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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1918 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. 
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings.
In The Service
In The Service NEWS
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

Volume LV, #1, January 3, 1918

(Picture) Sergeant Morris Schucker.

Hazen Kelley, just back from France and here to visit his uncle, J. H. Kelley. A native of this county, 22 years old, Mr. Kelley was rejected by 6 US service organizations joined the English forces as an ambulance driver and mechanic to do his "Bit".

(Picture) Seth L. Norris.

Volume LV, #2, January 10, 1918

(Sylvania News) A cablegram announces the safe arrival of Lieut. Hugh A. Cameron somewhere on the other side.

Donald H. Cameron of the 9th Aero Squadron and Ed Bolt of the 80th Aero Squadron were in camp in the south of England when the last letter came from them.

Volume LV, #3, January 17, 1918

(Local News) A cablegram has been received by Dr. P. N. Barker, announcing the save arrival in France of his son, Joseph Barker.

(Local News) Private Francis Hooley, formerly of Troy now of Ridgway, of Company A, 320th Field Signal Battery, is ill in Camp Dodge hospital of bronchitis.

(Local News) Captain Robert J. Halpin has recently been promoted to be major. Major Wise who commanded the machine gun battalion at Camp Lee, was ordered to report to General Pershing and Major Halpin has been assigned his place. He now commands the 314th Machine Gun Battalion.

(Local News) William Polly, a member of the 22d Regiment of Engineers of New York City, is spending part of his 10-day furlough in this place. Colonel Vanderbilt is the head of the 22d Regiment of Engineers which is known at the Million Dollar Regiment.

(Local News) Wilfred Brewer, one of the Troy boys at Camp Meade, has been advanced from Corporal to Senior Sargeant.

Volume LV, #4, January 24, 1918

(Leona News) the friends of Howard Buck of Elmira, formerly of Leona, will be glad to hear of his enlistment in the army at Fort Slocum. He is in the hospital corps.

(Local News) Fred Wood, who is in the Veterinary Medical Dept., of the 23d Infantry, in France, sends his brother, Hiram G. Wood, a piece of a German balloon which was shot down near him. The little square of coated silk has been framed and forms an interesting addition to local mementoes of the big war.

Volume LV, #5, January 31, 1918

(Picture) Lieutenant Hugh A. Cameron.

(Sylvania News) F. C. Waldo, a veteran of the Phillippine war, has enlisted in the Aero Service and was sent to Fort Slocum.

(Coryland News) Word has been received that Ford Johnson of Millerton, a former teacher in our school, now a soldier in Camp Meade, Maryland, has already passed the offices of Corporal and Sergeant and is now in training for Lieutenant.

Volume LV, #6, February 7, 1918

(Picture) Milan W. Flick.

News Items Concerning Bradford County Boys With the Colors.

Max Leonard writes that Camp Hancock, Augusta, Georgia, where he is located has the lowest sick rate in the United States.

Frank Ward, a Troy boy who entered the service from Endicott, N. Y., and who was a corporal at Camp Dix, has been made sergeant at Camp Gordon, Georgia. He is a son of Mark Ward of Troy township.

Carlton T. Sherman has been advanced at Camp Lee, Virginia, from Mess Sergeant to First Class Sergeant. Quartermaster’s Department, Aviation Signal Corps. Transfer to another camp or to France is looked for around Feb. 15th.

Louis Aumick is home on a ten-day furlough from League Island, Philadelphia, to visit his mother and sisters.

Corporal Carlton Pruyne, I 81st Aero Squadron, is on duty somewhere in England, a former Burlington boy, son of the late Albert Pruyne.

(Local News) Joseph Clark, Gillett, Carlton S. Hooker, Alba, and ten other registrants from the first district with nine from the second district, left Towanda early yesterday morning for Camp Meade as part of the number still due on this county’s quota for the first army.

Volume LV, #7, February 14, 1918

(Picture) Charles Stanton,

(Local News) Stephen Kennedy has been transferred from Co. D, 314th Inf., Camp Meade, Md., to Co. K, 60th Infantry, 5th Division, Camp Green, Charlotte, N. C.

(I assume from THE TROY REGISTER) Sent in by Don Stanton

News Items Concerning Bradford County Boys with the Colors

Max Leonard writes that Camp Hancock, Augusta, Georgia, where he is located has the lowest sick rate in the United States. Very warm when he wrote Jan. 24th, but the mercury had been down around zero.

Frank Ward, a Troy boy who entered the service from Endicott, N. Y., and who was a corporal at Camp Dix, has been made sergeant at Camp Gordon, Georgia. He is a son of Mark Ward of Troy Township.

