Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Armenia Baptist Church, Armenia Township, Bradford County PA
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Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Say Hello to  Joyce
 Transcription by Fay TILLER Morgan & Anita MORGAN Osgood
Photo by Joyce M. Tice October 1998 on Armenia Mountain
Deaths 1946-1985 Ladies Aid 1909 - 1935
1995 Article 1976 Article
Old Home Day 1931-1951 Old Home Day 1971 - 1982
Old Home Day 1982 - 1994 Old Home Day 1994 - 2001
Covenant Meeting Attendance 1876-1882 Secretary Books 1876 - 1926
New Members 1876 - 1923
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Records from the books of the Secretaries of the Armenia Baptist Church, Armenia Township Bradford County Pa

The Ladies Aid records are from 1909 to 1931. The Old Home Day records are from 1931 to 2001, with records from 1951 to 1971 missing.Painted Church 1982

July 11 1982

Armenia Baptist Old Home Day was held July 11

Pres Wilbur Morgan presided

Hymn No. 283 America the Beautiful by congregation

Prayer by Wilbur

Wilbur introduced the Star Gazette reporter Mr Price

An offering of $131.50 was received

Motion made and carried have business meeting

Minutes and treas report read and approved

Motion made & carried inquire about Ins on Church. Those offering to see about Ins Warren Nash, Wilbur Morgan and Pauline Cleveland.

Old business, Lee Russell complimented the ones who worked on the Church paintig it, and the cementing of the porch.

Mentioned possibility of having work bee and paint Church again last of Sept.

Oldest present Roy Nash 89, Walter Wood 85

Youngest present 2 1/2 months Alyshia Smith

Ones coming farthest from Allentown, Pa

Mothion made & carried close business meeting.

Hymn What a Friend we have in Jesus accompioned by Steve Dziuba on guitar

Nom. Committee Nelson Morgan & Warren Nash reported.

Pres. Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec. Treas Alice Brace

Building Committee Nelson Morgan, Warren Nash

Program Committee Lucille Morgan & Julia Daniels

Moment silent prayer in memory of those whopassed away during year, izzie Dunbar, Ruth Cleveland, Christine Carnright, Raymond Rogers, lawrence Dunbar, Helen Scott.

Special by Steve Dziuba & Gloria Ann Marple, "Life is Like a Mountain Railroad".

Reading by Lucille Morgan "God’s Grace at work".

Special by Wilbur & Alta Sara "Softly and Tenderly".

Special by Gloria, Ken, Steve & Gloria Ann, "Amazing Grace"

Special by Alta Sara "I Need Thee Every Hour".

Lucille thanked everyone for helping with program

Prayer by Rev Ken Marple for the sick, Rev Glenn Dewey, Ruth Bolt, Julia Daniels, Bernice Nash, Shirley Morgan.

Hymn by congregation "Blessed Assurance".

Sermon by Rev Marple, "Symnols of Church, and Our Country".

Rev Marple brought some copies of a book he had written "The Ramblings of a Country Preacher" as a gift to the congregation

Roy Nash gave a special thank you for all the qoek that has been done.

Closing Hymn "God be With You".

Prayer by Lucille Morgan.

Paid out

Offering 131.50


Geo Arthur 5.00 Speaker 15.00

136.50 Cement 14.28

Advertising 2.45

Windows 5.78

Glazing compound 1.95

Remainder of paint 9.85


July 10 1983

Armenia Baptist Old home Day was held July 10

Pres Wilbur Morgan presided

Hymn ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Prayer by Wilbur

Sec & Treas report was read

Old business, report from Ins Co to highrates.

Motion made and carried we have a picnic before the service next year at 12.

Wilson Carnwright volunteered to mow lawn next year.

Election of officeers. Motion made and carried to have same ones.

