The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community Genealogy & History

Obituaries by Cemetery

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History

Clippings, Obituary,  & Scrapbook Section

Bradford County PA

Chemung County NY

Tioga County PA

Mainesburg Cemetery, Sullivan Township, Tioga County PA

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Photos by Joyce M. Tice
June/July 2001
Obituaries, Clippings and Photos Collected  by Joyce M. Tice
For her Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project.
Please submit any additional clippings or photos that you have available. 


Reading a series of obituaries from a single cemetery, as they are presented here, is like reading the multi-generational history of a community. These people were the local populace at a particular time. The people buried here knew each other, were neighbors, relatives and school mates. They attended church together and engaged in "trade" or business.  All people are listed in alphabetic order by surname at BIRTH. Women identified by a married alias only and  for whom a birth surname can not be identified, are listed on the last page for the cemetery's obituaries.








CARD - Homer B. [SRGP 5057] - Homer B. Card, well-known throughout Tioga and Bradford counties, died Tuesday morning, Jun 21, on the farm in Sullivan where he had resided for 50 years. Mr. Card was born September 20, 1846, son of Henry B. and Sarah Fish Card, formerly of Bristol, Rhode Island. He had lived in Sullivan all his life except two years,m when he attended school at Dansville, NY. He was a successful teacher in his younger days and had served many township offices. He was auditor of Sullivan for 20 consecutive years and was honest in all his dealings. Although he had been in failing health about two years he was confined to his room only a week. The decedent is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ida Robinson Card; two sons, Walter at home, and Ray, of Columbia Crossroads, PA; three grandchildren, Mrs. Reid Brace, Henry B. Card and Florence Lucile Card; a great-grandchild, Laura Frances Brace; also a sister, Mrs. Frank Beardslee, of Sullivan. The funeral was largely attended. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Rev. Seymour Barrett officiated. Mr. & Mrs. George Robbins rendered appropriate music. Burial was in the Mainesburg cemetery. - Wellsboro Agitator, July 6, 1921, p.1


Description: Description: C:\TC\~srgp\new\msnslog3.jpgCHAMBERLAIN, ALBERT ULYSSES (SRGP 08353)
Albert Ulysses Chamberlain, the subject of our sketch, was born July 26, 1880, in Rutland Township and was the eldest child of Thomas and Susan Smith Chamberlain. He attended the rural schools of the township, later attending Mansfield Normal for a time, and being quick to learn had a good education. Soon after this his parents bought and moved onto the Ephriam Smith farm and he has been a resident of Sullivan township ever since. In 1905, when twenty-five years of age, he married Miss Neva Bartlett, of Mainesburg. They began housekeeping on a farm near Austinville, but soon moved on his father’s farm, where they lived for five years, then worked the farm just north of Mainesburg, of Mrs. Anna Gray, having at that time thirty-three cows on the farm. At about this time he was taken sick with what the doctors finally agreed was catarrh of the bowels and stomach, a disease which followed him for the last fifteen years of his live, making deadly inroads on his splendid physique, daily depleting his strength, his muscle and at last his nerves. For fifteen years to be a constant sufferer, to stand on the bank of life’s stream, only to see his youthful visions of usefulness drift out of sight and watch others joyfully plunge in the current would have been more than human fortitude could endure, had it not been for the tender, faithful ministration of wife, father and mother. In early life he became a member of the I. O. O. F. Lodge and P. O. S. Of A., both of which he held at the time of his death. He was also elected judge of election at the fall election of 1927. He died Tuesday, at 8:00 p.m. December 6, at his home in Mainesburg, where he had resided since he became unable to work. He leaves to mourn, his wife and two sons, Harold, at home, and Carl of Williamsport; his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chamberlain and five brothers, Henry, Frank and Ernest, all of Mainesburg, Harry, of Miami, Fla., and Earl of Galeton. One brother having died when a lad of ten years, many years since, and one sister, Mrs. Abel Ashley, also of Mainesburg. The funeral was largely attended, Reverent Bly and Rev. Lockwood officiating. Singing by a quartet, Mrs.Ruby Hager, Clara James and Messrs, Charles Strange and Glenn Bly. The coffin was covered with flowers of sympathizing relatives, friends and neighbors; among them were flowers from the lodges all of the church societies, the G. C. Society of Powers Corners and the Agricultural class and Sophomore class of Mansfield High. Interment was in Mainesburg cemetery.

Albert Chamberlain, 47, died at 8 o’clock this morning at the family home at Mainesburg, Pa. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Neva Chamberlain; two sons, Carl and Harold; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chamberlain; and a sister, Mrs. Abel Ashley of Mainesburg, Pa.; five brothers, Henry, frank and Ernest of Mainesburg, Pa.; Harry of Florida, Earl of Galeton, Pa. The funeral will be held at the family home Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial in the Mainesburg, Pa., Cemetery. (handwritten on article Dec. 6, 1927)

 Age 83 of Pinellas Park, Fla., formerly of Mainesburg, Pa. Wednesday, November 27, 1974 in Pinellas Park.  Survived by his wife, Agnes Connelly Chamberlain of Pinellas Park, Fla; two daughters, Mrs. Perry (Frances) Anderson of Canton, RD 2, Pa; Miss Ernestine of Chamberlain of Ambler, Pa; two grandchildren.  He was born September 21, 1891 in Cherry Flats, Pa, son of Thomas and Susan Smith Chamberlain.  He was formerly a Mail Carrier and World War I veteran.  The body will be returned to the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Pa, where funeral arrangements are incomplete.

ERNIE CHAMBERLAIN, 82, (SRGP 19441) diedJanuary 22, 2003 at Abington Memorial Hospital, Montgomery County.  Born June 9, 1920 in Mainesburg, she was the daughter of Ernest and Agnes (Connelly) Chamberlain.  She went to work near Waverly, NY, as a physical education teacher after graduating from college in 1942.  In 1946 she began working in Evansville, IL for the YMCA.  Later she joined the Red Cross near the end of the Korean War and was stationed in Japan and Korea.  She was an avid golfer, especially in her younger days.  She met and befriended the influential Park family in Korea when invited to play on their private course with their daughter.  In 1955 she returned to America by freighter through the Suez Canal and stopped in France where she met a hometown friend, Joyce Gilbert.  They spent six weeks traveling through Europe.  Joyce and her husband Carlton were favorite traveling companions of Ernie.  In 1989 they went on a three-week photographic safari in Kenya.  Once back in the United States she worked for Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC in 1955.  She arranged entertainment for groups of wounded soldiers, many of which were amputees, to special parties and event in Washington’s highest political and social circles, including parties in Mrs. McLean’s home where she had the opportunity to wear the Hope diamond, which was then owned by Mrs. McLean.  She joined Norristown State Hospital in 1957 to create and head the newly formed volunteer services department from which position she retired after 25 years.  For those who knew Ernie well, she was admirably suited to this position because she could convince almost anyone to volunteer for almost anything.  In 1974 Ernestine founded the Forteniters Club, Inc. a social club for ex-mental patients, which meets every Thursday, and with the help of local churches and civic groups, the club has a nice dinner and usually entertainment as well.  She loved to travel, some of her favorite spots included the Island of Nevis in the West Indies, Kenya, Portugal and Ireland.  Her favorite place was undoubtedly the Cottage on Lake Juanita and with Island of Nevis running a close second.  She was the world’s best “Welcome Wagon” lady for many years and helped many new families feel welcome in the Ambler area.  She also made many lifelong friends of the folks she “welcomed waggoned.”  Ms. Chamberlain was an active member and volunteer for many years in “Plant Ambler’s” a group who plants and cares for flowers in Ambler Borough.  She was also a regular student at Temple University’s Horticulture School where she met and made many friends.  She excelled at bringing people and organizations together for their mutual benefit.  “Plant Ambler” benefited greatly from her association with temple’s Horticulture School and many seedlings, which would have been discarded, graced the flower boxes and barrels of Plant Ambler sites each years.  Surviving are her sister Frances Anderson, Canton; nephews Eric Anderson, Canton; Mike Cleveland, Sciota, PA; many friends and her cat, “Sweetie”.  “Sweetie” has a good home with the Yin family of Ambler with four lovely girls to look after her and love her.  Funeral services were held January 26 in Ambler, PA, where she lived since 1957.  A memorial service will be held at the Mainesburg Church, 1 p.m., April 26.  Refreshments will be served after the service.  Her ashes will be interred at Mainesburg Cemetery.  –Canton Independent Sentinel.

CHAMBERLAIN, Frank C.  (SRGP 08357)

Officer Found Unconscious, Bullet Through Temple, in Automobile at Rear of Pavilon—Death Comes at Blossburg Hospital Shortly After Family and County Authorities arrive—In Elmira Friday.

Mansfield—Sheriff Frank C. Chamberlain of Tioga County died in the Blossburg State Hospital at 2:20 a.m. today, a little more than an hour after he was admitted unconscious from a self-inflicted bullet wound through his head. He was 46. The sheriff shot himself in his automobile which was parked at the rear of the dancing pavilion at Putnam Park, midway between Mansfield and Covington, of which he was manager. Tioga County officials, in a statement to The Star-Gazette this morning, blamed failing health and financial worry for the sheriff’s act. Their investigation had revealed no evidence of irregularities in his office, they state. The wounded man was found seated in the right front seat of his automobile shortly after 1:30 a.m. today by Leonard Adams of Mansfield, who with his family, had been occupying one of the overnight cabins in the park not far from the dancing pavilion.


Mr. Adams, officials stated, had left the pavilion for his cabin when he noticed the sheriff’s parked car. A friend of the official, he decided to say goodnight to him before retiring. He saw the sheriff in the car and when he looked in the window discovered Mr. Chamberlain’s head was thrown back over the back of the seat. The sheriff had shot himself in the right temple with his .38 caliber special service revolver. The bullet emerged from the top of the head, penetrated his hat and lodged in the top of the car. In the crown dancing was Lawrence Chamberlain, Bucknell student and son of the sheriff. He had seen his father drive by the pavilion about 1:20. Dr. John Doane of Mansfield was summoned at once, gave what treatment was possible and with Henry Cole of Lawrenceville, a park employee, drove the wounded man to the hospital. Meanwhile county officials and members of the sheriff’s family had been notified of the tragedy and they hurried to the hospital, remaining at his bedside until the end. The sheriff did not regain consciousness. With him at his death were: Mrs. Chamberlain and their son, Lawrence; County Detective Roy Wilcox, Deputies Harry Morre and Harold Finkelstein, District Attorney Charles G. Webb, Dr. L. G. Cole, surgeon-in-chief of the Blossburg Hospital, Dr. Charles Matter and Doctor Watterson of the hospital staff and Dr. D. S. Brazda of Blossburg.


Coroner William F. White of Wellsboro, who automatically became acting sheriff upon Mr. Chamberlain’s death, announced today he would not call a coroner’s jury to consider the case, believing such procedure was not necessary in the circumstances. The body remained at the hospital this morning. Later it will be removed to the home of the sheriff’s father, Thomas Chamberlain, at Mainesburg, for funeral and burial. It was learned today that Sheriff Chamberlain had spent Friday in Elmira on business, riding to that city with unidentified friends. They left him in Elmira while they went on to Waverly, returning to Elmira to pick him up for the return trip in the evening, it was stated.

