The Art & Humor of
A. Stanley Johnson of Waupun, Wisconsin

presented by The History Center on Main Street,
Mansfield, PA
How We Do Things, Second Ed.
Site Under Construction starting June 2018 -
Still Collecting - October 2021
Click Here For Collector's Checklist by Title

Who Cares For An Auto

Following his 1915 series "Scene on the Road," which involved horse-drawn and motorized conveyances crashing on the roads, Johnson designed a series of eight non-standard transportation methods using neither. Some of the cards are overprinted with a "Scene on the Road" title or with a "Who Cares For An Auto" or sometimes both. None of them have a title, but they are designated with letters A through H to differentiate them. All show people riding a variety of farm animals that are not usually ridden. We can guess that the inspiration was his 1908 Homecoming card, "Any Old Way" in which a boy rides a pig to get to homecoming. They are certainly among Johnson's most hilarious designs, one more extreme than another.

The A card of the Who Cares Series includes three women riding a bull. They are very prim and proper with their handbags and hats while encouraging the bull onward with an umbrella. Johnson has neglected to add in the other foot of the two women riding astride.

The models in this series are posed astride some other item than the animal, probably a plank of some kind. The background would be the original photo with both the people and the animal pasted on the surface. Note that the A card and the F card are arranged on the same background picture. 
In this B card the man is posed on a goat with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Johnson has made sure that we see the other foot beneath the goat on the other side. The two little dogs, particularly the one in front of the goat, look a little out of place, not really blended to perfection.

The B card is arranged on the same background photo as the D card.
Note that the image of the pig is the same as in the C card. Johnson used many of his images repeatedly. This is the same background as used in the B card.  
E - The men of the E card are off for a day of fun on their unlikely cow transportation. They have a camera, golf clubs and a tennis racquet  
See Variant in that chapter. This is the same background as in the A card.  
See original image in Homecoming series of 1908