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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
1865 - Edwin Benedict of Columbia
Diary of Edwin Benedict
Township: Columbia, Bradford County PA
Year: 1865
Transcribed by ? 
Introduction & Family Report by Joyce M. Tice
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Introduction by Joyce M. Tice - Edwin Benedict, husband of Ellen Hulslander, lived on the Austinville Road in Columbia Township just east of the Bradford - Tioga County line. To date we have found three of his diaries. Two of them were found in a trunk in the ruins of the Hulslander-Benedict house by Carlton Wilson. They will be transcribed and presented on this site later. This one, 1865, has been in circulation in typed copy for some time and Nicole DALIA Case had a copy of it. She retyped it for us and we are presenting it here. I do not know where that original document is or who transcribed it originally.

Edwin's diaries are unusual in that he was am much better writer than most we encounter, and he covered his daily life much more thoroughly than other diarists of his time and place. They are a great pleasure to read.

May 1st Monday

It has snowed nearly all day, but it melted as fast as it came. The ground is now pretty wet, grass looks very green and has grown rapidly. The flax seed I got yesterday is found to be very foul and we had not other means to clean it but to pick it out by hand and we all have been engaged looking it over all day. It was very tiresome business for the eyes. Father went to the ville this P.M. for the news. Uncle Geo. was quite unwell today. Pain in his side. Mate & Elijah came home this evening, Mate is to stay all night. Father brought the glorious news, the whole of the rebel force have surrendered. Johnsons army surrendered to General Grant. Ellen is extending the sleeve of my army blouse this evening. Wrote a letter to N.H. Robbins.

May 2nd Tuesday

I harness the horses and went down on the piece I am breaking up for corn & drew off several loads of stone, when a shoe came off one of the horses. Then Father took them and went to the ville to have it set. Uncle Geo. went with him & on his way home. Father returned at noon. While he was gone I picked up stone off the barley, in piles. Elijah went to Troy after his chop stuff this P.M. I went to breaking up finished the land I went around and struck out another. Our largest cow came in today. Tis a heifer calf and good size, I shall keep it. We have 5 young lambs. I received a letter from Daniel & Mary Benedict and one from Geo. Hulslander. Ellen & I sat down this evening and answered Georges letter. Father helped get off the root and stumps from the place I am plowing. Ellen has been white washing the stoop over head & Mother washed. Elijah got a letter from Geo. & Mate one from Henry today. Broke a cockeye & sent by John Knapp to the store for a new one which he got for us.

May 3rd & 4th Wed. no entry Thursday as follows

We were greatly surprised by the arrival of Cousin Russell Hollister this morning. He had just come from Titusville where he had been to get into business & he was on his way home. He left home a week ago & said all were well when he left. I broke up this A.M. & this P.M. sowed and dragged in 3/8th of an acre of flax seed and then about the middle of P.M. I hitched to Democrat wagon, took Ellen in and went by way of Sylvania to Mr. Wm. Straits & got a ½ bushel of peas to sow then went around to Father Hulslander and left Ellen & I came home. I got a letter from N.H. Robbins Co. E 190th P.V. Wrote a letter to Daniel & Mary last night. Elijah and Julia & Mary were down here visiting this evening & Mary had a fit & did not go back with them. Cousin Hollister will stay all night. Paid Mr. William Strait one dollar for half bushel of seed peas. There has been frost every night this week so far. I noticed in my ride today that there was a larger amount of ground plowed this spring than ever before. The weather has been so favorable this spring is the reason of so much being put in.

May 5th Friday

Cousin Russell Hollister left for home this morning and Mary went back to Elijahs so Father, Mother & I are left here all alone today and it has been truly a lonesome day. The weather was very warm this P.M. Old Pat got down in the road between Elijahs and here & we got him up with out the windlass for the first time since he was hurt. He seemed to be better today. I went and finished the piece I was breaking for corn. This A.M. and this P.M. I sowed the ½ bushel of peas I got yesterday & dragged them in. Sowed about a ¼ of an acre and then I drawed five big stone boat loads of stone off the piece I sowed flax on yesterday. Several large thunder showers went North & south of us today, but we had only a sprinkle here. I turned the mares out to eat the green grass for all night. We think its warm enough.

May 6th Saturday

Today being rainey I worked in the barn. Made a wood box for sitting room stove. Chopped a little wood & then made part of a lounge for sitting room. Mother went up to Elijahs, stayed all day. This P.M. Elijah, Julia & Mother went down to the ville to trade. Father went down to the ville this P.M. also. Mate came home from Elijahs and said she had just received a letter from Cousin Abarene. Elijah got one from Geo. & one from Daniel & Mary. My white cow had a calf today, a large heifer calf. It has rained very steady and hard all day. Everything is growing finely. It has been very lonesome to me all day because Ellen is not here. I must go up after her tomorrow.

May 7th Sunday

Today was very warm and pleasant. Mate & I went up to Father Hulslanders after Ellen & while there went to meeting at the school house at ½ past 3 P.M. Elder Hopkins presiding. We came home in good season, found all well and left all well. Ellen came with us.

May 8th Monday

I harness the horses and drawed 4 loads of wood, hemlock wood, from the woods above the house & also drawed a load of hay from old house to the barn. Then took the wagon and flat land plough up to Elijahs and got his side hill plough. One of the mares loosing a shoe off her hind foot. I took her down to Wm. Smiths shop and had a new shoe put on and another set and charged me 70 cents, charged on book. Mate is at home and Mother has gone up to Julias to work in Mates place as Mate is unwell. Ellen washed and done all the cooking today. I was all the P.M. at the ville. A.B. Austin has got in new goods, and is doing a large business.

May 9th Tuesday

As it rained some this A.M. I went to work in the barn. I finished the lounge I was making yesterday & commenced to make a table for the back room. In the P.M. Father went down to the ville to get some lumber for bolsters for lumber wagon & I went down just night with team after lumber & a barrel of salt. Salt per barrel $2.75, bought 10 pounds of nails, at 8 cents per pound. Got 9 feet of maple scantling 4x4 a piece of hickory board for stakes with out cost of L.E. Havens. Mate got a letter from C.H. Card & Ellen one from Geo. Hulslander. It did not rain this P.M. Mate, Mother, and Ellen are all at home today and they are having a great time talking.

May 10th Wednesday

I got up this morning and found I had another colt, Nellie has fouled. Tis a creamer & mare colt. I went in the cellar & stopped rat holes & plastered it up where the holes were & having finished that I went to laying flat stone on the bottom. Mate went up to Julias to help her today. Mother & Ellen are doing house work. It looks like rain today. This P.M. I busied myself making table for back room. I did not quite finish it, tis the only I ever tried to make and it takes me longer than as though I was an expert at the business. James Barnes was here to see us a little while this P.M. His comrade, William was with him with horse and carriage. Ellen has been rinsing clothes, mopping and doing the house work. Ellen & I picked a mess of greens this evening. The weather is cold and cloudy, looks like rain. The colts are all right and well at present.

May 11th Thursday

It rained pretty steady all day and I worked in the barn. I finished the table I was at work on yesterday & then partially made a bolster for the lumber wagon. I finished the table about 2 P.M. It is made of hemlock and made with two leaves. Ellen is making a white Garibalda for sister Lottie. Mother is carding wool, Father is intently poring over the papers for the news. Elijah went down to the ville today and came back with different horse having traded away his squealer for an old one eyed mare and has the heaves also, with Phil W. Besly. He got $20 dollars to boot.