Lawrence Chamberlain believes his father reached the pavilion about midnight. Mr. Chamberlain took office in January, 1930, succeeding John Wilcox as sheriff. His term would have expired in December. He was a Republican and Mainesburg farmer, never having held office previously. He was known as a fearless officer.


Early in May he leased the Putnam Park pavilion, south of Mansfield and devoted much of his time in managing it. Sheriff Chamberlain is the third Tioga County officer to die during his term during 1933. The first was Benjamin F. Edwards, county treasurer, and the second was Evan P. Rees, prothonotary. It was believed today that Coroner White would serve as sheriff until the appointment of an acting sheriff by Governor Pinchot. There was no indication today as to whom the office might go. Mr. Chamberlain is survived by his widow, four sons, Hugh, Lawrence and Maurice of Wellsboro and Clifton of Mainesburg; his father, Thomas Chamberlain, Mainesburg; four brothers, Earl of Galeton, Henry and Ernest of Mainesburg and Harry of Florida; a sister Mrs. Abel Ashley, Mainesburg (handwritten on article 1933)

CHAMBERLAIN -  Hugh Chamberlain Ends Life at Farm Home [SRGP 13222]
Hugh Chamberlain, 21, ended his life in the barn at the family home about a mile north of Mainesburg about 7 a.m. Friday, March 28.  He went to the barn to do the chores and about a half hour later his brother, Maurice, who went to assist him, found his body suspended from a beam.  He left no letters or any intimation as to the cause of his act.  He had recently been employed in Elmira.  Justice of the Peace William D. Bradway, acting as coroner, gave a verdict of suicide.  Mr. Chamberlain was a son of the late Frank Chamberlain, former sheriff of Tioga County, and Mrs. Edith Chamberlain, and was born October 10, 1920, near Mainesburg.  Surviving are his wife; his mother Mrs. Edith Chamberlain; and three brothers.  Maurice and Clifton, of Mainesburg and Lawrence, of Mich.  Funeral services were held Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Mainesburg Methodist Church, the Rev. Homer Cole, pastor, officiating assisted by the Rev. L. J. Newton, pastor of the Free Methodist Church.  Burial was in the Mainesburg Cemetery.

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CHAMBERLAIN Mrs. Luella Ashley, 51, [SRGP 08361] of Mainesburg, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, Nov. 20 S., 1946.  Survived by husband, Abel Ashley; daughter, Miss Martha Ashley of Rochester; son, Leonard Ashley of Mansfield; brothers, Ernest Chanberlain Of Mainesburg, Henry Chamberlain of Mainesburg Harry Chamberlain Miami FL; Earl Chamberlain Ulysses, D.A.; three grandchildren.  Body at the Soper funeral home, Troy, Pennsylvania, will be removed to family home in Mainesburg Friday afternoon.  Funeral at the Mainesburg Methodist church Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. David Griffith and Alan Sours.  Mainesburg Cemetery.

 Maurice Chamberlain, 70, of RD#1, Towanda, died May 31, 1988, at home. Born Oct. 21, 1917, in Mainesburg, he was the son of Frank and Edith Rumsey Chamberlain. He was a self-employed carpenter and a World War II Navy veteran. Surviving are his wife, the former Marian Whitteker; one son, Gerald of Tully, NY; four daughters, Mrs. Cleo Baldwin of Standing Stone, Mrs. Maureen Morgan of Canton, Mrs. Gail Dull of Standing Stone and Mrs. Sue Beck of Towanda; two brothers, Clifton of Tioga and Laurance of Colorado; 21 grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Wilston Funeral Home, 18 North Main Street, Mansfield, Thursday, June 2 from 7 to 9 pm. Services will be held at the funeral home Friday, June 3 at 11 am.  The Rev. James Dawes will officiate. Burial will be made in Mainesburg Cemetery.


On Saturday, April 20, 1929, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chamberlain observed the 50th anniversary of their wedding day by being guests of honor at a party held in Community Hall in Mainesburg. Miss Susie Smith of Schodac, a well-known teacher, was united in marriage to Tom Chamberlain of Rutland on April 20, 1897, at Mansfield, by Elder Moyer.

With little but an enduring faith and love in each other, youth, ability, industrious, good health, and a clear vision of a happy home, children, and an adequate income to help themselves, and others, too, they started on life’s journey. How their visions were realized was attested on this anniversary night, when they were surrounded by their children and by friends and relatives who gathered met out to Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain the need of respect and esteem which is the just homage due success. The following children were present: Henry and Ernest of Mainesburg, Luella Chamberlain Ashley also of Mainesburg, Earl of Galeton, Frank of Mansfield. Their oldest child, Bert, died some two years ago, and one son died in his youth. Harry of Miami, Fla., was not present but sent his message of love, wrapped about a $10 gold piece. The dining room of the Community Hall was taken up by three large tables, yellow being the color scheme of the decorations, carried out by gold paper festoons and centerpieces of yellow rose buds. The bride and groom’s table was more beautiful by the bride’s cake, an immense mound of toothsome whiteness, surrounded by 50 lighted candles. The color scheme of gold color was carried out in a practical manner by the children and friends, who presented Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain with the gold pieces, fourteen in number, with a few plebian bills for contrast. The evening was made merry by playing old fashioned games and singing old time songs. The family of Bert Smith of Schodac, brother of Mrs. Chamberlain with an orchestra of four pieces, made excellent music and all were delighted with the dance number by Miss Berthalda Chamberlain of Rutland. The evening closed by eating ice cream and cake, one’s capacity being the only limit. Those waiting on table were: Misses Evelyn Barlett, Dorris Seymour, Marietta Stauffer, Dorothea Reese and Welch Harvey. In departing, the guests wished Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain many more happy anniversaries.

CLARY - Juanita M. Hulslander, [SRGP 85026] 65, formerly of the Mansfield Village Apartments, Mansfield, died Thursday, March 1, 1990, at The Green Home, Wellsboro. Born Jan. 24, 1925, in Placid, Texas, she was the daughter of Ernest W. & Lilly Scott Clary. She was a member of the Church of the New Covenant, Mansfield. Surviving are a son, Michael Hulslander of Phoenix, Ariz.; two daughters, Sandy Knowlton of Corning, NY and Jody Moser of Mansfield; a brother, Ernest Clary of San Angelo, Texas; a sister, Gertrude Rains of Victoria, Texas; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Calling hours were held at the Scureman Funeral Home, Mansfield, on Sunday, March 4, from 1 to 3 p.m. Services were held at the conclusion of calling hours. Rev. David B. Bauman officiated. Burial was made at the Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg. - Wellsboro Gazette, March 7, 1990

Enos O. CLEVELAND [SRGP 08962]
Enos O. Cleveland, 94, a lifelong and highly respected resident of Mainesburg and vicinity, died on Thursday, Aug. 28, 1941, at 8:30 p.m. at his home in Austinville.  Death was due to the infirmities of old age.  A son of Alice and Henry Cleveland, he was born Sept. 25, 1847, at Frost Settlement in Tioga County.  He married Miss Elizabeth Austin, who died several years ago.  He was a member of the Baptist Church.  Surviving are three sons, Eugene Cleveland of Mansfield, Spencer of Austinville, and Walter of Penn Yan; a daughter, Mrs. George Landon of Canton; 16 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.  Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the home of Spencer Cleveland in Austinville, the Rev. Orey Crippen officiating.  Burial was in the Mainesburg Cemetery.

 Eugene Cleveland, 93, of Tioga, formerly of Mansfield died last Tuesday, January 18, 1972 in Wellsboro. He was the son of Enos and Elizabeth Austin Cleveland and was born August 6, 1878 in Dykes Mills. He was a retired farmer and formerly worked with county highway labor crews. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Goldie Canfield Landon of Mansfield; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home Friday at 2 pm with the Rev. Benjamin Navin officiating.  Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery.

COLE - Christian Curtis "Chris" and Sebastian Martin "Sibby" Cole [SRGP 84133, 85134] died Thursday, July 3, 2003 in Mainesburg. Chris was born Jan. 2, 2000 and Sibby was born Dec. 20, 2000 in Wellsboro, the sons of Kory and Melissa [Gerow] Cole. They are survived by their parents, Melissa [Gerow] Cole of Elkland, Kory Cole of Mainesburg; brother, Tristan James Gerow at home; maternal grandmother, Bonnie "Nana" McNett of Tioga; maternal grandfather, Frank "Papa" McNett of Florida; maternal great grandmothers, Mildred Rooks of Covington, Patricia Gerow of Morris Run, Mary Fink of Addison, NY; an aunt and uncle, Bobbi Rooks and Jason McCallum of Tioga; uncles, Anthony Gerow and Robert Rooks, both of Tioga; special cousin, Abby McCallum; several cousins; paternal grandmother, Theresa Mattison of Jobs Corners; paternal grandfather, Martin Cole Mainesburg; and great grandparents, Richard Cole, Shari Cole, both of Mainesburg. Their mother has requested that a private memorial service be held at the Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory and Monuments, PC, Mansfield. - Wellsboro Gazette, July 9, 2003

COMFORT, Syvelain M. Comfort,(SRGP 42118) aged 73 years, of Mansfield, died Sept. 30 [1940], at the home of Mrs. Lyle Erway at Covington. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Clara M. Ingalls, of Mansfield, and a brother, George Comfort, of Elmira. Burial in the Mainesburg cemetery. - Wellsboro Agitator, October 9, 1940, p.2 [Not on tombstone listing]

Description: Description: C:\TC\~srgp\new\msnslog3.jpgCONNELLY - CHAMBERLAIN, AGNES (SRGP 13223)
 Age 84 of Pinellas Park, FL, formerly of Mainesburg, PA, Sunday, June 19, 1983 in Gillett, PA.  Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl Funeral Home in Mansfield Tuesday afternoon 2-4 pm.  Funeral there Wednesday at 11 am, Rev. Philip Shear officiating.  Burial Mainesburg Cemetery.  Survived by two daughters, Miss Ernestine Chamberlain of Ambler, PA and Mrs. Perry (Frances) Anderson of Canton, PA RD 2; two grandsons, Michael Cleveland of Sciota, PA and Eric Anderson of Canton; two great grandsons, Michael Cleveland of Sciota, PA and Kyle Anderson of Canton; one great granddaughter, Michelle Cleveland of Sciota, PA.  She was a member of the Mainesburg Methodist Church, graduate of Mansfield Normal School, member of the Elizabeth Rebekah Lodge 291 of Mansfield, retiree of the Tioga County Department of Public Assistance, widow of the late Ernest Chamberlain.  Born May 25, 1899 in Mainesburg the daughter of George and Mary Rockwell Connelly.  The family will furnish the flowers, those who wish may make donations to the Mainesburg Cemetery Association in care of Welsh Harvey.