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec & Treas Alice Brace

Building Committee Nelson Morgan, Roy Nash

Program Lucille Morgan & Julia Daniels

Oldest preesent - -

Moment of silent prayer for those who passed away during last year, Gladys Smith, Jan 24, 1983

Sarah Zimmer, Feb 12, 1983

Hamilton Brown Feb 18, 1983

Melvin Binford Sept 18, 1982

Viola Blaney

Robert Morgan Henry & Ethel’s son

Charlotte Bristol Desay

Hymn: Rock of Ages

An offering of 69.65 was received

Special by Wilbur Morgan "Ninety and Nine"

Sp[ecials by Julia & Lillian My Savior Crucified and "Thank You"

Hymn "I Love to Tell the Story"

Rev Kendall Holton from Southport Baptist Church delivered the message "Joy"

Closing Hymn "‘till We Meet Again"

Benediction by Rev Kendall Holton

Offering 69.65

Mrs Nelda C Holton

985 Sebring Ave

Pine City New York 14871 Donation 3.00

Rev Geo Arthur Carnwright

Rt 4 Box 293 PH 786-6813

Mt Airy N.C. 27030 Check 5.00


Paid out Speaker 15.00


Gwladys E Scott

Rd3 Box 23 Troy Pa 16947 10.00}

}put with offering

Russell C Scott ck 5.00}

July 8 1984

Armenia Baptist Old Home Day met Sun July 8 with Pres Wilbur Morgan opening.

Gospel reading by Wilbur

Opening Hymn "Send The Light" by congregation

Prayer by Rev Ken Marple

Special by Shirley Morgan and Alta Sara "Just a Closer Walk With Thee".

Wec & Treas reprot read. Savings Acct 570.00. Ck acct 95.41

Alice thanked everyone for helping before and at Old Home Day.

Motion made & carried the same officers for another year

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sed- Treas Alice Brace

Building Committee Nelson Morgan, Warren Nash,

Program Lucille Morgfan & Julia Daniels

Hymn No. 70 In the Garden by congregation

Roy Nash oldest 01

nicole Faulkner youngest

Ernest Scott son came the farthest - Fla

Moment silent prayer in memory of those who passed away during past year.

Mazie Bohart, Jan 14, 1984

Velma Baity, Mar 26 1984

Clayton Bolt, Nov 27 1983

Helen Raub Juune 3 1984

Harry Green, May 12 1984

Marie Marple May 14 1984

Perry Klinger, April 17 1984

Ralph Sweeneey

Fred Johnston

Hymn 257 What a Friend by congregation

Offering 93.55 was received. Offertory prayer by Julia Daniels

Special by Ken, Gloria & Steve, "A Place That’s Called Heaven"

Special by Shirley, Wilbur & Alta Sarah Sweet Bye and Bye

Testimony by Julia Daniels

Special by Steve Dzubia

Poem was read by Alta Sara that was written by her.

Special Kum By Ya by Alta Sara witgh congregation singing too.

Sermon "Insant Christanity" by Rev Ken Marple

Prayer by Rev Ken Marple

Closing Hymn "Blessed Assurance" by congregation

Benediction by Lucille Morgan

Offering 93.55

Donation ck Geo Arthur 10.00


Paid out Ken $15 20.00

Steve $5 83.55


Checking 95.37

Savings Acct 570.00

Int to 6-84 30.40

Deposit 83.55


July 14 1985

Armenia Baptist Old Home Day was held July 14

Pres Wilbur opened service with Bible reading

Conhregationalsinging "The Old Rugged Cross"

Prayer by Wilbur Morgan

Minutes & Treas report was read, moved & seconded they be accepted

Painting Church was discused and turned over to Building Committee.

Nom Committee Warren Nash & Wilson Carnwright suggested have same offices next year

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Secd & Treas Alice Brace

Building Committee Nelson Morgan & Warren Nash

Program Lucille Morgan& Julia Daniels

Congregational singing Savior Like a Shepard Lead Us

Oldest present Rev Herbert Punchard 88, Mae Dunbar 87

Youngest Andrew Jaackson, Lee & Polly gradson 2. 1/2 years

Ones coming furthest was Carlton & Jerry Hewitts friends from Lancaster.

Silent prayer in memory of those passed away during last year John Walcheski, John Burguess, Howard Swain, Pearl Bixby Conrad

An offering of 87.18 was received Prayer by Nelson Morgan

Congregational singing In the Garden

Trio by Wilbur Morgan, Shirley M & Alta Sara Come Home It’s Supper Time

Reading by Alida Reed A Painful Look Inside

Duets by Alta Sara Morgan & Richard I’ll Sing Praises to Your Name,

I Worship You, Worship is Majesty, Fill My Cup & Let it Overflow

Reading by Lucille Moran "He has stubbed his toe."