May 12th Friday

Father & Elijah went over to the mill at Sylvania to see about the lumber. They are going to pile it up & Elijah is to bring home 600 feet of siding for himself. I have been fixing fence around the sheep pasture this P.M. I cleaned away the loch & took it on the garden & picked up stones on the meadow in piles to be drawn off. Elijah brought 700 feet of siding for himself. We let have it for paying for the sawing of it. Today was real warm and pleasant so I set the horses and colts out to graze this P.M. on the side hill. Mate got a letter from Geo. H. Julia & Mate were down here a little while this P.M. They went back with Elijah when he came along. Ellen was up there this evening and said she saw Lem there. The liberty pole is to be raised at the ville tomorrow P.M. and a flag put on. I must go down and help do it. Tis cold enough for a frost tonight. There was a white covering of snow on the ground this A.M.

May 13th Saturday

I harness the team and went on the piece have been breaking for corn and pulled the logs off and piled them up and then with side hill plough I broke it up where the logs lay. We were thus occupied until dinner time when we came up to dinner. Lin & Mate came here and this P.M. I hitched on the democrat wagon and took Lin, Mate & Ellen down to the ville to the flag raising. Got there and they had given it up on account of the law suit between Clide Besly and Mial Watkins, a salt and battery case, and most all the men in the ville had to go to it, were disappointed. I purchased and had charged on book at A.B. Austin store one shaker for Ellen Pr. 30 cents, one grain mote paper 40 cents, total amount $70 cents. I also got 25 cents worth of envelopes at Alf Slades grocery, had it charged also. We came home in good season. Lin & Mate are staying all night with us. The pole to be taken down and flag put on and raised next Saturday.

May 14th Sunday

Lin being here we had a real pleasant time & in the P.M. we all went down to the ville to a sing pointed for us and at 3 P.M. we listened to a lecture from our Sunday school missionary of the county and we succeeded in forming a Sunday school on the Union plan. In the evening Mate & Ellen & I went with team and took Lin home. Found all well there. We did not stay all night. As near as I can learn old Pat did with a bullet on the brain this evening.

May 15th Monday

Mate had another fit this morning up to Julias. She has come home this evening to bath. I have been engaged in ploughing for corn where we had corn last year. I did not quite finish the piece, a part of it is to wet to be ploughed now. Ellen and Mother have been washing today. Father was around helping by picking up stone and piling them. The weather was very mild and pleasant. I am breaking the colts to stay at the barn while I am at work with mares. Mary Smith called and left a piece of my watch chain I lost at her house last winter.

May 16th Tuesday

I ploughed a part of the corn ground this A.M. and the remainder being to wet I went to drawing off stone and roots from the piece. Was thus engaged all the P.M. Father assisted me in the P.M. Father picked away our back door yard this A.M. Ellen white washed the cellar & Mother done the house work until P.M., when she went to Ogden’s visiting. Ed Rosell was here today and we engaged his horse for 5 dollars a mare. He insures and will be here a week from Saturday. The day was very warm. A Mr. Parsons was here to dinner. Was alone here with a drove of sheep and cattle and young calves, a nice lot. Mate went up to Elijahs this A.M. as she stayed here all night.

May 17th Wednesday

It has been very hot and showery. I finished ploughing for corn by noon and this P.M. I marked and Father planted corn. I did not get the whole piece marked both ways. Ellen has been cleaning cellar and set the milk in it. It did not made out rain much here this P.M. but it went all around us. We get two full pails of milk from our cows now. Mate has come home this evening.

May 18th Thursday

It rained hard all day. Father went down to the ville in the morning and was gone all day when her returned, he brought papers containing capture of Jeff Davis, and a letter for me from Geo. Hulslander. I have been engaged making a corn marker and made one & made a wagon bolster. It has been a dark dreary day. Father got 2 lemons and a paper of cucumber seed. Ellen is unwell today.

May 19th Friday

Today was cloudy and damp all day. I set out 163 cabbage plants this A.M. and then worked in the barn. Made 2 flower boxes, one for Emma and one for Lottie. Went up to John Knapps and got two sheep that had gone astray. Ellen & Mother were up to Julias this P.M. visiting. Mate has come home this evening for a resting spell. Mother & Ellen have baked up a lot of pumpkin pies. Elijah has received a letter from Daniel recently that we have not seen. Received a week ago last Monday.

May 20th Saturday

I fixed my corn marker by putting in new tills. I then marked put the piece or finished the piece I was marking before the rain. Got done at noon. Father planted corn. This P.M. I went down to the ville and helped lower and raise the flag pole we put on flag and then had a few remarks from Mr. Whittney, and we all threw in 10 cents and got some powder and had a few amble shots. We had a heavy shower before we got the pole down. I also received a letter form N.H. Robbins from camp near Miner Hill. I got home after dark and our folks say that Jennie mare is lame.

May 21st Sunday

I went early this A.M. up to Father H’s after Ellen’s cow but he was so much occupied with sick houses that he could not come & help me drive the cow until near night. I had him come on account of Jennie mare being lame and I did not know what ailed her. We found upon examination, twas stone bruise on her heel. Twas very warm and pleasant. All well at home. Gustus & Debby came and brought Mate home and stayed a short time.

May 22nd Monday

Ellen, Mate & I went to Troy to mill today. Went with democrat wagon. Took two bushels for chop stuff and two bushel of corn. Tire ran off near Hoyles going down. Left it and Shannons lumber wagon, went on and got joist & returned all right. We got wet coming home. Was caught in a shower. Ellen left her bonnet at Mrs. Spencers to be done over. Mate got pair shoes, price $3.00. We took dinner at Wolf’s grocery, cost $75 cents. I bought watch key 10 cents, a cigar 10 cents. Sold 3 dozen & 10 eggs at 15 cents a dozen. Bought ¼ pound cream tatters 25 cents & ¾ yard of muslin 24 cents. Mate stopped at Mrs. Smiths and did not come home with us.

May 23rd Tuesday

I took team and took home the borrowed wagon & paid Mr. Shannon one dollar for the use of it. I then fixed my wagon by putting a rail under in place of the wheel & brought it home. Put the hind wheel on forward and hitched on to it & came home as well as though the wheel was on. I left the wheel & tire at Wm. Smiths shop for to be set. I bought of A.B. Slade two lemons for 10 cents paid. I got him about middle the P.M. & Father & I then finished planting the farther piece of corn. Twas very wet and we could not plant all the ground we intended. No rain today, but the air is very cold, feels like a frost. I feed the mares 2 quart of chop stuff twice a day. Ellen & mother was all alone today until I came home when I did. Ellen went up to Julias a little while this P.M. and Mother went down to Ogdens a visiting. Ellen took home to Elijahs a pail of Indian meal we borrowed of them some time ago.

May 24th Wednesday

I went down to the ville this A.M. and got at A.B. Austins store one quart of syrup at $1.30 per gallon, and 3 ¼ pounds of sole leather at $3.16 a pound. I took down my course boots to L.B. Slades to have them topped. I left the sole leather there also. I came home and gave some syrup to little Ned colt & then the remainder of the A.M. I planted egg beans. This P.M. I have been dragging the sod corn ground. I did not quite finish it as twas so tough. I pulled off two shoes from Nellie mare in the mud dragging, the ground is very wet. We had a white frost last night. We found the missing sheep and lamb today up to John Knapps. Father went up and got it for me. The deep red heifer went to bull today. Ellen made currant pie this A.M. The first we have had of the kind this season. She fixed my neck ties and made herself a necklace also. A.B. Austin went to the city today after his supply of summer goods.

May 25th Thursday

I took Nellie mare down to the ville this A.M. and got two shoes set at Wm. Smiths shop. He asked 40 cents, I had it charged. I posted a letter for Mate to Chas H. Card. I did not get home to do anything before noon. I saw Chas. Teeter at the store. He came from the army last Saturday & is well. Father is at work in beehive draws today. This P.M. I have been dragging corn ground, the piece of sod ground I was at work on yesterday P.M. I have just spent a day dragging the piece. It was so tough I could not do it sooner. It was pretty wet also, but I have got it in a pretty good state for planting now. I spent all this P.M. dragging. Father is still to work at his beehives. Ellen has been sewing this P.M., done ironing also. Ellen’s cow went to bull today. Wm. Smith set tire on wagon, price 75 cents. Wrote a letter to N.H. Robbins this evening.

