![]() |
August | The Chh Met according to apointment
meting opend by prayer Rec’d brother Georg Wells by letter
Voted to give br Ebenezar Prat ----?---- upon the profession her faith in christ the Chh Rec’d Ruth Burnham when Baptised |
16 Day | The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer voted to give br James Dewey and his wife Patience Dewey and Sister Keziah Bentley to have a letters of Recommandation that they are in Standing in this Church Henry Peterson Received by letter |
Sept 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
Voted satisfied by Confession with Jane Bennite formerly cald Rocwell and also to give her a letter of Dismission Sister Ruth Burnham Baptised [There is an entry in the left margin ] Voted to apoint our delegate to send Eld J Brown --- Prat P Squire James Dewey |
October 4 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer firstly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union Secondly upon the profession of her faith in christ the Chh rec’d Polly Roberts and baptised Oct 12 1828 | |
November 1 | The Chh met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer and then proceded to buisness firstly voted to rite
to br Brigham
2ly voted to rite to br B Campbell to Site him to the Chh and requesting him to rite us soon back 3ly Received Rosetta Chapman by letter Voted to give R Chapman a Traveling letter |
The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer 1ly Tried the ground of Fellowship and found a general
upon the prefession of her faith in Christ the Chh receved and Baptised Polly Roberts |
the 3 1829 |
The Chh Met according to apointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and a general union |
the 7 |
The chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer firstly made Choise of Henry M Peterson moderater
1ly The case of br Benager Campbell be laid over til our nex meeting of buisness 2ly ditto br Brigham be laid over 3ly ditto voted br Phineas Squier to searve deacons 4ly voted br Abial Fuller to searve a deacon 5ly voted satisfied with br Jonathan Kent by Confession |
March the 7 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer and then proceded There came a matter of grief before the Chh against Sister Anna Squiers for tatling and lying by Eld John Brown for which Cause the Chh voted to appoint a Spetial meeting on wednesday the eleventh day at one oClock in the after noon | |
the 12 |
The Chh Met according to appointment
meeting opend by pray and then proceded to buisness
1ly the case of sister Anny Squier Cald on and having examind the reports and testimony from varias Sorses and we find that She is gilty of the Same voted that she should make a public acknowlegement that she had done wrong in ingering the truth and tale baring be laid over 2ly voted that the Case of Sister Anny Squier til our nex meting of buisness |
April the 4 1828 | The chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer voted to give Br Geo Wells a letter of Dismission to any other chh of the Same faith and order | |
April the 6 1829 James Dewey deceased | ||
May the 2 | The chh met according to apointment
metin opend by prayer and then proceded 1ly to buisness the case of br
Benager Campbell Cald on withdrew the hand of fellowship from him for not
hereing the Chh
2ly the Case of Sister Anny Squiers Cald on and withdrew the hand of fellowship from her for ingering the truth and tale bearing 3ly Voted to answer the request of the Church at Canton by appointing Eld John Brown Dea Squiers to meet with the Chh at Canton on the first thursday of June nex at nine oClock and visit Sister Sally Baldwin and report to the Chh 4ly Voted to appoint dea A fuller and br Low to visit br Asa More and report to our next meting |
May 8 | the Church met according to appointment meting opend by prayer and found a comfortable union | |
May 3 | brother K---- Burnham Deceased | |
June the 5 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer and then proceded to inquiring of one another minds and had a comfortable sense | |
Louis Southard Deceased | ||
August 1 | The Chh Met on buisness
Voted that Eld Brown rite to sister Sarah Baldwin and site her to to the Chh and request her to met with the Chh 2ly the case of br Asa More Cald on and the brethren reports he would Come to our next meting the meting a month ago he came but for caus of the rain the Chh Came not together voted the case of br Asa More be laid over til our next meting and also to rite him a letter and request him to attend our next meting |
August ? | The Chh met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
Tryed the ground of fellowship and found a general union |
Sept 5 | The Chh met according to appointment and found a general union | |
Oct 3 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer then proced to inquire of one another minds
