash of treasures seems never to come to an end. We are very grateful for his generosity in sharing them with us and his generosity of time in scanning and transcribing massive amounts of material to send our way. He sent this large collection of transcribed letters to me in February 2003. Apparently they arrived when a lot of other materials were coming in or I was otherwise distracted and they have sat on my hard drive(s) ever since - over two years (SHAME on me!!!) Anyway I discovered them today while searching for some other letter transcriptions that are also overdue for publication on the site (but only by months - not years), and I am going to try to get them all up in one fell swoop TODAY.   Many thanks to Don for letting us read and publish these great little tidbits of our past. These are letters from our local emigrants to the folks back home in Troy, PA as well as earlier letters from the relatives in Vermont. The letters span 1822 to 1899, nearly a century. They were sent to Mary Williams, her parents Experience Marble and Isaac Williams, and her husband Oliver Williams. They span five generations of the Marble - Williams Family .
Simeon Marble Vermont 1823 - 1825
Emily "Taft" Vermont 1850
Eli Stone Vermont 1853
Martin Stone Vermont 1847
Sarah A. Knapp Vermont 1852 - 1855
Lucinda "Cowles" Spencer NY 1856 - 1857
Moses Case Letters Wisconsin 1857 - 1859
Mary GRISWOLD "Pettibone" Michigan 1857 - 1860 
Martha CASE "Utter" Utters' Corners
and Wisconsin
1857- 1864
Ambrose Williams Vermont 1858 - 1865
Mary ?? "Lechler" Jersey Shore PA  1859 - 1860
Eunice CASE Gifford Mansfield PA 1863
James Linderman Illinois 1863
William Linderman Illinois 1863
Angeline ? Vermont 1864
Charles & Laura ??? Everts Wisconsin 1867
Lottie Everts Wisconsin 1873
H. A. Hull Kansas 1874
Mary MASON West Franklin PA 1880
Jesse N. Williams Wisconsin 1880
James Linderman Wisconsin 1881
Eliza WILLIAMS "Mason" Arnot PA 1883-1887
Nettie Mason Arnot PA 1886
Eliza WILLIAMS "Mason" Hardtmoor PA 1887
Eliza WILLIAMS "Mason" undated
Emily ?? "King" Nebraska 1886
Flora Hetfield DuBois PA 1887
Frances MASON "Coons" Wisconsin 1890s
Dr. A. Majersky Perkinsville NY 1890
Clarence Mason 1890
Telegram- Death of Oliver Williams Mansfield PA 1894
James Linderman & Abigail Williams Florida 1894
"Mrs. G. Ruggles" East Troy PA 1895
Eliza WILLIAMS "Mason" Canton PA 1898
Jesse Williams Kane PA 1899
Jane WILLIAMS "Mason" Canton PA 1899

Simeon Marble
April 14, 1823

Dear Children, (probably to Experience & Isaac Williams)

I now take my pen to write a few lines hoping they will find you well as through Divine goodnefs they leave us at prefent.  We received your letter of 5 of this month in which you informed of the death of your little Emily.  We mourn with you although at a diftance yet we take __________ in your diftrefs it puts us in mind of the Death of your little sister of the same name.  I hope your grief will be moderated with ____________ fortitude.  You might remember that She was only lent to you and that her Maker had a right to call her home when and how he pleased.  No doubt you had antifipated much comfort in her company which no doubt would have been the café, but we muft all Submit to providence knowing that he Rules Rightously.  Your babe has exchanged worlds __ __ __ __ __.  She has left a world of sorrow and pain and has as we believe reached her ____ of Eternal Blifs where sicknefs can never come and when she will cling _____  ______ without end.  Therefore be _______ my children ________ your lofs is her gain.

She now is with _____ above Singing of Redeeming love and Drefst in Robes of white and now her little lungs can sing Halleluiah to her heavenly King.

_________ I am here to write.  We have no news to write it has been rather sickly here this spring and some Deaths _______ Will’s oldefst girl Died a short time ago and old Mr. Joseph Bown now had Died and will be buried tomorrow.  The reft of our friends are all well.  Your Aunt _________ and her second son was her laft winter.  Our friends was all well when she came from Swanton.  She stayed with us about a weak (sic) and was much grieved to think she could not see you.  I do’t think I can come out there next fall but shall come as soon as pofsible.  You must come with your aunt Sophrona when she comes.  We will find you money to go back with.

So we Recommend you to the care of Divine Providence.

Simeon + Rebecca Marble
(Parents to Experience Marble Williams, grandparents to Mary W. Williams)

(To: Experience Marble Williams)

It is now the 14th of April and is a very forward Seafon  Every thing is plenty but money and that is hard to git hold of.  Your New mother sends her love to you and we both wifh you all to come and see us  Your mother is not very well this spring and I am very much troubled with the reumitifm and my lame leg I can verry hardly git to my Shop Still I can work some we live by our felves and support ourselves but how long I can do it I cannot tell it is a general time of health here at prefent several Death has occurred in this town Since you was here old Mrs. Judfon about two years ago.  David Allen and Jacob Allen his son about three years ago. James Graves Esq two years ago. Jacob Bacheler about one year ago.  There was four men killed blafting rocks in Arlington (Vermont?) last fall two of them killed inftantly, the other two lived a few hours.  Jack Hawkins and Allen Deming you was acquainted with I believe.  They both had families to lament their untimely end.  The other two I suppofe you did not know

I hope you will come out here this summer or fall and make us a visit.  I should be exceeding glad to see all my children once more; but whether I shall or not God only knows.  I have forgot none of them.  I have no Excufe to make for not writing before it is wholly my neglect and you muft forgive me  I have made many blunders in this letter which you muft overlook for my hand trembles and my head is confufed.  So I muft conclude wifhing you all well in the ways of well doing and I muft leave you under the protection of an allwife providence.

Simeon Marble

October 28, 1827

Dear Children, (Probably to Experience & Isaac Williams)

I take this opportunity to write a few lines to you and hope they will find you in health and profperity.  It is now a long time since I wrote to you, I must therefore give you some account of our affairs in thif part.  I had made my Calculation to have __________ laft Summer, but was prevented by sicknefs.  I was confiderably out of health all the spring and about the middle of June was taken down unable to work any, yet I kept about until July when I had to employ a Doctor and was under his care till the 20th of August. And have not got my strength yet, but feel well otherwise thanks be to God for his fame and all other blefsings.  My Diforder was in my head the same that Jfban (?) Nick and Rufus Chadwich died with Except the inflammation which did not attend my cafe.  George Bacon and Lyman Griffin was taken about the same time I was and are recovering.  I have not much new to write.  Harry was married sometime in August to Rocene Everts, Lydia Everts daughter.  They are with us att ___________ but are going to _______ next weak into ________ York State.  He works at shoemaking verry well and is now making our shoes.  Norman works with me yet and will till next spring he has got to be a good workman at finifhing Rifles.  He has a son about a month old A well growing child.

Eli and Phebe was here about two weaks ago.  They are well for aught I now, they have another son about 2 months old.  Eli has Allmoft concluded to go out to see you and to bye if it suited him, he is somewhat uneafy where he is now.  Tho I think he is doing pretty well.  He has two hundred Dollars at Intereft and can raife one hundred more this fall.

I suppofe you have heard of the murder of John Whipple and the Execution of one of the murderers.  He was murdered at Albany by one Strang a young man an intimate of Elfey, John’s wife.  He was shot with a rifle and his wife gave the ball to Strang to shoot him with.  Strang was hung the 24 of August and Elfey was acquitted.  O, the Depravate of man, what will not money do.  Will it save the murderer from the gallows.  Go faithlefs woman, go to the ends of the earth and the goft of in injured man shall haunt you as it did in the _________ .

Your friends here are all well Except your Mother Williams and Ellakam (?) who are both out of health.  We want to see you very much.  Your mother pines to Se your baby.  We shall try hard to come next summer but Do not think too much of it.  The world is of Difapointment.  I was in belief that I should come laft summer but alas I was Difapointed.

Your friends here send their beft love to you both But I must conclude and leave you in the Care of the All Wife.