Our Troy milkman, Mr. Fiene, has a son from Tampa, Florida, in the service.

Carlton T. Sherman has been advanced at Camp Lee, Virginia, from Mess Sergeant to First Class Sergeant, Quartermaster’s Department, Aviation Signal Corps. Transfer to another camp or to France is looked for around Feb. 15th.

Louis Aumick is home on a ten-day furlough from League Island, Philadelphia, to visit his mother and sisters.

Through the thoughtfulness of John Parke we have had a look at the Wadsworth Gas Attack and The Rio Grande Rattler, a 32-page magazine published weekly by and for the men of the 29th Division, United States Army, at Camp Wadsworth, Spartansburg, S. C., under the direction of the Camp Y. M. C. A. It is full to the brim of reading matter of interest to the soldiers, supplemented with cuts, humorous and otherwise. The deduction from an article headed “Two Months More Here” is that the boys of the 27th Division, including Co. L, are looking forward to transportation to France for intensive training some time in March.

A letter from Milan W. Flick, Co. L, 108th U. S. Troop, Spartansburg, S. C., says that Private Charles _________ has been detached by the a__________ carpenter work, and that _______________John Parke, is fit as _____________ __ing supply sergeant _______ ___sence of the regular____________ at the officer’s training _______ here at Camp Wadsworth. __________ ___tillery” he continues “is at the range where they will have careful training at target practice under the command of Gen. Phillips. Trenches dug by infantrymen last fall will be blown up by the artillery and will be observed by the infantry so that they may see the effect of artillery fire on trenches and dugouts.

Co. L., has had several cases of mumps and German measles. I, myself just getting over the latter. It seems, the Germans are bound to get us some way. We have been under quarantine for three weeks. There is no sign of its being lifted for a while yet. Two prisoners were shot in an attempt to escape from Company L guards Sunday night and another is nursing a sore head. One of the prisoners died Wednesday morning from his wound. The other will recover. A large crowd assembled at the place of the shooting which, was about 100 feet from the tent I was in. It was quickly dispersed. Nothing will be done to the men for shooting as they were acting according to orders. The regrettable thing was that the ring leader got the sore head and not the bullet. It is strongly rumored around that the 108th Regiment sails for France or some other place across the big pond sometime in April.” (N.B. They embarked on May 17th – DFS)

Writing to his mother from active duty somewhere in England, Corporal Carlton Pruyne, a former Burlington boy, son of the late Albert Pruyne, says:
Dear Mother and All: I am well and like it here first rate. It is raining here today but not very cold. We have barracks to sleep in and plenty to eat. Had a fine trip across the ocean and I did not get seasick. Mother, don’t worry about me for God will not let any harm come to me because He has promised to be with me to the end. Uncle Sam gives his soldiers the best kind of care. I have 6 heavy blankets on my bed. This does not look like being cold does it. I also have plenty of heavy underwear. The people treat us fine. When we are traveling through the countryside they seem to know that we are ______g because at nearly every station they have hot coffee for us to ____ Lovingly yours, Carlton Pruyne, 81st (?) Aero Squadron.  A.E.F.

Volume LV, #8, February 21, 1918

(Picture) Herbert Morris.

Last of First Army Summoned to Camp Meade.

(Local News) Joseph Wood of Troy, enlisted in Elmira a few days ago and was sent to Fort Slocum. This is his second effort to get into the service. He is 18 years old and has two brothers in the service.

(Local News) Harold Cornell has been transferred from Camp Meade, Md. To Camp Greene, N. C.

(Local News) Senior Sergeants Vincent Vineski and Wilfred Brewer were up from Camp Meade from Friday until Tuesday.

Volume LV, #9, February 28, 1918

(Picture) Harry A. Steele.

(East Troy News) Paul Greenough, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenough, enlisted in the army in Elmira and has gone to Fort Slocum.

(Local News) Stanley Snyder, one time of the Troy House, Anson D. Bailey of Towanda, Leon W. Frisbie, formerly of West Burlington, and Lloyd Parmenter of Gillett, have enlisted in the army and go March 1st to Camp Greene, N. C.

Volume LV, #10, Thursday, March 7, 1918

(Local News) A. Carl Fanning, son of Former Judge and Mrs. A. C. Fanning, who left Towanda last week to report for service as a volunteer in the Field Ordnance Corps, passed examination with a high average and was sent to the University of Pennsylvania for six weeks of extensive training before going to camp. Another Towanda boy William A. Rosenleld, is taking the special training with Fanning.