CONNELLY, Alice - (SRGP 06894) Alice Connelly Rumsey was born in Sullivan Township January 10, 1850, and died after an extended illness, Friday morning, July 8, 1927. She was the daughter of Michael and Martha Connelly and was next to the youngest, of a family of five boys and five girls. , Michael and Martha Connelly were young people in the early days of 1800, Michael came. from Dutchess County N. Y., down to North Hector to work on the Erie Canal.. There he met. and wooed and won Martha Smith and they began housekeeping in Horseheads, N. Y., but the spirit of adventure sent them towards newer, undeveloped country and they lived at Jobs Corners for several years, then made their way towards the hills and settled on a farm two miles north of Mainesburg, now owned by Sam Smith. Here the subject of our sketch was born, having four brothers and five sisters to play with and help care for her, how could she have been otherwise than happy? All these have preceded her to the Better Land. (Note: from JMT - Michael was brother to my great great great grandmother, Naomi Conley who married Eli Mosher. )

As a small girl Alice attended her first school at Scouten Hill school, later at Mainesburg and then to Covington, acquiring what was a good education and continued to love books and learn from them all her days. When only seventeen she joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at Mainesburg, under the pastorate of Rev. C. L. F. Howe, and had that minister only lead this one young life to accept the Living Christ as her example his ministry would have been well worthwhile. So faithful, so interested was she in all the activities of the church, her very presence was an inspiration to her pastor and the Sunday School teacher because of her eager sympathetic, comprehensive grasp of the theme being presented, and not a listener only, but a doer as well, ever ready with hand and purse to aid all worthy objects. After leaving school she spent some time with her brother, Dr. Richard Connelly, near Troy, N.Y., but later returning home, when she was twenty. December 28, 1870, she married the man of her choice, Jesse Rumsey, a much sought after and prosperous farmer of the Rumsey Hill. They began housekeeping on the old family homestead, later buying more land they built the commodious buildings where they lived out their useful days. The death of April, 1925, of the husband Jesse Rumsey, seemed to take away all her zest for life and she was merely waiting for her Master's call to "Come up higher" and be with her loved ones, and her Christ. She was a staunch friend, a kind neighbor, ever generous to the poor and needy and a wise counselor and guide to her family, surely 11 Her works do praise her." She leaves to mourn her loss for many and many a day, an only daughter, Mattie Rumsey Strange, who, with Mrs Helena Whittaker, a niece, so tenderly and efficiently cared for her during her last six months sickness, and three grandchildren, Malcolm, Maurice and Mary Alice Strange, all at home, or near home, besides many relatives and friends who will sadly miss the cheery heartfelt welcome to her well ordered home. The funeral was held Monday, July 11, at her late home on Rumsey Hill, Rev. Bly, of the M. E. Church, officiating. The pall bearers were Messrs. H. G. Lucas, W. L. Connelly, G. H. Connelly, Donavan Rumsey and Malcolm and Maurice Strange. The loved form was more than covered with flowers, the tributes of friends to the esteem and worth of Mrs Rumsey. The Willing Workers, the J. 0. Y., Class, the Missionary Society, the Ladies Aid, nearly all of which organization Mrs Rumsey belonged, sent flowers in a fruitless attempt to assuage their grief and loss.

CONNELLY, Alice - Mrs. Jesse Rumsey died Friday at the family home on Rumsey Hill, near Mainesburg, Pa.  She is survived by a daughter, Mrs Charles Strande; 3 grandchildren Malcom, Maurice and Mary Alice Strande. Mrs. Rumsey was a lifetime member of the Meth. Episcopal Church at Mainesburg, Pa.  The funeral will be held Monday at 2:30 p.m.   The Rev. E.G. Bly will officiate.  Burial in the Mainesburg, Pa. Cemetery.

ORVILLE C. COOK:  (SRGP 23283) Orville. C. Cook, age 76, of Covington, Pa.; formerly of Mansfield, died Saturday, Sept. 13, 1969. Funeral was at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home, Monday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Kermit Clickner and Rev. David Griffiths officiated.  Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery.  Survived by wife, Mrs. Ethel Webster Cook; son, Orville Cook, Jr. of Endwell, N.Y.; two grandsons; one great-granddaughter; several nieces and nephews.  Mr. Cook was a member of Covington Church of Christ Disciples and Covington Borough Grange.

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MAINESBURG — Ray L. COOK, 83, (SRGP 8798) of Mainesburg RD 1, died Wednesday, May 13, 1992, in the Cook Country Home. He and his wife, the former Myrtle Griffin White, were married 65 years.  An area dairy farmer until 1953, he owned and operated Cook’s Superette, Mainesburg from January 1953 until January 1970.  He was a school bus driver in Rutland and Sullivan Townships for 25 years.  Born August 10, 1908, in Rutland Township, he was a son of Merritt L. and Nellie Brewer Cook. Surviving, besides his wife, are three Sons, Morgan, of Mainesburg, Dr. Richard, of Pine City, N.Y., and Gary, of Purcellville, Va.; a brother, James, of Buffalo; nine grand-children, and 10 great-grandchildren.  The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at Scureman’s 130 South Main Street, Mansfield, with the Rev. Donald Newkirk, pastor of Lambs Creek Bible Church, officiating. Burial will be in Mainesburg Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday.

 Age 83 of RD #1 Box 497, Mainesburg, PA; Wednesday, May 13, 1992 at the Cook Country Home in Mainesburg, PA.  Friends may call at the Scureman Funeral Home, 130 South Main St., Mansfield, Saturday 7 to 9 PM.  Funeral service there Sunday at 2 PM with the Rev. Donald Newkirk, Pastor of the Lambs Creek Bible Church officiating.  Burial, Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA.  He was born August 10, 1908 in Rutland Township, the son of Merritt L. and Nellie Brewer Cook.  Survived by his wife of 65 years, Myrtle Griffin (White) Cook; 3 sons and daughters-in-law, Morgan and Ruth Cook of Mansfield, Dr. Richard and Esther Cook of Pine City, NY, Gary and Linda Cook of Purcellville, VA; 9 grandchildren, David and Diana Cook of Sabinsville, PA, Sharon and Bryce Cook, Nancy and Dan Sargent all of Mansfield, R. Gregory and Maureen Cook of Elmira, NY, Jeff and Tina Cook of Selden, NY, Lisa and Ted Sweeney of Williamstown, NJ, Cheryl and Mark Barth of Ft. Campbell, KY, Scott Cook of Lafayette, IN, Diane Cook of Purcellville, VA; 10 great grandchildren; brother and sisters-in-law, James and Lois Cook of Buffalo, NY, Mrs. Marie Cook of Wellsville, NY.  Mr. Cook owned and operated Cook’s Superette in Mainesburg from January 1953 through January of 1970.  He was a dairy farmer in Rutland and Sullivan Townships until 1953.  He has also been a school bus driver in the same area for 25 years.  The family will furnish flowers.  Memorial Donations may be made to the Mainesburg Methodist Church Building Fund, Mainesburg, PA 16932.

Mary CRANDALL "Rhinevault" SRGP 51550] Tioga County Agitator - Jun 14th 1871 issue: Mainesburg- the wife of Rev. S. G. Rhinevault died on the 1st of June at Horseheads, NY where she had gone some three weeks before to be treated by a physician of that place. Elder Rhinevault brought her remains here on the 2d of June.

CROOKER -Died, in Mansfield, Pa., Sept. 29th, Mrs. Nancy M. Phillips, (SRGP 13485) aged 84 years. She was the eldest daughter of Frederick and Margaret Crooker, of Lafayetteville, Onondaga county, N.Y. She had been married three times; was the mother of nine children, seven of whom are now living. With her lst husband Mr. Leonard Phillips, she lived on their farm in Sullivan 29 years. In her health and strength she was known as a person of great industry and activity of disposition. Much devoted to the interests of her children, she was a faithful and beloved mother. She was one of the charter members of the Universalist Church in Mansfield, and very strong in the faith, and was sustained by it to the last. Her funeral was held Oct. 2nd, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Kohler, of this boro, and attended by Rev. Emma E. Bailey. The remains were taken to Mainesburg for burial. A void is left in many hearts by her death, and may the God of all comfort sustain and bless.

CUDWORTH  Sarah [SRGP 06796] Mrs. E. A. Fish died. "Mon." at Mainesburg, lung ailment, widow of ex-sheriff Fish, left 1 sis, Mrs. Sarah A. Cudworth [should say Miss Julia Cudworth] and 1 bro. Jerome Cudworth [Mansfield Advertiser]

CUPP - Rose M. Krause, 86, [SRGP 80883]  of RD1, Mainesburg, a resident of Broad Acres Nursing Home, died there, Friday, Oct. 19, 1990. Born Oct. 13, 1904, in Bristol, VA. she was the daughter of William K. and Elizabeth C. Spitzer Cupp. She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Mainesburg United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold W. Krause, on Feb. 21, 1971. Surviving are a son, Donald W. of Mainesburg; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Calling hours were held Sunday, Oct. 21, at the Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield. Services were  held at the funeral home on Monday, Oct. 22, at 1 p.m. The Rev. Robert Stump, her pastor, officiated. Burial was made at the Mainesburg Cemetery. - Wellsboro Gazette, October 24, 1990

DEAN W. DAVEY:  Dean W. Davey, 84, (SRGP 15535) of Rathbun Trailer Court Mansfield, died Tuesday, May 29, 1984, at the Green Home, Wellsboro. Born in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Jan. 2, 1900, he was a son of Willis and Jeanette Smith Davey. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Mansfield and of Friendship Lodge No. 247 F&AM of Mansfield. Surviving are: his wife, Rosemond Lownsbery Davey; one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Phyllis) Roulo of Portville, N.Y.; two sons, Gerald of Horseheads, N.Y. and Richard of Mansfield; 11 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. There was no visitation. A private funeral service was held at 11 an. Thursday, May 31, l984 at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield with The Rev. James T. Dawes, his pastor, officiating. Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery.  The family furnished the flowers. Those who wish may make donations to the American Cancer Society.

Description: Description: C:\TC\~srgp\new\15535.jpg

DAVEY - Willis A. Davey, [SRGP 78942] aged 79 years, of Mansfield, R. D., died at the Soldiers And Sailors Memorial Hospital in Wellsboro at 12:10 p.m. Sunday, January 16.  He had been a lifelong resident of Richmond township and was active in community affairs. For ten years he was secretary-treasurer of the Citizens' Mutual Telephone and Telegraph Company. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Tioga Valley Grange, and Mainesburg Methodist church.  Surviving are one son, [remainder of article is unreadable]  Wellsboro Agitator 19 JAN 1944

DEMMON S. (TIM) DEWEY: (SRGP 12086) Demmon Sanford (Tim) Dewey, 74, of Mainesburg, Pa., died Monday, June 2, 1958. He was a member of Mainesburg Methodist Church; member of Mansfield Odd Fellows Lodge for more than 50 years. Survived by sister, Mrs. Maud Shaw of Ceres, N.Y.; several nieces and nephews. Funeral was at Shaw and Robena Funeral Home Wednesday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Donald Roe officiated. Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery.