May 26th Friday

I harness horses and drawed 5 boat load of stone off the corn ground I dragged yesterday. I then took slier and marked it one way to plant by. Father was to work in the barn at his beehives. This P.M., as it looked much like rain, he & I went to work and finished planting corn. We have a little over two acres of corn planted. I have planted a few beans this P.M. on the piece by the peas. I have not quite finished planting, it looks like rain tonight. I feed the colts molasses twice a day to keep them loose. They are and have been much costive. Our cows are gaining of their milk. Ellen told me this evening we do want 6 more milk pans. I feed the horses grain yet but I don’t put them in the stable nights. Father went down to the ville this evening & got two daily papers, the news unimportant.

May 27th Saturday

Father & I went with team to Sylvania after a load of lumber to Kiffs mill. I got all there was sawed except the two inch plank. I brought one home & there is 21 pieces left. We paid Wm. Kiff $10.00, what he has sawed has come to $15.25 & there are 2 large cucumber logs to saw. Father also bought and we brought home, by same load, 230 feet of thin stuff of Waldo, paying at the rate of $.75per feet. This P.M. at 3 we got home and then I finished planting beans on the piece by the peas. Father got two bottles of medicine of Geo. P. Monroe for Mary which cost him $3.70. In the evening I went to the ville with John Knapp after democrat wagon wheel at Wm. Smiths shop. He charged me 75 cents for setting the tire. Lint John Knapp the wagon to go on the mountain tomorrow. Mrs. Frank Hayes wanted me to bring her some wood tomorrow & I promised to. I got my boots at L.B. Slades this P.M., he charged me 50 cents for topping my boots & sowing up hole in the side. I have not paid him yet.

May 28th Sunday

Ellen, Mary and I went down to the ville to Sunday school this A.M. at half past 9 & stayed to meeting which was at half past 11 A.M. Then Ellen & I came home. Her Father & Mother & Emma came here & Julia also. In the P.M. at 2 Elijah & I went down and had singing school, had a good time. Geo. & Charlotte came home with us & brought Mate home. They stayed until after supper, then went home. Homer Card was here also when we got home. Father & Mother H. went home early. I did not have much time to visit with them. We organized a Quire and are to meet every Sunday for singing or practice before meeting.

May 29th Monday

I chopped 2 cords of wood of hemlock for Mrs. Martha Heyes and drew one cord of it to her in the evening. I charged her $1.50 cents a cord, but she did not pay me this evening. I bought of A.B. Austin & Co. 6 yards of Blue Hill for shirts at 40 cents a yard & ½ dozen pearl buttons at 5 cents, amount charged $2.45. Father was engaged at his beehives. Ellen & Mary & Mother milked the cows alone tonight. It rained a little last night and misted some today and two or three slight showers of rain. Ellen was sick today.

May 30th Tuesday

I went down to the ville with another load of wood for Mrs. Mehala Heyes this morning and she paid me $3.00 for both loads. I then went to Wm. Smiths shop and got the forward bolster of the lumber wagon broke off, as Father put in new one yesterday. I paid Wm. Smith 30 cents for ironing. Bought half pound alum, paid 5 cents, spent for cigars, treating 20 cents. I left 25 cents with Tracy to send to Troy for salmoniac for sick mare. This P.M. Father and I went up to John Knapps and helped him plant corn. No rain today. Got a pig of Elikjah and brought it home this evening, price not known.

May 31st Wednesday

Father & I have been at work for John Knapp all day planting corn & potatoes. By our aid he finished planting for this year. I got another pig of Elijah this evening & brought it home. O. Besly came along with the Rosell stallion & put one of our mares, the near one, the other would not take. Today has been very warm and pleasant. Elijah sold three calves for fifteen dollars. We let John Knapp have 5 quarts of seed corn & took it up to him this morning. I borrowed a number of papers of Mrs. John Knapp to read. They are to be returned.

June 1st Thursday

I made a polk for Jennie mare as she appears to be some unruly, was in the meadow this morning. Got in by throwing the fence down last night, she lost a shoe off and I found it and took her down to Wm. Smiths shop and had it and another set for which he charged me 40 cents. Got a firkin and 3 papers & came home. Got firkin at A. Budd’s shop, had it charged, price $1.00. This P.M. I helped Elijah finish planting corn. The day was real warm & smoky. It looks as though a draught was coming on. Ellen went home to her Fathers house this P.M. visiting, went across and afoot. I received a letter from Daniel & Mary by this evenings mail. It is very lonesome this evening, my Ellen is away.

June 2nd Friday

I made brush fence between us and James Morgan so that I could let my cows run in our woods adjoining. I got done middle A.M. & then I went & built pen & fixed a dam to wash sheep. I got it about two P.M. Then Father came and helped me by handing them to me. I washed alone 46 sheep. I got done in pretty good season. I then went down to the ville & posted the letter to G. & C. Hulslander. Got of A.B. Austin one box of matches, price 28 cents (paid) one pair men’s chisel gloves, 25 cents & got the salmomac. Sent to Troy for 25 cents worth & left with Alf Slade 50 cents for L.B. Slade to pay him for topping my boots. Bought of A.B. Slade 10 stamps & paid 5 cents for cigar. Ellen came home this evening. She says all are well. When I came back from the ville Dapper had a coon treed in Ogdens woods. I climbed the stub and knocked him out but did not succeed in capturing him.

June 3rd Saturday

Elijah, Julia & Father and Ellen went to Troy today. Ellen went after her bonnet left at Mrs. Spencers when down before. She got it & twas fixed, Ellen paid Mrs. Spencer $6.00 for fixing it. I borrowed $5 of Elijah for Ellen. They were gone all day when they came home Daniel & Mary came with them. They were just from Titusville the oil regions. I went up to John Knapps and got him to go with me and we fixed brush fence between us until noon. Then I came home, cut some wood at the door and went in the potato patch and cut up Canada thistles. Daniel & Mary are to stay all night with us.

June 4th Sunday

Daniel & Mary, Ellen, Mate, and I went down to the ville to singing school at noon today. We also stayed to Sunday school & meeting which kept us all the P.M. Daniel & Mary went up to Elijahs to stay this evening. The day was warm and pleasant.

June 5th Monday

I sheared sheep all day but did not make much headway as twas mean business. Sheared 12. Daniel helped Elijah draw manure. Father is busy with beehive draws. Ellen hurried and packed the butter in the firkin from the tub. Ellen & I went up to Elijah this evening.

June 6th Tuesday

I sheared sheep all day. I made out to shear 18 in all. The weather was intensely hot with some signs of rain. Daniel & Mary, Elijah and Julia went up to James Benedicts visiting. When Elijah came home, he reported Daniel & Mary had stayed to go to the Baptist Association.

June 7th Wednesday

I sheared sheep nearly all day. I should have finished but for a shower of rain this P.M. which put a stop to further proceedings. I saw Ira Knapp this P.M. He has just returned from the army. He reports that C.H. Card & C.W. Hulslander had got home. They came yesterday & with him, I sheared 14 sheep and still have 4 more to shear. C.H. Card came here & staid the evening, he looks quite brown, but is well. We gladly welcome him home from the war. Ellen finished my blue shirt.

June 8th Thursday

This is my birthday & well as that of my Mothers. I am 27 & Mother 50. I planted in some beans where we left out corn on account of its being wet when we planted corn. I fixed the milk rack down cellar this A.M. P.M we had visitors and we did not work. Geo. P. Monroe and Mother were here. Geo. took our assessment of income, but we have no tax to pay on income. Mary and Daniel came across from James Benedict to our house this P.M. & they & Ellen and I went with horses and wagon up to Father Hulslanders to see Brother Charley who had just came home form the war. Ellen & I came home this evening but Daniel and Mary stayed at Father H’s. We found all well and at home.