Solo & testetmony by Julia Daniels

Message by Rev Herbert Punchard, Scripture taken from Hebrews Chapter 11. Topic was Roll Call of the Heroes.

Congrational singing Take The Name of Jesus With You

Benidition by Rev Punchard

Offering 87.18

Saving Acct 683.95 Put on Checking acct 72.18

Int 8.75 = 682.70 Have on hand 15.00

" 9.06 = 701.76 87.18

" 9.08 = 710.84

" 9.40 = 720.24

Wilbur & Shirley Morgan

donated $14.60 for ads in Elmira Star Gazette & Easy Shopping

1986 attendance

Ernest & Viola Scott

Viola Sherman

Gwladys & Russell Scott

Beatrice Clark

Herm & Ellen Purvis

Wilbur & Shirley Morgan

Alida Morgan

Rev Herbert Punchard

Helen York

Edrie P Abernathy

Robert & Allie Purvis

Wallace & Imogene Winnie

Irma & Harold Morgan

Lucille & Nelson Morgan

Floyd & Linda McCaslin & family

Francis O Morgan

Eloise Shook

Emerson & Peg Billingsley

Johathan E Eldrid

Warren D Nash

Carolyn Wilston

Maralee Johnston

Fred Johnston

Helen E Scott

Lee & Polly Cleveland

Charles & Julia Daniels

Boyd & Alice Brace

Warren Nash painted Church

We had 5 gal paint left fro last time

Bought 8 gallon

37 present

Armenia Baptist Old Home Day was held July 13 1986

Pres Wilbur Morgan opened meeting

Hymn "I Will Sing the Wondrous Story"

Prayer by Lucille Morgan

Minutes of last meeting & treas report read

Motion made & carried we pay Warren for painting

Motion made by Polly Cleveland & secpmded by Lucille we send $25.ooto Child Evangelism in memory of Rev & Mrs Glenn Dewey

Julia Daniels made a motion seconded by Russell Scott to keep same offices.

Hymn "What a Friend"

Oldest present Rev Punchard 89 Aug 17

Coming furthest Julia Daniels & family near Ithica

Moment of silence for those who passed away during the past year Rev & Mrs Glenn Dewey, Sophia Higbee, Wilson Carnright, Shirley Wheeler , ?Mazie Bohart daughter,Harry Allen, Tressa Carnwright daughter & Raymond.

Offering & money rec’d $124.00

Lucille Morgan gave a few thoughts of memories from her grand mother Zela Wilkins when her eyes were burned by hot coffee when they were making dinner for the men working on the Church and how Aunt Al put raw potatoes on her eyes. Reading "Who oownes your home".

Special byWilbur & Shirley Morgan "I’ve anchored My Soul"

Julia Daniels John 3:16 quoted parts of scripture and what it means to her

Jonathan Eldred read a poem "Foot prints in the sand"

Roy & Bernice Nash sent regards to everyone not able to be with us

Sermon by Rev Herbert Punchard. he used selected portions of 90th Psalm. The topic of his sermon was "The Beauty of the Lord our God"

He sang a couple choruses and told of different experiences of seeing Beauty. About his Dahlia patcch.

Closing Hymn "Blest Be the Tie" was the benediction, too

Money offering 79.00

Check 25.00 Russell & Gwladys Scott

in memory of their parents

John & Helen Scott

Check 10.00 George Arthur

Check 10.00 Roy & Bernice Nash


I had on hand

from last year 15.00 paid out speaker


Wilbur & Shirley donated getting the windows fixed

10X7 - 86 windows 12.83

1987 " 5.00


July 12 1987

Armenia Baptist Meeting opened by Wilbur Morgan playing tapes of Melodies played by Jeanie Rae on the piano.

Congregation singing "In The Garden" accompanied by Steve Dzubie on guitar. Opening prayer by Lucille Morgan Congregation singing "What A Friend"

Offering of $54.00 & check of $10.00 Rev George Arthur

Moment of silence for those who passed away - Doris Jean Carnwright & Grace Gritsmaker, Dwight Nash Aug 13 1896

Congregation singing "Newarer My Go To Thee"

Minutes & Treas report read & approved.