 Mrs. Mabel Hilfiger, 71, widow of Guy Hilfiger, of Mainesburg, died Saturday, Nov. 24, 1951, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edson Lawrence, of Florham Park, NJ, after an extended illness.  Survived by daughter with whom she resided; sons, Fred, of Odessa; Neil of Mansfield; Richard, of Blossburg, and Eugene, of Elmira; sister, Mrs. Leon Shaw, of Olen; brother, Sanford Dewey, of Mainesburg; 15 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.  Funeral was held at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 pm, the Rev. David J. Griffiths officiating; burial in Mainesburg Cemetery.

 Mildred K. Lownsbery, age 60 years of Covington, died Saturday, October 7, 1972 at her home.  Funeral service was at the Shaw and Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield Tuesday at 1:30 pm.  The Rev. Kermit Clickner of Canoe Camp officiated.  Burial was in the Mainesburg Cemetery. She was born in Mainesburg on January 12, 1912, a daughter of George and Lucy Dann Dewey. Survived by husband, Frank Lownsbery; daughter, Mrs. Marie Wales of Jackson Summit, Pa.; two sisters, Mrs. Helena Green of Galeton, Pa., Mrs. Nellie Wise of Lancaster, Pa.; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren.

DEWITT, Caleb -[SRGP 07804]  Died Mainesburg Sep. 10, 1880 - Mr. Caleb DeWitt died today of pneumonia. Mr. DeWitt came to this twp. about 20 years ago. He raised a large family. He was a member of the M. E. Church of Mainesburg.

Calvin Hudson DeWitt died at his home in Mansfield Thursday, July 5, after a long illness. He had been confined to his home for the past three months by heart trouble, which caused his death. Everything that was possible was resorted to restore his health, but he did not respond to the treatments and gradually grew worse. He was born in Monroe County, N.Y., October 29, 1853, the son of Caleb H. and Mary Albert DeWitt. At the age of six years he came to Tioga County with his parents, and settled on a farm near Mainesburg. He attended the Troy High School. On November 20, 1873, he was married to Miss Josephine Smith, of Sullivan, and to this union were born two sons, and four daughters; the sons, George and Charles, both being deceased. He continued his life as a farmer until fifteen years ago, when he came to Mansfield to reside. He served as County Commissioner in the early 90’s, and was a charter member of the Citizen’s Mutual Telephone Company, and a director of the Smythe Park Association, having been very active in the work of the latter as long as his health permitted. He was a member of the Methodist Church of Mansfield; also a member of the Elk Lodge. Mr. DeWitt was a man of jovial nature, with a kind word and timely joke for everyone, and had a host of friends in the town. "Cal" knew everybody and everybody knew "Cal" and liked him. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, and four daughters; Fannie (Mrs. D. J. Johns) of Corning, N.Y.: Jennie (Mrs. O. R. Nicolaus) of Sebring, Pa.; Ethel (Mrs. W. D. DeCoursey) of Corning, N.Y., and Josephine (Mrs. E. M. Perkins of Dryden, N.Y. and five grandchildren.
The funeral services were held from the late home Sunday afternoon at two o’clock. The large attendance at this service who came to pay their last tribute, and the many beautiful floral offerings showed the esteem in which the deceased was held. Rev. C. D. Purdy, of the Methodist Church of Mansfield, officiated. Mrs. George Robbins of Mainesburg, and her brother Winfield Hulslander, of Scranton, very beautifully sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere". Burial was made in the family plot in the Mainesburg Cemetery. Those who acted as pall-bearers were his four sons-in-law, D. J. Johns, O. R. Nicolaus, W. D. DeCoursey and E. M. Perkins, and his two nephews, Ray and Claude DeWitt of Troy.
The relatives and friends from out of town who were here to attend the funeral were: Mrs. And Mrs. Joseph Kintner, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kintner, of Towanda; Mrs. W. F. DeWitt of MacEwansville; Mrs. Maxwell Beers, of Elmira, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeWitt and son, Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude DeWitt, son, John, and daughter, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. George Case, Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Smith, John Dobbins, Mrs. Hepburn, John Albert and Mrs. J. W. DeWitt of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Homer DeWitt of Williamsport; Delbert Seeley of Minnequa; Mrs. Fred Pryne and son Joseph DeWitt of Lockwood, N.Y.; Mrs. Luther Webster and son Lawrence DeWitt, of Mainesburg; Mrs. G. B. Squires, daughter, Josephine and son Maxwell of Gray Valley: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nicolaus, of Sebring.
(handwritten on article 1923)

     Mrs. Fannie M. Johns, 16 Maple St. Corning, died Tuesday, May 20, 1958.  She had been a resident of Corning for the last 50 years.  Her husband, Dennis Johns died in 1937.  Mrs. Johns was a former resident of Tioga County PA.  She was a member of the Grace Methodist Church, Corning and for many years an active worker in the church and in the Philathia Class and WSCS of that church.  Surviving are son, Jack B. Johns, Painted Post; 3 grandchildren; 3 sisters, Mrs. Jennie Nicholas, Mansfield; Mrs. Ethel DeCourcy, Corning and Mrs. Josephine Perkins, Dryden, N.Y.; six nephews.  Funeral services at the John Stover Funeral Home, Corning Friday at 10:30 a.m., the Rev. Arthur Rehme, pastor of the Grace Church officiating.  Burial in Mainesburg Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday evening from 7 to 9.

DEWITT George "Daryl" Age 70, [SRGP 81975] of Covington, PA, died Saturday, February 17, 2007, at his residence. Daryl was the husband of Kathryn (Marshall) DeWitt. He was born on July 11, 1936 in Sullivan Township, the son of Lawrence G. and Pauline M. (Hegele) DeWitt. Daryl retired from Corning Glass in Wellsboro, PA. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Daryl is survived by his wife, Kathryn; a son and daughter-in-law, Andrew and Eileen DeWitt of Covington, PA; a daughter, Jean Wilson of Millerton, PA; six grandchildren, Steven DeWitt, Annette Boisky, Carolyn DeWitt, Alex, Kyle, Sara Wilson; two brothers and a sister-in-law, Paul and Clara DeWitt of Georgia, David DeWitt of Georgia; two sisters and a brother-in-law, Bonnie DeWitt of Wellsboro, PA, Sherry and Dave Adams of Wellsboro, PA; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, and a brother, Dale DeWitt. Family and friends are invited to call on Tuesday, February 20, 2007, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory & Monuments, PC, 637 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA. Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2007, at 2:00 p.m. at the funeral home with Rev. Darwin "Tink" Cranmer officiating. Burial will be in Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA. Donations in Daryl's memory may be made to the American Lung Assoc. of Northeast Pennsylvania, 738 S. Main Ave., Scranton, PA 18501.

DeWITT, Laurence G.: (SRGP 3655) Age 69 of RD3 Wellsboro, Monday. February 4, 1980 at Divine Providence Hospital, Williamsport. No visitation. Funeral service will be held Thursday 1:30 pm. at Tussey-Mosher Funeral Home, Wellsboro. Rev. C. V. Jones officiating. Interment Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg, Pa. Family will provide Flowers. Friends may contribute to the American Cancer Society. Survived by his wife, Pauline; four sons, Dale L. DeWitt of RD1 Tioga, G. Daryl DeWitt of Covington, Paul R. DeWitt of Corning, David L. DeWitt of RD3 Wellsboro; two daughters, Bonnie Lou DeWitt of RD3 Wellsboro, Cherry J. Adorns of RD3 Wellsboro; stepfather, Luther Webster formerly of Mainesburg; 14 grandchildren; one great-granddaughter; several nieces and nephews. He was born July 31, 1910 in Mainesburg, Pa. the son of George C. and Jennie Jackson DeWitt; retired employee of Corning Glass Works Wellsboro Division; member of State Road Baptist Church in Mainesburg and Wellsboro Moose.

Herman Dial Dies in Fire at Chicopee, Mass.
Herman Dial, 50, of Mainesburg, died early Sunday morning of suffocation during a boarding house fire at Chicopee, Mass.  He is survived by his wife, Leah Austin Dial; two daughters, Mrs. John Esias of Morris Run and Mrs. Joe Skoreski, of Mainesburg; and five grandchildren.  He was born at Mt. Vernon, Ohio.  At the time of his death he was employed by the Lane Construction co., for which he had worked for the past 14 years.  Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Homer E. Cole at the Mainesburg Methodist Church Tuesday at 2 p.m.

DIAL Herman R
Wellsboro Agitator 20 NOV 1940
Mainesburg Man Suffocated - Herman R. Dial, [SRGP 06361]  aged 50 years, of Mainesburg, lost his life by suffocation in a boarding house fire in Chicopee, Mass, early Sunday. Mr. Dial was a cement foreman for the Laine Construction Company and was working on a construction project at Chicopee. The boarding house in which he was staying caught fire in the early morning and burned before Mr. Dial and two or three others could escape. Burial in the Mainesburg cemetery.

Herman R. Dial [SRGP 06361]
Mainesburg - Herman R. Dial, 50, native of Mainesburg, was reported to have lost his life in a boarding house fire at Chicopee, Mass. Early last Sunday morning. He is survived by a wife, Leah Austin Dial, of Mainesburg; two daughters, Mrs. John Easias, Morris Run; Mrs. Joseph Skoreski, Mainesburg; five grandchildren; two brothers, Earl and Charles, of Millersburg, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Thomas Cornell, of Pittsburgh. The body was brought to the Soper funeral home, Troy, last Tuesday and funeral services were conducted on Wednesday at the Mainesburg Methodist church, Rev. [Wellsboro Agitator 20 NOV 1940]

DOANE Delores [SRGP 06362]
Age 91, surrounded by her loving family, Delores was called home to be with her Lord on Monday, August 25, 2008, in St. Joseph's Skilled Nursing Facility. Until recently, Delores resided on South Ave. in Elmira. She was predeceased by her parents, Herman R. and Leah G. Austin Dial, revered sons, Terrance Skoreski, Dial Skoreski and her beloved daughter, Candace Skoreski. Surviving is her loving family, daughter, Gloria and Willie Crumb, Pine City; son, Kurt Skorczewski, Elmira; grandchildren, David Crumb, Horseheads; Delores (Anthony) Crumb Negri, Elmira; Darceille (Marty) Mucci, Fairport; Debra (Robert) Quigley, Gladwyne, PA; Kerry (Julian) Carswell, Colorado Springs, CO; seven much loved great-grandchildren, Nick and Brent Mucci, Alexander Crumb, Andrew and Lola Quigley, Dakota Glosser and Olivia Carswell; niece, Joanne (Jack) Craft, Bradford; and daughter-in-law, Sheila Skoreski, Corning. During the war she was employed as a factory worker at the Eclipse Machine Company. Delores graduated Magna Cum Laude from Mansfield State Teachers College in 1955. Having a high regard for the importance of education, she began her career as a kindergarten teacher in Wellsboro, PA after which she moved to Corning and taught at the Corning School District until her retirement. Devoted to her family, she looked forward to family gatherings. Since Delores was severely limited physically, she welcomed every opportunity to play card and word games with her family and friends. Her services will be handled privately at the family's convenience and she will be interred in the Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg, PA. Memorial donations may be directed to the Chemung County S.P.C.A. St. Rt. 352 Elmira, NY 14903 or the Mainesburg Methodist Church c/o Gordon Harvey, 4007 Roosevelt Highway, PO Box 87 Mainesburg, PA 16932 in her memory.