2ly the Chh upon the profession of her faith in Christ received Sarah Parshall when Baptised 3ly and ditto Isaac Parshall when Baptised 4ly appointed delagates to sit in the association Viz Elder John Brown Phineas Squier Abial Fuller James Dewey Asa Parshall Samuel Hillman Hosea Baker Henry M Peterson |
November | The Chh met on buisness there came a matter of grief against James Vancuren For getting angry and Speaking things which is not covenant for those that profess godliness Voted the Case of br James Vancuren be Laid over till our next meting of business and request him to make a confession before the chh and request him to make Sattisfaction to mr Huet that he did rong in gitting angry | |
Dec the 5 | The Chh met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly Then proceded to inquire of one anothers minds and had a comfortable sense |
Jan 2
1830 |
The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer Tried the ground of fellowship and found union as a body | |
Feb the 6 | The church met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer 1st Cald on the case of Brother Vancuren and he
gave Satisfaction
2ly Voted that there should be Chh Meting held on Bentley in Ridgebery and receive members 3 Voted that brother Jonathan Kent write a letter to br Asa Moore and Try to prevail with him to come and fill his place in the Chh |
Feb the 6 1830 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a union as a body |
the 6 |
The Chh Met according to appointment
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union |
April the 3 | The Chh met according to apointment
meting opend by prayer firstly Tried the ground of fellowship and Found
a general union
2nd Receved Deby Doty by letter from the town of Manasink County of Orange and state NY 3 Rcd July Mathers widow by letter from the town of Manesink and County of Orange and State NY 4 Rcd Wm DeWitt by letter from the Chh at Cal--- |
May 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayr and then proceded to buisness | |
April 17 | The Chh Met in Ridgebery according
to appointment meting opend by prayer and Tried the ground of fellowship
and found a general union
2ly voted br Dan A Gillette assistant Clk and then proceded to inquire of one anothers minds |
May 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer Tried the ground of Fellowship and found a general
[The repeated entries and misplaced dates are not a typo] |
June | The Chh Met according to apointment Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union | |
voted to have Chh meting once in four weeks | ||
May 15 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship & found a general union 2ly Made a choice of br Jonathan Kent Moderater 3ly Rec’d Sarah Dewit by letter and then proceded to inquire of one anothers mind |
June 12 | The Chh met according to appointment
metin opend by prayer
1ly Rec’d Anna Watson by letter from the Chh at Columbia and then proceded to inquire of one other minds |
July the 3d | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and Found a general union and then proceded to inquire of one anothers minds 2ly Upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Rec’d Elisabeth Brown when Baptised |
July 17 | The Chh met according to appointment meeting opend by prayer 1stly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly and then proced to inquire of one anothers minds 3ly upon the profession of his faith in Christ the chh Rec’d James Otterson when Baptised | |
July 31 | The Chh met according to appointment meeting opend by prayr and preceded to buisness 1ly Voted that we hold a church meting of bisness on the third Thursday in August at the meting house at too o clock in the afternoon Also voted that Elder John Brown visit Brother --?-- and report to Chh | |
2ly Voted that Brother Gillette and
Brother Fuller visit Brother Smith
3ly Voted Rec’d Wm Easton by letter from the Chh at Orange |
August 4 | The Chh met according to appointment meting opend by prayer and then proceded to inquire of one an other minds | |
August 19 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer and then proceded to buisness
1ly Voted that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from Br Henry Peterson for joining a difirant order of people Voted that we withdraw the hand of fellowship from the association |
Oct the 23 | The Chh met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer and then proceeded to buisness
1ly voted that br J Kent and Wm DeWitt visit br Nehemiah Smith and report 2 Voted that br James Dewey visit br Hosea Baker and report 3 The case of Br Asa More Cald on and voted Satisfied by confession |
Oct 23 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by singing and then proceded to inquire of one anothers minds | |
[rest of page blank - possibly November & December records are missing or the ink has faded until it is no longer visible] | ||
January the 15 |
The Chh met according to apointment
meting opend by prayer & then proceded to buisness