Thank you’s to all that helped in any way . Ernest Scott from mowing lawn, looked very nice & Wilbur & Shirley for cleaning the Church. Nelson for taking pulpit up.

Motion made by Polly Cleveland seconded by Nelson Morgan to have same officers next year.

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec Treas Alice Brace

Program Lucille Morgan & Julia Daniels

Oldest preseent Pricilla Newberry 85

Youngest Alyshia Smith

Ones coming furthest Julia Daniels Newfield NY

&Pricilla Newberry from Watsontown

Remembered Warren Nash in Sayre hospital Knee operation, & Roy & Bernice Nash at home with signed crds.

Rev Kenneth marple delivered the message. Read portions from the book of Amos (Cattlreman) The Lord’s pasture is the best pasture. Prepare to meet your God. Are we prepared to meet our God?

Closing hymn "Softly & Tenderly"

Benediction by Julia Daniels

Bal on hand checking 45.06


ck 94.06

Offering 54.00

Geo Arthur check 10.00


paid speaker 15.00


July 10 1988

27 present

Annual meeting of Armenia Baptist was held July 10

Pres Wilur Morgan presided

Opening Hymn "Stand up for Jesus"

Responsive eading 305

Prayer by Lucille Morgan

Minutes & Treasureers report of last year read & approved

Wilbur thanked whoever did the lawn.

Lucille asked to be off the program. Fay Morgan was elected for next year.

Hymn Old Rugged Cross

Oldest present was Eloise Shook 81, Walter Wood

Youngest was Ozzie Paul Osgood

Moment of silent prayer in memory of those passed away- Walter Wood, DorothyMcIntire Woodard, Robert Merrill, Emerson Billingsley, Meerle Hilfiger, Truman Burguess

Hymn :I Need Thee Every Hour"

Offering of 85.86 Donatrion ck from Geo Arthur $10.00

Francis Morgan & Wallace & Imogene Winnie furnisged the flower arrangement in memory of their mother Evina Morgan whose birthday was July 9, later Francis gave the arrangement to Alice Brace whoes birthday is July 12

Wilbur read a letter from Geo Arthur who hopes to be with us next year, is moving this year and are going to Calif. for a wedding.

Poem by Gloria Marple that was written by her husband, about Mr Dewey after he had passed away. Mr Dewey had many sermons in the Old Church

Special by Alda Sara on guitar "Will the Circle be Unbroken" and "This Little Life of Mine"

Poem by Fay Morgan "Prepare us, Mr Preacher"

Special by Wilbur, Shirley & Alta Sara "Where Do I go But to the Lord?"

Poems written by Glen Brace who passed away July 6 were read by Lucille Morgan

Sergvice by Rev Ken Marple, entitled "Changes" Ken read a poem "God took the laid back". The Bible doesn’t change. Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Word will not pass away. Bible makes predictions.

Closing hymn "Take the Name of Jesus With You"

Prayer by Nelson Morgan

Checking account

Offering 85.86 Bal Bro Fwd 94.06

Donation G Arthur 10.00 Dep 80.86

95.86 174.92

Ken Marple

Paid out speaker 15.00 Paid out

80.86 ck Linn S Chapel

Siding & paint 128.53


ck 46.39

Put savings on cheking >> Savings 531.13

April 10 1989 577.52

July 9 1989 54 present

The Annual Baptist Church service was held July 9

Reading b Wilbur Morgan

Hymn 70 In The Garden

Prayer by Wilbur Morgan

Minutes read and approved

Old business and new business - none

Nelson Morgan reported same officers next year

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sec & Treas Alice Brace

Program Fay Morfan

Hymn No. 260 Wonderful Words of Life

Oldest present Gladys Seymour 84

Youngest Andrew Jackson 6

Coming farthest James Ovedrrfein & wife

Moment silent prayer in memory of tghose passing away - Marion Sherman, Mildred Overrein, Eunice Burguess, Budd Mitchell, mabled Benson, ___ Wilston.

Offering $133.75 was received. Prayer by Julia

Special byElda Sara "Evening Prayer".

Spacials by Rev Geo Arthur Carnwright on guitar, My Religion Not Old Fashioned.

