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Elmira Free Academy Alumni - 1862 - 1909
Joyce's Search Tip - November 2008
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George Farr loaned us the alumni directory. Pat NEWELL Smith scanned the pages, and Lauralee McIntosh Cotturone typed it for us. Joyce M. Tice formatted and published these pages December 2010.
1862 1871 1875 1880 1884 1887 1889
1891 1894 1896 1898 1900 1902 1904
1905 1906 1907 1908 1909

Over 1700 EFA graduates included in this listing

Students Graduate Year Married Later School Degree Occupation Business Address Last Known Residence
Abbott, WIlliam A. 1905       Trainman
Ackerman, Norma 1905       Assisting at home
Aiken, Mary Louise 1905   Elmira College   Student
Allen, Floyd Elmer 1905   Union College B.E. 1909 Civil Engineer
Allgeier, Amelia W. 1905       Teacher
Baldwin, James Garfield 1905   Harvard   Salesman
Banks, D. Eugene 1905   Syracuse University   Student
Banks, M. Beal 1905       Director of Athletics, Central Univ. of Kentucky
Barber, Francis Eugene 1905   Syracuse University   Stenographer
Barbour, Bertha I. 1905 S. S. Morey      
Barbour, Stella 1905 M. L. Waters      
Bascome, Bartow 1905   University of Illinois   Student
Beers, Edmund A. 1905   Lafayette College, Civil Engineering   Student
Benjamin, Archibald R. 1905       Clerk, Am. LaFrance Fire Engine Co., Elmira, N.Y.
Blades, Wilbur D. 1905       Time Clerk
Bradley, Lucia A. 1905       Clerk and Assistant Cashier
Burgess, Elizabeth M. 1905   Teachers' Training School   Teacher
Carrier, Lester RevIllo 1905   Lehigh University   Ass't General Foreman, Welsbach Light Co.
Chamberlin, Elisabeth M. 1905       Student of Music and Languages, Germany
Clark, Adebert G. 1905   Union College B.S., 1909  
Conroy, Dolores 1905   Elmira Teachers' Training School   Teacher
Cooper, Helena M. 1905       Teacher
Cox, M. Meredith 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Cronin, Edna A. 1905   Elmira Teachers' Training School   Teacher
Curry, Catherine A. 1905   Elmira Teachers' Training School   Teacher
Denton, Alice Louise 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Edmunds, George W. 1905       Clerk
Eighmey, Laura E. 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Elliott, Peter N. 1905       Clerk
Ennis, Bertha M. 1905       Stenographer
Flood, Henry Jr. 1905   Cornell University M.E., 1909 Engineer
Freudenheim, Elias 1905   Cornell University A.B., 1909 Chemist
Fuller, Nellie E. 1905 Donn J. Heaxt 1907      
Gardner, Beulah M. 1905        
Geisser, Mary Theresa 1905   N.Y. Hospital Training School for Nurses   Graduate Nurse, 1909
Gerard, Wilhelmina C. 1905   Cortland Normal   Teacher
GIllette, Mabel Louise 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Gray, Florence Janet 1905   Elmira College    
Gregory, Richard O. 1905   Hahnemann Medical College M.D., 1909 Physician
Griffes, A., Marguerite 1905        
Harding, Ethel L. 1905       Stenographer
Hartigan, WIlliam S. 1905   University of Buffalo   Student
Haupt, Mabel Irene 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Holley, Fanny 1905 Harry Wells      
Howell Edith C. 1905   Meeker's School of Commerce   Bookkeeper
Howes, Edna Bridgeman 1905        
Hunt, Charles F. 1905       Clerk
Hunter, Colus C. 1905   Purdue University   Bolt Inspector
Jones, Floyd Harding 1905   University of Michigan A.B., 1909 Medical Student
Keane, Mary E. 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1908 Teacher
Kingsbury, Lucia M. 1905   Warner's Business School   Teacher
Kinney, Lena Frances 1905        
Kraft, William F. 1905   Rensselarer Polytechnic Institute   Student
Krowl, Julia E. 1905   Warner's Business School   Stenographer
Krowl, Susanna 1905 Harmon Wood      
Lariew, John E. 1905       Upholsterer
Lavine, Abraham 1905   Cornell University; Columbia Law School A.B. 1909 Statistician; Law Student
Lavine, Dora S. 1905   Elmira College    
Lewis, Maude E. 1905   Cortland Normal   Teacher
Lowman, Donald Jay 1905   Purdue University B.S. in M.E., 1909 Engineer
Lynch, Florence 1905       Teacher
Lyon, Millicent F. 1905   Elmira Teachers' Training School   Teacher
Mack, William Francis 1905   Syracuse University   Student in Engineering
Manley, Ellery D. 1905   Lafayette College Ph.B., 1909 Medical Student
Marks, Rose 1905   Elmira Teachers' Training School   Teacher
Mason, William A. 1905       Bookkeeper
Mathews, Howard D. 1905       Clerk
McMahon, Frances 1905       Stenographer and Clerk, Corporation Counsel's Office
McNerney, Mary 1905 John Walsh      
Metzger, Theodore B. 1905   Williams College A.B., 1907 Wholesale and Retail Provisions
Minier, Theodora C. 1905   Elmira College    
Murray, Matthias P. 1905        
Nagle, Elsie 1905   Elmira College    
Newman, Floyd B. 1905       Assistant Funeral Director
Palmer, Edith C. 1905       Piano Teacher
Phillips, Mary C. 1905       Stenographer
Pugh, Daniel E., Jr. 1905   Williams, 1905-07; Univ. of Mich., '07-09 A.B., 1909   Student of Medicine, Univ. of Michigan
Read, Edna S. 1905       Teacher
Richardson, Marguerite E. 1905   Meeker's School of Commerce   Stenographer
Riedinger, Florence J. 1905 Leonard Samuel Whittier Elmira College    
Ryan, John J. 1905   Alfred University B.S. in Ceramics, 1909 Ceramist
Ryan, Mary C. 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Sadler, Sara G. 1905   Syracuse Univ. Grad. Library Econ.   Assistant in Library
Sage, Lewis J. 1905   Alfred University   Travelling Salesman
Salmon, Pierson Hart 1905       Bank Clerk
Samuel, Stella A. 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
Sanders, Dora Margaret 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1906 Teacher
Satterlee, Mary Leonora 1905   Elmira Teacher's Training School   Trained Nurse
Scharf, Fred E. 1905   Elmira School of Commerce   Clerk and Stenographer
Smith, Wetah A. 1905   Elmira College   Teacher
Snyder, Maude A. 1905   Elmira College   Student
Spring, George L. 1905       Clerk
Uhl, Laura N. 1905   Elmira College    
Warner, Emily 1905       Stenographer
Warner, Mabel E. 1905       Teacher
Water, Frank 1905   Syracuse University   Student
Waxman, Bertha F. I. 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher
West, James Oliver 1905 Etta Parkhurst Hillman      
Wixson, Carolyn 1905   Elmira College A.B., 1909 Teacher of English

Last Updated on 12/12/2010
By Joyce M. Tice