Simeon Marble
Rebecca Marble
(Parents to Experience Marble Williams, grandparents to Mary W. Williams)

Montpelier (Vermont) Nov 5th 1853

I now take this opportunity to inform you of my health which is very good at present hoping these few lines will find you and yours the same as for my fammily they were all well when I left home four weeks ago I have been so very unfortunate as to be elected a member of the Vermont legislature where I have been for the last four weeks and probably shall be for four weeks to come  the distance is one hundred and seventy miles which makes it very difficult to leave during the sefsion  your father is blind his sight has been failing for the last six months and how he is entirely blind  Simeon has gone again to Mishigan aunt Electa is dead we have not had any news from him for the last six months  Sidney is in Iowa in the town of Crawfordville Washington County that is all I can write about him  Mother is well  William lives with the old folks  my folks are well as far as I now  Martin is in the trade in Newbury Ohio he has one child  Clark lives one mile south Perry is now at home  Jane is at home  Emily is married and lives three miles from home and has got a good home of her own  the rest of our children is at home  Henry died two years ago last July in his twenty second year with the consumpsion  I have thought I would not write no more to you until I had a letter from you after you went home from Vermont  I wrote three letters at three different times and I received no answer but Phebe thinks it very hard that she has no brother nor sister that no one of her folks except her father that she can visit and she still thinks harder that they will not take the trouble to write  I cannot say but that my letter got mifs carried but I shall not send one more soon if you get this write soon and write all about your folks where they are and what they are all about  Hermiet Norman’s widow is married again  Carlofs her second boy has lived with me for the last three years tell Oliver and Mary if they wilnot come and see us to write so that we may know that they are alive  tell Simeon and his wife to come and see us tell them all to come and come your selves  Brother I must write a few lines to let you know that we have elected an entire Demmocratic State ticket the first time that Vermont has had a Demmocratic governor Lieutenant governor or Treasurer for the last twenty six years.

Nov 15, 1853  I now sit down to finish my letter  yesterday I heard from my folks they are all well  I want you should write if you received any one of my letters or not  write as soon as you get this the prospect is now that I shal be at home in about three weeks  Myself and my wife talked of going to Ohio this fall if had we should returned by the way of your place but it will bed so late in the season by the time I get home I think we shal not come but should like to have you all come and see the green Mountains if you do not want to see anything else as it does appear by your not writing you do not want to see any of the folks
I must now bring my letter to a close as I have got to be at the house in about fifteen minutes So good bye

Eli Stone

Mifs Mary Williams
Troy Town
Bradford Cou

Burr Seminary Sep 28, 1847

Cousin Mary
You are now reading a letter from a Cousin you never saw but be that as it may Cousin, I can imagine myself talking with you and by the way this will be a letter of introduction.
I am well and improveing time like all other wild chaps either in doing good or evil.  I am a student of the Seminary at Manchester.  I have attended the Union Academie and Seminary one year and a half.  I have taught school three terms am engaged to keep the coming winter.  I was at home last week.  My Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters ware all well.  The children all live at home except Perry.  He left home two years ago last May.  He came home the 10 of last June after being gone a little over 2 years.  He has been on the ocean all the time most a codding from Conn to New Orleans.
When he went a way from home he was only 17 without a cent of money he lef town and when he came home he had $250 dollar.  He staid at home onely one week no one could induce him to stay any longer.  Father and Mother entreated and perswaded him but all in vain.  He has gone on the same businefs again.  He put his money in the bank for safe keeping.  He is calculating to be gone one year or mor.
Clark and Henry are at home.  I expect Clark to be married soon as for myself I am doomed to be an old bachelor.
My Father has worked himself most to death he onely weighs a little over 200 pretty well I think for him.  Father has bought another farm lately of one hundred a house and barn cornhouse.  it cost $1000 dollars.  He has paid $500 down.  He now ownes 375 acres of land.  When he first came from Keene(or Penn?) he talked of selling.  He said he thought he could better himself.  Hes told about a farm that was for sale for $1000 dollars.  I want to know if that farm is now for sale.
Cousin I should like to see your Husband and likewise your babes.  I think your husband’s name is Oliver Williams.  I think he is very much to blame for not bringing you to Vermont.  Perhaps the fault is yours.  I hope you do not feel above your relation.
When I get married I shall bring my wife to see you and you need not think to get rid of it nother(?)  I have not seen Uncle Isaac lately if his folks are among the living tell them to write if not they ar excuseable.  Grandfather and foalks are well.  Uncle Simeon’s also.  I saw Sydney in Pittsfield Mafs (Massachusetts) and staid over night with him he was to work by the month at his trade.  His family is in Yorkster(?) he was perfectly rational.  He said he should set up shop himself this fall.  Cousin write to me as soon as you get this.  I wish I could see you and your husband, your Brothers and sister.
Give my respects to all y relation.

(send your letter to Shaftsbury)  Your Martin Stone

Sarah A. Knapp
Sunderland Sept. 26, 1852

Dear Uncle will you be surprised to se the name of Sarah A. Knapp at the botom of this page and will you be any more surprised to se the person herself at your house in a few weeks if so prepare your mind for the surprise.  Aunt Sophina and myself intend starting for your place about the 18 of October and we wish to know how near we can come to you by Railroad as we wish to come on the cars as far as we can.  We would like to have you write as son as you get this so that we can get it before we start we want to get all the information of the rout we can before we start as we expect to come alone or we do not expect any of our gentleman connection to come with us and when Laydes travel without their own Lord of creation it sometimes saves some trouble to lock out their path a little before they start.  We can take the cars at Sunderland Depot which is close at Aunt Newton’s door and only ¾ of a mile from Uncle Ezra’s and have traced our rout within 20 miles of you and are in hopes you can tell some way we can come near as we prefer coming on the cars as far as we can.  Please write as soon as you get this we get leters very quick now  yours in healt  Sarah A. Knapp
Respect to all friend all well can tell you all about when we get their

Sunderland April 1, 1855

Dear Mary
Yours of the 22 arrived after a long time we began to think you were cast away and if this is as long going you will think some of those rocks have fallen upon us but thy have not nothing but a little sprinkling of snow and mud and the like.  I have delayed writing a few days to se the affect of drawing that fluid that Aunt S (Sophina?) was filled with when left hear it was drawn of the last day of March and proved the same kind that it was last summer and was drawn in the same way and quite as easily and had a very good affect the Doctor says she is much stronger and more comfortable than she has ever been before in the same length of time and he thinks if she is carefull she will be more comfortable than she has been for a year past  I have been with her most of the time since you left here  She has not been moved to E and has concluded not to be  she has got a very good girl now and I hope will get a long beter the rest of the connection are all well excepting colds Aunt Mary and I went to Manchestor yesterday and I got an awfull cold I can hardly speack aloud my throat is awfull sore and my head aches horribly So you must excuse mistakes  Alford has barked up the wrong tree for a week past Elas(?) did him up in a wet rag and sent him to bed the children are all a bed and Nancy(?) is turned out dddoores and E is I gefs waiting to se what I write and she send her love to you all and she says she believed you owe her a leter on the old scale and must write first  Aunt Mary sends her vest love to Johney says cousin Oliver has gone off on the cars to Penslvany come back and play with Johney tell O I almost think he left his spiret with him for he is as full of mischief as he can be Clara has tugged that big rag body all day and cried it to bed it is past eleven and I must go to bed write soon and often and all particulars how you get along/ yours truly S. A. Knapp

(The following sheet has a torn corner)

Since writing……………………………………………
Aunt S has got …………………………………………
write to you for………………………………………….
you to write partic ……………………………………..
Same myself though ………………………………….
not but justice to ………………………………………
connection require it ther ………………………………
and myself that are ready and ………………………….
for her and our selves who nessary
Ambros or some of his family or the ……………
Week and all use pens I will now …………………
the cares of her going to the neighbors after ………
you fairley started from S I returned ………….
Uncle P (?) and things went on very well …….
Afternoon until evening  I overheard her
Talking with uncle about moving her to E the
Next day which you know we was not prepared
For and neither did anyone think it safe for her
To be moved in the situation she was then in
And I had not made arrangements to stay with her until a
proper time to move her but that did not suit
and because I objected to her going the next day
………………….………………….. ence that night
…………………………………….. heard an Irish
……………………………….. and go home but I
…………………………to her until a most
………………………….perhaps I had beter go
…………………………would cool of and so I went
………………………. next day and talked and
……………………….. to her and she cooled of some
……………………..said she wished I would come back
…………….ight I had beter not go that day
…….. day Uncle A and Pamelaa came and
……… down and stayed a while and the next
day they sent for me and I went and
stayed until after she was operated on
and until they got a girl then I had duties
…. For me other whers but she talks worse
about me or as bad as she does Susan or any
of the rest and now she is mad at us all for
what I do not know T(?) says she spoke to him
to write to your Father he told her I was writing
to you but he would write the next day but she
did not give him a chance Mrs. Houghton say she
told her to say that she had not heard a word from
you since you left which is a mistak but I
did not read the leter to her when it first came because
she was so mad she would not hear it and when
you get a leter from the Neighbor you may know
she has a mad fit but I must stop for A  is waiting to take
this to the ofis mor next time