(Local News) Joseph Barker, son of Dr. and Mrs. P. N. Barker, who is secretary of a French Y. M. C. A., is somewhere within the Champaigne district of France not far from the battlefield of the Marne. He writes of French and German airplanes, of the boom of artillery and other things that belong to the near front.

Volume LV, #11, Thursday, March 14, 1918

The trio of Troy boys, Hardin Gustin, Lester Kelley and Roe Smith, training at Ft. Leavenworth, are in hard luck in being separated Gustin by transfer to another regiment, did not come east with the others, and just at the point of sailing for France Kelley was sent into quarantine for measles leaving Smith to go on "over there" alone. It is believed that Walter Weaver is on the transport which took Smith to France.

Volume LV, #12, Thursday, March 21, 1918

(Picture) Joseph E. Barker.

Volume LV, #13, Thursday, March 28, 1918

(Picture) Sen. Sergt. Wilfred Brewer.

Volume LV, #14, Thursday, April 4, 1918

(Picture) Charles T. Gates.

Volume LV, #16, Thursday, April 18, 1918

(Picture) Earl Cowl.

Leland A. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wood, penetrates German line, name ordered on Honor Roll.

Volume LV, #17, Thursday, April 25, 1918

(Picture) Frank E. Ward.

Volume LV, #22, Thursday, May 30, 1918

Armenia Boy Downs Eight Boche Airplanes—Wounded, Becomes Instructor.

Concerning Bradford county’s foremost military flyer. Sergeant-Pilot Dean Ivan Lamb of Armenia township, a Canton correspondent under recent date, writes:

"He is a son of Henry Lamb of Armenia township and his childhood was spent in this vicinity. Perhaps it was the call of destiny, perhaps it was the high altitude of his mountain home, but his early and only ambition was to fly. Unlike Darius Green, he was slated by fate to achieve his ambition. During the years when he was approaching manhood, science began to discover that there really was something after all to the flying business, and young Lamb forsook the dreams of his boyhood for reality, and his rustic surroundings for the Curtiss Airplane School at Hammondsport, N. Y. There he learned the rudiments of flying, and then came war. He enlisted at once in the British Royal Flying Corps, and was one of the first fliers to be sent from Great Britian to the front. Two years ago he was given a commission as aerogunner observer with an air fleet that crossed the channel. Then so many machines fell victim to the German air guns, that he soon had an opportunity of being pilot for one of the death dealing war machines, and from that time on made periodical flights over No Man’s Land. His record is eight Boche air-craft brought to the ground, the last one after an air duel in which he was severely wounded.

"On July 7, 1917, he shot down a huge Gotha machine over Mainhault Forest, and two minutes later was compelled to descend on account of the toes being stripped from his right foot and his machine wrecked. His gunner, who was the only other occupant of the machine, was killed in the duel. When Mr. Lamb was able to get out of the hospital he was given a discharge in order he might come home and serve his own country. Since then he has been an instructor at various training schools in this country buy says that before peace comes he going back to get revenge for his toes."

Volume LV, #23, Thursday, June 6, 1918

New National Army Registrants Here Number Forty-One.

In the new class of registrants who have reached the age of 21 since June 5th of last year, there were 41 registrations in Troy on Wednesday and two for other districts as follows:


Harry Mark King Michael Leal Bardwell Medford Hays Sherman

James Leon Batterson Francis Leon Vineski Allen Lambert Lyles

Lyman Paul Rockwell Archibald Churchill Rockwell James Jacob Arnold

Frank Harold Flick Robinson LaRue Davies Rollin Oscar Hoyles

Leon Edward Ward Fay Omer Purvis William McKinley Bailey

Merton Kerry Bruce Edward Warren Borgeson Glenn Matthias Burgan


Luther George VanHorn Page Henry Greeno Willard Luther Jones

Alfred John VanNoy


Johy Sylvester Canedy Merle Vivian Schucker Julius Linn Card


Milton Walter Bullard


Charles Leland Soper Foster Watkins Garrison Grant Alvin Palmer

William Joseph Utter Floyd Lee


Paul J. Berry George William Bailey Walter Byron Everts

Alfred Manley Brace Perlee Carl Hicks


Obadiah Campbell Leslie Lyman Piatt


Edward John Harris


Raymond James J. Besseck


Harry Barr Hoover


Lawrence Edward Leonard

Roy Jenkins Escapes When President Lincoln is Sunk by German U-Boat.

Mr. and Mrs. Asa Jenkins of Springfield, are In receipt of official information from Washington that their son Roy is among the survivors of the transport President Lincoln, which was sunk by submarine last Friday. Roy Jenkins enlisted in the Navy last May and had made several trips to and from Europe.

