Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Schools of the Tri-Counties
Report of Superintendent of Public Instruction for PA - 1902
Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
Pennsylvania - 69th Annual School Report
Nathan C. Shaeffer - State Superintendent of Public Instruction
W. R. Longstreet - Tioga County Superintendent of Schools
Year: 1902
Book Purchased  for Site Presentation by: Joyce M. Tice
Retyped for Tri-Counties by Sheri Graves
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 State Superintendent - Introduction  Bradford County  Report  Tioga County Report  Mansfield Normal School Report

.TIOGA COUNTY—W. R. Longstreet.

Sixteen educational meetings have been held during the year, via: Thirteen local institutes, two meetings of the County Teachers’ Association, and the thirty fourth annual session of the teachers’ institute.

The annual institute was held in Wellsboro during the week of November 4th to 8th inclusive. The instructors were as follows: Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith, of Mansfield State Normal School; Dr. Henry Houck, Deputy Superintendent Public Instruction; Dr. S. H. Albro, Fredonia, N.Y.; Dr. S. D. Fess, Ada, Ohio; Prof. H. E. Cogswell, Syracuse, N.Y.; Miss Sarah B. Barber, Lewisburg, Pa.; Miss Eliza J. Boyce and Mrs. H. T. Jenkins, Mansfield State Normal, and Miss Zenetta Clark, Wellsboro, Pa.

The enrollment numbered four hundred eighty. The entertainments and lectures were of the highest order. Every teacher who came to this institute for help could not have gone away disappointed. I am sure that our schools have been benefited by the good work done and the inspiration received.

The program for the evening sessions comprised a lecture by Dr. S. D. Fess on Monday, a concert by Jubilee singers on Tuesday, and entertainment by Maro, the magician, on Wednesday, and a debate by Hon. Champ Clark, of Missouri, and Charles J. Landis, of Indiana, on Thursday.

The Annual session of the directors’ association was held on Thursday of institute week. The attendance was fully as large as usual. There was an excellent programme furnished, and those who attended for the first time were surprised at the helpful character of the work done. They will come again. The local institutes were all well attended. This was also true of the teachers’ associations. Good programs were provided at every session. We have had no more satisfactory educational meetings during my term of office. Liberty and Charleston led in attendance, both having overflowing houses. Our local institutes usually begin on Friday with an evening session, and close Saturday P. M. The following were evening lecturers: Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith, at Nelson, Gaines, Charleston and Roseville; Dr. Lincoln Hulley at Knoxville and Wellsboro; Rev. O’Toole at Morris; Hon. Emerson Collins at Union. With one exception the county superintendent attended every educational gathering. He also made 402 visits to schools.

I have given 174 provisional certificates and 5 professional certificates during the year; nearly 50 provisional certificates less than my first year. It means a higher grade of work. I am one of those who believe that the number of provisional certificates to any one person should be limited. In granting professional certificates care is taken to select those who really merit them.

In order to stimulate regular attendance and punctuality in the schools during the past year, I offered to give every pupil a certificate of award who made a perfect record in attendance. It affords me much pleasure to say that I issued nearly 500 to the different schools of the county. We shall do still better another year.

As another evidence of progress, I also note that during the past three years an increase has been made in the wages of teachers by the following districts: In all the schools alike, Tioga township, Richmond, Chatham, Rutland, Farmington, Lawrence, Covington. In part of the schools, Sullivan, Brookfield, Clymer, Jackson, Westfield, Knoxville, Bloss, Middlebury.

The course of study for the graded schools of the county was placed in the hands of the principals, and has been put in operation by the majority of the schools. Criticisms and suggestions from said principals will be invited during the year, when a revision will be considered. It is my earnest desire to make this course of study the best possible for our graded schools.

The compulsory law has been generally enforced, a few exceptions, of course. Tioga township merits special mention for the strict enforcement of this law. In this respect she is indeed an example for other districts. An attendance officer was regularly appointed, whose duty was to visit every school once a month, some twice a month, and take such steps as were necessary to enforce the law. The plan worked admirably. Greater interest in the care of outbuildings has been in evidence. Better blackboards and wall maps have been furnished in several instances. In fact, the educational interest throughout the county is in a good healthy condition, and I feel that we are taking no steps backward. The people generally are responsive to any suggestions for improved educational advantages; directors generally are in accord with this sentiment, and the teachers have shown a spirit of co-operation for the best interests of the schools that has been most gratifying.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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