Ann to Mary

Lucinda CASE or WILLIAMS "Cowles"
Spencer Oct. 5th 1856

Dear Brother and Sister (Ansel and Betsey Case Williams)
It is with plesuer that I know take my pen in hand to converse with you which is a grate pleasure to me we are all as well as we could expect to be and I hope these lines will find you in good helth together with the rest of the friends thare I want to see you all very much but I don’t know as I shal soon an less you come out hear I was very sorry to hear of you misfortin of having you hous burnt but we are ___  ____ to disappointment in this world Philip tells me you have an new hous all most redy to move in and I wish I could come and see you in it O Betsey it is know all most too years since we have seen each other and thar has bin a grat menny new things tuck plac senc then
I Lewis (Lewis Cowles, Lucinda’s son) and Elon (Elon Cowles, Lucinda’s son.  He returns to Milwaukee Co., and dies out there) came home last fall Elan stad a bout a weak and then he and Charlott (this reads as if it’s Elon’s wife, but all records I’ve found give her name as Mary Ann.  She died after he did and they are buried together in the same cemetery.  Perhaps her family name was Charlotte-per Susan Johnston) went out thare I don’t know when they will return we hurd from them last weke and they was all well Lewis and Betsey (Betsey Swartout Cowles, Lewis’ wife) is keeping hous on his place Aaron (Aaron Cowles, Lucinda’s son) lived whare he did when you was hear Harvey (Harvey Cowles, Lucinda’s son.  He was about 15 years old at this time.) works for Gotham works and we live with Jasons(?) folks you will want to know how we git along we git along very well Ansel kick up and com out and see us and I will tell you all about it  giv my lov to all you children to Abram (Abraham Case, Betsy’s brother) and his children Eunis (Eunice Case Gifford, Betsy’s sister.  She lived in Mansfield, PA) and her children and that ask after me I must draw to a close by as scribing my self  Sister Lucinda Cowles
To Ansel Williams Betsey Williams

(N.B. Names and remarks by Susan Johnston)

Spencer Nov 22 1857

Dear Brother and Sister (Ansel and Betsey Case Williams)
We received your letter and was verry glad to hear that you got Home well  Jason’s (Jason Cowles, Lucinda’s son and Betsy’s nephew.  His wife was Maria Swartout Cowles.) wife is considerable beter that she was when you left here  the rest of us are medling comfortable at present.  Miriam (Miriam Case Vorhis, Betsy’s sister.  Like Lucinda she lived in Spencer, N.Y.) is wel and all the rest of the Friends as far as we know  Knup en burgers (Myron and Deborah Vorhis Knuppenburg. Deborah is Miriams daughter, Betsy’s niece) Folks are thare yet but are talking of going away soon Jacob Vorhis (Miriam’s son, Betsy’s nephew.  He died in the Civil War) is a bording the hands on the track and tha are well  I should be very glad to com down thare and see you all this winter but I do not think we shall come you note that Simeon and Martha (Utter) was a coming back in the Spring and I think we shall come and mak a visit then with you all to gether once more  I gess I was so in glad to hear that tha was a coming home whare we could see each other we hav all had bad Cowles (colds?) Elon (Elon Cowles, Lucinda’s husband) has had a diseness in his head and could not walk with onley to hold by something but he has got a bout again  tell Abram and Saley (Abraham and Sally Williams Case) that we should bee very glad to reseve a viset from them and if tha cant come tell them to write giv my love to Philip (Philip Case, Betsy’s brother) and Eunis (Eunice Case Gifford, Betsy’s sister) tell them that we hav knot forgotin them tell them to write Oliver and Mary kick up and com out and see us for I have all most forgot how you look giv my lov to all your children and tell them I should be very glad to see them  write often and tell us all of the knewues this from

Elon and Lucinda Cowles.

N.B. Names and remarks by Susan Johnston.

Martha CASE "Utter"
Utters Corners June 18, 1857

Ansel & Betsey Williams

Dear brother and sister I now take my penn in hand to answer your verry welcome letter I was glad to hear that you was all well we are well alsoe we have just got a letter from our sisters (Lucinda Case Cowles and Miriam Case Vorhis) at Spencer (N.Y.) Harison Vorhis (son of Miriam Case Vorhis, Betsy’s nephew.  He was dead by Nov. 1858.  I haven’t found burial, death record, etc. yet.) verry sick he got hurt in the first place he has been down about  four months and by what thay wright we think he never will get well now I have enuf to say and could talk as fast as ever but cant wright half as fast I can talk if I had a chance to sit down with you two to night I should tell a grate menny things how we git along we have pork and butter and flour to sell of our one so you see we ant a starveing our crops look verry good for so bacward a spring now we might know how one another gits along if we would take a little pause now brother and sister if you want to hear from me as much as I do from you and will answer my leters we can talk with the pen you do not know how much good it dose mee to git a letter from my friends if you did you would wright oftener now I will answer in my waye all the leters that enny of you will wright  O if I could sit down and talk awhile it would do me so much good but if we cant do that we may talk with the pen I worke as hard as ever I did in my life and I feal old age I have grone old more in thre year than in ten years before my hare is agiting gray and I am groing clumsy I do not have enny sick spells as I used to have but I am lame amost all the time now you say that you do not enjoy your self as well as you might I am sorry for you you are agiting old and perhaps a little childish and do not look at things just as you should now look to him he ses I wil never leve nor for sake them that put thare trust in him  Mother used to say that our light aflictions work out afore morn and eternal wate of glory let us pray that our aflictions ma be santi fide to our good now brother Philip how do you git along did you git the letter I sent to you I wish I could see you and set down in the shanty and talk till midnight we would take a little comfort I gues now I have made five cheas that way fifteen pounds apeas I gues ide better stop or I shant have enny thing to sa the next time give my love to all the friends and keep a good share for your selves so good by wright as soon as you git this

Martha Utter

Dear Brother and Sister (Ansel and Betsey Case Williams)

Your very welcome letter of the 17th Feby was received on the 24th and right glad were we to get it and the more so as it told of your good health with the improvement of Sister Betsey’s health and also that you lived in your own house again etc etc.  We also had the privilege of reading one that you sent to Moses (Case) some time before which he answered but I suppose that you had not received his answer when you wrote to me as you said nothing about it but you have probably received it before now.  Your letter found us in usual health.  I have the same story yet to tell that our doctor bill has been only two dollars in Wisconsin and that was for myself so that not one cent has been paid for doctoring Patty.  She has had a good many poor turns but has never lain in bed but once a whole day at a time and that was the effect of tooth ache this winter.
Clarissa’s (James Banks) health is not very good this winter and is not as good now as it has been.  They called the doctor a day or two ago but his medicine had more effect than he intended but we hope it will do no permanent injury but it makes her feel pretty bad to-night.  The complaint rather seems to be general debility than any thing else.  My health has been very good this winter.  James (Banks) and the little one enjoy good health.  He is calculating to start to his land in Trempealeau county (Wisconsin) next week.  It lies about 143 miles north west of here in a strait line and by the road about 200 miles.  He is going to build a house and put in crops.  He has 9 or 10 acres broke ready for a spring crop.  I talk of going to take Clarissa and the child to him after the ground settles and also to look over the country to see if there is any place that suits me up that way.  I am calculating to leave here as soon as I can get ready and find a place to go to that suits me and in view of this arrangement shall get no goods this spring.  I have done tolerably well since I came here and if I have good luck in collecting this spring and squareing up what I owe I think I have done better than in any other 3 years since we were married.  Moses (Case) has been with us most of the winter.  He came here in Nov.--- but I remember that his letter told all about it.  He started from here last week for Mary Ann’s (daughter of Moses Case) and we have heard nothing from him since he left.  He enjoys tolerably good health but is quite lame in his right hip still he seems to enjoy life very well.  He is a great spiritualist but failed to convince us of the truth of his system and gave up trying and we were very glad of that.  Rachel (wife of Moses Case) is with Abigail (daughter of Moses Case) in Michigan.  She draws from Loyal (son of Moses Case) 40 dollars a year and Moses (Case) 80.  Clarissa (wife of James Banks) and Patty (Martha Case Utter) and I went and made a visit last fall with Laura, Elon (Laura Cowles Everts and Elon Cowles are children of Lucinda Case Cowles, Betsy’s sister) and Charlotte Cowles ( I believe Charlotte is an unidentified daughter of Lucinda) and had quite an old fashioned Case visit with them.  We should be very glad to see you here and were in hopes from some remarks that you made in your letter to Moses that we might enjoy that privilege this summer.  I do not think that there is any fear but you would both stand the journey perfectly well.  We started from Corning about 5 O’clock P.M. and the next night staid in Chicago where we put up 2 or 3 hours later than we started.  If you go in to Elmira in the morning so as to take the night train from New York which used to come to Elmira about 8 O’clock A.M. and had no bad luck you would go through to Winnebago station the next day in time to go 7 miles south by private conveyance to Loyal’s and if you got there he would very cheerfully bring you up here and that rout would be a little cheaper than it would to take the Lake Shore Rail Road at Chicago to Millwaukee and then the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road to Child’s Station which would be 4 ½ miles from here but if you should choose to come that way which would cost about two dollars more that the other route I would very cheerfully take you down to Loyal’s where Moses will probably be by the time that you would be likely to come.  Now will you come.  It would be a beautiful ride and you would see more that you ever saw before and a country ahead of any thing that you ever saw.  Won’t you come?  We wish you would.  Say you will.
March 4th
I can say when we shall probably go to Troy as the future of my business is very much in the dark.  I shall know more about it probably in six months from this time and as soon as it is at all consistent I shall visit you which will be a very pleasant job if all is well.  Give our best love to Philip, Abram, Sarah ( Abraham and Sarah “Sally Williams Case, Lucinda’s brother and Ansel’s sister) and all your children & Abrams I hope as you have got your hand in you will give us another letter soon.  As Lucy (there is an awful lot of Lucys running around.  I don’t know who this is) is an old school teacher tell her to write her uncle Sim a good long family letter and tell him all about themselves and Oliver’s folks & Julia Ann (Williams Williams, Betsy’s daughter), Abigail (Mrs. James Linderman) & Laura (Williams Huntington, at this time) and her own folks and all the family news and general news that she can in reference to your family and Abram’s.  Clarissa is considerably better than she was last night when I wrote the fore part of this.