Special by Geo Arthur on Accordian "Something Happened to Dddy".

Reading by Fay Morgan "Good Old Times"

Family Trio Wilbur, Shirley & Elda Sara.

Poem, Elda Sara written by her about her Grandmother whose birthday would have been today.

Reading by Lucille Morgan

Special by Geo Arthur I don’t fly off the handle any more.

Rev Geo Arthur Bible reading Epheseins 2nd chapter 1-13 verses

3 ways to become a Christian

Prayer by Rev Geo Arthur

Hymn 175 Softly and Tenderly

1 verse 250 Blest Be The Tie That Binds

Closing prayer by George Arthur

Wilbur made a nice Armenia Baptist Church signand had it hanging on the Church

Offering 133.75 Checking 577.42

Paid out 63.40

70.35 cash on hand

Paid out

Geo Arhur love gift $25.00 cash out

Wilbur & Shirley Advertising 13.40 cash out

Paint for Reva Shelley Malchaski 25.00 " "


Wilbur & Shirley advertising 38.40

Love offering 25.00

paid out cash 63.40

Those in attendance 1989

Gladys Semour

Helen E Scott

Alyshie Smith

Yvonne Smith

Francis O Morgan

Warren Nash

Velma Nash

Viola Sherman

Flo Hoose

Pauline Cleveland

Lee Cleveland

Gail Cleveland Jackson

Katie Jackson

Andrew Jackson

S.R.A. Jackson

Charles F Bristol

Louise Bristol

Judy Bristol

James & Marion Overrein

Helen Carnright

Edrie PurvisAbernathy

Mr & Mrs G A (Iva) Carnwright

Egbert O Arnold

Charles Daniels

Julia Daniels

Ernest & Kathryn Foulkrod

Ralph & Carolyn Wilston

Pat & Ed Netling (cisitors)

Anna Jacovie visitor

Clifford & Auddrey Ward God Bless You Psalm 121

Ernest & Viola Scott

Howard & Doris Clark

Gregory Smith

Nnelson & Lucille Morgan we miss you, keep looking up

Ruth Crist

Gary Crist

Ruth Towney

Wallace & Imogene Winnie

Ellen Sargeant

Fay Morgan

Alice Brace

Elda Sara Morgan

Wilbur L Morgan

Shirley Ann Morgan

July 8 1990

Armenia Baptist Church meeting met July 8 1910

Opened by Wilbur Morgan President

Congregation singing God Will Take of You

Prayer by Gloria marple

Reading of Matt Chap 16 verse 13 by Wilbur

Meeting of last meeting read and approved

No old business

New business - election of officers same as last year

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Sed Treas Alice Brace

Program Fay Morgan

Discussion on a Piano. Lee Russell wants to get a piano, it is free

Hymn by congregation More, More About Jesus

Moment silent prayer in memory of those passed away during year

Harold Morgan

Julia Daniels

Marvin Rogers

Howard Clark

Roy Nash

Robert VanCamp

Glenn Sutton

Edgbert Arnold

Prayer by Wilbur Morgan

Oldest present Charles Daniels 79

Youngest Randy Wilston 5 months

One coming furthest Diana Chapman Flordia- Betty Carnwright Kelly daughter used to live here across road

Offering received 105.00

Offertory Hymn Old Rugged Cross

Program Duet by Wilbur & Shirley Morgan "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer"

Reading by LucilleMorgan

Reading Poem written by Elda Sara "This Church"

Vote of thanks to Ralph Wilston for repairing the ceiling

Hymn - What a Friend We Have In Jesus" a request by Charles Daniels

Flowers of Alter to be given to Alice

Message by Rev Ken Marple

Scripture I Kings Chapter 17 verse 18 A man from the country

A ministry of Miracle

Closing hymn Have Thine Own Way

Closing prayer by Lucille Morgan

Offering $105.00

10.00 Donation by Alice & Boyd in memory of Roy Nash

5.00 George Arthur Carnwright


Paid out Checking Acct

Love Gift

Ken Marple speaker 20.00 577.52

Thank you

Ralph Wilston

Repair ceiling 25.00

45.00 cash on hand 1989 70.35

cash on hand 1890 75.00


Offering 120.00

45.00 Bills


July 14 1991

Old Home Day at Armenia Baptist Church 1991

Meeting oppened byLee Russell Cleveland

Organ prelude by Gail Clevedland Jackson

Prayer byPauline Cle eland

Hymn # 79 "In the Garden"

