Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
U.S. Military Veterans Buried in Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-County Genealogy & History Sites Home Page
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Warning & Disclaimer
Flagholders & Commemorative Plaques
Bradford County Townships
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Say Hello to Joyce 
Bradford County Veterans
from the Database of Dick McCracken
former Director of Veterans' Affairs in Bradford County
Photos of the Military Cemetery Markers 
and Flagholders
are by Joyce M. Tice
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the 700 pages of Military Records on the site by using the Military button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

This database of military veterans was compiled by Dick McCracken in his eleven years as Director of Veterans' Affairs in Bradford County. He has made it available to the Tri-Counties site for the use of the genealogical community. There are nearly 8500 individuals in the file.

Individuals in this database were residents of Bradford County and/or are buried in the County.

Note from Dick McCracken:
The veteran's database is a BURIAL record, primarily of veterans who were residents of Bradford County at the time of their death and are buried here.  It is not an attempt to record all persons from Bradford County who served in the Armed Forces throughout the county's history.

Between 1938 and 1941 the WPA recorded the location of graves of veterans within each of the 67 counties of Pennsylvania.  Upon completion of the WPA project, the Commonwealth legislature required counties continue the recordings and make a public record of the location of veterans graves.  Counties are also required to provide a permanent flag holder, and annually a flag for each.  The database is the result of the continuation of this project.

Between 1989 and May of this year (2000) it was my task to computerize the existing data and kept it updated.  The result is now being posted for all to use from the comfort of their homes.

Dick McCracken
Towanda, PA

Further note from JMT: Since starting this project I have become interested in the variety of Cemetery plaques and flag holders that are used by various organizations and by the military to commemorate their dead. I have been photographing as many of these as I can find and am including many of the military markers on the various pages of this presentation. I will also make additional pages on the site eventually for the non-military examples. Be sure to take a look at the numerous examples of these markers included here. The further into the database you go the more variety you will find since the collection is increasing as I progress on getting all this material online.

Tri-County Genealogy Home Page
Bradford County Veterans Index
Bradford County Townships
Cemetery Addresses
How To Use This Site
No Commercial Use Permitted
Commemorative Plaques & Flagholders World War 2 Draft Serial Numbers
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Copyright 2000 Joyce M. Tice & Dick McCracken

This Page Introduced on this site  on 05/07/2000
By Joyce M. Tice