S. F. Utter Mach 5th 1857

N.B. Remarks by Susan G. Johnston

Dear Brother and Sister (Ansel and Betsy Williams)

I sit down to talk a little while with you in the first plase we are all in good health we heard from Moses (Case) last week Loyal’s wife was sick with a broken brest but was agitin some better the rest of the folks ware all well  Moses (Case) is akeeping house with Marcia this summer James and Clariesa and baby live with us we are afarming we have got about forty acres of grane and a good sised garden with fruit aplenty if the frost don’t kilit we had currents apenty last year so that we made about 7 gallons of wine and dride all we wanted for both families we milk three cows this summer and we calculate to go to makin cheas next weak Chas one cow so I think we shal make aqite acheas will you come and see if thay are good now say you will O how glad we should be now say we have but one life to live and we will go and see my weakly sister the Lord help you to such a resolution we want to know all about the children tell them to wright enny one of them and if tha can reade my scrablin I will answer them now do wright and let me no whether you want enny more such stuf if you don’t just say that tell Phillip we all want to see him we want to see all the folks  Simeon has done amost all his plowing him self so you se that I have had sompthing to do I have the store to tend and my work to do and we begin to fel old age acoming on my hare is agiting qite gray and you se I have lost a tooth  So you se we ar agiting quite old now anuf of this now have you injoy religion ses you wal not as much as is our privleg but we do some times think that we meet the Saveriour awa of hear in the west we have much to contend with thare thare is so much spirituales folks heare and that is infidlity that it almost makes me crasy but I trust in the Lord that we shal be kep from the delusion of the devil thru faith in the Lord Jesus pray focus that we may be kept from sin and folly so if we never meat in this life we may meat in heven whare thare is no parting and we sant be home sick thare Father is living and is very lonely since Mother (I think this may refer to Simeon Utter’s parents.  Aaron Case died in 1821 and Abigail died probably circa 1843.  That would place the date of this letter between 1855 and 1861; probably closer to 1855 as the Utter’s returned to Mansfield PA at least long enough to be there in time for the 1860 census.) died he gave up all kind of buisiness and sits down and thinks over his trouble and it makes him very misrible his helth is poor but he is an old man now brother Ansel if you make up your mind to come hear sit right down and tell me when and if you don’t you will do as much as to wright So we shal look for a letter from you soon tell us all the news every boddy is strangers to you hear and we are aqainted with agrate menny thare So you see that we want along leter now sister you see I have never bragd aword about our girl (I have no idea about who this is.  Simeon and Martha supposedly had ten children, all stillborn or dying very young)  She is asmart little thing as you ever see  She talks every thing pretty plane we are all fond of hir.  She pases away agrate menny lonsum ours give my love to all the frends and keep agood share for your selves  We should be very glad to see enny of the friends or hear from them I will stop by subseribeing my self your friend and Sister.

Martha Utter

Ansel and Betsy Williams

Whitewater Walworth Co. Wis.  Dec. 7, 1862
Mr. Philip Case Mrs. Betsey Williams etc etc

Dear Brother and Sister and friends all
I take my pen in hand after so long a time to let you know that we are in the land of the living our helt is verry good and have been for the most parte of the time so you see that the Lord has not forsaken us if worldly friends do.  We have not heard one word from Mansfield since July nor a word from Troy at all since we came hear.  I think if my dear sister could wright that she would say something to hir lone friend to be sent of with out enny thing but a little peas of naked land in our old age seasons pretty hard but so it is and we must make the best of it we hav had a good garden this summer we have all kinds of garden cans(?) a plenty and some grane to spare we hav worked verry hard  I have husked 230 busels of corn to git me some winter clothes we rased some coffee and it is the best substitute I ever see we drink it twise a day and feal no inconvenience so you see that cuts of one expence James is verry kiend Clar (apparently this is James and Clarissa Banks) has done a grate deal for us we lieved there till spring and then they gave us meat butter lard and cheas to begin with besides a good menny peases of clothen a new shaker reddy trimed three new aprons a pare of shirts windjaket a pound of tea and coffy and a grate meny other things we have three bushels of beans and three bushels of parsnips we live in a poor house for which we pay fifty sents a weak and we have not had a thing from home since we came away I worked and got a wash tub and and we git nothing for ____ and I can tell you it seams planey (?) hard when I think what I have done and then to be turned off as we have been O Betsey if I could see you once more but that wil never bee but my tears bliend me so I must stop for a while we have just reseaved your kiend letter and it gave me courage to finish this scrable I am sorry to hear so much trouble I simpithise with all my friends tho banised from them at so grate a distance I have thought of wrighting a grate menny times but my hart failed me now you have broke the ice I will do my part to keep up a corispondence tel Julian I want hir to send me Philips likenes as I have not got it he sed he would send it with our goods but did not tel hir wright us a good long letter with it I supos you hear more from the Illinois folks than we do. You talk of hard times what do you think of us cast in a strange land without a hous or barn or enny thing but a peace of naked land our our poor old hands to get our living from I worked with my one hands and pade one doler a weak for six months for wrent how the wrent is to be pade this year I do not know we had to bye a grate menny things that we left and git nothing for bedsteds pails barrels and trebes(?) so you see it makes it hard for old folks like us to git along Philip sent us sixteen yards of calico and to pounds of tee and to pounds of tobacco and some dride berries I suppose ____ our ____ I cleand house and got some hens but git nothing as yet for ours but I will stop for this time by subscribing my self your hart broken sister
Philip Case Betsey Williams and friends
Direct to Whitewater Walworth Co. Wis Post Office at Utter’s Corners is not

Whitewater Dec 14 1862
Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Mary Williams

Dear Nephew and Niece
We recd to day your letter written the same day that Aunt Pat commenced this letter to you and all the friends there.  We were very glad to get your letter as we had heard nothing from you in nearly a year.  We regret to hear of the sickness and deaths in the family but we can only tender to the afflicted ones our sympathy.  Our health is very good for us.  Aunt Pat had had poor spells but has not been confined to the bed for one day.  We have both worked very hard this summer and it agrees with my health.  I never fail a meal at the table.  It has been extremely healthy here since we came here.  My brother Curtis (Utter)was at the point of death when we came and only lived 4 or 5 days.  He had been in in a decline for nearly a year.  We were at Bank’s (James and Clarissa) a little over a week ago.  Clarissa’s health is not very good but so that she does her own work.  James and the children are well.  I have raised 60 bushels of wheat and 350 bushels ears of corn with plenty of all kinds of garden sauce(?) and done almost all myself and I have 3’(?) tons of hay which I cut on shares.  I have not said ½ that I had to say.  Write again and I will say more.