STRAY BULLET KILLED WOMAN - Mrs. Kate Donley Welch, aged 41 years, wife of Eugene Welch, of Mainesburg, met instant death Sunday (Oct. 2, 1932) about noon from a stray bullet from a high power rifle. Mrs. Welch was at work in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when the accident happened. Ralph and Stanley Kendrick, neighbors, charged with involuntary manslaughter, were released on $1,000 bail Monday morning, at a hearing before Justice of the Peace Otis H. Davis in Wellsboro, as the result of the death of Mrs. Welch. The men were engaged in target practice about a half-mile from the Welch home. When the two men learned that Mrs. Welch was dead, they voluntarily came to Wellsboro and surrendered to Tioga county authorities. They were lodged in jail over night and given a hearing Monday morning. Coroner William F. White, of Wellsboro, who was called, will hold a hearing into Mrs. Welch’s death at Mansfield at his earliest convenience. Coroner White is one of the main witnesses in the Davis case, now being tried in Wellsboro. The shooting occurred between 12 and 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Welch was in the kitchen. Her husband and an aunt of Mrs. Welch, who was a guest at their home, were in the living room. Suddenly, Mrs. Welch groaned and they heard her fall to the floor. Thinking that she had suffered a heart attack, they ran to the kitchen and found her lying back of the stove. They picked her up and although they believed her to be dead they immediately summoned a doctor. No sign of a wound was seen upon first examination of her body. Later Mr. Welch remembered hearing shots and went to the kitchen. The curtain on the window in the kitchen had been pulled down, and upon drawing this away from the window, he saw the bullet hole in the windowpane. A further examination of the body revealed that the bullet had gone in over the right ear. Coroner William F. White, who performed an autopsy, found that the bullet made only a small hole when it entered the skull. The Kendrick men were engaged in target practice about a half-mile away from the Welch home. They shot five times, four shots hitting the target, and the fifth is believed to have been the one that killed Mrs. Welch. - Wellsboro Agitator, 5 Oct. 1932, p.1

Wellsboro Agitator, 18 January 1933, p.1 - Excerpt from news article entitled “Returned by the Grand Jury for January Term of Court” - The only case ignored was that of the Commonwealth against Ralph Kendrick and Stanley Kendrick, of Sullivan Township, charged with manslaughter, following the death of Mrs. Catherine (should be Kathryn) Welch, of Mainesburg. Mrs. Welch was killed almost instantly in her home by the shot from a high powered rifle. The Kendrick men, shooting at the mark, over half a mile away, were held responsible for her death, but later a Coroner’s jury absolved them from blame.

DOUD - Mrs. Anna Cudworth [Anna DOUD SRGP 5638]
January 16th, 1866, of Cancer, in Sullivan, Tioga Co, Pa., Mrs. Anna Cudworth, in her 67th year.  The deceased embraced the Christian Religion in her youth, and has ever since been an exemplary member of the Baptist Church.  (Wednesday, February 14, 1866, The Tioga County Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Dorna Krise, age 91, of Troy. Pa., formerly of Mainesburg, Pa., died Monday, Feb. 3, 1969 at the Troy Community Hospital. No visitation hours. Services at the Shaw & Robena Funeral home, Thursday at 2 pm, the Rev. Robert Young officiating. Burial in Mainesburg Cemetery. Survived by daughters, Mrs. Maude Goodrich of Troy, Pa., Mrs. Maurice Strange of Mainesburg, Pa.; four grandchildren; seven great grandchildren, She was a member of the Mainesburg Methodist Church.

Mrs. Donna Krlse diedlast week, Tuesday, after a long period of ill health. The funeral was held Thursday at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home. The Rev. Robert B. Young officiated, being the pastor of the Maines-burg Methodist Church which Mrs. Knee was affiliated with and attended as long as her health would permit. I shall always remember the bird-like tone quality of her voice and I remember my mother saying that when Mrs. Knee and her sister were young ladles that they were in quite a demand for singing together as a special at-traction at certain social affairs and church, We feel sorrow at her passing, but she has suffered so much in the past two years that, as one of her daughter said through her tears, “But you can’t wish her back.” And we feel sure that she hss gone to be with the Lord and Savior that she loved so well and served so long.

Miss Edith DOUD [SRGP 13234]
In Sullivan, March 1st, 1874, of diphtheria, Edith, daughter of Lorenzo and Ann Doud, aged 2 years, 2 months and 15 days.  (Tuesday, March 24, 1874, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.) [Mainesburg Cemetery]

DOUD, Mary Ann or Elelecta Mary -- [SRGP 06743] Mrs. Anna Robbins, wife of Levi Robbins of Sullivan died at the residence of a brother Lorenzo Doud, in Covington last Saturday morning. Mrs. Robbins had been in poor health for a year past, but it was hoped was improving. She went to Covington on Thursday of last week for a visit and the news of her sudden death was a sad surprise. Deceased was a devoted wife and mother, and was beloved by a large circle of warm friends. She leaves a husband, two daughters and a son to mourn their irreparable loss. She was a sister of the late Mrs. H. T. Graves of this village and Mrs. W. W. Bloss, of Webb's Mills, and in addition to the brother at whose home she died had two sisters in Covington -Mrs. A. Redfield and Mrs. J. L. Kiff. The funeral was held in the Disciples Church, at Mainsburg last Monday, Rev. M.C.Park officiating. His sermon from the text, "_______ us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom," was appropriate and impressive. The interment was in Mainesburg cemetery.

DOUD Omar [SRGP 13235] Mansfield Advertiser Jan 5th 1881: Died Homer Doud, Mainesburg, Dec. 31, 1880. Lived with grandparents, S.C. Davey, died of scarlet fever.

DOUD, Samantha [SRGP 07250]
Death of Mrs. Arad T. Smith. Mrs. Arad T. Smith, of No. 519 West First street, died at her home yesterday morning at 4 o’clock, of strangulated hernia, from which she has been a sufferer for a long time. She was the wife of Arad T. Smith, the West Water street groceryman, and had a large number of friends in this city. She was fifty-one years of age and leaves no children. Mr. Smith leaves at 9 o’clock Monday morning with the remains, for Mainesburg, Pa., where the funeral will be held.


DOUD Peleg W

Wellsboro Agitator - June 22, 1904

The Late Rev. P. W. Doud.

Rev. Peleg W. Doud, aged 94, of Mainesburg, whose death has already been recorded in the Agitator, was born in Sullivan township, where his death also occurred. He was a son of Peleg Doud. He was bred on a farm and educated in the primitive schools which afforded instruction in this region in his boyhood. He was one of the pioneer preachers of this county, being a zealous old-school Baptist minister.  Mr. Doud married, in 1832, Amanda R. Packard, of Sullivan, who lived til 11 years ago. She was a daughter of the late Mrs. Rebecca Packard, Tioga county's noted centenarian. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Doud -- Warren, Hobart R., Omer P., Annie and Mrs. Daniel Rumsey, of Sullivan. At Mrs. Rumsey's home Mr. Doud lived for many years and there his death occurred. He had been a Republican since the origin of the party.  Mainesburg Cemetery


DREW – Fred Blanchard Drew, 69, [SRGP 16350] of Mainesburg, died Wednesday, May 16, 1962. He was a retired millwright. Survived by wife, Mrs. Ruth B. Drew of Lowell, Mass.; daughters, Mrs. Willis Tennant of Lowell, Mrs. Jack B. Drew of Westfield; sons, Fred N. and David A., both of Lynn, Mass.; 11 grandchildren. Funeral service was held Saturday at 11 AM at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home, The Rev. Richard Jones officiated. Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery. – Mansfield Advertiser, 23 May 1962, p.5


ELY Angeline [SRGP 6913] - Mansfield, May 2nd - Mrs. Angeline Rumsey, 89, died last Wednesday at her home on North Academy street. Mrs. Rumsey was the daughter of Frederick and Sally Ely and was born June 11, 1844 in Charleston township, where she spent her girlhood. She taught school in the township and on February 17, 1886 was united in marriage to Charles Rumsey, who died in 1929. She was a member of the Disciple Church of Mainesburg, but since moving here, has attended the Baptist church. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps until it disbanded and for many years was an untiring worker in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. She was also a member of the Mansfield Grange. Mrs. Rumsey is survived by one sister, Mrs. Flora Weld, at home. - Wellsboro Gazette, May 3, 1934, p.2    


EVERY, Hilda Aumick  [SRGP 15586]
Hilda EVERY Aumick, 91, diedSaturday, February 21, 2004 at Towanda Memorial Hospital, Towanda PA. She was born on April 9, 1912, the daughter of the late Albert and Maude SMITH EVERY. Hilda was a member of the Mainesburg Methodist Church. Hilda is survived by her family, Richard and Shirley Kenyon; Jeff, Reneee, Marsha Kenyon; Jodie, Angie, Logan, Lanaya Kenyon; Janet Calvin, Tyler Cradle; special frienhd Phyllis MUDGE Barr; and several cousins.Her husband, Leon E. Aumick, predeceased her. Memorial services were held February 24 at teh Vickery Funeral Home in Troy with the Rev. Howard Woodruff officiating. (Note: the Kenyons are not biological relatives of Hilda. Hilda had lived at one time with the parents of Shirley, and she considered them family.)

Description: Description: C:\TC\~srgp\new\hilda.jpg

 BLOSSBURG--Veva Every, 88, formerly of the Mainesburg area, died Wednesday, April 12, 1995, in Jefferson Manor Nursing Facility, Brookville, Jefferson County. Surviving are her twin sister, Eva Every of Waverly, NY, and several nieces, nephews and cousins. A graveside service will be at 11 am Friday in Mainesburg Cemetery. Arrangements are being handled by Drinkwine Morse's, 120 N. Williamson Road.

FAIRCHILD, Orilla (SRGP 03760) _______ - MRS. ORILLA RUMSEY, the widow of Aaron Rumsey, died in her home at Mainesburg July 15th, (1899) aged 84. She is survived by three sons and four daughters. - Wellsboro Agitator, 26 July 1899, p.5

Frances L. (Faulkner) Age 93, formerly of Mainesburg, PA, died on November 2, 2006 in Kirkhaven Nursing Home, Rochester, NY. Frances was born on December 27, 1912 in Rochester, NY, the daughter of Clyde R. and Grace L. (Space) Faulkner. She was predeceased by her husband, Calvin E. Williams in 2002. Frances is survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Roger Calvin Williams and Anita Marozzi of Rochester, NY; a daughter and son-in-law, Joan and Bruce Hoyt-Lisowski of Mainesburg, PA; two grandchildren, Amanda (Craig) Harkness of Elmira, NY, and Justin Hoyt of Jacksonhole, WY; and one great-grandchild, Cordeelya Harkness. Family and friends are invited to call on Sunday, November 5, 2006, from Noon to 1 p.m. at the Jacquelyn A. Buckheit Funeral Chapel, Crematory & Monuments, PC, 637 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA. Funeral services will be held immediately following the viewing at 1 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be in Mainesburg Cemetery.

