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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
East Troy Cemetery, Troy, Bradford County, PA

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Bradford County PA

Chemung County NY

Tioga County PA


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by Joyce M. Tice 2000

See East Troy Cemetery Listing 1999



Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 

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Do You Know that you can search just the Obituaries on the site by using the three County Specific Obituary selections in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? You can narrow your search by including a key word in the cemetery name or a township name in addition to the surname you search. Then select the Find All Words option. 
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using Clippings partition. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business. 

All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and  for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. Please send in typed obituaries for people buried in our local cemeteries. If possible include name of newspaper and date. Send typed in your email or in attached Word files. Send to Joyce M. Tice ( 


SRGP ID Added in parentheses by Joyce M .Tice if included in her Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project. If you are researching or descended from any of those so designated, it is requested that you share your research with Joycs's SRGP if you have not already done so. That is the price I ask for making this site available. It is your opportunity to share in the cost of creating this site and reward Joyce just a tad for making this enormous body of resource available to you. It is a way to pay your dues in a small way for use of this site. Please reference the SRGP ID and the page you found this on the site, when you write to me. For women listed under a married alias, I have provided her real name, if I know it. 

Nathaniel ALLEN, who was of English descent, was born on Long Island, 1761. During the Revolution he enlisted in the 1st regiment of Minute Men, Suffolk county militia. He fell into the hands of the British and was held a prisoner two years, or until the close of the war. Having learned surveying, he became land-agent and surveyor for the Connecticut Company and made the original survey of the greater portion of the wilderness of western Bradford. Under the original title, he became himself the owner of three townships, but finally was obliged to relinquish his claim, the proprietaries of Pennsylvania having been given the right of title. Subsequently, he purchased 1,000 acres of good title, an abundant field for his activity and enterprise. Mr. Allen located on Sugar Creek, 1793, at first on the Pratt place, West Burlington, and a couple of years later on his purchase at East Troy. On his property he erected a saw and grist-mill, which was a great convenience to the settlers for many miles around. He was a man of decided enterprise. His superior ability was recognized and in 1800 he was commissioned a justice of the peace, an office he filled with credit and honor many years. Upon the organization of Burlington township, he was made its first supervisor and successively re-elected a number of times. Soon after the setting off of Burlington, the event was celebrated at the home of Mr. Allen by a barbecue and dance. In 1815 he was elected county commissioner and served a term of three years. He filled other positions of honor and trust, and was one of our most noted men of early times. Mr. Allen married Lydia, daughter of Ebenezer Stevens, a soldier of the Revolution. He died, 1839, and is buried beside his wife in the East Troy cemetery. Their children were:
Adolphus became a physician and removed to Illinois.
Laura married 1st Dr. Horace LeBarron, 2nd Benjamin McKean of Columbia.
Samuel married Miranda, daughter of James Sheffield, Madison county, N.Y., and occupied the homestead. Children: Darwin N., Lydia M. (Mrs. Monroe Jones), and Adolphus G.
Alma married Ezra Canfield.
Lucy married Howard Spalding of Troy.

ALLEN, NATHANIEL Nathaniel Allen, born 1761 died Feb. 10, 1839, a native of Long Island, was a soldier in the Revolution, in Col. Josiah Smith’s "First Regiment of Minute Men" from Suffolk Co. He was taken prisoner by the British. Soon after the close of the war, he moved to Pennsylvania and in early 1800 was at one time the Justice of the Peace in Lycoming, Co. PA; He was also the first permanent settler at Troy Township. He was a prominent citizen in that frontier county. He married Lydia Stevens and had the following children: (1) Adolphus Allen; (2) Laura Allen (1st married Dr. Horace LeBeren; 2nd married Benjamin McKean); (3) Samuel Allen married Miranda Sheffield; (4) Alma Allen Canfield (married Ezra Canfield); (5) Lucy Allen (married Howard Spalding) and (6) Myron Allen. He died in 1839 at the age of 90. He and his wife are buried at East Troy Cemetery, Troy Township, Bradford Co., PA.