S. F. Utter

Whitewater Feb. 7 1864

Dear Friends one and all  I sit down once more to talk with you in the first place my helth is not verry good  I was taken three weeks ago with the neuraligy in my ear(?) it was verry bad for about twenty fore ours and took all my strength awa so that I could hardly sit up to have my bed made but you see that I am better now but not verry smart  Simeons helth is not verry good he had a bad cold and cough but keeps about Mary An and Marcia came hear with a cousin and husband on thare Mothers side fuida(?) /after I was taken sick and all stade till Mondy and Mary An stade til the next satterdy and I had a achance to hear all about our Brothers (presumed to be Moses Case as Marcia was keeping house with him) last sickness and Deth from Marcia he was sick twenty one dase  O if I could see you and tell you all about it but that cannot be they sa that Rashel is well provided for she is with her sister and hir famile and they are verry kind to hir and I am verry glad for her that she is provided for in her old age  Loyals wider pays her forty dollars a year I sent to white wetter when Marian was hear and had her fathers likeness taken off from one that she had so you see that is all that we have left of our brother   I began this letter a weak ago and was so miserable that I lade it by and now I am a grate deal better so if the wether is favorable we talk of going to Banks this weak we haven’t bin thare since last June her helth is  poor now we have so few to talk about and y (you?) have so menny we want you to tell us all the news and wright often at least while the sickness lasts for we feal verry uneasy and thare is so many of you to wright that we had ought to get a half a dozen letters to our wrighting one but a lass we never hear a word only when we wriight now do you think that is fare play when one gets a letter you all hear the news now I would like to know what had become of Jabes he wrote me a verry kind leter and I answered  it just as well as I know how  and hav herd nothing from him since if you see him tell him whi don’t he wright.

  (starts with a different hand writing – looks like Simeon’s)

It is a general time of health here.  We do not know of any one that is sick in this country.  Russels wife Mary is not very well but is about her work every day.  We have had a pretty cold snowy winter.  We have snow piled up in monstrous heaps enough to last us all summer if the weather should hold on as it is to day.  We have probably had over two feet of snow if it had laid even on the ground.  A warm spell settled it some but the most of it remains.  The ground is not froze under the snow altho’ it has been very cold

Martha Utter

(This was probably written after the 7 Feb. 1864 letter as she speaks of sending the likeness of Moses Case that she had gotten)

Dear brother Philip
It was with pane that I herd the news of your sickness and so glad to hear that you was agiting better now I am a going to send our Dear brothers likeness and in return we want yours my helth is verry poor this spring I can hardly do my little work but you and I must soon la down these old frale bodies and try the reality of eternity so let us try to bee prepard for that day then all well bee well we have had a late spring and now it is so dry that it looks rather dubeaus for crops we shant have no apples this year the treas blossomed but have all blasted bugs and worms is a maken bade work with the garden we have a few strawberrys but the dry wether has made them small now it is a long time since I wrote the above but it will bee new to you so I will send it along wall we have got good crops we have harvested our wheat and have got seven aders(?) and it is good five(?) of winter and we have six of oats and ____ of corne that is the talist corn you ever see  Simeon can not reach the top with a yard stick but we are afrade it is to big so it wil not ear as well  our potatoes look fine and we have had plenty of rain lately and our garden is coming on finely all but cabige and and hant you got some to spare to your weakly sister we have had peas since the sixteenth of June and have sum more blosin Wall anuf of that now I am a going to send our old fases with our departed brothers the best that we could get it is not good but it looks like him you send yours and tell Oliver to send his dear sister O how I long to see your fase once more in the flesh it is four years this month since we parted and must it be never to meat agane on the shores of time O how can I bare the thout I have felt bade to think that you could not come and see us before we left but it is to paneful a subject to dwel upon so I will stop by biding you good by for the present I remain your loving Sister

Oliver and Mary Dear friends
I do feal so grate ful to you for your kindness in keeping up a corispondence with your old uncle and aunt but if you could come and see us you do not know how much good it would do us it seams to me that if you new how verry glade we should be to see you you would try and come my helth is stil poor Uncle is in good helth for a  man of his age he works verry hard our friends hear are verry kind but it is not like having some of your one folks Clarrisa helth is verry poor Banks and the children are well we got a leter from Jane (This sounds like she should be Betsy’s granddaughter, but the only Jane grandchildren I know of were Laura’s two daughters.   Jane who died in 1861 and Frances Jane who was too young to write at this time – assuming the 1864 date) and she wright beter than her granny and that is not saing much Wal Dear Mary your old aunt feals for you in your loss and would be glad to sa something to do you good but do not know what to sa the Lord dose all things right and we must try to submit to his will Wale I will stop and if you cant read this bring it to me and I will tell you all about it
Martha Utter

Stephen ( Stephen D. Gifford, Betsy’s nephew, lives with Oliver and Mary Williams) how do you do We are so glad that you have got back all right now cant you come and see us O how galde we should bee to see you out hear and if you cannot come will you wright and tell us how you prosper (Stephen had been discharged from the Army in 1862, only a few days before his brother died.  He re-enlisted in Sept. 1864 and was discharged in June 1865.  I think this letter may have been written either before Sept. 1864 or after June 1865)

now Jesesse (Jesse) ant thinks that you will come and see hir when you get a little larger Wont you teas Pa and Ma to come with you

(The following is in a different handwriting-looks like Simeon’s):
Last winter we had a letter signed Priscilla Gaylor claiming to be one of our Case relatives and wishing to be recognized by all her relatives in Wisconsin as the number was very small and as we had heared of her by Robert Pennell (Robert Pennell was the son of Aaron and Sarah Case Pennell.  Sarah was Betsy’s aunt, so Robert Pennell is her first cousin.  The two were almost the same age.  Robert lived in Elmira, N.Y. in 1860, but may have moved to Michigan.  I don’t have this research complete) I wrote to her telling her where we lived and the rout to come from their house and recognising her as a relative.  About two weeks ago she and her husband Robert E. Gaylor came out and made us a visit.  She had the sick head ache all the way here 111(?) miles but she got over it soon and you may well believe that some tall visiting was done in 24 hours which was about the time that she was able to visit while here.  We like them very much.  Her name before marriage was Nelson a daughter of Elder Nelson.  I think we shall return their visit.  It was a great treat to visit with one of the Case tribe. (This clue is new to me and very exciting.  I think the woman descends from Philip Case [Betsy’s grandfather] but don’t know.  There are still some of Philip’s children that I don’t know much about.)

N.B. Remarks by Susan G. Johnston

Note from Joyce M. Tice - Simeon F. Utter (SRGP 74171)  was on Sullivan Township Tax rolls 1835-1839 - Sold land to Horatio Fish 1839. 1830 Census in Troy PA.