FISH - Miss Anna Fish [SRGP 7269] d. Wellsboro (no date), buried at Mainesburg "last Wed.", (prob. Dau. of  Mrs. Sarah Cudworth Fish and late sheriff Edward A. Fish) age 47

FISH  Edward A. d. Wellsboro (no date), [SRGP 06809] b. Bristol, R.I. 1821, was in 73rd yr., heart ailment, m. 1846 Sarah Cudworth of Sullivan, 2 children, buried at Maines burg "last Sun.", a former resident. [Mansfield Advertiser - Feb. 1881]

LaVERE FOGELSONGER: (SRGP 23285)LaVere D. Fogelsonger, 76, formerly of Mansfield and St. Petersburg, Fla.,died Saturday, May 25, 1996, at Broad Acres Nursing Home, Wellsboro, after a lengthy illness. Born Jan. 5, 1920,in Flint, Mich., he was a son of Harvey and Bessie Aumick Fogelsonger. He was a farmer and had attended the State Road Baptist Church. He was a past board member of the Mansfield School Board and a member of the AARP. Surviving are his wife of 54 years, Dorotha E. Webster Fogelsonger; a daughter and son-in-law, Gayle F. and Jon Clark of Mansfield; two sons and a daughter-in-law, Jeff Fogelsonger of Lawrenceville and Charles and Donna Fogelsonger of Spring Hill, Fla.; five grandchildren; a brother-in-law, Robert Webster of Mainesburg; a sister-in-law, Diantha Webster of Broad Acres, Wellsboro. Calling hours were held Tuesday, May 28, at the Scureman Funeral Home, Mansfield. Funeral services were held there Wednesday, May 29. The Rev. David E. Blowers officiated. Burial was made in the Mainesburg Cemetery. Donations may be made to the State Road Baptist Church, RR 1, Mainesburg, Pa. 16932.

Death of Isaac R. FORD (SRGP 07757)
Isaac R. Ford, of Shippen, died yesterday morning of Bright's disease. He was born at Mainesburg, 84 years of ago. He moved to Shippen 35 years ago. He married Elmina Packard and their five children are living - Frank O., of Penn Yan; Byron P., C.E. and D.W., of Wellsboro, and Delina, of Morris. He also leaves three brothers - James of Canisteo, Delbert, of Jasper and Frank, of Troupsburg, N.Y.

Wellboro Agitator  22 April 1925 (SRGP 07762)
James FORD, of South Canisteo, N.Y., died April 13, after an illness of three weeks.  He was born in Mainesburg, Pa., 79 years ago.  When a young man he moved to Knoxville, where he lived until 1911. His first wife was Miss Sarah Caul*, who died 20 years ago.  In 1911 Mr. Ford married Mrs. Mae House and moved to Canisteo.  He was a civil war veteran and a member of the G.A.R. of South Canisteo, and also of the Baptist church of that place. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mae Ford; two brothers, Delbert, of Jasper, and Frank, of Troupsburg; four daughters, Mrs. E.H. Rew, Mrs. R. C. Hicks and Mrs. Mary Whiteknack, all of Rochester, and Mrs. Thomas Cushing, of Denison Parkway, Corning, and six sons, Leon, Ernest, Earl and Eugene, of Rochester; Jesse, of Jersey Shore, Pa., and Paul, of Westfield, Pa.; burial in Westfield.  * Sarah's surname was actually Paul, rather than Caul.


FORREST - Mr. Josiah H. Forrst [SRGP 74220], aged 89, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R.J. Taylor, of Covington, on July 19th [1905]. He was born in Smithfield, Bradford county, February 22, 1816, and married Miss Catherine E. Skelton, on November 12, 1840. To them ten children were born, three of whom survive. They are: Mr, Asa Forrest, of Raleigh, NC, Mrs. Fessenden [?], of Philadelphia, and Mrs. R.J. Taylor, of Covington. Mrs. Forrest died about nine years ago. The deceased was a well-known and highly respected citizen and had been a resident of Tioga county nearly all his life. Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial in the Mainesburg cemetery. - Wellsboro Agitator, July 26, 1905


FOX John [SRGP 08987]
Died, Mr. John Fox at the residence of his son in law, Mr. A.C. Witter at Troy PA 13th Sep, aged 71 yrs. One of the first inhabitants of Mainesburg.  [Tioga Agitator 24 SEP 1872]

Mrs. Lucy Baker [GAFFORD, Lucy - SRGP 62184]
Lucy, wife of Edgar Baker and daughter of James Gafford, late of Sullivan, died in Troy, Bradford county, of a dropisical tumor December 8th.  She was buried in Mainsburg cemetery.  (Tuesday, December 23, 1873, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

GEROW - Mrs. Carrie B. Bartlett, 88, [SRGP 32713] of 5 Riberolie St., died Thursday in Soldiers & Sailors Hospital. She was the widow of Walter G. Bartlett and was born June 25, 1881 in Charleston Township the daughter of DeWitt and Laura West Gerow. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Otto Doan of Westfield RD; a brother, Floyd Gerow of Wellsboro RD; a sister, Mrs. Fred Erway of Wellsboro; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services were held Sunday at the Tussey Funeral Home with the Rev. Richard Brasser officiating. Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery. - Wellsboro Gazette, February 19, 1970. - Wellsboro Gazette, February 19, 1970

GIFFORD - Matilda Gifford Rumsey (Mrs. C. M. Rumsey)[SRGP 6910]. Death of Mrs. C. M. Rumsey. Matilda, wife of commissioner C. M. Rumsey, died on Saturday last at their residence in Sullivan at the age of forty-three years. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Gifford, an aged lady of this boro and a sister of Mrs. Pliny Davis. Her husband and son also survive her and mourn the loss of a kind and loving wife and mother. Deceased had many friends, none knew her but to love her and the long concourse of sorrowing friends who followed her remains to their last resting place attends louder than words the esteem in which she was held. The funeral took place on Monday, services being held in the M. E. Church, Mainesburg, the Rev. S. Earley of Mansfield preaching the sermon upon the occasion. The church was draped with mourning and the chair deceased had formerly occupied as a member of the choir was also draped.

                Margie J. Stevenson, 66, of Mansfield RR 2 died Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002, at  home.  Born Sept. 29, 1935, in Lindley, N.Y., she was the daughter of Nelson and Rose Moshier Gleason. Preceding her in death was her husband, Donald, in 1986.  Surviving are four daughters, Marilyn Aumick of Wellsboro, Sherry Montgomery of Duncansville, Priscilla Marble and Robin Aumick, both of Mansfield; a sister, Anna Cenate of VanBuren, Maine; a foster sister, Carol Smith of Mansfield; 14 grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.   There will be no prior calling hours. Funeral services will be held Friday, Jan. 18, at 1 p.m. at the Wilston Funeral Home, 18 N. Main Street, Mansfield, with the Rev. Howard Woodruff officiating.  Burial will be made Mainesburg Cemetery.

GOODRICH - Loren B. Goodrich:  [SRGP 38767] Loren B. Goodrich, 54, of Mainesburg, died unexpectedly Wednesday, May 11, 1955. He was a member of State Road Baptist Church and was a mechanic at the Buick Garage in Troy. Survived by wife Mrs. Frances Maude Goodrich; son, Charles Loren of Elmira; daughters, Mrs. Winifred Murphy of Chicopee Falls, Mass., and Mrs. Kenneth McClure of Horseheads; mother, Mrs. Matty Erway of Stony Forks; half-sister. Mrs. Margaret Cost-[illegible], Mansfield; half-brother, Melvin Goodrich of Mansfield. Briggs [sic] of Elmira, and Milton Erway of Charleston. Funeral was held Saturday at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home at 2 p.m., the Rev. David J. Griffinths officiating; interment in Mainesburg Cemetery.

GRIFFIN - Hart, Daisy Maud [SRGP 02901]
Age 73 of Mansfield RD3, Thursday, May 15, 1980 at Troy Community Hospital. Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Funeral there Saturday at 3 pm. Rev. James Landis officiating. Burial in Mainesburg Cemetery. Survived by husband, Owen; 2 sons, Dewaine of Mainesburg, Richard of RD3, Mansfield; 1 daughter, Mrs. Arthur (Lorraine) Watkins of Mansfield, RD 3; sisters Mrs. Nancy Beals of Mansfield, Mrs. Nellie LaBarr of Manchester, N.H., Mrs. Glenn ( Frances) Updike of Millerton; 6 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Elk Run Methodist Church. The Harts owned and operated the Hart Boarding Home for the Elderly for 26 years. She was born Oct. 15, 1906 in Tioga, Pa. The daughter of George and Louise Barton Griffin.

GRIFFIN - MYRTLE COOK: (SRGP 11572) Myrtle Griffen White Cook, 85, of Mainesburg, RE 1, died Monday, Feb. 26, 1996, at home.  Born Feb. 22, 1911, in Rutland Township, she was a daughter of Robert and Eliza White Griffin. She was a member of the Mainesburg United Methodist Church. Preceding her in death were her husband, Ray L. Cook, in 1992, and a sister, Myra Benson. Surviving are three sons and daughters-in-law, Morgan and Ruth Cook of Mansfield, Dr. Richard and Esther Cook of Pine City, N.Y., Gary and Linda Cook of Purcellville, Va.; nine grandchildren and grandchildren-in-law, David and Diana Cook of Sabinsville, Bryce and Sharon Cook, Nancy and Dan Sargent, all of Mansfield, Dr. Gregory and Maureen Cook of Pine City, Jeffrey and Tina Cook of Selden ,N.Y., Lisa and John Sweeney of Shortsville, N.Y., Cheryl and Mark Barth of Hopewell, Va., Scott and Virginia Cook of Southbend, Ind., Diane and Mark Sanders of Sterling, Va.; nine great-grandchildren; five sisters and brothers-in-law, Blanche Horton of Millerton; Susie Benson of Horseheads, N.Y., Dora and Thomas Landon of Grover, Louise and Tallie Marsh, Delores and Albert Wheeler all of Elmira, N.Y.; and a brother and sister-in-law, Robert and Sandra Griffen of Tioga.  Calling hours will be held Thursday, Feb. 29, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and on Friday, March 1, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m at the Scureman Funeral Home, 130 S. Main St., Mansfield.  Funeral services will be held there Friday immediately following the calling hours.  The Rev. Dr. James F. Bellamy will officiate.  Burial will be made in the Mainesburg Cemetery.  Donations may be made to the Mainesburg United Methodist Church Building Fund, Mainesburg, Pa. 16932.