June 9th Friday

I went down to the ville this evening and got a horse shoe set at Wm. Smiths shop, charged 20 cents. Bought of A.B. Austin pair ladies hose 44 cents and 4 quarts beans 32 cents. I helped Elijah plough this A.M. a piece for sowed corn. This P.M. came home and planted some beans. It rained a little about noon. I shall have to plant my beans over as those I planted have failed to come up. Ellen has been engaged making dress for Julia all day.

June 10th Saturday

It rained very hard last night in two or three showers and rained nearly all day today. I set out some more cabbage plants where they had been eat out by the worms and bugs and chopped some wood at the door this A.M. & this P.M. I helped Father get out beehive stuff & this evening I went up to John Morgans on the road business. John Knapp paid Father $8 dollars cash for hay we let him have this spring. Elijah has paid us $7 dollars for John Knapp towards the hay. Ellen finished Julias dress today & it set good. She charged Julia $75 cents for the work.

June 11th Sunday

Ellen, Mate & I went down to the ville to singing school at one P.M. Mate went down to meeting in the A.M. with Elijah and Julia. We had a glorious old sing & sung all P.M. There was good many in, Elijah took the lead. The day was real pleasant and warm. C. H. Card was here this evening, and Geo. Besly also a little while. Elijah and Julia went home to Father Hulslanders this evening to see Charley.

June 12th Monday

I took Jennie mare and ploughed out the potatoes and a part of the piece of corn in the same field and this P.M. I have been planting over the piece of beans using the seed I got at the store Friday evening. I did not quite finish planting. The piece by the peas is yet to be planted. I set the horses graze the tall grass on my buckwheat field. Mrs. Lucinda Morgan & Sister Mrs. Kerrick, here visiting this P.M. Father was busy with his bees, had a swarm this P.M. Daniel Benedict was here just night but did not stop long. Our women folks washed today and are pretty tired. Blues Monday with Mate.

June 13th Tuesday

I had Elijah come down and help me hoe potatoes this A.M. We hoed 16 rows, there is 10 left for the P.M. I hoed them alone & got pretty sweaty and caught cold and felt very lame and feverish this evening. Father went down to the ville and got the papers and mail. Brought me a letter from Nelson H. Robbins. I baited my horses on piece I intend to plough for buckwheat. Father had more swarms of bees today.

June 14th Wednesday

I was very unwell all day and did not sit up much. I had very high fever last night and a good deal today. My bones ached & I was so stiff I could scarcely stir. Father has more swarms of bees today. This was a retched day for me but Ellen attended me for the full day, but I did not get much if any better.

June 15th Thursday

I was very sick all day, not with standing I had the best of care from my dear Ellen. She was constantly by me and anticipated my every want. I took a bath last night and one today. After it I had a great chill by being exposed to the air. I was then put to sweat, and after that I got better right away. Father had several swarms of bees and was very busy. D.McClure was along and tried the mares but to no effect. Charley B. Hulslander was here a little while visiting this P.M. Elijah came with him. This is the first visit he has paid me since he returned form the war. There was a slight shower last night. It has been cloudy all day.

June 16th Friday

I feel much better this morning but towards noon, I had a vomiting time and got better so that I have been up all day. Ellen and I went after strawberries. We got enough for a strawberry short cake and we had it for supper. Father was very busy hiving bees today. It has been cloudy.

June 17th Saturday

I felt so much better this morning. I went out to work ploughing corn. The weather was so warm that I just melted right down and tonight I am far worse than ever. I have a very high fever & Mother has put me in a wet sheet pack. Father had 7 swarms of bees this A.M. Corn and every hoed crop is growing fast. My corn wants hoeing very much. I ploughed about as much as a boy 10 years old would in the same time. The mare I used never had been used at such work and depended entirely on the rein. Twas scalding hot, but little could be done with team.

June 18th Sunday

I was quite unwell all day so I did not hardly leave the house. Towards night Charley Hulslander and Homer & Charley Card were here to see us. Homer & Charley H. went down to singing school at Austinville. The weather was intensely warm, showers went all around us and heave thunder showers at that, none came to cool our atmosphere. Julia was here a little while & Mrs. Besly was here part the P.M.

June 19th Monday

I am not feeling well today but I feel much better. I went down to the ville this A.M. and got some nails for Father to use in making bee hives. I got half yard of Blue Hill 20 cents, to finish out what I lacked on my pair of shirts. Mate wrote a letter for me to Nelson H. Robbins & I put in 10 letter stamps and sent him by this mornings mail. O.O. Besly & R.G. Knapp are at work on the road today this side Beslys. We had a nice thunder shower this P.M. and it continued until long in the evening. I wrote a letter to Geo. Hulslander.

June 20th Tuesday

It rained most all this A.M. At noon I hitched the team on the carnage and took Ellen & Mary up to Peters, we found them white washing the kitchen. Daniel & Mary was at it helping Mother. Father H. was in his shop mending boots. Charley was making a new bridle. I had a very bad head ache and did not sit up much. We got home to do the chores. Father H. had lost another cow, just came in. Twas in much pain tonight. Ellen wrote a letter to Geo. Hulslander to be sent with mine but she did not finish it on account of our going away.

June 21st Wednesday

I was not very well today. Had a very painful Rheumatism in my hips and legs. So bad I could neither lay, sit or walk, but a moment a time. The men having road tax to pay up this way were up and working on the road just below our house. Creepy & Billings eat dinner here. There came up a heavy thunder shower just night and put an end to their work. Father sold the farrow heifer to Albion Budd for $25 dollars on cash and he drove her away. She gave about 2 quarts of milk a day. Ellen finished her letter to Geo. and we sent it to the mail by Phil Besly.

June 22nd Thursday

I felt very much better today but still so weak I thought it not advisable to go to work nor did I feel well enough until P.M. I was around and helped Father hive swarms of bees this P.M. I called the sheep down and sheared all I left while shearing before, there was but three. Mother & Ellen weighed out what wool they want to work up and it amounts to a little over 15 lbs. Julia was down here a little while this P.M. Father was very busy with his bees and making hives. The men were working on the road near here today. I got a circular from Pittsburgh Commercial College, Proprietors, Jenkins and Smith.

June 23rd Friday

I felt so much better I went to work ploughing out corn with Jenny mare. I was thus engaged all day. I finished one piece and ploughed put the piece of beans by the peas. The day was pleasant but the air cool, so I stood it well. Father had 7 swarms of bees. Elijah got a letter from Geo. last night. Ellen has been greasing and picking wool. She reserves 7 pounds for her use. Mother has the rest to put to such use as she sees fit.

June 24th Saturday

I hoed corn a little and tended the cows, kept them off my corn while I baited them in that field. Dave McClure was here with stallion of Orr Besly and put the neigh mare, the other would not. Father has had 6 swarms this A.M. Tis very slow hoeing corn. Tis so weedy & so many Canada thistles among it. Tis very warm. Nellie has a shoe off, so shall go to the shop this P.M. and have it put on. I went down to the ville right away after dinner with the mare but I did not succeed in getting shoe set until near night. There were so many ahead of me for work. It rained quite a shower this P.M. L.E. Havens raining a barn today. The shoeing cost 20 cents, had it charged at Wm. Smiths. I got a firkin at A. Budds shop price $1.00.

June 25th Sunday

Elijah & Winfield came along and we all went down to the ville to singing school at one P.M. Went down afoot. We had a real good time singing, the next school is two weeks from today at 1 P.M. James Benedict came home with us and visited with us a little. Charly & Homer Card were down to the sing. Charly stopped and stayed the evening. Winfield went home before night, he says that Brother Charly was sick with Ague & Fever, that was the reason he was not down today. Elijah has poisoned his feet and is not able to travel much. Lester Palmer was down to Elijahs this P.M. Ellen & I were up there this evening. Old Liney went to bull this evening. The weather today has been extremely warm. James went in up to Elijahs to supper, after supper he went home. Lester went home same time, they went together a piece.