Volume LV, #24, Thursday June 13, 1918

(Picture) John S. Parke.

B. L. Campbell of Athens, received a telegram Sunday afternoon from the government stating that his son, Leon, aged 17, had been officially reported killed in action in France on May 29th. He enlisted in May 1917. In a letter to one of his sisters received last Thursday he told of spending Easter in a front line trench, and spoke of the time when he would come home. He was the first resident of Athens to give his life in action.

Volume LV, #25, Thursday, June 29, 1918

(Picture) Robert L. Putnam.

Survivor of Torpedoed Transport Visits Parents in Springfield.

Roy Jenkins, one of the survivors of the torpedoed transport President Lincoln was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Jenkins in Springfield from Saturday afternoon until Tuesday night. He was a member of one of the gun crews and stuck to his post until ordered to jump over board. The 12 life boats and life rafts had already been put off from the sinking ship, and the gunners were half an hour in the water before they reached a place of comparative safety on one of them.

Rafts and boats were lashed together and 18 hours later the survivors were picked up by destroyers. The loss of life was largely due to the men rushing to their quarters below decks for valuables. The first to get away when the ship was torpedoed, were some of the sailors and their petty officer who had been on two other torpedoed ships. He had drilled them in what to do in an emergency and they carried out the prearranged schedule to the letter. Jenkins was on his fifth trip across the Atlantic. He had but a short furlough and was due back in New York Monday morning.

Volume LV, #26, Thursday, June 27, 1918

(Picture) Walter W. Weaver.

Volume LV, #27, Thursday, July 4, 1918

(Picture) Edward Stanton.

The 1918 Boys in the Order Their Names Came from Bowl.

Volume LV, #28, Thursday, July 11, 1918

(Picture) Carlton T. Sherman.

Cyril E. Darrow, Co. A, 325th Infantry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Darrow writes from somewhere in France.

Volume LV, #29, Thursday, July 18, 1918

(Picture) Homer J. DeWitt.

Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918

Ora L. Wooster.

Lester Judson’s Hope to Help Lick Huns to be Realized.

His spine so injured in a runaway accident at Gillett some years ago that bone grafting was necessary, and rejected by draft board doctors, Lester Judson, a telegraph operator now of Pine City, has succeeded in having himself accepted for limited military duty.

It was only by a strong personal appeal that he got himself in line for the service he so desires to render in helping to win the war by releasing another stronger than himself for front line duty. Mr. Judson is a son of James Judson and brother of Lawrence Judson of Troy. He has worked as an operator all along the norther Central from Williamsport to Canandaigua.

Bradford county is glad to claim as a former resident a man of his fine, patriotic spirit, and to point him out to would-be slackers as a type of real Americanism. He will enter the service as a telegraph operator.

Volume LV, #31, Thursday, August 1, 1918

(Picture) Louis Aumick

Volume LV, #32, Thursday August 8, 1918

(Picture) Corporal Clarence Foster.

Lawrence Meeker First Trojan Officially Reported Wounded in Battle in France.

(Local News) C. Porter Kuykendall, a Towanda boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kuykendall, is reported to have been wounded in France on July 18th. He has been serving with a French unit as an ambulance driver and was decorated with the French cross for distinguished bravery.

Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918

(Picture) Foster E. Lewis

Troy Boy Naval Officer at Eighteen Surprises Examiner.

The young man referred to in this communication is a native of Troy. He is a grandson of E. B. Redington and has numerous other kindred here.

Waverly, N. Y., August 10—Mr. and Mrs. George F. Redington received a letter Wednesday from their son, Edmund B. Redington, who has graduated from the U. S. Naval Radio School at Harvard University. Although only 18 years of age and the youngest member of a class of 181 he took 2n place for highest average throughout the course and is now a second class petty officer in the U. S. Navy. The highest many had an average of 3.72 and Redington was a close second with 3.70. When he was called to get his prize, the gunner, Mr. Cronin said: "This man, why no, he is only a boy, captured the 2d prize. Well! My boy I hate to think what you will be when you become a man." Then he turned to the other graduates and said: "and to think that all of you men let this boy beat you." He holds a rating that usually takes a man three years of hard work to get."

Redington completed the course in four months. After graduation he was offered the position of instructor in theory in that school but declined as he thought it a slacker’s paradise and felt that he would like to do more active work to help win the war. At present he is stationed at New London, Conn., but probably will not be there much longer. He has signed up in the "Armed Guard," New York and would like to have a sub-chaser, as that is about the most thrilling work he could get.