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Description: Description: C:\TC\~srgp\new\63243.jpgHAFER Barry O. Sr. (SRGP 63243)
Age 79, of Ridgebury Lake, Sayre, PA, went home to be with his Lord on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, after a courageous battle with Alzheimer's disease. Barry was born in Williamsport, PA, on October 18, 1929, the son of Forest E. and Fay E. (Clarke) Hafer, Sr. He was a World War II veteran of the United States Navy and a member of American Legion Post 0001, Williamsport. When he returned home, he bought a dairy farm in Mansfield, PA, which he operated until he began working for State Farm Insurance, first as an agent in Mansfield, and later as a District Manager. After 25 years of service, he retired in 1987. He built many lovely homes in both Tioga and Bradford Counties, as well as several man-made lakes, including Sugar Branch Lake near Austinville, and Ridgebury Lake near Sayre, PA. Barry could see a vision of beauty in his mind's eye and make it a reality for all to see and enjoy. Barry is survived by his wife of 60 years, the former MaryLee Ludwig, with whom he celebrated 60 years of marriage on July 31, 2008. Also surviving is his daughter and son-in-law, Sherry L. (Hafer) and Harold B. Courtney Sr. of Mansfield; son and daughter-in-law, Donald L. and Pamela G. (Snook) Hafer of Sayre; son and daughter-in-law, Barry O. and JoAnn (McGraw) Hafer Jr. of State College; daughter and son-in-law, Cindy L. (Hafer) and Glenn (Skip) P. Bastian, Jr. of Mansfield. Surviving grandchildren are Olivia L. (Courtney) and Michael S. Platt, Allenwood; Charity A. Courtney and Harold (Hal) B. Courtney, Jr., Mansfield; Chad L. Hafer, Columbia, Mark T. and Carolyn (Cline) Hafer, Wilmington, DE; Jennifer L. (Hafer) and Jesse Miller, Blacksburg, VA; Lindsay M. Hafer and Jonathan B. Hafer, State College; Sarah M. Bastian, Muncy; and Katie L. Bastian, Mansfield. Surviving great-grandchildren are Morgan L. McVaughn and Madeline I. Hafer, Landisville, Aaron J. Hafer and Isaac M. Hafer, Columbia; Henry J. Hafer and Jacob B. Hafer, Wilmington, DE. Barry was a member of the Mainesburg United Methodist Church, Mainesburg, PA. Calling hours will be held at the church, February 20, 2009 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. The funeral will follow there at 1:00 p.m. with his former Pastor, Rev. Clarence Whetstone and his current Pastor, Christopher Shaefer officiating. Graveside services will follow at the Mainesburg Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial donations to Mainesburg United Methodist Church, 100 Smith Park Road, Mainesburg, PA 16932; or to the Alzheimer's Association. A service of Gary Wilston Funeral Home & Cremation Service, 130 S. Main St., Mansfield, PA 16933.  Published in the Star-Gazette on 2/19/2009

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Arthur W. Hager, age 91, of Mansfield died Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1964. He was a member of Elk Run Methodist Church and East Sullivan Grange. Survived by brothers, Charles of Mansfield, Horace of Mainesburg and Leonard of Halsey Valley, N.Y. Funeral was held at Vickery Funeral Home, Troy on Thursday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Orey Crippen officiated. Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery.


Margaret HAGAR - Mrs. Lloyd E. Austin [SRGP 07317]
Margaret E. Austin, 77, wife of Lloyd E. Austin of Pinnacle Towers, Wellsboro, died Sunday, Sept. 23, 1984 in Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro.  Born Nov 7, 1906 in Mansfield, she was a daughter of Claude and Jennie Bly Hager.  Mrs. Austin was a member of Whitneyville United Methodist Church and of the Friendly Circle, Mansfield.  Surviving are her husband, Lloyd E. Austin; two sons, Lyle of Millerton and Dale of Elmira, N.Y.; two daughters, Mrs. Fred (Caroline) Miller of Elmira, N.Y. and Mrs. Paul (Leona) Sempler of Millerton; four sisters, Miss Ina Hager, Mrs. Julia Jerzak, Mrs. Eloise Smith and Mrs. Lena Burrows, all of the Mansfield area; three brothers, Willard Hager of Montoursville, Fordyce Hager and Milton Hager, both of Mansfield; 16 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren, and one great-great grandchild.  The funeral was held at 1 p.m. today, Wednesday, Sept 26 at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield with the Rev. Gregory Moore, her pastor, officiating.  Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery.  Friends were invited to call at the funeral home from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25.

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HALL - CLEVELAND, MRS. ANNIE MAE HALL (SRGP 7760) Name may be Inna or Ina
 Mrs. Annie Mae Cleveland died today at 10:50 at her home in Sullivan township, following an illness of several weeks.  Funeral services will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the home and 2 p.m. at the Methodist Church in Mainesburg, the Rev. S. H. Snyder officiating; interment will be in the Mainesburg Cemetery.  Besides her husband, Eugene Cleveland, she is survived by the following brothers and sisters:  William Hall and Edward Hall, of Rushville, N.Y.; Mrs. Lydia Krisler, of Stanley, N.Y.; Brainard Hall of Geneva, N.Y. and John Hall, of Penn Yan, N.Y.  (Handwritten date—1933)

 The funeral of Mrs. Annie Hall Cleveland was held Friday at 1:30 p.m., at the family home in Sullivan township and at 2 p.m. at the Mainesburg Methodist Church, the Rev. S. H. Snyder officiating.  Interment was in the Mainesburg Cemetery.  Mrs. Cleveland was born at Potter, N.Y., February 2, 1869.  Thirty years ago she was united in marriage to Eugene Cleveland and came to Sullivan township to reside.  Mrs. Cleveland took an active part in community affairs and was a tireless worker in the Mainesburg Methodist church and its affiliated societies.  She was gifted with a congenial nature, and a kind and generous disposition that endeared her to all.  Besides her husband she is survived by the following brothers and sisters:  William and Edward Hall, of Rushville, N.Y.; Mrs. Lydia Kisler, of Stanley, N.Y.; Rainerd Hall, of Geneva, N.Y., and John Hall, of PennYan, N.Y.

HART - Alice May Rumsey, (SRGP 02909) 89, of Mainesburg, Pa. Saturday, Oct. 16, 1948.  A life resident of Mainesburg. Survived by niece. Mrs. Nellie McClintic of Horseheads; nephew, Owen Hart of Mainesburg; foster-son, the Rev. Howard Rumsey of El Paso. Tex.  The body is at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield, where friends may call.  Funeral Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. at the Mainesburg Methodist Church.  The Rev. Allan Sours.  Mainesburg Cemetery.

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Hart, Dewaine H. (SRGP 00445)
Age 57 of Mainesburg, Pa., Thursday, February 16, 1984 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Friends may call at the Scureman Funeral Home, South Main Street, Mansfield Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Funeral at the funeral home Sunday at 2 pm. The Rev. Kenneth M. Meyer officiating. Burial Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg, Pa. He is survived by his wife Jane Smith Hart; one son, Gary at home; Three daughters Bonnie Hilfiger of Mansfield, Lucinda Williams of Mainesburg and Mrs. Donna ( Ray) Weber of Mansfield; father Owen A. Hart of Mansfield; one brother Richard of Mansfield; one sister Mrs. Lorraine (Arthur) Watkins of Mansfield; four grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He had been employed at the Wells and Goodall Garage, Mansfield for the past 37 years; he attended the Church of the New Covenant, Mansfield. He was born November 15, 1926 in Mainesburg to Owen A. and Daisy Griffin Hart.

HART Dewaine H Hart (SRGP 00445) of Mainesburg, Pa. Died Thursday, Feb. 16, 1984 at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre. Born Nov. 15, 1928 in Mainesburg, he was the son of Owen A. and Daisy Griffin Hart. He had been employed at the Wells & Goodall Garage, Mansfield for the past 37 years as a mechanic and attended the Church of New Covenant, Mansfield. Surviving are: his wife Jane Smith Hart; one son Gary at home; three daughters Bonnie Hilfiger of Mansfield, Lucinda Williams of Mainesburg and Mrs. Donna (Ray) Weber of Mansfield; father Owen A. Hart of Mansfield; one brother Richard of Mansfield; one sister Mrs. Lorraine (Arthur) Watkins of Mansfield; four grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Friends were invited to call at the Scureman Funeral Home, Mansfield Saturday, Feb. 18, 1984 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The funeral was held there Sunday, Feb. 19 at 2 p.m. with The Rev Kenneth M. Meyer officiating. Burial was in Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg, Pa.

 Henry Hart, son of Daniel and Amelia Pierce Hart, was born in Sullivan Township, near what is known as Robbins’ Hill, April 27, 1865.  His father went West, never to return when Henry was a baby, so he was obliged at an early age to take upon himself the cares of a grown-up.  He attended school at the Robbins Hill school and worked among the farmers, helping his mother all that a boy could, thus early learning lessons of the value of a dollar, which was a help to him in after life.  He was always destined to be handicapped by a not very robust constitution, but by his thrift and industry made a home for his mother in her declining years and comfortably provided for his own family and left some inheritance to his children.  He married in 1884, Euphemy Jones, of Richmond.  To this union four children were born, two dying when infants.  His wife preceded him to the other shore some five years ago.  He was a faithful member and worker of P. O. S. Of A. For thirty-one years and at the time of his death was treasurer of the organization. He was also a valued member of the Grange.  He leaves to mourn his loss, one son, Owen Hart, of Mainesburg; one grandson, Dewayne Henry Hart; one daughter, Mrs. Nellie Kosteski, of Elmira, and one sister, Mrs. Alice Hart Rumsey, of Mainesburg; also a large circle of acquaintances and friends all through Sullivan township, for here he had lived out all his days, known and respected for his sterling qualities.  He died January 15th, Friday, at two a.m., of cancerous growth of the stomach. He had not been as well as usual for the last four or five years and he suffered greatly for the last two months of his life, death coming as a great release, and reaching out to Him who said, “He that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”  The funeral was held at the Mainesburg church, January 17th, Reverend Bly officiating.  The P. O. S. Of A. Attended in a body and also held their ritual service about the grave.  The coffin was literally covered with heartfelt offerings of roses and carnations from the P. O. S. Of A., the Grange, neighbors, relatives and friends.  The pall bearers were T. F. Hotchkiss, W.L. Connelly, Sam Smith, Ernest Seymour, Gene Cleveland and John Benson.