June 26th Monday

As it commenced to rain early this A.M., I did not go to work hoeing corn. It kept on raining harder & harder and finally has make out a real rainey day. I helped Father make bee hive draws until night. I then chopped some wood and also done several chores. I went up to Elijahs and borrowed a large pail of Indian meal to feed the chickens with. Our women folks have been washing today. Father tells me that he has paid Elijah for that $5.00 I borrowed of him for Ellen’s bonnet. Elijah charged for the pigs the following prices $2.50 for the largest and $1.50 for the smaller. Father let Elijah have 3 bushel of corn to sow while I was sick, at market price. Mate had a fit last night.

June 27th Tuesday

As the ground was so wet I could not go to hoeing corn. I hitched up and went to Troy to mill. I took 5 ½ bushels of corn. I also took about 15 pounds of wool to the carding machine, which was promised to be carded by the first of August. Bought at hard ware store 2 papers 1 ½ finishing nails at 25 cents. Had Mary’s & Ellen’s rings marked, cost 40 cents. Had my hair cut, 20 cents & spent in treating & eating 25 cents. I got my grist at 3 P.M. and got home at 5 ½ O-clock all right. Had a very bad head ache when I reached home. Caused by riding home in the wind as it blew very hard. The day was cool & clear. I saw John Perry’s folks at the mill, they were well. Father was engaged at his bee hive draws. Wm. Bradford was at Troy.

June 28th Wednesday

I hoed corn this A.M. Father had 14 swarms of bees today. Mrs. Knapp was here visiting. Tis very warm weather. Ellen, Mate & I went to the village to trade this evening, got dress trimming 65 cents, and ½ pound of tea, $1.00. Mate got a lot things I have no account of. Got horse shoe set at Wm. Smiths shop, 20 cents, charged.

June 29th Thursday

I hoed corn all day and finished the further piece. The day was intensely warm. Father was very busy with his bees. I think he said he had 8 swarms today. He has much trouble to supply hives. Mate & Ellen are fixing busily for the fourth of July. The women milked tonight and stayed out and hoed and finished hoeing the corn. I see that black raspberries are getting ripe. Mrs. Besly & Ellen Bucklee were up here this evening a little while.

June 30th Friday

I went up to John Knapps after Beslys cultivator this A.M., but as they were going to use it I did not get it. I came home and hitched onto the plough and had Darwin Besly to ride horse for me. This A.M. we ploughed out the piece of corn below the road. One way, went twice in a row. But it rained this P.M., stopped us from finishing the piece. Father had 7 swarms this A.M. I paid Darwin Besly 25 cents for his help. It rained all or nearly all the P.M. C.H. Card came for Mary to go to Sylvania to a party. This evening I made a poke for Jennie mare this P.M. Ellen was sick today.

July 1st Saturday

When Mary & Charly came home this morning, Mate had a fit, but not very hard one. Charly remained here nearly all day. It was cloudy and showery but still we had several swarms of bees. I did not do much today. I chored it, chopped a little wood, hoed the cabbage. Ellen was so unwell that she did not sit up much today. But while she did she done over her bonnet. Dave McClure was along with stallion for the last time today, only one of our mares has taken horse, Jennie mare would not, so we still have to run over there. Mate got a letter from Geo. Hulslander by this evenings mail. Mate & Charly report they had a pleasant time at the party last night at Sylvania. Tis time to cut Canada thistles as they are in bloom. Elijah & Julia went to the ville this evening in their new wagon. Elijah is going up home tomorrow & Ellen & I talk of going up with them & will if Ellen is well enough.

July 2nd Sunday

Ellen & I went up to Elijahs this A.M. and went with them to Father Hulslanders. Went in Elijahs new wagon. We had a real pleasant visit. Brother Charly was not very well, has ague and fever. Every other day does not intend to go any where Independence day, is not well enough. Meeting there today at half past 3 P.M., we did not attend. Came home in good season, found C.H.C. at our house and folks quite well. Engaged Daniel & Mary to go with us in wagon to the fourth at Springfield.

July 3rd Monday

As twas to wet to hoe corn, I took scythe & mowed Canada thistles in the pastures with intend to kill them as they are in the blow and said to be easy distroyed. I mowed them all the A.M., and did not half finish what I shall have to cut. This P.M. it being dry enough to commence hoeing, I went over in the further piece of corn and hoed some beans there & pulled out buckwheat out of another piece. Was thus engaged all P.M. At night I went to the ville, got the mail, 2 letters & 2 papers. The letters were for me, one from N.H. Robbins & one from G.F. Hulslander. Got at Austins store one bottle of sweet oil, price 25 cents, had it charged, got it to oil carriage.

July 4th Tuesday

We were up and got started early for Springfield to hold the 4th. Daniel & Mary went with us, they staid at Elijahs last night. At the grocery in Austinville, bought carriage whip $1.50, had it charged. We arrived at Springfield in time to see all that transpired. Listened in P.M. to an Orion by Hon Geo. Landon, it was very interesting and occupied 2 hours & 15 minutes in delivery. The audience was large and very attentive. After the oration the procession marched to the tables set by the landlord and very poorly furnished. We had to pay 75 cents a piece for this dinner which was not fit to eat. I paid $1.50 for Ellen & I. The dinner was a perfect swindle and was so badly smoked up that none could scarcely eat it. We came home up to Elijahs with Daniel & Mary. There found Father & Mother H. & Lottie & Emma there. They had been spending the 4th there. Winfield was there also. Daniel & Mary went home with them. Ellen & I came home and done the chores.

July 5th Wednesday

I got up Jennie mare and went to ploughing out corn. Darwin Besly came up and rode horse for me and we finished the piece below the road before noon. I then went to hoeing and was thus engaged all the remainder of the day. Father was busy with his bees, quite a number of swarms today. Nearly all after swarms now. C.H. Card & Mary came home from Wellsboro this P.M. They report a pleasant time. The day was very cool & nice for driving.

July 6th Thursday

I hoed corn this A.M. on the piece below the road. Expect to finish this P.M. Father is very busy with his bees. They are swarming. P.M. I finished hoeing corn about middle of this P.M. & then called the sheep down & sheared the two that were left at my former shearing. The day was very nice & warm. Ellen went a berrying today up to Elijahs, got about 8 quarts.

July 7th Friday

I took team and went and drawed rails to make a fence between the piece I calculated for buckwheat and the corn & potatoes. I drawed rails enough and laid up a part of them but as I had to go to the ville for some flour I could not finish. Went to the ville with team. Mary went with me, got 200 pounds of flour. Father paid for it $8.00. Bought Ellen calico dress, 10 yards 28 cents a yard & yard of muslin, hooks and eyes, spool of thread, 33 cents, amount $3.13, took 8 ½ dozen eggs, got 20 cents. Amount $1.80, paid this in for dress & Mary paid 43 cents cash for me & had $1.00 charged on dress. Bought two scythes for a piece amount $2.50. Amount I traded $5.63. Amount paid $2.13, amount charged $3.50, got a letter from, Nelson H. Robbins containing two copies of Gen. Meads farewell to the army, Patomic.

July 8th Saturday

I have been staking fence this A.M. The piece I was building yesterday I finished the fence & turned the horses in to the field to feed. The grass is so high the cows will not eat it much but the horses eat it well enough. The day has been very sultry with some signs of rain. Father has had 3 swarms today. He does not expect many more, tis so late. The women folks are fixing for Sunday baking, ironing, mopping & Mother has been gathering cherries off some of the little trees we have. Father is making more hives. Wrote a letter to Geo. Hulslander this evening.

July 9th Sunday

I hitched to carriage & took Ellen & Mother over to Chandlersburg to the funeral of Isaac Young, held at half past 10 A.M. in the church. We got there last and twas so crowded I did not get in. The women made out to squeeze in. After meeting we went home with Father H’s folks and staid the P.M. When we came home Charly H. came with us. The day was pleasant but cool. Father & Mary staid at home.