voted that br Sam. Hillman & Isaih Parshall visit Nehemiah Smith and report to our next meting 2ly Voted that br James Dewey write a letter to Br Hosea Baker |
the 12 |
The Chh Met in fellowship meting
opend by prayer
1ly The Case of br Nehemiah Smith Cald and we this day declare to have no fellowship with him for excessive drink |
the 12 |
The Chh Met in fellowship meting
opend by prayer and then preceded to inquire of one another mind
Voted to give Eld John Brown a letter of dismission and Recomdation |
the 9 |
The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer and then proceed to buisness made choise of Sam
Hillman moderater
1ly Voted have Chh meting on the first Saterday in every month Asa More letter returned 2 Voted to have Covenent meting at the meting house ---- 3ly Voted to rite to br Ebenezer Pratt and Fanny Pratt and Geo Wells to now weather they have joined any other Chh of the same faith and order and inform us of the as quick as Convenient |
May the 4 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer choice of Samuel Hillman moderater
Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union Voted to give Br Dan A Gillette a letter of recomendation |
[center of page blank - probably had entries for June and July] | ||
August 6 | The Church met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly Voted that brethren S Hillman and James Otterson go and visit br Jonathan Kent and report to our next meting |
Sept the 3 | Chh Met according to appointment
meting open by prayer and then proceded to buisness
the Case of br Jonathan Kent Cald on for his disorderly manner declaring dis union with the Chh and we thinking it not right to keep a br in bondage |
Voted we this day withdraw our Chh Fellowship from br Jonathan Kent | ||
Voted to withdraw our vote of dismission with the association | ||
Sept 3 | The Chh met according to appointment meting opend by pray tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union | |
Oct the 1 | The Chh Met in fellowship meting
opend by prayer Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union
2 Received Anny Squier by Confession 3 Rec’d Nehemiah Smith by Confession 4 apointed Delegites to Represent us the the association Viz phineas Squires Samuel Hillman James Dewey Lemuel Bovier |
Oct 16 | The Chh Met on request of the Springfield Chh to Meet in council on the first wednesday of Nov inswer [sic] to there request we have appoint our brethren Viz James Dewey James Oterson James Vancuren Nehemiah Smith | |
Nov 5 | The Chh Met according to appointment Meting opend by prayer and then Tried the ground of fellowship and we Rec’d a request for a letter of recommend by Elisabeth West and Dismission voted to be laid over till our next meting | |
Nov the 5 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer and then proceded
1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly Receved a request a letter of recomend Voted for it to be laid over til our nex meting |
Dec the 3 | The Chh Met according to apointment
Meting oppend by prayer and then proced to inquire of one an other mind
2 upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh receved Syntha Easton when Baptised 3 Voted that we send a request to Eld Sheardown to come and Labor among us a week 4 Voted that we cant give her a letter Dismission 5 Voted to send Samuel Hillman and Abial Fuller to visit Calvin I Covell for neglecting meting and report to our next meting 6 Voted to Send James Oterson Dan A gillett to visit Lemuel Fuller for joining the Freewill Baptist and report to our next meting 7 Voted that James Dewey Samuel Bovier John I Low go and visit Hosea Baker and inquire of him the reson of his neglecting the Chh and report to our next meting |
[rest of page blank] | ||
January ? | The Chh Met in Ridgebury pa according
to appointment meting opend by prayer and proceded to inquire the mind
of one another
Voted br Hillman moderater and D A gillette 1ly Tried the ground of fellowship and 2 found a general union 3 Rec’d br Benjamin Inn----- Jun by Letter from the Chh at Truseland 4 Upon the profession of his faith in Christ the Chh Rec’d James Bently when Baptised |
Feb 4 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by singing and prayer
Tried the ground of Fellowship and fond a general union 2 upon the profession of her faith in Christ The Chh Rec’d Mehitable Dewey when Baptised 3 Voted to give Br and sister Low letters of Dismission J I Low and Olive Low Satisfied with Brother Hose Baker |
Feb 5 | br James Bentley Baptised
Sister Mehitable Dewey Baptised by Eld James Clark |
March 3 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting open by prayer and then proced to buisness
1 took into consideration the case of Sister Elisabeth West Voted we this day withdraw the right hand of fellowsip from Elisabeth West for holding to open communion and joining the Christian order 2 we this day withdraw the hand of fellowship from Calvin T Covel for neglecting meting and declaring an unfellowship with the Chh on account of Close Communion 3 Voted that the Case of br Lemuel Fuller be Laid over till our next meting |