Sec & Treas report by Velma Morgan (coment on Alice)

A Moment of silent prayer for those passed away the past year - Ruth Crist May 91, Maude Kitner May 91, Wallace Winnie June 91, Howard Clark aug 90, Ruth Bolt Aug 90, Ross Sherman Aug 90, Nellie Burguess Clark April 91, Pauline Rutty April 91; Prayer by Pauline Cleveland

Nominating Committee report same officers as last year

Nominated by Lucille Morgan seconded by Fay Morgan

Pres Wilbur Moran

Vice Pres Lee Russell

Sec Treas Alice Brace

Proram Fay Morgan

Report on building Committee, Thanks to Francis Morgan for mowing the parking area. Nelson & Lucille cleaning Chruch, Nelson for reparing Broken door.

New business voted to have a picnic before the service at 12:30 for next year Bring food and other things needed Discussed as to howand when to advertise for 1992, and possibly getting names & addresses. Fay volunteered to do it, but vote not actually

Program Fay Morgan shared a record of Census of the aarea for the year 1910 and then shared her hisory and movings of family life. Fay also read a poem called "Grandma dance the Minuet"

Reading by Lucille "Canprayer save America"

Reading by Nelson Moran "He needs no introduction.

Franccis Morgan shared a happening while he was mowing concerning an old passer-by who had come here for a Christmas serice. (??ooviean??)

Others shared the past

Hymn 257 What a Friend

An offering was received by Nelson & Francis Morgan. Prayer by Lee Cleveland. 44.90

Seermon by Rev Ken Marple - Wants your faith.

Hymn # 10 Old Rugged Cross

Benediction by Rfev Ken Marple

Offering 44.90

pd Ken 20.00


ck 10.00 Geo Arthur 10.00


Ones here for 1991 Old Home Day 30

Irma Morgan

Charles Bristol

Louise Bistol

Judy Bristol

Beverly Wilcox (Tom)

Helen Carnright

Ken Marple

Gloria Marple

Fay Morgan

Russell C Scott

Corey Smith

Jeremy Smith

Alyshia Smith

George Smith

Larry Smith

Yvonne Smith

Nelson Morgan

Lucille Morgan

Imogene Winnie

Francis O Morgan

Viola Sherman

Warren Nash

Velma Nash

Lee & Polly Cleveland

Gail, Scott, Katie and Andy Jackson

July 12 1992

Annual Meeting met at Armania Baptist Church Sunday July 12

Wilbur Morgan president opened meeting - scripture reading

Hymn "He Hideth My Sout’ by congregation

Prayer by Lucille Morgan

Reading of minutes of last meeting

New Business - painting Church or siding? Will be a meeting later.

Election of officers. Motion made & carried have same officers.

Wilbur Morgan President

Lee russell Cleveland Vice Pres

Sec Treas Alice Brace

Program Beverly Wilcox

Count Your Blessings" - Cong.

Oldest present Alida Morgan

Youngest Fay Morgans grandaughter

Jennie Rae, Wilbur & Shirley’s daughter & grandchildren came farthest from Ga.

Those that passed away during last year - George Arthur Carnwright, Phillipp Carnwright, Dennis Morgan.

Hymn "Will There be any Stars in My Crown"

Offering of 69.00 was received - ushers Nelson Morgan and warren Nash. Prayer by Wilbur.

Hymn "Blessed Assurance" by congregation

Francis Morgan spoke about settlement of our ancestors

Song by Alyshia Smith and Amy - "Homeward Bound"

Two songs by Alta Sara accompianed by gutiar

Poem "Im Tired" by Lucille Morgan

Solo by Jennie rae "In The Garden"