July 10th Monday

I ploughed put the piece of beans and hoed them out. Nice piece by the peas got done in good season. Brother Charly went home this A.M. Mother went a berrying and got half a pan full. Ellen done the washing and work. Mate was sick. Father has been engaged making bee hive draws. Today was cloudy & cool. Ploughed the potatoes between the flax and oats. Ground is very dry & hard. Cut a little wood at door tonight. Wrote a letter.

July 11th Tuesday

As twas raining I went in the woods & got out 2 pieces (bed) for rack, to wagon for haying. This P.M. Father went with team to Sylvania after a load of lumber. Bought thin stuff of Waldo for bee hive draws. Did not get very large load, got 200 feet and cost $3.00. Mother went to the ville with him & when they came back N.H. Robbins came with them and staid all night. Nelson came home from the army the 4th of July, mustered out July 1st, 1865, he has been in service 4 years 2 months & 11 days.

July 12th Wednesday

Nelson H. Robbins staid all night with me and was here all day. I worked on the road, this A.M. we finished the piece of road below the house. I. Creepin & John Smith helped me. I worked with team & plough. Father worked at his bee hive draws. The day was very warm. Ellen went and picked 10 quarts black raspberries. I worked a part of this P.M. on the road near the county line above Elijahs, worked all alone. Nell went away after supper to Bill Bensons.

July 13th Thursday

Jennie mare had a shoe off & I went to the ville to get it set this A.M. As they were so full of work I could not get it set until near noon. Thus went the A.M. Twas real cold this A.M., a cold air all day. This P.M. I have been to work on the road above Elijahs. Finished what I was at work on yesterday. I was all alone. Father says he worked all day with his coat on today, twas so cool. Ellen & Mary went out berrying this A.M. and got 10 quarts red raspberries. John & Justice commenced haying today. Today finishes my road tax which was $5.16. Had a new shoe put on Jennie which cost 50 cents at Wm. Smiths shop, had it charged. Wm. Smith wants me to supply him with fire wood this winter, he wants 12 cords of hard wood 21 inches.

July 14th Friday

Father & I took our new scythes up to Elijahs and ground them up on his new grinding stone, thus passed a part of this A.M. John Knapp was down before light after Mother to go up to his house. Mother came home at 7 this morning and said John had another in his family, a boy weighing 10 pounds. I mowed barley nearly all day, finished cutting the piece by the barn. Lin & Tillie Monroe came down to Elijahs this P.M. Weather cool & pleasant.

July 15th Saturday

I have been engaged nearly all day making hay rack for wagon & have not yet completed it. I cut some wood at the door. Lin & Tillie came down here this noon and then this evening. Elijah killed a veal and we got a quarter of it. It commenced raining about middle P.M. and is raining still this evening. Ellen picked currants & made jelly, mopped, ironed, and visited.

July 16th Sunday

As today was a very rainy day we did not go anywhere until night. Then we took Lin & Tillie home. Ellen & I, we only had time to call at Father Hulslander, found all well. We passed the day quite pleasantly. The girls played on Melodeon and we all sung and many as bees. Elijah went down to the ville & had singing school. I had sick head ache, why I did not go.

July 17th Monday

I was busily engaged fixing rack to wagon and finished it by noon. Elijah came along this A.M. Going to Troy with 4 firkins of butter. We sent one firkin along with him. He came back this P.M. & brought the money for butter, sold it at 30 cents a pound. Our firkin or butter weighed 84 pounds & we received $25.20. This P.M. I raked up the barley in open windows as it was not dry enough to draw in. The air is cool, cloudy. Sent bolt to Wm. Smiths shop by Justice Watkins & had bur put on. I do not know charge. Sent John Knapp democrat wagon to go on mountain.

July 18th Tuesday

I have been choring around this A.M. Built or partly built a yard for my pigs & let them out in it & then Father & I cleaned out the barn for the reception of grain & hay & this P.M. Father & I drawed in the barley, put it over the stable. Mary (Daniel) & Mother H. & Susan (Batman) were here this P.M., staid to tea. They came over to the ville to trade. Mother H. sold a sixteen quart pail of berries (raspberries) for 15 cents a quart. She brought Ellen 4 ½ yards of calico to set bed quilt together with. 28 cents a yard. John Knapp called this evening & bought of us ½ bushel of potatoes, price not known, probably 50 cents. I commenced to make a pair of whiffletrees for Father H’s democrat wagon, did not get them done.

July 19th Wednesday

O.O. Besly came after me this A.M. to go and help him draw hay, he having some 15 tons ready to go into the barn. So I went down & helped him until noon, when it rained & I came home. Since I came home I have been engaged making the pair of whiffletrees I commenced last night. I finished them and rigged y scythe for mowing. It was showery all the P.M. Ellen done the ironing & sewing.

July 20th Thursday

This morning was rainey and promised for a rainey day so I rigged a scythe for cutting Canada thistles and was engaged cutting thistles all the A.M. & part of the P.M. I commenced mowing below the barn a new seeded piece, twas very heavy all my grass appears heavy this year. Certainly heavier than last year. John Knapp brought home our democrat wagon. He had tire set at Wm. Smiths shop, had it charged (50 cents)

July 21st Friday

I stirred out what grass I cut yesterday and mowed a good deal more. Father helped me, mowed new shaded piece below the road, front of the house. Hay did not make very fast, though twas very warm, looked like rain. I raked and cocked what I cut yesterday P.M., twas nearly fit to go in the barn. This evening Father & Ellen went down to the ville. Father went for horse rake but did not get, he got two hard rakes. Ellen got 4 yards factory for lounge tick, 24 cents yard, 4 yards jaconette, 3 shillings a yard, a water pitcher 50 cents, two yards ribbon, 11 cents a yard, & spool thread which she paid for. Ben Barnes was here this evening just from the army. He served 3 years & 6 months.

July 22nd Saturday

As it rained very hard last night & raised the water very high, I did not do any thing with hay today. Its rained today until near noon then was part the rest of the day. I chored around the A.M. and went a berrying in the P.M. I found a new patch of black raspberries & filled my pail (10 quart) Ellen received a letter form Brother Geo. Hulslander.

July 23rd Sunday

Ellen, Julia & I went to Mansfields meeting house this A.M., but meeting was not until 2 P.M. so we went to Cousin Lloyd Squres. Took dinner & then with them attended the funeral of Hiram Robyleer Co A, 207th P.V. The meeting was addressed by Elder Haskel. Meeting out at 4 P.M. Came home and raked up what hay was down. Twas a fine hay day.

July 24th Monday

As it looked like rain, Father & I went to work & drawed in all the hay that was fit. Drawed 3 loads towards noon it rained off & we stirred out the rest and then got that in after supper, one large load. I then mowed until supper time in the barn lot. After supper Ellen wanted to go up home to be home this week to weave carpet. So I harness horses, hitched to democrat & took her up there, found all well there. Little Ned colt had a fit just as I started away. I came back by way of the ville & got a horse rake at A.B. Austins store, charged to Father $6.50. I took the whiffletrees I made for Father H up there tonight. They want a double tree now.

July 25th Tuesday

Twas raining when I got up this A.M. & has been showery all day. I done the chores & then went to doctoring little Ned colt. I gave him an injection this A.M. & evening. This A.M. I went down to the ville and got jell of spirits of turpentine, 10 cents, paid, and got a little camphor of Debbra Austin, about ¼ tea cup full & I put ½ tablespoonful for his fits to be taken every other day. Paid A.B. Slade what I owed him for whop got the 4th, $1.50. I have been mowing a while this P.M. between showers. Father helped after supper & a little before. It seems very lonesome without Ellen sincerely. Lin H. came down to Elijahs last night & is to stay until Friday evening.