ANDRE, JACOB Jacob Andre, son of George Andre, born July 30, 1812 d. Nov. 6, 1890, came from Sussexshire, England when he was 18 years of age and settled in Delaware Co., N.Y. He married Deborah Ann Hubbell. He cleared and settled on the George Georgia farm on Cayuta Creek two miles north of Factoryville in 1844. Jacob and Deborah Ann had eight children: (1) Jacob Andre b. Jan. 29, 1838 d. June 29, 1909. Married May 7, 1870 to Annie C. Shelp b. 1849 d. Apr. 2, 1939 daughter of William M. Shelp and Patience Robinson; (2) A. T. Andre b. 1842 d. 1894, married Belle A. Shelp daughter of Freeman Shelp and Sally Mahala Hill;(3) George Andre of Factoryville; (4) John H. Andre of Waverly; (5) Newton Andre (died June 2, 1881 and buried at East Troy Cemetery, Troy Township, Bradford Co., PA); (6) Angeline Andre Smith of Waverly (married Charles Smith); (7) Isaac Andre of Factoryville (b. June 19, 1836-was a carpenter and millwright, married June 8, 1856 Sarah L. Fuller who was the daughter of Richard and Celinda Blackman Fuller); and (8) William H. Andre (born Nov. 25, 1839 d. Aug. 9, 1851). He is buried at East Troy Cemetery, Troy Township, Bradford Co., PA.

 Following an illness of several months, Harry H. AUMICK expired last Friday afternoon at his home in East Troy, aged 76 years. His wife survives and three sons, Benjamin, of Branchport, N. Y., and Elijah S. and Merritt, of Troy. The funeral was held at the East Troy Baptist church at 11 Sunday morning and interment was in East Troy cemetery. TGR 1911

BARRETT - Thomas Barrett, at East Troy, August 31st, of heart trouble, aged 55 years. TGR 1901

 Obadiah BROWN, Jr., b. 7 Nov 1777 m. 2 Apr 1800 in Sheshequin, Joanna Brown of Milton,    Cayuga County, New York. Enumerated in Genoa, Cayuga County, New York in 1810; Hector,    Tompkins County, New York in 1820. Obadiah m. after the 1820 census in Hector, Tompkins (now    Schuyler) County, New York, Amanda Ferris b. 10 July 1797. Enumerated in Southport,     Chemung County, New York in 1830; Armenia Township, Bradford County in 1850. Amanda d. 11    Feb 1854 56y 7m 1d (ts) and Obadiah d. 19 Feb 1854 76y 3m 12d (ts) East Troy Cemetery, Bradford    County. On the 1810 census enumeration there was a male and female in the household of age 10 and   under age 16 which would place their birth before the marriage in 1800 of Obadiah and Joanna,    which may suggest that Joanna was Obadiah’s second wife. (Bio from JKJ)

DEXTER, Jessie  - Our town was shocked when the news of the death of Mrs. Jesse Campbell of Breesport, came over the telephone last Friday night.  Every one knew Mrs. Campbell and loved her for she was a bright and of a loving disposition.  She lived here until a short time before she married, when they moved to Troy, and she was always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in trouble.  She was a faithful member of the Methodist church in this place until they moved away and was always found ready to do her duty.  She taught a large Sunday school class for several years, was also member of the W. C. T. U.  All will mourn a loss of a dear friend and will extend sympathy to the bereaved family.  She is survived by her husband, G. U. Campbell, one small son three years old, her father, J. W. Dexter and one brother and many other relatives and friends.  Her remains were brought from her home to Troy M. E. church Monday morning.  Rev. A. E. Hall, preached.  Interment in the cemetery at this place where her mother and brother are. TGR 1903

(East Troy)  The funeral of Amasa Dunbar of Alba, was held in the Baptist church here on Tuesday.  Mr. Dunbar was formerly of this place and has many relatives in this vicinity. TGR 1916



East Troy News) The funeral of Ray Dunbar of Troy, son of Victor Dunbar was held on Monday at the Baptist church. Interment at the East Troy cemetery.      tgr 1919


(Local News) After an extended illness from diabetes, Ray Dunbar passed out of life last Friday afternoon at his home in Exchange street. He was 35 and leaves a wife and three small children. Funeral services were held at East Troy Baptist church, on Monday the Rev. Johnstone officiating and interment was in the East Troy cemetery.

Geo. FARMER, a resident of East Troy, died in the hospital at Williamsport where he had been only a week receiving treatment for Brights disease and heart trouble. He was 38 years old. TGR 1900

HOOSE - Elwin L. Hoose
 Elwin Lester Hoose died yesterday on board the U. S. Hospital Ship “Solace” of typhoid pneumonia, after an illness of about four days.  Mr. Hoose was 24 years old and was born in East Troy where the greater part of his life was spent.  He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hoose.  Previous to enlisting in the navy about six months ago he had been employed as brakeman on the Northern Central Railroad.   He had been assigned to the U. S. S. “South Carolina.”  The burial will take place in Norfolk, Va.  Mr. Hoose is survived by two sisters and two brothers:  Mrs. Clara Morse, Mrs. Ida Spencer, Delacy and Richard Hoose, all of Troy.   (In the East Troy News, January 24, 1918 is the following funeral notice.)  The funeral of Elwin Lester Hoose, was held here on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the M. E. Church, the Rev. G. M. Perkins officiating.  Burial was in the East Troy Cemetery.  Elwin enlisted in the navy about six months ago.  He died on board the hospital ship Solace after a short illness. TGR 1918

