Tri-Counties Genealogy & History
Cleveland Cemetery, Richmond Township, Tioga County PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Photo of Gravestone Art
by Joyce M. Tice
Reading a series of obituaries from a single
cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational
history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular
time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and
school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business.
All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women
identified by a married alias only and for whom a birth surname can not be
identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries. |
Last Friday afternoon this neighborhood was thrown into a state of great
excitement when the news of the tragic death of Carl Cleveland
became known. He with his brother had been sprouting potatoes in
the cellar. About 2 o’clock he went to the barn to let out the
cows, and when he had been gone longer than his brother thought
necessary the latter went to investigate and found him in the silo
dead. A short time ago he had suffered from mumps and he had not
fully recovered from them. He was nervous and despondent at times
but was able to be about. Dr. Harkness of Mansfield, and Dr.
William F. White of Wellsboro were called, and decided that death
was caused by falling from the top of the silo to the concrete
bottom below. Carl Cleveland was the youngest son of Addin and
Sarah Beardsley Cleveland, born May 9, 1872. In April 1898, he was
married to Anna Goodall. She passed into the great beyond April 28,
1901, and their infant son died in June 1901. He and his brother,
Merton G. Had always been partners on the farm where his life was
spent. They had never entered into any business transactions
without first consulting each other. He was an honest, upright
citizen, and a good neighbor; a man who will be greatly missed. He
was an active member of North Elk Run Grange; also a member of the
Bradford County Milking Shorthorn Breeder’s Association. Those who
mourn his loss most deeply are his brother, above mentioned, and two
nieces, Celia and Florence, and three nephews, Lester and Carl, at
home, and Lyle of Wellsboro. The funeral was held Monday afternoon
at 2 o’clock from his late home, interment being made in the Seamon
Cemetery by the side of his wife and son. The Rev. L. M. Sparks of
Covington, officiated. The services at the grave were in charge of
North Elk Run Grange. His brother and family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the entire community.
The death of Miss Ella P. Cleveland occurred at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Nelson Love, at Smethport, Pa, Feb. 24th. The funeral services
were held at Smethport and the remains ere brought to the Goodall
cemetery in Richmond township, and interred February 27th. The
deceased was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Cleveland, who preceded her in death about thirty years ago. She
was born in Sullivan, September 16, 1875. She is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. Nelson Love and Mrs. Jed Stickels, both of Smethport,
and one brother, William Cleveland, Lander, Wyoming. [Goodall
Cemetery also called Cleveland Cemetery]
Freddie Thomas GOODALL [SRGP 82621]
In Richmond, January 23, 1878, diphtheria, Freddie Thomas, son of Thomas and
Celia Goodall, aged 8 years and 5 months. (Tuesday, February 5, 1878, The
Leonard GOODALL [SRGP 82474]
In Richmond, February 5, 1878, of diphtheria, Leonard, son of Thomas and
Celia Goodall, aged 1 year. (Tuesday, February 19, 1878, The
Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11 DEC 2003
By Joyce M. Tice