July 26th Wednesday

Father & I stirred out what we cut down yesterday and then mowed some more. Mowed until about 4 P.M., along the creek where twas very gritty and was necessarily slow. I hitched horse to horse rake & tried it. Found it worked well. Raked up all that was dry enough to go in to cock and cocked it up. The wind blew very hard all day. The hay cured well, twas the wind. There was no sun being cloudy all day. Wind went down with sun. Mary Smith, Lonnie Hulslander & Marrette Haven were here visiting this P.M. Mary Smith stays all night, Lin stays at Elijahs. The horse rake works well. Tis a revolver, the first I ever held but I raked quite clean on our rough meadow. Father has helped me all day. Twas very bad mowing along the creek or gritty and filled with flood trash. We could not get down close. I wrote a letter to Geo. this evening.

July 27th Thursday

After grinding our scythes, I went to mowing up near the log house. Mowed until 10 A.M. Father stirred out what we mowed yesterday P.M. & what I cut this A.M. and then the hay we had cocked being dry enough we went to drawing in. Had 5 large loads, got all in except what I cut this A.M. Twas a beautiful hay day, clear & hot. I went down to the ville this evening and got a palm leaf, had 30 cents & to cradle fingers 1/3 a piece 30 cents, had them all charged to me.

July 28th Friday

Fixed up the cradle for business, put in the two new fingers and then ground the scythe. Father took the sickle & I the cradle and we went into the field of oats to cutting & slashing. Worked until noon, when it looked so much like rain we drawed in our load of hay up by the old house. We have no more hay down & shall cut no more until after we harvest the knoll piece of oats. They are pretty stout and much lodged. Mate went up with team after Ellen after supper when she came back Ellen came with her & brought the carpet she has been weaving, 20 yards in the piece, one and ½ wide. She wove 7 yards today. Was all tired out when she got home. The day was very warm.

July 29th Saturday

It rained last night & a little this A.M. I fixed my boots and cut some wood and cradled today. I cut all that was ripe enough. This P.M. I went down to the ville and got Nellie mare shod one new shoe put on, he charged 50 cents, done at Wm. Smiths shop. Got the mail. Twas very warm today. Ellen picked 10 quarts black berries this P.M.

July 30th Sunday

I went down to singing school this A.M., but staid at home all the P.M. Ellen & Mate did not go to singing school. Twas a very nice hay day & Mr. O.O. Besly finished today. C.H. Card & Mate went down to Henry J. Cards this evening. Ellen wrote letter to G.F. Hulslander.

July 31st Monday

I cradled oats a little while this A.M. and the rest being to green. I left then & went to mowing. Mowed until noon. This P.M. I have been engaged raking & binding oats. Father went to Troy with John Knapp and got some finishing nails for bee hive draws. Was gone all day. Today was warm & pleasant with some signs of rain. A good hay day.

August 1st Tuesday

As it looked very much like rain we (father & I) raked and bound the oats & drawed them in. Today had 3 loads or about 600 bundles. We also got in one load of hay. All that was fit to go in. We mowed a little while. The dew was on in the morning but it did not make enough to get up. It did not make out to rain though it threatened hard. Elijah bought new house rake this day, $6.00. Twas like ours only a little different. Mrs. Besly was here visiting all day. Lin & Julia were here this P.M. Ellen was unwell today, did not sit up much.

August 2nd Wednesday

Father & I mowed in the barn lot nearly all day as it looked some like rain. We raked up some & drawed in a load, concluding to have a mowing bee tomorrow evening by moonlight. I went down to the ville after some lemons but did not get, there was none there.

August 3rd Thursday

I cradled oats on the knoll this A.M. & about noon who should come along but brother Geo. H just from the army, arrived home yesterday and he came down to see us. This P.M., while we were drawing in hay a storm came on & got the rest wet. Charly and Nettie Austin were here this P.M. It rained quite hard this P.M. but the evening was clear & moony & Elijah & Geo. H. & Homy Card were all that came to my bee this evening. We mowed with sythes until 11 and then came to the house, took a lunch. Lin went home this evening horseback.

August 4th Friday

Father & I were engaged all the A.M. spreading out hay and turning it over. It was well soaked with water. The sun was so hot that we had thunder showers in the after noon. But the most of the showers went around. We drawed in 3 loads of hay to the old house. We got nearly all the hay raked up and cocked that we had down.

August 5th Saturday

Ellen & I went down to Troy after our rolls at the carding machine, I paid 8 cents a pound for carding 16 pounds of wool, come to $1.25. Came back to the ville & bought two violin strings, one 40 cents, one 20 cents, amount $.60, a five quart tin pail filled with lime, 50 cents. Borrowed of Tracy $5.00. Ellen got half cottage bed stead $6.00, picture frame $1.00, hoop skirt & two napkins, cost $2.28, paid. Bought at A.B. Austins a table cloth $2.63, charged. We got a rocking chair at Mcaknays, given Ellen by sister Mary (Daniel), bought picture glass for Sister Mary 15 cents. Got home to supper, raked up what hay had down & bunched it. Day was cloudy. Ellen sent one dollar by Elijah to James Benedict for firkin which Elijah got. Got a shoe set at Wm. Smiths shop this A.M., 20 cents.

August 6th Sunday

Charly, George, Lin & Daniel B. were down here and went down to the singing school at 3 P.M. They all stopped here and took supper. It was a warm, pleasant day.

August 7th Monday

Ben Barnes helped me rake and bind oats this A.M. sent by O.O. Besly to pay for the half day I helped him in haying. Father mowed, Ben & I raked up all the oats and bunched them. Father finished cutting the meadow by the barn, we raked up all the hay, drawed in all that was cut Saturday, drawed in the oats also. Day warm.

August 8th Tuesday

I cradled the piece of oats next to the corn this A.M., while Father mowed near by in the same piece & this P.M. we raked up and drawed all that was fit to go in. Cleared the barn lot, put it in the old house. Have got that filled. Day warm, it rained all around us but no shower here. This evening I went to the ville and bought of A.B. Austin & Co. 3 pints boiled oil, 56 cents & 6 ½ pounds lead, $1.04 & ¼ pound lighterage 8 cents, amount $1.68 & 10 yards factory, $3.00 &2 papers carpet tacks, 13 cents, amount $3.13, whole amount $4.81.

August 9th Wednesday

Father mowed all the A.M. I mowed a little but could not make my scythe work, so I stirred out & then raked & bound oats until noon, then we raked up the hay and cocked it. Twas a splendid hay day. What we cut this A.M., we raked & cocked. Tis fit to go in the barn this evening. Went to the ville to get horse shoe set at Wm. Smiths shop, was not open so I went to Charly Teeters shop and got a new shoe put on. I paid him 44 cents for it. I got a new scythe at C.L. Straits store 10 cents, had it charged.

August 10th Thursday

As it threatened to rain, Father & I drawed in the hay & oats. Had 219 bundles on the piece by the flax. Got them all in. Ellen, Mother & Mary commenced to pull the flax. Pulled a little while & it rained. I helped the women move beds, put down carpet upstairs. Father took horses to shop and got 3 new shoes put on it this P.M. and altered my pig. Elder Whitney was here to supper. I pulled flax a little while this P.M. It has showered at intervals all day. Ellen put down her new carpet in the spare room upstairs today. I helped her & set up our new bed also.

August 11th Friday

Father, Ellen & I pulled the flax this A.M. Bound it up and set it up to dry. The weather was cloudy and misted all day. Showered this P.M. Father mowed a little & cut the peas. This P.M. Daniel & Elijah were out buying a place or looking for one, they were out yesterday.

August 12th Saturday

Ellen & I washed, oiled and fixed the carriage, were all this A.M. at it. I used a bottle of sweet oil on it, oiling top. Weather was cloudy but the clouds broke away about noon and hay make some. This P.M. Father & I mowed a part. Got a bolt at Austins for carriage by Elijah, paid 5 cents. Went up to Mr. Huntsingers to swim part this evening with C.H. Card. He staid all night.