Moses Case 1857
Utters Corners  January 17th 1857

Dear Brother Ansel & Sister Betsey Brother Phillip (Philip Case, lived with Ansel and Betsy) nephews & nieces once more I Sit down to have a friendly family Chat and now in the first place Brother Ansel I am well all But a cold and now I will you I left Byron about the first of November to come hear to visit Brother Sim and ower weekely Sister arrived hear the same day fowend them all well James Banks Clarasey(?) are living in the same house with Simes folks and they are well Simeon Pattey (Martha Case Utter, nickname was Patty) & Clarasey went down to Granvill (Granville, Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin) to visit ower Sisters Lusidas (Lucinda Case Cowles, Betsy’s sister.  She lived in Spencer, N.Y.) Children I did not go with them for the good reson that I felt to poor But they sent the monney by Simeon to Bare my Expenses and I went fownd them well as usual an well for them Charls Everts is not in helth I think that he has the consumption  his wife is not in helth I doe not know what is her complaint Elon Coles (Elon Cowles, Lucinda’s son) helth is good Charlots (This may be a daughter of Lucinda Case Cowles.  I am missing one daughter,  probably born between 1835 and 1840.  Elon Cowles’ wife was Mary Ann Brown, not Charlotte – per Susan Johnston) helth would be good if she did not labor too hard But she is a little slender Boddy wal they are not aney of them sick wal now I will tell you they live eleven miles from Milwaca and hall a grate deal of wood thear So they riged out an other hors time and I drove one of them and Elan the other and better yong man than him I doe not even expet to find wall riding on these lods of wood and being out in the cold so long cosed a cold numness to take place in my legs and thise and a part of the time in my Boddy so I am not rite well But Better and I am hear with Brother Sim and Pattey & all is well and now doe you think that we spend these long evenings without thinking about you all of you no we think and talk and we take a back view of the sines of our child hood of our youth our our man hood and of our present old age and the maney trying sines that we have pased throw from the first to the last and we often wish that it cold Be so that you cold be in ower midst that we cold hear your loveley voices mingling with owers in the common evening chit chat But we fear that that Boone will never Be owers to enjoy But in your kind and welcom letter thear was in my mind one little ray of hoope sprung up little and feble as it is I cannot help But nurish and cherish the same if my wekeley Sister and my self had one hundred dollars we would Se you all in les than one weke But for the want thearof we must stay in the west at present – Loyials (Loyal Luther Case, Moses’ son) folks ware all well when I left Lucindas (Lucinda Case, Moses’ daughter, not his sister) man has returned from Calafornia since I left She rote to me that he had money annough to settle them selves once mour in the world I think likely that he has done well  Wickisons (Wickzer, daughter Mary Ann’s married name) folks ware all well some time along in the fall they are doeing well Dianne ( Diane Case Howland, Moses’ daughter) is at Salt Lake yet was well the last that we heard from her Minerva (I am not sure who this is.  I think I have all of the Moses Case children accounted for – Susan Johnston) is with Abagal (Abigail Case Trumbull, Moses’ daughter) in Mishigan and Rachel (Rachel Purdy Case, Moses’ wife?) is thear and they ware all well in the fall it is a general time of helth throw the cuntrey as far as I know I think I will not say aney thing about Simions prosperity for he can tell you all him self and then thear will be no mistake
Now as I have told you all of the news that has come to my mind I hardly know what mour to say But one thing mour I have to say to you Brother Ansel and that is I doe thank you for that letter it come to me so un so un expeted and when my spirits was low the contents to me was so rich so chering if you cold realise how much good it did doe me I think that you would not neglect me so long a gane I doe not mene to find falt with you my dear Brother – and now my dear Sister a few lines to you you cannot tell nor think of length or of the depth or the hite of the love the simpathey the tender rigor that I have for you you well know the confidence that I alwuse plased in you and that you did prove true to your trust and for that reson thear was a love Beyond a common Brotherly love for a sister I love all of my Brothers and Sisters most dearly But if I have a choise am I to Blame I think not with you and me thear was perfect fredom friendship and liberty now I say if it was so that I cold Se one on onley one and you should Be my Choice am I to blame I say that I want to Se you in paticular and all of the rest and this is no foned got up hipocrasey But real trouth doe you Believe me my Sister - - now Brother Ansel as to polatiks this is a day after the fare so that if I cold convince you that the dimocrat party to day was not what it was in the days of Thomas Jefferson and Andew Jackson it would avale nothing it semes to me by what you rote that you would like to know how I stand and I will tell you in plain words I am not with you for Bucannon But as it is he is our Presadent and as every honest man should say I say A men
Now Brother Phillip I will say a few words to you and I fele that you will hear what I have to say for well you know that it comes from a friend and Brother that you have proved to Be So now Phillip I lern by our wekley Sister that you git unesey and discontented Philip these things had not ought to be so you are this day the Best off of any one of the children of our parents wo are sleping beneath the sod oh Philip my dear Brother can you not realize  that our Brother Ansel and Sister Betsey are kind and loving towards you to open thear dores to you to make you an good and comfortable home they doe not doe these things for you But they doe these things for the love they have for you and me and all of the fameley now my dear Brother I want you to sit down allone think on all of these things and Se if your Brother Mose has not spoken trouth then if you say that I have doe you hear it and believe it and try to content your self try to be as good as you can Rite well doe I know that our Brother and Sister are not perfect and jest as well doe I know that you and I are troubled with the same complant I doe wish that I cold Se you land talk with you But that cannot be so good buy – now Brother Abram (Abraham Case, their brother, lived in Granville, PA) and Sister Salley (Sally Williams Case, Abraham’s wife and Ansel William’s sister) you can Se that I have But little room hear So a verey(?) words is all at this time I love you boath and want to Se you and your children I doe not get aney letters from you and of late have not wrote to you now then let us write to each other once and a while tel you children to write this Sheet is to end in a manner the news is sto all the love is to all and the friendship to all So good Buy to you all

Moses Case

(N.B. Names and relationships by Susan Johnston)

Byron May 13 1857

Dear Brother and Sister (Ansel and Betsey Case Williams)

After wating for some time for vearius resons I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am well as can be Expected for an old Cripple like me it is not to be expected that an old person can feel well and smart like a hale yong man in the prime of life I am like one of your old Hemlocks that has got a plenty of white mose on the top and according to nature of law that old hemlock will tumbel down to mother Earth just so will it be with you and me and all the rest of us and just so it with all that has ben befour  us and just so I venture to say it alwase will be for God is perfect and he has made his laws in perfect harmony with himself and the laws of nature are his laws undefiled prist(?) craft or sinfull man so you can se Brother Ansel that I doe not  beleve in that original sin being the base of introducing sin into this world But it come by a natural law owing to our ignorance now Brother Ansel it is the twenty forth July and we are all living hear in Byron exceptting Loyials (Loyal Luther Case, son of Moses Case. The child here is Mary Ann Case b. 1853. Per Susan Johnston) yongest child But one which is a girl thre years old She is verey sick with the tisue or some thing like it we have just got a letter from Brother Sim (Simeon F. Utter, husband of Martha Case, sister of Moses) they are midlen well our wekley Sister has Bin making chese and that to gether with all of her other work is to hard for her Clarasey (I think this couple is James and Clarissa DeWitt Banks.  I don’t think there is a blood relationship, but the DeWitts are what I think of as geographic relatives.  They seem to travel together, but never intermarry. Per Susan Johnston) is out of helth and I think that she is not long for this world James is at work at the Joiners Buisness he thinks of going farther South to luck for a home after harvest and I think that Simeon will go with him and I think they are wise for so doing now I will tell you about our selves Mercia (Mercia or Marcia Melvina Case, daughter of Moses. At this time she is the widow of John Millard and has one son – Susan Johnston) came back from Mishigan last spring and she and I am kuping house in the vilage of Byron we have a verey good house and garden we have the house and pay thirty thre dollars rent for six months I know that the rent is two much but it is the best that we could doe Loyial is building a large barn 43 by 38 a basement storey under the hole barn he rased it day befour yesterday and has got a lot of hands on to work So that he will have it in redeness befour harvest he will have a plenty to fill it this year with out putting any of his wheat in it: Rachel (This is apparently Moses’ wife, Rachel Purdy Case.  Although she is enumerated with Moses in the 1860 census, this and the other letters make it apparent that they had separated, if not divorced. – Susan Johnston) lives with Abagal (Abigail Melissa Case Trumbull, Moses’ daughter.  They live at this time in Van Buren Co., MI – Susan Johnston) in Mishigan we had a letter from them not long since and they are all well  Mary An (Mary Ann Case Hugg Wickizer, Moses’ daughter – Susan Johnston) lives in Aurora and we had a letter from her not long since and they ware all well She and her husband and all of her children are good Spiritualist Dianah (Matilda Diana Case Howland, Moses’ daughter – Susan Johnston) is a living at Salt Lake if she is in the flesh she is a strong Mormon and for that I am not prowed you may beleve
Lucinda (Lucinda Case Horton, Moses’ daughter.  They end up in or near Leavenworth, Kansas.  Two sons were in the Civil War – Susan Johnston) and her folks started for Canses (Kansas) the fore part of April they was six wekes on the road landed thear safe all well and well pleased with the contrey - - now I have told you all of the news about our folks and shall expect you to doe the same which you have allwase done I shall expect you to answer this soon now as to politicks all that I have to say is if you and I differ in opinion we must still be Brothers and friends and if we differ in our belefe on the histrey of the past or the presant or the future let that not brake our friendship for we are Brothers Still I must close give my love to all of our friends tell them that I say that we must be good in order to enjoy our selves hear and hearafter good buy Brother Ansel Sister Betsey and all

Moses Case

Byron August13th 1858  _________ Williams (To Ansel and Elizabeth Case Williams)