Message by Rev Gary Zuber taken from 2nd Samuel Chapter 23 verse 8 - Psalm 51

Prayer by Lee Russell Cleveland

Offering $69.00

Money on hand 747.81

Offering 69.00


Present 1992 - - 32

Yvonne & 3 girls

Nelson & Lucille

Rev Zuber & wife

Lee Russell & Pauline

Imogene & Francis

Preston friend & Irma

Fay & 2 gandchildren

Drue Young

Warren Nash

Bill & Thalia Morgan

Beverly Wilcox

Alida Morgan

Helen Carnwright

Alice Brace

Shirley, Jennie Rae, & 2 grandchildren

Elta Sara


July 11 1993

Armania Baptist Old Home Day met at the Church

Picnic dinner at 1 o’clock followed by business meeting and service at 2 o’clock

Vice Pres Lee Cleveland lead the meeting

Congregation siniong"Faith of Our Father’s" accompanied by Patti on accroddian

Prayer by Lee Cleveland

Moment of silence and prayer in memory of the ones passed away the past year

Edrea Abernathy and Boyd Brace

Reading of the minutes of the last year read by Polly Cleveland

Building Committee discussed utting Vinyl siding on Church as far as our money will go

Election of officers - Francis Morgan made a motion and seconded by Lucille Morgan to have the same officers as last year - discuss during the year about getting younger officers

Pres Wilbur Morgan

Vice Pres Lee Russell Cleveland

Secy, Treas Alice Brace

Alice Brace oldest present 80 yrs July 12 1993

Fay Morgan grandchild youngest

Coming furthest Jonathan, Julia’s in from Alpine

Bruce & Joyce Dimmick - Harrisburg

Gale’s son Andrew

Music by Patti on accordian for offering

Offering prayer received 108.64 received

Love Lifteed Me by congregationDuet by Connie Bolt & daughter

Elda Sarah read a poem she had written

Solo by Elda Sarah "Precious Lord Take My Hand"

Duet by Rev Valimont & Patti - I was there when it happened.

Solo by Rev Valimont "I Love My Jesus"

Solo Connie bolt - I was on his mind when he hung on the cross.

Sermon by Rev Valimont John 3:16

Closing hymn

Prayer by Lee Russell

Ernest Scott suggested each one present bring a person next year

Paid out Love gift 20.00 Rev Valimont

Irma Morgan check 15.00 Paid out 7-15-93

Connie Bolt " 10.00 534.82

5 & 10 bills 40.00

Ones 21.00

Change 2.64


Paid out Love gift 20.00

68.64 (note: corrections by E.S. thanks Ernie)

Viola Sherman

Love Gift 20.00


Mark Scott 20.00


Workers were donated. After siding job there was $6,03 left.

Thanks to Nelson & Andy, Lloyd & Shirley, Gregg, Corey, Jeremy, Alisha, Larry & George

Corrected Treasurer’s report

Bank 836,76

Off. + 108.64

945.40 cash available

Siding & material 939.37

6.03 balance at present

All labor was donated Those donation their time were:

Nelson & Lucille Morgan, Lloyd & Shirley Wilkins, George Blow, Larry \smith and his sons, Greg, Clrrey, Jeremey & daughter Alisha, and Andy McCaslin

1993 Number attending

Rev Valimont -

2 daughters- 1 granddaughter 4

Linda McCalsin 1

George & Ruby Blow & Randy 3

Irma, Lucille, Linda 3

Ernest & wife , Yvonne, Nelson & Alyshia 5

Francis Morgan Rev & Mrs Chersky 3

Fay & 2 gandchildren 3

Polly, Joyce & Bruce (Gale’s son) 4

Elda Sarah, Bill & Thalia 3

Bev, Jonathan, Helen Carnwright 3

Richard, Imogene 2

Warren, Velma, Alice 3

Lee Russell 1


1994 Attendance

Yvonne Smith & Alyshia

Willy Tobb

Frank Gelunus

Francis Morgan

james & Josephine Roupp

Mike & Marsha Mesclan

Lloyd & Shirley Wilkins

jessica Morgan

Scott Cunningham

Arrell Rockwell

Rachelle Rockwell

Ty Rockwell

Elaine Morgan

Fay Morgan

Helen Carnwright

Nelson Morgan

Lucille Morgan

Beth Blow

Lind McCaslin

Irma Morgan

Dick & Pat Carnwright

Raymond & Betty Carnwright

George & Ruby Blow

Georgia Blow

Imogene Winnie

Richard Morgan

Wilbur & Shirley Morgan

Elda Sara Morgan