August 13th Sunday

Father & Mother went up to Mr. Whitneys visiting. Ellen & I went as far as the ville with them to singing school which was at 10 A.M. We came home at noon and I stirred and raked hay. This evening Mate & C.H. Card came home, then Geo. & Lin afterward. Father & Mother came. Lin & Geo. are to stay all night.

August 14th Monday

Father & I mowed the knoll near the line and cocked up what I raked up yesterday. Geo. & Lin went home this morning. The weather was good. Drawed in the peas.

August 15th Tuesday

I was sick with head ache today and did not get out to do anything. Stirred hay a little and raked up what we had down. Father mowed an acre this A.M., I raked it with horse. Twas splendid hay day.

August 16th Wednesday

As we had enough hay down for to make a stack, Father & I went to work and built one & put all the hay we had down in it. We had 5 large loads. The third load we broke the tongue out of our wagon and I had to go & borrow O. Beslys wagon & we broke the king bolt out of that. This evening I went to the ville, got it fixed at Wm. Smiths shop, he charged 10 cents. Bought of A.B. Austin ½ pound tea, 16 cents a pound, $1.00 charged. Uncle Geo. is still here. Ellen picked 10 quarts blackberries this A.M.

August 17th Thursday

Father & I mowed all day & finished the lower meadow. Cut down about 2 ½ acres. Daniel Benedict helped Elijah and he finished haying. Today was warm & cloudy.

August 18th Friday

Father & I were engaged all day raking and cocking hay. Got up all we cut down yesterday. Day was splendid hay weather. Uncle Geo. is still here. At noon today I harness horses and took Julia, Mary B. & Ellen up to Geo. Beslys visiting. Daniel & Elijah went to Troy to see Pomeroys about buying the Pittysome place. They returned & brought the women folks from Geo. Beslys home, they have not bought for certain.

August 19th Saturday

I went down and got O.O. Beslys wagon and Father and I were engaged all day mowing hay. We made out to clean the lower meadow. Drawed it all in the barn. Had 6 loads, got all drawed we had cut. Have about 3 acres yet to cut. Uncle Geo. Benedict went to Gustus this evening on his way home to take the cars Monday. Daniel & Mary were here this P.M. Elijah was sick this evening and Daniel, Mary, & Ellen & I went.

August 20th Sunday

Ellen & I went up to Father Hulslanders this A.M. Daniel & Mary went up from Elijahs with us. We called for them as we went along. Elijah was very sick last night and sent for his Father, who came and staid all night with him, he is better today. Before we went, Father H. came here & gathered some of balsam for a sick horse he is doctoring. We found all well at home. Had an excellent visit with Geo. & Charly. Came by way of the ville home.

August 21st Monday

Father & mowed the piece back of the knoll this A.M. & this P.M. mowed apart of the orchard & raked & cocked what we cut this A.M. The day was warm & pleasant. Ellen & Mother picked 18 quarts of blackberries today. Had a heavy showery rain just night & tis raining yet. 9 P.M., Mate is up to Elijahs helping Julia while Elijah is sick. Mr. Davenport of Chandlerville called here & got a cart wheel belonging to Eliada Watkins by his (Eliada’s) orders. He said Eliada still owes us tow dollars on the cart wheel.

August 22nd Tuesday

It being rainey, I went into the woods & got a part for wagon tongue and am engaged making it. John Knapp was down here all the A.M., came after his scythe Father borrowed a few days ago. The weather has been cold, chilly today. Geo. H. was down here a little while this evening, he has been to Elijahs all day & he went back to Elijahs to stay all night. I got the wagon tongue I was at work on ready for the irons, I can do no more until I get them on at the shop.

August 23rd Wednesday

I got up sick this morning. I had blurs over my eyes and afterwards very bad head ache. I had to go back to bed again. Father put more draws on his hives this A.M. Two hives he had 3 draws on, they having filled two each. It has been cloudy all day, the sun shone part of the time. Father went down to the ville this P.M. Hay has not dried off so we could rake. Mother is spinning woolen flax. I have finished mowing for this year. Father bought a coal chisel of Wm. Smith 20 cents, paid. Elijah went up home today & he settled with his Father for his time that he stayed over 21. He stayed at home & worked 5 years & his Father allowed him $500 or $100 a year. He has paid him nearly all up already.

August 24th Thursday

Father put the irons on the new tongue and then put it on the wagon. I went down to Beslys and got my whiffle trees which Will took down on the wagon when came after it yesterday & then I harness team & went to ploughing the knoll for "eye". I ploughed a part of the A.M. and all the P.M. or until supper. I commenced to give my horses oats in the bundle. Father raked up the hay in the orchard & bunched it. Ellen picked 11 or 12 quarts of blackberries today. C.H. Card was here last night, stayed the evening. Daniel Benedict called here a few moments this A.M. while on his way to Father Hulslanders, reports all well.

August 25th Friday

I ploughed the knoll lot all the A.M. This P.M. we drawed in & finished haying. Charly & Geo. H. were here all the P.M. Charly helped me finish haying. The day was pleasant. We put one load on the stack and topped it out. Father put the top on. We had 3 loads of hay to draw today. Daniel & Elijah went looking for a farm to day.

August 26th Saturday

I ploughed all day on the knoll but did not get to work very early and quit early. Mr. Orwin Ames came here this P.M. and is going to stay all night. He lives at Covington, Tioga Co. He reports all well at home. Daniel & Elijah have returned and say they have found a place of 300 acres that just suits them. Price $6000, tis situated ½ miles from Whitneys Corners.

August 27th Sunday

Ellen, Mary & I went down to singing school at the ville this A.M. at 10 o-clock. Came back to dinner & then Ellen and I went down to Meeting at 3 P.M. Will Bradford & C.H. Card & Geo. H were here to dinner. They went to singing school with us. Mr. Ames was here all day, went away about meeting time to Mr. James Morgans.

August 28th Monday

I ploughed all day and finished the knoll. Got done just dusk. I have been 3 days ploughing it but did not get to work early either day. Father has been away to the ville all day. Ellen & I were up to Julias a visiting last night. They said Daniel was to go today & see about purchase that place. The man lives at Courtersport, Tioga, Co. Ellen commenced to sp9inh wool this P. M. Mother bought some tallow of Mrs. Besly while there visiting. Received the first paper of the War just evening.

August 29th Tuesday

Father went to Painter Lick with team this A.M. & Mother went along as far as Peter Monroe, Sylvania. I went on the knoll & picked up roots & set them and the stumps aside. Ellen is spinning wool. Father & Mother came home at night & Aunt Susan Austin came with them. She is real smart. This P.M. I took the scythe & cut the briars around the stumps and along the fence of the knoll lot. Father reports that Mrs. Andrew has got married to a marine. Man by the name of Peasely. Father reports he has 10 swarms at peas lot.

August 30th Wednesday

I drawed manure on the knoll, did not work very steady. Drawed 14 loads on wagon. The weather is very dry and hot. Geo. H. was down here a while this P.M. Mother & Aunt Susan visited Julia this P.M. Uncle Chapman Morgan went by today with cow he had bought at Esquires, paid $40. Had our first musk melon this evening. We have one peach tree with ripe peaches.

August 31st Thursday

Father, Mother & Aunt Susan went with horses & carriage to Mr. Isaac Wheelers visiting and were gone all day. Ellen went up home and helped the folks quilt & Mate went up to Elijahs, gone all day and left me all alone all day. I set fires in the meadows, burnt stumps and chunks, was thus engaged all day. Our folks returned to get supper. Ellen came home in the evening & Lin came with her all well at Wheelers and at Father Hulslanders. The day was intensely hot and fires burned well.

The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933   histcent83@gmail.com
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 22 MAY 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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