Dear Brother and Sister,
Once more I take up my pen to try to write a few lines to you to let you know that I am yet in the mortal boddy and confind to earth But the time looks shorte to me that I shal be thus confined and when I am fre from this old worn out Boddy and if the conditions are so that I can I will make you a good visit in a way that you shall know that it is your Brother Mose this is a promise that I want you to Remember - - now in the first place we are all well and I hope that you are the Same Marcia is keepping house for me and we live in our old log house at the old Spring and Simes kind of natural onley thear is one thing lacking and that is musick vocal musick  Rachel is living with Abagel at Michigan we had a letter from them about Six weaks ago and they ware all well Loyial’s folks are all well whe have heard from Lucinda’s folks quite lately and they ware well they live in Kanses they write that they are doing well we have not heard aney thing from Diania in almost two years She is at Salt Lake with the mormons  Mary An Lives at Aurora in this State  I got a letter from her in the Spring they was all well then So you se that I have told you all that I know about all of my children   the Crops are poor wheat is very poor not half a common crop oats wors yet corn  Bids fare for a midlin crop potatoes poor gras good never Better  Loyal will have one hundred tones this year and he has got mouths annough to Eat it  Marcia has got one little Boy (Francis Henry Millard, b. 1855, Moses’grandson) to comfort her in her widowhood he is a most three years old and a foreward  child or we think So that is natuaral for old folks  now I have told you all the news that I can think of I doe not know whether Brother Sim has gone Back thear or not we have heard nothing from him since about the first of April  I doe not know what is the reson that he dose not write I have not lade a Straw in his Path knowingly  I think that he has so much Business on hand that he has neglected to write So I conclude that they are well for when Sickness Prevales he will tell us  I doe want to hear from all of you  Phil (Possibly  Philip Williams, Ansel and Betsy’s son.  He was close to Simeon and Martha Utter and I suspect he visited them – Per Susan Johnston) when he left hear promist to write But I have not heard any thing from Either of the Boys Since the left  I have not wrote in answer to your last till now So you can Se that I have neglected you  But that is no Excuse for you to delay when you get this I want you to answer it soone for I want to hear from you all  doe not let Polatiks or the differente views on our religion or any of these things tho it may hurt _____ a little yet it out not to mar the friendship that Brothers out to Bare one towards the other that would not Be rite  now Brother Ansel a few words to you  you was a dimocrat when I left Mican (?) and so was I we Both of us voted for Jackson and the tiket throw out and we did think that we was rite and So I think now we was rite But did that Bring us under any obligation to vote for Perse(?) or Bucannon or Tom or Dick or Harry Because that the woods Pattent Plow was the best in youse in that day are we under aney obligation to youse them all of the rest of our lives  I think not now if I Should try to convince you that you was in an error about these Plows and Should Say to you that we had a great del Better Plow would say I doe not Believe it you do not Believe that the leders of the Bucannon Party are against fredome and fre labor fre territory fre States and fre men and fre Princepels  But I doe I think that the Bucannon leders are as Corrupt and wiked as they can be but you are under no obligation to Believe So Because I doe But it is your duty a duty that you ve to your self a duty that you ve to your children and a duty that you ve to the great famuley of man to inform your Self and vote according to the dictates of you vison or your wisdom  I have not room to tell you all a Bout the Evil doings of the Adminestration of the Kanses affares of the Kanses and Nebraskey Bill and the Calhoon Constitution and the Dred Scott disition and all these things combined By a set of Conspirators and Pears (Peers?) and Bucannon at the hed of the Pile  I Say I have not room to lay all these things open to your vue and discus them But you can inform your Self think for your Self and vote to Sute your self and you will not offend your old Brother  Mose - I for one hold my Self open to conviction on all topicks and try to Elevate my Self up to a level with the age in wich we live and my earnest desire is that I may Be divested of prejudise and all Superstion and Embrace the trouth in all its vares wase  Both in a roligius sence of vue as well as Political ----------
Now my dear Sister one word to you and that should be in kindness O how I do want to Se you and Sit down By our selves and talk over all things Both old new I think that we could enjoy our selves for a few days or weks well But we must content our Selves what little time we Stay hear we shal soone mete in the Spirit world and Be on happy famuley a gane as we once was under out Fathers Rough and care – now Phillip how doe you doe and how doe you come on I doe loock away thear and I Se you and Brother Ansel and Brother Abram with all of you heads white with the frost of many cold winters But all is well write Soon give my love to all this from your old Brother

Moses Case

Sister Betsey (Elizabeth Case, Mrs. Ansel Williams)
Byron Sept. 26, 1859

Dear Sister Betsey
I sit down to talk with you and comfort a little if I can you have lost for the presant a man and dear friend which you mourn as dead and so he is to you he has pased of to a hier and Better Spear of Existence than this we had not out to mourn But I no that we are so constituted By our natures that we cannot help But mourn for the lose of our friends and I could not help But Shed a tear for Brother Ansel yet after all it is of no yuse he is Better of then he was hear for him we Should rejoice that he has done with pain and affliction and if his joys are not complete By the law of progreshun he will Be perfected O what a balm for the disconsolate and Berived widow then chear up my Dear Sister and have faith to Believe that God is good and wise and loving and will By the laws of progreshun and affinity and all the rest of his holey and divine laws that is necessary will Bring us all together agane a happy famuley as we ware hear on Earth – now I think that you mite come out hear and Stay one year with us and your Abagal O how glad I was to Se her and like a child I cried for joy we are a going to make them a visit Some time Befour cold wether Sets in your Children are Beginning to Scatter and Stray of and Sepperate like mine thear is two of  myne that I Shal never mete a gane hear or it is not likely But it is not imposable I have not heard aney thing from tint Since last Spring and nether from Sim Since Sometime in the winter Mary An wrote once some time in the Summer But thear is a caus for thear not writing I have neglectted to write to them But I have take up the Pen once mour and think that I shal go the whole rownd Befour I Stop I Sent one to Abagal a few days Since we had one from Rachel they ware all well we are all well at present and So is Loyial’s folks it is agenral time of helth hear our Crops are poor money Scarse times hard this is the news of the day all over the north west and if I am not mistaken you are in the Same fix in old PA now my dear Sister you must write to me or git Some of your Children to doe so for it is certiny that we cannot corispond long Befour we must leve these old Bodes that is much the worse for ware now and they are Still growing mour feble every day now my Dear Sister I must close this Scrawl doe not Be offended at any thing that I have Sade for my mening is good fare you well Betsy Williams

Moses Case

Now Phillip my Dear Brother what Shal I Say to you in the first place I will Say that I Should like to Se you verey much But that Can never Be as long as I Stay in this Boddy you and I was all wase good friends and that is Som thing for us to think of doe you not think Some times of our grand Parrents and of our Father and Mother and unkles and Aunts and near and dear friends that has gone Befour us in to the other world now doe you think when when you pas awa and go the way of all that has Ben doe you think that you will Se them all thear and know them thear as you did hear wal I doe Believe that will Be the Case with all of us now Phillip when I came of to the west if you could have none that you would of followd me in one year or mour you would have luked for the time to Come you would Be glad to have the time come that you Could mete your friends just So is it with us let us try to realize this greate trouth and not fear the greate monster death good By Phillip C  Moses Case
Now Abram and Salley a few words to you I have Sade on this Shete that we are all well I Should like to Se you all But we are so poor and I am So very lame that I Should not dare to start Shuch a jurney if I had the money and Close Sutable So I must Content my self to wate until I have worn out this old Bodey and according to the Common Corse of things we Shal pas off to Spirit life at about the Same time So that it will not Be long Befour we Shal mete in a Better Sphear of life than this our dear friends are not dead they have onley gone to Eternal life a little Befour us we Shal Soone follow them and O what a happy meting that will be when we doe mete together and form a happy famuley thear as we was hear in this low dark Sphere I think that we Shal all be Better off thear than we are hear I must Say for one that I fear nothing But the pain our Brother Ansel has gone it appears and if the Chisteon Religion Be trou we Should think that it would Be well with him as maney others of our friends = we are seing rather hard times out hear in the west our crops are poor as a genral thing whete is verey good But a lite crop corn not mour that half a Crop and that not mour than half sound potatoes all most a failure oats good hay lite Scarse money Scarse times hard So you Can Se about how things are with us I must close my Scrall and Bid you all good Buy this from your old Brother and friend

Moses Case
You will plese to write Soon

Eunice CASE Gifford
Mansfield March 12 1863

Dear Son (Stephen D. Gifford)
I received your kind and well come leter and was pleased to hear from you and find you was all well all tho you complaned of something ailing you  I do not seam to feele very uneasy about you  I think your complaint is not very dangeros  Ower family is not very well Julia (Julia Gifford Davis, daughter of Eunice, niece of Betsy Case Williams) is not vere well  Hiram (Hiram H. Gifford, son of Eunice) has ben sick with sore throte but he is beter today  Plin (Plin Davis, husband of Julia) has had a dreadful time with his hand and arm he was lade up for three weeks he has got well now we have had a great deal of sickness in this place this winter and there is several cases of diphtheria hear at present  I have spent considerable time with the sick and Plin has had a house ful of work hands a lumbering this winter so we have had a plenty to do
I received a leter from Ben (Benjamin S. Gifford, son of Eunice) some time a go he wanted you to come out thare and drive a peddlers wagon for him but I heard you was gone over the mountain so I did not send you word  Steve I wish you would see Andrus Case (son of Abraham and Sally Williams Case) and se if he dose not want Hi (Hiram) to learn the trade with him  Write and let me know about it  I should be very glad to get him in there  Tel aunt Betsy (Case, Mrs. Ansel D. Williams) I want to see her but I do not think I can come write a way but as soone as I can come I shal come over soon give my love to ours and my friends and save a good share for your self so good by Steve
This from your Mother Eunice (Case) Gifford (Sister of Betsy Case Williams)