HART - Owen A. Hart, 87, [SRGP 02902] of RD3, Mansfield, died at home Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1990, after a lengthy illness. Born Dec. 11, 1902, in Mainesburg, he was the son of Henry and Euphemia Jones Hart. He was well-known as a teamster. He was a lover of draft horses. He was a former employee of PennDOT, retiring in 1969. He was a life-long farmer in the Mansfield area. Preceding him in death were his wife, Daisy Griffin, of 55 years, and his son, Dewaine H. Hart, in 1984. Surviving are a daughter and son-in-law, Lorraine and Arthur Watkins of Mansfield; a son, Richard E. Hart of Mansfield; a daughter-in-law, Jane A. Hart of Mansfield, six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Friends were invited to call at the Scureman Funeral Home in Mansfield, Thursday, Oct. 18. Services were held there on Friday, Oct. 19, at 2 p.m. The Rev. Robert Stump, pastor of Mainesburg United Methodist Church officiated. Burial was made at Mainesburg Cemetery, Mainesburg. - Wellsboro Gazette, October 24, 1990

GORDON W. HARVEY, 84, of Mainesburg, passed away on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020 at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre. He was born on Sept. 13, 1936 in Mansfield, a son of Welch and Marleta (Stauffer) Harvey. Gordon was the husband of Roberta "Bobbie" Harvey. He worked as a truck driver and was a member of Mainesburg United Methodist Church and the F&AM Friendship Lodge #247 Mansfield. Gordon was a Veteran of the National Guard, a mason, and the caretaker for Mainesburg Cemetery. Gordon is survived by his wife; three sons, Laurence W. Harvey of Mainesburg, Alan R. Harvey of Mainesburg and Christopher A. Harvey of Buffalo, N.Y.; a daughter-in-law, Rebecca Harvey of Covington; two grandchildren, Jessica (Samuel) Jackson and Jennifer Harvey; two great-grandchildren, Lacy Harvey and Eloise Jackson; a brother, Lee "Buzz" (Mary) Harvey of Mansfield and a sister, Jeanne (Sherm) Warner of Millerton. He was preceded in death by his parents and a son, Joseph W. Harvey. A graveside service will be held on Friday, Dec. 18, at 1 p.m. at Mainesburg Cemetery. Memorial contributions can be made to Mainesburg Cemetery Association, PO Box 87, Mainesburg, PA. Services are under the direction of Buckheit Funeral Chapel and Crematory, Inc. 637 S. Main St., Mansfield. -Wellsboro Gazette 12/14/2020

Welch W. Harvey, 86, of Mainesburg, died Monday, Dec. 23, 1991. Born May 29, 1905, in Sullivan Township, he was a son of Vivon and Viola Cleveland Harvey. He was an active member of the Mainesburg Methodist Church, having served on several of its boards. He retired in 1975 as a Sullivan Township road supervisor. He had also worked as a state construction foreman, and had done carpentry work in the area. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marleta Stauffer Harvey on Nov. 11, 1975. Surviving are two sons and daughters-in-law, Gordon and Roberta Harvey, of Mainesburg, and Lee and Mary Harvey, of Mansfield; one daughter and son-in-law, Jeanne and Richard Wise, of MansfieId, 12 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. Calling hours will be held at the Scureman Funeral Home, 1390 S. Main St., Mansfield, on Thursday, Dec. 26, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Services will be held Friday, Dec. 27 at the Mainesburg Methodist Church with the Rev. James F. Bellamy officiating. Burial will be made at the Mainesburg Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Mainesburg Methodist Church, P.O. Box 87, Mainesburg, Pa. 16932

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Welch W. HARVEY (SRGP 04295)
MAINESBURG — Welch W. Harvey, 86, of Mainesburg, died Monday, Dec. 23, 1991, at home.His wife of 45 years, the former Marleta Stauffer, died Nov. 11,1975.He retired in 1975 as a Sullivan Township road supervisor. He had also worked as a state construction foreman, and had done carpentry work in the area.He was an active member of the Mainesburg Methodist Church, having served on several of its boards.Born May 29, 1905, in Sullivan Township, Tioga County, he was a son of Vivon and Viola Cleveland Harvey.Surviving are two sons, Gordon, of Mainesburg, and Lee, of Mansfield; a daughter, Mrs. Jeanne Wise, of MansfieId, 12 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. The funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the church. Burial will be in the Mainesburg
Cemetery. The Rev. James F. Bellamy. his pastor, will officiate.Friends may call at Scureman’s, 130 South Main, Mansfield, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday.

HEGELE - Pauline M. DeWitt, 82, [SRGP 03653] of Wellsboro RR3 died Friday, Sept. 12, 1997, at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro. Born Oct. 24, 1914, in Canoe Camp, she was the daughter of Paul and Myra Goodall Hegele. She was a lifelong resident of the Wellsboro area. She worked in the dietary department of Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro, for over 10 years, and was also a homemaker. She was a member of the Canoe Camp Church of Christ Disciples and a member of the Women of the Moose Lodge #1147. Preceding her in death was her husband, Lawrence G. DeWitt, on Feb. 4, 1980; and a son, Dale L. DeWitt in 1990. Surviving are three sons and daughters-in-law, G. Daryl and Kathryn DeWitt of Covington, Paul R. and Clara DeWitt of Douglasville, Ga., and David L. DeWitt of Douglasville, Ga.; two daughters and son-in-law, Bonnie L. DeWitt of Wellsboro and Sherry and David Adams of Wellsboro; one sister, Lucille Lamphere of Shinglehouse; 15 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; several nieces. Calling hours were held Sunday, Sept. 14, at Tussey-Mosher Funeral Home, Wellsboro. Services were held there Monday, Sept. 15, with the Rev. Darwin Cranmer officiating. Burial was made at Mainesburg Cemetery. - Wellsboro Gazette, September 17, 1997    Mainesburg Cemetery, Sullivan Township --------------- MHS 1932

HILFIGER, Ernest Neil (SRGP 12091)
Age 63, of Mansfield, RD 3, Friday, May 2, 1975 at his home.  Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield, Sunday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m.  Funeral there Monday at 1 p.m.  Burial in Mainesburg Cemetery.  Survived by wife, Ivah Woodard Hilfiger; one daughter, Mrs. Arthur (Pat) Strange of Mansfield RD 3, four sons, Frederick of Covington RD 1, Francis of Millerton RD 1, Thomas Lee of Gillett, Pa. RD 2, Donald of Mansfield RD; two brothers, Richard of Blossburg and Eugene of Irwin, Pa.; 10 grandchildren.

Guy HILFIGER, (SRGP 12088) 68, a resident of Mainesburg for 45 years, Wednesday, May 12, 1948. Survived by wife, Mabel D.; daughter, Mrs. Made Lawrence of Mansfield RD; sons, Frederick of Odessa, Neil of Mansfield RD, Richard of Blossburg, Eugene of Elmira Heights; sister, Mrs. Dan Lanterman of Horseheads; 14 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, a number of nieces and nephews. Body is at the Shaw & Robena Funeral Home, Mansfield and will be removed to family home, where prayer service will be held Saturday, 1:30 p. m. (EST). Funeral at 2 p. m. at the Mainesburg Methodist Church. Rev. Allen Sours. Mainesburg Cemetery.

 Age 68 of Sherwood Manor, Mansfield, Wednesday, June 13, 1973 at the Troy Community Hospital, Troy, Pa.  Calling hours will be Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield.  Funeral there Friday 1 pm.  Rev. Glenn Dewey officiating.  Burial in Mainesburg Cemetery.  Survived by four daughters, Mrs. Charles (Betty) Boyden, Mrs. Eugene (Joan) Jackson, both of Mainesburg, Mrs. Jeanne Wood and Mrs. Richard (Shirley) Kenyon, both of Troy, Pa.; three sons, Robert of Columbia Cross Roads, Richard of Tampa, Fla and Jerry of Troy, Pa.; brothers Neil Hilfiger of Mainesburg, Richard Hilfiger of Irwin or Blossburg, Pa,  Eugene Hilfiger of Irwin, Pa.; 35 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; aunt, Mrs. Maude Shaw of Ceres, NY.  She was a member of the Mainesburg Methodist Church; Gold Star Mother having lost a son in the Korean Conflict.  She was born March 4, 1905 in Mainesburg the daughter of Guy and Mable Dewey Hilfiger. She was the widow of Edson Lawrence.

HILL, Joanna [SRGP 06735] - Mrs. Joanna H. Doud
Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Joanna H. Doud, widow of R. H. Doud, late of Mainesburg, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James A. Boyce, on Central avenue in Wellsboro, Pa.  She was 80 years of age, and she had been in feeble health for several years.  A few weeks ago she had an attack of the grip, and it developed into pneumonia.  Mrs. Doud was born in this borough, being the daughter of William Hill.  Her father was one of the early residents of this borough, and here she spent her childhood.  The family then moved to Mainesburg, where she resided for upwards of 60 years.  After the death of her husband a few years ago, she came here to live with her daughter and only surviving child, Mrs. Boyce.  Mrs. Doud was a faithful member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.  She was a woman of intelligence, refinement and kindliness, and her life was an example of Christian rectitude.  The funeral service was held at the home of Mr. Boyce last Sunday morning at 9 o’clock, Rev. Mr. Snyder reading the service.  The remains were taken to Mainesburg for burial.  (Tuesday, January 10, 1894, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Thomas F. Hotchkiss, a well known farmer of Mainesburg, diedFriday morning, November 9, at the age of 77 years. He was a son of Norris and Hannah VanWey Hotchkiss. His father was killed in the battle of Antietam. His mother died when he was about nine years old and he went to the orphanage at Mansfield until sixteen. When he was about twenty he moved to Scouton Hill where he has resided since. On February 11, 1914, he married Jennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Smith. He is survived by his widow, one brother, Truman, and several nieces and nephews. There was a large attendance at the funeral, held at the home Sunday, November 11. Many beautiful flowers were sent by relatives and friends. Rev. Snyder officiated. Mainesburg P. O. S. Of A. And Mansfield I. O. O. F. assisted with the ceremony. Burial in Mainesburg cemetery. (Handwritten date 1934)

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HUGHES - Wayne H. Hughes [Sr.], 56, (SRGP 85012) of Mainesburg, formerly of Philadelphia, died Sunday, July 19, 1981 at the Charlotte Hungerford Hospital in Torrington, Connecticut. Born August 26, 1924 in Philadelphia, he was the son of Wayne and Caroline Rudolph Hughes. He was a World War II Marine Veteran and a self-employed brick layer. Surviving are his wife, Doris Curry Hughes; three sons, Wayne H. Hughes Jr. of Trevose, Pa., Anthony of Mainesburg and Mark at home; one daughter, Mrs. Dennis [Elizabeth] Cummings of Torrington, Connecticut; and two grandchildren. Friends are invited to call at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield today, Wednesday, July 22, 1981 from 7-9 p.m. Funeral services will be held there Thursday, July 23 at 1 p.m. with the Reverend Dan Tucker officiating. Burial will be in the Mainesburg Cemetery. - Wellsboro Gazette, July 22, 1981

 Ferne Elma Smith, age 80, of 404 N. Main Street, Mansfield died on Saturday, January 29, 1977 at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro. She was born December 29, 1896 in Covington, Pa., daughter of Horace and Alicy Doty Hulslander. She was a member of the Elk Run Methodist Church and the widow of Grant L. Smith. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Warren (Maysel) Stevens of RD 1, Mansfield and Mrs. Eva Omelion of Corning, NY; one brother, Theron Hulslander of Walton, NY; five nieces and two nephews and many friends. The funeral was held Wednesday, February 2, 1977 at 2:30 pm at the Kuhl Funeral Home, Mansfield with The Reverend William Emery officiating.  Friends and relatives were invited to call at the funeral home from 2 pm until the time of the service. Burial was in the Mainesburg Cemetery.  







Bradford County PA

Chemung County NY

Tioga County PA

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Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11 DEC 2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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