Volume LV, #35, Thursday, August 29, 1918

(Picture) Lawrence C. Meeker.

Volume LV, #36, Thursday, September 5, 1918

(Picture) Corporal Harold R. Peters.

Another Troy Boy Wounded.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wood received a telegram from the Government on Monday that their son Sergeant Leland A. Wood had been seriously wounded in France between July 18th and 23d.

Volume LV, #37, Thursday September 12, 1918

(Picture) Allen H. Ross.

Fathers and Sons Register Under the New 18-45 Law

Another Trojan, Scott Comfort Wounded In France

Private Mack M. Jenkins of Canton was reported killed in action in a recent causuality list. He had been in the service nearly a year and had written of being on the firing line. He was a son of Mrs. Alice Rancher of Canton.

Volume LV, #38, Thursday, September 19, 1918

(Pictures) Archie G. Ward.

Registered Under the New 18 to 45 Law

Tioga County Boys Over There

Former Mansfield Normal Students who recall the Vedder boys—Wentworth and Sanford—sons of Dr. W. that they are in France, both with the University of Pennsylvania Base hospital. Sylvene Nye, daughter of Dr. O. S. Nye of Roseville, and sister of Delos Nye, formerly of Troy, is a Red Cross nurse in France; another Tioga county boy in France, known through his parents is Donald V. Hoard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Hoad of Mansfield. He is with Co. M, 145th Infantry, 37th Division. Ernest Dorsett, a brother of the prominent Grange Worker, E. B. Dorsett, is a captain in the medical corps. Robert Crossley, son of the former ball player, now florist, "Bill" Crossley, is with the 15th Field Artillery of which R. Mart Bailey son of Ben Bailey deceased of Mansfield, is Lieutenant-Colonel. Leigh Allen, son of Cashier W. W. Allen of the First National Bank, Mansfield, is with Motor Truck Company 307, Supply Train 402. Harry A. Redfield, son of C. C. Redfield of the Covington Sun, is a corporal in Co. E, 127 Infantry of the 32d Division.

Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918

(Local News) Who’d have thought it. Two big barrels and another half full of fruit stones and nuts for gas mask carbon at the corner Drug store and more coming every day right here in little Troy. Truly there never was such a time for whole hearted cooperation. It is simply splendid.

(Local News) A correspondent, writing of three Cameron boys from Sylvania, sons of the Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Cameron, says the oldest, Lieutenant Hugh Cameron, is on the fighting front in France; Donald is at Tours, France attending a school of aerial photography, and Neil is in the aviation corps at Vancouver Barracks, in the State of Washington.

Volume LV, #42, Thursday, October 17, 1918

(Pictured) Scott F. Comfort.

Volume LV, #43, Thursday, October 24, 1918

(Pictures) Russell J. Parmenter

Volume LV, #44, Thursday, October 31, 1918

(Picture) Corporal John S. Parke Wounded. .

Volume LV, #45, Thursday, November 7, 1918

(Picture) Lieut. Leland S. Parsons. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Parsons of Troy, lately transferred to the 43d Corps, School of Fire, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Volume LV, #46, Thursday, November 14, 1918

(Picture) Lawrence D. Ballard, Son of Mrs. Dix Ballard and brother of Harry Ballard both of Troy. Went to Columbus Barracks, O., and was transferred to camp McArthur, Waco, Texas. Left for France about Aug. 21st, this year. Now with the 7th Ammunition Train. Co. D. 7th Div.

Volume LV, #47, Thursday, November 21, 1918

(Pictures) J. W. Foulke. Son of P. A. Foulke of West Burlington. Enlisted in March, 1918, sent to fort Slocum, transferred to Camp Dix. Went to France with the 26th Engineers.

Volume LV, #48, Thursday, November 28, 1918

John T. Foster Wounded.

A telegram to Nellie Foster from Adjutant General Harris on Tuesday state that her brother, Corporal John T. Foster had been severely wounded in action on Nov. 2nd. On Wednesday Mrs. Foster received a letter written by her brother on Nov. 9th in which he said he was hit by a fragment of shrapnel and his hearing was bad, but he was getting along good. Presumably he was in England when he wrote on the 9th. Such being the case he will probably be brought home son.

Volume LV, #52, Thursday, December 25, 1918

The three Troy boys of the Reserves—William Holloway, Henry Case and Morris McGee—have been released but not discharged from the Navy. They are subject to call within the period of their four-year enlistment. To remind them, as it were, that they are still in Uncle Sam’s employ they receive as pay, the sum of $1 a month.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09 NOV 2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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