March 3
1832 |
The Chh met according to appointment
Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union
2 upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh receved Mary Ann Vancamp when Baptised |
April the 6 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union Satisfied with br Lemuel Fuller by Confession | |
22 | Sister Amanda Fuller Baptised
Sister Mary ann Vancamp Baptised |
May the 5
1832 |
the Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer
1ly made choice of br Hillman for the day Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union 2ly the Case of Nehemiah Smith Came in question for giting drunk and there was a good deel of Conversation on the ground and the moderater Cald a vote to now whether the were Satisfied with him and they voted they were not voted to adjourn the Case till our next meting |
May 6 | upon the profession of his faith in Christ the Chh Rec’d Jacob Sturgis when Baptised | |
June 2 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer Made Choice of Eld James Clark Moderater
1 voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Ebenezer Pratt for joining Silas E Shepherd 2 voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Geo Well for Joining Silas E Shepherd 3 Voted that James Dewey and Samuel Hillman rite a letter to Sister Jerusha Rothwoll which was formaly Brown and inquire of her to now the State of her mind the cause of her not attending our meting and wish her to mett with us as Soon as convenient and if she cant come |
to mete the first opportunity and
til ----- whether She wishes to Continue her standing
4 Took into consideration the Case of Nehemiah Smith for giting drunk voted satisfied by his Confesing his wrong 5 There Came a request from the Chh at Smithfield for to send brethren to mett with them on the twenty six of this month on the purpos of examing for ordaining br John Doty Voted to answer the request of the regular Baptist Chh at Smithfield by Sending Chosen brethren Viz James Dewey James Otterson Samuel Hillman Phineus Squier 6 Voted that br Samuel Bovier shall assurtain whever Fanny Pratt has Found Silas E Shepherd and Report |
June 2 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting open by Singing and then tried the groun of fellowship and found
a general union
Upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Rec’d Anny Kinyon when Baptised |
June 3 | Jacob Sturgis Baptised
Anna Kinyon Baptised |
July 7 | The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union | |
August 4 | The Chh Met in fellowship meting
by prayer tried the ground of fellowship and found a general union
2 Rec’d Henery M Peterson by Confession his rong that he did in leving this Chh and joining the fre will Baptist Chh |
Sept 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting open by prayer made choice of Charles G Swan moderater
1 apointed deligate to attend the assiation Viz Charles G Swan Phineus Squiers Samuel Hillman James Otterson James Dewey Nehemiah Smith Henry Peterson 2 voted to have a protected meting provided means can be obtained Covenant meeting opend by prayer and proceded to tell the esccuses of one another mind and had a comfortable season |
Oct the 6 | the Chh Met in Ridgebery according
to appointment meting opend by Singing and prayer by Eld James Clark
1 Tried the ground of fellowship and found a good union 2voted that we have the meting at the meting house on the --?-- 3 voted that we have Chh meting here on the first Saturday in November |
Nov the 3 |
Chh Met according to apointment meting
opend by prayer
1ly tried the ground of fellowship and found a good union 2ly upon the profession of her faith in Christ the Chh Receved Charity Campbell when Baptised Baptised the day following by Eld James Clark and Communion the |
Dec the 1 | The Chh Met according to apointment
at the Meting house
prayer by Br Charles G Swan 1 appointed a committee to visit sister watson Viz brethren Sam Hillman A fuller and Sister Bently in consequence of receving the Sacrement at the hand of Silas E Shepherd 2 Appointed a committee to visit Br Miner Viz Otterson and Fuller 3 appointed a committee to visit Br Baker viz brs Smith and James Dewey |
4th Receved Charles G Swan by Letter
from the Chh at Arbor
5 Voted that Covenent meting to continue at the Block Schoolhous on Bently Creek one third part of the time for the insuing year |
the 5 1833 |
The Chh Met in Ridgebery according
to apointment meting opend by prayer
1 Tried the ground of fellowship and found a general Union 2 Receved Joanna Swan by Letter from the Chh at Choconut baring date July the 21 1832 |
Feb 2 | the Chh met according to appointment meting opend by prayer Tried the ground of fellowship and found a good union | |
March the 2 | Buisness Meting opend by Singing