Mansfield March 15th 1863

Esteemed Brother
As I have a few leisure moments to spair, I thought I would improve them in writing to you  I am down to Plinns and Mother was agoing to write to you so I thought I would write a little to let you know I was yet in the land of the living?
I am well and doing well  I suppose you see I have taken a led pencil the pen is so poor I cannot write with it nor can I do very well with the pencil but how some ever I do not profefs to be as good writer therefore you will pleas excuse my inability.  I thought you was coming over and bring June you know who I mean  I have looked for you over all winter.  There is not much news in Mansfield at present – excepting small pox and there is not much about that at present  There is considerable about drafting I do not know what – they will do for it seems to me there has gone all that can possibly be sparred not scarsely enough left now to do the work.  I will not write much but leave it for Mother don’t let any one see this for my sake give my love to all my friends + to June M_______ be sure and save a good share for yourself with kindest regards + well wishes for your welfare I remain as ever your True Friend + Sister
McAGifford (This should be Matilda Gifford, Stephen’s sister.  She was the only unmarried daughter at this time and the closest in age to Stephen- per Susan Johnston)

Mary I was glad to reseve a few lines from you and would be glad to set down and chat with you and talk over maters for I could talk more in five minets than I could writ in an ower I shal have to say good by Mary
Eunice (Case) Gifford

(The June M. in this letter is a great clue for me.  Stephen D. Gifford’s tombstone has an inscription “Death came to me & snatched away a husband from my side..." but there is no record of his marriage in the family.  This gives me someone to search for- Susan Johnston)

Shaftsbury (VT) Nov 13th 1864

Dear Cousin (Mary Williams, Mrs. Oliver Williams)
I think you will excuse me for not writing to you before or for not receiving a letter from me before when I tell you I have written to you.  I answered your letter last summer and supposed you had got it and looking for an answer when the other day I was looking in the draw and on taking the drawer out I found my letter to you  You don’t know how much surprised when I found it when I finished writing it I laid it in the draw and told Mary I was agoing away and to send it to the office  She said she had forgotten it =  We are all well and the same to you  It snows very hard here to day.  I guess we are going to have some sleighing  Father is wishing it would snow enough to make sleighing for he wants to go to the mountain to work  I do believe he would be crazy if he could not work on the mountain.  Sophia has buried her youngest child a little girl eight months old  The doctor said there was not anything the matter but its cutting teeth it never has been very well She (has) 2 children left a boy and a girl Jane has got well Emily is well Harriet has gone to Wisconsin to live Mary is at home she has not heard from her husband since the 1st of April.  I would like to have you tell me where Phebe is and what her name is now and I will write her tell Aunt I send ever so much love to her I think her picture a good one  I would like to have you send yours to us and your little boys to  I will send you one of mine when I get them taken they don’t take good ones in Bennington  I want to go to Canbridge and get some I have Aunts in my album when this reaches you I want you to sit rite down and write me a long letter It is nine Oclock I shall have to close by wising you a merry good night


Tell cousin Oliver I remember how he used to dance me around

Charles & Laura ?? Everts
Granville July the 14th (18)67

Dear Uncle
As I am to thank you for ever hearing from any of my friends in Pa I will try to answer, it is ten years since aunt Patty (Simeon Utter ?)was here and I have heard very little from any of you since I had heard of some of the deaths but not all but if I had been with you when Anson died I shouldnt have felt any worse that I did about the time you say he died  It was so imprefsed upon me that one of my near friends was dieing and witheout hope that I could not work it seemed as if they were in our spare room and I must pray for them I would kneel down and try to pray all the words that would come to me was Lord have mercy and I believed he would have mercy on the sufferer it was Saturday and on Sunday we heard of the death of one of Chas cousin’s husband shot himself they all said that accounted for my feelings but I told them it was nearer to me than that but we heard nothing more and I finely gave it up but your letter brought evry thing so fresh to my mind I would like to know the day of the month and week he died, I have thought of aunt Eunice a great deal since I was mariad although I never was acquainted with her only by hearing about her  She was away from all the rest and her husband sick and my husband has been sick a grate deal of the time so that I had little reason to expect he would live but a short time and it seemed that aunts tryals and mine were some alike we have had 14 children and lost too of them we have six boys and six girls now our oldest girl is teaching this summer we got a letter from Uncle Sim (Utter) about 3 monthes ago he said aunt health was qite poor and he wanted us to come and see them but we could not go this summer, one of our boys got his leg broke and and we were building a barn but I intend to go this fall if nothing hapens  we did not know they were back until he wrote we got a letter from Charlotte last fryday and her health is quite poor she has 4 little children and she has lost one, they are doing well, give my love to aunt Betsy and Oliver and Mary and also to the rest of the friends  I think your picture is a very good one and I think a great deal of it I donot think of any thing more to write that would interest you if we never meet again in this world I hope we shall meet in heaven where parting shall be no more  I will close and leave room for C
Laura Everts

Dear Uncle
As Laura has left room I embrace this opportunity of writing a few lines to one though far distant yet near by the ties of nature.  I will remember the time Uncle when you used to visit our family likewise how I used to like to hear you sing some of them old songs and talk about the Pennsylvania folks  I will remember our folks saying you would give more information about the relatives and their circumstances that any other on amongst them, now Uncle write again soon and tell all who may inquire after us that if they will write we will answer their letters  tell Oliver and Mary to write in their own name love to all inquiring friends Yours with respect

Charles C. Everts

From Frances MASON Coons
Eleva Wis. May 18

Dear Aunt (Mary Williams, Mrs. Oliver Williams)
I received a letter from Mattie last week and she said you were not well.  She told me you were sick when you came from Canton but I did not hear again and thought you must be better  I have worried about you all the time since I received her letter, and Mattie being sick too  I have been so home sick seemed as tho I would fly out there,  I wish I could do for you and wait upon you,  I have not forgotten your kindness and it seems as tho it is my place to take care of you and it will be a pleasure to do all I can for you.  I feel as if it is my duty when you need any one.  You never failed us when we needed help.  The baby knows your photo and call it “Auntie Jew” she is just beginning to talk and those are the first words she put together.  She is not very well her double teeth are bothering and worms too.  Uncle Phil wrote when Aunt Eunice died and said his health was very poor not able to work more that half the time.  We are having very cold weather here, have not put in our garden yet, am afraid our peas and new potatoes will not be ready for the 4th this year.
Franc (Frances Mason Coons)

I hope you will excuse this letter some how I am not in the mood for writing to-night.
Now if you are not able to write get Mattie to so I know how you are. Franc

Canton, PA
Nov 27, (18)94

Dear Aunt (Mary Williams, Mrs. Oliver Williams)
Rec’d your letter was sorry your people were not gaining faster  Have bad news to write you but still it might be worse  Father and Mother went to Alba Tuesday to see Bertha(?) she has been very sick with pneumonia but is better now  At night when Mother was going to depot she had a very bad spell with her heart and in trying to get breath caused hemorrhage of the lungs they got a team took her back to Almas (Mason Dewey) got the Dr immediately he did not think she could live but a short time they sent to Canton for Will (William Henry Mason) and I and Dr. Davison when we got there she was a little better The Doctors told me to send for her children they could not tell which way it was going with her, They would not let her lay down or talk any that night in the morn she was better We brought her home yesterday they say she will get along all right now if she is careful she is up around most of the time.  Clarence (Mason) is better Uncle was here yesterday said he was gaining finely.
Pleas write us soon and let us know how you all are
Yours Franc (Frances Mason Coons)

(Partial letter –) (To: Mary Williams, wife of Oliver Williams)

…………… up from Williamsport and spent a wk or two and Lawrence (Mason) and wife and baby has been over  Clarence (Mason) and wife expect to go housekeeping in Elmira in about a month  Well Aunt Mary I expect to be married the 24 of this mo am not going to have a large wedding just my Brother and Sisters and one or two girl friends and Claudes nearest relatives  I did not want any wedding just be married quietly at home but Mother was very anxious for the children to be home  I am not going to invite any of my Uncles and Aunts but if you should happen over at that time we would be very glad to see you  We have rented the house next to ours on Union St. expect to have it all furnished ready to go to housekeeping when we are married  We are no going to take any wedding trip at present  Mother says to tell you she thinks it is time you came over and made us a visit.  It seams as if Eli’s people have more than their share of trouble  I wish it was so we could help them some maybe it will be so we can later on.  Now Aunt Mary please write us or come over soon.  Please do not say anything about what I have told you
Lovingly Franc (Frances Mason Coons)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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By Joyce M. Tice
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