Lester H. HOOSE
Lester H. Hoose, a highly respected citizen of East Troy for 21 years, died at his home on Thursday morning, Nov. 16, 1911, at nine o’clock, of pneumonia.  He was 48 years old, having been born in Athens township., December 7th, 1862. He was the son of William H. and Mary Ann Hoose.  He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, two daughters, three sons and one grandson: Mrs. Ida M. Spencer of Leroy; Mrs. Clara L. Morse of East Troy; Elvin, DeLace and Richard at home and Robert M., son of the older daughter. The funeral was held on Nov. 19th at one, at the house and two, at the Baptist church by Rev. Walter Skillett of Roseville, Pa. The remains were laid to rest in the East Troy cemetery. TGR 1911

Mrs. Florence JONES
Troy Gazette-Register – June 4, 1936
Who had been ill for several months died Sunday evening, May 31st, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Larcom, Granville Summit.  She was born in East Troy 76 years ago and has been a lifelong resident of this vicinity.  She was a sister of the late Grant M. Jones and John R. Jones and the last of a family of five children of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Jones.  Mrs. Jones was a member of the East Troy Methodist Episcopal church.  Besides Mrs. Larcom her survivors are: a daughter, Mrs. Delancey Morse, Troy, two step-daughters, Mrs. F. S. Meade, Athens and Mrs. Mary Rockwell, Sayre, several grandchildren and one great grandchild. The funeral was held at 2 o’clock on Wednesday afternoon at the East Troy Methodist Church.  Rev. F. A. Guiles officiated and interment was in the East Troy cemetery.

Our village was startled Friday morning with the announcement of the death of Mr. LaMont, on of East Troy’s most highly esteemed residents. The day of his death he was at the barn with his son, James. While walking to the house he fell with a stroke of apoplexy from which he never rallied and soon died. Hezekiah Pettit LaMont was the son of John and Olive LaMont. He was born at Lexington, Green county, N. Y., June 29, 1830. He came to Pennsylvania at the age of 12 with his widow mother and her nine children, in 1842. He was educated in the common schools and Troy Academy. Married to Miss Alma Eliza McKean of Troy, July 25, 1854. He had resided in East Troy over forty years. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. LaMont, Mrs. Job Ballard, Mrs. R. E. Stiles, Mrs. C. W. Rockwell, Henry McKean LaMont and James B. LaMont at who’s whom he died. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw and one brother Darwin A. LaMont of Elmira, N. Y. The funeral was held Monday at 2 o’clock at the Baptist church of which he had been a member for many years. The choir sang, appropriate selections. The church was filled with the friends and neighbors of the deceased. Hector lodge, No. 166, I.O.O.F. of East Troy attended in a body. He was one of the founders of the Republican party. He was laid to rest in the East Troy Cemetery beside his wife, who preceded him a few years ago. TGR 1914



East Troy News) Mr. J. D. Miller, a former resident of this place, died at his home in Smithfield, on Friday, June 21st, 1912. He lived here for a number of years, only moving away last spring. He was highly respected and had many friends. His funeral was held at the Baptist church on Monday, conducted by the Rev. Grover, of the Baptist church. Mr. Miller was a veteran of the Civil War, and the following soldiers acted as paul bearers: Dr. T. A. Gamble, J. R. VanNoy, Howard Cole, S. K. Ross, P. H. Darrow, W. W. Brooks. Interment was made in the Allen cemetery. TGR 1912  (Jonathan D. Miller)   (Says Allen cemetery but veterans list has East Troy.  There are Allens buried at East Troy. Allen Nathaniel Esq.  Feb.10.1839 78 yr Rev. War Marker & Flag - This is probably the oldest tombstone here so possibly it was called the Allen cemetery in 1912)


PETERS - Raymond Peters, the son of Lyman and Eva Peters of East Troy, was born at the above place September 13th, 1880, and departed this life Oct 31, 1895. The funeral was held at the East Troy Free Baptist Church of which Raymond was a worthy member, at one o’clock, Saturday, November 2nd. Rev. L.S. Shumaker preached the sermon from the text, "To die is gain". Phil 1, 21. It is difficult to convey, in a brief sketch, even a faint conception of the beautiful character of our subject. His short life would require a history. It is the universal testimony of those who knew him that he was a good boy. He was in the true sense of the word a remarkable boy. We very seldom see one of his age who possesses so many noble traits of character. His teacher in the public school said of him that he was all things considered, the best scholar he ever had. Burial was in the East Troy Cemetery.