and prayer by Eld Clark
1 Voted to continue Br Fuller Nehemiah Smith to visit Brother Miner and report to our next Meting 2 voted that Eld Clark visit Jerusha Rothwell and report to the Chh Voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Sister Anny Watson 4 voted that we have a protated meting on twenty ninth of may and to Continue four day |
March the 2 | The Chh Met according to appointment
meting opend by prayer then proceded to inquire of one an other minds
1 Voted to give Br Hosea Baker a Traveling Letter 2 upon the profession of her faith in Christ The Chh receved Elisabeth Roberts when Baptised |
April the 6 | The Chh Met in Ridgebery according
to appointment meting opend by prayer then prededed to inquire of one another
1 Chose Eld Brown moderater |
the 20 | The Chh Met on buisness Meting opend
by prayer then proceded to buisness
1 In consequence of brother Miner being absent the could not visit him therefore did not report 2 Sister Moffet Brought against Sister Ann Squires a Complaint for unchristian like conduct and using bad language 3 proven that she is gilty of the Charge 4 Voted to adjourn till May the fourth at Can --olback point |
May 4 | The Chh Met and meting opend by prayer
1 Voted that brother James Dewey and James Vancuren to visit Nehemiah Smith and report to our next meting 2 Voted to appoint Brethen Dea Abiah Fuller Phineus Squire to visit Sister Matildah Sturgis and report to our next meting |
May 25 | The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by Singing and prayer
1st Sister anna Squier made confession to the sattisfaction of the Chh 2nd Voted Satisfied with the report James Dewey James Vancuren that they found Him in A Calm frame of mind and in the valey of Humiliation and he thought that god had forgiven him and felt to ask his Brethren to forgive him 3rd Br Abial Fuller reported that Sister Matildah Sturgis wish is to Continue with the Chh 4th voted to give Br James Otterson a letter of dismission to Join the Chh in Springfield |
July the 6 | The Chh Met in Ridgebery according to appoinment Meting opend by prayer then proceded to inquire of one another mind and found a general union | |
the 3 |
The Chh Met according to appointment meting opend by prayer and then proceded to inquire of one anothers mind and found a general union | |
1 Then Met in Consideration of seting
Charles G Swan to the work of the Ministry
2 Voted to Call a council for the ordination of Br Swan on the 10 and 11 of September 3 Voted to send to the following Chhs Viz Springfield Smithfield Owego Athans and Chemung Elmira and Southport Big flatt 4 Voted to have a special Chh Meting on the Last Saturday in this month voted at a meting on the Sabbath to take up the last voted on the 4th vote |
Sept 7 | The Chh the Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer
1ly voted to appoint brethren to Sit with the Covnent at the ordination of Brother Charles G Swan and appoint the following Brethren Viz Samuel Hillman Abial Fuller and Henry M Peterson and Asa Parshall 2nd voted to present Phineus Squier and Abial Fuller to the Council for ordination of deacons in this Chh 3 Voted to appoint Brethren to sit with the association at Sulivan and appointed the following C G Swan Dea P Squiers 4 Voted that our brothren who go too the association be autherised to act there own Judgement Relative to withdrawing from the association |
Oct | The Chh in Ridgebery
1 upon the profession of her faith in christ the Chh Receved Polly House and Baptised 2 Rec’d a request from Miltown on the purpose of the ordination of Dea Aaron Jackson to sit in Council Viz Eld Swan Sam Hillman Asa Parshall and ---?--- |
Nov the 2 | The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer
1ly Receved Isaac Brown from the Chh at Jerusalem 2ly Rec’d Josiah Brooks from the Chh at Jerusalem 3ly voted Mett at ten oClock |
Dec 7 | The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer and then preceded
1ly to Buisness voted to appoint Brthrn James Dewey Henry M Peterson to Labor with Nehemiah Smith for Intoxication and report to our next meting 2ly Voted to Send Sister Jerusha Rothwell a leter and state to her the minds of the Chh and for her to state what Chh she is to join 3ly to continue the Covenent Meting in Ridgebery one third of the time at the Block School house 4ly Voted to send Br Samuel Hillman Henry M Peterson to visit Matildah Sturgis and request her to fill her place in the Covenent Meting of opend by prayer and found a general union |
Jan the 4
1834 |
The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer then Tried the ground of fellowship and found a
general union
1ly the case of Br Nehemiah Smith cald on Voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from him for giting Drunk 2 voted to appoint Brethern to visit delinquents from meting more than one year 3 appoint James Dewey and his wife to visit Anna Brown Elisabeth Brown and Asa More and his wife and now the reson of them why they dont Met with the Chh and report to our next meting |