The many friends of Mr. John RATHBUN were saddened to hear of his death which occurred in the Williamsport hospital Sunday evening at six o’clock after a brief illness. Death was caused by an abscess on the brain. Mr. RATHBUN was thirty years old and a former resident of this place, but had made his home in Williamsport for several years. He was employed as mail clerk on the N. C. R. R. He is survived by his widow who was Miss Vera Landon of this place and three small children, Beatrice, Raymond and Ruth, also his father, Mr. Ruben RATHBUN who is spending the winter in the south and four brothers, Wayne, Floyd, George and Kendrick of this place. The funeral was held on Wednesday morning in the Methodist church at eleven o’clock and was largely attended. The Rev. R. E. BRAGUE officiated and Rev. GROVER assisted. The members of the I.O.O.F. of which he was a member attended in a body. There were many beautiful floral offerings which showed the esteem in which he was held. Burial was in the East Troy cemetery. Among those who attended the funeral from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Judson JONES and Mr. Dell RATHBUN and son Dean of Grover, Pa., Mr. Harry McNETT of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MILLER and Mrs. Lillian LANDON of Alba, Mrs. Herbert LARCOM of Granville Center, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Merritt of Cowley, Mrs. Sarah JONES and son Williard of Morris, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur WARREN of Elmira, Miss Hazel LANDON of Williamsport, Mrs. Michael McGLENN, Miss Jennie COLLINS, Mr. Harry BROOKS and Mr. Harold JONES of Troy. TGR 1913

SHAW - Mrs. Nellie Cole - (1931) of Blossburg died at her home on Thursday morning, January 29, at 5 o’clock. She is survived by Dr. Lloyd Cole, an adopted son who is surgeon of the Blossburg hospital. Mrs. Cole was a direct descendant of Nathanial Allen, a famous Revolutionary War soldier. Funeral services were held at East Troy Methodist Episcopal Church at 2:30 Saturday, January 31. Burial was in East Troy Cemetery, where her husband Howard Cole was buried. [Note – 1910 census Troy, PA, mother Mary E. Shaw living with Nellie Cole]

R. E. STILES died Sunday (June 29, 1924) at 5 p.m. at the family home at East Troy, Pa., aged sixty-eight years.  He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs. Ray Furner; a son, P. W. Stiles; a grandson, J. Newton Stiles, all of Elmira.  A prayer service will be held at the home Tuesday at 1:30 o’clock.  The funeral will be held at the Baptist Church at 2 o’clock, the Rev. Bumpus to officiate.  Burial in East Troy Cemetery.  –Elmira Star-Gazette 6/30/1924

East Troy News)  Reuben STILES’ remains were brought here from his daughter’s home in Austin last Friday.  He was born and reared in this vicinity and always resided here until his wifes’ death a little over a year ago, he then went to live with his son Robert in Elmira and later went to Austin to live with his daughter.  He was nearly 85 years old.  The funeral was held in the Baptist church, Rev. Roberts officiated.  A quartet sang three selections very sweetly.  Beyond the smiling and the weeping Lifes’ span of fleeting hour, and go thy rest in peace.  Mr. Stiles is survived by one son, Robert who lives in Elmira and one daughter Frances Weigand of Austin, and brother Lucius of Athens. TGR 1903

Ruggles, Kate Welch- Widow of John Ruggles and for many years a resident of the house now occupied by James Bustin on the Troy-East Troy highway, died in the Boughton Convalescent Home Tuesday, August 1, 1950. Previous to coming to Troy she made her home with her sister, Mrs. Bess Rockwell, West Burlington. She was 73 years old and is survived by a brother, Frank Welsh, Canton and the sister, Mrs. Rockwell. Funeral services will be held from the Soper & Vickery Funeral Home Thursday. Rev. O D Young officiating with burial in East Troy Cemetery.

Below this line are women whose own surname is not identified. They are indentified only by married alias. In some cases not even their own first name is given.
The remains of Mrs. Garrett CAMPBELL of Breesport, formerly of Troy, were brought to Troy last Monday and interred at East Troy. TGR 1903

Bradford County PA

Chemung County NY

Tioga County PA

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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 19 AUG 2005
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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