Feb 1 | The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer then Tried the ground of fellowship and found a
general union
2 Receved Fransis Willcox by Letter from the Chh at Vantage 3 voted to give Claricy Burnham A Letter of Dismission 4 voted to give Eld Charles G Swan and his wife leters of Dismission |
The Chh Met according to appointment
Meting opend by prayer then proceded to Buisness
1ly the Case of Sister Elisabeth Brown cald on and prolong to the first of June next for her to come and met with the Chh 2ly voted Satisfied with the report made by James Dewey and his wife Conserning Anna Brown staing absent from Meting with the Chh |
Southport Tioga Co N.Y. Sept 10th
Agreeable to the request of the Southport & Chemung Baptist Chh the following pasters & Deacons & Brethren Convened in Council with them at their meting house in Southport for the purpose of Setting apart to the work of gospel Ministry Brother Charles G Swan Viz 1 From Smithfield Chh their pastor John Doty Deacons Benjamin Hale & Br Geo Gerouth 2 Athens & Chemung Deacon Aaron Jacksons Licenteate & Brother A Whitlick 3 Southport & Elmira their paster P.D. Gillette Brethren John Bovere & and William Lowe 4 Owego their Paster James R Burdick 5 Big flatt there paster S. Wise Deacon John Brown & Br Nathan Lowe 6 Southport & Chemung Brn Sam Hillamn Abiel Fuller Henry M Peterson & as a part The following Brethren being presant were effectionately invited to a Seat with us Viz Eld D Platt Deacon David Griswold & Brother David A Kinney The Council was then duly organized By the choice of Eld P. D. Gillette Moderater & James R Burdick Scribe After singing & prayer it was Resolved that we now present to hear Bro Swan make a relation of his Christian experance & Call to the Christian Ministry In connexion with his rotation |
connected & from the profeser
of Ham--- Institution of which for a season he was member which was highly
gratifying to the councel and congregation Convend
The hour having arived when it was thought expedent to make arangment for the night & adjourn it was unamimously Resolved that we now adjourn to meet in Council at the Schoolhouse nex Wed ---?--- this Evening for the porpose of having the Candidate view of the Doctrine of the Gospel Resolved that Bro Jackson preach in this place tomorrow morning at ½ past 10 oClock The Council convened in the evening agreeabley to adjournment after singing and prayer Br Swan at the request of the Moderater came before the council & preach a short sermon Setting forth his views of the scripturs & the Doctrins of Grace founded on 2nd timothy 3d 16 and 17 He then in a full & highly Satisfactory manner made answer to such question as were propounded to him by the council where upon it was an motional Resolved that we proced to take the minds of the Casual relative to the Relation of the Candidate Christian experance call to the Christian ministry and views of Doctrine Seperately The Council expressed their mind seperately and a Delightful degree of unanimity was found to prevail through out by every member where upon it was unamously Resolved that all things concidered we are of the opinion [a line of text lined out] we proceed tomorrow to the ordination of Br Swan & that we now proced to make an assignment of the parts |
So was then with perfect unamity
Resolved that Eld Budick make the introdution prayer & preach the sermon the setion Eld Wise offer the consideratin prayer & lay on hands with the pastor of the Council that Eld Gillette give the charge & Eld Platt give the right hand of fellowship the council adjourned to meet at 9 oClock tomorrow morning Benediction by Eld Gillette Wednesday morning Sept the 11 The Council convened at the School house near the Meting house opend by prayer by Bro Doty The Chh at the request of the Moderater present for examination Br Phineus Squier & Abiel Fuller as candidate for the office of deacon After much consultation a motion it was Resolved that we procede to ordain them as deacons after the ordination Service of Br Swan & it was carried unamimusly The Council then proceded to asign the parts & it was unaninously Resolved that Eld Gillette make the ordaining prayer Eld Wise give the Charge & the Eld Doty offer the concluding prayer The service were all attended --- in the presance of a large and Solom --- according to the labour arrangement last Hymn & Benediction by Eld Swan and --- was Evangelist Philander D Gillette Moderator James L Burdick Scribe |
[This ends the records of the Wellsburg Church. There are three more pages which are some records from 1837 that are in such poor condition that they are illegible.They are interlaced with three separate lists of members. It is not apparent what these lists represent since some members appear on more than one list and many members do not appear on any list.] |